WKXL - New Hampshire Talk Radio

Cail & Company LIVE with Miriam Carter

Our Tuesday guest was Miriam Carter, the Executive Director of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen. The 91st Annual League of N.H. Craftsmen's Fair will get underway Saturday, August 3 and continue through Sunday, August 11 at the Mount Sunapee Resort in Newbury, N.H. Hours are 10 AM to 5 PM daily with a record number of juried craftsmen, daily activities and demonstrations as well as music from 11 AM to 3 PM. More information at

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30 Jul 2024
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Good morning, it is Kale and Company Live here on WKXL., great to have you with us. On this Tuesday morning we are presented by Northeast Delta Dental with individual and family plans designed to fit your lifestyle. Learn more and find your plan at and we are very pleased to have back into our WKXL studios on this Tuesday morning, Miriam Carter, the Executive Director of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen. Welcome back, Miriam. Oh, thank you so much for having me back, Ken, it's great to be with you. It is always a pleasure to have you with us and usually when you're here it means it's time for the annual League of New Hampshire Craftsmen's Fair and it's the 91st coming up starting this coming Saturday. It is indeed and it's always one of the milestones of promoting the event that I get to come and speak with you and talk to you about all that we're doing this year. And as always it's at the Mount Sanopi Resort in Newbury, New Hampshire, 10 to 5 daily rain or shine and tell us about all the fun for 91. Oh, I like that. Well, so it's interesting to start off with is actually our 60th year at this event at Mount Sanopi Resort. So we have a great relationship with of course the state who has the property and then Vale who now has the lease. So they're great partners to us but we're celebrating that this year and then beyond that we're all about the art of craft. So we have an incredible array of talent at the show this year. It's actually our first show in a long time which has been this full. So all our booths have been filled and we have incredible offerings for people to come meet the craft makers and see what they're doing. We have a lot of demonstrations that are available and hands-on experience too. Kids 16 and under can get in for free. We changed that from 12 and under 16 to under because we want families to come. And I want people to think of it as an experience not just as shopping because really what you're doing is experiencing how craft is made meeting the makers, incredible artisanal food to keep you fortified through the day. Some wonderful music provided by New Hampshire Music Collective and New Hampshire Guild of woodworkers, New Hampshire artists, associations, they also join us. We welcome them every year. But the big important thing to remember is that we have over 300 artists from the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen showing their work demonstrating in person or through our exhibitions. It is a terrific event no doubt about it and tickets are on sale right now. You can go online and actually if you go online there's a little bit of a discount. There is. So we want to expedite the process of getting into the fair. So we've made a simple solution that if you buy your tickets online in advance to the fair or during the nine days of the fair the same price it's $18 and then if you come to the gate it's $20. So we want people to pay the $18 fee they just have to do a little work and put it on their cell phone so they can get scanned in right away or a paper copy of course will work too. And not only do you save a couple of dollars on each admission but you don't have to wait in line to get the tickets. Right. And I want people to understand that this is really supporting this organization. It's our major fundraiser for the year. It's the way we support our artists. A lot of promoters who do craft shows have very expensive booth fees but are actually booth fees are what are the lowest in the country. Wow. So we're proud of that because we're here to support the makers of craft and we want them to be able to be successful. Well as you mentioned all kinds of activities and demonstrations throughout the course of the fair what are some of the ongoing demonstrations that people could see every day. Well first off I want to talk about kids create so that's an area where kids of all kind of all ages I should say can come and create various things, weavings, printmaking any kind of craft that's easily done on a tabletop we're offering that and that includes kids of all ages can so anyone can do it. Yes anyone can do it. We find that we've created for children and then adults seem to hang out with us a lot. Well kids are probably better at them than the older kids. Yeah they do less editing than parents do or older adults and then there's hands on pottery making people can see you can witness Jeffrey Gail is a wonderful basket maker so he actually brings in a log and starts stripping down elements of his baskets and show from start to finish how it's made. There's wonderful opportunities all around just to learn more about how certain craftsmen are doing their work we have Gary Collegian who's showing blacksmithing the list goes on and you can find all that information on but you also have the opportunity to talk to the makers and that's a unique part about a craft show is you get to talk to the people who make things and they are fascinating individuals. Yeah they truly are and that is a wonderful part of the event that you can talk to the individual who has designed the merchandise that you buy. Absolutely and I think I tell you this story every year but I have a lot of coffee mugs because I've done a lot of craft shows over the years and I'm a firm believer that every morning I go to get my cup of coffee and I choose which coffee cup I'm going to drink out of and I think of the conversation I had with the maker when I bought that piece and when I drink that cup of coffee I just remembered the experience of buying it and being at a certain show and I'm pretty convinced that the coffee tastes much better can in a handmade mug versus a commercial one. There you go and I'm sure that is true. Miriam Carter with us the Executive Director of the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen. The fair begins this coming Saturday August the 3rd and runs until Sunday August 11th 10 to 5 daily rain or shine but we hope to have a lot more shine than rain. Well and here's a really interesting thing about our event because we have large like circus tents and the whole field is filled with them the basin of the mountain. There's over 34 tents I believe this year. You don't really have that much exposure actually to rain so we love rain days because people don't come to the go to the shore and they go to the beach. True. So they come to us and enjoy themselves and people always say I hope the weather is good. Interestingly the League of New Hampshire Craftsmen's fair attracts people from all over New England and the country no matter what the weather is because it's such a special event. Certainly one of the biggest in the Northeast no question about that. It's actually the biggest. The biggest. The biggest. The biggest. Let me clarify. I'm not sure about everybody but one of the things that is unique about is that we're the oldest outdoor running show in the country and we do in fact attract people from South Carolina, Colorado, California, New York and they come to us and tell us multi generations have come. I think we're on our fourth generation with some family so it's pretty amazing. It is and it seems to get bigger and better every year. More jury crafts people this year than they have been in recent years. Yes we were able to attract some new members to the show so I think we have eight new booth holders which is exciting we also have an invited guest program and those are artists who are not in our membership but who have a talent that we don't represent in the field of craft so we invite them to come join us and we also have been introducing two dimensional fine art. We used to be the League of New Hampshire fine arts and crafts and then 40 plus years ago a group of individuals went off and they created the New Hampshire Art Association so we haven't had fine art prior to the past three years and we started introducing it with great success. There's two audiences the fine art audience, the craft audience and they all come and they see amazing work. And the great part of it is and I've said this time and time again is that you can go to this event and get something unique and get something not going to see everywhere. And you said you have a number of coffee mugs but I'm sure they're all different in certain ways. But you're going to get a unique gift and you know it's a great opportunity in August to get all of your Christmas shopping done in one location. I love the fact that you bring that point out every year. It is no matter what your holiday is that you're celebrating there's nothing better than a handmade object in my mind. I'm an advocate for this it's been my career my entire life but I just know especially in this day of technology and online ordering to be able to have a handmade object in your house inevitably it's the piece of work in your house that people will be attracted to. There's something about the energy and the beauty of something handmade versus commercial. Yeah and you know maybe you can get a picture with the artist, the crafts person who designs and makes what you purchased and you know put that in along with your gift that would be unique as well. I love that we actually do that at our five excuse me at our seven galleries throughout the state. We give out information of the artists who made it because that's such an important element in the world of craft who made it and hopefully you know what their process is and you build a relationship with them. Yeah absolutely so it makes it very unique in that regard and again you can get all your Christmas shopping done get something very unique and have it all done by August you know by August 11th when it all comes to an end. We make it easy at Mount Sunnapee and again you can buy tickets right now. The regular price is twenty dollars but online you can get them for eighteen at And that will run throughout the fair so we are open the third through the eleventh and you can do that the idea is that you expedite the process of getting in there is we are at the base of the mountain and the Wi-Fi there is not that great. We actually have to bring in Wi-Fi just for our vendors to be able to sell their work. Yeah oh I am sure. Yeah. So go to online Alright very good you can do that right now and get that two dollar discount and not have to wait in any line when you get to the fair you can just get right out of your car and go in and enjoy all the craft fair has to offer the ninety first annual league of New Hampshire Craftsman's Fair which begins this Saturday boy it sneaks right up on it doesn't it. Sure it does. Wow time flies when you're having fun. We'll take a bright kale and company continues right here WKXL Miriam Carter is with us the executive director of the league of New Hampshire Craftsman and we will be right back. Welcome back kale and company live here on WKXL always great to have Miriam Carter in studio with us the executive director of the league of New Hampshire Craftsman and the 91st annual league of New Hampshire Craftsman's Fair coming up starting Saturday to the following Sunday August 3rd through the 11th Mount Centipede Resort in Newberry and you think about it Miriam the financial impact that the fair has in that area. I mean the last year you had what 21,000 people visiting. Actually 21-5. 21-5. Got to go for that additional five. Yeah we're very proud of that we normally attract around 20,000 people but last year was a banner year. We work really hard as a staff every year to keep advancing the promotion of this fair and the organization so we have a really effective campaign on all fronts and we were really happy for the response. Yeah that is great and just think about that 21,000 plus people coming to the area and you know dining and staying in hotels and motels in the area coming to the state in general. That is a huge financial gain for the state of New Hampshire every year but the state of New Hampshire certainly has supported this event for many many years. Yeah we're entirely grateful to the state on many fronts especially to the travel and tourism division of the state. They actually have a program called the Joint Promotional Program and you can apply for a grant it's a matching grant so they support 75% of our advertising has to be outside the state 25% has to be inside the state and we have about $100,000 budget to market this fair and a little bit of that goes into our galleries but they did a $50,000 essentially a $50,000 match with us this year so that helped us as a nonprofit produce this iconic summertime event in New Hampshire so we're grateful. Yeah absolutely. Now tell us about these sculpture garden. Oh it's really exciting so we've been working hard to make that evolve you know people can put craft in their house but they can also put it outside their house so one of our members Dale Rogers does these amazing large rust colored animals they're creative they're charming we have one of our guest artists Ursula Perry is coming in with big wire sculptures as well and then lots of beautiful smaller pieces that you can just put in your garden Stephen Proctor is actually nationally recognized for his large large clay vessels up to six feet tall that he hand turns so there's a lot to see and what we've done in the past two years including this year now is we made a choice to actually put the sculpture throughout the property so you just don't have to go up to the hill to see the sculpture on the hill you can see it wherever you are. Wow that is something and one of the great features too is I know you can go online and look at the program for this year's event and see a lot of the merchandise that is going to be available so you can shop a little bit ahead of time and that's really prudent you know it's a big show so you want to be able to plan your strategy I also encourage people to wear comfortable shoes you are the foot of a mountain and make sure you hydrate but there's plenty of options to do that too because we have wonderful artisanal food we have Thai food oven brick oven pizza so wonderful smoothies things like that we bring in as well as great music that we provide for entertainment. Well you talk about the music and I was just looking at the schedule the other day you start off on Saturday with April Cushman she's great she has been in the studio a couple of times and she is terrific and Jordan Terrell Wysocki he is the greatest fiddle player I have ever heard. I would second half. Amazing bar none he is fantastic and Justin Cohn has an amazing voice he's been in the studio as well the lineup throughout the week is terrific so it's eleven to three each day for the music. It is and I really wanted to shout out to New Hampshire Music Collective Brad Myron for scheduling these people because it's been a program that we've been evolving and we actually and Justin was our test case it was a pretty sound bet but you know it's now evolved into nine days of music that they help schedule and we love what talent is brought to us. There really is and I just mentioned a few but Cenny Hunt will be performing as well and Alex Preston a name familiar to many people he was on what American Idol a number of years ago. I think so yeah. And finished pretty high. Yeah that's great. Jordan Terrell Wysocki comes back for a second appearance on the closing day of the event so. I'm sorry and I just called him Justin but his name is Jordan. Oh I'll get that right I thought you were talking about Justin Cohn but yeah Jordan Terrell Wysocki yeah he is he is terrific and so is his dad by the way but Justin has been around the state for a long time in fact his entire life and but he has become really a national treasure not only just here in New Hampshire but he is well known nationally as well and so the music is a big part of it. Well it really is and it's you know we try and do quintessential New Hampshire things but we do have our boundaries for our jury membership go into Maine Vermont and Massachusetts by 10 miles so we hope that we represent New Hampshire but we also have some musicians I think a little perhaps from outside the area but they're all talented and the quality of the music is comparable to the quality of the craft which is what the league represents find craft find music so and find food and find food yes there you have it and a fine location I have to say it doesn't get much prettier than the base amounts other people. No doubt about that and again tickets on sale right now if you want to go online it's very easy and a great great website I mean it brings you through everything that is happening the schedules of the events and the demonstrations and what days they are going to be so go online and pre-planet because what once you get there you know you want to be able to have some kind of an idea of what you where you want to gravitate toward and so this really gives you a great outline as to what to expect and if you want to come back we do do a discounted second day ticket so don't hesitate to ask about that often people say I just didn't have enough time so we say come on back so I'm sure and just a reminder if I could say this that the parking is free we really take pride in that so that's all part of the ticket price and we encourage people to not bring their dogs dogs are not allowed on the property and if you leave a dog in your car the police in the area will be looking for that because it gets really hot some days in cars up there so please leave your dog at home yep so a word to the wise dogs and not allowed but people certainly are in 16 and under absolutely free at the fair for the first time it had been 12 but it's been up to 16 so that's great that was the request of our members because you know our members said you know there's a lot of families and we want to encourage kids and we want to create pathways so we wanted to make it easier on the family so that they can come with the whole team and enjoy their time with us and so much you know it's all very unique you know it's not cookie cutter that is for sure like you know if you walk into you know you know big box stores or whatever you know it's pretty much cookie cutter stuff not here not at the craftsmen's fair tell us about all the jewelry that's available. So there's a large percentage of work in two categories that the league represents and that is pottery we have an incredibly rich pottery background more than any other show in the country and then jewelry so we have about 25% of our show is jewelers which is pretty normal in our industry but from you can have jewelers who are working various kinds of metals stones enamels there's just a beautiful array and one of the distinctive things about the league New Hampshire craftsmen and it's not just in jewelry but in all our categories is what we call the spirit of the maker in order to be accepted you need to have technical expertise in your field of craft but you also have to have your own voice so you won't see a lot of derivative work at this show because we want individuals to have their own voice their own creativity and it's part of what our brand is recognized for I'll tell you what it's just just an amazing event and again I mean an opportunity to go up there starting on Saturday at 10 o'clock right 10 to 5 every day and that's consistent throughout the throughout the event from Saturday the 3rd until Sunday the 11th of August and I'm just amazed August is here already or almost anyway but again it's a it's a tremendous way to get the unique gifts for people in your life and take care of all that that holiday shopping that the people front about when it gets to be in November or December or December 24th or whatever don't you know just give a pleasant day in Newbury enjoy the mountain and enjoy all that the craft sphere has to has to offer I couldn't say it better than you have and we have a good backup system we do have seven fine craft galleries throughout the state so if you forget something at the fair you can always go there but just to point out what we do for our members our job is to you know our our focus is the field of craft but what how we do that is we support the makers of craft three million dollars worth of gold last year yeah my craftsman three million dollars at the fair that is terrific and twenty one thousand five hundred people attended let's make it over twenty two thousand this year and with you and again you can you can be one of my your tickets right now get a two dollar discount at nh crafts dot org and you don't have to worry about the internet not being in existence or you know waiting in line to buy a ticket you'll have your tickets you'll be able to walk right in and proceed to the areas you want to go to and have just a terrific time in New Hampshire at the at the fair which starts Sandra and runs to the following Sunday it's the 91st annual League of New Hampshire craftsman's fair at the Mount son of the resort in Newbury Miriam Carter always great to have you with us thank you so much for having us for having me it's always a pleasure to be with you Ken all right we'll take a break be back with more kaolin company live here on wk excel nh chock radio dot com we are presented by northeast delta dental and we shall return kaolin company live here on wksl nh chock radio dot com we are presented by our good friends at northeast delta dental and remember the Friday fun bunch coming your way this week have another tommy tune as Tom rapio sings with some of the big stars in the world of show business did a duet last week with Mick Jagger did satisfaction on mix 81st birthday who knows who tom will be just singing with us Friday on the fun bunch but we always look forward to our tommy tune segment right here on wk excel every Friday and the red Sox exploded last night for 14 runs you know it didn't start off so great the red Sox didn't look like they were going to produce a whole lot of offense last night and then the third inning came along and there were two outs and at the plate was willier abreu and it appeared it appeared from watching on television that strike three should have been called against willier abreu by home plate umpire Andy Fletcher look even from a red Sox perspective it looked like a strike and it looked like the inning would come to an end for the red Sox but somehow some way the home plate umpire Andy Fletcher called it a ball so willier abreu went on to a 12 pitch at bat finally getting a base hit for the red Sox and they went on after that to score seven runs all with two men out in that inning and the big blow was delivered by Masatake Yoshida who's been hitting the ball very well of late Yoshida hit a two run homer in that the seven run third inning outburst he had a single double homerun on the night for RBI's Dominic Smith and Romy Gonzalez also homered for the red Sox in that one Nick Pavetta going six and two thirds innings to pick up the victory against the Seattle Mariners who have been very active on the trade market baseball's trading deadline is today at 6 p.m. Eastern time now the red Sox made a minor move yesterday in the afternoon they traded an infield prospect primarily a second baseman Nick York who seemingly has been in the organization for many years now is they signed him at an early age and he's been playing AAA this year but they traded him for a 23 year old right hander who I had never heard of before from the Pittsburgh Pirates Quinn Preister 23 years old former number one draft pick however not overall but in the first round so we'll see he hasn't had a great deal of success in professional baseball thus far whether it be at the minor league level or the major league level and I hope that's not all there is for the red Sox because Nick York was the number six prospect in the red Sox depth chart and that's pretty high prospect to deal for an unproven pitcher and I also noticed with a great deal of chagrin that the Seattle Mariners traded their 29th ranked prospect to the Toronto Blue Jays who were trading everybody off these days Seattle trades their 29th ranked prospect to Toronto to get Justin Turner who played last year with a red Sox in fact he was one of the bright spots last year for the red Sox but signed a free agent deal in the off season with Toronto and now he's a member of the Seattle Mariners he'll probably play against the red Sox tonight at Fenway Park and Seattle a few days ago picked up Randy Rosa Reyna from the Tampa Bay Rays he played last night for Seattle Seattle making some big-time moves red Sox did pick up Danny Janssen from the Toronto Blue Jays and then the Blue Jays that was dealt and he I think will be a good addition but they still need a big right handed batter in that middle of the lineup to go along with Tyler O'Neill who's had a very good season for the red Sox maybe a better than many anticipated Raffy Devers is being Raffy leading the team in home runs and RBI's but you need one more powerful bat in there preferably from the right side because they've had red Sox and having difficulty with the left handed pitching so they need one more right handed bat in the middle of that lineup and you know right now they have not been able to accomplish that but there's still as we speak right now still about nine hours to go before the trading deadline is upon us and game two of the series is going to be played tonight at Fenway and it's very interesting because the red Sox last year of course James Paxton they call him Big Maple because he's a big guy and he's from Canada so Big Maple James Paxton will be on the mile for the red Sox tonight now he pitched for the Sox last year and then in the off season signed a contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers he went eight and two eight and two with the Dodgers in fact the last game he pitched for the Dodgers was last Sunday night against the red Sox and look pretty good his philosophy was up there his velocity was you know 96 to 98 at some points during the ballgame but the next day the more next day the Dodgers released him designated him for assignment and the Red Sox stepped in gave them a minor leaguer and now James Paxton will be starting against one of his other former teams tonight the Seattle Mariners at Fenway Park that's a crazy game it's a crazy business and we'll see the Red Sox still one game out of the third wild card birth in the American League as we speak here on the penultimate day of July July the 30th one more day in July until we get into August news from the Olympics Coco Gough she was one of the flagbearers on the on the boat on the Sennon River and Parry with LeBron James Coco Gough and LeBron James who the flag flagbearers on the in the opening ceremonies Coco Gough has lost in straight sets today to Donna Vekich in the third round at the Paris Olympics so kind of an upset there I guess I'm not that familiar with the tennis bracket but positive news for Coco Gough is that she still she still has two more opportunities to medal first of all in women's doubles with Jessica Pagula and in mixed doubles with Taylor Fritz so still opportunities for Coco Gough to medal at the Olympic Games so all is not lost the U.S. women's basketball team one yesterday as they were expected to over Japan 102 to 76 Asia Wilson led the way 24 points and 13 rebounds next up for the U.S. women will be Belgium and that will be Thursday at 3 p.m. and the one and oh U.S. men's team will be playing South Sudan tomorrow at 3 p.m. coming off their victory on Sunday against Serbia a game in which a game which is track attracting a lot of attention not so much because the Americans won but because Jason Tatum didn't play that's been all the talk I mean many people expected the U.S. to beat Serbia and beat all of their competition for that matter but Jason Tatum did not get into Sunday's game which is frustrating many fans of the Boston Celtics but most assuredly I can almost guarantee you that he will be playing tomorrow when the USA takes on South Sudan a team at the only beat by one point in exhibition play prior to the start of the Olympic Games alright that's our little update on sports today coming up fanity in sanity and what a celebrity birthdays today we'll have that and more straight ahead Kaitlyn company live WKXL NH chock we are presented by Northeast Delta dental Kaitlyn company live here on WKXL NH chock time for a little vanity insanity ladies and gentlemen this is week number five and we are still looking for our first winner what is the winner get you may ask well how about this from our good friends at weed family automotive 124 store street in Concord a conventional oil change with a synthetic oil blend and a thorough check of your vehicle pretty nice right all you have to do is be a winner and you will get that nice prize from weed family automotive what we do is we scour the area for clever inventive license plates vanity plates because New Hampshire probably I don't know this for a fact but it seems this way more vanity plates per capita than any other state in the union so let's have a little musical accompaniment while I tell you what this week's vanity insanity plate is it is Sue dash Z S I O U Fs dash Z that's right Sue Z C C R will tell you musical as plates spotted in Concord in the area of Loudon Road S I O U X dash Z now we have as many followers of this program know we've had a little difficulty with our phones recently so you will not be able to call us right now but we have another solution for you you can email our esteemed executive producer Andrew Gibson and Andrew how can folks do that you can send me an email at a Gibson at nh talk radio calm just send a picture with your name and information with you in your license plate and again that license plate is what S I O U X like Sue the Native American Tribe Sue dash Z like Sue Z and yep just send us a pic with you and that license plate and confirming that that's your vehicle and with your information so we can get back to you and get you set up with our good friends at weed family auto there you go simple as that normally would have you call in but our phones are down folks here in our broadcast studio on Readington Road we don't know why the trouble is not in your set it's in ours and we are working on it feverishly to get it fixed today by the way July 30th the penultimate day of July that means next to last father-in-law day it is International Day of Friendship National Cheesecake Day are you a cheesecake fan Andrew I am a cheesecake fan I do love a good cheesecake my my grandmother had a specialty cheesecake it was just a regular cheesecake but it was the way she used to make it I always came out with the perfect texture hmm wonderful now do you just like the regular just plain cheesecake I do like regular plain cheesecake I'm also a sucker for strawberry cheesecake oh man how about whipped cream beers have a little whipped cream on that I mean once upon a time when I didn't care about you know gaining pounds I probably would do that depends on depends on the day all right thanksgiving probably all bets are off but you are not opposed to having fruit strawberries oh god specifically on cheesecake some people are I'm not but some people are I said oh no I just want the pure cheesecake that's it you know I think I think New Yorkers are that way they're very protective of their cheesecake New Yorkers really do love their cheesecake their cheesecake in their canoles yeah right which are great things but I think they're protective of their cheesecake they don't want any blueberries on a strawberries raspberries whatever it might be they just want that cheesecake that authentic cheesecake well either way it's National Cheesecake Day it's also National Support Public Education Day National Whistleblower Appreciation Day paperback book day share a hug day and world snorkeling day I guess I'm more prone I'll give hugs today probably will not be snorkeling today and there are lots of celebrity birthdays today lots of them Arnold Schwarzenegger can you do what an Arnold Andrew so I that's a good question I feel like everybody can do an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression I don't think mine's that good well let's let's let's hear it oh gosh gout to the job yeah oh that's good oh who's your daddy what does he do like a good neighbor a good neighbor you know that's a problem is there all right there you go how old is Arnold today oh gosh I want to say I'm gonna say late 60s well how about late 70s late 70s okay 77 okay 77 okay he still looks to be in in great shape former governor of the Kalam so yeah yeah he can't pronounce the name California but you know he was governor yeah yes Delta Burke from designing women and other things 68 Lisa Kudrow from friends 61 today Hillary swank is 50 blues guitarist buddy guy is 88 the actor Terry Cruz and not only an actor and a game show host also played in the NFL for a number of seasons with the L.A. Rams green base and Diego Chargers very funny very talented guy yeah he is he is Washington Redskins before they were the commanders and the Philadelphia Eagles and also celebrating a birthday today one of the great singers and song writers of our generation and that would be Paul Anka you know how old Paul Anka is Andrew I couldn't even garnish a guess I'm gonna say 80s well that would be correct 83 okay yeah 83 and he wrote a song that may sound a bit familiar to you oh let's hear yeah that's a nice show that's it Johnny Carson it's a nice show theme with Johnny Carson and thinks on written by Paul Anka in conjunction with Johnny Carson I don't know what what part Johnny wrote but every time I hear this all I can think of is he's Johnny you know Ed McMahon for so many years well this tonight show theme was played on the show from 1962 to 1992 so all those years Johnny and Paul Anka because Johnny is listed as the co-writer of this every time it was played Andrew and that was you know five nights a week for 30 years every night it was played they each got a little check for four hundred dollars of course they do royalties royalties is honestly the big money making game especially for songwriters yeah yeah well obviously Paul and and Johnny did very well with that tonight show theme and I guess it was a version at one time that had words but we never heard of that I don't believe ever heard any of those on the tonight show but they didn't rate $400 was was the fee the royalty fee that they got every time it played on the tonight show estimated to be over the 30 year period in the vicinity of three million dollars apiece little a anecdote there concerning the tonight show theme which was a part of our culture for a long long time I don't know what any of the the late night talk show themes are anymore I don't I don't watch very many of them tell you the truth I mean I feel like a lot of them have kind of stopped being very funny yeah it's it's it's you know a generic theme and nothing like that and yeah I think I think some of them got a little bit too political yes that's that's the word political they've gotten to political and every once in a while there's a gem every once in a while there's a good something good that sticks out yep yeah not consistently funny and that's true and so anyway but that was the tonight show theme written by Paul Anko who turns eighty three today so a happy birthday to you Paul and if you are celebrating today we wish you a very happy birthday as well again our vanity and sanity plate of the week is a New Hampshire licensed plate sue as in the Native American tribe sue dash Z as in sue Z I guess they ran out of letters for the queue but sue dash Z is the license plate give us a call no no no I can't that's just a reflex motion there email Andrew Gibson at a Gibson at NH talk radio dot com right is that it that is correct all right it gives an NH talk radio dot com where you can listen to this program and others here on this radio station NH talk radio dot com as well as daily sports report and all kinds of good things on the NH talk radio dot com and if you missed any of this program or would simply like to hear it again you can hear it at the seven o'clock right after seven o'clock this evening here on WK XL NH talk radio dot com and again our thanks to Miriam Carter executive director of the league of New Hampshire craftsman the craftsmen's fair opens this coming Saturday August 3rd to Sunday August 11th Mount Center be resort in Newbury 10 to 5 daily rain or shine more information at NH crafts dot org that'll do it for this edition we will see you tomorrow and remember folks to always look on the bright side of life have great Tuesday everyone. (upbeat music)