Hunters Bay Radio



Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
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By Muscoka for Muscoka, your collection of Muscoka-based talk shows, Muscoka magazine, the Bay 887 brought to you by Dairy Lane Dental, keeping Muscoka smiling for over 30 years. Visit Dairy Lane Dental dot com. ♪♪♪ -Well, hello, everyone. -Hey, everybody. -Welcome back to our August episode of... -Let's be honest. -...all the things. -All the times. -Sara, this is a big one. -Oh, I'm so pumped for this one. -This is a big one. Because we have Olivia Kurtow and Julia Viola of the Amazing Race Canada with us this week. -And we are so excited to have you here. Welcome to the little podcast that could. -Thank you so much. We're so happy to be here and talk with you. -We are so pumped to be here, so pumped to meet you. Let's be honest. This is awesome. Let's go ahead. -It is. Very awesome. And we're more excited because we are just coming off of your first, first place, like, win on... -It won! It won! It won! Like number five, yeah. That was an epic win. -Rains, you beat Kevin and Gerleen. [ Laughter ] -You put them in the mud and the dust. It was great. We were like, we were jumping on our bed. We were so excited for you both. -Just not sharp at these things. [ Laughter ] -And how did it feel? How was that moment? -It was amazing. We always believed we were a really strong team and coming into it. We didn't just want to just participate. We wanted win legs. We wanted to win the whole thing, right? So we knew that we could do really well. We knew we were a really strong team and we had a little bit of difficulty in the first few legs and then getting you turned and having to survive that. And then just to come back and win was just made it even more sweeter. It felt amazing. We're so proud of one another. -We were pumped. Half the time, I didn't even know we were in first place. She had to keep reminding me because you're just so focused in the moment that you're just going from one to the next to the next. But it felt absolutely amazing, being that final mat, win a honeymoon. -Yeah. It's amazing. -It's amazing. Italy, right? -Yeah. And $10,000. Yeah. It's crazy. -You know what? Let's face it. -That $10,000 makes up for you being cheated on family feud. -Yeah. A hundred percent. -That's so funny. My brother, we're saying that. They're like, "Vindication for family feuds." -Yes. -Did you win? -I did get it. -For reading a little bit about your bio, did you guys win? -Yeah. -Yes. -We won a win. -What did you spend the $10,000 on? -Okay. My portion, very Canadian. I bought snow tires. -All right. Very important. -Yeah. -For Masoka. -And then I bought the kid's cool Christmas presents. -Yeah. -Okay. That's nice. -Shirt it with the first family. -You're obviously not a person who said it. -I know. I'm like, "Well, I guess I know where this is going." -That's very nice. You know what? I got a soft spot for you now. It's cute. -She got a drum set and she got something amazing, a desk. -Sure. -Well, everybody wants something amazing, but you got to see the amazement on everyone's faces, which is at the end of the day what we strive for. -Yeah. -You know what? It was -- For us, it was about being with our family, which was so important, and many things have happened since then. That makes us even more grateful to have had that moment with them, but also the community that came and surrounded us with love when they were watching. Like, I was like, "What has happened here?" And this podcast actually came out of us doing family feed. -Oh, that's so awesome. I love them. -Yeah. So it was fun. I almost wore my name tag in solidarity. -It was fun. We could wear all worn-a-wars, and then they'd be confused, like, "What show do they think they're on?" -What is happening? The red? I don't know. -You should go fit-to-head on our own, like, Family Feud edition just to see, like, what forces the ones who, like -- -We lost. -I don't like to say that, you know? We did not. -They just picked the other theme. -We had some tough questions. -Yeah. -We had some real cool things. -They were the -- I watched it today. I would have died by what time. And the only reason why we won was based on a roller coaster question. And we were a little bit behind the Marconi, the Mancini family. They were amazing. They were lovely. And then we -- they were like, "Name something you do on a roller coaster." And they couldn't come up with your hands in the air. And that's just the number one answer. And one on that, I'm like -- -You earned that. That was yours to take. -That's crazy. That's crazy. -On the spot, you -- you're in the light. He's talking to you, and you just, like, go blank. You know what I mean? -You guys had an audience, right? -Did. We didn't. -Because it was during COVID. So we were looking into, like, a black screen with, like, stars on it. -Yeah. -It was very disconcerting. -I don't know. -It was very disconcerting. -When we did it, we had just gotten married a month before. And if we won it, she was going to change the last name. And so we did it with it. So now that's why we have different last names. -Yeah. That's awesome. -Yeah. Well, maybe we'll see a different outcome at the end of the amazing race. -Yeah. -We're waiting. We're waiting. We're, like, okay. Who's decision was it to apply? Was it, like, a joint thing or did one have to be talked into the other? Like, no, we can't do it. -I don't think it talked into, but it definitely wasn't my -- I don't -- I wasn't about to fill out the extensive application form. So that's all Julia, 100%. And she just kept on it. Like, we have to film this audition tape. We have to film -- I want to do it later. We have to do it now. We have to do it now. We have to do it now. Turn it upside down. Film this tape. Okay. -Yeah, this was actually our fourth time applying. -Yeah, we applied. We've always watched film. We've loved it. -And when you're watching, we're like, we could do that. -We could do that. -We're going to do this. We're made for this. -That's easy. I think they make that harder. -Yeah. -So we finally applied season six because we had been dating a few years by then. And didn't make it on. Season seven, season eight. And then season nine, that's -- last year was when we got married. And it was just, like, too hectic. We wouldn't have been able to leave to film because our wedding would have been like -- -Yeah, it would have been a disaster. -Yeah. -So it didn't apply for season nine. But then just made it for season 10 on the last day of the deadline. We had COVID and we applied. Part of our audition tape is us dragging ourselves to this island. And we like -- we have COVID, but it wasn't going to stop us. -Yeah. -And, you know, we -- -It was so great. -Yeah. It's right. We're dripping those drips. But, like, we're here. -We said it was meant to be because this year is the 10 years of amazing race, obviously, the 10th season. And we have been together 10 years this year. So, yeah. -It's been amazing. I've married a full year now. -Married one year at the end of August. -Yeah, August 31st. -Yeah. -Amazing. -Now, I have a question. How did you meet? - Race story. -I'll take this one. That's what this one is. Okay. It's a little bit weird triangle, but, like, you're lesbian, so you know that everything connects in, like, weird, like, ways. Okay. My best friend and her best friend are best friends. Okay. So my best friend had a birthday party. She walked into a room with a boy. And I turned to the first person beside me, which just happened to be her best friend. And I said, "I'm going to marry that chick." -Who is that? I'm going to marry her chick. -And she was like, "No, you're not. That's my best friend." And she's straight. And I was just like, "Okay." And then I, like, disappeared for a couple of years. And every time my friend would call me, I'd be like, "Is Julia going?" And she'd be like, "Yes." I'd be like, "Oh, no, I can't come." I, like, shake up a bit, you know? Got a little more cleaned up to date a beauty, like Julia. And I locked that in. Yeah, I locked it. It was a few years later. I wasn't, like, out of the closet or anything like that. But then a few years later, I started to go out on Church Street because my brother is also gay. And one of my best friends is gay. And so, whatever, we started going out onto Church Street. And she tried to hide from me. And she was there. She was on the street. And I was like, "Oh, my God, that's Olivia." But she knows, like, she knows my other friends. She knows all these people who don't know I'm gay. And I was like, "I wasn't out of the closet." So I got, like, petrified. I'm like, "We need to go." She, like, ran. I mean, I saw her. I, like, did a double take. And I'm like, "That's Julia." And I went after her. And I, no joke. I was, like, two seconds behind her. And she was gone. Like, they must have jumped into a bush or something. Because she... Yeah, amazing race. Yeah. Yeah. And that's it. Then I waited my due diligence. Oh, and in our first date, she brought her best. No, but wait. First, he messaged me after she saw me. I didn't think that she saw me, but she then she messaged me on Instagram. And she's like, "I knew it." That's it. Oh, my God. That was just so... Hold it. Yeah. And then on our first date, she brought her best friend. And then another, like, my best friend. And then they can try to convince me the entire time that we can't date. And then Julie and I started dating. It would end, like, like, friend relationships. We broke up. It would ruin all of us. Destroy everybody. And I just sat there and listened. But, like, pursued anyways. Because... Here we are. And we're... Yeah. It's not their lives. They didn't know what that first sight was. I love that story, Sarah. What about you? Oh, that's awesome. Love it. Love it first sight. It's great. And now we're going to take a short commercial break. And we will be right back with part two. Let's be honest. All the things. All the times. Your source for community. Miskoka made talk shows are on Miskoka magazine. The Bay, 88-7. Brought to you by Dairy Lane Dental. Keeping Miskoka smiling for over 30 years. Visit And we're back. Welcome back, everybody. And welcome back to Julia and Olivia from Amazing Race Canada. Whoop, whoop, whoop. I think you need to make a movie of this. This is great. Yeah, it's really funny. You can produce it. And, like, tell us how to, like, act and move and talk. Yeah, it's a great idea. I think so. Start there. Go through the family future. Great. We can do that. We'll move up to Miskoka. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we try to get everyone to move to Miskoka because the real estate is very available right now. Yeah. And. What's your property like? Like, are you after this? And we have amazing people. Yeah. You're outside. You know, like, are you in a forest? Are you in a subdivision? We'll do that after. So we're in a cool subdivision that actually was the old POW camp during World War II. That's cool. We're literally a block away from the lake. That's our dream. That's the dream. Yeah. So before we moved here, we've had put up a few offers in on houses in Miskoka and it just didn't work out. We didn't get it. So we were. You know what I hear is that you probably have a driveway, right? And every time we come up there to a lake, I have nowhere to park. Okay. Now. We're going to go late. Do you kayak? Yeah. Yeah. Let's kayak. Two kayaks. Okay. We got at the beginning of COVID. So we're like, Oh, we're going to do this all the time. Much time now. And we have yet to take the labels off. They're sitting. Okay. You know what? It would be an honor. If you held on to those labels until we got there and rip them off together. An honor. That's to the kayaking. I love kayaking. We just, we've just not. You need to learn the self kayak safety routine that we did on the amazing race. And we've been working. Very specific weight. The other person has to hold the kayak so it doesn't flip. You saw some of the other teams, they had trouble because they couldn't get back at the kayak. So the first person has to hold the kayak steady while the other person jumps in. And then you had to, you had to put your paddle, like pass it to your partner, the other person, which was me because I was in the back. And then you had to do this like crazy, like, belly roll into the kayak. And then you had to pump out all the water. And so when we were doing, when you had to smash that challenge, nothing. It will save your lives, but we'll teach you that because that was a valuable lesson that we learned on the race. Yeah. And it's one that needs to be passed on. Yeah. It's totally. Yes, please. Okay. We have so many questions. I feel like this is going to be an eight-parter. Yeah. Okay. Okay. So we talked about you convincing and not really having to be convinced. Are there things that you went in to the race going, I will handle these things and I will handle these things? Yes. Yeah. We had decided beforehand because she always drives at home. Even though I want to drive sometimes too, she gets, she gets furious. Not a good job. No, actually I'm a better driver than you. Okay. We're going to have to strike two. On and above the line. Oh, no, no. But she drives at home the most and I guess you are not as good. And I'm really bad directions. I'm so go with the flow that if I turn left, I'd keep going left, but even though we had to go right and sometimes she'll say go right and I'll turn left. Yeah. So I had it had there. I can't read directions. Plus you get maps. You get like major motion sickness to the point where if she's sitting in the backseat of a car, which you have to do an amazing race that the second you made has to sit in the back, she'll get, she'll get nauseous emotional sickness. So we can stand. Yeah. We had decided that she would be the driver and I would be the navigator telling her directions and reading the maps and everything. So we knew that and also. Anything memory related. I'm a little bit better at we practice a whole ton, not a little bit better. She's like way better. I can't even like. There's no way, but in the race you have done in the first, luckily, luckily you've done. She's been killing memory type challenges, which is, which is what we're going to say. It's like, you can say that, okay, I'm going to handle this and you're going to handle this. But with the roadblocks, you don't know what you're going to do. They give you like a cryptic clue. Yeah, it's cryptic. Like, so the one for the dancing that she had to do in this past late, it was like, who's down for a spin. That could be anything. Right. And so, okay. And so it's like, okay, she's doing it. Then you open it and it's like Ukrainian dance routine. But we're like, oh my God. Because it was like, you nailed it. You nailed it. You nailed it. Yeah. Yeah. I practiced. That was hard. But one good thing is we had such a lead on the other teams that I was practicing by myself with my instructor for like a good 30 minutes before anybody showed up. There was no distraction because when we actually finished and grabbed our clue and we're leaving and we ran through everybody. There was so much commotion. Yeah. But there's no way, because you get distracted. Right. But you're in and out like a dream. Yeah. Yeah. But there's so many things you have to prepare for on the race, like they could give you anything. But dancing has always been one. It seems to be like at least one dancing style challenge in every season. So we have a PlayStation and there's a game called Just Dance. And so we would practice it. Yeah. No, I have time to the back of the living room and just practice all these like crazy dance routines is so funny. We actually have a video that we took before the race of her dancing and we're going to post it because it's so funny. We call us just can't dance. Yeah. Like we have like the law starting a lawnmower move and like, no, this one and like this one. And like I shuffle a little but dancing. Yes. It paid off. Yeah. But just can't or just dance paid off because we practice. Yeah. I love it. That's great. Well Sarah. Yes. I think we're going to need a part two with Julian Olivia. I think so too. There's just so much to talk about. They're just so easy. Well, and they're just very chill and cool. Yeah. Chilling cool kind of go together. They're like ice cream on a summer day on a summer day. So stay tuned for next month, September. That'll be September. What? I know. And heading into fall and what a beautiful way to head into fall then with our friends from the amazing race. But just a couple of little updates for you about some things happening in the area. Timberbeast Productions is entering their second week of concert series at Gulag Barge and Gravenhurst Wharf. So Monday night and all of the concerts are at 8 p.m. The Monday night is at Gulag Barge. That's right. And that is songs of the great wars. So that's a pretty expansive timeline from 1918 to 1945, '46. And then Tuesday night we have a special guest trio coming. Marcella and the imports all the way from your home area. That's right. Peterborough. Peterborough, Ontario. They are fantastic. Some of you may have remembered Marcella. She played the stepmother in citronella last year. And she has a phenomenal jazz trio and they tour all around Ontario. And this is their first time coming to the Muscoca area. So you do not want to miss that. And then Thursday night, Wednesday night. Sorry. We have the Disney songbook. Oh boy. Are you singing in that one? No. I'm I singing. You might. Maybe maybe the bare necessities. I think you're welcome. You know what? I would actually pay to see you do that. So pay which again. And then on Thursday night, we are doing the greatest hits of the sixties and the seventies. It's kind of a time when I was born when you were born was the best of times and the best of times for us to be like Mary had a little lamb. Yeah. Mary had a little lamb. I was I was really into disco duck. I thought that was really great. Yep. The Mickey Mouse disco. I mean, you know, the appropriated disco music for for Disney, but it's kind of a nice mashup Disney and hits of sixties and seventies. It's going to be a great week. They're all pay what you can. So Monday night is a garlic barge Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are at graven herst wharf. All at eight p.m. Bring your own lawn chairs. Bring your own lawn chair. Pay what you can. We suggest $20 because the money goes to help us create new works theater about the Muscoca narrative. And if you've never seen a timber beast production, hopefully you can come out and support us and see what else we do. We do some exciting stuff about this area. So that's it. That's it. What an exciting and don't forget to tune in next month to part two part to Olivia and Julia from Amazing Race Canada. Thank you so much for coming on today. We can't wait to continue our chat next month. Ciao for now, everyone. Bye everybody. Let's be honest. All the things. All the times. Bye bye. [Music]