Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

Worship Call 1113 that Day in History - 2024/07/18

Remember the most significant days that we were alive in history? when history happened. we all remember what we were doing when Man walked on the moon, or where we were when we heard the news of 911. those who were there that day when Jesus died certainly had their own story to tell and percisely what was going through their minds.

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18 Jul 2024
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[MUSIC] [MUSIC] [MUSIC] >> Welcome to Worship Call with Bible teacher Buzz Lawbet. Buzz is the pastor of Grace Chapel Bible Ministries located in Duncan, South Carolina. This ministry is dedicated to the verse by verse teaching of God's Word and discipleship programs aimed at strengthening the faith of God's people. Now here's today's message. >> There were those most significant days and maybe I won't say most significant days, but days to remember, days of empathy. I'm sure those of the greatest generation remember where they were when they heard the news that the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. I remember I was old enough to remember the landing on the moon and exactly what I was doing. And also in 9/11 when Becker called me and exactly what I was doing and driving through Atlanta and that could call me about the airplanes passing into it. Now I remember those days vividly and you remember those days as well. Imagine being those in that generation that were actually there when Jesus died upon the cross and the things that they witnessed, they witnessed the earthquake, they witnessed the end, they witnessed people coming up the other tombs or at least running into people. Maybe they even knew who had died and who are now living again and finding out about the torn veil in the temple, all these things in that one day, in that very single day, that one day when Jesus died upon the cross only to three days later to rise again. What is this? This is the fourth day of the week in God's created order. The 17th day of the seventh month of the 24th year of our Lord, and this is another fine day in the Lord. Father in heaven, thank you for it. Thank you for waking us up this morning. And Heavenly Father, knowing that fatal day when Jesus died and knowing He rose again and gives us hope, a confident expectation that we should not have our bottom lip and put out poochy poochy or wazoo woo but we have a Christ that is going to come back again and we are excited for that. So we will open up our hearts this morning to study your word and we pray these things in Christ's name. Amen. So let's continue our study of Matthew 2750. And Jesus cried out again in a loud voice and yielded up His Spirit and behold the veil of the temple was torn too from top to bottom and the earth shook and the rocks split. The Luke 2346. And Jesus cried out in a loud voice and said, "Father, into your hands I commit my Spirit." Having said this, He breathed His last. This is important, understanding that Jesus did not bleed to death. And again, you can put aside the rhetoric that the Israelites killed Jesus or that the Jews killed Jesus. They did not kill Jesus nor did the Romans. Jesus said, "I will lay down my life." And He did so. It was by His that He dismissed His Spirit. And this was a trichotomous separation. His Spirit would be, He said, "Into your hands I commit my Spirit." So His Spirit went to heaven. His body will go into the grave. His soul will go into CO or Hades. So Jesus very much alive when He finished the work of salvation. And it is finished as it was when the Lord finished His work those six days. And in the beginning He, to bring the world out of the darkness as He brings our own soul out of darkness. And there He worked for six days. And then on the seventh day He rested. And so Luke also speaks of a Roman Centurion who believes along with the crowds. Let's continue on with our study with Luke 23.47. Now, when the Centurion saw what had happened, he began praising God, saying certainly this man was innocent. And all the crowds who came together for the spectacle, when they observed what had happened, began to return beating their chest. And first of all, the word here, the Centurion saw what had happened and began praising God, saying certainly the man was innocent. So you have the repentance of the Centurion changing his whole heart. And it's wondering, I know they did a movie, I don't like religious movies, but they did a movie risen. And it was a sleeper to me and I'm not big on those type of movies and speculations. But nonetheless, I question what happened? I look forward, if this Centurion truly is a believer, which I believe he is, speculate he is, that we will be able to talk to him and get more details when we get to heaven. That's going to be interesting. Luke 23.47 and all the crowds came together and spectacle and they observed. Remember, these are the markers. These are the ones who were under observation. They were, they were the ones, they were the ones bonking him at the bottom. Let's look at this. And all the crowds who came together for the spectacle, they observed what had happened and began to return. And this return is Hoopo Stratho, Hoopo Stratho, to move back to a point from which one had previously departed. Where did they, where did it come back to? Remember that these were the ones that were welcoming him. Four days prior to this, you know, Shani Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. They were excited to receive him as their saver. And they were persuaded to go the other direction. They were persuaded to go very quickly to go against Jesus. But here it is, to move back to a point which one had previously departed. It sounds like I meant to Nora up to me. But this is Hoopo Stratho to return back, to return, go back, to come back. Then I returned to the master. So, so to go come back and ten day. And it says that they begin beating their breasts. And maybe wondering if, if they had crossed the point of no return, they had come to the place. Welcome to worship call with Bible teacher Buzzlow. We already talked to you, Michael, you're done. To return back to, did they cross the bounds of no return? What were they mourning? Were they mourning Jesus? Or did they mourn their decisions and their actions? And wondering if by chance that they crossed the boundary by which they could not return? What were they going to do? This was obviously the Messiah and they crucified Him. And so this is reported by Luke. And I don't know if Luke was on site that day, but Luke, I'm pretty confident that Luke did some interviewing. He interviewed Mary about, and we see that in, in things he wrote about Mary and the things she said and her visit to Elizabeth. All this I think came from the interview. And the ladies, the women were not too far off. So if Luke was there, he had a eyewitness count. If they weren't, they were able, he was able to later on interview Mary with, with what she saw and what she observed that day. Luke 23, 47. All right now, let me, what's not doing, they're desktop capture. There we go. That's what we're looking for. And all his acquaintance, and all his acquaintances, all those who knew Jesus, all those that came down from Galilee, and the women who accompanied him from Galilee, were standing at a distance, seeing these things. Let me see, the acquaintance is this. We know what acquaintances are. Let's see what Luke, Luke says. And, um, good, um, Genos, Genos does, uh, pertaining to being a friend or acquaintance of someone, and thus enjoys certain privileges as a result of such relationship friends or acquaintances. So, so he had those allies, I guess, those that, that were favorable to him, and they were beating their breasts. So I think there were those that were genuinely grieving his death, while others were returning and, and, um, and repentance, um, and started to beat their breasts with them. Uh, I guess that could use a little bit more work. So it's a sign of morning. The, the, the beating their breasts is a sign of morning, but Jesus had left the door open for forgiveness. He had, he did this when he had prayed to the Father, forgive them for they do not know what they would do, do, do, and they were with heavy and convicted hearts. They would seek salvation. And, like I said, they were, I think there would be many who, uh, you know, that were afraid, not only were they grieving in morning, but they were mourning bad decisions. You know, um, I've got decision myself. I, I have to remember back and I'm more than bad decisions that I've made in my life, even those that I've hurt people. I've, I've, um, and you probably have to, um, with, with few exceptions. I think we've all, um, hurt people. Or we did things that we, we certainly regret. We certainly, we certainly look back and, and our hearts are heavy on that. Um, but in, but I also look back to my forgiveness, my forgiveness upon that cross and the open door to confessing those sins and, and leaving those things behind. And I don't think these people under, would understand at this point the power of the forgiveness of Christ upon that cross, but they're going to find out, uh, and the acts to 237. Now, when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, brethren, what shall we do? And Peter said to them, repent. And each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off as many as the Lord our God will call to himself. And with many other words, he solemnly testified and kept on exhorting them saying, be safe from this perverse generation. And, you know, it's not too, uh, and, and, and application. The door is still open, folks. And, um, I do believe that we live in the generation. I, I believe that we are living in the generation that we are going to see our Lord and Savior return. And you may be, you may have heard this, you may have studied this, you may have, and you may have been outside of, of the Christian life for a while, walking in the way of the world. Looking like smelling like being like the world. And you've, you've walked away from your spiritual life. And, um, as you're going and pursuing the world, but maybe right now, maybe you're starting to recognize it too. And that, um, and, and the limited fashion that, that you can know that these are the times. But the door of salvation and the door of repentance is still open to you too. That you can turn back and, and, and, um, and like those workers in the field, some were hired in the morning, some were hired in the afternoon, some were hired in late afternoon. But they still got paid the same. It's not too late to start to return back to your walk with the Lord and start picking up the Word of God. It's not too late to get with your spiritual life. And, um, that, that, going back to the word for, um, for, uh, return. So let's talk about this resurrection of the dead once again, which, you know, Becca kind of enlightened me for you. Then she did a little bit more research than I did yesterday. And I want to bring that up for that. And, and I like it. I like it a little preach. Let's go back to Matthew 2752. The tombs were open and many bodies of the saints had fallen asleep were raised and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection. They entered the holy city and appeared to many. Uh, and what and who are these who had been resurrected? First of all, we're looking back up a little bit. Behold, the temple was our back down 52. The tombs were open and many of the bodies of the saints and this haggios, the holy ones. The, they have raised the holy ones. These are the ones who belong to the Lord to remember the rest of them. Remember that in Hades, when we, when we talk about our shield or Hades, you have different compartments down there. You have the, um, you have the place of paradise. It's Abraham's bosom. And these are, are with the captives. Those who are waiting, they're basically waiting for the ransom to be paid, the ransom that Jesus Christ paid upon the cross. Um, and that's the word we didn't go through yesterday. Remember we went through some words yesterday. One of them, another word I didn't mention yesterday was redemption. And redemption means to be paid, that a price was paid to release a prisoner. And Jesus, he paid the price upon that cross. And so he went, he went into Hades to set the captives free. There, so there is the Abraham's bosom that's where Old Testament saints went, even all the way up until, until Pentecost, up until the coming of the Holy Spirit. I actually know prior to that he, by that time it was emptied, but he went there, he freed the captives and took them up with them. There was the, um, there is the place of torments. And Luke, Jesus speaks about the rich man and Lazarus, how Lazarus went to paradise, Abraham's bosom. And the rich man went to torments. And torments is like a, it's not the lake of fire, but it is a place where, um, where unbelievers go, all unbelievers go there. Um, waiting for trial. It's like county, it's like your county lock up. You're, you're, it's like waiting for trial and you're, you're just locked up in the county jail waiting to, for the big trial. The big trial is going to be the great white throne judgment. And then, lastly, there's the place called Tartarus, and we find that in Peter, and that's where the, um, the angels who left their first estate, those who we find back in the Old Testament, where they cohabitated with the, with human wives, they, they were locked up in this place called Tartarus. So, paradise is empty. And those, and there were those who apparently came up out of those and, and walked, and I'm sure not all of them, but would be quite the population of dead running around. But many of them, um, came up out of the tombs, and I wonder if they were the old tests away back historically, or if there were people that, um, that other people recognize granddad, or a son, or a daughter, or a father, or it's people who died in the lifetime and all of a sudden, here they are. So, I wanted to just who they are, but these, but nonetheless, they were believers, they were saints. They were those who were set apart through their faith in Jesus Christ. Isaiah 26 19. Your dead will live, and thanks again for back, for bringing these, these verses up there, they're very important. Isaiah 26 19, your dead will live, their corpses will rise, you who lie in a dust, awake, and shout for joy. For your do is as do of the dawn, and the earth will give birth to the departed spirits. You know what strikes me about this? You look back, this is prophecy. And, um, we, and like, we still have prophecy yet, and I wonder if the people threw that. I wonder what that means, that did. I wonder what, I really do. I wonder what that means, if your dead will live. What's that mean? Their corpses will, will rise. Well, that probably means that the dead, their, their dead souls will come back to life or, and they'll, they'll stretch and move. Well, this probably means this. Well, what does it mean? Well, that means exactly what I said, the dead, dead rice. The dead did come out of dust. The dead, dead did come out of those tombs. And, um, you know, when are we going to wake up and start taking the word of God, more literally? Yes, there's certain figures of speech, certain things that is obvious. But remember the first thing of interpretation of Bible, the first thing in Bible interpretation is when scripture makes perfect sense, seek no other sense about it. Uh, there's Jose, 1314. Shall I ransom them from the power of Sheol? Shall I, shall I redeem them from death? Oh, death, where are your thorns? Oh, Sheol, where is your sting? Compassion will be hidden in my sight. John 525 through 29 truly, truly, I say to you, an hour is coming and now is when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who hear will live. For just as the Father has life in himself, even so, he gave to the Son also to have life in himself, and he gave him authority to execute judgment because he is the Son of the Man. Son of the Man. Do not marvel at this for an hour is coming in which all who are in the tunes will hear his voice and will come forth. Those who did good deeds to the resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to the resurrection of judgment. And also going back to Daniel, you mentioned yesterday, but you didn't do the verse yesterday. Many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will wake these two everlasting life, but others to disgrace and everlasting contempt. First Corinthians 1555, Odeth, where is your victory? Odeth, where is your sting? The sting of death is sin and the power of sin is the law, but thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Those that came up out of the grave, they were under the law. Yes, but the promise, but it wasn't the law that brought them out of the grave, but it was the promise. But it was the power of the Lord Jesus Christ. So all these saints were brought back to life and they were not zombies. You know, they have the zombie stories today and they go back to when I was a kid, the dawn and the dead and all that stuff. This is not a dawn of the day kind of situation, but this is a glorious resurrection, a happiness of coming to life. These were not walking dead, they were very much alive, and probably excited about the time that was going to come. And I look forward to talking to these people, I really do. So shall we be called from our own sleep to the living hope, and our living hope is the Lord Jesus Christ. And Isaiah 28 16 therefore I say, "Thus says the Lord God behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a tesset stone." See, yeah, a tesset stone, a costly cornerstone for the foundation firmly placed. He who believes in it will not be disturbed. And it was Joseph that confessed, "Joe 1925, as for me, I know that my redeemer lives, and at the last he will take his stand upon the earth." So the dead even spoke of the testimony. Their life was just, and this is history, this is not just a story, but this is a history. This is what happened on that day. And we are all headed for the grave, every one of us, apart from the rapture happening. When we attend a Christian funeral, it is always a, when we attend a Christian funeral, and it is time for mourning, yes. There is a time when our beloved brother, sister, mother, father, even children, and they are out of our presence. But we do not grieve as the unbeliever, because the unbeliever doesn't, they don't believe this history. They don't believe this is an account. They have dismissed their account, so they have nothing to stand upon. I have set in funerals, or I don't know how many funerals I have done. But I can sit there and I can pick out from the audience, those who are believers and those who are unbelievers. And through the tears, I can see the hope of those who are believers. Yes, they are mourning, whether it is a husband, or whether it is a number of times it has been a husband, or a wife, and funerals for grandmothers and stuff, and sisters and what have you. And I see unbelievers, a teary eye, but yet a uplifted countenance actually, even in the tears. You see the hope on their faces while you see the unbelievers without hope, because they believe that not only do they believe the promise of God, but they see this account as a truism. This is history. This is not just in the story, but this is history. This is an account. They can be confident that they are going to see their loved ones again. It's just nothing more than getting on a bus, on a long trip, and eventually we are going to be united. It makes me want to sing this morning when we all get to heaven, not when we all get to heaven, but we won't do that this morning. So Matthew 2754. Now the centurion of those who were with him, keeping guard over Jesus when they saw the earth, when they saw the earthquake, and the things that were having became very frightened, and he said, truly, this is the son of God. All right, Mr. Centurion, you made a profession. This is the son of God. You believe that much. You've seen it. You see, there are Muslims that believe that Jesus did die on a cross, that he was resurrection, but they do not accept him as their personal savior. I hope this centurion did. The simple belief that he said that this is the son of God, and perhaps this was not for him to understand that believing in him and trusting in him, that this centurion has eternal life. And what it must have been for the women, and for in Matthew 2755 we have many women. We're looking on from the distance and who followed Jesus from Galilee while ministering to him. Among them were Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph and the mother of the sons of Zebedee. That's the number of Marys in there, isn't it? So, as many both Jews and Gentiles had witnessed, and that day they witnessed this day. They witnessed earthquakes. They witnessed an earthquake. They witnessed the, they witnessed the, and let's talk about the earthquake for a quick moment. What is an earthquake? It's when the, when the tatonic plates of the earth shifts, and they've been shifting from when, when did they start shifting from the time when the flood came? See, the earth was broken in the time of that judgment, and, and the earth broke, and as it burst through the water from below, it was a reminder of the judgment. Of the judgment of the universal judgment of this earth. There, there came the tearing of the veil, and I wonder the first priest that came in there, and, and I wonder about his jaw dropping when he looked up to see the, the, the, the torn veil. There is some, you can find somewhere I don't have the reference to it, but they did try to sew that up from legend has it, or maybe it's in the town mood or something. But in Jewish history, they did find, and they did seek to mend that, that curtain. But again, that curtain was a, it was an opening to say, there's, it opened up into an empty chamber. Nobody here folks, nothing to look at folks, this is not the way, this is not the way, Jesus, no way is not this veil, and Jesus Christ is still the veil, but not this veil. Jesus Christ is the veil that we go through to enter into the holy of holies in heaven. And those saints who died are, are now alive, and they're walking about. And while the body of Jesus still, all this is going on, while Jesus is still hanging upon the cross, this is the most amazing story. And just to think, we're part of that story, when we trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for eternal life, we become a part of that story. Let's close out. Father, have a second for this opportunity, this morning of fellowship, and your word, once again, open our hearts to these truths as we continue to grow and grace, and to be encouraged to know that this world is not our home. Because there's a resurrection, there's also going to be our resurrection. A lot of us are hurting in the bodies, a lot of ailments and sicknesses, and looking for surgeries to correct this and that and the other thing. We can have a hope, and that hope is a constant expectation, that because Christ lives, we live because this most awesome day in all of history, because that took place. We can count on our own resurrection and be with Christ. We pray these things humbly in your precious son's name, amen. All right, another fine day, and Lord, keep your armor on, keep fighting a good fight of the way of faith. Lord, will it spirit guide and rapture pending. We'll be back here in the A.M. . . . . [BLANK_AUDIO]