WKXL - New Hampshire Talk Radio

Cail & Company LIVE with The Friday Fun Bunch

It's Friday, which means the Friday Fun Bunch is in the WKXL Studios! Ken Cail interviews Tom Raffio, President & CEO of Northeast Delta Dental and Kitty Rae the OFFICIAL “Flick Chick."

Broadcast on:
12 Jul 2024
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(upbeat music) - Oh yeah, what a way to start a Friday morning, the Friday fun bench. Back in time, Tom Raphael in time, on time. Every time, timeless Tom Raphael in the studio. - What do you think of that, you know? - Because I don't tell you, even with the potholes out there, you know, they're getting bigger, you know? - I know. - I had to go really slow and still made it on time, and I did my 20 kisses to Havana, and off she went to camp with Ellen, so I'm good to go. - You're good to go, all right, all right. - Glad that you came right here. - Exactly, fun bunches here. - In this beautifully air-conditioned studio. - There you go, getting ready, resident flick chick. - I made it as well. - The president and CEO of Northeast Elodendal, Vladimir, I mean, Tom Raphael. - Vladimir Guerira, that's not who I had in mind. (laughing) - That's not top politics. - No, we are all gathered here today, our executive producer, Andrew Gibson, who makes outstanding coffee, has brought his daughter, Josie, into our studio audience today. You never know who's gonna be in the studio audience. - My God, yeah, Josie's here, that's great. And of course, we have donuts from brothers right here. - Yes, yep, so we're holding up to camera three. - So maybe Josie will want some. - There you go, there you go. - To the end of the trip. - Best donuts on the planet. From brothers donuts at Franklin. - Absolutely, worth the drive, Kitty, to Franklin. - I know. - Yeah, they're open like 3 a.m., so if you wake up, if you can't sleep, you know, drive up to Franklin, get a couple of brothers donuts. - Well, this is perfect for you, Ken, because you know how we do the three-hour preparation. - Yeah, so if you pick up the donuts and you still have time between four and eight to do prep with Andrew. - Yeah. - Yeah, that's true. - Yeah, still plenty of time, yeah. - 'Cause that was a double duty. - People don't know, for every minute of this interaction we have, we have five minutes of preparation, yeah. - But I mean, it's well worth it. You know, the quality comes through. - It does. - Each and every week. - That's value added, value added. I see Ted's out there, a good friend, Ted, great musician, in his own right, and we're on Facebook Live today, but not, I put up a post yesterday on my Facebook page saying we would be on the WKXL Facebook papers. That is not true. We are on my Facebook page. So go under my Facebook page. - Wow, I did see Ken's post. I was, we got a shout out to you and I did. - It was a great picture, great picture of all of us. - Yeah. - If I might say, you know, I'm impressed with your technology abilities here. - It's unbelievable, isn't it? I mean, it's a space age technology in the studio. - But you know, the other thing that it says is there, we're very flexible. Meaning that, you know, we can just go with a flow and if we need to do it on Ken's Facebook Live, we will do it. - We will do it. - We're like a flex football game, you know. - That's right. - When they move the Patriots to, you know, from a Sunday night game to a Sunday afternoon game. - Yeah, right. - At least she didn't ask me how to flex my muscles. I didn't want to have to do this in front of Josie, but I am. - You know, the one good part about the Patriots, not having great success over the last four years is that we get more one o'clock games on Sunday. - Yeah, that's true. - Yeah, the old days. - Not that that's a badge of honor, it's kind of a badge of being lousy. - Being normal. - But, that's the way, that's the way it goes. I'd rather have one o'clock games. - Hey, talking about football, because we are, right? - We are, sure, we can talk about it. - When does this, the camp stop? - A couple more weeks. - Really? - They'll be coming in. - Oh, yeah. - Wow. - And the sweltering July heat. - I need to start thinking about my fantasy football team. - I used to love it when the Patriots was long ago, they would, their camp would be down like it, you know, UMass Yammer, or Smithfield. - Yeah, did you guys go a couple times? - Yeah. - You did? - Yeah. - I have never, when I lived in the Northern Virginia area, when the Washington commanders were the Washington Redskins. I was very close to their summer camp, but I never went. I mean, I've always been a football fan. - Yeah. - Sports fan, just in general, but I never went to that one. I don't know why. - They. - It was the heat. - It could be the heat. They call it summer camp. (laughing) - The variation, Andrew of Neil Diamond. - Yes. - Speaking of summer of singing prowess, we will have our Tommy Toon of the Tommy Tommy. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, and we won't tell Tom what it is. - So you know what on Fridays now, we're looking forward to brothers' donuts. Now it's Tommy's Toons? I love it. - Tommy's Toons? - People, I've been out in the community. People saying that they look forward to that segment that day. - Yeah. - It's appointment viewing, that they were, you know, they-- - Put it all in the calendar. - Exactly. - You know, set the timer. - Yeah. - I don't blame them. - There you go. - For our third segment. We'll be singing and dancing right here in a plush, but not overly ostentatious studios of WKXL. I think Kitty has a sports update for us that took place this past weekend at a certain bocce tournament in-- - Oh, that's right. She won it. - Oh, good gosh. - New Hampshire. - Well, almost won it. Almost. - Yes, I almost did. And, you know, Ken Partake, he participated in this as well. In fact, Mike Murphy and his lovely wife, Tish, they have, how many years has this been? - I think it's like 22 years. - 22, yeah. Yeah, it has to be. Oh, yeah, because this was, this was Bocce Bowl 23. So, yeah. - Oh, yeah. - So 23, yeah. - They had 32 teams. - Wow. - And eight, they had eight lanes, or is that called lanes? - I guess, yeah. - Eight lanes, and the bowling or the Bocce playing is on grass. And various other substances, meaning it couldn't be partly rock, partly gravel. It doesn't matter. Some are very straight, some have a lot of bumps. And, you know, just like life, you know? Sometimes it's smooth, sometimes it's something else. - And you defeated Sean McDonald, right? - Oh my gosh, not only did I defeat him, you have to understand this man, this coach. - Legendary coach. - Yes, UNH football. You have to understand. - Very intense. - And strategic, as I found out. And my partner, Lexi and I, beat his team to be in the final four. Out of 32 teams, we made it to the 16. I kept thinking, like the sweet 16. - Yeah. - Could not believe that. And to get in there, they had the top regulated and the bottom. Let's just say Lexi and I probably had the least amount of points. We beat them and we kept going down. We were in the final four. - Wow. - And played to get into the final four and beat coach McDonald's team. And yeah, and you know what? And he even had the audacity to look at me and say, hey, you know, that's pretty close to the line, which was like the out of bounds line. I go, really? 'Cause he would play his shot over by like the grass and then, and he had this gravel and he kind of went down and rolled down the right way. - It was quite, it was a competitor. How is he looking? - How is he looking? I know he had some help. - He looked great. - No, he looked great. - He looked great. - Great to see him in terrific shape, yeah. - Yeah, and he looks. - You look enough to beat the, no, get him, Lexi. - Yeah, oh, me, we did. And I'm just gonna say at this point, when you're playing bocce and it was a fantastic event and Mike and Tish always do a great one, this was the second year that we participated in. - Third. - Third, yeah. - Third year. And that hot, it was hot. And of course, we, so people were like, yeah, this is fun. People had like big cabanas. They brought their little grands on Michael who was just beautiful. They had like a little spray pool for him and everything. But the adults were having fun. Everything was great. But we're like, do we really wanna win to move on? Because it was like-- - So hot. - Hot. - So what? - It was really hot. - So you had the best of both worlds. You did well, but didn't have to go to the bitter end. - Right, exactly. But at the very last game, or our last game was, we did get beaten pretty soundly. I mean, it was like 21 to seven. I'm gonna say that. We really did get beaten. We look at each other and we're like, I think almost thank you type of thing. But we would go into the game going, are we gonna win this? Or are we going to just like, let it go? - And I said, just let it roll what it does. Let's just wherever it falls. I at least three out of four, maybe four times. You know, and Bonchi, you hit the ball, your ball and it's called kissing. Kiss the ball and you get extra points. Coach McDonald, time I played him. Twice, I did it. - Wow. - Not just once. Twice. - He was very impressed. - Kissing cousins. - Yeah, no, and I'm like, I got the bachie. I don't even know if you're supposed to say that, but someone said, look at you. - Probably not, but you did. - But I did. - There's no bragging in bachie. - No, there was. I'm gonna try, and do you know who won this? The event, it was a team, Chris and Joseph, and they were called the Jersey Boys, 'cause they're from New Jersey. Wow, they came from New Jersey. - Oh, they came from all over. They come from all over. - Yeah, and Joseph is 10, and he, by far, was the best bachie player in the whole. - Wow, he was, he was very true and very true. - It was awesome. It was a great event. - He was outstanding wearing his New York Mets David right shirt. Yes, before you know it, bachie is gonna be an Olympic sport. You know how they keep adding sports. - They might try to recruit me, that's all I'm gonna say. - Oh, what do we have in lieu of our usual bump music for Tom's request? A little summer love. - They call it summer love. - Go ahead, Tom. - Sing it. You're getting requests to sing here from Jim Hendrix. Play us out. - They call it summer love. I love Neil Diamond. - I love this one too, I know how it feels. - I love this one. ♪ And I don't believe, make believe ♪ ♪ But I was a lonely boy ♪ - I don't believe that. - And you were a lonely girl. - Wow, we got singing early today. - This is a great song. - This is just a tease for the-- - Oh, I love this. - By request from Jim Hendrix. - I love it, Jim. Not Jimi Hendrix. - Well, he's gone to the great guitar in the last guy, but now he got to go to commercials. - But this Jim Hendrix works with me and Ted's out there and Tori. - How about Coach Bly? - Coach, Coach Bly. Bly is not checked in yet. Captain Bly is not checked in yet. That's a great way to go to break. This is much better than the standard Bly. - I think we need to go to break. - And Neil Diamond puts you in a good mood. - Yeah? - But we do need to go to break. - Oh, but all right, we have to take a quick break here. - Kaitlyn Company continues right here, WKXL. We are proudly on most days presented by... - Northeast Delta Dental. - And we'll be right back. - Kaitlyn Company live here on WKSL., it's the Friday fun bunch. Tom Rapier, president and CEO of Northeast Delta Dental. Kitty Ray, our resident flick chick, who's a flick on over the Netflix, so. - Yeah, but you know what? I think, you know what? I think I want to have, like, maybe Bochee Queen added too. - Bochee Queen? Oh my God, we only have a short program every week. - With your handle, we'll never get to the show. - Come on, come on. - Bochee Queen. - Bochee Queen. - They all beat Q. (laughing) And Andrew Gibson is here, his daughter Josie. You know, Andrew said no to the donut this morning. - Andrew did? - He did, but... - But did Josie take one? - Yes, she did, yeah, she did. She did, but they're great donuts. And we should be here sharing them with us here at WKXL in our wonderful studios. Beautifully air conditioned on this summer morning. July, July 12th, July 12th, how time flies it? This was like last Thursday that we were in the, there was the suite at Delta Neville's Day, July 4th. That wasn't that fun. - We had a great time. - And the fireworks were unbelievable. - I want to thank Tom and Ellen for their hospitality. - I know you're talking. - As my family barged in. - Yeah, that was great. - I know we talked about it all the time. - Last Friday, but it is, you know, you think about, wow, last Thursday, we were watching fireworks and now we're... - Time just rolls, so on that note, tomorrow morning at eight o'clock at Marimac Valley, we have the Angels 5K Walk and Run. So it's a fundraiser for Marimac Valley students, scholarships, but also it's a kind of a compelling day of moms and dads who have lost children prematurely. And I know that affects you, Kitty. So it's been one of my favorite races. And if you look it up, when I actually could run as opposed to waddle the way I run now, I actually won the race for the guys like in 2013, literally like us. - Wow, cool. - And here's why I won because the overall winner actually was one woman. And of course, as you know, I'm directionally challenged. So even though it's not an easy course to get lost on, I was so nervous I was gonna get lost that I kept running so fast to keep up with her 'cause I didn't wanna, I didn't wanna get lost. And then I'm thinking at some point, some of these young studs are gonna, guys are gonna pass you, but no one ever did. So it's my one and only overall victory. So there's a lot of warm spots. So hopefully you guys will be there tomorrow and it's part of the walk, happily or a race. And it's early, right. So it won't be too hot. Everybody will be out there by 9.30. - I looked at last year, right? - Well, most people will be out by 9.30. I don't know about me, but. - Well, it's okay, we're out there. - You guys are doing great. - Yeah, there will be a lot of walkers there and it's quite a, it's quite interesting. - It's a great event. We did it last year and it was magnificent. So tomorrow, what is the registration time if people haven't signed up? - Yeah, you know, you can sign up online by noon today, but same day, I'd say try to get there by no later than 7.30 just to, you know, rushing around with the paperwork. But same day registration is cool. It's very good, so it'll be tomorrow at Merrimack Valley High School. Home of the Pride, the Merrimack Valley Pride. So at any rate, Kitty Ray, we'll give you an opportunity here to review the movie you saw in your very home on, was it Netflix? - I did. It was a Netflix. - We'd be coming like a low budget operation. You don't even go to a movie there now. - Trust me, Tom, you know, if I had time or I could go to a movie every time I drive by our local theater here in Concord and I see that it's shut, the doors are closed. - Now you're talking about the Regal, not Red River, but it's very-- - Correct, Red River is still, I actually saw my last movie yet, Red River, but this one, Beverly Hills, Cop, AxlF, what? - Six. - Six, no, no, it's actually like the fourth version, but it's been 40 years. - Wow, I wanted to believe Tom. - Yeah, yeah. - AxlFoli's been around a long time. - He really has and I wasn't gonna, I am, I mean, I've seen, I can't say I've seen all of the, obviously I saw the first Beverly Hills, Cop movie and I'm a fan of Eddie Murphy. I mean, we all kind of transition go through different parts in our life, but just watch in this franchise with Eddie Murphy and they brought back a lot of the original cast. - Did they really? - They did, and I like-- - How old are they? - Well, 40 years old or how old. - It is, yeah. - But I'd like to see if are they going to bring back the originals, how are they gonna play them? And you know what? When I, watching this, maybe it was true for myself, but it's a more mature Axl. His character was more mature, but he's still out there kind of being insane. - I can't imagine a mature Eddie Murphy. - Yeah, no, he was, he was. I mean, the movie is still, I think it's right it are. - He's also a grandpa now too, so. - That's right. - And the more mature it comes with maturity comes what? - Grandchildren, maybe. But yeah, it was very enjoyable. I mean, I really enjoyed seeing, it was nostalgia, but they did some, you know, tag at his former captain or in Billy, who is a Judd Rindhold, who by the way is going to be, I think in a couple weeks in Rochester. - Judge Rindhold. - Yeah, for a special showing of the original, Beverly Hills cop. - Wow, he's gonna be in attendance. - And he's gonna be in attendance. And I'm going to get some tickets to go. - Oh, Rochester, nice. - Yeah, so anyways, I'm gonna go see that. But it was, it was a good movie. I'm glad that I, I watched it. I mean, I think Netflix and they had a deal streaming it. I definitely think it could've kind of flown and just regular theaters out there. - Is it in theaters? - No. - It's not. - No, I don't believe so. I just, when I saw yours on Netflix and I subscribed to Netflix, I'm like, "Yeah, kitty, let's watch it here." So yeah, so in between my bocce and other things, it's classic. Yeah, so when you said, "Am I gonna stay at home?" type of thing, sometimes it's just because I have to and it's like, "Okay, let's stay in and watch." - Is that a full week? - I have, yeah. - Bocce, Beverly Hills Comp, and Bigo. - Was Ken having to be with you on Beverly Hills? - No. - Oh, so we don't know about the snooze factors. - No, no, and, but I did give it a three and a half boxes of popcorn. - Three and a half. - Yeah, and you know, the music, I just remember the music from like, oh my gosh, like they had some music from back 40 years ago to mod music, but I'm not even sure if I remember at this moment what the songs were about. All I know is like, yeah, and I had good music anyway. I mean, Beverly Hills Cop, I thought I did, but yeah, good movie. I think, I thought it was, if you're a fan of Beverly Hills Cop, go see, I mean, Netflix, see if you have Netflix or invite a friend or go to a friend's house, how's that? - Or if you want to see the new grandpa. - Yeah, that's right. - Yeah, that's right. - Yeah, that's right. - And you know, you mentioned, I know, I'm sure that our good friend Mike Murphy is lurking out there somewhere. - Lurking. - Lurking. - Lurking. - I'm lurking in the program at the same time. - Lurking on Eddie Murphy. - Yeah, but we mentioned the Bochee tournament. - Yes. - Right. - And thanks to Mike and Tish for inviting us. - Tish, yeah. - And then last night for the first time, Tom, first time. - First time for everything. - We went to the Bektash Shrine. We've been to the Bektash Shrine before on Pembroke Road in Concord. - For the Fezstable. - For the Fezstable of trees. Many years we've gone to that, but we have never been to bingo. - You went to bingo? - Went to bingo last night. We went to bingo last night. - I think that's official now. - What did you do? - Oh, this is unbelievable. - You won? - Don't look at me. Look at this one. - Kenny won? - Oh my gosh. - I won. And Tish Murphy won. So we had two winners. - Wow. - At a table of four. - Did you jump up bingo? - Yeah, I couldn't do that. - I didn't actually jump up, but I-- - But it was close. - Because it was like 150 people. There were about 150 people there, and a lot. Quite a few people that I ran into some people from my real job, and Lloyd came over. - Lloyd Dowdy? - Yeah. - You know Lloyd? - Yeah, he came over and-- - Lloyd was over there. - Yeah. - And chatted with us for that. - Celestia at the bar? - Yeah. - Yeah. So we've known her at the Palace Theater, and you knew her from the monarchs. - Yeah. - Yeah. But the weird thing we're talking about, the bingo? Bingo makes me nervous, by the way. - Bingo makes you nervous. - Because it's like, where am I going to miss-- I'm going to miss these. Oh my gosh. And my stomach starts turning. And then I started realizing, this is kind of cool to be kind of just in this one. Concentrated Zen, nobody bugging me. - There you go. - Yeah, that's great. - Bingo was his name. - Oh, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, and Bingo was his name. Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, that was great. - That's why we show up at four. For the pre-production meeting. You don't think it really just flows like this, do you folks? - We have a really cori graph, exactly. Tom Raffio is in the house. Kitty Ray, Andrew Gibson, our esteemed fun bunch producer. Hello, he's here five days a week. - He is. We're just going to talk about it now for-- - That's right. - Because he belongs to us today. - Because he is showing his creativity these days. And that's a good thing, because he has a lot of it. So we'll be right back, Kaylin' Company Live, WKXL, We are presented by... - Northeast Delta Tental. - Northeast Delta Tental. - We'll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING] Well, like I said, there's no forecast like a vintage forecast here on WKXL, It's the Friday fun bunch. Tom Raffio, in the house. We will have our Tommy Toon coming up very shortly. We've already heard him sing. We've already heard his singing prowess with the classic bingo. - And some love. - The guy and geo. And some more love. - I'm just warming up for the Tommy Toon set. - Yep, Tommy Toon coming up in just a moment or two. What else is going on with Northeast Delta Dentalton? - Well, we continue to make great progress on two very significant oral health initiatives. One, the veterans. So veterans, if you're in oral health pain or haven't been to the dentist in a while, and you're not eligible for the VA, just give me a call directly at 603-223-1300. And generally, either myself or Dr. Mitch Carrey call you the same day or the next day. We're probably seeing like five veterans a week on that. - That's good. - And then the Medicaid program for adults on Medicaid is going well. There's a good article recently on our progress. It's not perfect, but it's getting there. And every weekend, we have a mobile dental clinic so that to the extent that people don't have access to a Medicaid dentist that can go to mobile dental clinics. So that's sort of the mission sensitive stuff. And then I think I mentioned this last week, but the week after next, we'll be the first New Hampshire company to get a Baldridge site visit. So the National Baldridge. - Wow. - Award process. We probably won't win, but to get a site visit is pretty amazing in itself. So our employees are pretty psyched about that. - Did you write about Baldridge and one of your books? - Yeah, okay. - Talked about that in-- - I thought so. - Yeah. - See, I read them thoroughly. - That's good. - It's definitely referenced in the crisis book. And speaking of the other book, it is really going like hotcakes because people are, when they see me, they say, oh my god, I just read it and I told my friends about it. And of course, funds for that from that book go to the Veterans Rural Health Program. But we updated it. The cool thing about, if your book's on Amazon, you can update it. So Joe Gray, who you both know when he was at Mount Washington a few weeks ago, he won for the eighth time. So in the current version of the book, it said that he had won seven times tied with Bob Hodge. So I was able to update the file to Amazon and make it clear that he won the eighth and put it in. - That's amazing, isn't it? - It is amazing. - It is amazing because when you order a book on Amazon, they don't have a factory full of hundreds and thousands of books. They literally are just in time printing it at that point. So if you update the files, it takes about five days 'cause they have to, it's actually a pretty rigorous process. They, Amazon people, check it out and all that. But once it's updated, then anybody buying the book at this point on, we'll see Joe Gray winning the eighth. Now the book's in stock at Gibson's and at the book, we will still have the older version. But it's really cool. So, and Joe was here last week for the Loon Race, which I referenced, and Ellen ran it as well. And Joe, of course, won that race, and I took him back to the airport. Boy, it's a Matt House driving himself on a Sunday. - Oh, it was? - Well, especially last Sunday, I think. - Did you visit in Boston? Did you come back? - Yeah, so it was like, but just getting, even just getting, I mean, I was starting to get a little worried because the traffic on '93 started to get backed up way, way before conquered. And then you had to get through conquered and whatever. - On a Sunday, right? Yeah. - Right, but then, but you can't leave too early because one, he has to do, because it was a national, whoever won that race, the top two, made the national vertical team. So he'll be going to Europe in October, but they have to do urine tests for drug tests, there's that, and then he has to, obviously, politely stay for the award. So I'm looking at my watch and starting to panic. But it all worked out, but-- - They do one on me every day before the show went. Little, little known fact about it. - What, panic or no, no. The test the time just returned. - The urine tests to make sure he's, you know, doing a good job as a radio host. And then he'll be back for race to the top of Vermont on August 25th. - Oh, cool, very good. - So I've really gotten to know him, he's done a great-- - He's a terrific guy, really. - And so gregarious. - Yeah, he's really good with the fans. - Yeah, and he is, there's no doubt about that. And he's very successful at that, what he has done. And by the way, he wears Hoka sneakers. If you can call him sneakers, running shoes, whatever. Do you know that the Sean McDonald was wearing Hoka's as well? - I didn't wear mine that day, I should have known. - You should have. - I should have. - You might have gone all the way. - I swear by Hoka. And Joe is really cool when he, generally when he wins a race, he gives me his shoes, his Hoka sneakers. - That he had on when he was well. - So I kid with them, because the only thing we have in common, we both have size 13 feet, so they fit nicely. - I was just going to say, how come he's never offered them to me, but them? - You would fall out of there. - Seven and a half, he would be petite compared to your guys. You know, he's 40 now, which is getting up, you know, young for us guys, but for athletes is getting up there. - It's still going strong. - And he's like in a class by himself, as far as-- - He really is. - And you know, he actually had shared something, and I met his wife, and I'm sorry, I can't remember her name and his children, but I didn't realize that she was a competitor in fight and cycling. - Yeah, so she may come out in Vermont with their two beautiful kids. - That is cool, the whole family, I love that. - Our good friend, Steven Fisher, has joined the fray this morning, so-- - Steve's still playing chess. - Steven, you know, but-- - That's his brother, Bob. - Eliza, his daughter, she's the one that can play it. - Yep, how did that end up? - Well, she was not the top winner. However, I mean, she's obviously a winner in our book. - But she was a top volunteer, wasn't she? - Yeah, she was like the silver, she won the silver award for volunteer hours, and-- - Tell us what it is, Steven. I'm just telling Steve-- - So tennis, what's the award she won? - So the Tennessee trip was worth it. - Oh, yes, absolutely, yeah. - And I hope I'm not telling things off. - Out of school, as I was-- - Yeah, but it might be a secret. But she's getting married in September. - Wow, yeah. - And so, and Steve shared with me when I saw him the other day about that, and I'm like, "Oh, my gosh." - Oh, my gosh, we'll see her in September. - That's a good segue, Tom. Speaking of music, Steven's driving. - Oh, oh, do we have our Tommy Toon of the Week ready? - I think we do. - All right, here we go. - That was my tea, Steve. - Oh, my God, I can't believe that you did this. I love her when she was at the set-capples center of the arts. I just love talking with her. - Men grow old. - Men grow old. - Men grow old. - And men grow old. - Tom's home grow old. - That's square. - Carol Channing is my favorite kiddies. Did you know that? - It's awesome. - I'm kidding. - Big finish now. - Yeah, I'm a girl's best friend. - Did you have a girl's best friend? - When the last-- - You've got the player. - But diamonds are a girl's best friend. - They have made come a time when a hard-boiled employer thinks you're awful nice, but get that ice or else no dice. He's your guy where the stocks go high. - You know, the sad thing is I'll never hear Carol Channing again without putting your drum around for you. - I like that. I like that. Get the ice or it's no dice. I love that line. - Yes, I love that. - Diamonds are a burrow. But she-- I mean, all kidding aside, when she did come to the capital center of the arts, it was for a fundraiser for one of the many initiatives we were involved with, and she was quite a terrific lady. - Yeah, and then again, I'll never hear Tom Raphael again without thinking of Carol Channing, so, you know. You got her both ways. - I hope Ellen's not listening, is she? She's like, "Can't, but--" - She's like, "Can't be, Ellen." - She hears us every day, though, right? She can just hear you. - She gets to hear us Carol Channing in personation all the time. - Yeah, 'cause I practice on the way up, you know, it's alone. (laughing) - I don't know why she hangs out with me, to be honest with you. - Oh, I hate that. - We have to take a quick break, and when we come back-- - Yes. - We will give one more time this week. Our vanity insanity information. Someone can win an oil change at Weed Family Automotive in a thorough inspection of their vehicle. Not a state inspection, but a thorough inspection, a thorough trial of their vehicle. So, standby, we'll give the plate right after these words from our alternate sponsors here on WK XL. Kaitlyn Company Live, presented by Northeast Delta Dental. Featuring brothers donut, there you go. Delicious brothers donuts. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) Kaitlyn Company Live, here, WK XL., Friday Fun Bunch, Tom Rapio. President CEO of Northeast Delta Dental. Delta Dental Stadium will be busy this weekend with the Fishercats playing the Binghamton Rumble Ponies. And I believe there'll be fireworks tomorrow night. - Fireworks Saturday night. - After the game. - Yeah. Always a great show. And Kitty Reyes, here, our resident flick chick who gives the new Beverly Hills Cop, what is it called? - Axle F. - Axle F. - You have a three and a half. - Three and a half. - Three and a half. - Fox is a popcorn, a pretty good rating. - You know, the one thing though about that movie. If you ever watched the original Beverly Hills Cop, Eddie Murphy used to do this laugh. He used to do this really goofy laugh. He laughs in this one. - But not the same. - Not the same. - Not the same, he's well he's matured. He's a grandfather, not he's a grandfather. - Yeah, that's what I think it is. But I missed that one. I was waiting the whole time. - That doesn't mean that all, necessarily that all grandfathers are mature. - No, that's true. - Well, I know a couple. - He gets to be in the new Shrek movie soon. - Oh yeah, that's true. - Oh he's in Shrek? - He'll be there'll be another one and he'll be donkey again. - Yeah, when is that coming out? - Oh, next year I think. - Oh it is. - I love the Shrek. - But at any rate, we mentioned Vanity and Sanity and we just started this a couple of Mondays ago and we did not have a winner in our first week. We wanna have a winner and we'll give you until 10 o'clock this morning to give us a call. - Okay. - And the winner, if we have one, gets a conventional oil change with a synthetic oil blend and a thorough checkup of their vehicle from Weed Family Automotive. Dan and the gang at 124 Storage Street in Concord doing a wonderful job for lots of years. All right. - Why does the plate? - The plate? All right, let's hear it. Maestro. ♪ We are family ♪ - Sister Sledge, there you go. ♪ I want all my sisters and me ♪ ♪ We are family ♪ - Now how does this relate to the plate? - Our WKXL spotters are out there and the plate this week is W.R. Family. F-A-L-Y. - There you go. - Oh, I love it. - I love it. - For you guys. - Andrew's on his game with the correct songs. - Goodness. - You know, your program. - Yeah, this one. - He deserves a raise. I'll tell you that one. - Yeah, I like how you can just, hopefully all the plates will be able to have a song. - Well, I don't know about that but W.R. Family. So if that's your plate or if you know the person that has that plate, have them call ASAP 603-224-1450. You'll talk with our esteemed executive producer, Andrew Gibson, and he will take your name and address and we'll get in touch with you and get you out that synthetic oil blend, oil change and thorough checkup of your vehicle. How can you beat that? - I know. And I know what you have to say. - For you to charge from W.E. Family Automotive, yeah. - Because some of the oil changes are different depending on the gear of the car and everything. I know that when I take my car. So it's like-- - But do you get more mileage out of synthetic blend oil from what Dan Wied tells me and I'll take his word for it. And they are the subject matter experts on this. - Correct, yeah. - Dennis Martin is out there, Dr. Harp. Good morning to Dr. Harp, who was in our studio a few weeks ago. - It's very talented. - Talking about his big show coming up in August. - Is Dean Martin out there? - I don't know, we'll have to wait. - But Dr. Harp, we've kind of been talking a little bit about grandchildren, but he has some beautiful grandchildren as well. - He does, we've seen him at hockey games over the years and so anyway, today is Etchus Sketch Day. - Whoa, stop. - Etchus Sketch. - Nostalgia. - Do any of us, I don't currently have an Etchus Sketch, but it may be in my future. - They came out again, so Havana, my granddaughter, has a little, it's literaler than what we grew up with. - Yeah, yeah. - Same approach, yeah. - Little or more expensive. - You have to like shake it or something, no, that's not to shake it. - Yeah, they use it to erase it. - Yeah, it's to erase, they're like the eraser. - Yeah, don't you shake it to erase it? - I don't, they used to. (laughing) - Shake it to erase it, I like it. - I don't, maybe that's why the lines just still stayed up there for me when I was-- - Dan, those might've been the way back days when you had the magnetic ones and you drew the beard on the guy. - Oh, I love that, love that, yeah. - Nothing like an Etchus Sketch. - Putting the beards on the ladies. And it's National Eat Your Jello Day. - Oh, oh, you know where it's-- - With a little bit of gray jello. - Eat your jello day. - Ooh, boy. - National Peacan Pie Day, for whatever reason. - Hmm, where do you come down on Peacan Pie? - I feel like that's a fall thing. - I know, you'd think so. Yeah, really, because of that's in the summer. - A lot of people associated with Thanksgiving, but-- - I like it, by the way, when you ask, I would have a piece, definitely. - It has to be small, 'cause there's a lot of calories. - No, but, and it's sweet, so you know, you-- - Small and sweet. - But, I would have to have like, a whipped cream with it. - You know-- - A little bit of whipped cream on it. - It wouldn't rank up with my favorite pies. I like blueberry pie, and this week was blueberry pie week one day, and I never got one. But a blueberry pie, a lemon meringue pie, that's up there for me. - You couldn't get him a table-talked pie. - I could not, I could not, I tried, and I tried, but there was no pie, no. - My favorite pie is cherry. I love cherry pie. - Well, that's good pie. I would prefer cherry to pecan. I'm not a pecan pie. - Cherry's a good summertime pie. - It is, isn't it? - Yeah. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Tom, do you have a favorite pie? - Apple. - Is it standard yet? - Yeah, look at the fruits, or like the fruit ones. - Alamoed? - Alamoed, yeah. - Yeah, definitely. - Alamoed with a scoop of ice cream. (laughing) - Scoop of vanilla, or eggnog ice cream. - Oh, look at you. - And the pie is heated. - Eggnog, I have never thought of eggnog ice cream. - Try it at Thanksgiving, thank me later. - Listen to you, Mr. Cinnamon in your coffee. - Yes, I have the Andrew Gibson coffee right here. - Yes, cool. - In my Yukon Huskies mug. So, in any rate, it's time now for birthdays, ladies and gentlemen. - Okay, but there's another day you missed. - I did? - I looked this morning. - Yeah? - I think it's National French Friday. - Oh, it is? - Yeah. - National French Friday? - So, you eat ice on a Friday? - Yes. - Yes. - Would that be right? - Yeah, talk about calories. - Natural. - I think so. - I did. - I'm gonna say it is. - I had some good French fries last night at the Beck Cash Temple. - Yes, but it's National French Friday. - As you were dominating the bingo board. - But the good part of it is all the proceeds, other than the winnings, but the proceeds go to, you know, all the great work that the Beck Cash Ryan does with the Schreiner's hospitals throughout North America. - Correct, correct. - And the world, they have Schreiner's hospitals now throughout the world, and that's where the proceeds go. So, even if you don't win necessarily, you know, you're winning in a sense. - Did they have any of those little cars driving around? - Not last night, but they could. - I will, I love those them for eight. - I do too. - Joe Rose is out there. - Joe Rose. - Joe Rose, nice to hear, have Joe out there. He was just ordained recently. So, congratulations. Joe Rose out there. - Yeah, well, maybe we'll get Pete back in New Hampshire, you're going to know. - And then ask me to get a sautograph after he's done. - I need to get a hold of Day McCarthy. - We have less than two minutes over. - Oh boy, here we go. - Here we go. - All right, now, a former Charlie's angel. This is how I think of her anyway. I know she's done other things, but Cheryl Ladd is celebrating her birthday on July 12th. So, Kitty Ray, you take it away. - Oh my gosh, I don't know. - Well, you think about one. - 74. - Yeah, she's, I think she's a little younger. Again, I feel like I'm taking candy away from her baby. - I'm a baby. - 'Cause she was like five years older than me, sort of. So, I'd say more like 73. - But the big, oh, he got it. Bingo! - Cast thinning. - Yeah, come. - Oh, yeah. - Yeah. - So, she's just, so I was one year over. - Yeah. - So, the question is-- - And this is a shoot is a mile. - She was five years older. She's five years older than Tom, let's say. Did you have a poster of Cheryl Ladd? - Or was it just a Farrah faucet that you had? - Just a Farrah faucet. - You mean, you had other posters other than like-- - Oh, I had Carley Stremsky. - Okay, that's what I thought. - I had Carley Stremsky. Now, you know, Andy, Andy Tabor had a, either a shell lad or a-- - Farrah faucet. - Farrah faucet. - At Delta, when I started 95, so I'm walking through and then I hired a VP of H.R. Connie, who made him, take it down. (laughing) - That was for the days. - Oh, you mean he had it in his office at Delta? - Exactly. - Oh, I thought he meant it's bedroom. - No, no, no, no. - Well, okay, then the former Olympian, Kristi Yamaguchi is celebrating today as only she can. - Do you know that Carol Channing used to mentor Kristi Yamaguchi, if you know that? - In what form? - Well, did she teach you some of the-- - The moves. - The moves to the trade? - Yeah. - I think Kristi Yamaguchi is like 53 or something like that. (upbeat music) - 52, I might do the one on there. - Ah, 53. - Oh! - Tanta City, here I come. - And Richard Simmons, do it quickly. - I don't know, I have not a clue, 80. - Nice little younger than that, I'd go like 76. - Oh, Tanta City for three. - Oh my God. - Tanta City, here I go. - Don't forget the plate now. Our vanity and sanity plate, WR family. If that's you or knows somebody that it is, 603, 224, 1450. But do it before 10 o'clock this morning. And that will do it for this action pack. Rapidly paced. - It's a fun bunch. - It definitely goes by-- Runners, see you tomorrow at eight at Merrimack Valley. - All right, we will be there. We will be there or be square. - Well, we'll be walking. - And remember folks, to always look on the bright side of life. We are presented by-- - Northeast Delta Dental. - Northeast Delta Dental, have a great weekend, everybody. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)