Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

Worship Call 1101 Released rage - 2024/06/25

with the vote Cast, the rage is released and nothing to keep the court in order as violence is lashed out at Jesus.

Broadcast on:
25 Jun 2024
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(upbeat music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) (piano music) Welcome to Worship Call with Bible Teacher Buzz Lullbeck. Buzz is the pastor of Grace Chapel Bible Ministries located in Duncan, South Carolina. This ministry is dedicated to the verse-by-verse teaching of God's Word and discipleship programs aimed at strengthening the faith of God's people. Now here's today's message. Make no mistake, there are those that hate with a passionate hate, the very name of Jesus. And there's only one thing in this world that keeps it restrained and that is some resemblance of law. But once that law breaks down, that rage will know no bounds to violence, to murder, to everything else. Some places in the world is already experiencing it. But there's coming a time when those barriers are going to be broke down. And what they did to the head, our Lord Jesus Christ, they will do to the body, which is the believer in Christ. This is the third day of the week in God's created order, the 25th day of the sixth month, the 24th year of our Lord. And this is another fine day in the Lord. Father in heaven, thank you for it. Thank you Heavenly Father for living in this time. Thank you for Heavenly Father for every testimony we thank you Heavenly Father for those who stand in faith, even in the worst of circumstances to proclaim your name. And thank you Heavenly Father that even death does not negate the glorious resurrection, that there will be a reward for those that remember his name and keep his name and his word. And there will be also regret for those who don't. Thank you Heavenly Father this day in Christ's name we pray. Amen. And remember today, you know, our prayers to moms for today and the challenge today. We know all things are going to work out well for you. But we know there is the pressure that's leading into it. But keep the faith, hun. Keep the faith. And then traveling mercies again, I believe Greg and Linda is probably already in Gatlinburg and our friends. I look forward to seeing them this week. There's not going to be no classes on Thursday or Friday. Sorry Tim, but, you know, I think we can call it early in the morning and we can fellowship together. But anyway, another fine day in the Lord as we continue our lesson this morning. And we were, we have been speaking, Jesus stands before his second trial, illegal trial. We said this is before the San Idren. Oh yeah, tonight because it reminds me it might be one of the questions tonight you will like me. He stands before Chiapas in this council. And we have tonight our great upstate Bible challenge. I'll tell you what, I'll give it a chance to stream, but I don't think I'll be able to put it up on the on the screen. But I will post later on the zoom on there. But if you want to be a part of that zoom, just send me an email and tell me you won't be a part of it and I'll send you a link. Matthew 2664, Jesus said to him, you have said it yourself. Nevertheless, you will hear after see the son of man sitting at the right hand of power and coming on in the clouds. When you see the prophecy fulfilled, for prophecy from God will not be, will not fail. It is the Lord said it. You're going to see it. The Lord said it. That tells it whether you believe it or not. And you better believe it. There's going to be no way to go back and say, oh, now I believe there's a window opportunity to say yes and to stand upon God's Word. God Word says it and it should become a reality to us. And you know what's interesting? And it was with Nathaniel that the Lord doesn't speak when it comes to a death as a finality. He doesn't say, well, if you live long enough, you'll see this. You see what I'm saying? If you live long enough, if you're going, if, you know, you, you know, this is going to be far out beyond your life time, your life scale, you know, and he never says that, well, you know, death is going to be it, you know, but those are going to be surviving in that time. This is what they're going to see. No, he says you're going to see it. Remember what he did with Nathaniel in 150? And he says, Jesus entered and said to him, because I said to you that I saw you under the fig tree, do you believe? You will see greater things than these. And he said to him, truly, truly, I say to you, you will see that heaven's open in the angels of God, the sending and descending on the Son of Man. I don't know if this has happened yet, but I don't think it has. It may be, maybe it has, but, but there is a future about this. He says, you will see. And so death doesn't negate the prophetical. And when God says you're going to see it, we, what am I saying? Is that there is a resurrection and death, the Lord defeated death. And even those who reject him, they're also going to see. There's going to be a body that we're going to see. There's going to be our souls going to be intact for eternity. And it's going to be placed in a body that's going to, that's going to experience things. So he's telling these Pharisees that you have said it yourself. Nevertheless, I tell you, here after you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power coming on the clouds of heaven. They're not believing this. They're not going to see it. They're not seeing it now, but they ought to. So when you see the prophecy fulfilled, for prophecy from God will not fail. Philippians 2, 9, and 10 take a warning. For this reason, also God highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name, which is above every name. So that at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow, and those who are in heaven, and those under the earth, that every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of the Father. They are standing before the king. They are standing before the king of the Jews. The Sanhedrin are, as the Lord said in John, they're rulers over Israel. They are rulers over Jews. But this Christ that stands before them, that is on trial, this is their king, a king which they have rejected, and a king which they, that rejection, they're going to be severely forced. So Jesus speaks of things that has not happened yet, but they will nonetheless see and experience one day as the Lord has said it. So no physical death will come, when it comes to the members of the council, will negate them or keep them from seeing this to them. It's going to be the most horrifying thing. And for all of us, physical death is not the issue. It's not going to remove us from, first of all, for those who have been faithful, for those who have spent their life, so physical death is not going to negate their reward, to diminish their reward. And physical death is not going to diminish the fact that we're going to look back. And I think there's going to be, as my pastor said, I believe there's going to be great embarrassment, even for the believer in standing before the judgment seat of Christ, recognizing their failure in this life as Peter has his moment of recognizing his failure, his lapse in faith. But Peter will be having the opportunity to rebound. Matthew 26, 65. Then the high priest tore his robe and said, "He's blasphemed. What further needs do we have a witness that, behold, you have heard the blasphemy?" And right now it was, up to this point, there was a decorum in court, as there's always decorum in court. There's procedures. And as we've already noted there, there has been the, at least the semblance of a court trial, though it's illegal. Again, it was conducted at night. It was still early morning, still at night. The son had not come up yet. Jesus did not have the privilege of having any attorney, any representative with him. He stood on his own. They had no opportunity for that. And it was a, rather than a court, it was a fact-finding body. But nonetheless, they wanted to keep some type of decorum. People were in their seats, and the roundabout, what we call almost a small coliseum, they were all seated. I wish I'd have brought that up. But they were seated there with him standing before him, and they were questioned him. They brought in the witnesses. They were doing this. And there would be order in the court of some sort, order in the court. But things are about to change. So they tore, when Jesus said this, they tore, tore their garments. Mark talks about, even tearing their tunic, which is their undergarment. The rage just escaped, it was dead. And at that point, they called for a vote, Mark 1461. But he kept silent, and did not answer. Again, the high priest was questioning him, and saying to him, "Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?" And Jesus said, "I am." "Aego, Amy." There it is. And you shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power, and coming with the clouds of heaven. The same testimony that Matthew gave. When you see the testimony of all four gospel writers, they're a little different. But when you see, quote, "word for word," and the other ones, it tells us the power of the words that were spoken. Nothing at it, nothing missed with the most important words. The Son of Man sitting at the right hand of power, and coming with the clouds of heaven. A quote from Daniel 713, and Daniel 713, I kept looking, oh, back up. He kept looking in night vision, and behold, the clouds of heaven. One like the Son of Man was coming, and he came up to the ancient of days, and presented it before him. And to him was given dominion, glory, and a kingdom that all people, the nations, and men of every language might serve him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which will never pass away. Amen. So tearing his clothes, Mark continues, tearing his clothes, and this would be his tunic. And they ripped the robe, they ripped the tunic. And this was an image of when there was blasphemy, an extreme blasphemy, that this was their practice of tearing the clothes. What further need, say Caiaphas, what further need of we have witnesses? Okay, and all along they knew what the verdict they were going, they were looking for. Again, they just wanted to make it look like a semblance of a legal trial. You've heard the plan for me. How does it seem to you? How does it seem to you mean to vote? Let us vote now. Let us vote. And again, I can't confirm this, I can't agree with this, or I don't have no evidence on this, no backing on it. I have to assume that there were those members within that court that morning, at early morning hours, that they didn't agree with this. Or maybe those who didn't agree didn't even come, because there was early morning counsel and they say, "Yeah, where was Nicodemus? Where was Joseph of Arimathea? Were they in the counsel at that time?" At this point, I don't know, and I can't answer those questions to myself, but I'll almost assume that they were not there. I like to think that they were not there, but nonetheless, those that were there and those that, and when the vote was called, as they're always were, there were those that may have not agreed. There were those that may come to Christ later on and say, "You know, I really didn't go along with them, but I had to because I would be counted out of the country club, one of the good old boys." So they chose to stand with their brothers, like a situation we had at church, where all the brotherhood came in and voted to pastor out. And maybe they didn't agree, and we knew in that particular situation we knew, a really nice guy, a really good guy that he was part of the cult that all the men belonged to. But he would have been cast aside from this cult if he didn't go along with the vote. So a vote was merely called for, no matter if one there may have been opposed to it, they still raised their hand and said, "Okay, we vote him guilty." That's when the brutality began. That's when, that's when all assemblants of a court trial was no, it was, it was mayhem in the court. And even with Caiaphas trying to take control, no, I think Caiaphas, under the guy's, under the relief and the release of the rage, that rage that boiled up in their hearts against Jesus. And in other circumstances, I've been there. I've been there against an unbeliever that, that with all the anger and all the things I hear about the particular issue. And finally, when I get to speak my mind, that rage and all those things that built up in my heart, that builds up a case, this is why the Lord says, "Do not hold." You know, love doesn't hold a record of wrongdoing. You realize that? Because when you build up a record of wrongdoing within your heart and you do not, and you keep that record in there, when the opportunity presents itself, it will explode, and it can explode in different ways. And verbal violence, and physical violence, and whatever else it needs to be dealt with. Well, these Pharisees for the longest time, they had the rage built up in their heart. Things that was in their hearts, and they kept the record of it. Every time that Jesus called them, you brood of vipers. Every time that Jesus pointed out to them, every time that they tried to trip Jesus up, they made fools out of these people. When the speech, the sermons that Jesus gave to the people and to the disciples pointing to the evil doing of the Pharisees, all of this was build up and tendled up within their hearts. And as soon as that guilty verdict came in, it was released. It was that monster could not be contained any longer. What do you think the answer said in Matthew 26, 66? The answer, he deserves death. Then they spat in his face and beat him with his fist and other slapped him and said, prophesied to us, you Christ, who is the one who hit you, coming back to Mark 61. And the abuse here. But they heard the blasphemy, how does it seem to you? And they condemned him to be deserving of death. Some began to spit at him and blindfolded him and to beat him with their fist and to say to him, prophesied, and the officers received him with slaps in the face. Naham in the court, and no one seems to be getting that handle on this. Was this a biased? Was this a non-biased decision? A decision handed down. He deserves death. The death penalty. Carry it out. No. They were going to get their licks in. And the hatred out of this. They says here in Mark, he puts in another detail that they blindfolded him. And then they hit him in the face. First of all, spitting itself was the total disrespect of this one. Another place in the Bible was when during the leveraged marriage thing, and it happened during the time of Ruth. And when a kinsman did not purchase the land or actually carried out the brother's duty, the dead brother's duty, then there would be a court trial. But it showed that Ruth actually spit in the face of the man who would not redeem her. And it was a picture of disrespect. And so this was a blatant disrespect for him. And then the violence was with the release of what was in their hearts. And they blindfolded him. You see, if I saw a punch coming, I could try to duck out of the way. Or this way or that way. And even though I might get hit, it wouldn't be as bad as if I didn't see it coming. A blind punch is a sucker punch and a blind punch can punch you out. And Jesus was blindfolded. And this were coming from the left and from the right. And he didn't know where it was coming. So he had no way of blocking. So he was beat to a pulp right at that point. And his face must, by the time he gets to pilot, they want to make sure that they've got their lips in and every ounce of their hatred. See what hatred does? If you harbor any hatred within your heart, you have to deal with it. You have to, because otherwise it's going to fester and it fester it hard within, and the brutality was awful considering. So the next stop would be pilot. The next stop, and they would not send Jesus to pilot unscathed. If they could not put him to death, they would certainly beat him to the inches of his life. Matthew 2666, they slapped him, and they said to him, and they're mocking, "Oh, you want to be a prophet, do you?" Well prophesied this, and they would hit him and stand him back up. All this, while Satan must have been living this up. Satan must have been eating it up. But there will be a point that Satan will say, "Uh-oh, you see, Satan doesn't know the game plan. Jesus knows the game plan." Satan doesn't yet know, or maybe he does, because it's coming up to something that pilot's wife's going to say. Pilot's wife is not going to be happy with it. She says, "I had a dream. Don't have anything to do with this righteous man." Was that Satan coming to real life? Uh-oh. And what's the real start? He couldn't stop it from coming. And maybe the increased abuse inspired by him was to seek to get him to be killed. And this may be the thing right here, folks. If the cross is going to be the victory for Jesus, we're just talking here. I don't know. Maybe Satan already recognizes that the cross is the battlefield, and the cross is going to be his defeat. And if Satan could inspire so much hatred as to kill him right then, then he could never get to the cross. And he would get closer with this, as Satan has often done, has come close, but not close enough. This is 1 Corinthians 2, 6 to 8. Yet we do speak wisdom among those who are mature. A wisdom, however, not of this age, nor the rulers of this age, who are passing away. But we speak of God's wisdom in a mystery, the hidden mystery, which God predestined before the ages of glory. The wisdom, which none of the rulers of this age, those are the principalities, the demons, and all that, has understood. For if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. Jesus knew the playbook they didn't. And let's look at Isaiah 50, one of my favorite Isaiah passages here. The Lord gave us, the Lord has given me the tongue of disciples, that I may know how to sustain the weary one with the word. He awakens me morning by morning, he awakens my ear to listen as a disciple. The Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not disobedient nor did I turn my back. I gave my back to those who strike me, and my cheeks to those who pluck out the beard. I did not cover my face from humiliation and spitting. For the Lord God helps me, therefore I am not disgraced, therefore I have set my face like flint. And I know that I will not be ashamed. He who vindicates me is near. Who will contend with me? Let us stand up to each other. Who has a case against me? Let him draw near to me. Behold, the Lord God helps me. Who is he who condemns me? Behold, they will all wear out like a garment. The moth will eat them. Who is among who that fears the Lord, that obeys the voice of the servant, and walks in darkness, and has no light. Let him trust in the name of the Lord, and rely on his God. Behold, all you who kindle a fire, who encircle yourselves with fire brands. Walk in the light of your fire, and among the brands that you have set ablaze, this you will have from my hand. You will lie down in torment. Whoa. Isaiah 52 14, just as many were astonished at you, my people. So his appearance was marred more than any man in his form, more than the sons of men, and Micah 5-1. Now, most of yourselves, in troops, daughter of troops, they who lay siege against us, with the rod, they will smite the judge of Israel on the cheek. So point of application here. Shall we ourselves remember when we are Christians, when we face the challenges and the injustices, that the Lord himself has endured. Remember that we are the body of Christ, and if they do this to the head of the body, what are they going to do with the body himself? Second Timothy 2-11, it is a trustworthy statement. If we die with him, we will also live with him. If we endure, will we also reign with him? If we deny him, he also will deny us. What the system did with our Christ, as they let loose the vented rage, there is coming a time when we can be assured that we can be warned that that time is coming to anyone that professes the name of Christ. There is a vented group, there is a rage within the heart of this world, and the only thing that has restrained it is some semblance of law. This was just a small, and it was a pivotal part of all human history when Jesus stood before Caiaphas in this kangaroo court. But the body itself, the Christian body is in the kangaroo court right now. We have a Joshua day right now, choose this day whom you will serve. As far as me, my house, we will serve the Lord. There is coming a day when we are seeing it as the boundaries are being torn down within this world. There are places in this world that are suffering already greatly, because they stand for the name of the Lord, and with great faith they will not deny him. We have not experienced such in this country to such a degree, but the boundaries are being torn down, and the one-world system will not, and in a time, we are starting to see churches being burned, being blown up, violence against Christians, shootings, and everything like that. It is the release where there is lawlessness that rage against a Christian will come to a boiling point and it will explode out of the unbeliever. If the world, this is the words of Jesus, if the world hates you, you know that it hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would have loved its own, but because you are not of this world, but I chose you out of this world because of this, the world hates you. He is not only talking to his disciples here, but he is talking to you and I as well as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ. Remember the word that I said to you, a slave is not greater than his master. If they persecuted me, they will also persecute you. If they had kept my word, they would have kept yours also. But all these things I will do to you, they will do to you for my name's sake because they do not know the one who sent you. There is coming the opportunity, those who come into this time with little small states. Let me just ask you a question, and as I ask myself, do we have enough faith that when that time comes, will we stand with the Sanhedrin, will we stand with those who disagree with what is going on, but we are just going to keep quiet, we are not going to say anything for sake of peace. Basically, for our own good, or are we going to take a stand and say, I will stand, I will take it to the grave that I stand for the name of Jesus. Father in Heaven, thank you for this opportunity of fellowshiping your word this morning. Strength in our faith, Heavenly Father, we know that the day of the lostness is breaking down within this world. At the boundaries of it, that the hatred that has been brewing within the hearts of those within the cosmic system, a hatred towards the Christian. We know that it's going to break out in that neighborhood near us, and that we will be scorned, and we will be hated. We will be beat, and we will be killed, even at the consent of our governments. So we pray, Heavenly Father, that when that time comes, strength in our faith that we may have a good witness, and we pray these things in Christ's name, amen. All right, it's another fine day, and the Lord's mom, we're praying for you. Again, we got tonight, we have our Great Upstate Bible Challenge, and again, if you contact me, if you want to be a part of it on Zoom, I'll send you a link. And until then, stay motivated, and Lord, keep your armor on, keep fighting a good fight of faith, and remember our website is So until later, until this evening, we'll see you. [BLANK_AUDIO]