Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

worship Call 1116 The rising Son - 2024/07/23

After three days and three nights in the grave Jesus walks out of the tomb.

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23 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] Welcome to Worship Call with Bible teacher Buzz Walbeck. Buzz is the past Bible ministries located in Duncan, South Carolina. This ministry is dedicated to the verse by verse teaching of God's word and discipleship programs aimed at strengthening the faith of God's people. Now here's today's message. We'll start off this morning with the George Whitten of Let there be light. Isaiah 60, one through three, rise, shine. For your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth and deep darkness, the people. But the Lord will rise over you. And his glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light in the kings to the brightness of your rising. For several years now I've been focusing on the kingdom of God's essential theme of Yeshua's preaching, Luke 4.43. And we'll be offering a series of devotions on this topic with a particular emphasis on our present season, which I believe pretends the birthing of the kingdom. A study of the gestation process from conception to birth yields its insight as a natural parallel in the historical process we're witnessing and taking part in. This theme will be delivered in the coming days. Our personal spiritual journey is an essential part of our participation in the birthing of God's kingdom, and it carries close parallels to the creation account. When God spoke in Genesis, Genesis 1, 1 through 5, he began with the simple words, "Let there be light," because darkness was on the face of the deep. Our natural birth from the maternal womb involves the movement from a place of darkness into a natural light of this world. So the birth of this universe is mirrored in our natural birth. But it also is powerfully exemplified in our spiritual birth as we move from darkness of sin and death into the light of the Son of God. Similarly, our natural birth involves moving from what feels like experiential chaos and uncertain transition into an intimate relationship of mother to infant child. Likewise, our spiritual birth transitions us from a life with out, ultimate meaning or purpose, a life of chaos as it were into an intimate relationship filled with God's light as he reveals his love and his purpose to the regeneration and resurrection life he gives. These parallels exemplify fundamental ways of God. He is the light of the world, having separated the light from the darkness and called us to be children of light. We have a relentless hope and a magnificent destiny, especially right now in these birth pangs of his kingdom. His prediction that the darkness would grow much deeper just before his glorious appearing, his upon us is upon us and sets a context into which we must shine all the more brightly as the word says his glory. His glory shall be seen upon you. Friends, this empowerment to shine has never been more relevant and critical than it is now. The darkness of our world, the chaos of our age, will either drive us to despair or fuel us to burn with the light of the Holy Spirit. We can see the division of darkness from light is well underway and there will be less and less gray. Therefore, more than ever, let your light so shine before met that they may see your good works and glorify your father, which is in heaven, Matthew 516. Your family and the Lord will much agape love. George, Bhakravka, Obadiah and Elena, they are in Atlanta, Florida, and this is the third day of the week in God's created order. The 23rd day of the seventh month, the 24th year of our Lord, and this is another fine day in the Lord. Father in heaven, thank you for your love, your graciousness, thank you for letting us live in the time that we were born in this time and this very time which many of us do feel and believe that this is the time we are on the precedents. Let us not be our hearts be so despaired of the darkness of the world as we anticipate the light on the other side of the darkness which is the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us stand tall, our shoulders roll back, our eyes fixed upon the heavens with great anticipation for that redemption is near. Open up our hearts to the study of this so great passage that the rising of the sun. Let us pray these things in Christ's name. Amen. We have a lot of these guys running around today so good morning to you and let us see. Let us begin this morning and where are we? How do we get there? I lost something here. We are starting out this morning. I don't know why my notes are screwed up here. Anyway, we will start out with Matthew 28. Let us get down to there. There we go. Okay, Matthew 28. Now after the Sabbath as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene, Magdalene, and the other Mary came to look at the grave. We find in Mark that there is another woman as well, Salamani, which is the mother of James and John. She is also with them in here. So this is early morning. So this is after the three days. Well, prior to these three days until there are things Jesus just did not lay in the grave. He wasn't just there waiting to be resurrected. Things were going on. His spirit was dismissed and given back to the father. His soul and a spirit. Remember, the spirit has to do Jesus on the cross. He gave up his spirit. He get into your hands. I dismissed my spirit. Oh, God of docro. And the relationship part of the Lord goes back to God. The soul or the body goes into the grave. The soul goes into. So while things were happening here on this earth, there was things actually happened within the body of Christ. And this is where I wanted to take us to this morning. First of all, so while Jesus body remained in the grave, the spirit was in the presence of the father. His soul leaves and goes to Hades. What's he doing in Hades? And that's what we find in 1 Peter 3 18. Not for Christ also died for sins once for all. The just for the unjust so that he might bring us to God, having been put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit in which also he went and made proclamation. Let's look at this word proclamation for a moment. And this proclamation is Caruso. And it means to publicly announce religious truths, the principles while urging acceptance and compliance to preach. So it's preach. He went to Hades to preach. So proclamation to the spirits now in prison who once were disobedient when the patients of God kept waiting in the days of Noah during the construction of the art in which a few that is eight persons were brought safely through the waters. Water corresponding to the baptism now saves you, not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. And this what Peter refers to and the day of Noah was the, we find in Genesis chapter 6 for the first four verses, one through four, when the daughters, well, when the sons of God, these are angels, saw the daughters of men and saw that you were beautiful and took them as wives, although they decided they wanted to. And so there was a, a cohabitation between angelic angels and man which created a bastardized race. This was the reason this was really the core reason why the, why the earth was wiped out of water to destroy this population of Nephilim. And the Nephilim were, were the children of this ungodly union, the, the angels and the, and then. So there was a, there was the, the demonic activity going on and there and notice what happened to those angels, what happened to those angels, what happened to those ones who left their first estate, we find in Jude chapter six. June six, chapter six, Jude six, Jude first six, there's only one chapter, the angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode. He has kept them in eternal bonds under, under darkness for the judgment of the great day. And remember when Jesus went down to the gatherings and the, and he was talking to what was it, the Legion, the, the demons that were, the demon authority that was possessing this man down in the gatherings. And he says, you're not here. Our, our time has not yet come. So these demons actually recognize that there is a coming, that their fate is sealed. And those were the demons and, and in the locked up in a place called Tartarus is the, is the way we find the law, where the angels, you see. Hades, now oftentimes in our Bible is called hell, or Gehenna. Hades actually has three compartments. There is the department of paradise. That's this is Abraham's bosom. And this is where the Old Testament saints, this is where they go. And it's a holding place. They have not, their, their ransom had not yet been paid for when they died. They, they were believers. They were waiting for the promises of God. And they were sent to paradise. A, a, often we see throughout the Old Testament is they, he died and, or he slept and went to be with his fathers saying that nature. So there is that place. We also see it in Luke, where the rich man went to torments and the Lazarus went to the Abraham's bosom. Bringing up the next compartment would be a place of torments. Torments is like the county jail. This is the lock up. It's not, it's not the great white throne judgment. It's not the, it's not the, it's not the lake of fire. To this day, there's no one, no one goes in this day, leaves and goes to the lake of fire. They go to the place in Hades called Tartarus, not Tartarus, torments. And they, and they will not, none will go to the first ones that will go. And we, I think it's in Revelation 20, we find the first ones that will be cast into the lake of fire will be the Antichrist and the false prophet. Meant, currently those who die without Christ will go to torments. And they're waiting for the great white throne judgment, which as I understand it right now will be at the end of the thousand years. And then there will be the, and then the third compartment that we find in Hades is a place called, and by the way, at the end of Revelation, I believe it's Revelation 22, Hades will give up its debt, and, and they will all stand before the great white throne judgment. So this, they're in waiting. There were two waiting period places in Tartarus. There was paradise, they're waiting to be taken up, to release them there and taken to heaven. After their ransom is paid, there is Tartarus, or torments, they are waiting for the judgment, the final judgment, which is the great white throne judgment that we find at the end of Revelation. But there is a third department, as Peter points out, that it is the place of Tartarus, and it is the place in this underworld where all the demons, and as Judah pointed out, those that did not keep their estate. These are the angels that took on human wives, and produced, again, a bastardized race of creatures, part angel, part man. And these were what we call the nephling, and with their, and this is where the source of the demonics come in. When they die, when these creatures die, they still have a, there is a demonic spirit, this is the evil spirits that loom this world today, they're not part of heaven nor are they part of hell, but they wander aimlessly within this earth upon this earth. 2 Peter 2, 4, for if God did not spare His angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserve for judgment, and did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness with seven others when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly. And if he condemned the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the structure by reducing them to ashes, having made them an example of those who would live ungodly lives thereafter. And if he rescued righteous law, oppressed by such a conduct of unprincipled men, and that goes on. The point is that Jesus went and preached to the fallen creatures, to the fallen angels which are in the Tartarus. And the way I picture it is that they may have one care of hope left. One, just hold it out hope that just maybe that their Lord, the devil would come through, that he would be successful, that he would cause the last Adam to stumble and just like he did with the first Adam. And at that point, that one would be disqualified of taking our sins upon him. They therefore, Satan would be victorious. Satan would end up coming and releasing them from their bounds. So you've got one of two groups that's going to be released. You've got those in paradise, you've got those in Tartarus, who's going to be released here. And so these angels which are persons, persons have disabilities, so persons have wants and desires. And I believe these angelic persons wanted out of this place, and they were looking for their hero to come through. But rather than Satan showing up, who shows up, it was our Lord Jesus Christ in Haiti saying, I win, you lose. It's sealed and it seals their condemnation. They will be released by the way, they will be released one last time for one last revolt at the end of the millennial age. At that point, they will enter into the great white, or they will enter into the eternal lake of fire. 2 Peter 3.19 again. And which also, he went and made proclamation, he preached to him to the spirits now in prison. Matthew 28.1, now after the Sabbaths, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary came to look at the grave. The three days, I am a, I guess you call it a mid-crucifixioner. If you want, if you want to call that people, they've done by names. I believe that Jesus died, that his crucifixion was on a Wednesday. Unless somebody can present a better argument than that, that when Jesus said he was going to be in the, just as Jonah hit, the sign would be, just as Jonah was in the big fish for three days and three nights. He would be in the grave for three nights, three days and three nights. Three echoes throughout the whole Bible, and so I believe that Jesus was actually crucified on Wednesday. Some could make a, I could even see how somebody could work out a Thursday crucifixion as well. But Friday, I'm not a mathematician, I'm not that smart, but I can't get three days and three nights out of Friday to Sunday, I just can't do that. And is it important? Yes, I know that some say, well, it's really not an important point. This is why it's important to me, because scripture is exact. There is no, there is no immiguity, there is no, prophecy is exact. There's nothing that says, well, I can't see this, there's no question. And that's where I find the importance out of the day that he was crucified. And I see Wednesday, it'd be Passover, Passover was not a high holy day. But at the end of the day, they, at the end with sundown, it would be a holy, it would come as a high holy day. So at sundown Wednesday would begin, a holy day would be the first day of unleavened bread, which is for holy consecration, that they would come and they would consecrate themselves, and that would be the start of it, and that would be a high holy day. That would be the first Sabbath. You've got two types of Sabbaths, you've got the high holy day, you've got the weekly Sabbaths, but their holy days, prescribed by the Bible, has the same restrictions and ordinances as the seventh day Sabbath. So you had one Sabbath there at Thursday. So from Wednesday to Thursday evening would be one day and one night in the grave. At the next day would begin the day of preparation. The day of preparation would be where the women would be going to the market, they would be getting there. If they needed spices and whatever they needed to anoint the body of Jesus, along with a preparation day for that Sabbath, that means that they're going out to get their food and everything at the marketplace. So this would be preparation day, the women would be busy that day. And then it would come to the end of that day. And so by the end of what we call Friday, it would be from Thursday evening and Friday evening would be day two in the grave. Well Friday evening would begin the second Sabbath. That's the weekly Sabbath, it would go from the evening of Friday, the sunset of Friday all the way to Saturday evening. And that would be three days and three nights in the grave. And actually with the sundown on Saturday would commence, the Sunday would be on that first day of the week, the resurrection and day. That's where I work it out, I'll just can work it out differently, but that's where I stand on that right now, unless something else comes up. And so on this first day that they come to see, this first day was the feast, which is also important, would be the feast of first fruits. It would be the barley harvest as for. And this is important, we find this in roots. But that would be the, and we find that there would be the barley harvest, and the barley harvest would come in before the wheat. And it does make a lot of sense. And here's a question for you, the first harvest would come in as barley harvest. How many days after this would come the wheat harvest, because that would be the next harvest? 50 days, that would be the Pentecost. So the three days would echo throughout the entire Bible. And this day was completed, Psalm 1610. For you will not abandon my soul to steal, it would not be four days, it would not be two days, but it would be three days in the grave. For you, you will abandon, so you will not abandon my soul to steal. Nor will you allow your holy one to undergo decay. You will make known to me the path of life and the presence, and your presence is fullness of joy in your right hand. There are pleasures forever. On the first day of the week, Jesus arises. Just as Jesus said he would, this is the day of victory, the day when the undefeatable death is conquered. 1 Corinthians 1553. For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and the mortal man must put on immortality. But when the perishable will have put on the imperishable, and the mortal will put on immortality, or immortality, then will come about. And the saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory. Oh death, where is your victory? Oh death, where is your sting? The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore my love it, brethren, be steadfast and movable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. Matthew 28, 1 now on the Sabbath, and by the way, this Sabbath right here is Sabbaths. This is plural. This is the genitive plural, the Sabbaths. As it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene, and the other Mary came to look at the grave. And this look right here is, I'll go ahead and blue an idol on that, is the retro, and the retro is, is to observe something with continuity and attention, often with the implication of what is observed is something unusual to be observed, to be a spectator of, to look at. That's, I'd say it was a time of meditation. It was something that they weren't to come close to the, to where they're, to where their Jesus lie. And that looking upon, there would be a meditation. Just as the writers, Mark says they also came to anoint the body, which means that they would have the spices and what have you to anoint the body. And, and it is, it is the, when we're looking upon that, and it is as Hebrews chapter 12 tells us, for consider him who endured such hostilities against himself so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. So here is a point of doctrine for you. Thinking and meditating upon the Lord will help us to understand the Lord and prepare us to receive the great truth of his resurrection. We should now be considering the Lord. We should be considering that right now, knowing the full story, the considering we're looking upon that empty tomb. We see we're not looking upon death, where there is no hope. We are looking on the life. So we are looking upon that empty tomb and we are looking and we are anticipating the day when we are going to be face to face with that very one who walked out of that tomb. Mark, let's go to Mark 16 one through eight. The, when the Sabbath was over, Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James, the, Mary the mother of James, the job. I'm sorry, I was wrong with that. It's, the other Mary was the mother of James and Solomon. I'm going to walk that back. Let me see, look for James Jacob. Okay. That one wrong. Come on off there. There we go. All right, brought spices so that they might come and anoint him very early, the first day of the week. They came to the tomb when the sun had risen. They had, they were saying to one another who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb. So they're on their way. It's not daylight yet. They're anxious to get there and they're talking amongst themselves. They're, they are. So their plans are, their plans is to enter into the tomb and to anoint the body. Now I'll say this as it's closing today. They're, when we're looking at Luke, when we look at Matthew, when we look at Mark and look at Luke, they're on John. There are different, there's different information. There's, there's different accounts. And as I've said before, these are human writers that are writing this. And yes, they're under, they're under the spirit of God to write what they observe and what they have, have learned and, and these writers have learned from second hand, second hand accounts. Speaking with the, speaking with those who were there that morning, the women. So as they're learning, as they're writing it down, yes, it's going, the stories are going to be different. And there's going to be different aspects. It will be different emphasis. That shouldn't bother any of us. It should, you'd freak out the common. And, and matter of fact, if they were all exactly the same, first of all, you'd only need one gospel. But second of all, it takes the humanity out of it. And people are bothered by the Bible being written by man. But the Bible is also written by not only man, but the, the under the influence. I would say spiritual influence of God the Holy Spirit. Like Jesus is, like Jesus resides in his IPOSAC union that he's man and God. The Bible, the written logus, is also, there's part man and part human within there. There is the, the divine inspiration in the writer's subscription. So you're going to find that there are, the different witnesses are going to have a different, but they're not going to be contradictory. You can work these things out, but you're going to see different emphasis upon each of the writers, which is very good. Let's close that prayer. Father, in heaven, thank you for this opportunity this morning to, to have come together once again to fellowship in your Word. And we pray Heavenly Father, that God the Holy Spirit will continue to lift up our hearts. Let us not walk through this life with a wazi, wazi attitude or the defeatist attitude as many Christians do. And looking at the world as if they made this world, as forgetting that this world is not our home. We have a heavenly, we have a heavenly home. And yet, we look forward with great anticipation of the coming of our Lord. And as George said this morning, the darkness is only a precursor of the light that's ahead, which is very exciting. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for this day. Prepare us for our service this evening. We pray these things in Christ's name, amen. All right, it's another fine day, and the Lord, keep your armor on, keep fighting a good side of faith. Lord, will, and Spirit guide, and rapture pending, we'll see you back here. 1900 or 7th off of you civilian types this evening. [silence] [silence] [silence] [silence] [BLANK_AUDIO]