Dharmabytes from free buddhist audio

The Song of the Windhorse

Broadcast on:
10 Dec 2012
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Our FBA Dharmabyte today is a poem read by Parami as an affectionate tribute to her teacher, Urgyen Sangaharakshita. and#8220;The Song of the Windhorse,and#8221; is from the talk and#8220;Energy At Its Most Abundant,and#8221; a previously unreleased talk given as part of a three talk series at Windhorse:Evolution, a large and successful Buddhist team-based right livelihood business.

Talk gIven in Cambridge, 2002

[music] Dharma Bites is brought to you by Free Buddhist Audio, the Dharma for your life. Our work is funded entirely by donations from our generous listeners. If you would like to help us keep this free, make a contribution at Thank you, and happy listening. Okay, so I'm going to read the poem of the wind tours because I know it's been quite a while since you've had the talks. Yeah, so I thought I'd start by just reading to remind you of the poem. The song of the wind tours. I am the wind tours. I am the king of space, the master of infinity, traversing the universe, with flashing fiery hooves. On my strong back, on a sado blazing with gems, I bear through the world the three flaming jewels. Once, long ago, my galloping hooves were upheld by the delicate hands of gods. As I bore through the night, from home into homelessness, a young prince of the Shakya clan. With elephant, bull, and lion, I stepped stately round the capital of a shokha's column. We forebeest, sparing between us, the mighty eight-spoked wheel that through heaven and earth rose irresistibly. Nostrils breathing fire, I uphold, chord reform the throne of the jubon conquer in the south. I am the wind-horse, white like a shooting star I appear in the midst of the darkness of the world. Sometimes I troll it, sometimes gallop. Sometimes, stands, stalks still in the midst of the heavens, so that all can see me in my glory. My neck proudly arched as white as snow, and my flanks gleam like mother of peril. Main and tail are flowing gold, and my harness of silver studied with turquoise. My loud names as I pour the clouds echo and re-echo throughout the universe, waking those who sleep, putting to flight the hosts of indolence apathy and despair. Hearing the sound of my voice, heroes regain their courage. Warriors grasp the spies of keen thought against the day of intellectual battle, against the day of the great spiritual war, for life, consciousness and vision, when the bow sings and arrows of desire are loosed at immortal targets. I am the wind-horse, I am thought at its clearest, emotion at its noblest, energy at its most abundant. I am reverence, I am friendliness, I am joy. I, only among beasts, am pure enough, strong enough, swift enough to bear on my back the three flaming jewels. The pride of the lion is not enough, the strength of the bull is not enough, the splendor of the peacock is not enough. With what joy I sweep through the air bearing age after age, my thrice precious burden. With what joy, with what ecstasy I fulfill the greatest of all destinies. Plunging or soaring, I leave behind me a rainbow track. We hope you enjoyed today's Dharma Bite. Please help us keep this free. Make a contribution at And thank you. [MUSIC] [BLANK_AUDIO]