WKXL - New Hampshire Talk Radio

Cail & Company LIVE | Potpourri Tuesday

A potpourri version of the show on Tuesday with word that presumptive Democratic Presidential Candidate Kamala Harris was able to secure enough delegates to garner the party's nomination next month at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. Also breaking, a bipartisan House Task Force has been launched to investigate the Trump rally shooting on July 13 in Butler, Ohio. The announcement coming from House Speaker Mike Johnson and House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries. In addition we looked ahead to the upcoming Summer Olympics to open later this week in Paris.

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23 Jul 2024
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[Music plays] Good morning. It is Gale and Company Live here on WKXL. NH-TALK-RADIO.COM. Great to have you along with us. We are presented by Northeast El Daniel with Individual and Family Plans, designed to fit your lifestyle. Learn more and find your plan at And both our executive producer, Andrew Gibson, and I agree, we love. We love mornings like this. Don't we, Andrew? Very much so. I loved looking out my window this morning and seeing that heavy downpour. It is the most relaxing weather. It is, and a great napping weather, too. Great napping weather, if you have the opportunity to do that today, but more than that, it's relief from the heat we've been having over the last two and a half to three weeks. I know it's probably going to come back later on this week, but enjoy a couple of cloudy days. Now, I mean, I'm sorry if you have scheduled vacations and things to do this week because, you know, I know how upset I would be if that were the case for me. And rain would be interfering. But because of the fact that we've had so much hot, hot weather recently, a nice relief today from Mother Nature, so we appreciate that. Well, they say it couldn't be done, but it was, folks. Hard to believe how this was pulled off, but Vice President Kamala Harris has secured the support of enough Democratic delegates to become her party's nominee against Donald Trump, according to an Associated Press survey, as top Democrats rallied to her in the aftermath of President Joe Biden's decision to drop his bid for re-election. The grand scheme worked, folks. It worked. They did it. The quick coalescing behind Harris marked an attempt by the party to put weeks of drama over Biden's political future behind them to unify the task of defeating Trump with just over 100 days until election day. Prominent Democratic elected officials, party leaders and political organizations quickly lined up behind Harris because what other choice did they have? In the day after Biden's exit from the race and her campaign set a new, a brand new record, an indoor record for presidential donations on Monday. Several state delegations met late Monday to confirm the support for Harris, including Texas, and her home state of California. And by Monday night, Harris had the support of well more than 1,976 delegates. How about that for a number of folks? 1,976. She'll need to win on her first ballot, according to the AP tally. The 1,976 delegates would assure that no other candidate was named by a delegate contacted by the Associated Press. So it's, it's hers. The nomination is hers. And wow, how things can change dramatically in a short period of time. Although this was a well, well, well. You gotta give him credit. It was well calculated. I guess there's nothing illegal about this. I mean, even though, you know, she did not receive one vote in the primary, but she's got all the delegates now. She has enough to get the nomination in a few weeks from now in Chicago. What would have been nice to see? It's gotta be something that could stand in the way of this, but probably not, probably not. It would have been nice to see it like an open convention like they had in 1968 in Chicago. But folks, it ain't happening. California State Democratic Chairman Rusty Hicks said 75% and 80% of the state's delegation were on a call Tuesday. On a call Tuesday, it was on a call Monday, folks. And the unanimously supported, Harris Hicks said, I've not heard anyone mentioning or calling for any other candidate. Tonight's vote was a momentous one. Oh, that it was. That it was. Still, the Associated Press is not calling Harris the new presumptive nominee. That's because the convention delegates are still free to vote for the candidate of their choice at the convention in August. Or if the Democrats go through with a virtual roll call ahead of that gathering in Chicago. Harris in a statement responded to the AP tally saying she is, and I quote here, a grateful to President Biden and everyone in the Democratic Party who has already put their faith in me. And I mean, why wouldn't they? And I look forward to taking our case directly to the American people, end quote, from Kamala. So there you go. Now, Mike Johnson, if, well, Republican lawmakers, Mike Johnson leading the way, Speaker of the House, calling on President Biden to resign from office immediately after he announced he will not seek re-election. Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican from Louisiana, said in a statement, if Joe Biden is not fit to run for president, he is not fit to serve as president. Well, that makes it does make all the sense in the world, really. If he's not out there to, you know, go from town to town and read off teleprompters, how does he have the nuclear codes? He should not have access to the nuclear codes. He must resign the office immediately. November 5th could not arrive soon enough. That in a statement from Mike Johnson. If the Democrat Party has deemed Joe Biden unfit to run for re-election, he's certainly unfit to control our nuclear codes. That's what House Majority Whip Tom Emmer, a Republican from Minnesota said, minutes after the bombshell news broke that Biden must step down from office immediately. House GOP conference chair woman, Lisa Stefanik, a Republican from New York, similarly said, if Joe Biden can't run for re-election, he is unable and unfit to serve as president of the United States. He must immediately resign. The Democrat Party is in an absolute free fall for their blatantly corrupt and desperate attempt to cover up the fact that Joe Biden is unfit for office. That from Lisa Stefanik of New York. And quoting here, if Joe Biden is unfit to be the Democrat nominee for president, he's unfit to be president for the rest of his term. For the good of the country, Joe Biden should resign immediately, said Republican study committee chair, Kevin Hearn, a Republican from Oklahoma. The 81-year-old president has been under mounting pressure to drop out of the 2024 presidential race in the wake of his disastrous debate performance against President Trump last month. Well, that has been taken care of. And I think the Democrats wanted that early debate. On June 27th, that fateful night in Atlanta, Georgia, that will go down in infamy. And they knew everyone, all the left-wing media, all the Democrats, they've all been say, boy, behind closed doors, this guy is a dynamo. Have you ever seen anybody? He accomplishes more than an hour than most people accomplish in three days. He is such a dynamo. And then a couple of weeks later, they're knocking on his door, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Akim Jeffries, hey, Joe, time to go. So that's the way it turned out, and it's official now. Kamala Harris has enough delegates, unless something bizarre happens at the convention. And wouldn't you love to see that? I'd love to see it. And it's not so much an anti-Kamala thing. It's just that you like to see a little disruption. And the circumvention of the political rules that have been with us for years, they've managed to get around them. They did it. The Ds have accomplished what they set out to do. How about that? How about that? It's very scary, though. I mean, they always say, oh, you know, if Trump selected, he's gonna take our democracy and he's gonna ruin our cities and ruin our country. But it's okay if they do it. It's okay if they do it. But if the other side does it, oh, no. Then can you imagine, I would love to see what the mainstream media would be like if the Republicans pulled a stunt like this. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, wow. On that note, we will take a break. Kaling Company Live, right here on WKXL. Can you imagine? We are presented by Northeast Delta Dental and we'll be right back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Surprisingly enough, we are back. It is Kaling Company Live here on WKXL. Great to have you along with us on this so rainy Tuesday. Hope you can take a nap today. I think naps are great. Really, one of the greatest inventions of all time is a nap. I know some people, you know, some people actually work for a living but and can't do it during the day. I mean naps during the day 'cause you always get the feeling that you're getting away with something, right? And taking a nap during the day when, you know, other people are busy, you know, at their computers or digging ditches or whatever else they're doing. And sometimes you can just sneak away, take a nap and it's like a big bonus. Don't you get that feeling Andrew once in a while when you can sneak home and take a nap and so many other people can't at that time. Maybe, I mean, granted my kids are older now so with them being older, they're kind of more self-sufficient so I can take a nap every once in a while. Right, yeah. I actually kind of took one yesterday. So there you go. There you go. And you know, I think it's tougher. Like on a day like yesterday when it's humid, it's sunny and all that stuff, it's not, today is just perfect. Today is perfect for a nap. Today is the perfect nap. It really is, it really and truly is. This is Tuesday, July the 23rd. At least today I got the month right. July 23rd, today is National Lemon Day. National Lemon Day. So there you go. Among other things, it's gorgeous grandma day. Gorgeous grandmas are being celebrated today all around the world. It's National Vanilla Ice Cream Day. Like what's your favorite flavor, Andrew? - Ice cream? - Yes. - Oh, that's a tough one. - I know, it's tough to narrow it down. - I gotta say, I mean, if you had to pick one and then for the rest of your life. - So my go to is typically strawberry. - Strawberry, okay. - Like if it's a standard like basic flavor strawberry. - Right. - But I'm also a big fan of moose tracks. Oh yeah, oh yeah, nothing wrong with that. Both good choices. I think if somebody said you could never have any other flavor for the rest of your life to me, I think I would take coffee, coffee ice cream. If that was the last ice cream I could ever have, for the rest of my life, I would take coffee. That's just me and I'm sure. - My children love coffee ice cream. - Do they? - Both my girls do, and my son does too. They get that from their grandfather. I was never a big fan of it, but my father loves coffee ice cream. So I think that's who introduced them to it. - Coffee ice cream and maybe a little hot fudge on it. Oh boy. After I take my nap today, that's what I'm gonna ask. - I'm gonna say, now I need to get some ice cream more. - Maybe even before I take my nap, I'll do that. Is it, here's another one that hot enough for you day? That's today and thankfully it's not. I mean, it's raining, it's nice. You can, you know, look at the rain and I love it. Peanut butter and chocolate day being celebrated today. Peanut butter and chocolate. Always a wonderful combination. It is sprinkle day and as we speak, we're having more than a sprinkle outside and yada yada yada day celebrated on July 23rd that series of words coming from Seinfeld, of course. Yada yada yada. So there you go. Those are the days being commemorated today. So if you have a grandma out there or know somebody that's a grandma, commemorate it. Gorgeous grandma day and there's so many of them out there. Birthdays on this July the 23rd, actor Larry Manetti. Now a lot of people don't know who he is and quite frankly, until I interviewed him a number of years ago, I didn't know who he was either. Larry Manetti is celebrating today. And he lives on the West Coast. He also has a residence in Hawaii. He was the bartender on Magnum PI, the show that started Tom Selick for many years. Larry Manetti is celebrating the birthday today. I had him on when I was doing overnight's at a radio station, not too far from here. I was doing the overnight show. So as a result, I had quite a few West Coast guests on. So on this particular night, I had Larry Manetti on and they was having a party at his house. So one of the attendees at this party was singer, actor James Darren. So I think they both might've had a couple of adult beverages before they talked to me on the radio. But I was talking mainly with Manetti because he had just put out a book about his experiences on Magnum PI with Tom Selick. And so he said, "Hey, I have my buddy James Darren here." And I was working at an oldie station at the time and we did some talk over night, some interviews overnight, played oldies. And yeah, I said, "Yeah, I'd love to talk to James Darren." Put James Darren on the line, so he did. Had a great conversation with him as well. So it was a little bonus, didn't expect to get James Darren. But Larry Manetti celebrating her birthday today. He's 77 years old. Now, Andrew, are you a fan of the Harry Potter series? - I would say yes, I very much am, okay. - All right. Well, I've seen a few of them myself because I had children of a certain age when they were very popular. - For sure. - And Daniel Radcliffe, who played Harry Potter in all those movies, is celebrating today. How old do you think Daniel Radcliffe is today? - Oh, I'm gonna say like 32. - Oh, that's not bad, 35. - 35 years of age. And what a talented guy he is, because subsequently I saw him on Broadway a number of years ago. - What did you see him at? And how to succeed in business without really trying it? - You just won a Tony recently. - Yeah, yeah, I'm early, we roll along. - Oh, there you go, there you go, it's a Sondheim show. But how to succeed in business, love that show. And, oh my goodness, what's the guy's name? I had it on the tip of my tongue and then I couldn't spit it out. John, John, John from Night Court. - Oh, yeah. - John Larrichette was in that same show, how to succeed in business without really trying on Broadway, great show, and what a dancer. Daniel Radcliffe is, wow, just totally blew me away. He's 35 today, happy birthday to him, Allison Krauss, the country performer, does bluegrass and plays the fiddle, plays the piano, very talented musician is 53. Slash of Guns N' Roses fame is celebrating today like only Slash can. How old do you think Slash is, Andrew? - Oh, I'm gonna say 70s, I mean, I can't pick it on an exact number. - You know, I would have said close to 70 myself, I was kind of blown away by finding out. - Is he in his 60s? - No. - He's in his 50s. - Just barely. - Wow. - 59. - Wow. - 50 younger than I thought. - Me too, me too, I mean, do you think Guns N' Roses, they've been around a long time, and he's 59 and still with us. And from Cheers, he played the role of Woody Boy, the bartender on Cheers for many years, and Woody Harrelson celebrating the birthday today. Let's hear it for Woody here, play a little of the Cheers thing, which I just loved. ♪ Taking your way in the world today ♪ ♪ Takes everything you've got ♪ ♪ Taking a break from all your worth ♪ ♪ Sure would help a lot ♪ ♪ Wouldn't you like to get away ♪ ♪ All those nights when you've got no lights ♪ ♪ The check is in the mail ♪ ♪ And your little angel hung the cat up by its tail ♪ ♪ And your third beyond set didn't show ♪ ♪ Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ And they're always glad you came ♪ ♪ You wanna be where you can see ♪ ♪ Our troubles are all the same ♪ ♪ You wanna be where everybody knows your name ♪ - I think one of the great TV themes of all time, the Cheers theme and Woody Harrelson celebrating today, what do you think Andrew Harrel is Woody today? He's been in many, many things over the years, but Woody. - I'm gonna say late 60s. - 63. - Okay. - Oh, wow, early 60s. - Early 60s. - Oh, yeah. - 63 still. - See, I'm bad at guessing birthday. This is why I don't play. - He's still a young man. Well, you'll get better at it. You're fine. Most people would be guessing, you know, wrong. I know I would be if I didn't have a right in front of me. - So, happy birthday to Woody Harrelson, played the character Woody Boyd on Cheers. Now, coming up, we're gonna go to the West Coast and talk to the author of a brand new book. It's just out today what timing this guy has. William Cooper has just written a book, How America Works and Why It Doesn't. A brief guide to the US political system. Oh, man, what timing for this one? We'll take a break and be back. With William Cooper right after these words. Kaling company, WKXL,, presented by the Northeast Delta Dental. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - Welcome back, Kaling company live here on WKXL. We hope to be chatting with the author, William Cooper, have you with us yesterday? You know that we had a little phone difficulty. And I do believe through testing that Andrew and I have gone through today, that it is probably just as bad today as it was yesterday. So, we're just having some minor phone, apparently some several people are having issues with their phones in the area. So, it has nothing to do with us here at the station. But they're working on it. - We're doing the best we can, folks. We're doing the best we can, as we always do. And sometimes it's better than others. But at any rate, William Cooper, author of How America Works and Why It Doesn't was scheduled to join us. And at the time that Andrew called him and Andrew left a voicemail, he's on the West Coast. I know it's a little early out there. It's only like 537, yeah, 537 on the West Coast right now. But this interview was scheduled for this time and he did not reply as yet anyway. And if he does, I'm not too sure about the phone line, but it's an interesting book. And the timing could not have been better. The book, How America Works and Why It Doesn't. What are some of the common misconceptions about why it's not working? And we'll talk to him about that. And well, let's hope he does call in and if not, we'll reschedule it for another time when the phone lines are better than they are right now. If you could not stay up for the end of the ball game last night, the Red Sox and the Rockies, first time in five years, the Red Sox have played a game in Denver. And well, Red Sox came in having lost three in a row to the Dodgers and that losing streak continues as they lost last night in 12 innings, three hours and 29 minutes, 12 innings. Colorado beat the Red Sox nine to eight, not a good night for Red Sox, Ace Tanner, how he went six innings, gave up four runs on 10 hits. And then he was followed to the mound by six relievers. And there's no Kenley Janssen in Denver. Kenley has hard issues and the rarefied air in Denver does not agree with him. I guess when he pitched for the Dodgers, three times that he pitched in Denver, he had to be resuscitated. And this is the truth. And so he didn't want to have to deal with that again. So the Red Sox said, well, just go back to Boston and we'll see you when the Yankees come to town on Friday. So no Kenley Janssen and Chris Martin has been out for a while with elbow issues and psychological issues. So the Red Sox bullpen folks is pretty depleted right now. They had to use six last night. They used quite a few over the weekend as well. And now we're coming down to the Major League Baseball trading deadline, which will be on the 31st of this month. I believe it's the 31st, the trading deadline. And the question is, will the Boston Red Sox be buyers or sellers? Now, right at the all-star break, at the all-star break, a week ago Sunday, you'd have said, oh, the Red Sox are going to be buyers. I mean, they're playing so well. Now they come out of the all-star break and lose four in a row. And right now, the Red Sox are two games out of a wild card spot, which is not much. There's plenty of games left, still 100 games to go. I beg your pardon, still 62 games to go. Let's see, 53 and 46, that's 63 games to go in the regular season, 63 games to go. So still plenty, plenty of time to make up a couple of games. I think Red Sox fans are going to be very disappointed if the Red Sox are not buyers at the trading deadline. And they haven't been buyers for several years now, much to the Chagrin, not only of Boston fans, but to manager Alex Cora, who is in the final year of his contract. And if the Red Sox are not buyers this time around at the trading deadline, it's almost a virtual guarantee that Alex Cora will be looking for a free agent deal, and you know that he's going to get one. There may be a managerial opening in New York, not the Mets, the Yankees. Because Aaron Boone is being questioned by those fans of the New York Yankees and journalists as well. They don't think the Yankees are performing as well as they could be under Aaron Boone. As a result, he is on the hot seat, and how about that? What if Alex Cora wound up managing the New York Yankees next year? Which I think is a distinct, a distinct possibility. How about that? Can you imagine the reception he would get? The first time he walked into Fenway Park as manager of the New York Yankees? Well, I'm sure there would be some people who would cheer him for what he's accomplished as manager of the Red Sox. But I think those cheers might be a little outnumbered by the amount of booze he would get. It'd be interesting. I hope it happens. I love the drama. I love the drama. I really do. So I hope it happens. I hope Alex Cora winds up as manager of the New York Yankees in 2025. I'm on record saying it, folks, not going to take it back. I love the drama. That's what it's all about, really, is the drama. Not so much the wins and losses, but the drama. And that would certainly be in that category of drama. (laughing) And it's only baseball, so it's not, you know what? I mean, it's just fun. It's just fun drama. It's not like the drama we're going through in our country right now, which is different drama. Anyway, the Olympics are going to be starting. Just heard they feature on Bloomberg Radio that every Olympic event, every Olympic event is going to be available on Peacock, every one of them. Because they have so many, you know, you can go anywhere, you can see a basketball game or swimming or gymnastics or skateboarding or whatever the event may be. So every event I heard is going to be on Peacock. I mean, most of them, you know, will be on NBC, but there are too many to have all on NBC and certainly at the same time. So every event will be carried on Peacock, hoping to garner more audience for what was described kind of as a struggling entity at this point in time. But, you know, maybe the Olympics will create more eyeballs for Peacock, so we'll see what happens. But it's good to know if you have Peacock or even if you don't, if you want to get Peacock, that every event is going to be available. Yeah, I have to admit, I am not, I have to say this because this is a, you know, a real program. Don't make anything up, I'm not a huge Olympics guy. I'll probably in this Olympics, the thing I'm looking forward to most is the basketball. Men's and women's, because I want the men to win and I want the women to lose. No, I know, you think it's a sexist remark. No, it's not, it's not. The women have won what? I think they won the gold medal eight straight years, eight straight times over a span of what 32 years that would be. And the men have dominated as well, but I want to see the men do well. I mean, they have three Celtics on the team. I want to see the men win. I want to see the women lose because they did not select two players that they should have for the US Olympic basketball team and Angel Reese and Caitlyn Clark. Both, richly deserving of being on the women's Olympic basketball team and they didn't name either one of them. And you know, if they had just one of them, in particular, Caitlyn Clark, but Angel Reese to a lesser extent, they would certainly have garnered more eyeballs than they are going to. I mean, the men, you know, you see LeBron and Kevin Durant, Anthony Edwards, Jason Tatum, Drew Holliday, Derek White. I mean, it's great. And they've been challenged Germany yet. South Sudan challenged them the other day. They only won that game by a point. Yesterday, Germany gave them a big battle with a couple of former Celtics, Dennis Schrueder and Daniel Tice, along with the Wagner brothers, Mo and froms. Germany's got quite a team. They really do. And they gave the US all they could handle yesterday, but in the end, led by LeBron James, 20 points, the US beat Germany in a warm-up game for the Olympics, 92.88 in London. And we'll take a break. Kalen Company continues right here, WKXL, We are presented by Northeast Delta Dental and we shall return. (upbeat music) We are back. It is Kalen Company line run WKXL, And folks, I have not mentioned it yet today. But we have a brand new, as of yesterday, a vanity and sanity license plate out there. So, we're going to reveal the identity right now. We revealed it for the first time yesterday. And the plate is snowy. Ah, there you go. (upbeat music) That's a little. (upbeat music) ♪ All the weather outside is frightful ♪ ♪ But the fire is so delightful ♪ ♪ And since we've no place to go ♪ ♪ Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow ♪ ♪ Man, it doesn't show signs to stop ♪ ♪ And I've brought me some corn ♪ You know, I only picked this plate because I knew I could hear Dean Martin and his rendition of "Let It Snow." But snowy is the plate, S-N-O-W-Y. Now, if that plate belongs to you, what I want you to do right now is pull over to the side of the road if you're listening in your car and call 603-224-1450. Now, if you know the person who owns that vanity and sanity license plate, give him or her a call. And then in turn, they can call us at 603-224-1450. And what is the prize? Well, it's a conventional oil change with a synthetic blend oil from Weed Family Automotive 124 Storage Street in Concord, one of our great WKXL sponsors. And we appreciate the fact that they are participating in this contest. We are still looking for our first winner. And the plate again is Snowy, S-N-O-W-Y. 603-224-1450. This just in from CNN Digital. House Speaker Mike Johnson, and Minority Leader Hakim Jeffries today, officially announced a bipartisan House task force to investigate the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump. I am quoting here, "The security failures that allowed an assassination attempt on Donald Trump's life are shocking. In response to bipartisan demands for answers, we are announcing a House task force made up of seven Republicans and six Democrats to thoroughly investigate the matter." The two leaders said in a statement. "The task force will be empowered with subpoena authority and will move quickly to find the facts, ensure accountability, and make certain such failures never happen again." Johnson told Fox News in an interview last week that the task force would be forthcoming. Congress has moved swiftly to investigate the security failures that led to the shooting on July 13th. On Monday, I don't know if any of you saw this yesterday, but on Capitol Hill, U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheetell was grilled at length by the House Oversight Committee, and she faced numerous calls from Capitol Hill lawmakers, including Speaker Johnson, to resign, as she did not give them too much information. And it was called out by many of the lawmakers for not doing her job and calling for her resignation immediately, if not sooner. Nancy Mace, the South Carolina Congresswoman, she was using some profane language as well. She was so frustrated, but in any way, now we're going to have the committee formed the Oversight Committee, and this is one issue. Normally when somebody is subpoenaed or called to testify on Capitol Hill, the Democrats will take one track and the Republicans will take another track and never the twain shall meet. Well, this time, both sides of the aisle were in agreement. That there was incredible negligence at that scene in Butler, Pennsylvania, a week ago Saturday, and head should roll. I mean, they all wanted her to be fired. Most of them, when they got to question her, wanted her to step down and give her resignation right on the spot. So there you go. So we have that. And we also, as we mentioned again, the Vanity and Sanity License Plate this week, Snowy. S-N-O-W-Y. We have from now until Friday at around 10 a.m. to give our esteemed executive producer, Andrew Gibson, a call at 603-224-1450. That is the number to call. So there you go. So we know now that, as we mentioned in the first part of the show, that Kamala Harris has received enough delegates to secure the nomination, but it's not a complete certainty at this point because you never know what might take place at the convention because the delegates are not bound necessarily to her, but it would appear it is leaning in that direction, leaning in that direction. American rapper Snoop Dogg is going to be among the torchbearers carrying the Olympic flame in the final stretch before the opening ceremony of the Paris Games on Friday. Snoop Dogg, 52, will carry the torch through the streets of Sandini, the Northern Paris suburb that is home to the Stade de France Olympic Stadium. So Snoop Dogg is going to be one of the torchbearers down the stretch before they get to the Olympic Stadium in Paris. The rapper who is also contributing to NBC's coverage of the Games is better known in the sports world for his Snoop Youth Football League. Championship game is called, what else the Snooper Bowl? So there you go, Snoop Dogg is going to be one of the torchbearers as they approach the stadium for the start of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games. So there you have it, how about that? Three-time Grand Slam champion Andy Murray announced that he is going to retire from tennis after the Paris Olympics, bringing an end to his 19-year career, the 37-year-old Murray withdrew from the Wimbledon Singles Championship earlier this month after failing to recover in time from a spinal cyst procedure. However, he did manage to bid farewell to the All-England Club with the doubles match alongside his brother Jamie before receiving an on-court tribute. Murray had previously said he would not play this season's hardcore swing, meaning his final chance to play would come at a Roland Garros at the Olympics. On Tuesday, he confirmed that this will be his final appearance. He said on X, formerly known as Twitter, "Arrived in Paris for my last ever tennis tournament competing for Team Great Britain has been by far the most memorable weeks of my career, and I'm extremely proud to get to do it one final time." So there you go, Andy, if you are a fan of Andy Murray or have followed him, you'll get to see him one last time. And then I will almost guarantee that the very articulate Scotsman will go into the broadcasting world. James Paxton, remember him? Big maple, pitch for the Red Sox last year. He actually started for the Dodgers on Sunday night against the Red Sox. Well, he has been designated for assignment by the Dodgers. Rather surprising move for the Dodgers who have a long list of starting pictures on the end of the list, but Paxton was put on waivers, designated for assignment last night by the Dodgers. All right, we've got to mosey on out of here. And don't forget today, National Vanilla Ice Cream Day. Have some vanilla ice cream, some hot fudge. Put some sprinkles on it 'cause it's Sprinkle Day. Or do you call 'em Jimmy? Are they Jimmy's or are they Sprinkles? The debate rages on. Thanks for joining us today. Sorry our guests didn't show up. Maybe there was a confusion about the time, but at any rate, we'll be back tomorrow with Dick Peralt from New Hampshire State Police talking about the Big Dare race coming up. In the meantime, always look on the bright side of life and have a wonderful Tuesday, everybody. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)