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Faith as Surrender, Faith as Emergence

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23 Jul 2012
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Faith is longing for what is possible, lucidity to what has value, and conviction as to what is real. Todayand#8217;s FBA Dharmabyte, and#8220;Faith as Surrender, Faith as Emergenceand#8220;, is a little gem from the talk: and#8216;We Know What Youand#8217;ve Studied, But What Have You Seen?and#8216; by Kulaprabha.

[music] Dharma Bites is brought to you by Free Buddhist Audio, the Dharma for your life. Our work is funded entirely by donations from our generous listeners. If you would like to help us keep this free, make a contribution at Thank you, and happy listening. [music] So I thought it might be interesting just to look at the other three myths and see how faith is dealt with then, just really quite briefly. But this is faith is how it's talked about in the Pure Land. Let's go. Shin-jin. It's used generally to mean the mind of truth and reality. This is faith. I don't know about the map, but it's the mind of truth and reality. It's free from falsity, free from deceit and wrong views and actions, right and straight forward, combines three minds. See, that's what that is in a minute. It's used generally. It's more specifically Shin-jin is translated as the serene entrusting faith. So that does sound quite similar to Pasada. No doubt there are links. I'm also sure it won't be exactly the same thing, but serene entrusting faith and also the awakening of deep faith. So these three minds in the Surrender Pure Land School, which was out in Shin-jin. So serene mind is called shi-shin. Shin means seed or kernel and shi means truth or reality. So sincere mind is the seed of truth and it's free from doubt. So there's an aspect to faith with which, the faith with which we surrender and contains a seed of truth in it. Free and it's free from doubt. At least with regard to that seed, it's free from doubt. And I think like some of the suggestions that some of the things that we put up in the flip chart were just from our own experience, sounded like at least in some occasions you can bring to mind the experiences of faith that were free from doubt. Because, you know, you're just the one about what else is there? Nothing else is what? Or that feeling of being attracted to something and it's moved us so deeply that we don't in that minute have doubt about it. And of course we will have doubt about other things and doubt will come back in because we're not stream entrance, but it's good to just be able to identify and be able to call to mind those moments when we have felt in contact with a seed of truth and we haven't had any doubt about it. And it is one good reason for keeping meditation diary as I found out yesterday. I mean, have you forgotten about that, meditation? So since you're in mind, then there's another aspect of mind. There are all aspects of mind within it. It's an interesting serene faith where it's shin goo. You know, is aspiration, joy, wish, delight, and shin here means truth, reality. So again, there's a whole emphasis here on being free from doubt in faith. And then the third aspect of this mind is aspiration for birth. Desire to be born. But it's not desire to be born anywhere. It's desire to, in the tradition of course, it's desire to be born in the pure land. It's not desire to be born anywhere less than that. So it's an awakening deeply, a deep kind of awakening within ourselves where we want to be born, but we want to be born in a place where we can achieve the greatest accomplishment. I'm talking about some of those in terms of the most fulfilling performance, actions that we could engage in would be by being born into the pure land. And we could establish that. So this was like the other two minds, but it's untainted by doubt. And it says deep, deep, deep awakening. So just so you could copy down, if there's any particular words in this or a particular part of it that just strikes you in your mind, then just copy it down and just try and bear it in mind, actually, for a moment, because these again, this is going to be the basis for the spiritual rebirth. It's the way, this is in a way the wish. Faith is expressing a wish for that rebirth. And at the same time, knowing why that rebirth is needed, really feeling it's necessary because we've seen that. We haven't just studied it, we've seen it. And out of that seeing comes the wish for rebirth, the aspiration for rebirth, not any rebirth, but the one that will take us to our most complete fulfillment. Okay, so this is different again. Oh, this went to Damadassen as well. Swan Swan, which I don't think that's really how you pronounce it, but it's how I pronounce it. Tots about having faith in realities, qualities and capacities. It's a favourite one with Damadassen. She got me feasted about it earlier in the year, so on and so on. So, it comes, it is Swan Swan, but it's also found in Gampupa and Shanti Deva in Guru Chana Vatara. So, faith then is, there's three kinds again. So, it's longing for what's possible. So, that's for our capacity to realise the truth and embody enlightened qualities. So, we just, it's a longing, there's a longing for that. But it's also faith in our capacity. So, I think we'll actually all of these three link up with the discovery and emergence and looking, intuiting our inner richness and having faith in that inner richness. So, one aspect of faith is longing faith for what is possible. And what is possible is to use our capacity in our richness to realise the truth and then embody enlightened qualities. So, it's longing faith, lucid faith as to what has value. So, that's the qualities that have value. It's qualities of the Buddha. And then conviction as to what's real. What's real is that suffering exists. And to some extent, we know that, we see that. That's what we see. We see it in ourselves deeply felt, but we also deeply respond to it outside of ourselves. So, there's the existence of suffering, it impeminence, and conviction as to what's real is that actions have consequences. Now, that's a very enabling faith to have. Because if actions have consequences, then if we act, that will have consequences for us. So, we could just reflect on faith in terms of realities, conviction about those realities and what's real, qualities of the Buddha, because they are the ones that have value, and our capacity to embody those. We hope you enjoyed today's Dharma Bite. Please help us keep this free. Make a contribution at And thank you. [BLANK_AUDIO]