Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

Tuesday night bible study

continuation from sunday's lesson

Broadcast on:
06 Aug 2024
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[ Inaudible ] >> I just had the stock market took a pretty bad hit this week. >> I heard. [ Inaudible ] >> All right. It's another fine evening in the Lord. I don't know. Mike and Terry there. Mike and Terry's not there. All right. Let's take the next few moments and sound prayer. And we know what to do and I'll open this up and prayer, let's pray. [ Pause ] >> Father in heaven, thank you for this opportunity. This evening to continue and studying your word. We pray heavenly Father to open our hearts. May the Spirit open our hearts and teach us these things. Some important doctrines that we're coming to. Thank you for this chapter in Hebrews. What a wonderful, what a wonderful chapter is. What it teaches. I pray heavenly Father to open our hearts. Guide the speaker and truth and teaching and those who are in hearing guide them and accuracy and discernment. And all these things we pray, Christ's name, a man. Come in Hebrews, once again we are in Hebrews. I'll read this once again. We are 18 to 24 for you have not come to the mountain that can be touched and to a blazing fire and to a darkness of gloom and whirlwind. And to the blast of the trumpet and the sound of the words which sound was such that those who heard begged that no further word be spoken to them, for they could not bear the command. If even a beast touches the mountain, it will be stoned. And so terrible was the sight of Moses said, I am full of beer and trembling. But you have come to the Mount of Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem and the myroids of angels. To the general assembly and to church of the firstborn, who are enrolled in heaven and to God. The judge of all and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant and to the sprinkled blood which speaks better than the blood of Abel. And this is the word of the Lord. And of course it takes us back to Exodus. It takes us back to the time when Moses led the people out of Egypt. And they were brought to Mount Sinai where they were to meet up with God. And we find that, let's go back to Exodus 19. And here it was that the, let's start with, we don't want to see how much we got there. Let's start with verse 18. Now Mount Sinai was all in smoke because the Lord descended upon it and the fire. And it's smoke ascended like the smoke of the furnace. And the whole mountain quake violently. Yeah, it's smoke and just out of the knee jerk or a way to see what comes to mind when you think of the fire and the furnace. Covenant. Exactly. Yeah, that's what I was thinking. I just kind of mine as I was reading it. And that's exactly. That's what I was thinking about. Okay, well, that's a little bit in the future, but we're talking and as we're talking about the covenant. Where is that? It's in Bush. No, no. Genesis 15. Remember, just 15 where where Abraham was sleeping and the Lord established a covenant with Abraham, Abraham was sleeping and he walked in and said that the burn. What was it? The oven and the torch passed through the sacrifices. So that's, that's what comes to my mind and so moving on. So when the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke, a guy answered him with thunder and the Lord came down on Mount Sinai on top of the mountain. And the Lord caught Moses to the top of the mountain and Moses went up. Then the Lord spoke to Moses, go down and warn the people so that they do not break through to the Lord to gaze and many of them perish. Also let the priests who come near to the Lord consecrate themselves or else the Lord will break out against them. Those who said to the Lord, the people, people cannot come to the Mount Sinai for you warned us saying, set bounds about the mountain consecrated, then the Lord said to them, go down and come up again. You and Aaron with you, but do not let the priests and the people break through to come up to the Lord or he will break forth upon them. So Moses went down to the people and told them. And then we have coming up to 20, verse 20, you have the commandments, the Ten Commandments and the Lord God spoke, he put and the law, he's establishing the law here and the Ten Commandments are just part of, I believe there are 618 commandments all together. These Ten Commandments are like the preamble to the national constitution. And God spoke all these words saying, I am the Lord your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, you shall not have known the gods before me. You shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness what is in heaven above or on earth to beneath the water under the earth. You shall not worship them, you not sure serve them, for I the Lord your God and the jealous God, visiting the iniquity and the fathers on the children and on the third and fourth generation of those who hate me. Some else comes to mind as I read that, some else for the first time enters my mind on that. From the back you shall not make for yourself an idol or any likeness what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or the water under the earth. And idolatry and the religion of evolution where this light all life originate from from the waters. They are looking at their origin, the evolutionists are looking for their origin in the sea for whatever they are looking at their worshiping sea creatures rather than the God above. Verse 6 "But you in loving kindness to thousands to those who loved me and to keep my commandments you shall not take the name of the Lord God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who takes his name in vain." Remember Sabbath day to keep it holy, six days you shall work in labor, but on the seventh day is the Sabbath and the Lord your God in it you shall not do any work, you are your son or your daughter, your male or female servant or your cattle or your showjourner who stays with you. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth in the sea and all that is within them and arrested on a seventh day therefore the Lord blessed in the seventh day and made it holy. Honor your father and your mother for that your days may be prolonged in the land which the Lord your God gives you, you shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor, you shall not covet your neighbor's wife house, you shall not covet your neighbor's wife or his male servant or female servant or his ox or his donkey or anything that belongs to your neighbor. All the people perceived the thunder and the lightning flashes and the sound of trumpet and the mouth is smoking and when the people saw it they trembled and stood at a distance then they said to Moses speak to us yourself and we will listen but let not God speak to us or we will die, Moses said to the people do not be afraid for God has come in order to test you and in order that fear him may remain with you so that you may not sin, so the people stood at a distance while Moses approached the thick cloud where God was. The Lord said to Moses, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, you yourself have seen that I have spoken to you from heaven." This was the commandments and I say this with all to not down any one or to in disrespect but to the most part to the misconception that we are not under the law. The 10 commandments are the law of Moses. This was remember we spoke of two covenants and this was a covenant, this was a temporal covenant, this was a conditional covenant and when I say a conditional covenant depended upon what these people had to do and what God would do and what these people were responsible doing. The people recognized it was not a spiritual code by no means it wasn't a spiritual code for the Israelites it's not a spiritual code for us today. Now shall we not learn it, shall we not learn the commandments and abide by them? Yes, because we understand that murders a sin, we understand that adultery is a sin, we understand that we do not sin. Paul, it was the Apostle Paul who says that the law is good because without the law I wouldn't have known all these things. What the law was, the law coming from God was perfect, it came from God the law was perfect but it came to imperfect people that could never accomplish the law, could never obey the law and once you've broken the law there's no way to go back and mend the law and we've all come short of the glory of God and there were those who broke the law. What the law was was a indictment. It demonstrated that man needed a savior, he needed something other than and you see what the people wanted, they wanted something they could see, they wanted something they could touch and even to this day people would stand on faith and say I'm going to trust in God, there are those that ridicule them and they will laugh at them and they have a skewed up idea of faith because they think that it's just blind faith, they want something that they can see, they want and religion is something you can see, religion is something you can touch, religion is something you can do. Pastor Jay up in up North, I keep forgetting where Pastor Jay lives, oh and that play. What's that? No he lives in South Carolina but it's right at the edge but anyway he had a fallen out of his church, he had a bunch of people leave because when he taught faith they didn't want that, there was a large group of people in his church that said no because tell us what to do, tell us what we need to do, he says it is a system of faith, it's not a system of doing and they wanted something tangible that they could hold on to, they wanted ministry, they wanted something and listen again, I'm not downing ministry by no means that we were created for good works but our good works grow out of faith, our good works grow out of our relationship and our growing in the faith, as we grow in faith so will our works grow out of that and so that's where Hebrews, the writer of Hebrews is making a, he's setting up the two different covenants, the old covenant never saved anyone and there was a, they could only come so close to God and they could move no closer, stop right there, okay for you have not come to a mountain and you when he's talking about you, he's talking about here, he's talking, the writers talk it to the church age believers, many of them Jews, again remember the whole thrust of Hebrews, is he trying to say hold on, don't go back, don't fall back to the old system, you don't want the old system, that wasn't there for you, it's not there for us and this was the battle that Paul fought with over and over and over again, of those that want to hold on to the old things, remember those who are in Christ, old things have passed away, behold new things have come, this is what Jesus talked about, talk about the old wine, the old wine skins and the new wine, remember he said you cannot put new wine into old wine skins, why is that why, can't put new wine, old wine skin because they'll burst, okay and they're burst and you'll lose the wine and you'll lose the wine skin, what's that tell you, what's the old wine, when you think the old wine skin represents, anybody, it represents the old covenant, it represents the old ways of doing things, it represents and you see as we said before, the old covenant was like religion is today, it held you back from really worshiping God, and what, okay and what did, when it came to worship, here it is, remember who was it that Jesus was talking to at the will, not the king and I said, okay, you can call her king that one, not exactly, Samaritan, yes the Samaritan woman and she's talking to him and she said, okay I've received at your property, okay tell me this, our fathers worshiped on Mount Garrazine, your father said to worship them Jerusalem, Jerusalem, these are both mountains that you could touch, these are still things that rituals and he, she's talking about rituals and it coming to mountains and all the secular things, now what did Jesus tell her, remember, no he says, there's coming a day when we will worship God and he said, the day is coming in days now that we will worship God in spirit and in truth, there's coming a time when these things are going to be put behind us, the old religious system, the old anchor of truth and then it's going to be by the spirit, so again these people want something they can touch, something they can experience, something and that's many of our lives, listen, here is a point of application for us, when we're examining our lives, do not, do not examine your wall or your, where you're at in a spiritual life by your experience, your ministry, your attendance in church, again I say these things are not, not, I'm not saying that they're not important, but don't measure where you're at near spiritual life on these, oh I'm a Sunday school teacher, oh I must be here, oh I'm a pastor, I must be, oh I do this much work and I must be here, oh I, you know, I just wear myself out for the Lord, I must be here, don't judge yourself on those basis, because basically you're standing on a system of arrogance, the, because you might, the Lord, the Lord might have you right there sitting there studying the Word of God and that's where he has you at this point, you recognize your life, I'm not walking his sin, I'm studying the Word of God, I'm growing in the Word, and I'm waiting for the Lord to use me, you may be, you may have a very visible ministry, you may have a very obscure ministry, people don't see what you're doing, on the other hand you may be very busy for the, as you say, would say for the Lord, you may be faithful in the little, so that's what I'm saying is be faithful in what God has given you to do and if it's to study and wait then that's what he has for you to do, there are many that are looking out, they're looking for something, something um, it's very initial in order that they can evaluate their selves as strong believers, for you have come to a mountain that can be touched or you have not come to a mountain, say he's contrasting our Christian life, we haven't come to that physical place where God is shaking that mountain, see this was a physical place, it was a physical manifestation of God, things that they could hear, sense, hear, touch and stuff, they were face to face with God, God didn't bring us to that mountain, when he brought them to that mountain, they were so scared that they did not, they didn't want no part of God at that point or come that close, tell him Moses, Moses, you tell us what to do and we'll be good with that, but don't let us talk to them or we'll die, we didn't come to that mountain folks, we didn't come to that terrifying position, so and it goes on to describe what they saw, the blazing fire, the darkness, the gloom, the whirlwind, remember that, where did we get the whirlwind at, where did we see the whirlwind at, the world went at, another place in the Bible, and a job, very good, and job, and job, because God showed up in the whirlwind and the blast of the trumpet and the sound of the words which sound as such as those who heard and begged that no further word be spoken to them, see we didn't come to that place, we weren't brought to that place, and you see, they had such a fear of God, and this was to, is to recognize how great and hold on to this, how great and terrible the word is. You see, listen, I brought this up before, if, if you could see hell, if we could have a glimpse of hell, if we could have a glimpse, just a glimpse of the great and terrible judgment of God, remember how great this judgment is that when Jesus was in the garden, and he sweated blood droplets, and I had, I'm of the opinion to think that it wasn't the beatings, it wasn't the torture, it wasn't the cross, it wasn't none of this, that the Lord was saying, let this, let this pass by me, what was in that cup that he said, let it go by was our sins which was going to be judged, he was going to see face to face something we've never seen, the mighty and the terrible justice of God, and this, they got a glimpse of the fearful God, and at that point they were frightened because they knew that they could never keep what God had given them when they were face to face, this is what I said, but yet, yet they think they can, they can't, they think that what is there, they're afraid of God, and they should have been known, they should have known better that the law could never mend, it could never mend or bring them close to God, if you could see, if you could see the fiery pit, if I could see the fiery pit, I'd be worried, I'd be, I'd be count act, am I going to face that, and here's the law, there's no way that the law, I knew, and they give you the law, he says, okay, here's the great and terrible justice of God, this is what you're going to face, they didn't even hear from God anymore, so what the Lord says, here's the law, not just 10, not just 10, but 600, again, it's either 613 or 618, and you have to keep, listen, you have to keep this perfectly, you have to keep, and you have to meet God perfectly, do you think you're going to do it, absolutely not, no one's going to keep it, and that mountain, that's it, and so you're going to have to be faced with the full brunt of the justice of God, the law never saved anyone, now within the law there were that, which for those who were under the law, there was provision, there was the day of atonement, for those who commit sin, but what you said, I would say unmedicated, you say, anyway, if you went out just sin, you see, you could just come up to the day of atonement and just sin, just sin your, just make, what am I trying to say, do whatever you want because you know the day of atonement is coming, your sins are not covered on that, you're subject to divine discipline, day atonement or not, there wasn't a sacrifice for you, intentional, that's what I'm thinking, intentional sin, and so if you intentionally sin, if you went out, but for those unintentional sins, their sins were covered, but this was a frightful thing, you had to keep the law, and so here's my question for you tonight is, what do you want, you want law, you want to go back to a legalistic system, a religious legalistic system that you know you can't keep, or are you going to call upon the Lord in his grace, do you want grace, do you want the law, I think it's a no-brainer, you see a moral person, I think a moral person, and moral people think that they have it rough, I'm in moral, I keep doing what I don't want to do like Paul, Paul says I keep doing it and like Isaiah, he recognized himself for who he truly was, he said that wretched man am I, when he stood before the Lord, see a moral person has it rough too, because a moral person thinks that he's good enough to get to heaven on his own merit, religious people think that they're good enough to stand before God, alright, and so terrible was a site that Moses said I am full of fear and trembling, and that's Deuteronomy 919, but you have come to the Mount Zion and to the city, here's the contrast now, here we are, here we are, we are not the New Jerusalem, we are the church, very important distinction, and I'll keep emphasizing that, here's the contrast, but you, here's that but it's contrast, there is but, here's, you're not them, this is something new, but you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, that it is through the blood of Jesus that we've entered into a new covenant, remember that we've got, we've got the community coming up this Sunday, but it is a reminder, here's a reminder that you see it says you are entered into, grafted into a relationship with the Lord through his blood, you didn't, it wasn't through the law, it wasn't through the law which you couldn't keep to bring you there, and again, the law was good, but the purpose of the law was to demonstrate, or it was to set up an indictment actually, to let us know that we are sinners, but once again, but you have come to a Mount Zion, and Mount Zion is the mountain in Jerusalem, that is the Mount there, we come to, we don't come to the Mount of Sinai where they received the law, we come to the mountain of grace, we come to the Mount where Jesus Christ is going to rule, that he's going to rule, Zion is another name for Jerusalem, the mountain, and to the city of the living God, the new Jerusalem that comes down, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to the myroids of angels, there's coming a time, when we are going to, positionally we are, this comes down to a point where we are already put not yet, positionally we are already there, positionally we are in that fellowship with the angels in heaven, the angels in heaven are worshiping God, we are one day going to leave the body, and we are going to be worshiping God, with the angels, with the multitudes of angels, we are going to be included with that fellowship, with that cornanea, cornanea with the angels, and with the Lord, and fellowship and worship, to the general assembly, and church of the firstborn, this firstborn is plural, Jesus is the firstborn, but we are ourselves, we are the firstborn who brought into a relationship with Christ, in Christ we share that firstborn status. Do you know what I'm saying? Jesus is the firstborn, when we are in Christ, when we are at fellowship with Christ, it's one of the things that happened to us when we believed and trusted in Lord Jesus Christ, we are brought into that firstborn status, we listen, we as a church age are so blessed in this age, we are so blessed, we have assets and we have those things that the Old Testament believers never had, we have that which none of the age of Israel, none of those, none of those believers ever had, we have ranked, we have privileges, we have rulership, we have a closer position with Christ, and all that comes under the heading of the echosia, if anything we should be thanking God, every one of us that we have been privileged to be living in the church age, to have that position and have that alignment with Christ. So we are considered the firstborn, for we are in Christ, who are enrolled in heaven, how do we, what's this enrollment of heaven, anybody idea? Enrollment in heaven, salvation, the enrollment, where do we get the enrollment, what do you think, book of life, that's what I'm thinking, the book of life, salvation yes, in the book of life, those who are written in the book of life, those of us who are believers in Lord Jesus Christ, we have been written in that book of life, we've been enrolled, so if you're in this book of life, your name in this book of life, we are going to be worshiping with the, what I call, bunches, bunches of angels, bunches of angels, okay, enrolled in heaven to the God, judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, to the spirits of the righteous made perfect, this is our sanctification, we started with justification, we have been sanctified, and then the best of us and the worst of us, we are going to part this body, when we die, and we're going to be given a new glorified resurrected body, free from sin, made complete, the Lord's going to bring us home again, the best of us and the least of us, all of us are under that system of grace, and we are going to be taken home, and we will be given our bodies that we will be able to worship God, and that glorifies us, when we come to the Lord we must be perfect, in this life we struggle with the fallen nature, it is Paul that says, I recognize that there's nothing good in me, that is the flesh, and but there's going to be a time when we are going to part from this body, you see, the good thing is that the Lord has given us every asset to overcome in this life, but sin is like a cancer, it's there, but it has to be subordinate to our relationship Lord, you focus upon God, you keep your worship straight, you stay in this world, you continue to fellowship, walking by means of spirit, then you can conquer, you can overcome the fallen nature, but set aside your spiritual priorities, your subject to that, but whatever your fight is in this life, this life is an opportunity to live the spiritual life and to prove and to demonstrate that the spiritual life of the assets that God has given you that you can be victorious, you will stand as witnesses in heaven. Yes, God's word stands true, here I am. So, and Jesus, so righteous made perfect, that is coming from positional righteousness to sanctification to glorification. Verse 24, first of all, let's go to Luke 10, as you got to know here, Luke 10, somebody gave me Luke 10 20. "Never the less do not rejoice in this, as the spirits are subject to you, or rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven." Okay, and moving back to Hebrews chapter 12, 24. So here's this assembly in heaven, you have the irons of angels, you have the elect, the church in heaven, they're in the glorified, resurrected body, and to Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant, it's through him that we are entered into the covenant, not by the law. Again, not by the law, but through Jesus. You see, there were those, even in this time of writing, there were those Jews that still rejected Christ, and their mentality was we have to keep the law in order to be right, and here you'll never be right. But in Christ, we have been made right through the cleansing blood of Christ, through his atoning sacrifice. When I say blood, understand I mean his life, his atoning sacrifice for us, and so we could never, with the law or under our own moral code, we could never meet the righteousness of God, and it's by his grace that he gives us, that he atoned for us on the cross, we must recognize all the time. What did we do in order to be saved? Nothing, nothing, not a thing, not a thing, salvation is by grace, by grace, and not by works. And so if it didn't work at the cross, what do we do to become sanctified? Yes, there are decisions that we do have to make. In obedience to what's laid out, but essentially it's the spirit that's cleansing us, it's our obedience. So be careful, there are those things that by the response of faith, in the response of faith, we're going to go, and that's what Hebrews 11 was all about. That it was an indication of the faith, the thing like Noah, by faith, Noah built the ark, by faith, Rahab, head to spies, these were the response to faith, these were the outpouring of faith. When we recognize it, see, it wasn't the fact that they did things to be saved. It wasn't the fact that they didn't do these things because it would make them close to God. They did it in response to faith. Our lives is a response to faith to recognize that I cannot, by my works, do anything to acquire the approbation of God. Paul says, "When I'm weak, therefore I'm strong, when you recognize that we are powerless to keep a law, to do anything in order to receive the approbation of God, then it only comes down to trust, trusting in the spirit, trusting in God. And everything that produce that comes out of our lives in the way of good works, in drawing near to God, is through the power of the Holy Spirit. And to Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant. Who is the mediator of the old covenant? Say it like you made it. No. I thought you said it for a minute ago. Who is the mediator of the first covenant? A mediator, remember, the one who was equal with both parties. Moses. Moses was the mediator of the first covenant. Moses and who was Moses? It's just a man. Was he a sinner? Yes, he was. He was a sinner. That's one of the things. How do we know that Moses was a sinner? Remember Moses was a murderer. And so Moses was an imperfect mediator, to an imperfect law. And when I say imperfect law, I mean, it was imperfect in the fact that it didn't save anyone, perfect from God, but perfect for its purpose. Remember, perfect in a sense that it indicted us of sin. Alright, so here it is. So who is the mediator of the new covenant? Jesus. Very good. Jesus. And to the sprinkled blood, again, it's his life that provides a torment. And Abel gave a better sacrifice. And in chapter 11, the writer says that his blood still speaks and still has a testimony. But even here, he says, and that was a human being. And here it was in Jesus, and it's not to start you in his life, perfect life. His, and he was human, but he was also perfect. Abel wasn't perfect. Jesus is perfect. Better than the blood of Abel. And in Sunday, we will continue on with the unshaking kingdom, the kingdom that is to come. Alright, so that little bit of time, let's go over how our quiz, and I'll go with. Grady first. Okay, first question, Grady, who saw repentance with tears? Who saw repentance in? Who went weeping? We're looking for repentance. That would be Esau. You remember the story there? Okay, if I want to expound on that, when did Esau, what was the situation behind Esau that he sought repentance with tears? When he, when he was tricked, and his father would not give him the blessing of the spreas. Is that what it was? Yeah, it was. Here it was that it was Jacob, it was Esau. Esau was, and this, we could get a something out of it. Remember, we talked about Esau. Esau did not value his birthright. He didn't, he didn't value that, which is important to God. You see, we ourselves need to know who God is, understand God, know what's important to God, and align with that which God, which is important to God. Esau didn't, Esau was a man of the world. And when, when Esau saw his birthright, and then when it came to Herod, so you remember that you had two things, you had this, you had the birthright, and you had the inheritance. The birthright went with the inheritance, and because he despised this, he also lost this. He didn't want this, but he certainly wanted the inheritance. So, just like us, when we are, when we are in, when we go to heaven, and we, who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, will be there. Heaven's going to be any, there's going to be a place of inequality. There's going to be those that will have great reward. Why? Because on this earth, they valued the things of God. They valued that which God values. They will have the capacity to enjoy the blessings that God has for them. Others will not receive their reward, because they did not value. And, and as I've said, that there is going to be tears in heaven that's going to be wiped away. And I believe that's those that recognize that the loss that they're going to have. All right, while we're going to, this I messed up the numbering again on your outlines, but number six on the outline, I got two sixes on here, but we'll go on next question. What was God's command for the people in Exodus 19 not to do when approaching the mountain? Not touch it. Not touch it that they were not not to go there. There was a boundary set up around that mountain, and then they were they were only come so close, but not come any closer. Number three, I'll get this to you back. What keeps people from approaching God? Keeps any of us from approaching God, and that would be sin. And I'll go back to Jacob, or go back to Esau, that what we want. Sin idolatry, which is sin, idolatry, making up our own idols. Establishing an idol that, and we, and we also go to the Tower of Babel, that tower that stretches into heaven, religious systems that holds us back. Recognizing, attributing to ourselves power that we really do not have, depending upon our own morality. Morality is another thing that holds us back. Religion holds us back, and these are, these are some of the things that stand between us and God. We must somewhere in our lives come to the terms that we, we can approach, we cannot approach God on our own energy. So energy to flesh will keep us remote to God. It's not necessarily sin, but then again, Paul says anything that's not faith is sin, missing the mark. Remember, Harman T is missing the mark. I do good isms. Our crusader, Michael, we talked about crusaderism. Another thing that puts a, puts a barrier between us and God. We, we want to fight the wrong battles. That's another thing that keeps us separate from God. Many things, many things that sin and self-righteousness, arrogance, have all these things, religion, religion, religion, that's a big thing. We want to replace an arrogance. And arrogance is a lofty view of self. So while there's arrogance, you're, you're not recognized, you think that you're all that. Listen, if you think that you and God are like peas and carrots, that you're so close to God, because you're all this and that. You're probably as far away from God as you possibly can. But when you're approaching God and you recognize even a smaller sin, and that frustrates you, that grieves your own heart. There's sin nature within your own heart, and you're recognizing your own shortcomings, then I'd say you're drawing a little bit closer to God at that point, because the closer you draw to light, you can see every blemish, every spot. All right, back up. So your turn. Oh, you just did it. Okay. Going back to Mike, what is a mediator? Well, a man attacked before me. One who acts as a good between the 22 parties and this dude. Okay. Anybody else who was the mediator of the old covenant? Moses. Moses, very good. Who's the mediator of the new covenant? Jesus. Jesus, actually. He's to go between Jesus. What made, okay, I'm not going to go through that. Okay. So, all right, Amanda, what was the weakness of the Mosaic law if there was even a weakness? If there was a weakness, what was the weakness of the Mosaic law? It never took away sin. Absolutely. It never took away sin. It was a temporary atonement. It did demonstrate that the one who brought it, that they had faith, that they understood the principles that were taught to them and that by faith, they brought their sacrifices in order to have a temporary atonement of their sin. All right. Jolene. Jolene. Let's see. Who was Moses? He led the people out of Egypt, right? Do this, Jolene, just take care of you. Moses, Moses went in and led the people out of Egypt, the Israelites. Okay. All right. He was the one who also went up on the mountain. Yes. It was him who God used to lead the people through the waters. You remember the water split in two and the Israelites went through the waters? That was Moses that brought those people through the encounter in the burning bush. Yeah. He was there at the burning bush as well. All right. Grady. Gradyster. What did the law of Moses teach? What was the one thing that the law of Moses taught? D. That man was right before God and Christ's death was necessary to prove it. When you say D or B? No, D didn't quite make it. All right. What did the law of Moses teach? Man was good in his heart. Yes or no? That can't be that. Law of Moses taught that man could not keep the law. Yes. That man needed something better than the law to be reconciled. Yes. That man was right before God and Christ's death was necessary to prove it. No. So it would be B and C. It would be F down there. All right. Wally Gunner. What does the Jesus words it is finished and the tearing of the veil mean to the center? The tearing of the veil. What does that mean? What applications did that happen? C. That man can now, through Christ, be sinless before God in life. No, not quite. C. That Jesus is the way to salvation. Okay. And I actually, I think both A and B would be it, that there is a way, that there, oh, I know what I meant to say, that Jesus is a way, or a way, that there was a way, a way of salvation. So A would be out. So B would be in A. Watch out for A. He said A way. I thought those were against me. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I meant it to be. Yeah. Yeah. That there, that Jesus wasn't a way. He was the way. So A is thrown out the window. Okay. Let me see. I think that's the last one. Eight. Eight again. All right. What are the ways by which man can be reconciled to God? Check each right answer. Okay. Christ. Yes. Yes. The law. No. Going to church. No. Reading the Bible. No. Prayer. No. Okay. Prayer is out working of the faith. Okay. Living by the going rule. No. No. No. Michael do push it. Keeping the commandments. No. Sharing Christ with others. Christ. No. So it looks like we only got one checked. What are some of the ways that you can be reconciled to God? Check each right answer. Christ. As it's only a way we can be reconciled to God. Questions. Answer. Smart remark. All right. Grady. Would you like to close us out please? Thank you for joining us here today and letting us learn more about you. Thank you for today. Amen. Amen. All right. Bye. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. [BLANK_AUDIO]