Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

Worship call 1119 the good news - 2024/07/26

Isaiah 52:7 (NASB95) — 7 How lovely on the mountains Are the feet of him who brings good news, Who announces peace And brings good news of happiness, Who announces salvation, And says to Zion, “Your God reigns!”

Broadcast on:
26 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Welcome to Worship Call with Bible teacher Buzz Wellbeck. Buzz is the pastor of Grace Chapel Bible Ministries located in Duncan, South Carolina. This ministry is dedicated to the verse by verse teaching of God's word and discipleship programs aimed at strengthening the faith of God's people. Now here's today's message. There was a lot of activity over the last three days in our account and going through the life of Jesus. There was his crucifixion and all that led up to that. For the disciples, they were the scattering of them throughout as they remained in fear for those three days. And for those three days it was status quo. For the Pharisees and the religious leaders, they were concerned with somebody stealing the body and so sealed up the tomb. Three days and three nights and on the prior to Jesus exiting the tomb, there was the earthquake. There was the tearing of the veil from top to bottom. There was the souls that came up out of Hades. Apparently from paradise coming up into and being resurrected. Who knows what all the people have seen their loved ones? Who knows what that was all about? Then there was the report from the women to the men. They knew where they were hiding. And they came back running that they had seen the resurrected cry, or not seeing the resurrected cry, but the tomb was empty. And how John and Peter ran and how John believed. But yet there was an empty tomb but no body. And finally there was the quiet, left in her quietness and left in her tears to weep. Mary is the first to encounter the resurrected Christ. And she addresses him as Rabbi. But that relationship, he's going to remind, he's going to tell her that that relationship has now gone to a higher state of a relationship. This is the sixth day of the weekend God's created order, the 26th day of the seventh month. 2,024th year of our Lord and this is another fine day in the Lord. Let us pray. Father in Heaven thank you for this day and thank you for giving us this record of this account. Not only John's account, but for Matthew, Mark and Luke's account of this most important day of the most important event of all of human history that changes everything. It changes our whole scope for everyone who focuses and meditates on these things it does. Open our hearts to these things and we pray these things in Christ name, amen. Isaiah 52 7 says that how lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who announces peace and brings good news of happiness who announces salvation and says to Zion your God reigns. And Mary is going to have that first opportunity to do so. So let's look at 14 when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there and did not know that it was Jesus because at this point she's thinking she's a gardener. And Jesus said to her, "Gune, why are you weeping? Who are you seeking, supposing him to be a gardener?" She said to him, "Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him and I will take him away." And Jesus said to her, "Mary, she turned and said to her him in Hebrew, Rabbani," which means teacher. Jesus said to her, "Stop clinging to me for I have not yet ascended into heaven." So here it is, the Greek is, she's holding onto him, grasping onto him as if she's never going to let him go. She had her loved one back from the grieving heart, he's back and he's back to stay, he's back. Well, I thought he was dead, you can imagine relief, I thought he was dead and now he's here, he's face to face it, you can imagine the emotions that's coming over Mary. And she calls him Rabbi, but she has not yet defined the relationship, she has something wrong here. She has not yet defined the relationship of where, because the cross, his death upon the cross, secured a relationship, not a lesser relationship, but a greater relationship. Calling her Rabbi, the Rabbi, a teacher and Mary, this also defines the relationship that Mary did have with Jesus, a teacher student, and she loved and listened. We love our teachers, we love our pastors and our teachers, those who love God loves their teachers and they're endeared to them. We were endeared to our dear teacher, Pastor Them, he was dedicated to learn, study and teach and what he taught changed our lives. He taught us how to sing and he was a blessing to all of us. And the doctrine that he taught to us is a treasure for those who continue to apply the Word of God to their lives. And so we become endeared to our teacher, but that doctrine we have to look beyond that, we have to look beyond the teacher, and we must see our Christ. We must see that new relationship because it's the doctrine and it's the Bible that brings it, it's the road to that relationship. And I've often said this and I continue to say it, that we don't have a relationship with the doctrine, we have a relationship with the Christ of the doctrine. The doctrine leads us to that relationship. Mary says teacher, and you can imagine her life that she set at the feet of Jesus in the time that mentioned yesterday that Martha was griping that the fact that she had to work in the kitchen and here is Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus. And then Jesus replies to her that Mary has chosen the better things. Mary has chosen the better things, she chose that relationship, she is at the feet of the teacher, the best teacher as ever was. I like what Lawson said that God only had one son and he made him a preacher. And I could imagine, we could imagine that Mary was so infatuated with Jesus and the teaching and all that. Everywhere she went, it was always Jesus said this and Jesus said that and this is what Jesus said and this is what Jesus done and she was just, and not only did Jesus was the words of Jesus, but what Jesus did, all of this was teaching and it edified Mary's heart and her soul. So she was in love with this person, Jesus. So when she sees him, she claims to him as I've got him back. And she calls him Rabbani teacher, my teacher is back, you've got something wrong Mary, you've got something wrong. He says stop clean to me, for I have not yet ascended into heaven or ascended to the Father. All right, this point, remember that when Jesus died, he had a triconderous separation. His body goes into the grave and that's where the body is for three days. But there's also to a person, there's the body, there's the soul and there's the spirit. The spirit, remember it is given up to heaven and Jesus said into your hands, I dismissed my spirit into the end to Hades went his soul. So body, body is in the grave, souls in Hades spirit with the Father. Now the body, the soul and spirit comes back into one body, there is the resurrection and he is out of the tomb. But he's on his way to see the Father. You see when Jesus said it is finished on the cross, the work of salvation was completed. The work, the lamb had been slain, the priest had brought the lamb and the priest had brought the lamb and this goes inside with Jesus's priestly function. So the priest, which is Jesus, who is the high priest, he sacrifices the lamb, his own body upon the cross. The Father is satisfied, it's good to go, there is reconciliation, but there's something left for the high priest to do. Remember what the high priest did with the sacrifice, the blood of the sacrifice? He had to take it into the holy of holies and there he would apply the blood to the altar for the atonement of sin. And this, what we see in the Old Testament with regard to the tabernacle, with the holy of holies and with the ark, all of these are images of what Jesus is going to do and the fulfillment of all that has been laid out. You see, the ark and the tent and all that were merely, they were copied, they were examples of what Moses had seen in heaven. And so the practices were doing on the day of atonement with the sacrifices, then the priest that one time a year on the day of atonement, that priest would take the blood in for one time into the holy of holies. That is the most holiest place, the tent had two sections, they had the tent and the meeting, and that holy place had the lampstand, had the table show bread and the altar of incense, and that would be the meeting place. And regularly the priest would go into there and they would do their sacrifice, and then after their sacrifice they would come in, they would change the bread, they would change the coals on the altar incense, so there was constant priestly functions in there. But then one time a year, one day a year, I won't say one time a year because the priest actually went back and forth, that one back and forth, but he would put blood on the altar. And that would be for that, it would be a temporary atonement for that year, and it would release, even to this day, the day of atonement was exciting to those Jews, they hold the Judaism because they are cleansed, they have that release. But unfortunately, while they are adherent to Judaism, they reject the one who is our rest, who is our Passover Land, the one who takes away once and for all, had made that one perfect sacrifice. Let's go to Hebrews 10-19. Therefore brethren, since we have a confidence to enter the holy place by the blood of Jesus, remember the veil is ripped now, by a new and living way, Jesus said, "I am the Haddas, I am the way," which he inaugurated for us through the veil, that is his flesh. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, that no one goes to the flower, but through me, he is the veil." And since we have a great priest over the house of God, we have every opportunity now because of what Jesus did upon the cross, now we have the green light, and what does it say here, "Let us draw near with a sincere heart and a full assurance of faith." Having our hearts brinkle clean from the evil conscience and our bodies wash with pure water. Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised us faithful, and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds. Not forsaken, our own assembly together as a habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near. It is not just the death on the cross which accomplish all things for our benefit, and again, it is finished, speaks of his atoning work upon the cross. But that blood had to be applied to the altar, and it is Jesus who enters into not the holy of holies made with hands, but the most holy place which is in heaven. Hebrews 9, that's back up to Hebrews 9, 6 through 12. Now, when these things have been so prepared, the priests are continually entering in the outer tabernacle, performing the divine worship, but into the second only the high priest enters once a year. Not without taking blood, which he offers for himself and for the sins of the people committed in ignorance. See the priest, our Lord Jesus Christ, he enters into heaven after he has accomplished that. When this high priest enters back into heaven, back into the heavenly place, he is going to take with him the sacrifice. That which the accomplished work that he had accomplished on behalf of the sinners. He says, not without taking blood, which he offers for himself and for the sins of the people committed in ignorance. The Holy Spirit is signifying this that the way into the holy place has not yet been disclosed while the outer tabernacle is still standing, which is a symbol for the present time according both gifts and sacrifices offered, which cannot make the worship for perfect in conscience. See the early tabernacle was only a teaching toy. It was our tutor. Since they relate only to food and drink and various washing regulations for the body imposed until the time of reformation. But when Christ appeared as a high priest of the good things to come, he entered through the greater and more perfect tabernacle, that's our heavenly one, not made with hands. That is to say, not of this creation. And not through the blood of goats and calves, but through his own blood, he entered the holy place once in for all having obtained eternal redemption. Redemption means the payment for sin. For if the blood of bulls and bulls and the ashes of heifers, those who have been defiled, sanctified for the cleansing of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ who through the eternal spirit offered himself without blemish to God cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? And then for this reason, he is the mediator of a new covenant so that since the death has taken place. For the redemption and the transgressions that were committed under the first covenant, those who have been called may receive the promise of any eternal inheritance. Amen. So what connotation enters into your mind when you hear the name Jesus? What goes into your mind? Is it teacher? Is he a good man? Remember that Jesus asked Peter this question, who do they say that you are? The Messiah? Some say that you are Elijah, the prophet, what have you? Who do you say that Jesus is? Was he a good man who taught us how to live? And somebody a man 2000 years ago died on the cross. He was perfectly innocent, lived a good and perfect life and they crucified him and a God is the son of God, the son of David, son of Karpner. These are true descriptions, but is there more? And again, John 2017. And Jesus said, it's not pleading for me before I have not ascended to the Father, but go to tell my brethren and say to them, here's the highest revelation. Mary, you're not seeing, you've got it wrong. You've got to look beyond the teacher aspect and you've got to see who I am, you know, because what Jesus did upon the cross, it elevated that relationship, here it is. But go to my brethren and say to them, I ascend to my Father. Okay, first of all, those who are in Christ, those who are in union with Christ, all things have passed away. Behold, new things have come. Here it is. I go to my Father and your Father and my God and your God. You see, this is what has happened, what has transpired upon the cross. Many things, many number of things we can talk about. There is the manner of reconciliation. And we've talked about reconciliation number of times before. Reconciliation is that bringing together two parties in dispute when man's sin against God, when Adam's sin, he was the corporate head of the human race, when Adam's sin, the entire human race fell. God is a perfect God. But God is the lawmaker and he's perfectly just. And all sin is against God because he is the lawmaker. And God is perfectly just. He's also true. He said, when you eat from that tree, you will surely die. And Adam did die. He died spiritually. And that spiritual death passed on to all men. So when we are born, we are born as a prodigy of Adam, and Adam all died. See, we were born physically into this world alienated from a right relationship with the Lord. We spoke, Mike, we spoke in the past about the tricotomy of the body. There's the body, there's the soul and the spirit. Andy, who is now with the Lord, and he has a greater understanding, probably a greater, I'm sure Andy has a greater understanding of this than any preacher now that's living because he's face-spaced with the Lord. He just couldn't understand. He couldn't get past. He got some clarity, but he still couldn't understand the two immaterial parts of the person, the soul and the spirit. And that spirit being dead to a relationship with the spirit is a relationship part of the person. It connects the person to God. But man is guilty. He's born into this world universally lost. So man is separated. There's a chasm or a barrier or whatever you want to say. You've got a barrier. You've got man on one side. You've got God on the other side. And there's no way that there is, God cannot have anything to do with unrighteous sin. He's a loving God, yes, but he's also a righteous God, pure to righteous to the infinite degree. So there's no communication with the party of the second part with this man. And so man is doomed apart from God doing something. And so what happens here is that in reconciliation, first of all, define reconciliation, reconciliation is bringing two parties in dispute party, the first party, the second party together and bringing their differences together. And to do that, there must be a mediator. And a mediator is one that stands between the two. And Jesus Christ is a mediator in his hypostatic union, which means that he is both God and man. As God, Jesus can represent God to man. And as man, God can represent man to God in both ways. So he is a mediator. He works between both parties who's not talking to each other, who can't talk to each other. And so that mediation took place upon the cross and the work of mediation took place when Jesus took sin upon his own body and paid that way and performed as a mediator, performed reconciliation between both parties. Now once that was done, it was Jesus who took away the sin of the world. Remember that the world is universally condemned. And the work of Jesus opened up the door for the world to adore that by which through faith they can enter through for a relationship. Now, God is satisfied with the work. You go back to Hebrews chapter 10, it says that the blood of bulls and goats, God wasn't satisfied with this, could only offer a temporary covering, but it was offered year after year after year. But when Jesus died, the father looked down and he says, I'm satisfied. That's, I'm good with that. I'm good with that, which opens the door for anyone who looks upon Jesus or through faith, believes and trusts in him. And that's the moment that they walk through that door, that is the reconciliation part. Now we are able to call him, now we're able to look upon God and say, he is my God. This is my Jesus. We can look at Jesus, first of all, on this side. We look at Jesus on this side and we can find Jesus in many, many ways. You know, and we can say he was a good man and listen, Muslims, unbelievers know that there was a Jesus. Muslims believe that he's a prophet and he was a great prophet. So just because somebody is uttering the name Jesus, and they're saying Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, or God, God, does not necessarily mean that they've walked through that door. But is there the confession, those who confess, those who believe in their hearts and confess with their mouth? What's that saying, that he is the Lord? Again, Paul tells us in Romans, those who believe in their hearts and confess their mouth that he is the Lord and Savior. So he can be in many things on all of us. But do we bring him into our personal lives and saying, this is my Lord and my Savior. He's the one that I bow on need to and he's the one who has freed me from my sins that I might have that relationship. And not only a relationship with him, but he bridges the gap between us and God the Father. Jesus said, once again, I am the way, the truth, and the life. So now here's the good news. And Mary is commissioned to do that goodness. Go and tell my brothers what a relationship. Go and tell them. Let's bring back John 2017. But go and tell my brothers and say to them, I ascend to my father and to your father and to my God and your God. So because there is a resurrection, because now he becomes the, now heaven opens up to welcome back the Lord Jesus Christ back into heaven. He left his earthly throne and came down to taking on the form of mankind and now he returns back to the Father. And because he has done so, now he opens up salvation for all. Let's close it out this morning. I want to take us to 1 Corinthians 15. And we'll start with 13. But if there is no resurrection of the dead, not even if Christ has been raised. And if Christ has not been raised and our preaching is in vain, your faith is also in vain. Moreover, we are even found to be false witnesses of God because we testify against God that he raised Christ whom he had not raised. If in fact, the dead are not raised. For if the dead are not raised, not even Christ has been raised. If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless. You are still in your sense. Then those also who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished. If we have hope in Christ in this life only, we are of all men, most to be pitied. Father, I have a thank you for this opportunity this morning, fellowshiping in your Word. We pray, Father, that Jesus Christ would become more to us than just words on the page or doctrines we have studied. That we will recognize that personal relationship, that we do not worship a dead martyr with only a memory to go upon. But we worship a very much live Savior and King and Lord that one day we keep in our hearts with a confident expectation that one day, and I believe it is so close that we ourselves are going to see and enjoy his return. I pray these things in Christ's name, amen. All right. Another fine day in the Lord. Keep your armor on. Keep fighting a good fight of faith. We will continue our study in Hebrews. I want to try to finish up Hebrews 12 to get on the 13. We've got one more month to do 13. I'm going to get into Revelation in September. Read through Revelation several times as you go along. Let's prepare for that study coming up. Be in prayer for that. So, anyway, until Sunday morning, stay motivated Lord. Keep your armor on. Keep fighting a good fight of faith. Lord, will and spirit guide and wrap your pen. And we'll see you Sunday morning, 11 a.m. [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO] [BLANK_AUDIO]