Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

Tuesday Night Bible Study/Running the spiritual race. - 2024/07/09

The Key to the spiritual life is not our sincerity good intentions or works. The Key is in the abiding. where are you on any given moment in your walk with the Lord

1h 25m
Broadcast on:
09 Jul 2024
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That top circle, you're secured in your salvation. And so you're outside of the boundaries of a relationship with Lord. Remember one of the characteristics of being in this circle. Not only abiding, but being filled with the Holy Spirit. And that being filled with the Holy Spirit is meaning that you're under the control, under the subordination of God, the Holy Spirit. The, how do I explain that better? You, at any particular time, let's say this. At any particular time, you are either under the dictates of your flesh, your sinful flesh, your carnal way, or you're under the authority of God, the Holy Spirit. One or the other is controlling the direction of your life. One or the other. At any given time, when this happened, when a personal sin, and it could come with distraction, it may come-- there's so much to talk about this. As far as filling up the Holy Spirit, let's go to Galatians. Turn with me to Galatians for a moment, Galatians 5. Let's go with 16, and Menom will give you 16. But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets, it desires against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh. For these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. Now, the deeds of the flesh are evidence, which are more immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, Indians. These words are horrible. Indians. Drunkenness, corrousing, and things like these. OK, stop right there. Indicators. What call I'd say? First of all, Paul says this. OK, walk by the Spirit. Walk by the Spirit. That is under the influence of God, the Holy Spirit. We'll find in 1 Thessalon tells you to do not quench the Holy Spirit. That means to press this ministry. If he just 4/30 says, do not or it should say stop grieving the Holy Spirit. And that is when the believer spends his time out here. And out here is called as carnality. Out here is living by the flesh. You're in the darkness. You're walking in the darkness. John 1 John talks about walking in light as opposed to walking in darkness. Under outside of this circle, you're under the dictates of the old sin nature. You're walking according to your old ways, according to your own habits, according to your own desires. And this is not-- and you cannot live in both environments. We are children of light. And children of light is only one place we can live. And we can abide in Christ. And that's within this bottom circle, the bottom circle spiritual, that's where we are connected with the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is the empowerment of our spiritual life as we are connected with Christ. Inside that circle, that's where growth comes from. Now, how do we come back? OK, we've committed a sin. And whatever category of sins that we are in, Hebrews tells us do not have no root of bitterness. They form up in us. That means do not allow sin to just take hold and run its different areas. So we are outside of this boundary. What's the answer here, folks? How do we recover? Repent, OK? Repent. And what do we got to do at that point? Confess. Confess. And this is-- and listen, we are believer priests. This is very important. Let's go to 1 John 1, 9. So much stuff about it. This should be a week-- week to pass. So we're going to very rapidly on this stuff. We'll have to do some review in the future. 1 John 1, 9. OK. Terry, I'll give you that one. 1 John 1, 9. Actually, let's just start with 1 John 1, 5. Terry? OK, God is light. First of all, this is the message we have heard from him and announced to you that God is light. And in him, there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light and he itself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus. His son cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we are receiving ourselves. And the truth is not enough. If we confess ourselves, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us ourselves and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar. And his word is not enough. All right. So if we confess ourselves, with this, first John 1, 9, if we confess, first of all, [INAUDIBLE] I'm going to let that go. I'm going to let it go. It is a confess. And listen, we are believer priests. Paul says in 1 Peter, chapter 1, that we are believer priests, that we are-- he is our high priest. So we represent ourselves to God. We do not need to go to an intermediary for this. We can, at the moment that you've sinned, and at the moment that you recognize that you are out of bounds, you can go to God the Father. You can go-- if we confess our sins, if we confess our sins, he is faithful. And justice means that he can do this. He can forgive us without violating his own justice. Because why? Why can the Father forgive us when we go to, why can he be faithful to forgive us of our sins without violating his perfect justice? Because Jesus Christ died, and Jesus Christ was already judged for those sins. Jesus Christ already was judged for those sins. But we are also as accountable as children of God. Because though we cannot lose this, and we'll go see this in Hebrews, prolonged stay out of carnality, out in a darkness, prolonged stay can lead to discipline. And we'll talk a little bit more about that as we get on into the Bible, disciplined to the believer. For prolonging his stay out in carnality. Now, if we confess our sins, he is faithful-- God and Father is faithful-- and just. He does it without violating his perfect justice to forgive us our sins, to wipe it clean, to wipe it clean, and to purify us from all unrighteousness. That means he also takes care of those sins we did not know for a sins. Because those sins that we-- in the sins of ignorance, we are also accountable for. So when we confess our sins, that we know our sins, then we are restored immediately back into the circle. Now, this is a couple of important points here. Number one, this is not a get out of trouble card. This is not a get out of hot water card, or get out of jail free card. Let me ask you a question. Does this-- though God may be totally forgiven, does that lift the consequences for your wrongdoing? No, it doesn't. No, it doesn't. Sin has consequences. And though God has forgiven you, Grady, you may have gotten yourself in some trouble. And you've asked your parents for forgiveness. I'm sorry. And they will say, son, we forgive you. Does that mean that there's not going to be some-- punishments going to be lifted? Does it mean that you're still not going to get punished? No, you're still going to be grounded for the next five years. But we forgive you. We have forgiven you. But there are still consequences for your wrong action. See what I'm saying? So God has forgiven us. He's taking it off the books. You're free right here to continue to press on to your spiritual life, to press on after that. And you continue to abide in Christ. You still have to suffer the consequences. Sometimes, sometimes, the Lord will lift those consequences. But how do I handle them? By abiding in Christ. I handle them as I do with any other suffering in life, like David. David is a perfect example. God had forgiven David for his sin, for a sin, a murder, for a sin of adultery. God said, OK, it is forgiven. But did David suffer the consequences? Yes, he did, absolutely so of you. And another important thing as we close out the day and go over our questions, this is not a-- I don't get up. It's not about-- this is important. I'll speak about this today. Our spiritual life-- and Brian, your dad, reminded me of this one time-- our spiritual life isn't about not sinning. We don't live our lives by not sinning. When I get up in the morning, I don't have this forecalled conclusion that I am going to sin that day because I have a sin nature. Absolutely not. You're off base. I get up in the morning with a full conclusion that I'm going to live the spiritual life that day, that I'm going to abide in Christ that day, that I'm going to walk in Christ that day, because if I'm filled with the Spirit, it says here, if I'm walking in the Spirit, I'm not doing the deeds of the flesh. You know, so this is not just a mechanics. Oh, I've said my back, get back in. OK, everything's good to go. No. That's a mechanics. I live my life of abiding in Christ. Yes, it's mechanics as a young child, as I'm starting to learn. OK, I've got to name my sins. It's how I get back in. But as I start growing in the Lord, as I start, as I start coming to some maturity, I realize that it's more than mechanics. It has to be a relationship. It has my view, how? And because once I'm in this circle, what do I do? I fortify my position. Once I've named my sins, I've come back in. And as a spiritual baby, listen, as a spiritual baby, I'm probably doing this. Because I don't have enough doctrine. I don't have enough faith. I haven't built up enough word in my heart to walk like I should. But he's faithful. He's faithful for it. Give me each and every time. But as long as I'm in here, I'm taking in the Word of God. I'm abiding in Him. I'm going in the Word. And what's going to happen, great? I'm going to slow down. I'm going to start sitting less until finally, I've supported the old sin nature under my spiritual life. The old sin nature is here, and it's a burden under the under that belongs under my spiritual life, under my abiding. My abiding-- the Lord says, seek first, seek first, the righteous of God in the kingdom. And all these things will be added to you. I'll finish it off with this. And I've heard this in a number of different ways. Henry, iron sides. I think this was his story to begin with. But whoever is wrong, it was on a missionary field. The missionary was talked to an Indian. And he's trying to explain this. And he says, well, it's like two dogs. The black dog and the white dog. And they're fighting. And he says, which one wins? The ending goes, which one wins? And the missionary says, the one I feed the most. The one that I feed the most. So in your spiritual life, if you feed your spiritual life, if you adhere to your spiritual life, if you care for your spiritual life, watch out for the hindrances. With the hindrances, with the distractions, see them for what they are. Be careful when you're on your way and you're making some inroads in your spiritual life, watch out for distractions, because they're going to come. And treat them for what they are. And certainly watch out for soon. And you may not even know that you're out here. You may not know that you're out here. But look at these-- go back to Galatians 5 and look at the products of the flesh and see if that relates to your outward behavior on that. All right. That's it for that. I've got about five minutes. Let's hit these questions, Q&A here. I only got eight of them today, so we might be all right. Mike, you got the Q&A, which part I do? Oh, it's great. I don't know if I got it. Will you start reading it to you? I'm going to read it on C. I don't know if I have one. Is this your effect? No, it's this one. That's the old one. This one here. That's not the right one. That's not what you're at? You're going to use mine. Can you hear us? All right. I've got the answers now. I saw that with nine. Yeah. Yeah, you got seven eight on the back. All right. Sorry for screw up. All right. Michael, give me the first one back. Give me the first one. Where is the place where every believer will be evaluated for work done in the body? All right. What is it? That would be the judgment sheet. The judgment sheet of Christ. Of Christ. What's the-- do you know the Greek word for that? I'm sorry. Do you know the Greek for that? It's bema-- oops. No. OK. Anybody, go ahead, Grace. What's the judgment sheet of Christ's Greek? Bema. What's that? Bema. The bema. Bema. You're right there. Bema or the bema? Bema or the bema? The bema sheet. Yeah. The bema sheet. Stanley says bema. Bema. Yeah. He pronounces as well. How do you know what? Bema, P-E-M-A. And the E is like an obey. Well, anyway, it's no big deal. But, you know, I'm sure Charlie knows how to pronounce it now. All right. Well, barely, give me the second one. What are the crowd witnesses that the writer speaks of in Hebrews? Those today who are walking in the faith? Mm-hmm. Now, it would be. We can't say that, but specifically, the Old Testament. What did they have in the time of Hebrews? Did they have the scriptures? It would be the Old Testament faithful believers. Old Testament plays, believe. That's what we've learned in chapter 10. Those are the crowd members that were two of the sickness for all of the adults, when I was a frequent. But that can be argued. I'll go with that. Now, I've got those today who are walking in the faith, Old Testament believers, I could go with that. I'll put E for all the above, so we can argue that. All right. Next one, guys. I want someone else have that one. OK, the word angos means hindrance. This something hindrances of what in life that can cause one to impede or slow down the believer's spiritual growth. Distraction. What kind of distractions? We had a distraction. What would slow you down from running the spiritual race? Things you like under the name of God? Yeah, that'd be one. Things you like more than you like. God, what do you call those? Anybody? My little titles, I don't feel that, I wouldn't answer. What else would-- Entertainment. Entertainment, yes? Environment. People. Environment? People. And these things, are these things wrong? Some kind of thing of themselves. Some of them, but if you can get obsessed with them in parties, you put them in the middle of a party. Michael, you're going to say something? Yeah, it kind of goes back into the mental attitudes. There's a biggie that I thought of, is pride. It would be, I think, of a biggie that could hold you back. And that certainly is a sin. So that sin anything exists. Sin is, is, inter to, as it were. Yes, pride is. And pride goes with arrogance. Arrogance is a lofty view of self. It's looking at one's self-importance. So that certainly is a hindrance to a spiritual life. Listen, these things have to be identified. And you are responsible for identifying them in your own life. Now, we are all responsible for our own spiritual life. How serious are you about growing in the Lord? And so that's any more anything else, or it is probably all kinds of things we can think of hindrances to the spiritual life. Things we watch, things we put, things we take into our eargate, things we put into our eye gates have to deal with our hearts. There's a verse and a song that was made from that verse. We are careful what we see, what we hear, and what we hear. These things you take into your eye gate and your eargate, be careful what you're watching on. And again, these are standards. If some, Jesus said, if you right eye offends you, what do you do? Pluck it out. If your hand offends you, what do you do? Cut it off. And these are up early. That means as a figure of speech, you're not going to go and cut your hand off or pluck your eye out. It just means to avoid. It means to-- if something is causing you to stumble, have it done away from you, gone away from you. All right, Terry, I'm going to give you the next one. What is the three-fourths for sin, a homocea? Very good. Homocea. The study of sin is called homocea, homocea, not much. [LAUGHTER] Hormiology, I screwed that one up. But yes, it's sin. What does it mean, Terry? What is sin? To engage in wrongdoing, do not meet them for outside the mark. Yeah, there you go. Missing the mark. Yes. Anything. No, gracious. Anything that falls short of the right is a guy. Very good. And I think you've already done-- you already did 12 to 13, Terry, you're very good. All right, great, 14. Oh, I got 14 right here. Next one. 13. With the three categories of sin? Yeah, what are the categories of sin? Sin of the tongue, that's allowed to be in your actions. Very good. Yeah. All of them. Mental attitudes, overt, and sin of the tongue. What's wrong with you said would be the worst? I don't think so. I don't think so. Mental. Say, I'll serve with the mental attitude. The mental attitude, everything comes from thought. Everything comes from thought. I would probably say mental attitude. If you could get some mental attitude under control, you might have a better time dealing with the other two. I'm a martiology. I'm a martiology. Thank you, Andrew. I'm a martiology. All right, Becca, next one. Prolonged sin indicates that one is unsaved. Fox. Prolonged sin indicates that one is unsaved. I will say this, that if you look like the world, if you act like I'm not a cabinets here, but if you look like the world, act like the world, smell like the world, if everything about you is about this world and with no thought of heaven and God or anything else apart from me, except when you get in trouble or whatever, and you say that you're a believer. I don't know if you are or not. I hope that you are a believer, but you show no fruit. Now, there are those schools of thought that says, if you like that, but I'm not going to necessarily believe that you are a believer and you're saved just because you say you just got two things, if you speak with your mouth and believe in your heart, that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, I don't know what's going on in your heart, but your actions do not serve your actions doesn't line up with what you say out of your mouth. Again, I'm not going to say that you're an unbeliever. I don't know. I don't care around the book of life, but I also know that we have remember, like I said, you've got a lot of garbage in your heart when you enter into that top circle and you've got to deal with that by abiding within a right environment and that bottom and you've got to, you've got work too. The Christian way of life is not a dormant life. It's time to hit the book. It's time to get under good positive Bible teacher, you know, and listen, it may not be religion, it may be, you may be coming out of some type of safe, kind of cult, it may be anything that you need to overcome, but abiding in the Lord will help you to overcome that and it's not going to be overnight. Yes, you've got to have the word of God. It's so imperative and prayer, praying for one another, assembling with one another because we are each other support groups, support group with helping one another, I, at one part of my Christian life, I kind of, you know, I'm kind of sloughed off the fellowship part of it. I didn't think it was all that important, it's vitally important because there's gonna be times that you're gonna carry, you'll carry me, there's gonna be times when you need a brother to come and ask you where you are and your spiritual life, you know, it's okay. That's okay, because a lot of times we're doing this and that, sometimes being around is just an encouragement, so these are important, you know, coming to church, you know, you might think it's no big deal, that's just a pastor sitting behind that pulpit, no, it's important where you guys are and us joining together, even where you're at, Michael and Terry, you know, and we're together, we wish we could all be together in one room, but at least we've got this, there's the encouragement back, there's the encouragement between the husband and wife, these things are important to fellowship, it's all a part of what God has provided for us to grow, God wants us to make it to that spiritual place, before we close out, anything else, anybody else add or? There was something I thought about that we were looking at that I thought, I don't know, one brought it up, I don't know what we went over, but that there was a verse maybe reminded me, but when we talked about where we're in a temple fellowship, and then you have a term, I remember the verse and one of the disciples said, he was feet were being washed, and he says, "Why don't you wash in all of me?" and he says, "No, I already have your feet on any wash, while there was a custom for you to go in the house, to have fellowship, your feet were washed, because the streets were dirty, as sin is, as the filth of you, to be able to come into the house and their fellowship, you had to wash your feet, but they were allowed to come in, you know, if you were willing to have your feet washed, so I just made me think of that, and if we're going to be in a fire with him, we'll open the door, and also I guess we'll knock and I'll open the door. Yeah, I don't think we can talk maybe more about this tomorrow, but it kind of worship called how I just ended up questioning about the prolonged setting, indicating the unsafe and the answer is false, but studying about based on the cross this morning and Matthew's account with the two criminals on either side and both of them not all, you know, being abusive to Christ also, but if you go into Luke's account of it, the one criminal actually says Christ should not be saying this price we should, because we are criminals, but he's done nothing wrong, and then he asked Christ to remember him in the kingdom and Christ said you will be with me in paradise today, so obviously this guy's been a criminal, just kind of a derelict or a scoundrel, you would say, but I guess he is, you know, he's saved. You know, he's going to be with Christ in paradise, so she is a believer, but it just kind of brought up a question to me why the two accounts are different like that, you know. I think he said, is he a believer or is he, you know, I would think he is, yes, yes, he'll fall into line of Old Testament believers because he's going to be a paradise, and in paradise that's where the believers went, Old Testament believers, whereas the unbelievers went to a place called poor men's, and Jesus gives the affirmation there for you, we don't have to guess if he was not, because Jesus says today you will be with me, yes, and he said that, and as far as the two accounts you got different accounts, you got four different accounts, some will leave this out and some will put that in, and these are certainly true accounts, and it's their observation. So maybe he did mock him at first, and they both did, but I think it's interesting there, yeah. But you know, we can, we can believe in Lord Jesus Christ, but yeah, he, he, you know, he had mocked him, and then he, he believed he came to, he came to fix, and the one thing to go back to Pro Long, Pro Long sin, I, I go a couple things, first of all, the church of Corinth, that was a messed up church, you know, people in that, in that church you'd say they were unbelievers, but yeah, but the John, or not John Paul says, do you not know that your body's a temple of the Holy Spirit? You can't, you don't say that to an unbeliever, unsaved, their, their bodies are not the temple of the Holy Spirit, only to save. So he's chastised in the Corinth, Corinthian believers, he's saying, and they are, read the first Corinthians, the second Corinthians, this church is screwed up, they were suing each other, they were fickering with each other, they were, they were, they were getting drunk on communion wine, and people did, they said, oh, they can't be believers, well, Paul says, you're doing this, do you not know that your bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit? He also tells him, he says, do you not know that you will judge the angels? Unbelievers will not judge the angels, they will be burning in hell with the angels, they'll fall in angels, but the, the believers. So he's your carnal believers, carnal believers, you have that, and then you have, and then I would like to go back to Jacob, Jacob was one of the biggest scandals in the Old Testament, but he was a God's man, not only him, but also Lot, remember Lot is the one who was going out, Lot, there was no redeeming qualities about Lot, he's the one who got drunk in the cave and ended up having children by his daughters, Moab and Emma, I mean Lot was a mess, but when you come to the New Testament, he comes to Peter's writings, he said that Lot was a righteous man, he was positionally righteous, this doesn't give any of us, I say, yay, I could do anything I want and still be saved, he was positioning, but I tell you what, Christians, we have an obligation to live the spiritual life, and the writer of Hebrews will talk about divine discipline for those that prolong their time in it, see, and even in my hardships, I want to count for the glory of God, because I know one day I'm going to be absent in the body and face to face with him, anything else? Do you have mine in front of you, but I can't wait to give it back to you, and Emma, it's okay, it's not worth bringing it right now, not worth, huh, so I have a question, if you can, you need to recant, and confess, right, and that's much the other man from the cross did, he recanted by saying we've done this, you know, we're the ones that did wrong, he confessed it, and I think he named it since, but I think that in the case, I think that he recanted and he confessed, he said to the man from the wrong, we have done the wrong, you know, all this time, and you know, remember me in heaven, you know, so it's pretty much like he did, okay, very good, let me pick that up for her, that's a good question, I won't I won't put along this, but a very good question, a couple of things I need to, okay, first of all, first of all, if we confess our sense, he's faithful and just to give us a sense, it clears us all and righteous repentance, it means that I change my mind, if there's not a mandate there to repent, but I think it's an unwritten thing that I've changed, I'm turning away from my sin, that's, I think it's an obvious thing, I've turned away from my sin, that's why I'm confessing my sin, you see, so the order is not to repent there, the order is not to repent and confess, the order is to confess, and that's the idea that if I'm going to turn back, I've already repented, it's just that I'm going to have to confess my sins, come in, okay, but Kerry, I really like what you brought up, because there's two different things here, the people on the cross, and that's here we, we are not confess that the people on the cross was an unbeliever, and how he became a, how he became safe was believing in Christ, but that was all that was done, that he made a faith application, he acknowledged that they had done wrong, see all you're wrong as an unbeliever is a consequential, and you may have to work with this a little bit and come to understanding on this, what you've done prior to being safe is inconsequential, that's not the issue, it's never the issue, very important to understand this, your sin is not the issue, because we have all sin and come short of the glory of God, our sins are not even on the table, because Jesus Christ took those sins, he's like the man, there's only one issue, when it comes to our salvation, what you think of Christ, see that's what as top circle is, what you think of Christ, John 1 9 is not for the unbeliever, first John for the believer, and so initially when we heard that Jesus Christ provide eternal life, we trusted in him to do something for us that we could not do for ourselves, amen, and faith plus nothing, I could feel sorry for my sins, I could cry, I could cry tears, I could do all that, but it's not necessary if you want to do it fine, but I think, but on the fact, but when it comes right down to it, I hear, because I didn't share no tears, there was people there at the Nazareth Church, they were just boo-hooing all over the place, okay, for me, okay, I trust in what they're saying up there, I believe that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior, and at that point I am, now the issue, once you come out into that new life, now the issue of naming your sins, confessing your sins when we have stepped out, and we should keep a short order of our sins each day, see we don't have to run off to a priest or anything, because we can right now, there's times when, there's times when we have a fallen out and all about all the miracle relationships do that, and Beth is having a bad day, and she, you know, and I react to it, and there's sin going on, our anger, we get angry at each other, those are sins, and we can name them immediately, and be cleansed and come back into fellowship and then start dealing with the problem at that point, or we've lied or we've done this and we recognize that, because we're in the darkness, we feel that our lives are, it's like a flower, we've said this one time before, it's like we shed a flower in a dark room, and that flower's going to deteriorate real quick, that flower has to, for that flower to grow, it has to be set out for some of us, it can be some of us, alright, let's finish it out with prayer, thanks Terry, as a very good point, I'm glad you brought that up, it's very important to bring that out, Beth, Beth, you want to close it up? I'm just sure, for Christian and Father, I thank you so much for this opportunity for us to come together and have this time of morning about you and your word and else be able to grow through this wonderful way of life that you've given us through our salvation, that we have a temporal way of living here on earth, that we have to fight or flush, and that we are able to recover and have a fellowship with you, and thank you so much Lord for that eternal life that we have and that we will never lose, and we pray for those that do not have it, and that they will come and eyes will be open to see the sacrifice that was made to have this, and we thank you so much in Christ's name, we pray, amen. And you are the Spirit. And you are the One, the One, the One, the One, the One, the One, the One, the One, the You are my joy, my rise is now, and I love you. You are my joy, my rise is now, and I love you. You are my joy, my rise is now, and I love you. You are my joy, my rise is now, and I love you. You are my joy, my rise is now, and I love you. You are my joy, my rise is now, and I love you, my rise is now, and I love you. You are my joy, my rise is now, and I love you.