WKXL - New Hampshire Talk Radio

Cail & Company LIVE | Potpourri Tuesday

A potpourri edition of the program on Tuesday with many topics brought to the table. Among them; J.D. Vance being named Donald Trump's Vice Presidential nominee, the arrival of Trump at the Republican National Convention, Major League Baseball's Home Run Derby and the viral and universal criticism of the singing of the national anthem which preceded it.

Broadcast on:
16 Jul 2024
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Good morning, it is Kale and Company Live. Here on WKXL,, great to have you with us on this Tuesday morning and it promises to be another hot one, but I guess by now we're accustomed to it, but there have been very few July's in the history of New Hampshire with as many 90 plus degree days as there have been during this one. And man, this is record heat for a long period of time and can't wait for some relief. I mean, the mid 80s will seem cool now when you compare it to what we've had over the last couple of weeks. At any rate, we are presented by Northeast Delta Dental. They have individual and family plans designed to fit your lifestyle. You can learn more and find your plan at Quite a day. Number one at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee yesterday. We found out who Donald Trump's running mate is going to be. And that will be Ohio Senator J.D. Vance. Maybe some of you have read the book or seen the movie, Hill Billiology, that Mr. Vance wrote. He did not star in the movie, but he did write the book about his rather tough upbringing in Ohio. So at any rate, it'll be J.D. Vance is the running mate and he views on that folks. He can give us a call 603-224-1450. I wasn't necessarily pulling for him, but I think he will make a very good vice presidential pick. I was rooting for Tim Scott, but that did not happen. And if Tim Scott, if not Tim Scott, I was hoping that, you know, maybe it could have been Nikki Haley, who did so well in New Hampshire and did well in other primary states as well. But it's J.D. Vance and we'll see how it all works out. And just right after that, right? I mean, within moments, within moments of the announcement that J.D. Vance was going to be the running mate of Donald Trump. There was a memo, you know, a tweet or an X, whatever you're calling in these days, sent out by the Biden campaign. Very shortly after Vance was announced as Trump's candidate, the Biden campaign posted on X along with a fundraising link. And I quote here, "Here's the deal about J.D. Vance. He talks a big game about working people, but now he and Trump want to raise taxes on the middle class, on middle class families, while pushing more tax cuts for the rich." End quote. That was what was put out on X. And a fundraising link. And Trump, 2024, Deputy Communications Director Caroline Sunshine, as opposed to Caroline Levitt, took issue with that attack in an interview with Fox Digital on Tuesday. Ms. Sunshine said, and I quote, "I think that response given the events that have transpired in this country where President Trump had an assassination attempt on his life, for the city and the U.S. president to be calling for anything other than unity, but instead using his opportunity to attack President Trump's new presidential, vice presidential nominee, go after him on policy. Seems really out of touch, really important." End quote. Said Caroline Sunshine. And she continued. She said, "It's very clear that Joe Biden is not the person who can unify this country as evidenced by that statement." End quote. And of course, Biden went on TV Sunday night, a little over 24 hours after President Trump was shot and said, "Pretty much, we have to unify the country and keep the rhetoric down to a minimum if we possibly can." Not those words exactly, but you get the idea. And so one day after that, well, it's all out the window. But of course, Biden wanted to be known during his inaugural speech back in 2021 that he was the great unifier. He was going to bring this country back together, and boy, that didn't quite work out that way. But at any rate, we shall see what transpires from here, also a big emotional scene last night at the Pfizer Forum in Milwaukee, where the convention is being held when Donald Trump, you know, about 48 hours after he was shot, came out to God bless the USA, sung by Lee Greenwood. I honestly don't know if Lee Greenwood was in the building. I mean, it sounded like it might have been live, but they didn't show him. But I don't know whether he was there or it was just a recording, but at any rate, Trump came out and it was very emotional. In fact, I would say, although he probably would not admit it himself, that he had tears in his eyes last night walking out there to his family box at the Pfizer Forum in Milwaukee. And it was, in fact, a very emotional scene, I'm sure most people there in attendance. I had tears in their eyes, and I'm sure a lot of people watching at home did as well, because here's a guy that, but for the grace of God, might not have been able to make that appearance last night. But he came out with a big bandage over his damaged ear, and, you know, did not address the crowd last night. He will be doing that on Thursday night. That's when the keynote address is going to come. But he sat in the private box and listened to some speeches with his family members. So it was a very emotional scene. It really and truly was. But there you go. So at any rate, we are here at Scaling Company Live, WKXL, and I'll promise to shut my cell phone off. So it doesn't do that again. But I want to remind you, folks, I want to remind you, this is week number three of what we like to call vanity insanity here at WKXL. We have our spotters out there on the roads, spotting vanity license plates. So far, we're old for two. We haven't been able to give a prize away yet. But maybe, maybe this will be the week. Well, that's Andrew Gibson, our illustrious and eminent producer here, executive producer on Cale and Company. Let's hear a little bit from The Trash Men, and then we'll hear the play. There you go. Oh, no, I just love that song. Hey, you know, if you get a chance, look up this video on YouTube. It's kind of bizarre. The Trash Men from 1963. All right. So that gives you a little indication of what the plate is that we spotted this week. The vanity insanity plate of the week is New Hampshire license plate bird, as in Larry, 33 bird 33 is the license plate spotted by one of our WKXL spotters. So if that is your plate, give us a call right now, 603-224-1450. If you know who's plate it is, give them a call, and then they can call us at 603-224-1450. What's at stake here? Well, a conventional oil change with a synthetic blend plus a thorough checkup of your vehicle from our good friends at Weed Family Automotive, conveniently located at 124 store street in Concord. Again, the plate bird 33. I've seen it around and I spotted it in Concord last week sometime. And if it's your plate, call us right now. Again, 603-224-1450. Operators are standing by right now. And if you know the person, well, give him or her a call or a text and let them know that their plate is being prominently mentioned this week here on WKXL NH Talk Radio. And it will be historic because we're looking for our first vanity insanity winner, bird 33. Well, if you missed it last night, Teoska Hernandez in his first home-run derby. He's always wanted to be in it, but never been invited before. Teoska Hernandez of the Dodgers edged out Bobby Wood Jr. of the Kansas City Royals, 14 to 13 in the final round. And oh boy, was it close because Bobby Wood in what turned out to be his final at bat. Hit a ball off the center field fence. Had it gone over the fence, they would have had a playoff round. Or Bobby Wood could have won because he would have had another swing after that too. So, at any rate, congratulations Teoska Hernandez who was being cheered on by his old teammate from the Toronto Blue Jays, Vladimir Guerrero, former fixture cat. Vladimir Guerrero was wearing a Teoska Hernandez Toronto Blue Jays uniform because he played there as recently as a year ago. But the first Dodger ever to win the home-run derby. All right, we will be back with more right here. WKXL NH Talk We are presented by North East Delta Devil. We'll be right back. K on Company Live here WKXL NH Talk Hoping that perhaps in the next half hour, we will hear from our correspondents in the field at Milwaukee. State Representative Michael Moffat and Senator Tim Lang are both out there and at the Republican National Convention. And they may take the opportunity to call in and visit us sometime during the next half hour here on the program. By the way, I mentioned the home-run derby last night. The all-star game will be tonight in Arlington, Texas. And the Red Sox will be represented by two first-time All-Stars Tanner Hauck, right-handed pitcher and a center fielder, Jaren Duran. Both have had outstanding years and they will be representing the Boston Red Sox. Now, Raffy Devers was also invited to play in the game tonight, but he instead is going to be taking the time off in an effort to rest his left shoulder. So, no Raffy Devers in the almost-star game tonight. Celtics, a rookie team. And, yeah, second year, first-year rookies, first-years players and second-year players are out there playing in Vegas. And it's, you know, it's even harder there as you would expect than it is here, but at least they're playing indoors. Celtics beat the Lakers last night in rookie league play 88-74. Nemias Keita from Portugal, the only Portuguese player ever to play in the NBA. He played some with the Celtics last year. He led the way with 22 points and eight rebounds for the Celtics squad as they beat the Lakers. And Brony James, the son of LeBron James, played 25 minutes for the Lakers. He famously, the 55th draft pick this year in the NBA draft. He played 25 minutes. He had two points in the game and three rebounds, so not a great performance from Brony James as the Celtics beat the Lakers. 88-74. And the U.S. Men's Olympic team as they get ready to go to Paris, France, they played in Abu Dhabi on Monday. They played Australia in an exhibition game. And Anthony Davis of the Lakers led the way with 17 points and 14 rebounds and the U.S. beat Australia 98-92, but they turn the ball over a lot. That's a concern of a head coach Steve Kerr of the U.S. Olympic team. Anyway, it has been a rough stretch of time here in New Hampshire. I'm sure as many of you know, it was a deadly weekend. It's 10 people in nine separate crashes were killed. They've been killed since Friday in New Hampshire. Crashers are happening all over the state from Loudon to Concord, Conway, Jaffery, Hampton Falls, Alton, Belmont, and in Guilford where three of the crash deaths occurred in Guilford. And what's alarming is the spike in deadly crashes seems to be random. On Sunday, a Guilford man was killed when a person suffering a medical episode allegedly struck him. Another Sunday crash in Alton killed 25-year-old Colin Zaremba after hitting a Ford F-150 on his motorcycle. And day prior to that, there was a head-on crash in Loudon resulting in the death of an eight-year-old girl. So it's been all over the place. Hampshire State Police, it's not normal to have as many serious crash incidents in such a short time frame, but the time of year might have something to do with it. Captain Brendan Davey of New Hampshire State Police said, and I quote, "It is unusual in terms of the magnitude of the crashes. It's not unusual that in our population, when our population swells in the summertime, a lot of people want to come to New Hampshire because it's such a beautiful place to be. So we do have an increase in incidents on our roadways in the summertime according to Captain Davey of New Hampshire State Police, Concord Police confirming deadly motorcycle crash yesterday on Washington Street in the pentakook section of Concord. So it has been a deadly five-day period, five-day stretch here in the state of New Hampshire with 10 people. There's been increased traffic for sure, but I also think that, and I've just noticed this from just my morning commute, it's like people are being very reckless on the road these last few weeks. It seems very increased. People just darting out in front of other people, not looking, not using directionals. I almost got rear-ended on the highway just last week going into the tolls because people just weren't paying attention. So when you're out there, folks, just look around. Keep your hat on the swivel. Be aware of who's around you. Absolutely. Don't use your directionals. Don't dart out in front of other people. Just, you know, everyone's just trying to get from point A to point B. Take it easy. And I don't know what the cause of any of them were, but, you know, there's always that distracted driver situation where somebody's on their phone or trying to text while they're driving or playing with the radio or the navigational equipment in the vehicle or whatever it might be or, you know, trying to eat a sub, you know, while you're driving or whatever, it could be distracted driving. I think more now than ever before is an issue with, you know, all the gizmos that we have access to while we're driving. And I think that is a significant factor as well. So please, people, please just be careful. I mean, if it takes you an extra five minutes to get somewhere, what's the big deal? People always seem to be in such a rush to get everywhere. And, you know, five, 10, 15, whatever, whatever, if it takes you a little bit longer than you hoped it would take, it's not that big a deal. You know, if it takes you a little bit more time, don't lose your patience. You know, as Andrew said, you know, get better drive defensively and, you know, watch out for the other guy. And you also have to stay in your lane. Use your directional signals and, you know, do all you can to stay safe because it's just too much. I mean, 10 people dying on New Hampshire road since Friday. I mean, I think that is virtually unheard of. And so I don't know if it's, you know, could, you know, because, you know, the fact that, you know, there are more people in the state vacationers are here. But regardless of that, I mean, it's, it's just too much. It is too much. So be wary and let's cut down on that. And let's have, you know, a lot fewer fatalities as the months pass this year, because that is far too many. At any rate, we were supposed to, and we did a little publicity about this yesterday on, on Facebook and on X, formerly known as Twitter. As everybody says, now why do they even bother to change it? I mean, everybody says X, formerly known as Twitter. Anyway, that James Patterson, the prolific author, the greatest storyteller right now in America, was going to be with us today during the first half hour of the show. Unfortunately, I guess there was some miscommunication and Mr. Patterson could not join us this morning. Hopefully we'll get him on the program in the not too distant future about his new book just came out yesterday. It's called Tiger, Tiger, his life, as it's never been told before. And we'll refer in, of course, to Tiger Woods and lots of great anecdotes and stories, stories you've never heard before about Tiger Woods. So if you're into golf or just want to read a very intriguing life story, I would recommend the book. And I am hoping to get Mr. Patterson on the show. Sometimes it'll probably now be sometime next week if we get him at all. All right. The music means we have to take a break. Maybe after the break, we'll be hearing from Milwaukee. Maybe we'll have a chance to catch up with Representative Mike Moffatt or Senator Tim Lang. Both out there representing the state of New Hampshire at the Republican National Convention. We'll take a break. Kale and comedy continues here. WKXL We are presented by Northeast Elton Demel and we will be right back. Kale and company live here on WKXL on this Tuesday morning. I don't know how many of you actually watched the Home Run Derby last night from start to finish or at least from the start. But you know, the Home Run Derby was one thing. But it was not the most talked about event that took place on the field last night in Arlington, Texas. The most talked about and discussed and criticized event that took place on the field last night in Arlington, Texas was the national anthem. Andrew Gibson, did you happen to hear it last night? I did not. I don't have basic cable, so I would not have seen it. Well, country music star apparently. I had never heard of the woman prior to last night, Ingrid Andress. Have you heard that name before, Andrew? I've heard the name. I can't say I'm super familiar with her music. Well, everybody's super familiar or not everybody, but a lot of people are a lot more familiar with her rendition of the national anthem than they are. I dare say her music. Ingrid Andress faced widespread criticism for her now viral performance of the national anthem ahead of the 2024 Major League Baseball Home Run Derby in Arlington, Texas Monday night. The country singer struggled with her pitch as she delivered a shaky acapella rendition of the Star Spangled Banner, which was described as painful on social media. I think that was being nice. Several players on the field, including Filly's third baseman, Alex Boehm, who was competing last night in the Derby, could be seen attempting to hide their laughter as the musician completely missed the notes. Now, I'm not very critical of singers because I know I can't do it at all. But here's a woman who was a four-time Grammy nominee that's doing this. One poster on X said, "What in the world? Dear Lord, that was painful." Another one wrote, "That Ingrid Andress national anthem might have been the worst thing to happen in America in the last 48 hours. Hashtag brutal." Another wrote. Somebody else said, "I think we can all agree. Ingrid Andress's national anthem broke many, many more hearts than mine. Hashtag Francis Scott Off-key and Star Spangled Banner." There's so many, so many, so much reaction. And I mean, I was watching it last night in my living room. And so just, and I'd very rarely do this. I don't very rarely look for reaction to things on X. But even before she came to an end, she wrapped it up, was not booed. You got a very faint round of applause at the ballpark itself. But even before she completed the singing of it, there was already reaction on X last night. Others compared Andress's performance to Fergies, ill-conceived national anthem at the 2018 NBA All-Star Game and Roseanne Barr's infamous rendition at a San Diego Padres game in 1990. But that Roseanne Barr, I mean, that was just, that was one of the worst things that was ever perpetrated on a baseball field. I mean, she was out there chewing tobacco and spitting and grabbing areas of her body while singing the national anthem. I mean, it was a total farce and really was a disgrace. This woman was, you know, hired to sing the national anthem, a four-time Grammy nominee was hired by Major League Baseball to perform the national anthem prior to the Home Run Derby. And, you know, it was a supposedly a serious rendition of the anthem. But it just did not come off very well at all, not at all. And it's all over the place. I mean, there are a couple of, you can go online and find a couple of articles about the Home Run Derby itself. Go online and Google Home Run Derby National Anthem. And you find all kinds of coverage. That's unbelievable because this was totally unbelievable. The amount of reaction there is to this is just mind-boggling, talking about going viral. It was going viral before she even completed the song. I've never seen anything like, and I'm sure things like that have happened before, you know, when somebody screwed up at an awards presentation or whatever. But for a national anthem performance, I have never seen any kind of reaction like that to any anthem that has ever been sung prior to a sporting event or anywhere else for that matter. But a four-time Grammy nominee. I was not familiar with her name, but now everybody is. Hey, maybe that was the idea. Maybe she wanted to get famous, Andrew, by, you know, by getting infamous. I don't know. I mean, she was awful. It's a bold move. Maybe not necessarily the right one, but it's something. Well, she has never garnered as much publicity in her entire career as she did last night. I mean, even if you weren't watching, you know now on the Internet who Ingrid Andres is. So there you go. And it was not pretty last night. It was, you know, it was embarrassing. I mean, really. All right, we move on here on this Tuesday morning. Today is Tuesday, July the 16th. And it is guinea pig appreciation day. Andrew Gibson, have you ever had a guinea pig? We used to pet sit one and we've actually considered getting one or two of them. Really? Yeah. They're great. They're good little pets. They're very vocal. Are they? Oh, yes. You wouldn't think it, but they're very vocal. They let out these little squeaks, especially when food's involved. And they can be very social critters, which is why you sometimes got to get more than one. Yeah. So today, today, I don't know why today is designated as guinea pig appreciation day, but it's a day to appreciate your guinea pig or maybe maybe get one or two. I think you need two, don't you? Wouldn't you realistically need to? I mean, yeah, with the social aspect, it's good to have two because, you know, one by itself could get into trouble if it's bored. Yeah. I mean, do they probably very rarely get out of their cages, isn't that correct? Apparently, they can jump. Oh, why? I just found this out this year. Apparently, they can jump from like Florida couch. So unless their fence is high enough, they could probably get over it. Oh, okay. All right. I thought they pretty much stayed caged up, but apparently not. Apparently not. It's National Cherry Day. You know, I buy grapes quite a bit. I don't buy cherries all that often, but maybe today, maybe today we'll make an exception. I'll buy some nice red cherries with the pits. National Corn Fritter Day is being celebrated today. National Fresh Spinach Day is being celebrated today. Do you like a good spinach salad, Andrew? I actually like, I like spinach leaves in both a salad and in a sandwich. There you go. There you go. All right. So instead of just regular lettuce, you know what? I don't think I have ever had spinach in a sandwich. I honestly don't. I'm not, you know, I have to tell you, I'm not a big spinach or lettuce guy in a sandwich person. I'm not. When I go to get a sub, here's what I get. Here's what I get. I usually get a roast beef sub with cheese, onions, banana peppers, jalapeno peppers, and mayonnaise. That's what I get. No tomatoes. You like it with a little zip? Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. But there are no tomatoes, no lettuce. I just think it takes away from it. That's just my opinion. I know people look at me with three heads when they don't have lettuce and tomatoes. No, it makes sense. I find that most sandwich shops when they use lettuce, they tend to go a little too heavy on the lettuce. It's almost like there's more lettuce than there is anything else. Right. So I just do away with the lettuce completely. I want to taste more of the roast beef, the jalapenos, the banana peppers, the onions, and that's it. And I go to get my sub wherever it may be. It is also National Personal Chef Day and World Snake Day. Snakes and guinea pigs being celebrated on the same day. We will take a break Kale and Company live right here at WKXL We are presented by Northeast Delta Dental and we will be right back. So stay with us. [Music] Welcome back Kale and Company live here on WKXL Yesterday a federal judge in Florida dismissed the classified documents case against former President Trump. Siding with defense lawyers who said the special counsel who filed the charges was illegally appointed by the Justice Department. Hours later, special counsel Jack Smith's office said it would appeal the order, which could result in it eventually being overturned by a higher court. But for now at least the dismissal by district judge Aileen Cannon brings a stunning and abrupt halt to a criminal case that at the time it was filed was widely regarded as the most perilous of all legal threats that former President Trump confronted. Though the case said the long been stalled and the prospect of a trial before the November election already nonexistent, the judge's order is a significant legal and political victory for Trump as he recovers of course from that weekend assassination attempt and prepares to accept the Republican nomination in Milwaukee this week. It's the latest stroke of good fortune in the four criminal cases Trump has faced. He was convicted in his New York hush money trial in New York in May but the sentencing has been postponed after a Supreme Court opinion that conferred broad immunity on former Presidents and that opinion will cause major delays. In a separate case charging Trump with plotting to overturn his 2020 election loss to Joe Biden. Another election subversion case filed in Atlanta has been delayed by revelations of a romantic relationship between the district attorney and a special prosecutor she hired for the case in a statement on his social media platform. Trump said the dismissal should be just the first step and the other three cases which he called witch hunts should also be thrown out. So that's the latest as far as Trump's legal activity is concerned and again he will be speaking to the RNC the Republican National Convention. On Thursday night in Milwaukee he did not speak but he did appear last night with a big bandage over his damaged ear. Disturbing story locally this on WMUR Concord police arrested a husband and wife after an investigation into child sex abuse images. According to Deputy Chief John Thomas of the Concord Police Department back in February of this year I received a cyber tip from the New Hampshire ICA team the Internet Crimes Against Children team that there was potential of a case going on here in our city involving child sex images. That investigation led Concord police investigators and the New Hampshire Internet Crimes Against Children task against children task force to obtain a search warrant for a bow street home last week in there. Dylan Sims 27 years old and his wife Meredith Sims 36 were arrested. Thomas said anytime when you investigate a case like this it could be uploading or actually creating those type of images or downloading those images. According to court paperwork in the case Dylan Sims knowingly transferred images showing a young girl naked doing gymnastics and an adult woman sexually assaulting a young girl and boy. Well Meredith Sims also facing charges. Thomas said that Meredith is being charged with witness tampering, excuse me, basically influencing an influencing a potential victim or witness in the case. Thomas said Sims knew the victims personally. He said it's concerning to see it happening in the city but he said it is not uncommon. Thomas said unfortunately it happens a lot. The internet has created the system where it's so much easier for folks that are into this type of child exploitation. Thomas said the tips about child sexual abuse are always encouraged. Always just downright disgusting to hear stories like that really and truly. At any rate those folks have been arrested and Thomas said it's probably more prevalent than we are aware of. Tomorrow we will have Kyle Hevey on with us. Kyle a WMUR videographer will talk about some of his exploits over the years working for a WMUR and we'll be chatting with Kyle tomorrow. I think Kyle will make it unlike James Patterson who was supposed to be with us today talking about his new book Tiger Tiger. Hopefully we'll have Mr. Patterson with us sometime next week. Of course he's very famous for his series including Alex Cross, the Women's Murder Club. Jane Smith is co-authored number one bestsellers with Dolly Parton and Bill Clinton and Mike Lupica. Great book he did with Mike Lupica. We had Mike Lupica on last time around when he co-authored a book with James Patterson. We have never had James Patterson on this show. We thought it was going to be today but it just did not work out that way but we will try working behind the scenes diligently to get it done in the not too distant future. Today is the birthday of, remember this, probably a little before your time, Andrew, but Phoebe Kate's. You remember Phoebe Kate's? Oh I know Phoebe Kate's. Oh okay, all right, okay well you're a man you would. I mean I was young when she was popular about, you know, I remember Phoebe Kate's. Remember Phoebe Kate's? Well she is super. Fast times at Ridgemont, huh? That is correct. Drop dead Fred. Oh great. I didn't know about drop dead Fred. I kind of call it classic. I guess so. I did know about fast times at Ridgemont High though and Phoebe Kate's in her role in that. How old do you think Phoebe is today Andrew? Okay I'm in a ballpark. There we go. Yeah. 56. 61. No kidding. 61. I couldn't believe that. 61. Phoebe Kate's is today and Will Ferrell also celebrating a birthday today. As only Will Ferrell can I'm sure. How old is Will Ferrell today? How old is Will Ferrell? Oh man. I'm gonna say 60s. Well, I don't know an exact number but 57. No kidding. He's younger than Phoebe Kate's. Younger than Phoebe Kate's. Who knew? Who knew? And if he had survived, Shulis Jo Jackson synonymous with the Black Sox scandal in 1919. If he had survived, Shulis Jo Jackson would have been 137 years old on this date, July 16th, 2024. One more time I am going to give you our vanity insanity plate of the week as our spotters are out there folks. They are out there diligently day and night looking for clever vanity license plates trying to give you a chance to win a nice prize and the vanity insanity plate for this week. And we just do one a week is bird 33. Bird 33 is this week's vanity. Oh yeah, there it is. Oh, that's a lot of that, huh? Maybe that's the first time it's ever been played. I mean this week played it yesterday too. The first time it's probably ever been played on WKXL. That's my guess anyway. Maybe Jim Rivers would know more about that than I do. But vanity insanity plate bird 33. Okay, here's what you do. If it's yours, call Andrew right now. 603-224-1450. If you know who owns that plate, call or text them and have them call us at 603-224-1450. You have to show legitimate proof that that is in fact your plate and the winner will receive a conventional oil change with a synthetic blend plus a thorough check of your vehicles from our good friends that weed family automotive 124 stores street in Concord. Andrew is standing by 603-224-1450. Thanks for joining us today here on the program. As we covered a variety of topics and we're stood up by James Patterson. But hopefully we'll get him sometime next week. So that'll do it for this edition of KL and Company Live. Join us tomorrow for more fun and excitement right here on WKXL presented by Northeast L. Dental and remember, folks, to always look on the bright side of life. Have a safe Tuesday and try to stay as cool as you possibly can. We'll see you tomorrow. [Music]