Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

Great upstate Bible Challenge Matthew 26-28

Last of our challenges for Matthew covering Chapters 26-28

1h 7m
Broadcast on:
26 Jun 2024
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book or I put it on my calendar and that was she sent us. Yeah. But we're thinking the book of Daniel to be looking to be looking at the book of Daniel and studying a book of Daniel and coming in and going over that because it is going to connect very well with our study and revelation coming in September. So any thoughts on that? Fine. Fine. Okay. All right. And tonight, when a picture comes up, that's for you, young lady, the pictures for you. So you got to tell us, when that picture comes up, you got to tell us what that picture is about. All right. So you got to tell us who's, what that picture is about. So you got to look at it and tell us, can you see the screen? All right. All right. Go ahead and give us a share screen, son. All right. Terry, you got to tell your mic. You got your share screen? Yep. Yep. Got it. Great. Great update, Bob. Great update, Bob Chown. Very good. All right. And okay. Our categories tonight, go ahead and scroll through. Here on today's the last supper. Go ahead. Crucifixion, resurrection, parables. Where in the world? And type in category six. I forgot to put that one on there. That's wild card there. Oh, okay. I got wild card there. That's going to be wild card. All right. We got the buttons. Go ahead and get started, Michael. All right. Go with 100 there for last supper. What did Jesus say that was given to Him in heaven and on earth? What did Jesus say that was given to Him in heaven and on earth? Okay. Go ahead and give me. Yes. All right. Go ahead. Great. Oh, how did I screw that one? Yeah, you're right. That one too. Yes. On that all authority, I think I screwed up on that one. Okay. All right. Michael, go ahead. 200. 200 for last supper. What was Judas given to betray Jesus? Okay. Go ahead. Yes. Okay. We're going to go with that. Okay. I might have got that ahead of you. Matthew 26 15 and said, what are you willing to give me to this Judas to betray Him to you? And they weighed out 30 pieces of silver, Tim. Amanda, what happened to the rest of what eventually happened to that silver? He tried to give it back. He tried to get it back. He tried to show the shame of themselves and he's like, take it back. But they wouldn't take it back because it was a good law for them to consider blood money. Okay. So they used it to buy pretty much land to bury the foreigners. Okay. All right. Very good. Very good. All right. Okay. First of all, great. How's that working out for you? All right. Good. All right, Amanda, you're up. 300 for last supper. But I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine from now on until that day when I drink it and knew with you where. Okay. Great. He says kingdom of heaven. Okay. Go ahead. I threw that on the wrong side, back up to just a little bit. Okay. And my father's kingdom and the king of heaven, I will go with that. So, Grady, you've got that one. Okay. Go back. Go backwards. Just that a little bit right here where we were before 300. Okay. Go ahead and click it. All right. All right. Jolene, a picture for you. What is this a picture of? Can you see it? What is that picture of? What do you think? Who is it in that picture? Okay. Give me. Okay. Is it Jonah, Daniel, John the Baptist or Jesus? Who is thrown in the lines, then? All right. All right. We're going to have to start telling some stories here. So, we get it. All right. That's my fault. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Well, do y'all know? Who is this? All right. I just want to make sure. Okay. All right. Next one. We're going to see. Next Sunday. Okay. Okay. All right. Okay. It's okay. It's okay. You're good. All right. Grady's next. Grady, you're up. Hey, Terry and Mike, when you want to answer, just shout it out. Okay. All right. Grady's going up for 400 last supper. Well, that's on it. Go to the next one. My screw up. Okay. Next one. Guess we're going to go 500. Go 500. What was the name of the high priest whom Jesus stood before us? Does he hear that? I heard that. Caiaphas. All right. Michael. Got it. Now, was that what? Okay. Jesus would have six trials. Before this, Jesus had to stand before someone else. Who was it? Is that before Caiaphas? Before Caiaphas, yes. Hmm. Yeah, I'm drawing a blank on that one. Okay. Anybody? No, it wasn't part prior to Caiaphas. Yeah, I thought he. It wasn't me. You got it? No, it wasn't pilot. What was it? It wasn't pilot. It was Anis. It was Anis. When he was arrested, he was brought directly to Anis. And Anis, I believe is, okay, I'll have to look this one up. I think it's the following law of Caiaphas. Yes, Anis was a thug. And remember that these trials were illegal. And number one, Becca, how were they illegal? These trials. Remember? First of all, they were, they, the trials were at night. It was still dark. It was still early morning. That was, that was against the jurisprudence, Jewish jurisprudence. Second of all, Jesus didn't have anyone to represent him. That was also illegal. Number three, this was a fact-finding body. They weren't trying, they were there. Usually when somebody goes to court, they're already indicted. They're, they're, they're charged with something. Jesus wasn't charged with anything. He was brought in the court to try to find something that they could use against him. That was also illegal. But it was first, first they brought him to Anis and then Anis sent him to Caiaphas for the second trial. All right, Michael, you're up. And give me, give me time on the clock, please. We'll do the parables 100. Parables for 100. What happened to the seeds that were felled by the road? What happened to the seeds that felled by the road? Trampolon. What's that? Were they trampled on? No, give me to distrust. Yes. Someone into cracks and grew and someone into dry land and did not grow. These are just specific. Okay, here it are. The birds ate them, though they would not take root. They dried up or they had no root. The birds ate them. Okay. Matthew 13, 4. And as he sowed, some seeds fell beside the road and the birds came and ate them. Okay, Jesus later on, when he did this, this is a parable started in Matthew 13. What did Michael keep on you on? What was the, what does this mean? What does this tell us when he's, what, what was the image of? The gospel. Okay. As far as the birds coming up. Jesus later on in a parable. Okay. Matthew 13. And then Matthew 13 comes down and explanation that cycles came and said, why do you speak in parables? I think it goes so. No. On verse 18, here then, 13, 18, here then a parable sower. When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in the heart. This is the one whom the seed was sown beside the road, even one snatches it away. Okay, who got that one? I did, but I go ahead. Is it the warning that you need to make sure you're studied in your presentation of the gospel? You can. Okay, question. Okay, with us making the heart sorry. No, no, it's a Holy Spirit does that does that. Okay. And Terry, we talked a little bit about this Sunday or something and it may be concerning your heart and you're looking at and that's fine. We should always be studying and be prepared to give an answer. But when but remember that sometimes the whole as the Holy Spirit is working, we could be so screwed up at how we present something, but the Holy Spirit's working on the heart and we'll make clear those things. Now this is Michael, this is this is really the the four soils of the heart and we could see this. Actually, we see these four soils in act in our world today. You have those that you see different examples of believers who receive the doctrine of the kingdom. They receive the gospel. At one point, some are excited. Some and some begin to grow, but all of a sudden the thorns come up and it chokes them out. Others receive the gospel. They might be excited, but the evil and but discouragement others come and that's the snatching away from the sea. Then you have the good soil where the soil goes and I'm going to take it. That's all of you all. Michael and Terry and Beck that we receive the soil, we receive it or we receive the seed with gladness and there's and it grows in us and it takes root in us and it changes our life and that's good soil. So when you look at these and you look at any of us believers, we should be asking ourselves which which soil are we, not seed, but which soil. The seed remains the same. Seeds always the same. This is not about seed. This is about soil and how well that soil is going to receive that the seed. Okay. All right. Got it? All right. Michael, you're up and give me time. Coaches of fiction for 100. What was the question of governor asked Jesus? Give me distractors. What is what is your crime? What is God? Are you the king of the Jews? What do you believe? Okay. No, but Terry got it. Terry got it. Are you the king of the Jews? All right. Matthew 27 and 11. Now Jesus stood before the governor and the governor questioned him saying, are you the king of the Jews? And Jesus said to him, it is as you say. Okay. He is. Okay, Terry. The king of the Jews. What is, is the anointed one, he's appointed to be king in the Greek. It's Christ or Christ. Do you know the Hebrew word, the Hebrew for the Christ? Well, you've got Christ in the New Testament. What would be its Hebrew equivalent? I don't know. Okay, back. Anybody over here? That's what I'm looking for. Messiah. So, in the Hebrew, it's Messiah or Mashiach. And in the Greek, it's Christos. It means the same thing, the anointed one, the one appointed to be king. And this is what the Jews were looking forward to according to Daniel's prophecy. All right. Terry, you got that when you're up, girl. Resurrection for a hundred, please. Resurrection. Okay. This has no distractors. What day of the week did Mary Magna Lynn and the other Mary came to the grave? The day after they put him in it, is that they won? Day one, two, three, four, five, six, they won. It's the day after they put him in it. Is that considered day one? Day one. Day one. What did you say, Mike? It was Sunday. It would be the specifically, I would go with the day one. It was the first day of the week. First day of the week, it would be our Sunday. It would be the day after Sabbath. What's interesting is bring it up to my argument that it's not a Friday crucifixion. It could be argued that Thursday would be the crucifixion day. But I still stand on that being Wednesday circa crucifixion day because the scripture here in Matthew says, after the Sabbaths, two Sabbaths, so you have certainly, you have the seventh day Sabbath, and that would be the end of the week. And then you have a, so you have another Sabbath that they had to wait because they couldn't travel or do anything. So you have at least two Sabbaths for plural between the time Jesus was. Yes, exactly. My high holy day. So those are considered Sabbaths. Your holidays are considered a Sabbath. Okay, so yeah, Terry, first day of the week. And Matthew 28, one, now after Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward, and that's what it is, now after the Sabbaths, that Sabbath right there is plural. As it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to look at the grave. All right, Terry, you're up. That's the resurrection for 200. Resurrection for 200. How did the stone get rolled away from the tomb? But the angel. Okay, go ahead. Okay, go ahead. Next one. All right, 28, Matthew 28, two and behold, a severe earthquake had occurred and an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled away the stone that set upon it. Michael, do you ever notice the, let me just say the definite article, the end. Sometimes you get the angel of the Lord and then in the New Testament, you get an angel Lord. Can you expounder or anything? Can you say anything about that? Well, only that there are many angels, I guess. And I guess, you know, the angels are workers for the Lord. So I guess that's just the one that he chose. Okay, what's the, what's the angel of the Lord in the Old Testament? The angel of the Lord. The thief or Michael or Gabriel? Go ahead. Okay. Michael Bondrant. Pre and part eight Christ. Yeah. Christ before you. Yes, it was the, what Michael said is the pre and carnate Christ. He is, he is the angel of the, and the angel means what? Agala, yes, messenger. And in the Old Testament, the angel of the Lord was the manifestation of the second person of Godhead, which is Jesus Christ prior to his becoming a flesh. No, it's a scripture. I can bring up scripture on there that that is the angel, that it is, it doesn't say the son of God or what, but we can put that together. And I should, I ought to, I can't keep bringing scriptures on that right now, but several times when, like, like when, when Jacob wrestled the angel of the Lord, and he, he finally recognized who he was. And he said, I have seen, it was the angel of the Lord, he wrestled. He says, I have seen the Lord and lived. You know, I'm paraphrasing, but I have seen him and I live. So there's other passages like that that can put together that, yes, at the angel of the Lord. Or I had to give you another one, Joshua, when Joshua was, saw the, the Lord of the armies there, again, angel of the Lord, he, and I don't know, it doesn't say that it's the angel of the Lord, but he fell down. So I probably had, that's probably a bad example. So we'll carry on with that, but we can put that, but you can make that conclusion easily. All right. Next up, so the, so the angel, the angel of the Lord is Jesus Christ. Yes, the, the angel of the Lord is Jesus Christ. And when you look into the New Testament, you'll see, rather than the angel of the Lord and angel of the Lord, an angel that though, was sent. And you're right, it's probably usually, I don't see where Michael is ever sent, and not, not specifically as a messenger angel, but Michael was normally sent at, Michael was the guardian of Israel. And so it's Gabriel that's normally an angel of the Lord and a messenger from the Lord. All right. Mike, what's it? There's a question for you, Mike. There's three angels that are named in the Bible. No, I couldn't, I could, you're very soft. I can't hear you, Mike. Say that again. Okay, you can answer. All right. Michael asked you, what are the three named angels in the Bible there? And now in the Catholic Bible, there's more, but Catholic Bibles bring the Apocrypha in, but, um, but on the 66 books, there are three named angels. What are they? I named it to Michael Gabriel. You did? And it's really in the King James that you get this, Becca? Lucifer, very good. Yes, Lucifer. The son of the dawn, and we get that out of the Latin Vulgate, which is named comes from that, and the son of the dawn, I believe. All right, Michael, you're up. We'll go, we'll go to crucifixion 200. Crucifixion, we're too hard. Give me some time. Per custom, the governor would release one prisoner in whom they want it. Who did the people choose? Barabbas. Barabbas. Yes. Barabbas. Got that right. All right. Barabbas. Matthew 27, 21, but the governor said to them, which of the two do you want me to release for you? And they said, Barabbas. Make anybody any comment on that one? I know where you go. I know where you go. That somebody put together on that scene from Passion of the Christ about him. And if the creature is comparing us, we're Barabbas. And he took the penalty for century. Passionately done. She's not carefully, well, loved twice. I've also seen, I've also seen a movie where, or in a movie or a story that the innkeeper that turned Joseph and Mary away, a little boy with Barabbas. And it impacted his life. So people, you ever heard that before? Yeah. And a little boy grew up to be Barabbas in a criminal because his father turned, you know, Mary and Joseph away. I didn't know that. I don't know. I'd have to look at, I have to look at that. Okay. And I'll make a note on that, Barabbas and Jesus. Or, or, because Yesus is actually, Jehovah is Savior, you know, so a little different. And it's equivalent to Joshua. I see where they're going to with that. All right. Next one. Mike, again. Mike, you're running away with it. We'll do 300 resurrection, 300. Resurrection, 300. Where did Jesus tell the woman to tell out? Where did Jesus tell the woman to tell his brothers to go where he would meet them? This is after the resurrection. After he was resurrected. Galilee. Okay. Go ahead. Okay. Matthew 2810, then Jesus said to them, "Do not be afraid. Go and take word to my brethren to leave for Galilee. And there they will see me." Okay. Yes. Good job. Where is Galilee? I don't really do that. Yeah, that's right. That's right. That's right. I might be somewhere close to... Where's Waldo? What's that? I said, where's Waldo? Where's Waldo? It's up north. It's up north. I don't have map up here, but if you look at the two sections, up north would be Galilee. Of course, it's around the Sea of Galilee. Yeah, Jerusalem. You would think that the king would spend a lot of time in Jerusalem. He didn't. And those people down south did not know much about him, apart from... He visited... Well, actually, as a faithful man would three times a year to Jerusalem, but that might be the only time that he really visited Jerusalem. It seems to me that his major ministry took place up in the Galilean area. Okay. Terry. That's that's due crucifixion for 300. Crucifixion for 300. Who did Pilate receive a message from who's saying have nothing to do with this righteous man? Somebody said have nothing to do with this righteous name, man. Who said that? His wife. Okay, go ahead. Close her name. She had a bad dream because of him. Yeah, go ahead. All right. Matthew 27, 19, while he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent him a message saying have nothing to do with this righteous man. For last night, I suffered greatly in a dream because of him. Couple things on this one. I got to think about her later on name. First of all, he thought through y'all. Well, go ahead and steal my thunder. I'd love you to. The dream is interesting because we typically brush dreams off. But they don't have me. She certainly. And this nephalean prophetess, you know, they can. He has visions and things that come through. It's a fascinating thing to say. The dream is our best. Beck, you got anything? The I was thinking about this just just a little bit ago because I always thought that pilot was sympathizing with Jesus. I was thinking pilot was saying this is an innocent man. I want that pilot was having a heart. He really did not want Jesus to be put to death because he saw nothing wrong with this man. And when I was thinking about this question, I said that wasn't it. Romans were, you know, or the people in that day were very, very superstitious. And when the wife turns around and the wife, there is the premonition of the wife. Now the husbands make grumble. And they make great. But after all the grumbling, they can look back and they can say, you know, and they can look and they could say, well, she was right. But dreams, and my wife had a dream, says don't have nothing to do with this righteous man. I think, I only pilot wasn't didn't have a heart. He was scared. He was worried. He did say that in in 27, 24, that he was innocent of Jesus blood. Yes, he wiped his hand from it. I'm not. They washed his hands in front of them and said he was innocent. And then all the people said that his blood would be on them and their children. Yeah, I think he might have had heart. He might have been scared to death, but I think he might have had a heart because he said also that they sent him because they were they sent him an envy that they were envious of him. No, could be could be. Very good debatable point there. And so I did have another point on there, too, that it was about to dream. What was that? The point, Terry, when when pilots said, I find the fault in this man, if parallels pass over where they were to check the, oh, the sacrifice for spotters limits before day. So that was pilots final, you know, that was very that's very good. That's very good. observation. Good catch on that. That's good. I should have took note of myself then. You took note. I did. But that's very good. Did you repeat that, Bob? I can't hear Mike when he speaks. What was his comment? Anyway, he was talking about the fact that the remember on the Passover when it came when it came to come to Passover that they the Passover the lambs were inspected. And and they had to be it's almost like to grade a stamp on it a stamp. Okay, this is acceptable for Passover. Well, pilot made the acceptance pilot who's in charge said, yes, he's acceptable for sacrifice in a sense. He didn't say it that way. But what it turned out to be was was the approval that no, this one's without sin. This one's without spot and without blemish. He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world. Okay. All right. Hey, back. Oh, no. I don't do it. Yeah. Yes, please. That lion's funny. I don't know. I'm not there. I did. I've never said I didn't know that. All right. There, boy. Oh, you're a citizen. Yeah, I can't. I didn't realize that. Okay. All right. All right. Who got that one? Mike? Mike? I think Amanda? Amanda? No. I think Amanda got that one. Oh, yeah, you did. Okay. Wild card for 100. Oh, Jolene's sleep. Okay. All right. Who's got this one? Amanda got this one. What's this, Amanda? David and Goliath. All right. See, how many stones? Let me throw out wild card on you. How many stones did David pick up? One, four, and five. Was it five? Michael got five. Why did he pick up five? I'm not sure what that reasoning was. I think I read somewhere that I'm not sure. Did he have? You there? Yeah, I am. I'm thinking. I'm thinking. I think I thought Michael speak, I smell smoke but I hear no sound. Exactly. I'm going to have to pass. There's something there, but I just can't recall what it was. Go ahead, Becca. He had brothers. I was going to say that. I thought you were going to say that. Yeah, not heard you there, Mike. And how about the giant? Here we have, tell me a little bit about the Goliath. He's a giant. Where did they come from? There's a Nepali north. Exactly. On the Nepali, remember going all the way back to Genesis chapter six that if you look in the passage there, it said that, and the giants were into land before and after the flood. When you look at through there, you got different names for them, but in this land, in the Nephelene, remember the Nephelene comes from the cross breeding, I guess you can say that when the daughters of or when the sons of God looked down upon the daughters of men and took them as wives and born to them children and they were famous famous in that time. So Goliath, Goliath was a Nephelene. Yeah, something like that. I don't know if, I keep thinking, I don't think there was, I don't know, maybe I don't think there's any women, Nephelene. I don't know. It came to go quite rational. Does Nephelene necessarily if they're a giant or is that just they? They're hybrids. Yeah, they're a hybrid. They were giants. They were giant. They were certainly giants. Women, being considered are they, they're they're caring. I just haven't heard that there would be women. If it's a, I'm wondering because I thought they were going. They were Americans for a number of 13, 30 years. Yeah. They had the undertone of God. No, even on the back of it. Nephelene, I am on the back or the yodew is plural. Any time you see eam, it's it's plural. Nephelene, they're plural, John. And even with Elohim, it's it's a plural now. All right, but yeah, and so all the way up to David these giants were or still in the land. Yeah. Yeah, Mike. Mike, I was up in New York one time and you know, the Marines were doing and I wasn't participating, but we had the toughest Marines and they were they were doing the tug of war. They were doing the tug of war and and Marines were beaten and whoever's going to win out of all the ships company would would play the would, the New York champion tug of war. And I was and I hadn't seen the champions show up yet and I was watching it and I was cheering on our team and I looked around and I was I came face first in the chest of this this guy. And I looked up, I go, you must be Nephelene. I said, you must be Philistine. Like this guy, I mean, I kid you not. I looked right into his chest. This guy was this big. He had me pushing about seven foot. Oh, wow. Are they are they from Nef Charlie? No, no, no, these these were they they did not have a a always country they had was what they would just place anybody else from. And when they go ahead. And in my book, it says there are numbers 1333 and I was trying to figure out where they came from. These these were they were hybrids. They came from the anik of the Nephilian. If you look back in Genesis, six, one through four. These were angels that took on human wives. And these the offspring of them were the giants. Oh, okay. It was the offspring. Okay. Yeah, no, I got it. You know, the left lane are the offspring. And now the question is, how did they show up after the flood? I don't know. I can't answer that question. Because the flood flood, you think would have wiped them all out. But somehow they, unless my, I'm thinking that they started all over again, doing the same thing they did before. I don't think they were able to have children. I haven't heard nothing about Nephilian having more children. But I don't know. And that's where I'm living it from. Maybe it's the book of giants, the apocrypha. All right, we better move on. Go ahead, son. It is provocative stuff. So it seems to be lost in the weed group, stuff like that. Yeah. All right. We've got that one, Terry. Amanda. Amanda. Not a wild car for 200. In the garden on the night that Jesus was arrested, how many times did Jesus find his disciples sleeping? No. Three. Three times. Three times. Okay. Interesting. Interesting here. Because, Amanda, keep you on it. How many times when Jesus went after the resurrection? And I don't know. Wrong context. Strike that. Strike that. All right. Move on. It was also three times that Peter denied him, wasn't it? Three times Jesus denied him, and three times Jesus asked, "Do you love me?" Three still keeps going on. That trinity continued pressing forward. Michael Mike, go ahead. Wild Car 300. Ready, go. Wild Car 300. Who said, "Pick me up and throw me into the sea?" Jonah. Okay. Jonah, pick me up and throw me into the sea. What's the only sign that Jesus gave the Pharisees? He said, "Foolish generations." I'm not going to get you asked for a sign. I'm only going to give you this one. Michael, the sign of Jonah. What made it a sign of Jonah there? Michael Bondering. Are you looking at the power of the wild? What's that? That he lived in the belly of a whale. And that he would be in the grave for three days and three nights. That would be the sign of Jonah. You just got that, Mike, Amanda? Okay. All right, there we go. And Becky. Oh, look at that. Terry? I don't know. Can I get that? Amanda got it. She said two. Yeah, yes. Yeah. I'm sorry. Mike got that. Mike. No, it was Jonah. Oh, that was Jonah. That was her. Oh, that was her. As you were. Six, one. Who should pick her? Okay, so that's a new story. All right, next one. Who should pick five hundred? Who requested to take Jesus' body down from the cross? Wait there on the front station. Joseph? Becca. Becca got this. What's that? No, it wasn't Judah. Give him distractors. He got it. Very good. Oh, Terry? Yeah. Joey, you did. Joseph and Arimathea. When it was evening, there came a rich man from Arimathea named Joseph, who had also become the disciple of Jesus. Who else? Well, he requested the body, but two men brought and took down Becca. Two men took the body down. Do you know the other one? Okay. I would get it. No. No. Anybody? It was Nicodemus. It was Nicodemus, the Pharisee, who came to Jesus at night, and then he defended Jesus and the council at one point, and then here during broad daylight, it was still daylight. He said he outwardly went there, did his thing. Okay, took the body down. All right, who got that? Terry and Terry. That's got for wild card 400. Wild card 400. Who prayed in the temple for a son? This could be anywhere in the Bible, by the way. Oh, the old smile face in the back there, and she very good, and she had a son. What was that son's name? Samuel. Well, you know what? It doesn't expound on that, but I believe it said that he would have the Nazareth bow from birth. Look on that, because I saw something that you're shaking ahead. I think Samuel also could not cut his hair because of that same pledge that Samson had. I could be wrong, but double check on that. Yeah, they were sassy, but I think Samuel had long hair. I mean, just uncut like John the Baptist and Samson and all. I think Samuel had too, but we'll look it up. All right, very good there. Amanda, you're up. Crucifixion 100. Crucifixion 100. What did Jesus say that was given to him in heaven and honor? Okay, we had that before. All right. What's that? Terry, I just said we had we had that one, didn't we? Yeah, we did, but we're having it again. We like, I like so much first time. Okay. All glory. All authority. All authority. All authority. I call this the big goal, because remember he's going through all these trials, and all these, all these people think all the evil wicked ones thought they had the upper hand. That, yep, we got it, but it's going to be Jesus that's given the authority, and who's in charge, but who's in charge of this whole thing from the time he's arrested to being crucified to all that, who's in charge? Jesus is in charge every step of the way. He was playing them like a fiddle. He was the one in charge. This was after, but it was even before. I mean, his authority was, and he also said in John, and this is after, but before that, in his prayer in John 17, and he also said to his disciples before that, all authority has been given to me. And so he had, he had the control over everything. He told Judas, because what you got to do? Do it quick. When he went in John, when they said, Jesus said, who are you looking for? And he said, Jesus, Nazareth, and they, or he said, he said, I am, and they all fell down. And he was in complete control of everything was going on. I mean, he clues as God sustaining the lives of all his persecutors. So yes, he was in charge very much so, and he had the authority at that point as well. It was kind of like one of those Michael is kind of like positionally, like you and I are a royal family of God. And we have, but we have, we are, we are royal family. We have the position. It's kind of like, we have, we are, but not yet. Kind of like Heiser talks about, yes, but not yet, kind of thing. He had the authority, but not yet, not, not in full exercise. He could, he could exercise that authority, but he still had something to do. All right. Who's up? Oh, that was the resurrection question. You got that last one. Oh, authority. I think that was me. Oh, yeah. Terry, that was you. Let's do resurrection for 500. Okay, what did Jesus tell the 11 disciples to go out into the world to do? Make disciples of all the nations. Great. Go ahead. Okay. He said it, Mike. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptize them in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Any points on that? Notice that the great commission, the great commission is to go out and make disciples. That is to make, Grady, what, what is disciples? A student, that's right, to make learners. Is there a, now we're supposed to go out and tell people about Jesus, right? But it's much more than just going out and, and well, believe in Jesus and you be saved and go on. We got, and what do you got to do? If you're going to make disciples, what do you got to do? Grady? Well, you got to teach back up a little bit before you start teaching. You got to be. You got to be one yourself. You got to be one yourself. So if you're going to teach others, you got to be a student yourself. I teach from the pulpit, but guess what I got to do before I meet and teach you here? I've got to be a learner too. So we're all disciples and remember in Isaiah 50, you can read Isaiah 50 on your own. Even Jesus said that he gave me an ear of a disciple and I wasn't disobedient. Even Jesus was a learner. His father would wake him up morning by morning to teach him the word. All right. Michael? Go back? I'm sorry. Where in the world? 100. Give him that 500, right? Well, we got there. Go ahead. Next one, son. All right. When Joseph was warned by the angel, where did he take baby Jesus and his mother? When he was warned by the angel and angel of the Lord. Where did Joseph take the baby and his mother? Give me the distractors. Egypt and Egypt. All right. Now, when they had gone beyond behold, the angel and angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, get up, take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt and remain there until I tell you, for Herod is going to search for the challenge for you. Okay. Next one, God speed it up just a little bit. All right, Michael. Where in the world? Where did Jesus go with his disciples after the last supper? No. Because get somebody was part of what the scripture say, Matthew 26, after they had after they finished to him, they left for give me the distractors. What did you say, Grady? Okay, Grady, Grady got it. The amount of olives. The amount of olives. After singing to him, they went out to the Mount of Olives. Okay, Grady, parables for 200. What type of seed is likened to the kingdom of heaven? Mr. Seed. What? Who said that? That's faith. I did. What was it? I said, must receive, but that's faith. Yes, much received. He presented another parable to them saying the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in a field. It's a tiniest little seed, but it grew up into something awesome. All right, Terry. I guess parables for 300. Parables for 300. What did the man do when he found a treasure hidden in the field? Hit it, sells it, and all he owns buys the field, rejoices and tells his friends, takes treasure and has it. He tells the owner of the field. Take it, see. Okay, like this tree takes the treasure and hides it. Michael? Yeah. Hey, hey, Michael got it. Hit it, sells all that he owns and buys the field. Oh, okay. The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid it again. And from the joy over it goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Once we recognize the promise of the kingdom, once we began to seek, and as it is a Matthew 633, I believe, seek first the kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Your value system changes, especially when we start growing in the Lord, our value system changes. And we have no problem with giving away everything that we own. We have no problem because we recognize our treasure is in heaven, and that we would be glad to give away and sell everything that we own to obtain that great treasure. All right, next one. Where in the world, for 400? What was the hill called that Jesus was crucified on? Galgotha. Galgotha. I think Becca got that first. Go ahead. Yeah. And Galgotha, it was place of the skull. I heard, I never knew why it was called skull and somebody came up and I don't know how true it is. It might be the same thing. You hear a lot of things like Barabbas and juices, I'm not sure. But I did hear somebody say one time that it was a place of skull because that's where where the head of Galgotha was buried, you know, that that hill. Some others say because it took the shape of a skull or looked like a skull. So I don't know. Oh, great. Michael. 400 for parables. What is that? The art. Okay, next one. Go ahead and give her 500 there. When the son of man comes in his glory and gathers the nations, what will be on his right hand? When he gathers the nation, what will be gathered on his right hand? Give her this tractor, son. She, church, doves, goats. The sheep, he will put the sheep on his right and the good one is left. Yes, she, Terry, or Amanda, what is that sheep and goat judgment? Okay, yeah. Terry, you got anything to add? Yeah. Says, those on his right, you say to those on his right, you're to be lost by my father and inherit the kingdom prepared for you. So those on his right get to go on. They're saved. Yeah, they were saved. This is the sheep and goat judgments are Gentiles. The 10 virgins before that was the Jewish remnant, or not the remnant, the Jewish Jewish. There's going to be believing and unbelieving Jews out of the nation, out of the Jewish nation. But this is the Gentile, the nations. They called the nations together and on his right would be the sheep and on his left to be the goats. And when you look down and says, they said, when have we, the believer said, when have we done that? And he goes, well, when you revisit us sick and you fed me, closed me when you did it to the least of these mine, you did it for me. So he's talking to his people, the Gentiles who were favorable to the nation. He also did it, you know, for the Jews. He also did because they're going to be coming in that day. They're going to be coming under a heavy persecution and their faith. It's not just because they helped the Jews. The helping of the Jews was a demonstration of the faith that it was the exercise of their faith. All right. Coming up to, okay, we'll go ahead. When the abomination of desolation makes his appearance, those in Judah will flee to where? Give me some time. Give me a distractors across the river to the mountains, to the wilderness, to the Lord. The mountains, yes, they were to flee to the mountains. Abomination of desolation will be the antichrist when he sets himself up in a temple and calls himself to be God. That's when the, he says, don't go back into the houses, don't get your coat, pray that it's not on a Sabbath, do not go to those who are pregnant with child because they've got to get out, they have to get out immediately. I heard something today and listen, I'll give you something to think about because I've always thought when Jesus comes back, he's bringing back the elect from heaven. I like to say, I'm going to throw this out for you to think about because I'm not sure yet. I just caught a little bit of it today. It may be where Jesus is coming back down. The remnant, there's part of the remnant that's the elect that is the wilderness. Still, he comes back and gathers them and brings them as Noah like that first generation or the second generation, the excess generation that where Moses didn't do it, Jesus is going to be successful and he's going to bring that remnant into the kingdom. That may be those that are in the wilderness are going to be brought back. Like I said, I'm going to throw that out there, I'm going to work on that if you understand what I'm saying. Okay, let's go for the last one, wild card. Who ignored it, David, to be king? Amanda? Hey, there you go, Samuel, Samuel. Okay. And the last one for that, who's this depict? Next one, final jeopardy. Let's scroll it down. There you go. There you go. What's that depict? Daddy's risen. How so great salvation is where it's where our so great salvation lies. All right. Well, thank you all. And you all want to do another update Bible challenge for another book? Absolutely. Okay, Daniel, Daniel, all right with you. Sure. That might be best to do it after communion. When we do a communion that way, they're coming out of communion and all that. How's that sound? It'll be the second second Tuesday of the month rather than the last two. That's fine. That's fine with that y'all with that. And I think it helps us out too because I'm after communion. I'm really not prepared. You know, it's harder to prepare for the Tuesday. Okay, let's start with Daniel. You want you want tackle five five chapters in Daniel? That's normally what we do, isn't it? Yeah, massive. Yeah, there's only 13 chapters, so we got two months. Let's do that five chapters by the time we get there and study up on that. So all right, and study whatever commentaries you got, bring to the table any comments or things like that. So once again, Daniel, it's important to understand Daniel and what we're getting ready to go into because it's very, very pertinent. All right, thank you all for being here. Thank you, Terry. Mike, for being here. And I'll tell you what, Michael Law back, won't you get us out this evening? Heavenly Father, thank you for this, Tom. We've been studying your word tonight. We thank you for the fellowship that we have and we thank you for your word and we pray for knowledge, the word and wisdom and knowing how to approach each day with your word and live our life in a way that's pleasing to you. Your word means so much to us and I'm grateful for the time that we have and the communication that we have that we can log on and study your word. We pray, dear Lord, for all those out there. I'm not sure about Vex Mom. I know everything went well with today. I'm grateful. My friend Dave in Montana, who's not doing well, we pray that you can reach out and touch him and hopefully he can come to you, Lord. Just have comfort now and that you are there, Lord, that you were there to go to on times of difficulty and we thank you, Lord, for being there for a sword and we thank you for your word and your study tonight. My praise and things in Jesus' name. Amen. - Amen. - Right.