Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

Worship call 1122 The great I told you so - 2024/07/31

I hate, “I told you so’s.” I see it as arrogance that the one saying it is basking in his own knowledge. “I was right, you were wrong.” Its just plain old bragging.
But when it came of Jesus in the validation of the truth it was the biggest, I told you so ever.

Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> Welcome to worship call with Bible teacher Buzz Lullbeck. Buzz is the pastor of Grace Chapel Bible Ministries located in Duncan, South Carolina. This ministry is dedicated to the verse by verse teaching of God's word and discipleship programs aimed at strengthening the faith of God's people. Now here's today's message. >> John 20 verse 19. So when it was evening on that day, the first day of the week. And when the doors were shut, whether disciples were for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood in the midst and their midst and said to them, "Peace be with you." This is the fourth day of the week in God's created order. The 31st day of the seventh month, the 24th year of our Lord at this is another fine day in the Lord. Let's pray. Father in heaven, thank you for this opportunity this morning, fellowshiping in your word, open our hearts again. What exciting it is to just sit and meditate on the fact that there was a day that the most where the validation of faith, the validation of the resurrection of that, the first fruits on that first day that our Lord Jesus Christ made His presence revealed His presence in that new glorious resurrected body. May we be looking forward to that day when we have ours. Open our hearts this morning to our study. In Christ's name we pray a man. And certainly it is another fine day in the Lord. All right, Jesus continues to, at this point understand that Jesus didn't go back. He is the unique person of the universe in His hypostatic union. I remember that hypostatic is God's man in one person forever. He still remains as a man. He's not a spirit. He's not a ghost. He is every bit as he was before except now he's got a resurrected body. And we're going to see some comparisons to the body that he had left. And we're going to see some new things that come at new characteristics of a resurrected body. In fact, he's going to model this wonderful body. He is the first to receive one. He and I are going to receive one as well. Jesus begins to model this resurrected body which he was the first to receive. And it's got a molecular structure. And you can lock it first of all that door. Remember that the stone wasn't rolled away for Jesus to walk out. That stone was rolled away to let the witnesses in. Jesus and that molecular structure of the body he was able to walk right through that stone. And here it is. He just walks right into the locked door. These disciples were in there. They were all assembled together. All except for of Judas. He had taught himself. And Thomas apparently wasn't there as well. But the rest of them were there and he walks through this door and he gives this den of greeting. Peace to you. So long or actually speaking of Aramaic. I'm not sure what the Aramaic term is for peace. But there he was before his disciples. And along with the women, the women were there properly there as well. The Marys and plus I believe probably those guys from Emmaus who ran and told them about the resurrected Jesus. Here's Mark. I haven't seen him. Here's Mark 1614. You're not there. I'm going to bring you up here. All right. There we go. And there we go. There we go. Let me make it a little bigger for you. All right. And Mark, he was on here afterwards. He appeared to the 11 themselves as they were reclining at the table. And he approached him. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe Thomas is there. Okay. But we read another passage that Thomas shows up later on. He hadn't seen Jesus yet, but we'll keep going. Maybe that's... Maybe I could walk that back a little bit. But he appeared to the 11 themselves as they were reclining at the table. And he reproached them from their unbelief, their hardness of heart. Because they had not believed those who had seen him after he had risen. And this approaching is... Here we go. On a deed so. On a deed so. I think I pronounced it right. On a deed so. To approach someone with an implication that the individual being evidently to blame, to reprimand, to reproach. And when it comes to a funny thing is that every act of faith, every time there is an opportunity to exercise faith, then we should be walking in faith, by the way. But where there is a lack of faith, where there is a proper, let's just say proper application of the Word of God. And that proper application is the evidence of one exercising it. There is victory. But every time that there is a failure to exercise to apply, there is a chastisement when we fail to exercise faith. You know the one thing, you know in life, I don't know about you, but the one thing in life is, as I go along, I don't use it. I don't think I do, but one thing that is just a pet peeve, that when somebody says, "I told you so." You know when somebody tells you something and you might not believe them, or they don't think you believe them, and you do something else, and you validate that they're right, and they come back and say, "See, I told you so." To me, it's just an implication, it's just a sign of a little bit, you know, pumping yourself up. You see, I knew it, you didn't, there you go, you didn't believe me in all that. But the greatest one, but the greatest I told you so in all of history is Jesus. When Jesus comes in, he says, and he chastises it, because it is not him building himself up. It is not him who, or you know saying, "Hey, I was right, you're wrong." It wasn't that, it was that he validated truth. This was truth. I was laid it out for you as truth. The greatest truth of all time is found in the resurrection. And here is a point of application. And here he was, the correction is for their edification. The Word of God stands true. And when you bring somebody back to the validation that God's Word stands true, and it's going to be another great, I told you so, in that aspect as well. When we have gone out and we have witnessed, and we've done what we, and we're witnessed into folks or to do this dark world, the great, and it's not going to be from us, but the truth in itself is going to be the great, I told you so. That the truth, the truth of God's Word stands firm, and it's going to be validated, what Jesus' resurrection was validated. And so the point of application is that where we are now, and as we are studying the truth, and the truth will be validated as we draw near to return of our Lord. The first, the first hurdle in our faith is to acknowledge faithfully that Jesus Christ did rise again. I mean, without that, we have no faith. That's why we have communion on a regular basis. And once a month for us, and some people more, some people left, but it is a, Jesus said, as often as you do this. And as we take it to remember, and when we take Him here and we're taking part in His life and His death, His resurrection, we know He is resurrected, so the Word of God has been validated through His resurrection. But another great validation is all we eat, all of this time. You see, we live in a time of the growing darkness, but hope is on the way, or our hope is now, really our hope is now, a confident expectation of that glorious return of the Lord. And so, maybe there's a test this morning, let me ask you what occupies your heart and mind. What occupies, what do you allow your heart to be filled with? Is it something, you know, some episode of Tucker Carlson? I like Tucker. I throw that out there because I like Tucker, and I like to listen to him every once in a while, or there's another one of us to have shown somebody or other from time to time or time to time if I'm driving along. But what's in your heart? You know, what's coming in on a news feed? What's the latest gossip? What's the latest news? Are you ringing your hands? Worried about the next presidential election, or one world currency, or what's on your mind? What occupies your mind? Is it all these things? Or do you look at the, or are you comforted by God's Word and the Word of Christ that the Christ is coming back? Because one day that day is coming, and it's going to be the, as it was here, that the disciples were chastised for their unbelief. Maybe I should ask her, ask myself, ask you, you ask yourself, are you an unbelieving believer? These disciples were believers, but they were unbelieving. So, are you unbelieving believers? Is your countenance around like a wazzy wazzy woo-woo, you know, just looking at the ground and saying, "Oh, what was me? You know, we're living in a bad time." Or are you looking up because your redemption is near? So, let us not ourselves receive the chastisement of the Lord when he returns, for our own unbelief, for our hardening of the hearts. Isaiah 30 and this case, not only, he chastised his disciples for a hardening of the heart. So, let, and they were unbelievers. Let, let not the Lord chastise us when, when he returns for our unbelief. Isaiah 30, verse 18, "Therefore the Lord longs to be gracious to you. And therefore he waits on high to have compassion on you, for the Lord is a God of justice." How blessed are those who long for him? Matthew 24, 46, "Blessed is the slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes." So, what a testimony once loved. What, what is that testimony when the Lord, when, on that day when the Lord comes and you can say to him, "I knew you were coming. I knew you wouldn't let me down. I knew, I knew that I could trust in you and I placed my trust in you day by day." And regardless of what I was going through, regardless of persecution, regardless of being jailed, regardless of having my property confiscated, regardless of being put to death, I knew you were coming. And what a testimony of love that would be. Luke 24, 36, "While they were telling these things," this is Luke's version. I think we looked at Mark and we looked at John. "While they were telling these things, he himself stood in the midst and said, "Peace be to you." But they were startled and frightened and thought that they were seeing a spirit. Remember, this is not a spirit. This is not, Jesus did not change. He was resurrected back in and he still to this day, he is somewhere sit as a human humanity. He's sitting at the right handed Father. Spirits don't sit. And so, somewhere there is a human being sitting somewhere throughout the universe and that somewhere is at the right hand of the Father. A human being sitting at his right hand, that human being is the Lord Jesus Christ. And he said to them, "Why are you troubled? Why do doubts arise in your hearts?" Remember what we said about faith? Where there's a lack of faith, there's a lack of belief, unfaithfulness. It is the failure to apply what's in your heart, what you have learned. It's like having something up on a shelf and you're not taking advantage of it. It's there. It has a potential. They had the knowledge. They were taught by the greatest teacher. Their problem right now is they failed to apply it, so therefore they're troubled. Every time that we find, every time that you're troubled with today's news, today's headlines, where the world is going, the darkness in there, this is Jesus asking you, "Why are you troubled?" Maybe it's personal things, your finances, your situation where you're living. Whatever the case is, why are you troubled? And when Jesus asked the question, he already knows. It's for you to examine yourself and ask yourself that question. And why do doubts arise in your hearts? James talks about this. In the first chapter, James, he says that when you lack wisdom, pray for it, but when you receive it, don't doubt. Don't doubt because it says the man who doubts is like one being cast to and fro with waves back and forth. And so doubts in your heart. It's a terrible thing to have that be troubled and to have those doubts, especially when you should, especially when you... So this is a wake-up call to, you know, in a sense, it's a rhetorical question for Jesus, but for them they have to. Why? Because there's nothing, you know, it's kind of like when you ask Mary, you know. Who do you seek? Why are you weeping woman? See my hands and my feet? And it is I, myself, touch me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have. And evidence of the resurrection. And when he had said this, he showed them his hands and his feet. Well, they still could not believe it because of the joy and amazement. He said to them, and I love this, I remember when I first ever read this, I had to laugh. I really did. He got anything to eat. He got anything to eat. And as funny as this sound, he wasn't hungry. He wasn't hungry. Of course he wasn't. But he was demonstrating his humanity. He was demonstrated that a spirit doesn't eat, but the humanity here does. And so they gave him a piece of boiled fish. What's in the fridge? Well, we have some pizza here left over pizza here. Anyway, I do a lot with that. They gave him a piece of boiled fish and he took it and ate it before them. And now he said to them, "These are my words, which I spoke to you while I was still with you. That all things which are written about me in the law, in the Moses and prophets in the sub must be fulfilled." Then he opened his mind. Well, first of all, hear the validation of truth. Truth is so important. Jesus said, "I am the truth." And when he said that, he was referred to the fact that everything that was written about by him threw out the scriptures, threw the prophets, threw Psalms, all of it pointed to it. I despise, I tell you now, I despise the blasphemy that's within our pulpits, that says that the Old Testament is irrelevant. It has no application to the church age believer, that we are church age believers, that the New Testament is ours, the Old Testament is for the Jews. That is blasphemy and those pastors need to be on their knees, repenting that as a sin and repent back to the whole scripture. For churches that maybe they don't say that, but yet they neglect the Old Testament and never refer to it, never go back to it. Also, and listen, remember that willful ignorance of God's Word is a tantamount to rejection of God's Word. The 80%, I've heard the statistic on this, I just heard this, so this is just a hearsay, but 80% of the New Testament refers back to the Old Testament to understand 80% of the New Testament. You have to have some knowledge or some reference to that of Old. So many things that Jesus said, so many things that we're going to study in Revelation are connected throughout the Bible, how can you understand? So this was a great thing, the prophecies all pointed to Jesus, and if you don't know the prophecies, if you don't know the types, if you don't know what the prophets said, how it diminishes the awesomeness of what just happened, because there is truth and truth has been validated and truth has been validated through the resurrection, the very basis as Christians for our Christian. What makes us Christians? Because we're good people? I know some of believers who are good people, because we do a lot of good things for the community and stuff like that. An unbeliever can do that, because I pray? Well, because Muslims can pray. What is it that makes your Christian? It is the one who has believed and trusted in the resurrected Christ, that he died, he was buried, he rose again, and now he's sitting at the right hand of the Father, and he's going to return. We believe in the resurrected Christ, and where is your faith without that? Let's go to 1 Corinthians 15, and I'm going to read this from 15, 1 through 19. Let's look at this. Now I'm known to you brethren, the gospel which I preached to you, which also you received, and which also you stand, by which also you are saved. If you hold fast the word which I preached to you, unless you believed in vain, for I deliver to you of the first importance, the most important thing, what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he was raised on the third day according to scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas, then to the 12, after that he appeared to more than 500 brethren at one time, most of whom remain until now. I'm talking about it in time of writing, but some have fallen asleep, some have died, then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and at last of all as to one uncommon born he appeared also to me. For I am the least of the apostles and did not fit to be called an apostle because I persecuted the church and God, but by the grace of God I am, when I am, and his grace toward me did not prove vain, but I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me. Whether then it was I or they, so we preached, and so you believed. Now, if Christ is preached and he has been raised from the dead, that he has been raised from the dead, have to some among you say that there is no resurrection of the dead, but if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain. Your faith is also in vain. Moreover, we are even found to be false witnesses of God because we testified against God that he raised Christ from, he raised Christ whom he had not raised. If, in fact, the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised, and if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless. You are still in your sense. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If you have hoped in Christ in this life only, if we have hoped in Christ in this life only, we are of all men, most pitied, words of Paul. And as the church, we are to take communion, and take in the bread and the cup is the declaration of the faith that Jesus Christ is alive and well, and we take part in his life and his death. Luke 24, 44. Now he said to them, "These are my words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things which are written about me and the law of Moses and the prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." And he opened their minds. I love that. He opened their minds to Scripture. They had not yet, and these are important facts, so see, apart, here's the principle. We know nothing of God. We know nothing of the deep things of God apart from God revealing them to us and opening their hearts. Jesus is the God of our hearts. Even the hearts of the unbeliever, he is sovereign of them all. And what he did to these disciples is, at this point, he opened up. He countered the unbelief and the shortness of their faith, and by grace, he opened up the eyes of their hearts. That they made the Scriptures to recall Tommanda flood, to be Peter or John or James at this point. And all of a sudden, he ever had those aha moments. We talked quite a bit about those aha moments, so we've been talked to you about those aha moments. When all of a sudden, you're sitting there and you're trying to take things in, and all of a sudden, there is the application. Something comes off the shelf. Oh, this is what Jesus did. He opened their hearts. And I think those are God moments, by the way, that God brings him light into your heart, and all of a sudden, whoa! And you just wake up. Oh, now I understand that sometimes I'll have that in the morning, or when I'm studying, and all of a sudden, I'm up and I'm pacing around. I've never seen that before. I'm excited about this. I want the call. I want the call to share this. Becca has this all the time. She'll have this all the time. She'll look what I found, and she's excited to share what she is that the Lord has revealed to her. And I say, "The Lord for that." It's great to have a wife, not only wife, but friends, and best friend, and mom, and everyone who's so excited about the word that seek, and you will find, not. And it will be open to you. Ask, and you will receive. And that's exactly what this is. The Lord rewards you for seeking out the words. I love what Charlie says. Charlie, that God puts diamonds where you can find them. He doesn't hide them deep down in the earth, but it takes a little bit of uncovering and finding it. Well, here it is, the Lord. He compensates for them. They do not yet have the Holy Spirit, and Holy Spirit is coming. And remember, he said to them that, and I'll get to that probably tomorrow, maybe, but he opens their minds to compensate for the lack of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is coming, and he had told him that the Comforter, the paraplytus, is going to send them where he's got to go, and he's going to send them. And it's the Holy Spirit that's going to teach them all things, and to recall the mind those things he forgot, and that's for you and I as well. And where we are today in church age, it is the Holy Spirit that opens our eyes, that gives us wisdom, that teaches the deep things of God, and that's so much of a blessing. So here it is that first evening that they're encountering. Jesus walks through the door, they didn't knock on the door, they didn't have to open the door, but because it was made like he'll stretch, he walked through that door, and he's there and he's talking with them. He eats to prove that he has been resurrected, they can touch him, they can look at him, he is very much still humanity. Great, this was a great time, and when in our hearts when we come to recognize and come to believe that Jesus Christ has risen, and that he's coming back, what a comfort and what a joy that brings to our hearts. Father in Heaven, thank you for this opportunity this morning, the fellowship in your word once again. And I pray heavily thought that the reality of the resurrected Christ will comfort our hearts, to lift us up, to excite us, to live each day, not looking at the staring at the ground and saying always me because this earth is getting darker. That's obvious, we live in a devil's world, what do we expect, but we should be expecting that there's coming a time when our Jesus is going to come and he's coming back and we are his bride and we are going to be received to him. Who can be miserable when such truths are saturating our hearts? I pray heavily thought spirit will open our eyes of our hearts and Christ name will pray amen. All right, it's another fine day in the Lord, keep your armor on, keep fighting, good fight of faith, Lord will in spirit guide and rapture penny. Let me be back here in the A.M. Love y'all. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [ Silence ]