Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

Guest Speaker George Whitten worthy News .com - 2024/07/11 part 2

Israeli-born Baht Rivka Whitten is an accomplished musician, recording artist and worship leader. Her unique sound is comprised of both original songs and traditional Israeli melodies fused with powerful mid-eastern vocals, clever lyrics and rhythms from around the world.

George is the founder of Worthy news .com bringing current events

Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

that's the one thing we can actually control we can't really control you know who gets elected we can't really go ahead and vote but you know who knows if our vote really matters I mean we live in this crazy world where you know who knows what's happening but the one thing we can't control is who we share with and how we share and and the truth that Jesus is coming back soon and the Kingdom is coming and I believe that we really understand this whole Israel question we're gonna look at something they the number eight means something new and this way says in Revelation we hold on making all things new and talking about prophecy this is revolution or it says it is done reality-wise God already sees prophecies already being fulfilled you know I know this is a crazy concept but God doesn't live in our time he lives outside of time he said he turned on he's outside of time we're trapped in the state called time but he is outside of time and when he looks at it doesn't look as as the simple you know while we are failing all the time while we commit to that while we're struggling in our walk is that you know look at us that way he actually already sees us in our eternal states he already sees us as kings and priests of the most I got he already sees us in the future that's why Paul says something she says look I look at you seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus he already sees us in the eternal that's how God looks as he already sees us and what this whole world this whole time that we're here for is to figure out is the test is that to help us understand what we're supposed to do with deliver schemes of priests in the future this whole testing round and when you start understanding that way they got our season being finished and that's what he says here it is done sorry finished I'm now from the beginning the end now he says something says to the thirsty I would give the spring in the water of life to the first meeting if I'm sitting here and on this I see is very good and I have a civil I fulfilled my thirst well getting more but if we go ahead and our content with our sit are beginning if you go ahead and finish your glasses I like to know that's just gonna refill it and it the more we drink the more we want the more he's gonna fill the problem is are we saying that's enough but if we take the mentality of saying Lord look just give me a glass just turn on the spigot just turn it just turn on the spigot don't turn off just pour it out because I want to see people coming I want to be able to say that you're greatness you think he's gonna turn off the spigot once he starts it it's a water breaking once that water breaks guess what you cannot do it and I think that we come to this place saying Lord we're gonna stop and when we realize this you know it says something as soon as the one who conquers will have his hair I'll be his God and he will be my son right and we know and with this passage here arise it's time for your light has come and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you for behold yes darkness does come to the earth and yes they darkness the people I mean that's where we are but look at the promise but the Lord will rise upon you and his glory will be seen upon you for what reason that nation shall come to your light and kings to the brightness of your eyes and just so you know in this passage in verse 18 Hamas should no longer be heard in your land devastation within your borders you shall call your walls you you sure of Jesus you should call your defense Jesus that's your defense right now we're trying to do this is and we should call our gates praise or hallelujah we'll be praising so we have that mentality going in we're gonna really understand what we're called it we're really called to be light in the dark world the darkness is going to be here with us nothing really we can do it with it to the world comes back but it does promise that he's with us at the end of the age and I really believe if we really get this mentality saying Lord I need more I need more he's gonna keep giving me more he's not gonna stop he's not gonna go have hearted right now we're as close to God as we want to be I mean has nothing to do with God not want to be close to us and really has to be with us want to be close to him and the more that we draw in the more we connect to this man the more we connect to what he wants us to do I think he's gonna go ahead and notice I think he's gonna go ahead and overwhelm us I think he's gonna overwhelm us with his understand of this knowing for what purpose the ushering the harves the world so I'm a pastor with sealers where actually how do you apply your spirit fresh and new and abundance to find every person here and I praise you often I thank you and the name of Jesus saying that but I think you lost your stream or something that would have yeah I got that put power on so oh okay well I have I have I have a stream for you okay great now listen I have to tell you much something my wife has a song it has 1.3 million views on you - oh yeah that's all right I was just right yeah it's really the first time that's ever happened to me so I think that I'm trying to remember if I did it here last year I think no are you sure it's been two years I think I was testing out some of my new songs for last year no but anyway we really shortly after that and it was just the right timing and I have been right around you know a little before you know I mean a little before October 7th but we happened to be there before that and it was more was already starting things were getting heated up and honestly people don't realize this because the world is just kind of getting to know it now but we've been living in the south for 20 years 20 years wait wait how do you guys say south Israel they think south and they think not go on anyway you're in the south not you ask I'm gonna say South America anyway but so this stuff has been going on this war has been going on for a long time and I mean ever since we've been there and the longer but people are just getting to know what happening now because of October 7th but we have been in several situations that were near misses with rockets while we were driving while we were standing where we're standing whether there's we were at a wedding once and we like a rocket hit very close to the place we were standing and you know the whole earth show we've been in another situation we were in the road where that happened so I mean there have been here missus and this has been going on for a long time ever since Israel gave goggles you know this is this is our reality we live that reality and it's hard to imagine here in America you know because you imagine like a rocket falls a few miles from here and you've got to call your friends and see that you know they're okay can you kid's heart is inconceivable right but this is the this is the reality that Israelis live every day and it's it's one of those things that like you can't you can't really describe it you know it's like living in trauma every day and you can't even you know you can't even breathe before something else happened that's them basically how it is and Israelis have learned to live that I mean when we were attacked by Iran I don't know if you remember that just a few whatever that was a few weeks ago you like a couple months ago I ran attacked Israel and there were several like all night long all you heard was the sirens going off and and boom and literally you know in Jerusalem in places you would never you know imagine and and the next day my dad she showed me a picture that he lives right outside the the main outdoor food market in Jerusalem it's called chukma use up and it's he lives like right there like you look out of this window on to the show so he took a picture from his window and everybody was shopping like nothing happened because it's just the reality that we live it's it's it's inconceivable anyway so I've got this phone called rise up and I don't know if you've heard it before I'm gonna say it and I feel like and not only oh there's another thing about this war it took me a long time to figure it out but war resonates with me and I wish I could say I wrote this song I didn't write it with a friend of mine since Daniel but something about these war songs it just I don't know it hits me a certain way and then I realized I was born on the young people war of 1973 in Tel Aviv my mother went into labor you know it's the holiest day of the year is known before it's a day where there's nothing you don't want you we don't listen to radio don't do anything you just go to the synagogue you walk back you don't eat and nobody drives you walk to your local synagogue so that's the day that they chose to attack it was surprise attack on Israel and I don't know how many of you know about that war but anyway my mother went into labor and I was born on that day and then 50 years to that day another war happened and and in like horrible things that you know have happened on October 7 that was my birthday my 50th birthday and so thank you all for saying yeah I'd like you know I was looking and it's not about me but I was looking for the Jubilee I was looking for the victory you know I've had some my own situations were all going through stuff I'm sure you know and I'm just looking for victory Lord my 50th year I'm gonna walk into this thing and this war happens on my birthday and you know it was just like earth shattering for me I was supposed to have this party I had to cancel everything and but the Lord spoke to me and he said you were born for battle those are the words you were born for battle and I believe that I really believe that I've always been my heart when I worship it's just battle and worship you know when you worship sometimes we think of it as just songs you know what I mean but really what are we doing we're focusing our mind on the Lord we are speaking words that you know are powerful I mean for most of these songs it's a war it's a war against our minds it's war against the enemy and the way he attacked I mean we need to learn how to war and worship so he he said to me you were born for battle and I believe that everybody in this room is born for battle you're born so why else are we here if it's not to battle for our friends and family for this lost world and I'm sure we can all agree that this world is getting more lost it seems by the day we're here to battle God had us be here for such a time of this and then he ruined incidentally that is the name of my ministry loved mom for such a time of this so anyway I came out with this song and it was released at just the right time and before I knew it there were a million views and now it's just like it's going way faster now got it 300,000 years since it was a million very recently and so I'm gonna ask you to worship with me hallelujah thank you Lord yeah right up oh God of the into army come second song me and I'm me by the by the by king and he's ever right up my bow right up my bow God of the angels our men can tell me it out to me yeah right up right up my king and he's ever right up my bow and we say kuma kuma ha don't know I don't need to ride the horse oh my god you are mighty in battle Lord my in war you are mighty in battle Lord my King you are right up right up with healing you wings make no way there is no way hey right up right up free life fits you life was hit right up right now right up my hero and defender I think to you won't be shaken by the mind up with justice and liberation by the by the whole thing is kuma ha don't die kuma ha don't die kuma ha don't you are mighty in battle Lord my in war you are mighty in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord my in battle Lord I never dreamed in my whole life that I would be doing this never dreams I was a you know a lost hour in school I was horribly and terribly and brutally in school you know when I became a believer and I started worshiping I didn't even know I could think that's part of my testimony I didn't even know that I had that and I began worshiping the Lord that's where I discovered that that he gifted me in this and I never I mean if you would have told me that this is what I'd be doing full time in my life is traveling and sharing you know the depth of what what God has done in my life I would never believe that anyway this song this song is called and I did write this one and I didn't know I could write either and I didn't know I could record and produce things I bet you there's people in here that don't even realize the gifts that are within you I'm serious adults too I'm little one you don't even realize that God has given you gifts to share with this world this is why we're here we're here to fight for our people we're here to fight for Israel we're here to fight for our friends and family we're here to fight for the victory and in the world right now we're here to fight for salvation and we're here to use our gifts to draw people to him that's what we that's what God has given each of us gifts otherwise I think we wouldn't be here so anyway didn't know I could do any of these things and the Lord I mean a million and like 300,000 but who's counting I don't know it's just crazy you know but God you know he gives good gifts and he does that for a reason so amen he gets all the glory to you better make sure if you do discover your gifts that you're giving him the glory and you take it for yourself and you're doing well that you know what I'm saying hello to you um this song is called Awake My School or Killer Land this is from the last couple years of touring here who we were saying and we did not forsake our bondage you would step in mercy to us to revive us to repair the house of God to rebuild us oh and we were guilty of community helpless and captivity we forsaken your ways but with a mighty and an outstretched arm you and you are there. we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways. we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways and we forsaken your ways so we can confess, we weep, we trungle, we bow down, we fast, we mourn, we separate ourselves from the holyness offering the sacrifice of praise, oh yes we gather and sing, we wait we struggle, we bow down, we fast, we mourn, we separate ourselves from the holyness offering the sacrifice of praise, we gather to the back, we wait, we struggle, we bow down, we fast, we mourn, we separate ourselves from the holyness offering the sacrifice of praise, oh, we pray our way. Is it us to care? You feel yourself to care, you turn us to you, you're our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, we fight our way, 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