
Episode 85: Them: Part Four “Coming”

Solveig's mother explains how her relationship with Sara began and the events they experienced together. However, the conversation gets interrupted in the middle and will have to continue in the next episode. This is part 4 of an ongoing series titles "Them" To hear bonus episodes and videos of Otherworld, sign up for the Otherworld Patreon Check out our Merch Follow us on: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter If you have experienced something paranormal or unexplained, email us your story at

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01 Jul 2024
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Solveig's mother explains how her relationship with Sara began and the events they experienced together. However, the conversation gets interrupted in the middle and will have to continue in the next episode.

This is part 4 of an ongoing series titles "Them"

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That's 50% off unlimited access to 25 language courses for the rest of your life. Redeem your 50% off at Rosetta Stone dot com slash RS10 today. Welcome to other world. I'm your host Jack Wagner. This is them, part four. If you haven't heard the other episodes, you should go start from the beginning. This episode is the first conversation I had with Solvi's mother. It took place about a year ago, just a couple months after those initial conversations I had with Solvi, so still quite early on. I remember heading into this interview with a lot of questions in my head. I was really unsure when I was about to hear and what she would be like. There were so many aspects of this story that challenged how far my belief could go, and then there were also some things that made me actively suspicious. I mean, let's be real here for a second. We're sitting here talking about interdimensional beings texting and making calls on cell phones, so all of this is technically ridiculous according to our current understanding of physics and the universe, but you know, this is other world. At this point, I had not heard from the two people at the center of all this, the mom and Sarah. They were the ones who were in this before. They brought Solvi and Kara into it, and then apparently went even deeper after Solvi and Kara sort of moved on and tried going back to being normal college students. They continued for years. Solvi and Kara don't even fully know what went on during a lot of that time, so it was sort of a mystery to them as well. Despite my suspicions about certain aspects of this, I was riveted by this entire saga as a whole and wanted to know more, but I didn't exactly know what type of story I was documenting here. Was this a purely paranormal story? Was this a story about some kind of strange cult or stalker? Was this a story about a mom deceiving her daughters? Was it a story about this strange girl from the gym coming in and deceiving everyone? And finally, could it actually be a mix of all those things? I'm sure many of you listening have burning questions. I did too. I assure you many of those will be asked, but I wanted to know the entire story, and there was only one way to get that. I had to go in and first just listen, document as much as I can, learn as much as I could, and be open-minded and patient. So, I'm presenting you with everything in chronological order, so that you can experience this the same way I did. And for me, that was a lot of ups and downs, lots of back and forth, and millions of theories that couldn't quite explain everything. So, a year ago, I was heading into this interview with Solvai's mom. The rational side of my brain could not help but wonder if her or Sarah had handed all of this, but more than anything, I was just excited to finally speak to her. This is them, part four. The title is "Coming" and you're listening to other world. Hello? Is this Bobbie? What are they? At its core, the science, you can't argue it. No, I'm not sure about the science, it's up in the sky. It's almost frustrating not to have to make sure, because I'm going to die a bunch, like, if it swims, we're just like, we're wrong. Everybody moves back into the light, even if it takes a minute. So, where do I start? This is one of the strangest stories I've ever heard. Yeah. Well, are you a person that normally gets involved in situations like this? What do you mean? Going on unexpected adventures with girls you meet at the gym? Not really. Not really now. But my life has been, had had some surprises, for sure. But this is definitely the biggest surprise in my life, ever. Yeah. Why don't you introduce yourself? I'll let you take it from here, like, where's the beginning, you know? Okay, so I am Rangnil and I'm from Norway. I live in a small place called Yaitus outside of a city called Raman, and I am a yoga teacher. I'm also a group fitness manager. Like, before you gave birth to your daughters, before any of this happened, what was your life like? I was an art student, actually. Just doing normal stuff, like, normal young people. You know, I was very young, mom. I was just 22. I just turned 22 when I had Cara and the father as well, and it was a very unplanned child, very much unplanned child. I had only dated the father for six weeks and we had never had sex in the first time we made her. So it was not the best start, you know, over relationship. But we managed to stay together for five years and we had both Cara and Sulwei, and then we split. We were simply too young, and we didn't really know each other that well, so it was a very intense start. And I remember when the night when I got pregnant, I had a dream. The dream was that I saw myself going into a labyrinth and I looked down on myself and I could see that my belly had grown. And then I saw that I was going through some hurdles, but that I would come out in the out of the labyrinth again in one whole piece. It was a challenge, that relationship. So, yeah, I have been very spiritual since I was 18. I grew up as a Christian. In Norway, everybody who are born automatically is a part of the Christian church. But I just, when I was 18, I started to read the Bible and I just decided that this is bullshit. So I broke up with the Christianity. So when I gave birth, I decided that I didn't want that for my children because I want them to decide themselves. But I wanted to have a ceremony for them. You know, like kind of a name ceremony or something. So we were mainly women and that have the same interest and the same belief that we are a part of something bigger. I believe in a creator force, but I don't believe in religion. So that's why I deliberately never baptized my children in the normal way that they do in Norway because I am not Christian and I don't want to decide for them what they are supposed to believe they have to choose themselves. We were sitting there having a meditation and sending some lovely beautiful thoughts and energies to the girls and wishing them the best, you know, a good journey in life. And then they got this present, these crystals. So when she gave the present the crystal, she told me that Surbai would have a mark on her body that would show where she come from. And then I completely forgot about it until that crystal fell down from the roof. So this was sort of just like like a hippie. Yeah, like a hippie baptism, you may say. Okay. There was no water included. Okay, interesting. Yeah. Hearing only sparse details of this baptism, it almost sounded like some cult ritual that I... It was definitely not a cult, not at all. Okay. I don't believe in gurus, I don't believe in those things, you know. For me, spirituality is self-reflection and to take a hundred percent responsibility for your own life and for your own choices. And for me, spirituality is to look within. It's not to call this about manipulation, you know, and control like a lot of religion is as well, I think. So in 2010, I was employing a young girl called Sara and I started to train her as an instructor. So I was actually her boss. I hired her. So I hired her in 2010, approximately. And nothing happened for four years. Oh, so you knew her for four years? Yeah, just as I'm as her boss, I'm still working a little bit in the training industry. So I have been in charge of instructors, training instructors, group fitness instructors. So there was one friend of mine that advised me to start training her. She was very young, so usually I didn't start training someone so young, but she had a great talent and so I trusted my friend and I started to train her. So I was in charge of her for four years without anything happening at all. She is a very lovable person, a person that is very easy to like, but she is a bit shy and you can tell that she is carrying something, you know, she's adopted and you can kind of tell that we have this saying in Norway that a silent water is very deep. So she has this silence about her, but still not this very constricted one, but just this mysterious silence about her and she's just, you know, very bright and responsible and she was very easy to be in charge of, you know, she was that kind of employee that you, you could always trust. And in 2014, I started to train her as a yoga teacher. She was in this big process, she was moving out from her parents, she was, she had started education and where things started to happen around her. She was in this hotel where the water started to run all of the sudden in the bathroom without anyone being there and she started to, you know, experience that things started to move around her and she didn't understand why. And she knew that I was into spirituality and so then she, she reached out to me and asked me, what do you think is going on? And I said, well, I don't really know what's going on, but it doesn't feel like there is something you should be worried about, but time will tell. In June 2014, she asked me if I could learn her some pranayamas because I'm also a yoga teacher because she felt this stress, this tension. She had a hard time to breathe properly. Pranayamas is breathing techniques we use in yoga. They increase the strength of our lungs and I said, sure, I can do that. And I had just started to train her as a yoga teacher myself. So I said that we can just do it as a part of the training. So we made an appointment and I learned her a couple of very easy pranayamas that are very accessible for beginners. And I said, you do them every day for one week and then we meet up again and we see what happens. So when we meet up again one week later, she has experienced very strange things. She told me that she had, you know, when she was doing them, she just disappeared. She just, she didn't fall asleep. She couldn't explain it in any other way that she just had a blackout and she was just gone. And when she came back, it had went like 20 or 40 minutes. It buried. And that's very, I've never experienced anything like that with pranayamas. So I was like, what is this? And she just disappeared and she said she didn't fall asleep. It was almost like she fainted, but she didn't faint either. So she just had a blackout and she couldn't remember anything. But when she came back, it had went somewhere between 20 and 40 minutes each time. She seemed very surprised herself. But she was kind of intrigued by it also, but very surprised by it and me as well. So we were talking a bit back and forth and I was asking, checking out with her how she did the technique, you know, if she was hyperventilating or something, because then you can actually faint, but she didn't. And then I had been teaching this class. She was attending. She goes home to her place in Raman and I go home. I live 45 minutes away from Raman. And I am sitting back home. And all of a sudden I received five empty SMSs from her. And I was like, okay. So I text her, is there anything you want? Because I just received five empty SMSs from you. And she said, no, I haven't tried to reach out to you. And she was checking her phone. And the funny thing was that you couldn't see anything on her phone, that she had sent anything. It was just registered in my phone. So we were discussing back and forth what is this, you know, what is going on? We didn't have any explanation. So we just figured that might be the technology or something. Then one week later, she attends my class again and we say goodbye. And at the exact same time, it was 21, 17. It comes five new messages from her from her and they are empty. So I text her and I say, well, you won't believe it, but now it happened again. And she was like, what? And we were talking back and forth and she was checking her phone. Nothing there. Nothing like she has been sending me nothing. And I'm like, what is this? And I could just, you know, feel in every cell in my body that is something weird going on here, something strange is going on. Next Monday, I teach, she attends. And then we tell her this joke to each other, okay, let's go back home and see what happens at 21, 17. So this time, I was sitting with my phone and she was sitting with her phone. And at the exact time, 21, 17, but now it arrives seven empty messages. And I'm like, what is this? The next day, I am practicing yoga with a friend of mine. So we were practicing handstands. So Sarah was asking to join us. And she had recently got a new iPhone. And she was her battery was flat. There was, you know, no battery left. And so she asked me if she could borrow, you know, this charger. But I didn't have the one that fitted her and the newest model. I had all the model. And also my friend had it. So we couldn't help her. So she just left her phone. So her phone was lying a couple of meters away from us. So we were in the yoga studio practicing handstand. And handstand is quite challenging. So we needed a break after like five or 10 minutes. So we were sitting down talking and chatting. Her phone is lying, I guess, somewhere between five and 10 meters away from us. And it's completely black, it's flat, no electricity, no battery. And then all of a sudden I get a call from her, from Sarah, from the phone that is dead, lying over there, many meters away from us. And I was just screaming, you know, and we were screaming all of us. And I didn't even think about answering the call, because in my mind, it was impossible. And I'm a pretty open-minded person, but that was in my mind, impossible. So I didn't think about answering. And then it came a message into my answering the message, what do you call it? Voice mail. The voicemail, yeah. So what we hear when we listen to that is that, of course, we hear ourselves. We hear us screaming and like, "Oh, what is going on? This is not possible, you know, all these things." And then we hear this really high-frequent noise sound, very strange, high-frequent noise in between that. And I'm like, "What is this? What is going on?" So I went home. And Sarah went home. And a couple of hours later, I received a video from her where I see that big lamp in her living room is, you know, moving like a pendulum. And she told me that she had lit some candles and they just, it was like somebody blew them out. And every time she started tried to stop the lamp and she showed it, you know, she had filmed it, you know, that she stopped it. And then it started to move again. She thought it was kind of exciting but also triggering her out a bit. And then we just agree that if anything else happened and she got really scared, she should call me. I would leave the sound on my phone. And so I would answer the phone if she got really scared. So three o'clock during the night, she calls me. And I hear, you know, this knocking sound. And she told me that it has been knocking on the walls in her bedroom for like one hour. And there was nobody else in her apartment. And I could really hear, you know, this knocking and she was lying under her sheet. And she was really scared. She was really scared. And I just told her, you know, I will come and visit you as soon as I can and we'll figure out what this is. As soon as we agreed on that, it stopped. When I am at work that day, all of a sudden I receive new text messages. And this is the first time there is any text in them. So I get seven text messages that says, coming, coming, coming, coming, coming. I was like, what is this? So I go to her after I finish my job and she had finished hers. And we meet up at hers. And as soon as I entered her apartment, I was checking, you know, for, you know, if there is any, as I call it, stagnated energy, you know, sometimes, you know, I think everybody has experienced that at some, sometimes your places, you just feel like it's creepy, you know, it's just something you feel. But it didn't feel like that. It felt light, it felt nice, it felt good. It was this good feeling, good vibe there. In that moment, there was this pen like this lying next to her on the sofa and a little bit away from her because she had this diary and it just flew straight into my chest. So I jumped, you know, and she screamed. And then things started to move in the apartment. You saw these things move on their own? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. They were flying around us. They started with this, you know, the remote control for the television. First, it was the pen. Then it was the remote control to the television. It just flew across the floor. And I went to pick it up and I put it back. And then it flew again. And I put it back. And then she had this, you know, this, what do you call it that you put in your hair? It was made of metal. She took it off. And then I was actually, you know, I was watching it, you know. I was really sitting there watching it. And then it disappeared across the room. And that happened a lot. So all this activity started to happen. And I'm like, what is this? What is this? I have experienced a couple of things before, but nothing like that. Nothing like that. What was it like seeing something move on its own? It was very exciting, but also very kind. I would say shocking. We have this term in Norwegian, we call it that we are scary excited. You know, you have, you know, those both. And I was like, what is this? What is this? So this is going on. And then I just decided that, okay, I cannot leave her hair alone. I have to stay here during the night. I have to be with her. I have to stay with her because she was excited, but she was scared. She had this guest bed that you can open. And she placed her in her bedroom. So I was, you know, settling down there with her, so I was going to spend the night there. And as soon as we turn up the lights, there was this really loud sound. There was this, you know, the top of this, you know, hairspray. And the top of that box was smashing into the wall in the room. And this was moving from the bathroom. So it went through three walls because the door to our bedroom was closed. So I took it up. I went back to the bathroom. I put it on the top, the lid on the top of this container. And I go back to the room, I close the door. And bam, it comes back again. Walking through three doors or walls. And this happened three times. It's the top of a hairspray bottle. Yeah, the top of the hairspray bottle. And you would hear it hit the wall? I hear, we hear it hit the wall very loudly and how it falls down to the floor. And it just, you know, rolls around down on the wall, very loud. And we were like screaming, you know, because of the, we were shocked and excited at the same time. And then it calmed down. And we managed finally to fall asleep. And the messages continue to come. This continues and it increases until we, I start to receive messages instead of getting seven messages separately. It starts to just come one message with several words. And the phone calls continues. So I receive a lot of phone calls from her phone. And all the messages that I receive, they are not registered in her phone at all. You cannot see them there. They are not there. And even when they, they called us several times when we were together, her phone was far away from us. And every time we checked her log, you cannot see that anyone has called from her phone. Nobody. So this continues for two months. A lot of phone calls. And we have recorded a lot of them. And first we hear these really high frequent sounds. And then comes this really interesting, it sounds almost like water. And then you can hear that it's like a voice that tries to communicate with us, but it's too much noisier. It's like, you know, when somebody is calling you from really, really far. You can really tell that somebody is talking to us, but it's not possible to hear what they are saying. One of the times when we were driving on a way to work and they called us, we could really hear, you know, how they were trying to talk to us. And it was kind of frustrating not to understand what they were trying to say. But then I could clearly hear that they said, "Mere, today is not or meet you soon." Okay. So I'll set the scene before playing this clip. This one is interesting. They're in the car. Rogneil is driving. Sarah is in the passenger seat. They're in the middle of the woods, and their phones apparently call each other on their own. Rogneil's phone is playing from the car stereo. You'll be able to hear that. And Sarah's phone is visibly sitting in the middle console of the car. Nothing's touching it. It's not on speakerphone, and she's not touching it. Sarah's recording all of this on this digital camcorder. And I guess the weird thing is if Sarah was making these sounds that were coming from the phone, you would be able to hear her doing this on the camcorder recording, and you would be able to see her doing it. And then on top of that, you heard Rogneil explain that they think they hear this thing saying, "Meet you soon" amongst the noise. You can actually hear Rogneil and Sarah asking them about it. And then on the screen of Sarah's phone, you could see a text come in that says, "Soon." It's pretty weird. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Okay, I'll play one more call. This was a different day, and in this video, they're sitting in a room together. Their phones apparently call each other on their own. It's dead silent in the room. I could see both women in the video. Their phones are there. And there's clearly sound coming through the phone that is not being produced in the room. I don't know what these sounds are, but if one of them was making the sounds, you'd be able to hear it in this recording, but you can't. [Music] [Music] [Music] All right, we have to take a quick break, but we'll be right back with the rest of this interview. No matter what you're going through, you are never alone. Join me on my podcast, "From the Heart with Rachel Braithin" every Friday. Each episode is like sitting down with your best friend for a cup of coffee. From self-care tips to inspiration for healing, this podcast offers the chance to return to nature, return to community, and return to who you are at your core. Straight from my heart to yours. Listen to and follow "From the Heart with Rachel Braithin" on the free Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. So this goes on for two months. And then my spare key to my car disappeared. While I was traveling, I was in Bergen, I think, on the west coast of Norway. I all of a sudden I get this message from Sarah that, "Look what appeared here in my apartment." And that was my spare key to my car. And my spare key was hanging in my key, I don't know the word in English closet. And so I had to message my partner, "Can you go and check if my spare key is in that box?" And he went to check it and he said, "No, it's gone." And I was like, "Okay." So all of a sudden that appeared in her apartment while I was in Bergen. And the key is almost an hour car drive from her apartment where I used to live back then. Where did it appear? In her entrance of her apartment. On this small shelf. All of a sudden it was just lying there. And another funny thing happened with that key the same. I think it was the next day. So Sarah, she went to a hotel by the airport where I stayed that night to be with me because she was still kind of scared of everything that happened. So she came there to have some comfort with me. And then not long after she came into the hotel with me, all of a sudden the key just came with full force from the side of the room and into the wall. And Sarah was sitting next to me in the hotel room. And then it just came like that with full force. You were looking at Sarah while this happened? She couldn't have thrown it? It's not possible because we were sitting leaning back into the wall and it came. I could see it coming from the side in front of us. So it's really not possible that she could have done that. And would it have been possible for her to have stolen the spare key from your house at some point? Might have been. She had been in my house. Yes. She had been in my house. But yeah, I really don't understand why she should do that. Because there were so many things happening all the time. So she didn't really need to add anything. Yeah. If you know what I mean, it started with this baby picture just disappeared. She had it in a frame and I was at work. And she told me that, oh, shit, my baby picture is gone. And I was like, oh, really? And she was looking for it. And she couldn't find it. And when I opened my bag, the picture is in my bag. Every time this happened a lot of times, every time I gave it back to her. And in the end, it just ended up standing in my house one hour away from her. How long would it take for it to reappear? Usually hours. And also another time was that we both of us were at work. She was then working in the reception. And I had been teaching a class. I went into my office and I find this picture in my purse. I go and give it to her and she put it in her bag and I saw her closing it. And then I went back to my office and I was sitting there working. And all of a sudden, it was back in my purse. And it's not possible that she could be doing that. And that happened several times. And I remember, and there was so many crazy things happening at work. So my boss, she was like, what is going on with you two? Every time you are here, crazy things happen. It was like that we couldn't be near the computers because they were just shut down. And for Sarah, she was the receptionist. And many times in the gym, the computer is so important in order to serve the customers. So she was really struggling for a period because everything just shut up. So our boss just said, can you please go out of the building? So this start again and then you come back in again. So, yeah. And then one day, this was in the beginning of October. She was visiting me at home. And me and her and my partner, we went up into the forest and we were picking mushrooms. And we were going back home and we had a nice dinner and even making dinner with those mushrooms. And this is not with crazy mushrooms, but these eatable mushrooms. And my man went to bed and I just had this feeling the whole day that something is going to happen today. I just knew it in every cell of my body that something very special is going to happen today. And as soon as my man went to bed, they call and I say day. We hear all these voices trying to come through and I started to get a little bit frustrated, you know, like, I really want to understand what you are saying. So then all of a sudden I got this idea and I told them, you know, on the line that, okay, I don't understand what you're saying, but you have been sending me text messages for a while now. So what about me asking you questions on the phone and you respond on text message? So I start to ask questions and then they respond on text messages that I was sitting next to me and her phone was a little bit away because if the phones are too close to each other, you get all this feedback, you know, when you call someone and they are really close to you, it's all this feedback. So we had to put her phone a bit away, so we didn't have all that noise. And then I start to, you know, I had, you know, like 100,000 questions about what is going on. And the first thing they say is that you have to remember that you have three daughters, that you have Sarah and you have your other daughters. And they have to know that they have to know that she exists. And then I told them, okay, but then I need your help because I don't know how am I going to tell them about this. So we were going to have an experience with beings from other dimensions. And also, I would receive this kind of tools that we can use in order to access the potential that we have as human beings, that we have a potential that are far bigger than just being a consciousness in human body, that we are, that we are interconnected with so much more than just the reality that we see here now, where we feel separated from each other and that we feel separated from everything more or less, where we have removed ourselves from the connection with the nature and so forth. And what they say is that we are going through this big change of consciousness, that we are, you know, the human beings are on this verge that we are going to wake up and understand and well, like I like to say, remember that we are interconnected and that we are a part of a universe, that we are not the only one in this universe at all. And that we have beings coexisting next to us, they are not above us or anything, they are next to us and that those whales that are between those frequencies are beginning to open and that more and more people will start to experience these things, more and more people are experiencing those so-called weird things, that they coexist with us and they are like, hello, we are here, but we are so consumed with our own lives, so we don't, and we haven't learned in our lives how to listen to other frequencies or to tune into other frequencies, so yeah, that's a lot. This is really crazy, I know, it's really mind-blowing and crazy, I know, and this is just the beginning of the story. What did you think about, like, I knew you were talking about struggling to tell your daughter, but you were receiving messages, you were getting messages saying that she had to be a part of it? Yeah, you know, when I told you about this, I call it the breakthrough and that what happened in the beginning of October, when they called and I realized that I could ask them questions and they could answer with text messages, in that dialogue they told me that Suwai and Kaurah needed to know that they had Sarah and I told them, okay, but then I need some help because this is very difficult for me, I'm worried about that, how they will take it, so so I was like not initiating that contact, what happened was what Suwai told you that she started to experience them and then she called me and then I just realized, okay, now it's time, I will tell her, so I told her that I told her what I could tell her in 20 minutes because I had to teach a class and then we decided that she should come and visit me and that Sarah would be there with us and then all this happened when that Suwai has told you, you know, it was like to siblings finding each other again and it was very powerful, it was very touching and then they sent text messages that they are twin souls, they called them, they just started to call them the twins on text messages. The beings did, the beings said that, like there. Yeah, the beings were sending text messages to me on my phone and telling me that they are twins, just calling them the twins. The next big chapter is that they sent me, when I say day, I mean the beings from the other dimensions, they told me that now it was my oldest daughter's turn, that she would be, I call it activated, so she came home to visit, so I went to pick her up and I just couldn't wait to tell her, I just had to get it out of my system, so on the parking lot where I picked her up and also I just told her everything and then she came home with me and then the same thing happens to her as happened to Suwai. This is so weird. I know. Were there points that you wondered like, what if it's a person doing all of this? Yeah, yes, I went through that, I think we all did. I'm sure the listeners are right now. What do you, how did you get through that? What makes you think that it's not? Because the first messages, there was a small part of me that was like, is it her sending me those? The first time I was starting to embrace that it's not her was when it was calling from her phone that was empty, it was off, it didn't have any battery, the battery was flat and then it calls from her to me. Also spending time with her, you know, seeing all these things flying around and it was not possible that she could do it. And I was like, okay, if somebody's hacking my phone, they are not able to move things around in my house or in her house, you know, nobody can hack that. I would like to know who can hack that. So, and also the messages, who would know? I was texting with them for six years. I've been texting with them for six years and I lived with Sarah for three years and in those three years, there was incidents almost every day. This is just scratching the surface of what I have experienced. What do you think is the most extreme one? They started to take her out Sarah out of her body. This was a progression in it and she started to have visions when she was out. They started to teach us several things. She seemed like she was awake, but she was not awake. But it was a lot of information about how human beings, we as human beings, are not using our potential. That we are capable of much more than we are aware of. That it exists different timelines and that time is bendable and space is bendable. We experience ourselves as physical beings what we can see with our physical eyes and that we can touch physically what's tangible. But what she was talking about and also they were showing us and telling me in their specific ways was that time doesn't really exist in the way that we believe it exists and neither does space. And that's why they are able to connect us in the way that they do. And that's why they are co-existing because what they told me because in the beginning we both were looking up when we were talking to them because we have this idea that they are far away. Like they are far away in other galaxies or in in this galaxy but very far away from us. But what they said is that we are next to you. We are here with you and we have been here for thousands and thousands of years. I mean, you know how crazy this sounds right? I completely know it. I lost my man because of it. What did he say? He said I see it because he experienced a lot of it in the beginning. I'm sorry. What was that? I guess it's done. Come on. That was a video playing on your computer or something wasn't it? It was Siri. It was what? Siri. Siri. Oh, yeah. How old are you? What? How old are you? 34. 34? Yeah. She says it was weird. She said I see you when you're 40. Okay. What are you joking? Are you joking? No, I'm not joking. She says and they use Siri sometimes. It said I see you when you're 40. I'm going to fact check this you know. I know this is really nice. I'm going to fact check this. What? Yeah, yeah. Did that come from your phone or computer? This computer. And do you have a keyboard and mouse or anything? No. Were you touching the computer? No, I'm sitting like, well, you can see. Can you try something for me really quick? Sure. Can you say hey Siri? Hi Siri. Hi Siri. Can you say it? Say it in Norwegian. Hi Siri. Aloha Siri. Hello Siri. On the bottom of your zoom screen, do you see a button that says share screen? Yes. Click that. Yeah. Okay. Click the Apple button at the top of your computer and then go to system preferences. Click Siri. That's interesting. It's not enabled to turn. Huh. Okay. Okay. On your web browser, can you go back to that? On the top, can you go to history and click that? Okay. Oh, can you click that really quick? This one? Yeah. Yeah. Nothing of interest, I would say. Yeah. One more time. Say hey Siri. Hello Siri. Siri. Can you read the screen Siri? Can you read the screen Siri? Okay. So you normally don't have it set to wake her up like that? No. And they use her once in a while. They give messages through that. They have done that sometimes. Yeah. They like to use technology and they use different types. Can you check that the voice memo is recording? Yeah. Okay. But I honestly, can we stop for a second? Can you send me that voice memo immediately? And can we cut me back up in 10 minutes so that I could listen to that? And listen, I need you to send me this fast enough that I'm not suspicious that you did anything with it. Okay. So send it right away. Okay. Let's meet back up in like 10 minutes. Okay. Send it over. Okay. Bye. Recording stopped. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Don't worry. The next episode is coming in just a couple days. Oh, the world is executive produced and hosted by myself, Jack Wagner. Our theme song is by Cobra Man. The music in this series is by Julianna Barwick and Treyar Trion De La Torre. This is edited by myself and engineered by Theo Shafer. Our artwork is by Coldus X studios. Production help by Nikki Kate Delgado and Hayley Pearson. Please show us your support by subscribing, leaving a five star review and telling your friends. If you want to hear bonus episodes of Otherworld, you could become a patron at Our social media is @otherworldpot. Thank you to the team at Odyssey, J.D. Crowley, Jenna Weiss-Burman, Leah Reese Dennis, Rob Miranda, Eric Donnelly, Matt Casey, Mora Curran, Josephina Francis and Hilary Shuff. Follow and listen to Otherworld now for free on the Odyssey app or wherever you get your podcasts. And finally, if you or somebody you know has experienced something paranormal, supernatural, or unexplained, you could send us your story at [Music] [Music]