Mission of Divine Mercy

2024-08-05 Reconquest - I Will Restore My Creation

Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
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The sign of the Holy Cross from our enemies deliver us, O Lord, our God, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen. I'm Father John Mary Foster, the mission of Divine Mercy, and it's been a while. It was the last message the Lord gave us was in the middle of June, so it's been a while that we haven't received a message, and we're glad to now have a new one to share with you. This one is from August 5th, and as usual, there are some footnotes, and those footnotes can be found in the written version, which is on our website, and there'll be a link below where you can access that. This message was received by Sister in Spanish, and so this is the English translation that she did. My children, I am your Father who speaks to you from my throne in heaven, where I dwell and where I call you to return to me. I am your Father who loves you, who after giving you existence fills you with His grace in order for you to receive my love, my light, my will, and who when you unite your will to mind transform you into true children of my heart, like my Jesus. I am your Father who forms you in pain, in the vicissitudes of daily life, and in the trials of the current situation, so that you might grow and mature in my way and my will, so that you may be my co-workers in this great work of the reconquest of the hearts of all my children, and the renewal of my church, now decimated by the powers of darkness that have infiltrated her. The church that I formed in my will to be light for the nations, home for my children, refuge for my little ones, found of wisdom and peace for my children and for the whole world, to be the channel and distributor of my grace, the bastion of truth, and of all that gives granted to humanity. But now my children, with how much pain and disgust I see, the demonic infestation that has been taking over, dominating, darkening, and destroying my beautiful church, the mystical body of my Jesus, with how much love, fidelity, obedience, even unto the shedding of the most holy blood of the word made flesh, was this church, this holy body, founded, created for the good of all my creation. Consider what, who is its foundation, the eternal rock on which it is founded, consider its divine origin, and see how much it has departed from this holy foundation. Children, you know well what happens to a building whose walls and columns separate themselves from the foundation. It can no longer remain standing and it easily collapses. Children, my church is captive. I tell you once more my church that I form for the good of my children is in captivity. Only I can liberate, only I can resurrect it, only I. Children you see with horror and pain how I am despised, insulted with a parent impunity. You see how step by step, day after day, the degradation of my children, the degradation of my church increases. You see how instead of making my light and my truth shine, only darkness, confusion and terror are communicated. The terror of the lack of faith that has contaminated everything and that so many children do not want to see nor accept and covering their eyes and their ears do not see my signs nor listen to my words. My children, what you now see in ruins, I will rebuild. What you now see contaminated distorted, I will purify and make clean. What you now see wounded, I will heal. What you now see full of darkness, I will fill with a light of such intensity that darkness will flee completely. What has been betrayed, I will vindicate. What has been dispersed, I will gather. What has been blasphemed, insulted, I will sanctify and make beautiful. I children, I your Father and Lord will do this for the sake of my name, for the sake of my honor, for the sake of my glory. What has been said through my prophets will be fulfilled even to the last word, even to the last comma. Everything will be fulfilled. The word of your Father is eternal living and effective and just as my living word, my word has fulfilled my will completely, the work for which I sent him, so every word of mine will have its fulfillment and its effect. Keep my words in your heart, receive them and allow them to take root and then you receive me. And do not fear, my Jesus has told you that it pleases me to grant you my kingdom and he has shown you his heart, the intensity of his love for me and for you, by telling you that with the testimony of his death and resurrection, he asks for you the same love with which I love him. Do you comprehend what this means, children? The magnitude of his sacrifice to obtain for you such magnitude of love? Remain in this love, children. Do not allow to be profaned by Satan's lies, nor not in your mind, in your heart, nor in your homes, nor in my church, nor in the world. Your faith is the shield that is placed around this love in order to protect it. Do you see what happens when faith dies? Then I allow evil, the satanic slime of lies, to manifest itself in order for you to see it that you might know what you are facing so that my children may open their eyes to the truth. Children, what you see taking place is a step, do not be afraid, my plan continues and nothing can stop it, do not fear. I am your father, and you are my children, for whom I have wrought marvels and for whom I will do even greater marvels. Remain in my love, steadfast at peace. Everything is in my hands. I will act, children. I will fulfill what has been promised, and I will renew my creation, raise and fix your gaze on me, do not fear. I bless you children, you who have listened to me and through you your families, place them in my hands and trust in me. I give you my peace to banish any doubt, lack of faith in any lie that wants to adhere to your being. Amen, I am coming soon, to give to each what corresponds to their actions, and to their response to my grace. No one mocks your God, no one, amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.