Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

Guest Speaker George Whitten worthy News .com - 2024/07/11

Israeli-born Baht Rivka Whitten is an accomplished musician, recording artist and worship leader. Her unique sound is comprised of both original songs and traditional Israeli melodies fused with powerful mid-eastern vocals, clever lyrics and rhythms from around the world.

George is the founder of Worthy news .com bringing current events

1h 2m
Broadcast on:
11 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

- All those who are walking around, they'll let there must be a hundred, fifty-five and an old team set everywhere. And they wait for the rain to see the rain, and then when the people reach, they're all running around, lozying the golf cart. - Hello. - I'm good. How are you doing there? - Good gracious, good to see you. That's why I'm here. - Good to see you. (indistinct chatter) (indistinct chatter) (indistinct chatter) (indistinct chatter) (indistinct chatter) (indistinct chatter) - Right in the middle, huh? - Yeah. (indistinct chatter) - Oh, Charlottesville's mine, sir. The traffic's getting worse, sir. (indistinct chatter) - Pardon? - You remember the traffic? No? - I remember the traffic. 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It is going to deal with Shiite Islam. And the reason why this particular world will be more devastating than others. And what I've been telling people is because when we actually strike Iran, it will set up whatever shiites terrorists that are lone wolf terrorists in the US and around the world. It's not just here. It's going to happen everywhere. And the concern I have is when I lived in Washington D.C. This is 2002. I used to work at a Christian coalition. And when I worked at the Christian coalition, there was a guy named John Malgo that literally lied in the back of a sedan while someone was driving out and literally shot people randomly shot people at a gas station at a 7-11 or whatever. And it went on for three weeks. Every time there's a shooting, everything was paralyzed. But can you imagine if there was a hundred of those kind of terrorists that were just lone wolf terrorists all over the world? It would literally paralyze the entire world. And so I don't think that these lone wolf terrorists are waiting for a phone call. I think they're waiting for an event. And you have to understand the inside of Islam, there's two sects of Islam. There's shiites and their students. Junis are the actual ancestors from Muhammad. They're basically based in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, they're Arabs. But right around the ninth century, there was a faction that separated itself called shiite Islam. And shiite Islam believes that the Arabs had contaminated Islam. And they believe that they're the ones that are going to usher in the true face of Islam because they're remaining pure to the cause. But they're not actually direct descendants of Muhammad. So if you talk to an Iranian, they will not say they're Arab. They will call themselves Persian. And it's a very strong distinction because inside of Islam, there's these two factions. All of Islam, they believe that a caliphate is coming to the entire world. They believe that Islam's going to take over the entire world. But Junis don't want to serve under a shiite or a shiite king. And shiites don't want to serve under a shiite king. So there's actually a kind of a war between Sunni Islam and shiite Islam. And why there's an alliance right now with Saudi Arabia and Israel, or what they're trying to set up in alliance, is because it's all these shooting nations that want to side with Israel. Why? Because actually, they want Israel to deal with shiite Islam. And then they, what I believe that are anticipated is this war that's between Israel and the shiite Islam, that Israel's going to be set up to devastate them as soon as we're just coming at the end and clean everything up. That's kind of my thought process of how it may play out. But the bottom line is that shiites, once Israel goes into Lebanon and once Israel goes into Iran, which is kind of something that probably has to happen soon enough. That's going to actually unleash all these lone wolf terror attacks. And it's not just the US, it's literally all over Europe. The whole world would go in complete craziness. It's not necessarily a bad thing. I'm going to explain why, because I think there's a lot of things happening there happening. Now, at the same time that Israel gets hit, they get hit with all these drones in Iran, so Israel retaliates, and they use this very high sophisticated missile. I believe they use a missile called Rampage, but we actually don't know which missile they use, but they have this high tech technology that they can launch a missile and basically, hypertonic speeds and hit something the size of, you know, basically a basketball. And what they did was they took out, when we're striking inside of Iraq, inside of Syria, before they struck, we actually hit all the radar installations. Yeah, actually, they had no eyes. That's what they hit. They hit these radar installations and they basically showed Iran, we can issue any time we want and there's nothing you can do about it. So that's kind of what took place, but now that that's coming up. Now, right now, we're dealing with it, we're dealing with this Islamic entity called Hamas. Now, what's interesting is the world doesn't even realize it's in the middle of a test. We're literally being tested every day as a test, right? But what's interesting is the Lord tests the righteous, right? So when Jesus goes and he has his test, he has, he was tested 40 days in the wilderness. Most of the world doesn't realize they're in the middle of a test. That's why they're failing the test questions. We get pop quizzes all the time. Your tire blows up. That's kind of like a pop quiz. How will you respond, right? We don't look at it that way, but that's kind of what's happening. So the Lord tests the righteous, but look at what it says. It says, but it so hates the one who loves a violence. The word violence, the word violence, the word violence, the word violence. It literally is the word that's used for the terrorists. The same word that's used in Genesis 6 got, you know, the world was filled with Hamas. When it said it was filled with violence, the guy was going to destroy the world in the days of no. It's because it was filled with Hamas. Then you'll see this word come up used over and over again. So right now, we're in the middle of a test, but the thing is, we're flying most of the churches failing the test. And why the world's failing? If they shouldn't be, because there really isn't open book tests. If we're failing the test, because we're in the book, it says we win. I mean, that's the bottom line. We win it again. So there's a lot of things going on. So people ask, what do I think should happen inside of Gaza? Well, the first thing you have to understand is that, well, the first thing you've got to understand is you can't trust anything you read on the Internet. It's several words. This is an article, right? Talking about the only church, God's Baptist, in the state of what does this say in the state of Palestine. This is a Palestinian state. You want this to go a little out of your hour? No. Now, let's begin. There you go. Let's turn it up a little. It's okay. It's a Palestinian state of Palestine. This is a Palestinian state. This is what you're doing. This is what you're talking about, the information. That's the full of lies. What people don't understand is that there's only three churches in all of Gaza. Now, we've been doing animations tonight, tonight. And this is how we did in 2007. We were trying in Christians when Hamas took over the Gaza Strip. They literally hunted down every missionary. And they killed all the missionaries in Gaza. That they were pushing by a Bible as a Bible society. This part of Christians was going to be directed at the Gaza Strips, and then Christian festivals from dead. Three months into a Hamas's take over. Can you imagine a place in the world, 2.2 million people that only have access to a Bible? Can you place the Bible inside a dozen? So if you could imagine why, I believe we need to deal with Hamas, it's because, quite frankly, the gospel needs to go there. God says he's died for it. And he's going to redeem me where we're at a nation tribe and tongue. Well, I have to say, this is probably quite a few tribes in Gaza that Gaza is trying to reach. So I believe that God's going to go ahead and open up the door for really a lot of Christian NGOs to go in to help rebuild, to share the gospel. I think that this whole thing that's happening right now is kind of a great reset. Now, the other thing that's happening is that the newspaper just believes everything that Moss tells them. One had a situation where, through executive work, there was at a hospital court hit. And that started right outside of Lebanon, outside of Beirut, outside of Mont Jordan, outside of Turkey, outside of U.S. embassies, outside of Israeli embassies. But it was all fabricated. It was completed in lies. Well, we found out, if you were following my program channel, I was actually watching Al Jazeera. What happened? They fired a missile. It was about a job fired a missile. One of the missiles misfired. Twenty percent of the rock was so fired out of Gaza. Don't leave Gaza. They actually misfired. This rocket misfired. They hit a hospital parking lot. Twenty were injured. Not 500 people dead. Twenty were injured. But they couldn't have been grabbed as though it was true. The New York Times, the CNN, everything. Just watching a Moss press conference. That's not very big. That's actually, the press conference looks like with a Moss. They're terrorists. Get the media truss. Everything they say. They're lawyers. I mean, they can't even show their faces. Okay. So, you know, that's one thing. So, what that's actually led to is this rise of anti-Semitism. I mean, now we have hatred for Jews all over. Because they think that the Jews before walls were getting rid of terrorists. And so, now we have this rise against anti-Semitism. It's actually a good film or prophecy. Because in Jeremiah, it talks about our first prank with fishermen. And he's talking about drawing Jews people back home. Now, when you think about fishing, you know, you throw a net. You go with a fisherman. No, I realize I am in South Jeremiah. I'm not talking about dynamite fishing. We're talking about normal fishing. You take it to the right. You draw a back. Take a net. You throw them in. The benefits is that they're hunters. And they'll drive them back home. What's that? That's the rise of anti-Semitism. And now we're seeing the levels like New York City. It's okay. It's the same like New York City. Two birds of Jews in New York City feel unsafe now in New York City. What's going to happen is that there's going to be a mass, you know... When we have emigration, people come. Emigration is when people leave. We're going to have a lot of emigration. A lot of Jews living in the United States. A lot of Jews living in Great Britain. A lot of Jews living in France to be driven back home. So that's what's happening. What we're seeing now is this rise of anti-Semitism to fulfill this prophecy. Now, we'll continue on. So we're going to go ahead and we have to understand that one of the test questions that go on on right now, says, "You've got a test in the world." He's actually using the Jewish people to test. And here it was in Esther's day. A very interesting thing. Mordecai says something very prominent to Esther. One of these things is so interesting because he says, "Look, if you remain completely silent this time, leave from the Jews for a rise from another place." Meaning that God's plan was going to happen with or without Esther. God didn't need Esther to protect the Jewish people. But Esther was alive at a certain point in time and she was out of position that God placed her in and gave her a pest question. And she passed it with wine colors. We're at the same place. And most of the church doesn't understand why we're called to love Israel and why we're called to love the Jewish people. You know, it's very strange to me to watch on TV people that said they love Jesus and hate the Jews. It's an oxymoron. It doesn't make sense. When it says clearly in Romans to the Jew first, this gospel goes, and then to the Gentile. And it's not that to elevate one or the other. It was never that way because God doesn't see a different difference between Jew and Gentile. But the reality is the plan of God had this directive. And somehow or another, the church is missing a test question. But actually this is a test question of how God is getting ready to do this last days harvest. And I'll explain what I'm talking about. So right now what Israel is finding out is who his true friends are. You know, it says in Proverbs of friend loves all time, but a brother loves at times of adversity. And what they find out is that we as believers are not just friends, but actually you're true family. And that's what's going to draw him into the kingdom, going to continue on. Now what this place is in prophecy, it's a very unique thing. You know, when Peter preaches this word, you know, he doesn't really... You know, if you kind of go back to the days of Peter, I'm going to kind of... I want to draw this analogy because I think it's so important. I think that we try to figure it out perfectly, but in reality we don't really understand as much as we think we understand. And I'll give you an example, right? When Peter was walking, you know, the disciples are walking with Jesus. He literally tells them, "I'm going to die, and after three days I'm going to rise again." And Peter says to them, "No, you're not a Lord. Don't you know you're the Messiah?" And then he literally says to them, "Get thee behind me, Satan!" You don't think anyone would have figured it out was Peter. But then Peter denies them, right? He denies them three times, you know. When he goes and dies on the cross, you know, they're freaking out, they're hiding. When he resurrects from the dead, they run to the tomb. Hey, I wonder what happened. When he reads it from the dead, when he first sees them, Luke says, "It's a spirit! It's a death!" That's what they were told beforehand, that they still didn't get it. In the first century, they had such a box. The Jews were at such a box of how Jesus was supposed to come. But when he actually showed up, they missed it. And they missed what they were supposed to do. My concern is that we've already put Jesus in a box of how he's coming back a second time. That we've actually missed what we're actually supposed to do. Because we're so fixated on this box of how we're supposed to come back. Instead of fixated on what we're supposed to do. So I'm actually going to focus on more of what we're supposed to do than what I think is coming. That makes sense. Because I think there's really this deep parallel that's happening. I think that things are being set up in the last days in such a way that we're going to get to the kingdom. We'll be like, that's just what he meant by this passage. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. That'll be the sign in heaven. Oh, we think we figured it out. But in reality, there's a lot of things we're going to find out how wrong we were. But the thing is, when he preaches this word, here is in Japha. When Japha is in Japha, you know, it's about three years after the resurrection. And he had this dream. And he realized that the centurion comes into the kingdom. And what was shocking to them wasn't that they came to the kingdom. This Japha hasn't come into the kingdom before. What was shocking to them is they were said to get the Holy Spirit. That's what was shocking. They were like, "Hey, Japha, what's going on here?" And when Peter comes back to Jerusalem, the Jews confronted him. Then they were going to have, "Well, how dare you share this?" And then they had to explain the whole dream. And then the Jews were going to pray, God, that the doors were opened up to the Gentiles. So now they have this whole meaning that the Jews are getting together. And the first time, "What do we do with all these Gentiles that believe?" They're trying to figure out what's interesting. At the end of the day, we got a bunch of Gentiles. And then we got a bunch of Jewish believers coming to the kingdom. And we're trying to, "What do they need to believe?" It's kind of strange, you know, like twist, but that's how it is. But in the first century, you know, here's the passage that James stands up at that million. It says, "The actors are a ten-hour group, a sense of David that is fallen out of those wounds and excluded. That the one that may come and seek the word of all the Gentiles are called by my name, says the Lord who makes these things known from his old." That's how the Creator is James and he calls him this passage. What we understand about this passage is that that's not the full passage. But the passage actually continues to go 14 and 15. That's Amos 11 and 12, this is 14 and 15. And I went back to cats and my people, and they said, "We've got voices and they're happening. We should plan dinners and drink the wine. They can't make ones and they prefer to repent in the land and they should never get the upper level ended up giving them." In the first century, we were already in the land. This didn't apply. We were already in the land. We were already in the top of us to bear. The fabric is a straight and 70 AD that calls the Jews who would be just pushed all over the place. So 11 and 12 is the Gentiles connected to something. And that's 14 and 15 is the Jewish people connected to something. And what's interesting about this connection is that that's what they showed reproductive voices in the city. I live in the city of Arad. Arad was in the city. It was a waste city. It was rebuilt in 1963 for 2,000 years. There was no city. We built in 1963. I've had an eye out in the desert. There's a vineyard. That's the three minutes, four minutes from the city of Arad. There are now, you know, greenhouses all over the desert. And the other thing is they should not be up here on the land. So that's why we repainted in. They're not going to be uprooted out. So despite what everyone thinks that Israel is not going to be there, it's going to be there. And it became a passage of 2014. See, 11 and 12 is connected to something. In Hebrew, it's called chasm. Chasm is telling the story forwards and backwards to figure out what the middle verse is or the middle passage. Because that's what the focus is on. And the focus of this passage is this one. And what it causes is like prophetic poetry. If you can understand poetry written by a prophet, this would be, the other day's coming closer than the planets that overtake the paper. The chalecrapes of him, this is the seed. The mountains should give us 3-1. When do mountains group 1, right? And there's a place up there with it. So it's talking about something. And it's talking about an harvest. It's talking about an urban harvest. So much said that the mountains are just overwhelmed with the harvest. So many people are still focused on how it's going to come back. And so it's focused on the purpose of what we're called in the last days. And that's what I believe is the purpose of everything. It's the harvest of the world. This is a population curve of the world at the time, from the time of Jesus. And this is all here in 2001, not 8 billion people. But let's say a 1 minute. And let's just use a 1 minute, 10%. I'm not saying only 10% can say that it's just ease your math. And the time that changes the population of the world is about 10 million. Let's say a 1 minute back, let's get in and say, this is 20 million. Well, it'll be 20 million all the way up to the year 1,000. 1,000 will get 400 million. So running out of that will be 40 million. We actually can't get a place to get in people to 8, 10, 80 here. The running out of that will be like 100 million. Well, now we'll get out of the tower at 8 billion. And I think our generation will actually get a double running. Well, what do I mean by that? I believe that God has set it up. So it's going to take one faith not to believe that it does to believe. Because the evidence is overwhelming. When we get to Dead Sea Scrolls, we know the Bible is true. It hasn't changed in 2,000 years. And the scroll that was left untouched was the scroll by there. And Isaiah, if you don't know, this is known as the Gospel to the Jews. It's the Gospel of the Old Testament. The entire chapter, everything about the kingdom coming, everything about the Messiah, everything about his purpose, his cause, why he came. Everything is all short of it. And that is a book that was left untouched for 2,000 years. So we know exactly, I can go ahead and lead a Jewish person to the Lord without even leaving the Book of Isaiah. And that's the book they left preserved, completely preserved intact. Then you start looking at scientific evidence, start looking at all the overwhelming evidence that tells us that there's a creator. The overwhelming evidence that's possibly being fulfilled. The overwhelming evidence that the Lord talked about the last days is actually happening. So now I think that our running is not going to be 800 million. I think that's going to be way up here. Now if you can imagine this, this champion becoming the king. I think it's going to cause a remnant of every generation before us combined. They actually make better the remnant. More life for the greatest harvest the world has ever had. And God is looking for reapers. And I believe that he's using the Israel question to figure out who is going to pour out an abundant anointing to draw on this last days harvest. I want to show you something. So in that passage here, it's a very unique passage. You know, this is when Peter produces the word. He picks up Joel 28. And you get baptized in the Spirit. It's kind of a strange thing. If you think about the apostles, and how much of a royal coach did the ride they were on for those 50 days? Here was the Lord he died, and the Lord did die. You rose again. You rose again. Well, you rose out alive. Great, let's set the kingdom down. Now take it off. What? You just rose again from the dead. Oh, we're setting up the kingdom. Now take it off. What is this to do? Well, let's just say it to your jewel pal from one eye. What's happening? Will you find out? I think that's kind of where we are. But what do you get ready to do? I'm not sure exactly what's coming. But I know your word is perfectly true. But I believe that there's another out there in the Spirit for one purpose to reap in the harvest of the world. It's not for signs and wonders. And maybe they just follow those that believe that that whole thing is all true. But the real purpose of why God annoys us is to reach people of the gospel. And I believe that this is coming. Well, look at this passage here. When he reaches this worthy, he gets a deal with power. Peter says, look, this is what's happening in Joel. But the passage in Joel actually begins in verse 1 and 3. We call out our children to see them. And we're just in the order to call for these. Give me them every way for communication. We're going to have the abundant ring, the early and the latter ring. This is the latter ring, not close. Now, I'm going to jump into a thought process. What most people realize is how fast the gospel is exploding now. Because we get in this mindset of America and America is in this post-Christian era. And we think, oh my goodness, America is doomed. Well, I think what's happening in America is actually kind of what happened in China. And I know this is difficult for anyone to understand. The gospel did not explode in China until communism concluded. I know this is crazy. In the 1900, there was about 100,000 or so believers. Right? But now Massey-Tun took over China in 1949. In 1933, by 1953, he had to actually expel 80,000 missionaries. And then the missionaries backed. And I said, we're going to go ahead and finish off the rest of these Chinese believers. They thought they were going to be able to stamp out Christianity. That is what drove the church underground and exploited not over 100 million believers. The comments took over. They thought he won. And I think of this as a negative, but we understand that God's got a plan bigger than us. And what we do, what we're called to do, has nothing to do with it. Government allows us and doesn't allow us. Because right now, the communists aren't allowing, or try not to allow Christianity to explode. And they can't do anything but to help. They can't always sit on the sidelines and watch it explode. There's not just that. There was 19,000,000 believers. That was over 380,000,000. And Valkyrie, this is the very interesting thing to happen here. If you studied the Korean situation, Pyongyang, which is the capital of North Korea today, and Ken Jong-un, his grandparents were elders of Presbyterian Church when there was a Presbyterian revival in 1907. In 1907, there were more churches in Pyongyang than stores. And they literally called it the Jerusalem of the East with the nickname for Pyongyang, where North Korea is. Now, for those that studied history, what you'll find out is that the Japanese came and invaded the Korean Peninsula at, right around 1910. And they basically cut out every native tree. They tried to worse them all to speak Japanese. They tried to overtake them. In World War II, the reason why you have a lot of hostility, why you hear about North Korea buying rockets over Japan, is because what happened was, there was 100,000 Korean women that were taken into the brothels. To his service, Japanese men during World War II. That's why this is hostility. Well, in 1945, the Communists came in, the Democratic Party of Korea, under the guise of communism. Does that sound like anything today? And what happened was, the Communists had taken over in 1945, and this started the war between the United States, seeing what was taken place, jumps into the war, tries to see what was taken place, they jumped into the war, and basically we had a dividing line, right down the Korean Peninsula. Now, what was interesting about the Korean Peninsula is, the Communists were attacking Christians so much, that the believers in Pyongyang were forced out and around south. It's not like Jerusalem. Jerusalem, by 70 AD, early by 69, 68 AD, there were no believers left in Jerusalem. They all fled before Titus came. But he understood the words of Jesus when he said when you see the armies around Jerusalem, 3,000, and they fled, there was actually no believers left in Jerusalem, but what happened was God allowed it to happen to call up the gospel to explode. Same thing took place in Korea's. Both were forced out of Pyongyang, they go south, and those were from 1% of the population's believers in 1900, and now almost 30% of South Korea are believers. And they think that, you know, all things work together for good. But we had the same thing happen out of Iran. Out of all those lessons about 100 South believers in 1994, and that's the fastest growing church in the world. So God's got to hold the men going on inside of Iran, that we don't quite understand yet, but they're just going to fit into this equation. So right now we see this worldwide. We're doing a $100,000,000 to over $2 billion today. Now, we're posting something. Now, I've never met a woman that I love giving birth. I wish that I could actually let the birthing process last for days. I mean, today women don't know what I can give it. I'll just take the C section, please. They don't even want to give birth. And here we are, we're believers, and we're living in time, the birthing of the kingdoms coming. And we're screaming, "Ah!" Well, it's kind of what happens when you get birth, "Ah!" "You know, they had to do this?" "Well, yes!" Because we're birthing something as big. And he says in Isaiah, "Once I start this birth, just stop it." And everyone's trying to stop the birth. The birth is coming. And one of the birth is the kingdom. It's not the end of the world. It's supposed to have a kingdom. It's not doom and gloom. A kingdom is coming. And we're all looping. "Ah!" But there's something that happens before a baby gives birth. That most of the church is understanding. The birth, this birth, there's no water-breaking moment. The God gives us a natural understanding to give us spiritual insight. And when I talk about this line of rain, I believe it's a water-breaking. And it's for one purpose. To us and the harvest of the world. Without water-bakes. Do the contractions stop? No! It's not the worst time! It's the worst time! You know, so here we are. We're birthing ourselves. Lord, where are you? You know, we're in the end of Jesus in the boat. He's sleeping. But he's sleeping. Lord, don't you see that we perish? You know that? He says, "Oh, you little faith, the comsees." Okay. Wow. Well, that was quick. I think that's kind of what's coming. Right now we're screaming. Lord, are you all asleep? He says, "Oh, you little faith." I've got something coming. Just got to go through this. You know, so I understand this whole Israel question. Because I really do believe it's key. See, in this passage here, it says, "And I will pour upon that." This thing, I will pour upon afterward on all flasters. Such as your daughter, so proud to say, "Your old men should dream dreams, your old young men should see visions." This passage here was used at the beginning of the age. Right? If you think about the passage, it doesn't conclude until one. So the moon is red. This is the passage for the whole age. But for what purpose? Well, here was Peter. He preaches this word. 3,000 Jewish souls come into the kingdom. And this whole harvest is going. It says, "This gospel must reach to the end." And then the end shall come. This gospel must reach to the end of the earth. Then the gospel, then the end will come. So here we are right at this place. So now we have this word that takes place. Now, the irony about this war, it happens on a specific day. Now I've got all kinds of emails telling me, you know, "Let me know how it allowed it." You know, forget who allowed it, who didn't allow it. God allowed it. And God allowed it on a specific day. This is called the Simkop Torah War. Now, Simkop Torah is the eighth day of the Feast of Tarot Acts. Okay, it's a very solemn date. The number eight in Hebrew or the number eight in just the understanding is new beginnings, resurrection, something new. This particular date, why is called Simkop Torah? The Jewish people read the Torah scrolls from Genesis and they read all the way through Deuteronomy. And on Simkop Torah, they started in Genesis over again. That's the beginning of reading the beginning of the Torah from Genesis. All the way through Deuteronomy. And that's what happens in a yearly cycle. Now, this particular world takes that, not only does it happen on Simkop Torah, which is especially the great festival rejoicing, it also happens on the 50-year anniversary of the Yom Kippur War. Yom Kippur means Jubilee. Well, Jubilee means all things start over, everything's new. If you have any debt, it's completely forgiven. You'll start all over, spread new. And God allows those words to take place on a specific day. When Peter won't win one, when this word takes place, the huge revival is taking place around the world. The Nicaragua, which is basically a communist nation now, they had a crusade over 650,000 people, tens of thousands were getting baptized. If you've been following Word of the News, the Nicaraguan government is trying to stop the revival. They're literally arresting pastors, religion, missionaries, they're arresting everyone they can find. What I believe is coming is not a revival. See, revival happens within a church, within a denomination, you know, it happens in an area. What I believe is coming is an awakening. An awakening transcends the nomination lines. An awakening transcends everything, and the rising time this all shifts. I think that's what's coming. It's coming all across, and this is just a glimpse of it. But we also have huge other things that Muslims now are coming to faith in ways that we can even understand. They're having dreams about the Lord, they're having visions, I'm not sure if I have that, oh, I don't have it. I want to tell you this story, I could not find another source to verify the story. That's why they cover no more than news. They had two different stories from two different media outlets, about two different kids in Turkey. There was this situation where there was a few earthquakes that happened on the Turkish border, and kids were being pulled out of a rubble, a rubble weak under the rubble, ten days under the rubble. And they said, "How in the world did you live?" "You didn't have water, you haven't." And they said, "No, no, no. There was a man of white that gave me water and gave me food." And when I was scared and nervous, he sang to me. They were literally having a visitation by Jesus. But I think this was happening all over the world. Well, this right here, who remembers that Jesus, who has a lot of 967? I know that you four, but you may be. So in 1967, you're back there, we're in 967? So I've just seen who's older than I am, that's all. Okay. So in 1967, here was this movie. Now, what's interesting is that Jesus' revolution, when it comes out, the church didn't know what to do with these hippies. That, they're like, "What do I do with these hippies?" They come to faith. I believe there's a precursor about something. I'll explain what it means. If you read the Time magazine article, you know, it's for that. That's the sixth thing, it's God dead. So you would say, "Oh, I'm not going to start as dead." You know, you hear all the reports, you know, the church is dead, the church is dead, the church is dead. No, the church is not shrinking. The false church is being exposed. The church church is blocking me. And so what you have is the situation where, at that time, this revival breaks out. And in the Time magazine, it was an interesting thing because it said that these hippies were looking for our father figure. They had trouble in the house, and they looked at Jesus as someone that set the rules and the boundaries, and they loved them unconditionally. And what they were searching for is love, joy, and peace. It's the very fundamental of life. Well, if you understand this, back then, these were young kids. And now these young kids are over. And now these kids came in with dreams. And now I think that God's going to pour out upon them. They got then set up this retired generation to sit on silence. God set up this retired generation to actually raise up a whole generation of kids today. That are without parents. And I know this is crazy, but I think some of the biggest revival is going to happen within the LGBTQ+ movement. I think once they realize our identity is not found in this crazy whatever, and they realize who Jesus really is, what happens when they come to faith? That's going to shake the whole world upside down. But God says that before the criminal board, he would turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, the hearts of the children back to the fathers. I think that the reason why God set up that revival in 1967 and 1973 was not for that season. At that time, there were no fathers. The church didn't know what to do with these hippies. And I think a lot of those hippies now are much more mature now. They've raised their kids. Now they have a lot more time. And when all these people come in, like droves, I think that at any time it's being compressed. I think that the harvest that we think about, when Peter preached the word in 3000 came to faith, I think we're coming to the days when 30,000 are coming in a day, or 300,000 are coming in a day. I think that at the time it's being compressed, everything's going to happen exponentially. Well, I think that what's coming is this major move. I'm going to venture into a topic I normally don't talk about, but I have all the time in the world, so I'll go ahead and venture into it. Everyone's trying to figure out when the seven years of tribulation are going to start. I once focused on these seven years of trib and we're trying to figure out that, because then that tells us when we're out of here, and we're trying to figure out how we get out of here. I think the time of Joseph is very key to understanding the last days. In a Jewish mindset, they actually look at, they see the scripture, and they say, "Oh, there's a suffering Messiah, and there's a king Messiah." So there must be two Messiahs coming. They actually believe in Messiah Ben Joseph, Mashiach Ben Yosef, and Mashiach Ben David. They had his two visions, because it doesn't make sense. What we understand is one Messiah has come twice. He came first as a subject survey, and he's coming back as a reigning king. That's how we understand, but the Jews have this concept. There must be two Messiahs coming, because the churches don't seem to match. Well, Joseph is a picture of Messiah, and here was what's interesting. Before Joseph's brothers come back, they actually have to be without food. Their supplies would have lasted one or two or three years. Once they ran out of food, they went to Egypt to look for food. That's when they run into Joseph, who doesn't look, they can't recognize him. He's got Egyptian marble, and he doesn't look Jewish. They don't know that he's his brother. It's kind of like Jesus today. Jesus didn't celebrate Christmas, he passed over. You got a boat set right there. You want to kill it? Again, kill it. Sorry, bye-bye. What is distracting me? So what happens is, Joseph was white. He was in Egypt. It's the nations. When he's in the nations, there was the dream. There was seven leaners and seven main harvest years. I think that this outpouring to rush in the harvest of the world is a seven year sunken. I think it's this incredible amount of time. It may not be seven years, maybe three and a half years. It doesn't really matter, but the point was, the dream was that the harvest was so abundant. They were getting more grain than they ever had. In preparation for seven years of dryness. I think everyone's too focused on the seven years of trip. They're forgetting the harvest. That's really the point I'm trying to make, is that I believe we're alive for this harvest. This harvest that's going to be an overwhelming abundant. Well, there was this interesting article that came out in January 2023. It says, "Through your son's 2000 pilgrimage road prepared for modern revival." Well, what happened was in 2012, outside of the dungate, they were digging and they dug down and they actually discovered the pilgrimage road. The pilgrimage road is the road that connects the pools, you know, to the temple now. This is a road that had to be traveled because everyone, before they go into the temple, you had to get a big buck. You couldn't just walk into the temple. You had to actually be submerged. You actually had to be clean. You couldn't just walk into the temple. Now, when I first get to Israel, so we're now digging out this biblical poolsalom. When I first get to Israel in 2000, here's the, I go to this day, dig, dig, the tree. The tree guy, the guy, he shows me this thing about three feet wide, about 20 feet long. He says, "This is the first one." And I went down and said, "That is not the pool of soil." And he looks at me and he says, "Well, you'll look, you're a gentile. You know, I've been a tree guy for 20 years. How do you know that's not the pool of soil?" I said, "I tell you why." Alba Ersham wrote a book called The Times in Life on the Side. It's basically a 500-page book. A Jewish believer wrote this book at The Times in the Side, and it indicated that there was three children's feasts. There was Passover, Pentecost, and Tabernacles. Every Jew would have been required to go to Jerusalem. Every Jewish man would have been required to go to Jerusalem. There would be over a million people, over a million people at least. Jewish people decided that it was two million. Jerusalem is packed full of people. And everyone had to get a big vote before we went in. And I looked at him and said, "If you've got a 10 people getting that one, then the 11th person will want to get them to be so furry." There's no way that a million people went into that little thing. You haven't found it yet. Well, here we are. We're digging out this pool right now. And what people don't understand is that this is the actual preliminary church of the right. This is what we're digging out now. And the size of it is an acre and a quarter in size. This is the size of an Olympic-sized swimming pool. This is a giant pool. The string of Gishon fills this. Now I'm going to take you on a little adventure here. I don't have biblical proof of this. This is my thought. When Peter preached the word, and 3,000 Jewish people came to faith, they all baptized. If you think they were baptized in the little hot tub, I don't think so. I think they just made the symbols that this came back down to where they got immersed before they came into the temple. Walk right back down and get immersed. Now, that's not pretty logical, right? I mean, it's not that crazy. So this is where the church began. This is where the harvest began. And if you understand it, God is cyclical. I believe what's actually happening right now with the Jewish people don't realize is they're actually digging out, ready. They're baptismed pool for the nation. See, it says, I'm not sure if I have it. Okay. In Zachariah it says, "And they shall look upon me, whom they pierced." Look, people ask, "How is all this we're going to get seen?" Well, you know, Zachariah tells us that God was upon the house of David upon the house of Jerusalem. It sounds like Jews, the spirit of Christ's publication. It sounds like the output of God's Spirit, and they shall look upon me, whom they pierced. That's the vision of Jesus. If you had a vision of Jesus, how could you not believe? But once they believe, what do you think they would get baptized? Well, you need a baptismal place to baptize that many people. Oh my goodness! We're digging it out! So people don't understand, but now this biblical pool of saloon is very much connected to something. Now, I talked about this day, Simkapura. Simkapura is this festival. Now, for those that don't know Shukot, Shukot is actually my favorite holiday. For eight straight days, you're not allowed to be upset. You're only, you're commanded to be joyful, rejoice, be happy for eight days. You're not allowed to be in it. So I love these eight days because, you know, I can't really get in trouble with it, huh? For eight days, oh, honey, it's Shukot. Sorry. You have to wait for the day. Now, maybe all that anger is stored up because... Anyway, for those eight days, that's Shukot, you got to be happy. I'm sorry. What about Shukot is the vessel of the water drawing. And as the guys said that Shukot, these seven days are leaning up to the great day, Simkapura. The vessel of the water drawing, the hot breeze goes down and it takes the water. Everyone gets to make fun. Everyone's walking up the step road. The road that we're already dug out. We actually, you can walk up the road now, the Jesus walk. All the disciples walk, everyone walks. And they have this thing. They would be singing this song from Isaiah 12. Now, the word salvation is word, Yeshua, Jesus is His Heber name. So this verse is actually, "Behold, God is mine, Yeshua. I will trust and not be afraid. For Lord God is my strength and my Son. Here's to become mine, Yeshua. We change our waters from the walls of Yeshua." That's what's happening. They're singing this, going up. There's a million people in the temple now, if you can imagine. And what is happening is they're singing this other song. The song that I just mentioned comes from Psalm 118. And in Psalm 118, we see this all gone. Blessed is the king that is coming to the Lord. Peace and heaven and glory of the highest. Hosanna to the son of David. Blessed is he who comes to the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. So this is Psalm 118. This is what said on the Hosanna about the great Hosanna, the great salvation. This works right now in Hebrews, Hoshiana. Hoshiana, I beseech the O Lord. [BLANK_AUDIO]