WKXL - New Hampshire Talk Radio

Cail & Company LIVE with John Leahy

Monday's program featured a brief recap of the events of the weekend that we all experienced and a look ahead to today's start of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. John Leahy also joined us as well to discuss tonight's upcoming MLB Home Run Derby, tomorrow night's All Star Game and John's urging the MLB "powers that be" to allow the players to wear the uniforms of their respective teams rather than the generic AL and NL uniforms that we've been subjected to in recent years.

Broadcast on:
15 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Good Monday morning. It is Kale and Company Live here on WKXL. Great to have you with us, as always. And we are presented by Northeast Delta Dental. With individual and family plans designed to fit your lifestyle, learn more, and find your plan. At Delta Dental covers me. Dotcom, and certainly no matter what your perspective may be, it was quite an eventful weekend without question. And the Republican National Convention kicking off today in Milwaukee just two days. After former President Donald Trump, the GOP's standard bearer survived an assassination attempt in Western Pennsylvania. And that Saturday shooting at Trump's rally in Western Pennsylvania, where a one spectator was killed and two more critically injured. The former president visibly bloodied after a bullet grazed his ear. He came within probably, the experts are saying within a millimeter of losing his life. And it is certainly, I think, in the past 24 to 36 hours after the shooting took place, has altered the tone and raised the stakes of the convention, US Secret Service and other officials announced on the eve of the convention that there are no plans to expand the security perimeter and that there are no known threats for the convention at this time, anyway. The arena is set, the security is here, and we feel very comfortable that we're working with the Secret Service, said Republican National Committee Chair Michael Watley in an interview on Sunday. So we'll see what takes place, President Trump, about 24 hours after he was shot in Western Pennsylvania in the ear, bullet grazing his ear, arrived in Milwaukee. Subsequently, Nikki Haley, who had previously not received an invitation to attend the convention is attending and speaking tomorrow night. And I think unity is what is going to be emphasized. Not only at the Republican convention, starting tonight or later this afternoon, but also on both sides of the aisle and let's hope there is more civility after what took place over the weekend than we have witnessed so far. And I think there will be at least hope for a while anyway that things are a little bit more civil on both sides of the aisle. Watley, who's the chairman of the GOP, emphasized that this is going to be a facility in Milwaukee where we're going to be able to have 50,000 delegates and alternates and guests and members of the media are going to be there and who are going to be safe and that is very critical for everyone involved. But Donald Trump showed up last night in Wisconsin and he said in a social media post on Sunday that he was going to delay his trip to the convention and in the wake of the shooting, but I decided against it and he did arrive last night in the early evening, Milwaukee time. Trump will formally be announcing his Republican party's vice presidential nominee and as the convention gets underway, all eyes are on the former president as Trump will in all probability announce his running mate. I think it would be a great upset that if he did not announce his running mate and many feel that he will do it, perhaps tonight as early as tonight. But we shall see. We shall see the first order of business as roughly 2,400 Republican delegates from across the country gather at the Pfizer Forum in downtown Milwaukee will be officially nominating Trump during a roll call of the states during today's session. And pretty much a formality. Trump is scheduled to accept the nomination as he delivers his address to the convention on Thursday night, but most pundits seem to feel that the announcement of his vice president will be coming before that, before Thursday night when he makes his acceptance speech to officially accept the nomination of the Republican party. The gathering is expected to attract roughly 50,000 attendees is scheduled to maintain its original programming despite a Saturday shooting and speakers were asked not to alter their speeches in light of the shooting. Trump campaign says that the former president following his brush with death will call for unity in the face of tragedy instead of blasting his political adversaries. And I hope this is true on both sides of the aisle, but you can disagree with policies, both Republican policies, Democratic policies, but they will have the opportunity to present them and what their platforms are going to be moving forward at their respective convention. So I would say focus on what you have accomplished and what you plan to accomplish in the future rather than personal attacks, because that doesn't accomplish anything. And this is a watershed moment in our political process. Senior Trump campaign advisor Jason Miller in the interview Sunday said that Trump was dictating to us some additional things that he wants in his speech as he looks ahead to Thursday. And I think the tone is really going to impress people. He knows that this is a key moment and he's the only one who can step up and lead in this time and this country is desperate for leadership, that from Chairman Watley of the GOP. Republicans are aiming to use the convention as a venue to reunite the party and energize delegates and activists ahead of the final stretch of the campaign in Trump's 2024 election rematch with President Biden. As part of that push for unity, Trump's final rival in this year's GOP presidential nomination. A race will now speak at the convention. Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, who served as a UN ambassador in the Trump administration will address the convention on Tuesday, a person familiar with the decision confirmed to Fox on Sunday night. Is there still, could there still be, that outside possibility, outside as it may be, a long shot, seen long shots before, but is there still a chance that Nikki Haley could be his running mate? I don't think so, but she's going to be there, she's going to make a speech. And, you know, there was some, you know, conflict between President Trump and former governor and ambassador Nikki Haley, but hopefully that has been put in the past and the Republican party can be as united as they have ever been. So, we shall see what will take place. Haley was engaged with Trump in a bitter two candidate battle from late January through early March, as all of us in New Hampshire know. And when she entered her White House bid, was not originally invited to the convention, and that just took place really over the weekend. And also on tap Mondays, the convention gets underway, a new slimmed down Republican party platform that one quick and overwhelming initial approval last week. And it is expected to be a passed along during the opening session. So, it's going to be very interesting to see what takes place over the next four days and nights. In Milwaukee, Nikki Haley will speak tomorrow night, I do believe it's an evening speech, we'll keep you posted on that as best we can. And then Donald Trump will accept his nomination on Thursday, and sometime we certainly expect the vice presidential nominee to be named by President Trump, and it's generally considered that Doug Burgum, Tim Scott, Marco Rubio, and JD Vance, are the top four contenders for that vice presidential nod. But, I wonder if Nikki could be a long shot. I was at a gathering on Saturday, and I did an informal survey. Most of the gathering I was with were Republicans, and almost to a one of them felt that Nikki Haley should get the nod. So, there you go. And I think a lot of the public would like to see that, although I don't think it's going to happen. We'll take a break, and then we will be joined by John Leahy. And we'll talk about a number of things, including tonight's Home Run Derby, which will take place in Texas prior to tomorrow night's all-star game. All right, we have to take a break. K-L in Company continues right here, WKXL,, presented by Northeast Elder Dental. We'll be right back. K-L in Company Live here on WKXL, Great to have you with us on this Monday morning, and we are joined now by our Guru, John Leahy, John Good morning to you. - Yeah, good morning. Hope I was well up in New Hampshire this morning. - Hey, true Renaissance man, author, broadcaster, musician. You are a tour de force, John Leahy, and always great to have you on the program. How was your weekend? - I was, it was good, Ken. We managed to sell some more books. - Good. - Holy Oak Mass, a wonderful town. Getting there was half the fun. I had a really, really tough commute both ways. The mass bike was a real problem this weekend, but you got there? Five minutes ahead of schedule, and I want to thank the good folks out at the Barnes and Noble in Holy Oak. Had a wonderful time out there. - Outstanding, and what's next on the Leahy tour? - Very excited to head on up to Maine this weekend, Ken, as we go out of state for the first time. We have two book signings this weekend. Friday, I'll be at the Book's a Million up in Bangor, Maine. So if there's any humane fans that are tuned in, I'd love to see you up at the BAM in Bangor, and that's going to be on Saturday, actually. I believe I said Friday, but I'm driving up Friday. So if the book signing is actually Saturday from 12 to 2, and then Sunday, I'll be at the brand new Barnes and Noble in South Portland, Maine. - Nice. - Very excited to head up to Maine this weekend, Ken. Great people up there, and looking forward to hopefully seeing some black bear people. - And yeah, absolutely right. And also maybe a little cooler up there, too. Let's hope anyway, right? - Yeah. - Heat has been oppressive. I mean, we're going to set a record, John, this week, for most days of 90 degrees or more here, most consecutive days of 90 degrees or more here in New Hampshire. - Yeah, and I went down here in Massachusetts, it's going to be very similar. - Yeah. - The climate is changing, you know, and we have to stay cool, the air conditionals, we're running all week, but, you know, it is what it is. - And yes, it is, and tonight, what it is, is the home run derby. Now, what is your take, John? Are you going to be watching that from start to finish what is your take on the home run derby? - I will probably be looking in on it a little bit. I'm not sure how much of the home run derby I'm going to watch, but it certainly is high on the entertainment factor for fans. It's been a staple of the all-star game for a long time. And, you know, I think it's pretty popular. I think it's good for the fans, and I know the players enjoyed participating in it as well. So, you know, it'll be a good watch, for sure, I think. - You know, certainly a lot of the big home run hitters have, you know, in recent years, and this year included, have declined an opportunity to be in the home run derby, because, you know, we have seen its evidences is a bounding that, you know, sometimes guys would come in with 23 or 24 home runs, let's say, at the all-star break, and then the rest of the year they would hit maybe five or six. So, it's happened, and statistically it's proven that it may alter the swings of these players. So, some of the bigger home run hitters, some of the bigger names, have not participated in recent years, and that's going to be the case once again this year. So, what they're trying to do, John, I think this year is trying to streamline it a little bit and not make it quite as long and as it has been in the past. - Yeah, that's an interesting theory. You know, I guess, you know, the players would know what effect that this would have on their swing. So, I guess it makes sense to me to kind of pull back a little bit if you feel it's going to be harmful. But still, I mean, the players that are participating in it, it is good and it's paying the value, so-- - Oh, yeah, yeah, it is. - You know, so, yeah. - So, but this year, and I did thorough research before speaking with you today, John, only three, three of the top home run hitters in baseball. Of the top 12, I should say, home run hitters in baseball, only three are participating. - Wow. - Yeah, I mean, Darren Judge leads the way with 34. He's not going to be there. Showee Otani is next with 29. He will not be participating in the Derby. The only three of the top 12 in baseball that are participating are the young sensation, Gunnar Henderson of the Baltimore Orioles, who has hit 28 home runs. Marcelo Zuna of the Atlanta Braves with 26 and Jose Ramirez of Cleveland with 23. Those are the only three out of the top 12 that are going to participate tonight. - Well, we'll see what happens with the home run derby going forward if I got some more players trying to speak out against wanting to participate. Maybe that will influence Major League Baseball and how they go forward with this. But in the meantime, it should be out of hand for the fans. - Yeah, no matter what, because there are a lot of great home run hitters in the game. Maybe not all of the top. I mean, it would be nice. I think in Major League Baseball would feel this way if there were more of the marquee players participating. But everybody wanted Peter Lanzo to participate. And he is two-time champion, Peter Lanzo. Everybody seems to love watching Pete in the home run derby. So he will be there. So that's a good thing. And as we mentioned, the other three got our Henderson, Marcelo Zuna, and Jose Ramirez of Cleveland will also be there. Bobby Whit Jr., who was at Fenway over the weekend. He'll be participating. Alex Bohm of the Philadelphia Phillies will be there. Adola Scarcea of the hometown. Texas Rangers will be there. Teosco Hernandez of the Dodgers. And as we mentioned, two-time champion, Pete Lanzo. So that's the home run derby, which will be streamlined to a certain extent. This season, there are no seedings this year. The top, you know, the eight participants will go at it. And then after four are eliminated, that's when they're going to recede. So it's a little bit different than it's been in the past. And some of the rounds are going to be shorter as well. Because this is an event, John, as you wouldn't know, watching it over the years, that sometimes can go more than three hours. - Yeah, that's right. They really kind of turned it into a spectacle. And there have been some memorable home runs, there have been the past. They can really be quite dramatic. You know, and it's been something that I think has been pretty popular over the years. But I think you're right, Ken. I think maybe it's time to take a different look at how this all comes about and we'll see how it goes. - Well, we know one thing, John. It's not going away because, you know, the ratings have always been good for ESPN. I think it's always been on ESPN since the start. And the ratings have been good. They make a lot of money on it. So it's not something that's going away. We know that for sure. Now, yeah, the all-star game tomorrow night. Now, John, how do you rank a baseball's all-star game with the other all-star games from the major sports? - Well, I'll tell you, I always used to love watching the all-star game when players would get to wear their team uniform. I always thought, "Great." And I wish they would bring that back. That was always a fun aspect of it. But I would rank it pretty high in terms of the all-star game comparatively. The NBA all-star game is a lot of fun because you have the free point concept involved with that. And of course, the NHL has the skill competition as well. So I think across all sports, I think that they try to make the all-star event as much of a spectacle as possible. But I thought the all-star game became a lot more relevant when there was something at stake for the winner. You remember that not too long ago, not too long ago in the all-star game, the winning league would get home field advantage in the world's theory. So I thought that that made it a lot more competitive and it gave, so it gave the Mexican Senate this game. So I like the all-star game faithfully baseball. I think it's probably the best out of the board. The pro bowl is probably-- - The worst. (laughing) - No doubt, but I agree with you, John. You know, there were so many dissenters to the years when they awarded home field advantage in the world series to the winning league. But I thought that you, like you said, it made it more competitive. So I agree wholeheartedly with you. I'm sorry they did away with that. And also, I could not concur more. Players should be wearing their team's uniforms and not some concocted uniform that they come up with for the all-star game because most of them were pretty bad to begin with and was always so colorful to see, you know, the uniforms of all the teams on the field. - Yeah, no, I totally agree, and can we agree also, if the worst uniform, I think it comes down to two uniforms that were the worst of all time in all sports. You got the old Vancouver Canucks uniform. (laughing) - Yeah. - The multi-colored V. - Yeah. - The other one, where the Pittsburgh Steelers throw back, you know, the whole-- - Oh, they would like, you know, like some something somebody in jail would wear, as I remember. - Yeah, exactly. - Hey, John, can you hang in there? Do one more segment? - Yeah, sure, can't I be happy? - All right, John Lee, he with us. And we'll be right back, getting to maybe talk more about uniforms. Right here, WKXL, Presented by Northeast Delta Dental. We'll be right back. KL and Company live here on WKXL, John Lee, he has kindly consented to stay with us for another segment, because we're getting into conversations about uniforms, which always intrigues me. I don't know if it intrigues too many people, but I think if you follow a sport, you're interested in the wardrobes of these teams. And yeah, John, you really hit on it though, when you said you miss the uniforms, the regular season uniforms that baseball teams wear, and from many, many, many years, they wore them at the All-Star game. And that was really one of the great features of the game. I always thought. Absolutely, and it made the whole experience unique, right? I mean, you got to see teams wearing their home uniforms. And I always thought it just made the whole experience more colorful, more unique. Yeah. And instead of just a generic uniform, like they did in the NHL and the NBA and the NFL, that's what made the whole experience unique. And I loved it that I really wish that they would bring that back. Yeah, I do too, because you can do it in baseball. You really couldn't with hockey or basketball, for that matter, or even football, really. But baseball, you could do it and should do it. And it never should have stopped. And some of the uniforms that they've come up with for the All-Star game over the years have just been awful. And to see that was something that I think a lot of baseball fans look forward to has seen all those uniforms, regular season uniforms out on the field at the same time. And they should bring that back. They should bring it back. But yeah, absolutely. And I've seen some YouTube clips of All-Star games where the starting lineups are being introduced. And you see those players run to the foul line in their home uniforms. So yeah, I think it was a great, great thing. And I hope anybody who may be listening to this affiliated with Major League Baseball, take those, we want those uniforms back. - Absolutely. And I think, I don't think there's anybody that would disagree with us. Well, I think it's just another ploy, John, to sell more merchandise though. I mean, people buy these commemorative All-Star jerseys every year. I think it's just another ploy to sell merchandise. I really do. - Yeah, well, I'm sure there's a lot of validity to that, Ken, but it's all about marketing and how much money you make. But, you know, for us guys who have been around the game a lot, we appreciate those old traditions. And I certainly think that's one that should come back. - And I'm glad to hear you say that you enjoyed it when the game, I mean, you know, up until a certain period of time, I think up until interleague play started. You know, I think there was a tremendous rivalry between the American League and the National League because they never met in the regular season. And I think there was a great rivalry over the years. I mean, a fierce rivalry. And the meaning was there. I mean, you know how hard these guys played and always wanted to be there for the All-Star team to beat up on the other league. I mean, there was a fierce rivalry, but then interleague play came along and it started to dissipate then. And now, I mean, that rivalry is really gone because pretty much John was seeing just one league because everybody plays everybody else now. And it's pretty much, even though they still call them the American League and National League, that rivalry has gone away forever. - Yeah, can't you make the same argument with the World Series too? - Yes, yes. - The World Series loses some significance now because, you know, like you said, everybody plays everybody, at least in one series. So the old traditionalist would argue that, hey, you know, the World Series might lose some significance because of this. But there's one other tradition now that I think needs to be eliminated. And I'm gonna leave baseball for a second here. The other tradition in sports that I think needs to go away is the international games in the NFL. All of them need to be banned, I think. None of this should be no more international travel. I think it's an experiment that does not work. I think it's ridiculous for a team to sacrifice the home game, to trap overseas. I know they want to market the game more, but I think the NFL is as popular as it is. Get rid of them all, no more games anywhere overseas. That's the way I do. - All right, John Lee, he takes a major stand here, and I love it, I love it. And, you know, I would agree with you, John, but I don't think you're gonna see it because of the marketing aspect of it. They wanna sell all their merchandise to a worldwide platform, and that's what they're doing in the National Football League now. It's more global, and instead of eliminating it, I think the number of games internationally are going to increase every year. And I also think, you know, if I was a Patriot season ticket holder or a season ticket holder for any team in the NFL, and they took away a home game or even two in some cases from, you know, from me, I'd be very upset about it. - Yeah, it really is getting out of hand. You know, the travel is getting longer and longer. I believe they had a game in China, or they're gonna have a game in China. It's, although I do understand the foreign allegiance to the NFL and trying to expand the game globally, but it's popular enough as it is. I think if fans wanna buy NFL gear, they can do it online. I'm just not a fan of these foreign games in the NFL. Bring it all back. Bring back all the games in the United States, and, you know, no team should be traveling, you know, thousands and thousands of miles to play in the NFL. - I would totally agree with that. - And, but other sports are doing it as well. I mean, you're seeing regular season baseball games now out of the country, too, other than Canada, I mean. So you're seeing that, and, you know, you're seeing, where did they play this year, the Dodgers-- - I loved it. - Yep, yeah, London was one, but before the regular season started for every other team, the Dodgers because this is when the Show-A-O-Tani gambling scandal broke. They were, the Dodgers were playing the Padres somewhere, I can't remember where it was. - Was it in Mexico City? - Maybe, I can't remember, but wherever it was, it started before the regular season for every other team, and then they came back to the States and played a few exhibition games. So they already played a couple of regular season games, and wherever it was, and then they came back and played like three exhibition games before the regular season for everybody started. So I think-- (laughing) - Yeah, it's crazy. - For some reason, I think it's more meaningful in football because you only play once a week. - Yeah. - I mean, baseball, there's so many games. - Yeah. - But, you know, to be honest with you, I'm not a big fan of, you know, any sport going overseas. And all the NHL is doing it now. - Well, yeah, in the NBA, yeah. Everybody's doing it. Everybody's doing it. And-- - But I'm gonna go on record games and saying, "I am definitely against it." And, but I'm in the minority, I'm sure. - But you know what, there's one aspect of it I do like, and that is you get a morning game when they go overseas. You get a game that starts at 9.30 in the morning. - Right. - You know, I mean, I guess they could start a game, let's say, at 10 o'clock on the east coast and you'd have a 10 a.m. game or whatever. That's the one aspect I like is that you can have an extra game like at 9.30 in the morning. But they could play that in the States as well. - Right, and I guess with that name, you have a true full day of football, right? Because when the foreign game ends, NFL red zone gets good. - Right. - You can watch every game, every touchdown of every game. And I'm really, I really miss the red zone. I'm really looking forward to having that in the back. It's a step up. - John Leahy, I'll tell you what, John, I love it when you take a stand. (laughing) Always great to have you with us, John. - A lot of candidates, it's such a pleasure to be here with you. And I like taking a stand for once in a while. I also like to take a stage. August 7th is coming fast. I'm looking forward to coming out up and playing at the back of the hamster stage. - Well, we're looking forward to it. I know there'll be a great crowd for you and talk to some of the folks that are going to be there and they are looking forward to it as well. August 7th, Bank of New Hampshire stage, open Mike Knight with Andrew North and the Rangers and the great John Leahy will be there as well. And we look forward to that on the first Wednesday of every month at the Bank of New Hampshire stage. John will be there on August 7th. John, thank you for your extended appearance today. - That is always a great pleasure. Thank you, have a great week. - You too, John Leahy, ladies and gentlemen, and we are gonna take a break and come back with this week's "Fanity Insanity Plate" right here, WKXL,, presented by Northeast Delta Dental. Welcome back, it is Kale and Company Live here on WKXL,, presented by Northeast Delta Dental. And yesterday I had the great pleasure of attending in Meredith, the New Hampshire Association of K9 Troopers annual corn hole event. Always a great event, it's been going on for quite some time and the object of the event is to raise money for retired K9s that have served in law enforcement. And you know those K9 dogs, after they retire, stay with the officer to which the dog was originally assigned, they stay with them as pets, after they retire. And so the event yesterday raised money to care for those retired K9s, if you will. Should they get sick, need some kind of attention. And it is a great event and also they have an event with a couple of K9s and they put on a little demonstration at the event as well. And our good friend Kitty Ray, I'm sure we'll find out more about this during the Friday fun bunch this week, that Kitty Ray and her partner Anne did pretty well, did pretty well yesterday in the corn hole tournament. I have to say a lot better than I feared in the corn hole tournament. And anyway, it was a great event and looking forward to next year already. It is week three, ladies and gentlemen, of WKXL's brand new contest, Vanity Insanity. And sad to say we have not had a winner in our first two weeks, still looking for our first winner and our WKXL Vanity Insanity license plate spotters are out there and we are about to reveal this week's Vanity Insanity plate. My stroke, if you please. ♪ I will everybody say about the bed ♪ ♪ The bed is a win, I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ - Oh, the freshmen. ♪ I will I pay ♪ - From 1963. ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ ♪ I will I pay ♪ - And that will tell you a little bit about what our plate is going to be. The plate, our Vanity Insanity plate for week number three is obviously a tribute to Boston Celtics great Larry Bird. The plate is Bird 33. Bird 33 is our Vanity Insanity plate of the week. Now, if that's yours, I'll give us a call right now. 603-224-1450. And your prize will be a conventional oil change with a synthetic blend and a thorough checkup of your vehicle from our good friends at the weed family automotive 124 store street in Concord. Again, call us right now. 603-224-1450. If that is your plate and you can prove that it is, we will be happy to send along that oil change and vehicle checkup from weed family automotive of Concord. So there you go. Bird 33 and we will continue to remind you of that until we get a winner. We're all for two so far. We wanna hit at least 333 before this week is over. So the number again, 603-224-1450, that is the number to call. And you'll win, if it's not your plate and you know who's plate it is, get in touch with that person and let them know that their plate is being glorified here all this week on WKXL, So Bird 33, if that's yours, you have a chance to win from WKXL. It's Monday, July the 15th. It is gummy worm day for no particular reason, I don't think. Gummy worm day. Andrew, Andrew Gibson, our esteemed executive producer. How do you come down on gummy worms? Oh, I love gummy worms. I think, you know-- Classic, very classic, simple candy. No matter what your age may be. And I'm not saying Andrew's an old guy because he's a lot younger than I am. But yeah, gummy worms, anything gummy is good. Gummy is good. All kinds of gummy candy. Exactly, exactly. It's, this won't be difficult for me. It is national be a dork day. Now, I come by that very naturally, I think. It's national give something away day. Well, we're trying. We're trying here at WKXL. We're trying to give you a free oil change. That's right, we're trying. We're doing the best we can. It's also national respect Canada Day. Well, I think every day we should respect Canada, our neighbors to the North. I love Canada, I really do. Great poutine. Oh, yeah, but they have that in Manchester as well, on the West Side. As you well know, Andrew. I do. Yeah, I smell it every morning. (laughing) And so respect Canada. I love the maritime provinces. I had the chance when I was doing hockey to go to St. John's, Newfoundland on a number of occasions. And that was always a fun experience, a very picturesque as well. I mean, it's the closest place in North America to Europe is St. John's, Newfoundland. And so great vistas there. I mostly went there for the hockey, but it's a great area. And glad, because other circumstances, if I didn't do the Monarchs for years, I probably never would have gotten to Newfoundland, because it's not the easiest place in the world to get to. And probably would not have gone out of my way to do it. But I was grateful that I had that opportunity. And I recommended to anyone who wants to do it. And the maritime provinces, and Halifax, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, I mean, they're just great areas. And so respect Canada Day, that is today. It's also National Tapioca Pudding Day. Tapioca Pudding Day on July 15th. I can always tell a great Chinese buffet if they have red jello and tapioca. Only the red jello though? Not the orange jello? Well, maybe, yeah, the other flavors of jello too. I always, you know what I did, it was when I used to go to in Wilkesbury, Pennsylvania, when I was doing hockey. I probably, if I wasn't doing hockey, would have never gone to that buffet in Wilkesbury, Pennsylvania. But it was a great Chinese buffet. And I used to mix the red jello with tapioca and put some whipped cream on it. That's very simple, you had delightful snack. It is, it is, and you know what? You'd have as much of it as you wanted. At the all-you-can-eat buffet in Wilkesbury, PA. And it's Orange Chicken Day. Where do you come down on Orange Chicken, Andrew? - There's always a good time for Orange Chicken. - I guess so. Yeah, you know what I was thinking about rice as well? And National, here's the most important one though of the entire day. And it is Hug Your Kids Day, National Hug Your Kids Day. What you should do every day if you possibly can. I mean, in some cases, it's not possible, but National Hug Your Kids Day being celebrated right here on Monday, July the 15th. And again, a reminder, our third vanity and sanity plate, bird 33. Bird 33, as in Boston Celtics great, Larry Bird. Celebrating birthdays today, Linda Ronstadt. How old do you think Linda Ronstadt is today? - I have no idea. - She is 78 years old, 78. Linda Ronstadt has had some health issues over the recent years and certainly cannot sing, unfortunately, the way she once did, because she was terrific. And the son of John Wayne, Patrick Wayne, who's appeared in many, many movies over the years. Patrick Wayne, Patrick Wayne, I should say, turns 85 years old today. So that will do it for this installment of Kale & Company Live right here on WKXL, We are presented by Northeast Delta Dental and Tomorrow on the program Tuesday. We will have one of the most prolific writers in the world, I mean, in the world. Joining us tomorrow, Kale & Company Live WKXL, And remember, folks, to always look on the bright side of life. Have a good Monday, everybody. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (chime)