WKXL - New Hampshire Talk Radio

Cail & Company LIVE | Biden Drops Out

Mondays program discussed the events of the weekend leading up to the Sunday announcement that President Biden would not be seeking a second term. The news came less than three hours after a member of the Biden "team" said on national TV that the President would continue on the campaign trail. Also discussed was Governor Sununu's action on Friday regarding Transgender participation in sports.

Broadcast on:
22 Jul 2024
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Good Monday morning, it is Kale and Company Live here on WKXL, we are presented by Northeast Delta Dental. Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Temperatures moderated a little bit, wasn't quite as hot as it had been in the past, a couple of weeks. Everything happened news-wise over the weekend that I should know about. Anything? No? Hey, I wonder if they've told Joe yet that he's not in the race. I wonder if he's aware of it. You wonder sometimes. I mean, remember it was about 145 yesterday they sent out the initial release that President Biden was bowing out of the race. And then a little bit after, and with no mention of Vice President Harris in that first letter that came out with his signature on it, probably forged. And then a little after two, another announcement came out that, "Oh, yeah, I've forgotten we're going to certainly back Kamala Harris and her bid for the presidency." So it was a little bit late on the endorsement angle of it, but they got around to it. It's funny, Jan, what is it, the CBS's Deface the Nation? Somebody from the Biden Administration talked about, "Well, Biden's staying in the race. He's staying in the race." This was about three hours before he pulled out. I don't know, I was going to use an old expression that they used to use. They're blank from their elbow in that party. It is unbelievable. It really is shameful, really. Democrats all talking about Donald Trump wanting to take away our freedom. He's going to take away our freedom. He's going to strip us of our democracy. How about the Democrats now having run back-to-back, really, back-to-back rigged, rigged? I tell you, rigged primaries to assure that Joe Biden would be their candidate because he was always such an attractive candidate. Go back to 2020 when Joe finished a dismal, and I mean a woeful fifth in the state of New Hampshire behind Bernie Sanders, behind his transportation czar, Pete Buttigieg, behind Amy Klobuchar, and even behind Elizabeth Warren, if you can believe that. Joe Biden had distant fifth in New Hampshire in 2020, but of course, they could not have the likes of Bernie Sanders atop the ticket, no, heaven forbid. And Pete Buttigieg, well, I guess they didn't want him either. They wanted old Joe, good old reliable Joe. So they did it, they pushed everybody else out of the way, make, make way for Joe, came in a distant fifth in New Hampshire, but they love him, people love him. That's what they did in 2020, and hey, one South Carolina, after moving on from a dismal fifth place finish in New Hampshire, everybody else stepped aside. There was very little pushback about that, too. They all made way for Uncle Joe, moves a move in kind of slow at the junction. No, at any rate, he got the nomination in 2020, and we all know what happened after South Carolina. He steamrolled to the presidency. So now in 2024, Democrats don't even recognize that there was a primary in New Hampshire until maybe, you know, the last few weeks when they thought maybe Dean Phillips would make too good a showing against a president whose name wasn't even on the ballot. Maybe Marianne Williamson will get a little attention as well, and they did. But in the waning moments of that 2024 primary, just months ago, as you'll recall, instead of putting President Biden's name on the New Hampshire ballot for fear of embarrassment that maybe somebody else might even come close to beating him, they do like what, a $3, $4 million writing campaign could have put his name on the ballot for a hundred bucks instead. Hey, listen, why not spend the money? Why not spend the money and run a writing campaign for Uncle Joe? And they did, well, Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson did make a little noise, but you know, the Democratic primaries are pretty much a joke from start to finish. Joe was their guy. Nobody had a chance. By the way, nobody voted now for the presumptive presidential nominee in the Democratic Party. Nobody voted for Kamala Harris in the Democratic primary. I know she wasn't on the ballot, but that's just it. They knew, they knew that Joe is not going to make it through. This is the grand scheme. You've never seen a presidential debate in June, never, it's always after the conventions. In September, in October, you've never seen one in June. They knew if they tried to Joe out there against Trump, as they did on June 27th, that would be just about the end of Joe. And as it turned out, they were right. They were right. They trotted him out. You know what happened on June 27th, and that was the beginning of the end because less than a month later, Joe was gone. And despite all the shock and all the chagrin from the politicians and news organizations on the left-hand side, they all knew what was coming. They've known it for years like we all have. They have known it for years that it was coming, and it finally did. Yesterday, at Rehoboth Beach, they issued the statement that I'm sure Biden had no part of. We heard reports yesterday that he was hot, you know, apparently he's got COVID. I don't know if that's true or not, because you never know from that side of the aisle. What's true and what's not. But they say he has COVID. Okay. Fine. A lot of people get it, and then he was hacking. He was coughing, but more importantly, he was mad. He was angry. He was fit to be tied because everybody had abandoned him. Everybody. Pelosi abandoned him. Chuck Schumer didn't have his back anymore. Even Barack Obama said Joe must go. He's vice president for eight years, right? Well, of course he probably knows better than most of Joe's state these days. You know who we can rely on? No, I think I know. I think I know. Can we rely on John Leahy who had the lines a little bit crackling here? It's like a crackling rosy line. Hello, John. John. Can you hear me? I'm up here, guys. Well, I'll tell you what, we're going to take a break pretty soon. Can you call us back? The line is a little noisy. It's like you're calling for Mars or something. Yeah, but you're welcome. All right, John. Thank you. Thank you. There's John Leahy. He'll join us in the next segment. The line was a little bit noisy. I don't know. He was in Maine over the weekend. And so, and anyway, we'll talk to John after the break, we hope, if the line clears up. But we all know what we're in for now. And I'll tell you what, I'm excited to see the show. Well, we presume, I mean, the primary, I mean, the convention for the primary took place. That was kind of a sham. The convention, the Democratic convention is going to be taking place in about a month from now, in Chicago, a little less than a month from now. In Chicago, where ironically, it took place in 1968 when they had the open primary after LBJ pulled out of the race. And ultimately, you know, everybody thought it was presumed that when LBJ pulled out, it was presumed that the candidate to follow him would be Robert Kennedy. And unfortunately, Robert Kennedy was assassinated in early July of 1968. And the winner of the open convention in Chicago was Hubert A. Chumford. In 1968, he was defeated by Richard Millhouse Nixon, that it was an open primary. That went to Hubert A. Chumford in 1968, so let's see, a lot of people have got on the Kamala train. Let's see how it goes, let's see if it moves on to the next station or get stuck on the tracks like some of those NBA trains in Boston. We'll take a break, Kaitlyn company continues right here, WKXL, John Lee, I hope will join us after the break. And then a little bit later on, the state representative Mike Moffat, who's hiking through the woods in the White Mountains, will try to give us a call as well. But if not, it's you and me and our esteemed producer, Andrew Gibson, right here, WKXL, presented by Northeast Delta Dental, we'll be right back. Kaitlyn company live here on WKXL,, presented by Northeast Delta Dental, let's see if we have John Lehi on the line, John, are you there? Yeah, I am here, how are you? Okay, that sounds better, that sounds better, there's a little snap crackling pop in there, but it's better than it was, better than it was. How was your weekend in the beautiful state of Maine? It was great, I want to give props to both bookstores, the book's a million up in Bangor, and I thought the normal down in Southport went terrific, terrific experience, maybe feel right at home. It's always great visiting the great state of Maine, Ken, and it was a great time. Oh, there you go, and I hope you sold a lot of books, signed a lot of autographs, and made some new friends. Yeah, yeah, it was great. We had some college hockey fans that go up over the weekend, and great to talk hockey with the fans up in Maine, they're very knowledgeable, you might expect. Oh, yeah, oh, absolutely so, they love their black bears, and that is terrific, what's next on the agenda? Well, Ken, we are taking a break from book signing, we're halfway through the door. Not signing since weekend, I have a family engagement on Saturday, so just go and resume on August 3rd in West Hartford, Connecticut. All right, outstanding, and of course, you'll be gracing the stage, the Bank of New Hampshire stage in downtown Concord, very shortly, very shortly. Yes, I'm very excited about that on August 7th, Wednesday evening, going to be playing up at the open mic there at the Bank of New Hampshire stage in Concord. It's the Northeast version of the grand old opera. It is, it is, it truly is, there's no doubt about that, so August 7th, John Leahy will take his ukulele on the road once again, and perform at the Bank of New Hampshire stage. This will be now for the third time, third time you'll have been there. That is terrific, and it's a, it's a, it's a new spelt version of John Leahy, is that not the case? Well, Ken, yeah, I've been working on some health challenges and feeling a lot better than I have been, so grateful for the ability to prove my health, and it's doing one. That is great. I'm very happy to hear that. One thing that's not been improved on, however, are the Major League Baseball All-Star uniforms. Yes, but there is hope on the horizon, right, because they mentioned that looking into going back to the original plan of having each team wear their own uniforms, so I'm glad to hear that. Well, let's hope it comes to fruition, because I know the commissioner seems to like these, these ugly uniforms. I don't know why, but nobody seems to like them. I know Bryce Harper in particular was outspoken about the uniforms, I'm sure other players had something to say about them as well, but they are just, just ugly. I mean, there's nothing else you can say, and it's such a colorful spectacle as we talked about last week when the players are all out there in their real uniforms that they wear every day, and I think it's great because a lot of fans don't get to see them on a regular basis. Yeah, absolutely. And we all agree that those uniforms are uniformly bad, it's terrible, and I really hope that they bring that into depth. The home run Derby ratings were the worst since 2014. Worst home run Derby ratings since 2014. People complaining, "Oh, I don't even know half these players that were in the home run Derby." And also, that takes away from a little bit when you don't have the high profile home run hitters. Anyway, John, I think we're going to have to call a halt because it's the noise on the line is just a little bit too overwhelming. So I appreciate you being with us. Maybe you can try again, but right now the noise is just a little bit too noisy. I think we're having an issue on our phone lines. Oh boy. Oh boy. It's probably on our end, John. Well, you know, technical difficulties, they were part of the broadcasting business, I've been there myself. Well, I've been there many times. In fact, everybody says that 808 every morning when I go on, it's a technical difficult difficulty. But anyway, but John, thank you for calling in and I think it's the trouble is in our set here. I mean, listen, we've been around since 1946. I mean, the equipment has to break down once in a while. Well, I wish you could start getting it up and going and we'll talk real quick. All right, John. Thanks so much. There's the great John Leahy. Oh, my ears are, oh boy. And we got a good friend, State Representative Mike Moffat, who's hiking in the woods. Now, see, I could understand. Yeah, I wouldn't have questioned Mike Moffat's line if it sounded like that because he's probably in a non cell phone area or at least a good cell phone signal. Hiking through the White Mountains this morning, but I wanted to get Mike's reaction as to what took place because he was at the convention last week in Milwaukee. The RNC, which many say was the best RNC convention of all time. Certainly, they've never had Hulk Hogan at an RNC convention before. They've never had Dana White, who founded a UFC, MMA, whatever, Dana White was there to introduce former President Trump. I've never had performers like Kid Rock either, right? We're better or worse, but everybody said the Republican National Convention was the best ever. I've never been to one, so I really can't judge. It came across pretty well on TV, fans really into the Hulkster and what he had to say and a lot of the other speakers as well, including the 92-minute speech by former President Trump. But all in all, they said it was great. Everybody's unified on the Republican side, which is a little bit more than you can say for the other side, but I hate to say it. I really hate to say it because I generally like to embrace everyone, but they got what they deserved on the Democratic side. They did. I mean, this entire administration starting in 2020 has just been a sham. It's been a total sham from start to finish. Lies and cover-ups, cover-ups and lies all the way through, even before the election took place in 2020. So I guess they got the fate that they deserved and we shall see how it plays out. Presumably, the nominee for the Democratic side will be Kamala Harris, who has never garnered a delegate in her life. Remember when she ran in 2020? She was the superstar, superstar coming out of California, attorney general, coming out of California, hot stuff, huh? You know, she didn't garner one delegate, didn't even make it to Iowa. Her campaign ended before the Iowa caucuses in 2020. And yet and yet somehow they chose her as the president's running mate, somehow, someway. Amy Klobuchar was available because I know Biden committed to a woman in one of his debates. He committed to a woman. So, but they had Amy Klobuchar, they had Tulsi Gabbard, who's, to me, a terrific states woman, veteran, so articulate. She's just too, she makes too much sense, she just makes too much sense. We don't want somebody on that other side making too much sense. All right, we'll take a break, hopefully we'll get in touch with Mike Moffat. If not, we'll send out a search party in the White Mountains if he doesn't fall in. We'll take a break, Kale and company continues, we have lots of fun stuff coming up in, colluding, including our vanity and sanity plate of the week. Right here at WKXL,, we are powered by Northeast Delta Dental, and we'll be right back. It is Kale and Company Live here on WKXL,, presented by Northeast Delta Dental. I understand our telephone issues continue, our good friend, Stig Rep. Mike Moffat did call in, however he sends his love, or just having, we're having some minor technical difficulties on our phone lines. All right, well, hopefully we'll get them straightened out, because it's tough sometimes to do a talk show if you don't have a telephone. So we'll hopefully get them straightened out, and it'll be back up and running before November 5th. How about that? Governor Sununu, I'm sure many of you know, signed a bill last week that would ban transgender athletes in grades 5 through 12 from teams that align with their gender identity, adding the state to nearly half of the nation that adopted similar measures. Now, a lot of people were saying, governor Sununu is not allowing transgender athletes to participate in sports. We got to pick it about this, got to pick it about this, complain about Sununu. He's not. He didn't say that at all. They have to participate in the agenda of sport that is indicated on their birth certificate. He didn't say they couldn't participate. He just said, boys at birth can't participate in girls sports, basically is what it comes down to, North should they? Because you know, all those complaining about are probably never laced anything up in their lives. All right? Whether it be a skate, a cleat, a spike, you name it, and gone out and competed against those of the opposite sex. I'm talking about when a male at birth participates in girls sports. It's not going to end well. Not going to end well. So nearly half the states have done it, Sununu did it on Friday, I believe. And saying in the statement, it ensures fairness and safety in women's sports by maintaining integrity and competitive balance in athletic competitions, end quote, and it takes effect in 30 days. He can title the president of NEA, New Hampshire, a union representing public school employees. Of course, would criticize Sununu. And her statement, she said, and I quote, public school should be safe, welcoming environments for all students, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. Shame on governor Sununu for signing into law this legislation that excludes students from athletics. He didn't do that. He did not exclude them from athletics. No, I threw that in, which can help foster a sense of belonging that is so critical for young people to thrive. He did not say they could not participate. He just said that, you know, boys at birth can't participate now in girls sports. There aren't too many girls at birth wanting to participate in boys sports, I don't think. I just worked the other way around, except Tara Mounsey, you know, Tara from Concord, one of the great hockey players in the state ever, ever played, you know, with boys all of her life. And she was terrific, went on to win Olympic gold, have a great career now as well. That was a little bit different. Now, if girls want to play boys sports, I guess that's okay, but we don't want males at birth participating in girls sports too much harm that can be done, takes away opportunities. And so I'm glad that governor Sununu did this. You know, everybody from the other side is going to say like it's the worst thing that And then the first time somebody gets severely injured, you know, if it had been, you know, if it continued, it said, oh boy, why didn't the governor ban this? Why are we doing this? So you can't win, you know, when you're in elective office for the most part, you can't really win. You can't please everybody. So you got to do what you think is right. And I think Sununu did the right thing in this instance. You can disagree with him. And I've disagreed with him on a number of occasions. But in this particular case, I think he's right. I think he's right. There could be, you know, major injuries, you know, grades five through twelve. I mean, you know, I think he did the right thing. And you know, get involved, you know, if you, so adamant about being, you know, accepted, there are other avenues that you can travel. You don't necessarily have to be involved in competitive sports. I know that, you know, that some people think it's their God-given right, but, you know, in this case, if you want to, if you're a male at birth and want to participate in, girl sports, I don't personally think it's the right thing to do. That's just a personal thing. And you know, there have been injuries sustained. You know, girls have, you know, some girls have not been able to compete or were eliminated from scholarships because I know there is a couple of cases in Connecticut where girls lost scholarships as a result of being eliminated in track and field events by biological males. And these girls, high school girls hoping to go on to a collegiate career and track and field lost their scholarships because they did not win the events because they were won by biological males. It ain't fair, folks. It's not fair. I know they're transitioning and, yeah, I understand that. But it's just not right, not fair, not really not. Really not. All right. Boy, it's enough of the preaching today, isn't it? Oh my goodness, I'm heavily medicated. Some surgery last week. So maybe that's it. Maybe that's it. Maybe that's it. I don't know. Today, Andrew Gibson is May, July 22nd, July, it's July 22nd, 2024. It's hammock day, hammock day, hammock day, hammock day. It's also summer leisure day, which kind of goes hand in hand with hammock day. I have a hard time getting in and out of hammocks. You know, as a, you know, a rotund person like I am, I do too. You're not. You're a big guy, but you're not, you're not rotund. I am rotund. And right now I can't even, I can't even lay, I can't even sleep on my back. You know, so maybe that's part of it too. Hammock day and summer leisure day. It's also national BLT day. How about BLTs? Where do you come down on BLTs, Andrew? So I have, I like the idea of a BLT. I just can't do tomatoes in a sandwich. It's something about the texture of tomatoes. I'm not sure what it is. Well, I hear you because I'm the same way and I'm not a big, let us fan in sandwiches either. You know, the bacon part is fine. Just bacon. Just a bacon sandwich. Let's take a B sandwich. Just the bacon. Just bacon. Holy, holy L&T. Let's see, we'll just take the bacon. I don't even, as I mentioned last week, when I get a sub, I never get tomato or lettuce on subs. I just get jalapenos, banana peppers, onions, mayo and whatever the meat might be. So the zesty vegetables. Yeah, exactly, exactly. It's also National Mango Day. I do like mangoes. Mangoes are good, and also National Panucci Fudge Day. Panucci Fudge. Panucci Fudge. It's your day to celebrate. All right, do we have time here to talk about vanity and sanity? I've got about a little less than a minute, but... All right, well, let's see, strike up the music and we'll get into it here. Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful. And since we've no place to go, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow, let it... Is that cool? Yeah, it's dino. All right, why are we playing this? Vanity and sanity every week. Now, this is a week number four. We mentioned vanity license plates that we have spotted from our WKXL team of spotters around the state of New Hampshire. This one was spotted and conquered. If it's your plate or if you know whose plate it is, get in touch with us, 603-224-1450, and win a conventional oil change with a synthetic oil blend and a thorough checkup of your vehicle from Weed Family Automotive 124 St. in Concord. Why do we play Let it Snow? The vanity and sanity license plate of the week is snowing, snowing, S-N-O-W-I-N, S-N-O-W-I-N snowing, spotted and conquered. If it's your plate, call us right now, claim the oil change, and the thorough inspection from Weed Family Automotive again, 603-224-1450 is the number to call. Take a break. Kale & Company continues right here at WKXL, N-H-Tock, presented by Northeast Delta Dental. We'll be right back. Kale & Company live right here on WKXL, N-H-Tock We can tell you that Vice President Harris has received the backing of President Joe Biden, and which you'll see, I mean, many Republicans now say, well, if you're not up to campaigning prior to the presidential election, are you up to actually being the president of the United States? I would say we've known that answer for about four years now or more. But the question is, is he physically and mentally capable of handling what, you know, some people say is the most important job in the world, and it probably is. I don't question that, but we shall see. I mean, Harris being better positioned for Democrats if she was the quote-unquote, "encompent," if she actually had served for five months, five, six months, whatever it is until January 20th, or until election day, really, before voters went to the polls. I mean, voters are going to the polls very soon, I mean, all that pre-voting that takes place now, everywhere. Well, we'll see, they'll figure something out. Vice President Harris said multiple phone conversations that says here with President Biden, prior to his announcement that he would not be seeking reelection on Sunday, Biden dropped out and endorsed his running mate in an unprecedented move this weekend. I'm still not 100% convinced that he knows about it. I'm serious. I'm serious when you see him and those long blank stares that he has, and I'm not sure he knows what he's doing. I mean, seriously, I mean, on a serious note, not to make fun of the guy, I mean, I'm sure I'll be worse if I never make it to his age. But he is, in fact, the president of the United States. I mean, I'm just doing a simple radio show here in Concord, New Hampshire. My cognitive ability has been challenged for years. So, at any rate, we'll see how it all plays out, but what a mess, what a mess, and really, it's kind of self-inflicted, really. I have no sympathy for those who foisted this upon us years ago because it's all coming home to roost as they say in the business. All right. Let us talk about a more pleasant topic, those celebrating birthdays today. What do you say, Andrew Gibson? What do you say? I say, let's do it. Let's do it. How about Danny Glover, the actor? He is celebrating today. Danny Glover. Danny Glover. Oh, man. Tremendous actor. Hmm. I'm not sure. All right. How about if I say he's over 70? He's over 70. Over 70. Um. 77. Oh, not bad. 78. 78. Maybe he's still 77. I don't know what time of day he was born, but we will be 78 sometime today. William DeFoe, the actor. I love William DeFoe. William DeFoe is celebrating today. I'm going to say he's in his 70s as well, but maybe a little younger than Danny Glover. I want to say 74. 69. No kidding. He's only 69 still a young man, still a young man. Actor, director, Albert Brooks. You might remember him from broadcast news, which came out many years ago now, but was a very, very good movie. Albert Brooks celebrating today as well. No idea. 77. Okay. Albert Brooks. How about David Spade? David Spade. Now he's a little on the younger side. A little bit. A little bit. Well, younger than some of the gentlemen. Oh, yes. Younger than all three of them. But I'm still going to say I want to say 52. 60. No kidding. But he does have a more youthful look to him. Yeah, he does. How about Selena Gomez? Oh, she's a baby. 30. 32. 32. Okay. Yeah. Have you ever seen that show all the murders in the building? I'm heard of it. I've heard of it. I've heard of it. I do like Martin Short. Steve Martin. I do like Steve Martin. And Selena Gomez is in there. And currently, Meryl Streep has been in a few of the shows of late, which it's not a bad show. I'm not really sort of into that sort. I like Martin Short and Steve Martin. And that's the only reason I'd even consider watching it. And it's okay. It's all right for those kinds of shows. Don Henley of the Eagles, Selena Gomez is 32, by the way. Don Henley of the Eagles celebrating today. Not the Philadelphia Eagles, but the musical Eagles. Hotel California. Yep. That one. Yeah. 79, 77, 77, same age as Albert Brooks. And the composer of, to name a couple of shows, Little Mermaid and Little Shop of Horrors, Alan Menken. Oh, Alan Menken is celebrating today is only Alan Kent. He's composer of the Disney Renaissance all through the 80s and early 90s. True. Yeah. That's very true. He did some Lion King songs. Oh no. That you have over the years. I'll bet you have. Oh, Menken. Oh, he's got to be in his 80s. He's 75. No kidding. 75. And then, I can't guess ages if you can't tell. It's not easy. It's not easy. And how about let's take you back to 1970 when this guy was a teenage idol. Remember this song? Bobby Sherman, right here. Julie, Julie, Julie, you love me. Yeah, and alone, at night makes me sad, girl. Yeah, it brings me down all right. Yeah, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and, alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and alone, at night, and, a little difference between how he matched up against former President Trump compared to how Harris would. According to the New York Times, they assessed that Harris falls about two percentage points behind Trump in recent polls, 46 to 48 percent, differences slightly better for Harris compared to how Biden polled on average, three percentage points behind Trump, 47 to 44. A New York Times Sienna College poll conducted in the battleground state of Pennsylvania from July 9th through the 11th, before Biden dropped out, and before the assassination on an attempt on Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania showed Harris was only behind by one percentage point in a hypothetical match up against Trump. Meanwhile, in Virginia, Harris had a 5 percentage point lead compared to Biden only polling ahead of Trump in the same state by a razor-thin margin, according to the Times. Harris polled slightly better than Biden in both states among black voters, younger voters, and also in women. So it's going to be, if nothing else, a very interesting and intriguing few months ahead. We still don't know, I mean, we still, we're presuming, we're presuming that Kamala Harris will be the Democratic nominee for President, we're assuming that, but things can change. So no debate has been set between her and Donald Trump as yet, but when it is, people will be circling that date, they're no, they've got about that. Alright, that'll do it for this edition of K-L and Company live right here on WKXL We appreciate the fact that you joined us this morning here on WKXL, presented by Northeast Delta Dental, and as you go on your merry way here on this Monday, remember to always look on the bright side of life. Have a great day, everybody. [Music] (upbeat music)