The Intuitive Divorce: Saving Time, Money & Heartache for Moms and their Kids

Summer of Rebalance

Broadcast on:
08 Jul 2024
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Hey mamas, if we could possibly squeeze more hours into a day so we could get everything we want to accomplish done, we would, but we can't. But that's not reason enough to allow yourself to fall to the bottom of the to-do list yet again. Schools out in the buzz of summers in the air and with it comes a mixed bag of emotions that sometimes has us flip-flopping between, oh my god, what am I going to do with my kids all summer? And I can't wait to embrace some of the ease, energy, and carefree joy of summertime. It's kind of like the New Year, full of intentions and plans, and much like those resolutions we declare, they too often fall to the wayside because we set ourselves up to fail. But I believe that there's something in between. Yes, your plate is full and no, there isn't a ton of space to add anything else to the equation, but you, your needs, and some nurturing need to be part of that equation. And I believe it's not only possible, it's strategic and you are worthy of it. That's what I want to talk to you about today. I'm calling this conversation the summer of rebalance. Hi there mamas, welcome to the intuitive divorce podcast. I'm Kristin Noel, certified divorce coach and creator of the best self-intuitive divorce, a game-changing program that transforms the experience and outcomes of divorce, one mother at a time. I call it divorcing differently. I'm here each week bringing you a quick message to support, inspire, and empower you to achieve the outcomes you want for yourself and your kids. So let's dive into today's episode. You may never have seen it this way before, but summer can feel like the new year. It's full of promise and resolutions. I'm going to take a break. I'm going to spend more time with my kids. I'm going to have fun. I'm going to be silly, let my hair down, get my toes in the sand. I'm going to indulge in self-care, work a little less. I'm going to exercise. I'm going to laugh. I'm going to catch fireflies and camp under the stars. I'm going to indulge in a good book and afternoon naps in a hammock. I'm going to see friends. I'm going to eat healthy foods and daydream. I'm going to journal and meditate and garden and make time for myself. It feels expansive until June turns into July and July into August and the parade of broken promises to self-roll by. Sound remotely familiar? You're not alone. You're just a busy mom. I just had a session with a mama who is feeling the overwhelm of it all in a big way. Hey, it's overwhelming being a working mom on a good day. Toss in a divorce and you've got a recipe for squeezing yourself right out of the equation, yet again. But this mama, with all of her moving pieces and parts declared, threw her overwhelm and upset. But this is the summer of rebalance. I loved that. I don't love the word balance per se because I feel like it's a myth, but I love the intention behind it. It's a call for recalibration and we get to do that each day when we awaken. We get to take an inventory of what we want, need, and desire to move forward. How do you define balance? We can't define rebalance until we can first declare what is out of balance. It's so easy as a mother to get lost in the shuffle of our family's needs and agendas. A day, no matter how we try to squeeze it, stretch it or stuff into it, is only 24 hours long. Are you squeezing yourself out of the equation, mama? Promising yourself, you'll get to it later. Here are some telltale signs. You're cranky and easily triggered. You're tired and feeling physically vulnerable. You're getting sick a lot. You're weepy. You feel resentment mounting. You're sick of hearing yourself complain about the same things. You feel stuck. Does any of that resonate? Good. Thanks for admitting it. That's the first step to initiating change. Now, about two resolutions and broken promises. Mid-July is just about the time you're beginning to realize that all your promises to self have fallen by the wayside. Damn. Okay, so now what? Regroup. Reclaim. Rebalance. Stop setting yourself up to fail. Maybe your vision was a bit lofty at the beginning of the summer. Hey, a girl can dream. Let's start setting ourselves up to win instead. By the time a mama realizes that she's been running on empty, she may be too overwhelmed to see solutions. Just start. Somewhere. Anywhere. Just take the tiniest, teeniest, most minute step in that direction. One thing that's all I'm asking for. What one thing could you incorporate today just for you? This particular mama mentioned exercise. She was headed somewhere for the summer with her kids where I suggested getting up for an early morning soul stroll. She lit up because it resonated. I'm a big fan of early morning. Why? Because it sets the course of the rest of the day. When you start off your day by honoring yourself, whether that's exercise or writing or meditating, you're sending a message to your entire nervous system and soul not to mention your family that says, I matter. My needs matter. You do matter, mama. And yes, that may mean letting go of something or not showing up for everyone at any given time. But if you don't take care of yourself, eventually you will run out of steam and not be able to take care of anyone else anyway. Summer, the New Year, and any day in between can feel expansive and restorative if you claim it. Just think, how good you will feel when you reinsert your needs into the picture. No broken promises to self here. Best part? You don't have to go anywhere, and it doesn't have to cost you anything. Reclaim space for yourself and witness what unfolds. Everything shifts when we can get back on solid footing, when we can calmly breathe and face the tough choices before us. Sign yourself up for some rebalancing, mama. Doesn't that sound like the first day of summer camp? Can I get a hell yeah? Thanks for listening to today's episode, but more importantly, for making this time for yourself. If you're a professional, independent mother facing off with divorce, struggling with your emotions, worried about your kids and your future, and want a better way to navigate it all, I've got two ways to completely change the trajectory of your divorce and your life starting today. The first is our free divorce workshop. In this training, you'll learn the three steps to get off the emotional roller coaster and take control of your divorce so you can save time, money, and heartache for you and your family. Simply go to And the second way is to book a free strategy call with our team, where we'll dive into your situation, your struggles, what you really want, and outline a path to get you there. For a short video and the booking link, go to Check it out and I'll see you inside. [Music] [ Silence ]