WKXL - New Hampshire Talk Radio

Cail & Company LIVE with Dan Weed

Dan Weed of the award winning Weed Family Automotive in Concord joined us in studio on Thursday. Among other topics, Dan discussed the auto service maintenance policies that are advertised on TV and elsewhere. Those policies do not always cover all of the costs of your repairs. Dan's advice is to learn about what is covered before you make a long term commitment.

Broadcast on:
01 Aug 2024
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Good morning, it is Kayle and company live here on WKXL, N-H-Chock Great to have you with us on this Thursday morning and as always we are presented by Northeast Delta Dental and of course tomorrow the Friday fun bunch with Tom Rapio, president and CEO of Northeast Delta Dental and Kitty Ray, our resident Flick Chick. I know Kitty's seen a couple of movies in the in the past week but joining us today another great sponsor here at WKXL, the Cappys award-winning weed family automotive, Dan Weed in studio, Dan welcome, great to have you with us. Good morning, happy to be here and first of all I want to send condolences from all of us here at WKXL to you and your family. I know your dad recently passed away and it's always a difficult time. Yes it is and I appreciate the thoughts and prayers from everybody here. He sounded like quite a guy. He was and we all us kids had a great relationship with him. He did an awful lot for people in the community over the years and the stories that I continue to hear and have heard in the past just keep coming back and the things just the little things that he had done for people and it was pretty neat. Yeah absolutely it's funny when someone passes away I know when my mother passed away several years ago you know people you know who you haven't seen and maybe some people you had never met you know come out of the woodwork for a a funeral and you hear stories about about your parents that you you never knew right yeah maybe someone you didn't want to hear but yeah maybe yeah that's possible but for the most part yeah it's been really neat to talk to people and hear their connections with dad and you know what they had done together and whatnot. It was a little bittersweet for me recently most of dad's career was at New Hampshire Savings Bank which they recently tore down so it was kind of interesting to see that go away and you know see the old bank vault sitting in the center of the rubble and whatnot. Right yeah but all in all you know he was a great guy did an awful lot for a great deal of people and helped people out in ways that are just amazing. I did read his obituary when it was in the paper and he sounded like just an incredible guy and accomplished a lot of things in his life. He was able to do a lot for people and not just through himself but through people you know the other connections that he had in the community. In his retirement he finally was able to do a little bit for himself I'll call it because his entire life was never about him. He never had hobbies or this or that. He was always taking care of us kids or you know people that he knew and helping people out and you know it was kind of great for us as kids growing up in the neighborhood with friends that you know our house is always that that go-to house in a moment and always welcomed people in and our friends knew that no matter what happened that they had a place to go. That is very special and it just it's always a sad time no matter what the age of the parent or you know the death no matter what the age is it's always very difficult. Yeah it is and even if you had a not so great relationship with your parents you know they are still at the end of the day your parents and you still have that bond and that connection with them. Absolutely. Well we wish you and your family you know the best and going through a very very difficult time so thank you. Thank you for joining us today and thank you for doing what you do and last week the capis came out and I see here right on page 8 of the Concord Monitor today. There you are Dan Weed, best auto service there's no doubt about that and best oil and lube and of course we are giving away a conventional oil change with a synthetic blend from weed family automotive for our vanity and sanity license plate and we are still Dan looking for winner number one. Interesting. This is week number five and we're still looking for winner number one and you know maybe we'll mention the plate right now. Can we do it musically Andrew? I think we can manage that. Okay so our vanity insanity plate for this week is SU-Z and SU like the Native American tribe. S-I-O-U-X-Z. Interesting. SU-Z. So I thought we'd do it musically with CCR. So there you go. If that is your plate give us a call right now 603-224-1450 or if you know the person that has that plate get in touch with them and then they will get in touch with us and then they will be rewarded with a conventional oil change with a synthetic blend and a thorough chuck up of your vehicle from the multi-capis award-winning weed family automotive. Well thank you. Appreciate that. Four capis mentions. I mean two first place awards. That's terrific. And you know what I think is neat about the capis and whatnot is that this is not something that we pushed or promoted. Right yeah. You know all I call it generic or you know these are people that just are part of our customer base that said hey let's do this for them. Yeah. And you came out on top and you have in the past as well. We've run second and third typically in the capis to my good friend Holly Carlson. So she's she and I have had a friendly competition over the years but the others that the HIPAA awards too. So yeah we typically do well with the HIPAA but you know these are all you know grassroots campaigns with no push so to speak. And it's great to get that feedback from our customers and we're grateful for it. And so richly deserved a weed family automotive 124 storage street and conquered and you can call them right now and make an appointment or you can actually make an appointment online as well at So Dan what is going on in the automotive world. So an interesting article came out from Automotive News car shield and American auto shield to pay a $10 million in a settlement on false advertising claims. So the article goes on to say you know car shield vehicle service contract retail or car shield agreed to pay $10 million to the federal trade commission to settle complaints that the company used deceptive and misleading advertising. An FTC spokesman confirmed to the automotive news. American auto shield the company that administrators vehicle service contracts for car shield also is included in the complaint and the proposed order file on July 31st in the US district court for the eastern district of Missouri. The FTC said the companies use celebrity endorses such as iced tea and basketball player Alan Iverson and that the endorsers allegedly make false statements in their ads and or have not used the service themselves. FTC goes on to say instead of delivering a peace of mind promised and its advertisement car shield left many consumers with a financial headache Sam Levine the director of FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection said in a statement were still car shield used trusted personalities to deliver its empty promises the FTC will hold advertisers accountable for using false or deceptive claims to exploit consumers financial anxieties. The settlement you know goes on to say that you know people were led to believe that buying these policies these contracts would help them in their car payments or car repair payments when a lot of times claims weren't paid claims were denied and and just on and on and on and so you have to be really careful if you're buying these service contracts to read the fine print to see what they're actually going to cover and when you go to put the claim and you know we're always amazed you know you have if you will good companies that you deal with and then the other guys yeah we're seeing more and more of the other guys and so part part of this article parlays into incident that we had recently with one of our customers who bought one of these service contracts and I won't bring up any names but so brought the car in we diagnosed the car he says all right here's my information on the service contract and so as usual we put an estimate together we call the contract company and no less than 10 or more phone calls for me to get through to even start a claim finally get through and they only cover one of five things that was wrong with this vehicle that they purported that they would take care of one out of five one out of five wow all right so we finally get a claim authorization we get an agreed-on amount that they're going to pay and the customer is responsible for the rest so this is where it gets a little I guess a gray area and that they only pay up to a certain dollar amount in labor fees and we'll finish in the next segment okay that's the cliffhanger for going into segment number two but you know the ads always look so good on tv but then when it comes to the reality of the situation it might be totally different or at least somewhat different than weed with us weed family on a motor 124 store street in cockard check them out online at kaolin company continues and we'll talk more about our topic and about well some of the policies that may not be all that they are cranked up to be right here wk excel nh talk and we are presented by northeast delveda dental we'll be right back kaolin company live here on wk excel nh talk on this first day of august wow time flies when they're having fun and then we as well as weed family automotive 124 store street in cockard and prior to the the break we were left with kind of a cliffhanger here on this Thursday morning talking about a policy that a customer of Dan's brought in and it wasn't quite what it was cranked up to be i guess exactly and so one of our first red flags was that they they cap their labor at a certain dollar amount so they would only pay up to x number of dollars in labor regardless of what your labor rate was right that was sort of a red flag because we've never run into that before usually these contracts will pay your labor rate but then they cut you back on your parts so to speak this company did both they cut you back on your labor rate and they capped the parts as well so you know most customers when they have these contracts they come in and it's a hundred dollar deductible or two hundred whatever the deductible has happens to be this company you know so somebody then has to pay the their deductible they're going to have to pay the difference in the labor rate and they're going to have to make up the difference in the parts so all of a sudden that hundred dollar deductible is not a hundred dollar deductible it's the deductible plus the difference in the parts and labor and whatnot so we got the authorization finally from this particular company they gave us a claim number they gave us a dollar amount that they were willing to pay called the customer back let them know you know what this company was going to pay for them and what the difference was going to be and they said yeah okay go go ahead and do it take you know let's get this taken care of so when we fix the car get it all done and we go to submit the claim for payment and once again it took me at least so that your payment on this particular case you have to submit it through their website so we did that and waited a couple days nothing now usually all the other contract companies we have we'll get an email within an hour or two that says all right here's your form of payment run this credit card so on and so forth and so this company we submitted it nothing a couple more days goes by we submitted again and still nothing so now another 10 phone calls in to get to customer service and talk to a lady there she said yeah okay I got your claim number I get the amount I'll send this off to accounts payable it's been a week and we still haven't seen payment on this claim wow so Bobby and I got online start doing some research on this particular company and there's not just one or two or a small handful of complaints there's hundreds of complaints from consumers from shop owners from whatnot you know there's one shop that this company agreed to pay for transmission repair several thousand dollars or more and they got nothing wow yep this almost sounds like a timeshare more complaints on on these service contracts than there is on timeshairs yeah and so you know I guess it goes back to due diligence on the person buying one of these contracts look up the company see if what kind of complaints are out there I mean we didn't even get to the google reviews we stopped at the better business bureau complaints wow um and you know it was just amazing to see and it and it you know right down to a tee what we had experienced you know that call call call finally get somebody get a claim number get authorization and then nothing ghosted you know it all looks so so easy and so simple on tv you know what a great plan this is you know get on your your your service you know your automotive service paid for you know by agreeing to this this contract with whatever company it might be and there are a lot of those service contract companies out there there is and there's quite a few and you know a lot of them are actually done through the car manufacturers or they have a car manufacturer will contract with a a certain company and and those are the typically the ones that we have good luck with yeah again you want to take a look and very carefully read what you're buying and what it will cover you know what the deductible is and understand that when you go into the shop and have to deal with one of these service contracts that you you're not only going to have you deductible but there's going to be a little bit more that you're going to pay for as the insurance companies used to call it uh betterment to to get out of paying for certain things but uh you know and expect to pay that difference uh at the repair shop and not just the deductible but there are a number of out there that we have dealt with and we really have no issues with uh they're good to work with it does take extra time on our part to work through some of these contracts and these companies and and whatnot but at the end of the day there are some good ones but obviously as we now see with car shield american auto shield and this company that we've dealt with there's some pretty shady players out there too yeah wow that is something so uh what about the customers you know chagrin let us say when they come in and find out they're not as covered as they they thought they might be well you know a lot of them look at it on the positive side that you know all right i didn't have to pay for the entire repair but i got this chunk of it covered yeah and they're they're quite happy with that oh okay yep all right so yeah but uh it does uh take a little bit to uh to get your money yes yeah yeah from some of these companies anyway it does you know there's a whole process involved you know submitting the claim and uh getting paid for it and whatnot and you know customer signatures and authorization from the customer as well so that there's a lot more background work that goes into dealing with these contract companies than meets the eye yeah yeah so i generally what do what do they charge for these these contracts i mean the yearly fee or the monthly fee whatever it might be so typically what we've seen uh is like i think with car shield american auto shield and again the contract company that we dealt with uh there's a down payment of typically a couple hundred dollars and then it's a hundred to two hundred dollars a month depending on what your plan you're purchasing right um now in my mind if you're willing to plunk down a hundred or two hundred dollars a month why not just put that yourself into a bank account save up that money and save that for car repairs right you know because basically what you're buying is an insurance policy for lack of a better term yeah service contract insurance policy you're betting your car is going to break down they're betting it's not exactly exactly so well i guess uh buyer beware then right exactly yeah do do your research you know uh again if you're buying it through a dealer typically that dealer has vetted these companies out but again before you sign on the dotted line you know again these companies that we're talking about today uh do a monthly payment a lot of times when you buy a car you buy a service contract it's you know anywhere from two thousand to three thousand dollars depending on what you're buying and it's part of the sale process it's built into that right and yeah well and and there are a number of uh you know service-related matters that are not covered by these companies yeah exactly you know when it comes i guess the easiest example is you know engine repairs yeah you know if you have to go in and rebuild an engine or replace an engine if the cause of failure is a gasket or seal and it ran out of fluid they're not going to cover it and they only cover what i call hard parts you know crankshafts bearings connecting rods things like that they don't cover wear items so it really look at what they're going to take care of uh you know in like in a case of a transmission they'll only cover oiled or lubricated parts uh okay which so the bottom line is like any other uh quote-unquote insurance policy is to read the fine print right exactly yeah and know what to expect know what to expect know what you're paying for know that it's not just going to be the deductible when you go in for a car repair there's going to be a difference to to make up for there that they're not reimbursing the shops for and again look at well in this case we found out you know through better business bureau and google reviews and other people's experience uh see how it's been handled see what the the good the bad and the ugly is and do you do diligence before you plop down that hard-earned money and you know again if you're willing to pay a couple hundred bucks a month to a company yeah why not just put that in the bank and use that you know to your own car repairs because if you stop and think about it all right two hundred dollars a month in a year it's 2,400 bucks that you saved up and that's you know that adds up folks a good chunk of change toward an engine or transmission if that's what it happens to be yeah so you know it's about getting better at saving our money and budgeting a little bit and uh it does make a difference so a word to the wise uh from a dan weed at weed family automotive 124 store street in conquered you can check them out online at make an appointment online or give them a call and uh they will be happy to uh to take care of you whether you're a veteran customer of weed family automotive or a new one and of course this is august first and if your birthday was in july still have a few days to get that inspection right then ten days ten days ten-day leeway here in the estate of New Hampshire we'll take a break kale and company continues right here wk excel nh talk radio dot com and we are presented by northeast delta dental we still have our cartoon of the week coming up kale and company live here on wk excel nh talk radio dot com dan weed with us in studio at wk excel and if you have any thoughts views ideas opinions car questions 603 224 1450 you can give us a call uh right now because our phones are back working they were down dan for a few days here oh no couldn't take any calls couldn't make any calls uh so about their back was a part of that uh crowd strike thing yeah it was uh i think there was a a corroded uh cable yeah corroded cable a corroded cable interesting it was uh was the issue a cable it's probably been around for a long time as long as a studio uh it probably longer maybe i don't know uh but at any rate it's fixed now so if you have any questions for dan about uh what we were just uh talking about and uh service insurance policies if you will uh 603 224 1450 or anything else in the automotive world what else is happening dan anything uh anything exciting this seems to keep bubbling to the top again but uh the eevee world oh i knew we'd get to it eventually uh fiskers back in the news uh with their ongoing bankruptcy proceedings and apparently they've won permission uh in mid-july from the bankruptcy court to uh sell off its inventory of the ocean crossovers uh like fire sale these things for about fourteen thousand dollars each wow 14 yeah yeah wow so what is an ocean crossover it's one of their suvs that they have and i had to go online to look because i to be honest we hadn't seen it before uh it's actually a very well-appointed suv wow uh i was looking at some of the prices like fiskers high-end gt that they have their base price on it was 385 thousand dollars 385 thousand yeah it's a high performance convertible well all electric car i'm thinking to myself wow and this one they're selling off their what they're fire-sailing these according to automotive news they've been allowed to sell them off and i don't know if this is to the dealers or to the public for about 14 thousand dollars each wow of less than a quarter of i think what they were selling for prior to wow and that is something that that speaks volumes right right there uh the eevee industry at at the moment anyway as uh according to automotive news as of uh march they made 11 000 ocean models wow this auto maker filed for chapter 11 protection with the us bankruptcy court in mid-june blaming market and economic headwinds for its financial troubles headwinds yeah yeah so speaking of headwinds uh one of the big stories i saw this week is that tesla is uh recalling 1.8 million vehicles because their hoods might fly up did you see that one no i missed that one yeah apparently they've had some kind of an issue and that that's not saying that that a hunt 1.8 million hoods are going to fly up but uh tesla is recalling that many vehicles because their hoods might fly up interesting yeah a mechanical latch issue or i don't know what the the issue was that that's that's pretty much all i heard but uh that's that's interesting another little twist in the in the eevee world and uh what what's the uh i i know there's a toyota scandal going on in japan what's what's going on there well i hadn't followed that one no obviously with stuff going on in my life right now i've been right not too concerned about toyota in japan uh but apparently is some kind of some kind of scandal going on there but we can we can do uh check more on that uh in a little while well i know that uh well not quite a year ago toyota really rocked the industry with their whole perspective on the eevee uh market and whatnot saying you know their toyota executive chairman uh had come out along with their chief engineer who was a graduate of mit and said that eevees are not going to fix the carbon footprint issue that everybody portrays it to be uh and they were toyota was really uh a call it scolded for lack of a better term by the industry and government agencies and whatnot but they really came out with uh solid data solid numbers to say that look a blended approach from eevees to hybrids to internal combustion engine uh and possibly even hydrogen is the best approach uh to accomplish what they were trying to accomplish and and meet that carbon footprint goal uh so they came out and said that this blended approach is the best way showed the data showed the numbers backed it up and everybody in the industry really scoffed at them and said oh no you guys are just making this up and blah blah blah and a lot of pushback from government agencies on this and really turn the world upside down the eevee world upside down you know toyota being one of the world leaders in auto manufacturing saying we're not going down this road literally literally well you know in recent years i mean emissions issues are not what they once were oh gosh no i mean we've come light years in a very short period of time but people have to understand too that you know yeah eevees are are you know have their place in our in our world and they're not going to go away yeah but they have to be financially viable they have to be environmentally friendly uh and it has to be at the end of the day a product that people want to buy and it has to be a good business model for these companies you know if it's not going to be profitable for them if they're going to lose billions of dollars look at fisker you know then exactly is it really a viable financial model without massive government subsidies yeah oh exactly right and uh you know we're uh supposed to be all eevees by 2035 but i i think that uh that has kind of changed over the last couple of years i don't i don't think anybody's really talking about that now are they well you hear you know grumblings about it because this is what they promised everybody that it's going to be all eevees by 2035 and i think that's a really unrealistic goal yeah i mean you know i mean i guess conceivably you're gonna have that money vehicles but again the huge issue is we've always talked about is the infrastructure yes yeah that's it i mean you know you can't go from place to place without thoroughly planning and uh and all that kind of thing so and you know we we talk about the environmental aspect of it yeah over the years we've closed down you know steel mines copper mines coal mines and whatnot but now all of a sudden it's alright to open another 15 or 20 lithium mines right uh tell them please somebody explain to me how mining for lithium is any better than all these other mines that we've shut down of course there's some people out there that are changing their minds on fracking these days so uh we won't mention any names specifically but uh there have been some changes in the thought process of that you know you mentioned hydrogen vehicles and some scientists apparently are upset that toyota supplied hydrogen powered vehicles to the olympics okay rather than eevees they supplied hydrogen vehicles well i'm europe and particularly france is some of the areas that they had been testing hydrogen vehicles for a number of years uh so hydrogen technology is nothing new it's been out since the 50s and 60s i believe uh they just haven't really found a way to deal with some of the safety issues and again that refueling network you know becomes part of the the equation so to see toyota test some of their new technology and bring this to the olympics way to go guys yeah there you go there you go maybe it'll shed some light on on the hydrogen vehicle industry exactly yeah exactly dan weed is with us weed family automotive and again we're looking for our first vanity and sanity winner and it's a great prize i mean you get you get the the best uh oil change in in anywhere from from ben weed uh keep one a cappy um and uh you get a convention oil change with a synthetic synthetic oil blend and a little check up on your vehicle as well a thorough check up on on your vehicle uh if you are the the winner of our vanity and sanity contest and uh they plate this week is sue s i o u x all right just like the native american tribe s i o u x dash z susie which is spotted in the vicinity of loud and road uh in conquered uh not that long ago uh just uh about a week ago we discovered that one and uh if you give us a call right now you can call andrew because the phones are working 603 224 1450 is the number if you're the person who has that vanity and sanity plate or if you know that person let them know and then they can contact us at 603 224 1450 hey we still haven't gotten to our car tune of the week all right we had mangan and it's a it's a good one and folks are going to be cranking up that volume uh in your vehicle when you hear it then weed is here from weed family automotive 124 storage street in conquered and go online right now check them out we'll be back in a flash kaolin company live right here w k xl n h chock radio dot com presented by north east devil the devil it is kaolin company live here on w k xl n h chock radio dot com then weed is in the house and uh Dan from weedfamilyautomotive the uh double happy award winning service service location in the area best auto service best oil and lube and uh there's the picture of Dan weed right here uh pick up a copy of the conquered monitor today it's on page eight if you stop by weed family automotive uh Dan will autograph it for you I didn't make the front page yet huh I know about the front page not yet what do I have to do not you know we won't discuss that uh but uh and anyway Dan is here if you have any questions for him right now you can give us a call 603 224 1450 but we want to get to our car tune of the week Dan always brings it uh 45 uh he has to dust it off get that dust off the old 45s and he's brought in an electro uh 45 uh this week and then what is it Dan this electro recording artist uh this hit came out in June of 1980 interestingly enough they the genre is listed as truck driving country truck driving country the B side of this 45 was pretty lady and this was by the country recording artist Eddie rabbit and this is driving my life away released June 9th 1980 all right here we go our car tune of the week so well the midnight heading I find you're on a rainy night's feet way up ahead slow me down making no time i gotta keep you rolling those wind shield wipers lapping out of tempo keeping perfect rhythm with the song on the radio oh i gotta keep you rolling oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh good boy sunny day well the truck stopped you there coming on to me trying to talk me into a ride said i wouldn't be sorry she was used to baby yeah wait just for me another couple of people pop it down jacked me up to shoot me out and find out my way looking for the morning i'm driving my life away looking for a better way for me i'm driving my life away looking for a sunny day oh well the midnight heading I find you're on a rainy night's feet way up ahead slow me down making no time i gotta keep you rolling those wind shield wipers lapping out of tempo keeping perfect rhythm with the song on the radio oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh i'm driving my life away looking all the way oh oh oh oh oh oh i'm driving my life away looking for a sunny day oh oh i'm driving my life away looking for a better way for me oh i'm driving my life away looking for a sunny day yeah yeah any rabbit driving my life away and uh that is uh our cartoon of the week selected by Dan wheat and you know that that sounded pretty good and i didn't hear any scratches on that 45 well i got it cleaned up pretty well yeah you did you did very well the needle balance yeah turntable right yeah i remember when i was playing 45s on the radio you had to put like a quarter on in the uh the center of the of the turntable to to balance it off a little bit yeah and in a couple of the stations i i worked at over the years not here though kxl we have deluxe turntables here you go we have top of the line and our phones are working again so there you go things things are good what else is happening in the automotive world Dan we well in our world you know we we've been pretty busy lately we're a week or more out on our schedule which is good for us and and for the people who procrastinate a little bit maybe not so good but all in all uh business has been good for us and very fortunate to have the customer base that we have but that being said we're starting to see a continued trend right now of people holding on to cars longer and longer uh you're looking at one as you know i we're going to get you to 300,000 oh yeah i want to go over 300,000 you know and uh but that seems to be a trend all across the country right now we've seen the average age of our fleet of cars increase uh recently you know from we started at you know seven or eight years ago in nine ten where i think we're up to like 10 to 12 years and our average age of the fleet right really yeah wow and so right now with the uncertainty in the economy the interest rates the cost of new vehicles or even purchasing a used vehicle we're seeing people do more and more repairs to get it through that year or two to see what really happens when the dust settles and if you know the end of the day to put three four thousand dollars into a car keep it for a year or two if you do the numbers on those payments it's you know less than what your car payment would be over a couple of years if you break it up you know much more like we were talking about budgeting for repairs earlier same idea you know so if you break up those payments over a period of time for you know several thousand dollars in car repairs it's really not a bad investment you already know that that what you have as long as it's you know got a life expectancy beyond a couple of years uh and the we're not exceeding the value of the car then there's no reason not to do that type of repairs so we're starting to see across the industry and i've talked to other repair shops and they're seeing the same thing that more and more people are spending money on what they have and what they know rather than to go out and buy something different yeah exactly i mean and to me it's like an old friend you know really and i think a lot of people look at it that way it like fits like a glove you know and and it's funny you should say that so we had a customer in that we were replacing an engine in her car she had a rental car for several days and when i picked her up yesterday she commented on the fact that the rental car that they gave her had so many buttons and this and gadgets that yeah she was overwhelmed by and it took her she told me two days to figure out how to run the heating and air conditioning yeah yeah i know and that that's it that's that's uh one of the reasons i i hold onto my because i know where everything is you know but by this time i think i found all the buttons okay you know in the uh in the what uh 12 years or almost 12 years that i've had it uh but uh yeah but it is it really i mean you have to be like uh like an airplane pilot to go into some of the vehicles these days oh just about you know it's again the the correlation here is my my brother is a pilot and and he loves his uh his land rovers because there is more gadgets and bells and whistles in this thing than you can shake a stick out but this is the environment he lives in you know yeah in the cockpit of an airplane and all the gadgets and buttons and this and i look at it and say absolutely not yeah yeah keep it simple right now i won't add the other word but just keep it simple really but uh but really you have to uh really go through the owner's manual now and see exactly where where everything is even even just even just the radio is hard enough to figure out right yeah i i think it's it's not you know it's i i correlated to going out to buy yourself a new phone these days yeah you know do you want an apple do you want an android well so you jump into a car and is all the controls is it natural to you you can you know can you maneuver the controls can you manipulate the controls without being totally distracted yeah exactly and you know i i think i hate to say it but i i think the the fact that some of the instruments are so complicated on on the vehicles does lead to some accurate accidents people becoming distracted boy trying to find the right button well i'm not only that you know finding the right button finding the right control yeah but then you've got all these alerts and warnings and lights and buzzers and alarms going off it's it's information overload as i'll describe it there's just too much going on in in the driver's seat of that car right that i truly believe that this technology is highly distracting in a lot of cases yeah i i would have to agree i think most people do i hear this the same thing from uh from a lot of people and you're in the business so you know better than most dan weed weed family automotive always good to see you dan thank you for having again uh our condolences to you uh and your family and uh dan weed at 124 store street in conquered check them out and again vanity and sanity license plate this week is su s i o u x dash z if that's yours call us six oh three two two four fourteen fifty and get a conventional oil change with a synthetic blend from our good friends at weed family automotive and dan will uh certainly look over your car as well to see if there's any any issues we'll check it out and give it a good look over like i know what's going on thoroughly as always dan thanks so much appreciate it thank you all right always great to have you with us we have more great programming on the way all day long right here w k x l n h talk radio dot com and don't forget tomorrow the friday fun bunch w k x l n h talk radio dot com presented by northeast elton nettle and remember folks you always look on the bright side of life have a great thursday everybody