WKXL - New Hampshire Talk Radio

Cail & Company LIVE with The Friday Fun Bunch

It's Friday, which means the Friday Fun Bunch is in the WKXL Studios! Ken Cail interviews Tom Raffio, President & CEO of Northeast Delta Dental and Kitty Rae the OFFICIAL “Flick Chick."

Broadcast on:
19 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Good Friday morning, it is Kayla and Company Live here on WKXL and Great to have you along with us. Cool and crisp and donuts coming into the studio. Even as we speak on this Friday morning, it's the Friday fun bunch with our resident Flickchick Kitty Ray. Good morning, Kitty. Good morning. I'm Raphael, President and CEO of Northeast Delta Dental. Good morning, Ken, and I'm glad you are doing well. I'm doing great. You're an amazing recoverer from well. Well, you know, I had a little surgery the other day, but I'm feeling good. I'm feeling good. The vision isn't 100% right now, but it'll get there. And of course, our executive producer, Andrew Gibson, is with us as well. Good morning, Andrew. Good morning. And donuts from brothers donuts in Franklin and I thank Andy Tabor for picking them up. And well, it is the Friday fun bunch, but we will begin on a very somber note this morning. And on Tuesday of this week, Tom, you lost a very, very dear friend. Yeah, Joe Casper, who my running friends knows, announced so many races, but he's way more than that as the conquered moniker article said yesterday. I always kid with them. He was short in stature, but a giant in life. And he did so much, not just for the racing community, but for the conquered chamber, for the, you know, for the Lions Club and for our own employees. And if you look at our beautiful facilities at one and two Delta, he's the architect of making sure that those facilities stayed pristine. But he was so much more than that as the article stated. He mentored so many employees, so many people outside of Delta Dental. He was the head of the Toastmasters organization. So he taught people how to publicly speak and a lot of leadership skills and just an awful loss. And, you know, ironically, you know, and you guys were there. His last race that he announced just last Saturday was the Angels race, which had to do with honoring people that have lost their lives, young and old. And just a terrible tragedy. He and his wife had planned retiring at the end of the year. We had a transition plan in place. I think you've met Shane, he'll be taking over. And they were in a travel. They just bought one of those SUV type things to travel across the country and just a horrible loss to the community. And again, the outpouring, excuse me, people in the conquered community and the conquered chamber and the aware community. We just put on another huge race in where, where he's from, for the firefighter that had, you know, needs a liver and heart transplant. So just a couple of weeks before we had, we raised $43,000, thanks to Joe's leadership there and Ellen as well. So, so Ellen and I sort of devastated the employees devastated towards the end of August. We're going to put on a celebration, a life form, and we're actually going to do it at Delta Dental. One of his last major projects at Delta Dental was putting in a huge patio where we do these lookouts for employees and we're going to do it out there so people can see it. And that's another irony. Just Wednesday we used the patio the day after he died to what we call breakfast sandwiches and the people, the outpouring was amazing. So I'm so sorry for Joanne and his children and just a huge loss and I know you know him. So I thank you for giving me these few moments at last night's race in London, Derry, I said a few words and then tomorrow morning at the Ludi Race, five-mile or at Memorial Field at 8 a.m. at start at the race, I'll, I'll send, share some thoughts with the runners. You know, one thing he did as, as an announcer was, he's like, you can, he's, you know, had this beautiful radio voice but he racing, he wasn't really a runner. So the racing scene wasn't in his brain until he met me and we started getting involved. But he wanted to learn so he would sit down with me and, you know, want to understand how the racing scene works, how you score, the pronunciations of runner's names. So he ended up being a terrific, you know, race announcer. So we used him not only for the capillary or race series but for many other races in John Mortimer from Millennium also used him for a number of his races. So big, big loss and I know the wear community, the delta dental community, the conquered area community, the running community and the lions community, you know, really devastated with his laws. Yeah, small and stature, as you said, Tom, but larger than life, really. What a great personality he had. He sounded so great, I mean, I think the first race I ever attended and never participated in probably was on, you know, on Hayes and Drive but the state police and Joe was there doing his disc jockey and playing music and making announcements between songs. And I was thinking, where did you get this guy? He's fantastic. Because in early in his career he did a lot of radio work like that. And when he was a kid, you know, it's in the write-up but when he was a kid, at the high school he was at, he would be one of those nerds that would do all the radio stuff and so forth. And he had this sign on his office and then the reporter who, by the way, a young woman, Katherine McLaughlin, really spent a lot of time with me and others to really delve into his character. So give her a lot of credit. Yeah, it was a terrific article, it was, yeah. And so she did a great job and did it quickly because it was published on Thursday and we talked on Wednesday. But he had this sign on his office at all of us, this was quintessential Joe. Be silly, be fun, be different, be crazy, be you, because life is too short to be anything but happy. And you know, ironically he lived that mantra so we're going to keep that sign up in his honor. That's something I know I had the opportunity to talk with him very recently about a river cruise that he and his wife had taken and he was very enthused about that. And you know, it's an example of living each day to the fullest and I think he did that. I think Joe Casper did that and it should be a lesson for everyone to, you know, live each day and do as much as you possibly can because you just never know. He did practice what he preached on that, that's for sure. So huge loss for the universe and so I think the best way to honor Joe is to live by that mantra, stay engaged in the community, help your fellow human being and if there's someone that needs mentoring, you know, reach out and mentor them because he did that. And a lot of the more successful emerging leaders at Delta Dental, he took under his wing and taught them how to publicly speak and things like that. So he was not about himself. He loved to share the different expertise that he had. Well, and you know, Tom, when you talk about things being ironic that the last race, the angel's race, yeah, that was last weekend at Merrimack Valley High School in vicinity. And, well, I wasn't last in the race. No, Ken did great, you didn't last. Yeah, thank you. I was not last and Joe announced that he stayed until everybody crossed the finish line. He always did. He always does. Yeah, he understands the importance of that. No, Ken did great. You did great. Mike Moffat was there. Yes, he was. And then he quickly went to Milwaukee after that for the Republican National Convention. Oh my gosh. Hey, just getting back to finish up about that angel race. No, Tom and Ken and most people that know me know that that race is very important to me. My son, Chad passed away, it'll be four years next month. And so I obviously he walked with me and but one of the roads that we cross is Abbott Road and that's Chad's last name. Oh boy. So it's just like it was so meaningful and so again this year, yes, I stopped. I took a picture of it with the signs of the angel race. But next year we'll be carrying Joe with us as we're walking all the time. Absolutely. And Joe will never be forgotten nor Tom Walton, a couple of the major losses to the racing scene. I tell you, it was tough to hear that news. Tom sent me the news on Tuesday and I just couldn't believe it and we mourn the passing of Joe Casper. Yes. And we knew something was wrong because like I said in the article, he never missed anything and there were two meetings he wasn't there and then someone recalled he was going to be driving his motorcycle to get it repaired. And when he didn't show up, we thought the worst and then sure enough. But long live Joe Casper, a giant in life, short and stature, but a giant in life. No doubt about that. No doubt about that. It is Kaling Company live here on WK XL and the final day for this week's Vanity and Sanity License plate. And we will tell you about that coming up right after this break. Tom Raffio is in the house, president and CEO of Northeast Delta Vental, our resident flick chick at Kitty Ray with us as well and our esteemed executive producer, Andrew Gibson who has some surprises for us today along the way as well. We'll take a break Kaling Company continues right here, WK XL, nh talk presented by Northeast Delta Dental and we'll be right back. Welcome back Kaling Company live here on WK XL, nh talk We are presented by the Northeast Delta Dental, Tom Raffio, president and CEO of Northeast Delta Dental with us, Kitty Ray, our esteemed producer, Andrew Gibson. And today, by the way, Friday, July 19, 2024, International, International Retainer Day. As embraces? Yes. Oh, wow. Who thought that the orthodontists would have their own day? Wow. There you go. So it's International Retainer Day. National Zachary Day, whoa, it's New Friends Day. It's stick out your tongue day. And also it is National Raspberry Cake Day, the Raspberries. Raspberries. Raspberries. I thought, I thought, I thought you, I thought, Andrew, you're going to do a raspberry song. Please go all the way. Oh my goodness, that's for a good job. I want that in the next break in, Andrew. Go all the way by the Raspberries. Yeah, I used to play it all the way, please go all the way. I bet Tom will win. It feels so right. Yeah, that was one of my karaoke songs at the Christmas party last year. What do you do? Yeah, great song. I used to play that on another radio station quite a bit. Can't name those other radio stations. No, I can't. Well, it could, but I might get in severe trouble for it. But anyway, Tom and Kitty and Andrew are gathered here. And we lost another great yesterday in Bob Newhart, who, I'll tell you what, I think he was one of the funniest guys who's ever walked the planet. I really do. I always got a kick out of his dry sense of humor, the television sitcoms that he had over the years, and I think the greatest finale of all time. Tom, did you ever watch Newhart when he was running in Vermont, supposedly? And they had Larry and, what, Daryl, Daryl and Larry, and so Daryl and his other brother Daryl and his brother Larry, whatever, and Tom Posten was on the show. Good old Tom Posten. I'm assuming he's gone to his reward. Yes, and, well, the interesting thing was, and I did not know this until a while ago, that Tom Posten was actually married to Suzanne Plashette. They dated years and years prior to that, and then finally got together in the latter stages of their life as it turned out. And anyway, I think one of the greatest finales of all time in a television show, maybe the greatest, was Bob Newhart, and of course, Suzanne Plashette in a previous Newhart incarnation played his wife, and then in the In show, when he was running the In in Vermont, he had another person playing his wife, and then he woke up in bed during the final episode of the Newhart, I forget what they were named, but the Newhart show, when he was running the In, woke up next to Suzanne Plashette, and he said, "I can't believe that the dream I had, I was running this In in Vermont," and he woke up next to Suzanne Plashette. That's right. And I was married to a blonde. It's blonde. Yeah, it was fantastic. And then didn't at that point, didn't the raspberries tune come in at that point? Did it? Please. No. Make sure. It's just too bad to find most people, and I can't remember them. Okay. You ready? Yes. Okay. Here they are. Stop it. I'm sorry. Stop it. Yes, S-T-O-P, Newword, I-T. So, what are you saying? You know, it's funny. I say two simple words, and I cannot tell you the amount of people who say exactly the same thing you're saying. I mean, this, you know, this is not Yiddish, Catherine. This is English. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. So, I should just stop it. There you go. I mean, you, you, you don't want to go through life being scared of being buried alive in a box, do you? I mean, it's all, it's all frightening. I can't stop it. Then stop it. I can't. But, uh, some of you were a Bob Newhart who, uh, had a great, you know, he was terrific. He was just great in the stand-up, but when he was on with Johnny Carson or Ed Sullivan, and he, he, he, uh, he substituted, hosted the tonight show, I think like 67 times or something. Right up there with John Davidson. You're right up there with John Davidson. That's true. Although Bob Newhart has never been in the studio, but he was right up there. And I guess he won't be now. He won't be. He won't be, but it's a security. But Ed Sullivan in the audience tonight, we have Mr. Ken Kale. Ken's right. Stand up. Take a bow. But he did, you know, it's funny about that, but, but it did have, uh, people in the audience all the time. And a lot of times it was athletes who had just, you know, performed, whether it be at, you know, Yankee Stadium or Madison Square Garden or whatever. And he would have athletes stand up and, uh, various dignitaries. So it was, uh, it was quite a show. Well, I missed these shows, you know, I mean, they're, I don't really watch sitcoms anymore. I think I gave up sitcoms. Well, I, I have watched the office after it was on, after it was actually on the air, I started to watch it through somebody's recommendation. Oh, you're welcome. Yeah. But I, I just don't find them as funny as they used to be. I, I still watch you from time to time, Beverly Hillbillies and green acres and Gomorpile, Andy Griffith. Yeah. You know, on, on me TV and WM you are, there's a lot of those. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. That's where I want Ava. Ava. It was at Ava. Good boy. Ava. Yeah. When I'm analyzing my TV commercial, it's all sometimes it's on me TV show. Oh, yeah. This morning at seven o'clock. Did you on the, uh, all star athlete one? Uh, yes. Yes. Yes. And we should announce them right here on WKXL, who the all star athletes are. I know it's a WMUR thing, but we can announce them right here. Yeah. This is radio. That's TV. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But because I have to critique myself, I've been watching the, you know, like Eddie Albert and green. I know it is. I know it is. You know, it's funny, we have a neighbor who, uh, to me anyway, looks very much like Eddie Albert. Really? Yeah. Yeah. His name is Bob. He may be listening. Yeah. Hi, Bob. Winnie. But, but I always think of, uh, uh, Eddie Albert when I, when I see Bob just Bob from account tips or that. No, no, it's not that one. Not, not that Bob from account tips. No. So anyway, it is about, uh, about eight thirty. So one more reminder. Our vanity insanity plate has not been claimed as yet. And Andrew, can you give us a little, uh, a music a little bit about the bed? All right. Third is the word and our license plate, our vanity insanity license plate for this week. Week number three is bird thirty three, which is spotted in concrete. Very, very first been driving around here. Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. But apparently, uh, he hasn't, uh, listened to WK XL over the last week because we haven't gotten a call yet. So we need, uh, that person to call in and, uh, and prove that it's his or her plate or if you know the person who has that plate, uh, give them a call and then they can, uh, contact us right here at 603-224-1450. And the winner will receive a conventional oil change for their synthetic oil blend and a thorough, thorough check of their vehicle from our good friends at the weed family automotive 124 store street in Concord. So it's a great gift and you can, you can use it or you can pass it along to someone else. Whatever, uh, if that is your plate, bird 33, this is the last day operators are standing by 603-224-1450. And it could be Larry Bird because, you know, his friend Dave Collins, Liz and Maine, he could be, he could have been driving to a concert. Yeah. Um, and plus he's been known to be strategically frugal. So he probably would want the free oil change. Right? Yeah. There you go. Yeah. Although the last time he saw Larry, he was in an attic on a TV commercial. Yes. Yeah. The X, the insurance. Yes. It was. Go away. Yeah. Our exit bumper music for this segment. All right. All right. All right. All right. Love it. This is our Tommy Toon of the Week right here. Raspberries on WK XL. Maybe the first time it's ever been played on WK XL, almost Jim Rivers does it back in the day. I think Jim did it. 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might love physical play, you know outside cornhole golf whatever it might be and Bachi yep, so it's part of us and so yeah get out there and play today and Joe had an RTI gene That's he sure yeah, yeah, don't you have the state troopers golf tournament coming up? Yes That's on Monday. You pick up those toothbrushes. Yes. I have them. Oh you have them. I have them and I'm waiting for The gentleman to pick them up to to put them in the bags. So thank you for that Oh, yeah, and everyone will be there golfing. Yes. Yeah with me with you. Yeah about that On the Ken's on the injured reserve. Yes. Yeah, that's that's a good thing for them But thank you for that's good for their participation and the support. Oh, yeah. No, it's it's great And I'm people by the way, you'll see you'll get this comment, but people love Getting toothbrushes as an ad events because people don't they know they don't change Their toothbrush enough and they're not usually going out buying toothbrushes, but you get a nice Delft of dental toothbrush. I'm glad they're very nice. I might have a few at home myself people grab a handful. It's great So a couple couple public service announcements so that the mobile dental clinic will be at Delta Dental Two Delta tomorrow, so if you're on Medicaid you can drop in usually People get the appointments in advance, but you can do drop in so that's a two delta because the Medicaid program is going well But in addition to dentists who are in in the network We want to make sure that other people have access if they can't get ahold of a dentist So we have the mobile dental clinic in Concord on Saturday. Then it'll be in Laconia on Sunday The lute bill lute race that you alluded to kitty will be tomorrow at 8 at Memorial Field And we will do a little before the race talk about You know mr. Casper and Tom that race is a five mile five mile or yeah, not 5k five mile or correct And it's a nice nice course up Clinton and through St. Paul's and it's a great event because all the lute alumni Concord High School alumni show up and it's Excuse me quite a day plus it's gonna give me an opportunity to talk about Joe And I want to mention to the veterans program is going well any veterans in oral health care Just care it needs just call me at two two three one three zero zero And if you're not eligible for the VA or Medicaid then dr Mitch Korea will call you back and then last Saturday night. I was at The Radisson and Manchester Used to be known Ken as the center of New Hampshire indeed. Yeah, you know when I moved up here from Massachusetts in 95 And they said we'll meet you at the center of New Hampshire I'm thinking we're house, but New Hampshire could of Radisson be the center of anything, but Or health or whatever it is and then so anyway, so the Navy seals were there. Yes Yeah, it was great and we had done a huge fundraiser for other the Blake Marsden who was a Navy seal lived in this area It was mom's Nancy's good friend of ours and He died in a training accident. So he was one of the people honored in the program But you felt so that was the night two of the attempted assassination So yeah, so it's just kind of a wow odd night from that perspective But you felt so safe because of a whole the Navy seals We're talking about that swim was a mission. Yeah event right here. It was great and that WK ourselves and and the team The Marsden team we raised the most money So it was kind of cool and then Saturday believe it or not I'm actually gonna let Ellen go to the Luke Bryan concert with me. You win. I'm gonna stay for stay for I'm gonna stay That's tomorrow tomorrow night tomorrow night tomorrow night all right. She's gonna love it. Maybe more than you probably But you bought me a hat so look Brian puts on a good job. He does All right, we will take a break K only company continues right here Friday fun bunch WK XL Thanks to brothers donuts in Franklin for all the tasty treats this morning Yes, and we will continue after these words still birthdays to come right here WK XL NH Talk radio calm presented by Northeast Delta Dental We'll be right back Ellen and I Cale and company live here WK XL then H talk radio calm presented by our great friends at Northeast Delta Dental and again one last mention of our vanity and sanity license play to the weekends bird 33 603 2 2 4 14 50 if you're the owner of that vanity plate you get a Conventional oil change with a synthetic blend from weed family automotive 24 stores street in Concord plus a thorough check up of you're a vehicle if that's your plate Great if not if you know somebody if you know the person that has it Get in touch with them and they will get in touch with us 603 2 2 4 14 50 is the number to call and we'll have a new plate Next Monday. All right, Tom. I wanted to ask you two sports related questions because we are just coming out of the all-star break. It's over now and Home Run Derby that all-star break for heaven's sake. Yeah, there's five games from the lead This is quoting the impossible dream album from Fleetwood records and Revere Mass Anyway, did you watch any of the home run derby? I did not to be candid. I I know that It was a well Received home run derby, but I didn't really get into it. How about you? Well, I did. I did I watched most of I fell asleep during some of it I thought I was just moving It was the second lowest. No, it was the lowest rated home run derby of all time So it was a news fest then in the sense that you know I thought they were going to try to shorten it. There was still three hour that still exceeded three hours when it was all Like Trump's speech last night. Yeah But that was that was more exciting than the home run derby, but in my opinion, but anyway It's still too long and you know the there's so many swings that these guys have to take especially if they get to the the final round and You know a lot of guys have said over the years that you know It's kind of ruined their swing for the second half of the year And that's why you only had out of the top 12 home run hitters in Major League Baseball You only had three of them in the competition and you didn't have the the leading home run hitter and baseball Aaron judge You didn't have number two show a otani. He didn't have Bryce Harper. They were all all on the sidelines there Cheering other people on latte Guerrero was there a cheering on Teoska Hernandez who Yeah, he did Bobby, which you knew didn't well, right? Yeah, he did okay I had a couple of bucks on him and he didn't win so I think that's who I put the kiss of death on I think that's who Ellen was betting on to really yeah, but he did okay, you know who did the worst was Pete alone Alonzo of the Mets who the polar bear is one at twice and he did the worst of anybody Pete Alonzo who's won it then and that was he was the odds on favor to win I know that's who I told Ellen to bet but she ignored me. Thank God With what didn't he he feared better, but not much so anyway He kind of hit like his dad. Yeah. Yeah. Well. Yeah, his dad was a long-time pitcher Bobby with senior yeah, so anyway So you didn't watch it and most people ignored it as well because you don't have the big stars You have them rooting other guys on from the sidelines, but they don't participate and the all-star game Did you watch the all-star game? I know that was On Tuesday and I saw I saw Duran's to run home run. That's what I needed to see So I thought yeah, how about Geron Duran getting MVP and the all-star game that would that was you know And it was cool about that because then they listed all the historical Red Sox MVPs and people don't remember, but Carl. Yeah as one it in 1970 because he got four hits They lost the game that was the game where Pete Rose barged into Fosse and then the game of really controversial because like you figure all-star game shouldn't be injuring people kind of ruined Fosse's career, but that's when they're actually playing was a big rivalry right between the American League and the National League because never the Twain should meet until the World Series right and remember when we were growing up the National League won every game So but now like the American League is dominating. So I feel good about that. Can't how about you? I do too. I'd feel very good about that And not that it really makes a whole lot of difference, but That was the second least watched all-star game of all time I think the year before was the least and this was the second Well, you know worst audience ever for a major league all-star game on television. Why what what has changed why are I think people not into I think just in general the TV ratings, you know when Johnny Carson was on like Gillions of people be what but there's so much there's so many different things you can watch livestream. Yeah, whatever I think that's part of it people are watching clips these days They don't need to sit down and spend two or three hours watching a ball game They just watch the highlights, you know, you know, I still I still watch it. I must admit I fell asleep during part of the all-star game as well. I can't I thought it was just I watched the whole thing But at any rate, so that was the all-star games. I and in the other part of it is You know what I just like the most About the all-star the uniforms. Yes. Yes. They do you see his their own uniforms right cut to go back to that They did that till 2019 and then since 2019 they've been wearing these generic lousy uniforms that Look like beer softball league. Yeah, it's exactly right. That's a very good description And it looks like a beer softball league. Well, thank you Ken You know, I even I think there were Bryce Harper spoke out about that that he said that they should go back Yeah, he felt that they should go back. I think the players would rather wear their own uniforms, you know I mean, obviously it's a marketing tool so people will buy these jerseys, but You know, maybe they could wear them for batting practice or or whatever the home-runner in the home-run Derby. They're wearing their real uniforms Right. Yeah in the home-run Derby, but in the all-star game. They they wore those lousy looking shirts and So anyway, I think there is a move a foot To get it changed. Yeah, I think it might change next year Although Rob Manford the commissioner said he likes the look of these generic jerseys But I guess he has to say that right. He's the commissioner and they have a big deal with Nike Yeah, he's gonna say the party line. Yeah. Yeah, I guess so all right time for birthdays. Is that time birthdays dad time? I was hoping we're to skip this one Celebrities celebrity birthdays today a good day for them or today is well. It depends. Yeah, it's not there's not very many But the very significant one and one of them is Sir Brian May Long-time incredible guitarist for Queen out there. So, yeah, there we go. That's Brian right there. Oh He that's Brian May Roger Taylor on the drums and Freddie Mercury Oh Freddie was alive All of these rockers that we grew up with they're getting late 70s 80s. No, no, you're right So Tom, I think you hit that right on the nose. Is he 77? I thought he was like or he's 77. Yeah, there you go No, but and I was funny cuz I've been now listening to a lot of Rock tunes on my Alexa. Yes And I'm then I'm looking at the ages of all these and they're all like so I didn't look at him specifically But all these guys were like the mid mid 70s to 80s Yes, well, I threw out 77, you know, get sunset strip. Oh, yeah Cookie, where's my column or something? Hey, so no, I actually Ken took me last year October for my birthday to a Queen. Oh, really? I had never been I never so I Was the first time probably the only time but it was awesome. I had her birthday month wrong It's actually August but I took her in October But no and Adam Lambert He's very good. Yeah, he's very good. I mean I I always wanted to see Queen when Freddie Mercury was the lead guy But yeah, but Adam Lambert is a very very good substitute for For Freddie, you know what? I think just at what we're saying and talked about with Joe Casper and about living your life If we want to go see someone and if you can truly afford it go when you're like don't wait Oh, I'll do it in a couple years because because we're talking about Queen and and I would have loved to have seen them When Freddie was alive should have gone, but Roger Moore's. I mean Roger Taylor's Playing the drums and I'll tell you Brian May is incredible. He is he really is a good Yeah, so and I actually I did video a little bit of him because Ethan my youngest grandson is playing guitar and I said this might be you someday and you know He's like a nuclear physicist. He has a degree like as a nuclear relic assistant or something like that So like you can tell by Brian like me like like yeah Ken does Ken is a nuclear scientist. He just does radio as a side. Yeah It's like his hobby well that will that will be it for today 77 all right Kansas City yep, and Vicki Carr is 83 today 83 from Vicki Carr Anthony Edward just 62 come top gun Not not Ant Man the basketball player, but the actor and Carlos Santana tomorrow will turn 77 Well, I see and I'm saying all these guys are about that age. Yep. There you go. All right, kitty Ray Yes, thank you Tom Raphael president CEO. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I'm glad you're feeling better and thanks for recognizing Joe Casper and And to our executive producer the highly esteemed Andrew Gibson. Thank you as well, sir We will return Monday Have a great weekend everybody and remember to always look on the bright side of life You You You (upbeat music)