WKXL - New Hampshire Talk Radio

Cail & Company LIVE with The Friday Fun Bunch

It's Friday, which means the Friday Fun Bunch is in the WKXL Studios! Ken Cail interviews Tom Raffio, President & CEO of Northeast Delta Dental and Kitty Rae the OFFICIAL “Flick Chick."

Broadcast on:
28 Jun 2024
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(upbeat music) ♪ Good Friday morning ♪ ♪ It is Kale and Company Live ♪ ♪ Here on WKXL ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ Great to have you with us ♪ ♪ The Friday Fun Bunch is here ♪ ♪ And the donuts are here as well ♪ ♪ I'm Rapti Brothers ♪ ♪ Look at this ♪ ♪ On time, in fact he was early ♪ ♪ He showed up for our five AM production meeting today ♪ - Oh no, I thought it was 4.30. - Oh, well, you're a little early. - All this preparation we do for this show. People think we just freelance, but it's not true. - Oh, not true at all. - Production meetings, highly scripted. - And we look at past shows, videos. - We do, to see what we can improve on. And there's a lot of that. - Exactly. (laughing) - A lot of improvement. - Yeah, why not wingers here, right? We're planners. - We've been preparing for the last week for this moment. - 'Cause part of the key in life is making it look easy. People don't realize we do this two hour prep, you know? - That's true. - That's true for an hour show. - It's kind of scary. - It's like a week's worth of preparation for a 90 minute debate. - And it goes right down the drain. (laughing) - Well, the preparation for the 90 minute debate was like 10 days, but it didn't really help it. - Oh gosh. - It didn't help them. It must have been some germs in the air at Camp David. - Wait, there was a debate? (laughing) - Exactly. Exactly. - We won't talk about that. - But talking about germs, you know, we talk-- - Joyams? - Yeah. - That's right. You know, oh, Mr. Kale here. His voice is a little huskier than the one. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, he's got that here. - Remember Ferlin Husky? - Oh my gosh, way back. Country's singing, way back. What did he sing? - I have no idea. - Okay. - But no, you-- - It binds a blank. Ken is a combination of our president last night and also Bobby Kennedy, June. That's right, what a combination that is. (laughing) - And I was gonna say Barry White. - See, I'm suited for-- - Barry White. - Barry White. - Barry White. - Yeah. - I love Barry White. - Yeah, so-- - He, of course, is not coming down for breakfast. - No, he's not, but there was one time, I have to tell you this, Barry White's story. - You do? - Monarch, so I never-- - Well, something to do with Barry White. But I never do karaoke. Tom does great karaoke, and he's gonna be singing soon with Scott's Bradley and Ben. - Exactly. And I hope we get a Barry White from Andrew here, you know? - Oh, yeah. And, well, we have, actually-- - It's a baseball theme, too. - Your pipes for our Tommy Tuna of the Day. - Oh, yeah, we're gonna start. We're gonna start a Tommy Tuna of the Day. - All right. - I like that. - Yes. But my Barry White story is, I never do karaoke, but maybe one time at a monarch's Christmas party, I might've had a few adult beverages. - Oh, my God. - So-- - So, so-- - And his eggnog might've been spiked, I don't know. - And I think some of the people that were there knew that, and so they asked me to do karaoke, and they put on a Barry White's song. - Oh, no! - Oh, yeah. - Oh, yeah. - Oh, my God. (laughing) - Andrew came through-- - Andrew Brown. - There you go. - Oh, okay. - And Mark Morris, the then head coach of the Manchester monarchs, called me the White Barry White. - Wow. - You go the White Barry White. - Oh, wow. (laughing) - You know, he did. - Oh, yeah. - I love you, I don't know why Andrew cut it off. - Because you were talking. - Oh. (laughing) - Oh, yeah, yeah. - Can't get enough of you, I love him. - But you love me, man. (laughing) - Oh, yeah. - Yeah, okay. - You just don't know why, don't know why. (laughing) - Can't get enough of your love, man. - Yeah, that was the one thing he did. He still has it, he still has it. - Yeah, he can't. - Has it lost us fast ball? - Oh, that is a great song. - Oh, that is a fast ball, but-- - Yeah. But you know who else-- - But I'm not the only one I found out last night. - What lost your fast ball? - Right, right. - Well-- - And you're not talking baseball. - No, I'm not talking baseball. - Yeah. - But we will be-- - Just to figure a speech. - By the way, by the speaking of talking baseball. - Yes. - Speaking of baseball. - Yes. - Yeah. - That's one of the songs. - Yeah. - What's next Thursday? - Next Thursday is the 4th of July. - Wow. - I'll see you with the Fisher Cats. - I'll be joining you. - Yeah. - Yes. And also, earlier that day-- - Yes. - We are going to be playing the top nine baseball songs of all time. You get nine, well, I said nine. Baseball is at least-- - Because nine innings maybe? - Right. Or nine players on the field. - Yeah. - Right. - Good. - See, it does take planning, folks. - Yeah. See that? So that's going to be next Thursday. - Oh, good. I get it. I won't have to say very much. But we're going to have nine. And some people might disagree. On my Facebook page, people are saying, sweet Caroline. Now, I know the Red Sox play it during their eighth inning, middle of the eighth inning every night when they were in Fenway. But it's not a baseball song. It either has to mention the word baseball or refer to baseball in some way to make it a baseball song. Like, I love the Orioles. They've been doing, since they've been at Memorial Stadium. Now, they've been at Cameron Yards for over 30 years, whatever it's been. But their seventh inning stretch song is "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" by John Denver, which to me is a lot better than sweet Caroline. So I'm sorry, Neil Diamond fans. So does the reference of baseball. So does Paul Simon, like, where have you gone, Joe Demasian? Yeah, you know what? Because that's a reference. It's a reference. So yeah, so that might be in one of your nine. It could be. It could be. Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson. We haven't quite determined it yet. But we're going to go over some suggestions. And then next Thursday-- You know, when that song came out and Joe was still alive, and he complained, this is a true story. He complained to Paul Simon. This is-- I remember Paul Simon telling the story. And Joe Demasia goes to Paul Simon. People remember who I am because I do the Mr. Coffee commercial. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Remember he did all for many years, and I'm sure more people of that generation remember him for that than his 56-game hitting streak. Yeah, or winning all those championships. Do you know what I found out watching the Red Sox? I don't know if you were watching at this particular time the other night when on the Red Sox TV telecast, they had Kevin Millar and Kevin Eucoson. And both of them, they are the co-holders of a minor league record. It wasn't the same minor league, but it was a minor league-- some minor league. And they didn't specify which one and what team they were playing for at the time. But they both had 71-game on-base streaks. Wow. Either a hit or a walk. Yeah, Eucolus walked a lot because, remember, Billy Dean called him the Greek God of Walks. That's right. He wasn't Greek. Right, even though he's Jewish. But that's OK. The Greek God of Walks, Kevin Eucoson, the brother-in-law of Tom Brady. And yeah, that's right. I do recall he reached over 70 games. 71, him and Millar, because they were saying, we hold that record. 71 games. No, there were some games they didn't get a hit. They might just have gotten a loss, but a walk or a hit in 71 straight games. That's pretty darn good. That's remarkable, yeah. Yeah, it's almost as good as Ken Streak on the Friday fund. Correct. Yeah. It was almost broken today, however. Yeah, it was almost broken today. It was almost going to be up to you right there for a rough year. I hope you have a bunch of movies to review, too. I have just one, but no. I think Ken can handle this, buddy. I'll probably babble on at some point, but-- And I have my usual public service announcement. Correct. I was hoping you would. Is it a busy weekend coming up? It is. Excuse me. So tomorrow, we have a race in Bradford, New Hampshire, 9am. It's there for the July race. It's a race we've been involved with for many years. And then on July 4 itself, right after I listened to your show, I have a race in Derry. But I just want to give a shout out to my-- I'm not bragging about my wife. But this week, we put on two races, and it's almost like emotional to talk about. Wednesday night, we put on a race for a young woman whose mother died of triple breast cancer and a young woman, and she has a very young brother. And so she contacted Ellen last year and said she wanted to do on her one year anniversary of her mother's death, that she wanted to put on a race. And so Ellen single-handedly put on this race, and the whole community turned out lots of young students and young adults from Concord High School. And that went-- it was so amazing to see the warmth. And I'm very much a half full type of guy, because the whole community came out. And it was even though it was obviously very sad, because the mother, young mother, obviously died. But everybody just came out and supported the woman. And then last night, we were in Ware. Ware? Who was on first? But for an equally compelling race, there is a Derek, a young, relatively young firefighter. Needs a heart and liver transplant. So he's sitting right now in an Ohio hospital. So the whole community came out, and we raised-- get this. We raised over $30,000 for him, his family, and then the other, the breast cancer, we raised about $15,000. Anyway, Ellen put it all together. And the woman won the race. Oh, my goodness. No, wow. That doesn't surprise me. That is not surprising. He's unbelievable. Congratulations, Ellen. Yes. I understand our good friend Tom-- I was going to say Tom, right up here is watching, but he is. John Lee is watching. Oh, good. And he informed me yesterday that today is national parrot head day. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. Who the fuck I had today? Parrot head. We should have had John in here today, but we'll have him in here someday. Good. Somebody will be here, and he'll be new. And then John can collaborate. Collaborate, and he can share a donut. Share a donut as well. Or maybe two. Right. He treated me to lunch last week. Oh, wow. He did, man. It's better than donuts. Right? Well, it depends where you go. We'll take a break. Gail and company live. We'll continue. It's the Friday fun, bunch, it's Tom Rapio. It's Kitty Ray. And we are all presented by North East Delta Nental. Not too shabby. That's where the three hours are prepped up. [MUSIC PLAYING] We welcome you back. Gail and company live here on WKXL and Great to have you with us. You know, believe it or not, my voice is returning. It was worse than this. Return into the Sendah. Address unknown. He can even sing. He's good to go. Well, in a way, anyway. It's International Body Piercing Day. I hope neither one of you take part in that. International caps lock day. Caps lock. So if you type in all caps today, like it's the Washington Capitals, they say all caps. They do. That's one of their things. And rock the red. And rock the red, yes. It's National Food Truck Day. Lots of food trucks last week. At market days, and thanks to everybody who stopped by, had a great conversation with a guy named Scott last Saturday when I was at market days. And we were talking about Wrigley Field and the old Kamaske Park. And they used to call them roach coaches. Yeah, they did. But not anymore. Not anymore. Some of the finest dining comes from those food trucks. This is National Food Truck Day. And here's something that I am going to partake of today. Because I like it. I like it. I don't care what anybody else says. I like it. It's National Tapioca Day. Tapioca put it. National Tapioca Day. And you know how to tell a great Chinese buffet. Is, but-- Well, if they have tapioca and red jello for dessert, that is a great Chinese buffet, right? What about the cookie though with the little message? Oh, the fortune cookie. Yeah. Yeah, well, that's great too. You know what, I do. I love those fortune cookies. I like it, snacking on my mind. Those people throw them away. I do like to eat the little crispiness. Yeah, and then look at the little message. Yeah. Yeah. And sometimes-- And sometimes they have like six numbers on the back of them. They do. And I've played them for keynote once in a while. They haven't really come out. Well, oh, fun bunch. Yes. We have a guest on the line. Yes. Mr. Kyle Heavey. Kyle Heavey. Kyle. Good morning, everyone. Good morning. Kyle, I saw Kyle last night. You're kidding. He went to the wear race-- because this is why he went to the wear race. Because again, I mentioned this is for Derek, you know, for the liver and heart transplant. And again, we raised over 40,000. So I see Kyle. And he goes, I go, Kyle, what are you doing in this race? He goes, well, they asked the WMU article come, but with the debates and all that, they couldn't send over a team. So instead, he registered. He ran. But he made out like a bandit. He won like two sets of skis and a bunch of stuff in the raffle. Wow. Right, Kyle? I'm going to have beautiful hair with that $50 gift certificate. Oh, yeah, that's right. I also got around a golf bar. Where is it? Where is it? That is that Dustin up there. I know one person you could invite. Yeah. You better be talking about me. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Kitty loves to golf, Kyle. I mean, with XO being shut down, I feel like I feel like I feel-- oh, you got it. Do you know the shutdown? Kyle, I was going to send you a message because I saw that. And I'm thinking, did he say, yeah, I'll buy next time? And they close. They decided to close, right? XO on Manchester closed. I am absolutely devastated by this news because it was one of my favorite places. And I send so many people there. And apparently they got a new owner. And unfortunately, they are no longer in business that XO and Manchester. So after we had made that plan-- I bet you Kyle had inside information when he made that offer. Those five dollars of margaritas. Two for one cheeseburgers. Oh, my goodness. It's gone. I will make it up to you guys. Don't worry. It's been a pleasure to see you all this week in various ways. Yeah. Tom, great job. You and Mr. Jasper did a great job yesterday with putting that on. It was great to raise so much money to-- Did Kyle, didn't you feel like the energy in Derek's family? They were so nice. They all came up to me and, again, raising over $40,000 to help the family. He's sitting in the hospital in Ohio, just waiting. And he was face-harming. He was on Facebook. Wow. And it was great. And we talked to him and just his wife and his little daughters, like six. So it was quite moving. And thank you, Kyle. I mean, your presence, even though there was no TV camera, your-- Hey, I brought the cowbell for you. When he crossed that there. Wow. More cowbell. Yeah, we need more cowbell. That's for sure. Kyle forgot that I turned into a turtle. So but he did wait around. Oh, my god. But Kyle, are you not amazed? We were amazed twice before you got over the finish line. Oh, my gosh. Those hills were not-- That was very hillary. Yeah, it was very hillary. Oh, I'm glad I missed that one. Wow. I like the flat ones. So no, we-- Yeah, it's true. So what did you win? You won the $50 gift certificate to wear? So I won the $50 gift certificate to the new Boston hair salon. OK. I won the round of golf with a cart to dustins. And then I won a pair of skis that, unfortunately, that were my size were taken by the person before me. So I think that I'm going to be very nice to my nephew. And see if we can get some peak passes later on. That's right. Whoa, I know. Well, that season comes around. And I bought a bunch of the raffle tickets, too. I wasn't as lucky as Kyle, of course. But I did win one. So I got the small skis for Havana. Did you? I mean, heck bent on teaching her to ski next winter. So there you go. Now we have no excuses, Tom. You got it, Kyle. So what else is happening in your life, Kyle? I'm about to go hike a 4,000 footer today with this beautiful weather out there. Oh, it is gorgeous weather. I wasn't expecting it to be so chilly this morning. My heat was actually on. When I first stepped out of my bedroom, I didn't realize that it got so cold last night. I didn't turn my heat down enough throughout the summer. So this has been a surprise this morning. But I wanted to make sure to call it, say hello. And yeah, I'm going to go hike Mount Ticamsta, which is basically Waterville Valley. It's the Native American name before they got bought out and made it into a ski resort. So that's what I'm looking at doing this morning. Hey, Kyle, isn't there a race up in that area? But it was a walk with wine or something, I think, on Saturday? No, and then there's a walk with the bears or something up there up in the morning. Well, well, we're not going to see any bears today. No, but I'm headed up that way this weekend as well. I know this is a family show. But on WMUR this morning, Kyle, right? Well, you won't. Well, my commercial is. But that's not why I watch it. I actually like to listen to the news and while I'm on the spin bike. But the two hosts, Aaron and the other-- Catherine, yeah. Underwood, they showed a bear. They had a video of a bear like lounging in the woods and they-- huge flatulence, whatever. And they had it on the TV. Stop it. Oh my god. That's true, Kyle, right? You saw that, didn't you? Wow. I know what that means. It answers the question. They were just saying, be careful with bears. But this bear was like-- he was just lounging and then-- Oh, oh, Lord. And this right on TV at the-- They put her on TV. Yes, I thought. I thought, am I really listening to this? It wasn't a three-stoogest thing instead? No, it was a real thing. A real game. Sometimes you just need to give uplifting, unique news to catch your attention. And that's exactly what it did, Tom. And you're still talking about it. Yeah, that's true, Kyle. Where was that? I forget off the top of my head. I know that they're dealing with a bear, a hembrick right now. But only a three pause. So there's-- bears are definitely out and about. So get those bird feeders away, if you can. Yeah, 'cause they're hungry. I know Kitty Ray had an encounter with a deer last night. Oh my gosh. You ran into a deer? No, this is no kidding, guys. My mom always loved hummingbirds. And I have a lot of plants out on my deck. Two days ago, a hummingbird appeared. And I'm like, oh my gosh, a hummingbird. I was so thrilled. I go out last night, go out to take out the garbage outside. And there was a young deer, not a fawn, but like probably three-year-old deer standing looking at me. I've never in three years that I've been there seeing a deer. And it just stands and looks at me. I have a video of it. And I went up and get my camera to come down. Two days in a row. And it just like-- Deer in the headlights, huh? Well, yeah, well, and it's weird, it started going off. And then it saw me and turned around and walked toward me. I'm thinking, is it going to charge me? But yeah, my-- it made me cry, actually. I know that sounds weird, but I loved it. I love seeing nature out there. Sure. Well, if it's sandy, look out for flower next, because that could be the questionable one. If there's a skunk, it's trending it as well. At what point? Flower the skunk. Oh, yes, yes, exactly. No, no, no, no, no. I knew it'd say that. We had the black and white cats. That's right. Between the bears, flatulence and the skunk, you know. But that whole beer thing was all about the beer awareness. Yes. So, yeah. So, well-- All right. Kyle, thanks for coming last night, Kyle. Kyle, thanks so much for checking in. We'll have your back in studio soon. Maybe here's a call. Have a great day. All right. We're letting you be a part of the government. There you go. All right. You stayed there. W. M.U.R.'s Kyle Heavey right there, ladies and gentlemen. We will take a break. Cale and company live continues right here on WKXL Friday Fun Munch presented by Northeast Delta Dental. And our tommy tune is coming up soon. Great. Cale and company live here on WKXL, and We are presented by our good friends at Northeast Delta Dental. Great members of the community as they have been for many years under the guidance of President CEO Tom Arrapio. And a great team that we have. We had the company picnic on Wednesday. You might have seen the 10th on the soccer field. And just about every employee who's on campus, obviously, but also the hybrid employees came in. It was just-- and it was a Hawaiian theme. It was really cool. Got a great photo. Did you wear your grass skirt? Well, I did wear a Hawaiian shirt, but not a grass skirt. I'm not a grass skirt. Did you have lays, little Hawaiian lays? We did. Yeah, we did. It was a great day. The food was served by Concord Hospital. And we had Roger, the DJ. I do a twist. Oh, wow. We can't conclude the company picnic without a little bit of dancing with the twist. Does everyone twist or do you let it? I let it. I let it. But anyway, it's been a fun, but busy week for me. And then just a real quick for my veteran's friend. I do. After this show, I always get like three or four calls. If you are not eligible for the VA, and you have oral health pain, just give me a call at 2-2-3-1-3-0-0. You'll either get me live or my voicemail. But please, please, please leave your phone number. Because sometimes I get a big, long message. And there's no phone number, but I can retrieve it through our IT people, our information technology people. But it's a lot easier if you say your number. And that number again for the West Coast? 2-2-3-1-3-0-0, and of course, it's area code 603. That sounds like a switchboard number, but it's not. You'll get me live or my voicemail. Well, you know, McKitty Ray went to the end of the studio this morning. This has nothing to do with the veterans. Although, in a sense, it does. She thought it was Sister's Day today, because somebody had posted that. But it's not officially, but however, I must say, I told you, John Leahy was out there. We have been joined subsequently by Tina and Joe. Stop my sister. Well, yes, my sister, Tina, my younger sister, the one that you've met a number of times. She's retired now, right? Yeah, she's a recent grandmother. She has her first grand daughter, Chloe, Chloe Marie. Well, she must be happy. Yeah, you know what? Can I tell you the sweetest thing? She says, every time I hold her, I cry. And I'm like, oh, my gosh, I get that. You know, she's like a month, maybe a month and a half old. And then, Joanne is my sister-in-law. So, yes, she's my sister. Nice. So thank you. Awesome. I doubled the ratings this morning, right? Thanks, Tina. Thanks, Joe, by misinforming the world that it was sister-stated. It's exactly. She's our listening audience. And I'm not the one that-- [LAUGHTER] But Tina did tell me once, just calm up. She said, I'll listen when I can. I'm like, OK, good. So she does. And Chloe is for your mom. Yeah, my mom. So yeah, that's cool. Yeah. Very nice. Very nice. So, Joanne, Tina, John Leahy out there. Gosh, man. Oh, man. So, yeah, Facebook Live telecast today until nine o'clock. Yes, Captain Bly online. Captain Bly is not. But speaking of the captain, I should have mentioned this with Kyle. The third of July, which is Wednesday, Kyle and I, Kyle, heave you just called in. And I am going to be doing, if my voice holds out till that time, a double header at Memorial Field. Cool. So, any post of Manchester? Take, you know, a post-21 of Concord. Wow. Doing it for Manchester Local Access TV. And how is Bly's, Coach Bly's team doing it? Not bad. Not bad. You know, they've gotten off to a pretty good start. So they've had at least one rain out that I know of. Because I got drenched, I got drenched. Yeah. But-- and they never started. So at any rate, but that's American Legion Baseball. And I believe on the 4th of July. And, you know, who's just checked in? Who was that? Someone by the name of Ellen Raffio. Oh my God, Ellen. I was brought for you. Ellen, I've always, I already bragged about you. But you did, she did win the race last night and was really responsible, leading the cause over $40,000 on Ellen. Congratulations. You don't get enough credit. Because she sets the whole course up, right? Picks it up at the end. Wins the race, did all the online organization, and never gets quite enough credit that she deserves-- And then she takes everything down, too. And she takes everything down, right? Yeah, that's amazing. Really? She's just wonderful in there. She took a few minutes away from DraftKings this morning to be able to join us here on Facebook Live. She's become a big gambler now. $20 here, $20. And she's always bragging how she wins all the time. But my gamble is, is when I go up for those walks that you guys put on, is I'm going to fall or not or finish it. So that's my gamble. So it's great to have Ellen with us and Joanne and Tina. And John Lee, he's wondering if we have any cheeseburgers in studio today, and they are all in paradise today. Cheeseburger and paradise. See, we should have had that song. We should have had that song. Because we need our Tommy Toon. You know what, now is as good a time as any, I think. Yeah, maybe. To play our Tommy Toon of the week. I think you'll recognize the song. Here we go, buddy. Oh, I love this song, Jim Croci. You better believe it. Woo! [LAUGHS] I love Jim Croci. But Jim, for the sad thing, I'm Facebook Live. Thank you, Sally. [MUSIC PLAYING] The side of Chicago is a better, smarter time. And if you go down there, you better just beware of a man named Lee Roy Brown. Brown Lee Roy on in trouble. He stands standing about six foot four. All go downtown, the heat is gone. A treetop lover on the man just caught inside. Everybody down there. That, that, Lee Roy Brown, the baddest man in the whole downtown, better than an old king car. A meaner and a jump-out dog. He Roy, he will gamble. Like his bouncing clothes. And he like to wear his diamond ring in front of everybody's nose. He got a custom continental. He got an El Dorado tune. He got a 32. In the pocket. He got a razor in his shoe. He's bad, bad, bad, bad. He Roy Brown, baddest man in the whole downtown, better than an old king car. A meaner and a jump-out dog. L.J. Why did it ride him? There we go. Wow, wow, wow, wow, wow. I used to love him. I did too, actually. I got-- he kind of liked John Denver. He died in a plane crash, right, I think. He did. Yeah, he did. Yeah. And John Lee adds that Lee Roy Brown-- Yes. --was an actual person. That Jim Croci met in the Army. Ah, I didn't know that story. So a little factoid from our friend John Leahy. We'll have to get everybody in here someday for a Friday fun bunch spectacular, lasting several hours. I think. With John Leahy and Kyle Hevey. And we'll just be like, loose association starts singing. So for example, when you're talking about hummingbirds, all I could think of is that song. Hummingbird, honey or fly? Yeah, wait. It feels a gruff. See, I love that song. I love that song. But never happened to seals and crafts. Hey, but speaking of bands, you know, who's at Meadowbrook? You're going to Meadowbrook. Yeah, in July. And you're going to see Luke Bryan? Luke, yeah. Yes. And I'm actually going to stay for the concert. Because I think I've told you the story. So we bring brokers up there. And I do a little greeting. And we have the pre-concert, or doors, and things like that. Then I do a little talk. And then people go into the really good seats at Meadowbrook. So first year, I go out up there with Ella. So she's-- she can't wait to go to the concert. And I'm walking towards the car. She goes, where are you going? Oh, I didn't tell you. We don't stay for the concert. Was that the last time she went with you? So she tried it again last year, right? Same thing happened, but worse. Because as I'm going out, again, walking away from the concert, I saw two women from who I work out with at Orange Theory. And they said, we lost our tickets. We don't know what to do. So I pulled out the two that Ella and then I had no problem. Here you go. Lord. But this year, I promised we'd stay for Luke, right? Very good. All right. Well, it's a good show. We saw him recently. A couple of years before, right? Yeah. And this weekend, Brooks and Dunn, an older country band. Oh, I love him. That's nothing like him. Do you remember Boot Scoot and Booty? Oh, yeah. They're the one. Oh, I know that. Yeah. Oh, there. Oh, I can definitely go to that one. Yeah, it's a Saturday. Come on with us. Yeah. I've only seen them once before. I never-- And that was years ago when they opened for Reba McIntyre. Oh, geez. Get that. Open for a number of counties, Civic Center, and Portland. Wow. On a Sunday night. Well, I'm hoping they make it for this Saturday. It's all about this night. Well, they do, too. I hope they do, too. We did go to see Holland Oats a couple of years ago. They didn't make it through Saturday night, and they didn't make it at all. Yeah. Really? Yeah, they broke up shortly after. Right. I hope they played the Boot Scoot and Booty Sunday. I do, too. Oh, they will. They will. I hope they displayed all night long. Really. Well, I'm like Redger Road. There's a lot of songs to share. There's a lot of songs to share. They really-- I'm Maria. They're really good. I'm Maria. Oh, I love my Maria. Yeah. It will beat up with your Stevenson rethink, right? I'm Maria. I love that. Probably Brooks and Doug. Yeah. All right. I think so. Break here. We're heading down the home stretch. We still have a birthday. Birthday. Birthday. On this national parrot head day. And I want to just want to let you get back just real quick to tell you about one quick movie. Good. One quick movie and only last to 12 minutes. Yeah, kind of. We'll take a break. And did he fall asleep? No. No? Okay. Did I even see it? All right. We'll take-- oh, yeah. That's right. We'll take a break. Good news, right here, WKXL and We are presented by Northeast Delta Dental, and we will return. We are back. Cale and company live. You're quiet on the set. They're on Facebook Live this morning, and I didn't want to mention that starting Monday is something very exciting in my opinion anyway, coming to WKXL, and that is Vanity Insanity. So every week, every Monday, we are going to mention a Vanity license plate. In fact, we'll put it on our website and put it on our Facebook page as well, the picture of the license plate. And if the person who owns that license plate calls in, within a week, we're going to give them plenty of time to call in, maybe a friend will tell them about it or whatever, but they will get a free oil change and a maintenance checkup from our good friends at WeedFamily Automotive. Wow. That's cool. How about Vanity Insanity? I love it. Vanity Insanity. Wow. So how do you randomly select these vanity plates? Well, we go around Manchester Congrid area and look for Vanity plates. But how do you decide here at the station? I have seen just recently a number, actually, it's almost like a game now, like, you know, when kids are like, "Oh, let's see all the Massachusetts plates," or whatever. Now it's like, "What does that plate mean?" Like people, there are so many vanity plates up there, truly. Dan, Weed and I were talking about this the other day, and we talked about the fact that per capita, per capita, New Hampshire has the most vanity source. No, we use it as a revenue source. Yeah, true. That's right. That's right. And some are very clever. Some like yours. Well, not that clever, delta seven, but yeah. But you're going to change that, though, aren't you? Yeah, I am, because we know people who get a change for you. So what happened was I stayed prism. I originally had delta one, but then my colleague, Ian, he drives my car a lot to do corporate errands, so people thought, "Oh, I saw you in Ashwood, and that's not what really wasn't me." So then I got away from it, but then I said, "You know what the heck, let's go back," but that number was taken. And then, of course, my name at Orange Theory, which I mentioned earlier, is James Bond. So when I'm on the screen, it says, "James Bond," so I figured "007," so I said, "Delta 7." Yeah. I love it. But I suggested Delta 67, because 67 means so much to Tom and myself, too. We know more about the 67 Red Sox than the current edition. I believe that, too. I think that's true. But at any rate, so week from tomorrow, week from yesterday, week from yesterday, we're going to have our top nine baseball songs of all time. And will the one that Ellen suggested, Willie, Mickey, and the Duke will be on there? I can, you know, I don't want to make any guarantees, but I think it's a pretty good bet. So, Ellen, if you're listening, see how knowledgeable you are, Ken, we'll probably put that as one of the nine. So this is going to be on 4th of July? For the July. That's what you're saying. Okay. It's a good part. We run from 8 to 9. Okay. People can actually record that show or, you know, listen to it online and use it like it's kind of a soundtrack for maybe a barbecue or something. Oh, that's cool. It's a good idea. Yeah. Put it on there, a speaker. They're a little Bluetooth speaker. Wow. I love it. That's a great idea. See, a lot of planning. And use it for yourself. I've been working fever. So two-hour planning session really helped us. It did. Congratulations. So it's time, oh, by the way, I wanted to mention that the New Hampshire Motor Speedway is coming back to the NASCAR Cup Series playoffs. Play-offs. Right. Play-offs. See, that's why we have the two-hour production meeting. Yeah. So we get that in. You just needed to point and it happened. The athletic reports that NHMS may be on tap for a fall date in 2025 as part of the 10-race series. And I think that's become official. And the NASCAR is going to release its schedule in the coming weeks. So just like the old days, they'll have two races. Right. Well, at least in 2025. And don't forget, Ellen's putting on a race at the race track. So hopefully you guys will turn it on. Oh, we'll be there. Oh, okay. It's another fun racer. Oh. Dair. We'll do Dair as well. Correct. But one is... It's October. Okay, cool. Good. It will be cooler. It will be. So we have birthdays here. Yes. We're going to squeeze them in. Okay. Let's do it. We still have a few minutes. But we'll squeeze these birthdays in. And one of my, I think, favorite people of all time. Ugh. A Red Sox player? No. Oh. No. I'm trying to think of... Oh, well. Really. One of the most creative people I can think of. Mel Brooks. Oh, my gosh. Mel Brooks is celebrating a birthday today. I love blazing staddles, particularly... Do you know why I do too? Probably when the horses are in the middle of the field and they all dutifully line up against it. Told them. Yeah. That's kind of funny. Oh, yeah. Trying to put the quarter in. You won't go past it. You just think of his what he has done. I mean, and it's so diverse. The stuff he has done. Like blazing saddles, which is a great comedy back in the '80s, right? And then then he does something like high anxiety, which is... Oh, yes. You've never seen this movie. I think that's maybe my favorite Mel Brooks movie. Really? Yeah. Well... Movie is high anxiety. It's a great song that Mel Brooks does in that movie, high anxiety. Well, you know, it's really... I'm looking up... I can't remember the name of it. Gene Wilder. No, no. Gene Wilder. Yeah. There was a Gene Wilder documentary just on. Yes. I was on Netflix. Very good. It was. What would... Do you remember the name of it? Because I'm trying to find it real quick without it. I'm remembering Gene Wilder. Yeah. Thank you. I couldn't remember that. Yeah. Yeah. Thanks. Oh, original. But when he said that about Mel Brooks, obviously Mel Brooks is huge in this because he... He actually helped Gene Wilder in the very beginning, actually. Mel Brooks is wise. And Gene Wilder bailed him out, too, for blazing saddles. Well, that's what I'm saying. He became their friendship and everything, and it was great. It was. It was. I don't recommend it. Yeah. It's a great way to check. Okay. How was Mel Brooks? Not so much the Kevin Spacey documentary. I watched yesterday. That wasn't very good. My day off. What? Kevin Spacey. Well, it was very depressing. Too deep. Very depressing. Okay. Mel Brooks. How old is... 90. No, he's way older than that. No. He's not quite 100. But let me guess here. He's about 30 years older than me, so I'll go with 98. All right, boys and girls, bingo! Kenza City, here we come. Next week, Andrew, I just heard the burn, burn, burn Johnny Cash song. Ring of Fire. Oh, the Ring of Fire. Yeah, I want to change my... Okay. To that, if I win another birthday. Oh, okay. Remember that, Andrew. Ring of Fire. And Dan Burns. And he went. I had heard a great interview on the Ring of Fire. I got it. Yeah, you got it. Great interview I heard on another station. You listen to... Oh! Don't tell Gordon. Don't tell Gordon. When I'm out of range. Don't tell Gordon. When I'm out of range. Don't tell Gordon. That's right. And it featured Randy Auerbach, the daughter of Red Hourback. This was recently after the Celtics won the championship. They had her on Randy Auerbach. And do you know that Red Hourback and Mel Brooks went to the same high school? Really? Yeah. A Rasmus High School. A Rasmus Hall High School in Brooklyn. Red went a little bit before Mel Brooks. And then Mel was there... No, no, Red was there at the same time that the comedian Alan King was there. Oh, well. Yeah, I don't think that's his real name. I think the only Red Hourback was the real name. Mel Brooks. Arnold. Arnold Red Hourback. Yes. That's what's his real name. Truly. Arnold. Yeah. Arnold Red Hourback. Oh, he didn't. No, no. You know, he always looks so old, but when he retired and turned the reins over to Bill Russell, and that became current because the current Celtics coach was just like a year older than when Bill Russell won six years. Right. He was the youngest coach. Coach since Bill Russell. Right. And in those days, you could be a player coach. But Red Hourback wasn't even 50 years old. I know. And he looked much older. Right. But I'm just saying, now he's older to us anyway. These guys coached... Yeah. Yeah. And she's like 75. Yeah. Yeah. And oh my goodness. I can't believe that we've run out of time. All right. There's one other birthday and that's... I was going to segue into your review here. Oh, that's okay. But she wasn't in that movie. Too many rabbit trails. I was looking into the other movie. We saw a summer camp. Now you weren't going to talk about summer camp. Yeah. You already did that because it was not a good movie. Kathy Bates. The actor. Kathy Bates. Yeah. Kathy Bates. Yeah. 70. Little. Little. 75. I think I'll just slightly older than that. I think in her case, 20, you know, 10 years older than me. Someone goes 76. Bingo! Burn. Burn. Burn. Like a ring of fire. He burns me everywhere. Every week. Oh my goodness. But I know you're going to see another movie today so you can talk about that next week. I know. Yeah. Yeah. You'll be back. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. I know you're going to see another movie. Don't forget to always look on the bright side of life. [music] (upbeat music)