John 15:5

Judges 7

Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2024
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Have me to be this morning Honestly, I know some scripture that's on my heart today, and I know how the Lord's burden me With it, but but I I truly truly have just trust in the Lord this morning In this in this morning's service, but I will read over in the book of Judges And about the The seventh chapter here scripture was probably preached on them several times since God's called us to preach and seem like the Lord this Burden us heavier heavier as the morning's went on with this scripture. This is not even where I've been studying this week So much, but just maybe just thought there are time or two on some things, but But it seemed like you know, we thought things was gonna go another way and and it'll be that way sometimes But I'm just gonna trust the Lord. He's never let me down. He's never forsook me But but I want to read maybe just a just a little bit here in the seventh chapter of Judges Said then durable who is Gideon and all the people that were with him rose up early and pitched beside the well of Harrod Harrod so that the the host of the medianites were on the north side of them by the hill of mora mora in the valley and The Lord said and to Gideon the people that are with thee are too many for me To give the medianites into their hands less Israel want themselves against me Saying my own hand had saved me now therefore Go to Proclaim in the ears of the people Saying whosoever is fearful and afraid let him return and depart early from Mount Gilead and their return of the people twenty and two thousand and they're remained ten thousand and The Lord said and to Gideon the people are yet to me Bring them down unto the water and I will try them for for thee there and It shall be that of whom I say unto thee this shall go with thee The same shall go with thee and of whom soever I say unto thee this shall not go with thee The same shall not go So he brought down the people under the water and the Lord said unto Gideon Everyone that lapeth of the water With his tongue as a dog lapeth him shall they'll set by himself Likewise everyone that boweth down upon his knees and drink to drink and The number of them that lap putting their hand to their mouth were 300 men But all the rest of the people bow down upon their knees to drink water and The Lord said unto Gideon by by the 300 men that lap will I save you and Deliver the Midianites into thine hand and let all the people up let all the other people go every man Into his place So the people took rituals in their hands and their trumpets and he sent and he sent all the rest of Israel Every man into his tent and retained those three hundred men and the host of the Midians was beneath him in the valley And I'll stop right there for just a little bit This scripture come to our heart as we may be a faking on a few thoughts And I kept thinking about it and then it seemed like as I said that the Lord kept burning our heart more and more For this morning service about it And and I know it's familiar, but you just think just a little bit on this a lot of times We feel such a great safety and numbers and and I don't call them into sometimes makes feel better when they pour here And it does it does I want to understand something that the end this In this walk with the Lord just how personal that it needs to get with each other It's all about who we're in the battle with but it's all about how much we're willing to fight in that by the person Each one of these things we say they started out getting started out in with thirty two thousand over there And then they was twenty three thousand that turned when he said that any man that's fearful or afraid Let him go back. Let him turn back And there's things that comes up in our life and just like what we were talking about won't go Just like what we come up with the politicians of the children of Israel over there These things that comes up in our life Bobby when it's either fight or flight You're either going to be that person that's got enough grit in you to stay with it Or you're gonna be that person that don't trust and you're going to have that you're you're so afraid you're gonna leave And you think about that in our in our churches today And I was thinking about some over over in my mind in my heart as I was thinking about this It seems like they've dwindled down to just about nothing anymore and have discouraged and sometimes that it may get In those places just by looking and seeing the numbers has got smaller And With watching how many showing up how many young showing up. He said you pray You want those things to happen, but he said if you get to keep your emotions the goal with numbers instead of the dirt They said you're gonna be a mess So I keep trying to keep my heart close to somewhere God to have me to be When when this question went out to the to the thirty two thousand over there Who's afraid and who's fearful and if you are afraid you fearful turn back that was an individual decision That was an individual decision that has to be made when it comes around now How's God something comes up, but maybe you get a little fearful and afraid of I get left to you When you leave your heart, it's up to you whether you back off from the Word of God when God brings the trial through your life That's your decision God's gave it to you and it's yours to make They can throw them out and they make it just a little bit but Lord said they said still to me He'd go into this battle with me But no, the other thing was going to get the thinking it was because of their great number is what he was worried about So I wanted to see the title just a little bit get it down to the ones that was really going to be in the fight He said those who get found out of the water. He said that they're going to stand the light pocket now He said them right there set them to themselves He says they filed out on the knees make it down in that water He said they're married you want to send them back so we got it went down to about 300 over there I want you to realize something this time They don't be proud he's one of those gonna face Bobby and it may be it's gonna be an individual decision It's gonna be some things that you might not go through as a group Hey He brings you down to that test in your life Whether you get afraid or not we've had a fear God not fear man They're minions one of the main bunch of people And they tore up the field If you want to know why some of them turn back later cause they're afraid of the minions That's afraid of them There's gonna be time to help the house a couple of them Right when you get afraid you just be sure that you're afraid of You don't be afraid one of another or other enemy you better fear God save before he puts You stay in this fight and don't give up old God Hey deliverance will come through following leadership of God So that will try to whittle you out of here But they will come in our young people he's come out of heart as he's and that is he could not not just I'm not just talking about a higher you know, but my my young people in general Let's talk out there as it comes back and they're so big pain. We've got such a Time of people to commit suicide people are doing all these different things But healthy it's a place where they just feel cornered up and they can't get out of it They're afraid to try to keep going on but let's just listen to me Well, we break it up all we go. I'm going back to Johnson. Oh, they're hitting his arms are better They went on me to five and he said he said God he can save by many or he can say five feet Right here with with eating in his arms over here. He's a whittle and he's down But they got it down to about 300 over there, and I won't tell you why I believe in 300 was a little bit scared What they trust is y'all Don't have how do you get scared sometimes I think who's going to get dressed enough so they need Back in a little bit worried about what's out front what what we're going to have to face and what might be coming at us But it's like I said now it won't go. Hey for the subject and the crowds and tribulations that we'll go through Is it not worth it to see our people say When you left back over you live was it not worth it to go through? He was fighting smack was it all worth it to suffer just a little bit to see what's sad. Don't need to be able to learn It's worth it And I'll show you just how much and he told he told me give you no there He said I want you to go right down there into the camp with the millions if you read on over about He said I want you listen to what they've got to say He said and if you're afraid to go down there by yourself He said I get such a good solid ready service to put for you from you from you He told you to take me with you down there So you don't have it you didn't have a little theory because you didn't go by yourself because somebody with you But he's more afraid of God than he was They went down they got the list and down there and they got to hear it Just how fearful the enemy was you want to know just like we learned the attention skill this morning heavens Hey, you want to know why they're so scared Wow why I thought was so scared Because he truly knew that the children of Israel's God was bigger than him He truly knew if they wanted to they could have turned on him and they could have overcome him with the help of their God Those people not you The power of God it's children of Israel served You really get to listen to this world about their jobs You want to know about how they pile the bondage you want to know why they try to a flick so hard It comes that scared I'm not scared of me. They're not scared of you Scared my dog But they were playing so hard against him It's so prideful that they don't want me to have read God. He is But deep down on the looks on the inside They wouldn't give you got down in there to the camp. He heard what they've really slayed it You know what the Lord did to get right down in the middle of the camp He gets right down in the world right there right there where they live You know what he knows exactly what they're feeling it exactly what they're thinking He knows exactly what you feel and exactly what you find when nobody has to run He uses that in your life They're scared He's in these armies In what glory down with just a few people He stands for man. He says you take the run and you go over here It says you put the rest of these after and he said you take these vessels He said and I want you to get a truck in your hand When I give the word he said you blow the trumpet and you break the picture Let me tell you what Might seem like just few In a lot of our little churches But you want to know why I think I think you got put it down that we don't get the battle in one of these places Don't look at the number Don't worry if they say 32,000 don't worry if they see a thousand don't worry if they're 300 Don't worry if it's just one soldier in his armor barrier Because I will take something God's insight by me or insight by you, but we're here to say it will take fighting it Then don't take some people. It's got faith in the living God Amen That's it ladies with a mouse from the ladies and get you had to go forward You had to instruct the people becomes God told me what to instruct them with those people I had to believe But then we need it because he'll be eating or maybe the other 300 You know what it took in all of our lives Bobby the picture broke and let mine shine blow the trumpet This If you're born again and you've got to have to shine it down on the inside That rate is this morning We can use the pride we've got a map that we can use for something That's from Trump You get your old vessel broke and you've settled the trumpet How they go into a fight I just don't know how fast I don't know how to do this thing going You'll be taking what they done when they broke the pictures and they held their lamps out and they blow the trumpet You know what's in people then they turned on new plants They were surrounded by what they thought was a great big old arm This is a few people with a great big old dog this world today. Don't know what's coming at and it's scary today I promise you the God we serve can overcome the greatest army to say he is out there You know that really of some of the battles churches that we've faced Go back to relive in your life in your salvation if you've been saved two weeks Or 50 years you go back and realize what won the battles in your life Rest in God being willing to break this old vessel and let his light shine around Overcoming when the numbers drop down you stay in the back And you didn't give up and realize sure when it comes down to those times When it seems like there's a choice whether believe or say don't get afraid If you've got the fear man which can destroy your body, but fear God which can destroy both body and soul inhaled I Don't care What It comes time to go down to the water when it comes time to let the battle down. The time when Gideon said well you trumpets you got the word from God Or the only one that needs to come to this honor to get sight of my son My son's from up here. It's more distancing. Nice mothers in this church We better be free we got said blow the trumpet break the vessel you better be ready When he said open him up with praise and with song you better be ready They fly hanging in the balance That's something exciting. There's an enemy that's trying to wrap up make it separate for the beach Don't we scare the numbers? Remember a little boy named David Remember when he looked out there had the whole arm is a dog the whole arm is a visual They're scared that there's a big old guy and there's big old army behind me And there's a little more we named a It says there's a lot of cows There's thousands today We need quick say back on from the other side of the other bridge the list of the threat and we need to get the back We need to break our pictures. We need to let our light shine Why do you think it's important song for those children to learn this little out of mind? I'm gonna let it shine. Why do you think it's so important? That might switch out of his own That white flag too bad That's why that light is what will destroy your enemy Well But everybody's got their lights down Won't say pamster won't say they won't say the pictures won't say that the enemy players We're running this to be big eyes a little used we're in this to break the pictures Where he needs to let the lights shine Then let the light go out into this world That's what the church is here for in the moment He says let your eyes shatter But the other must say the good works more than five dollars in He says he's a city sheriff said on the heel the take me he is I In the road bush on them. I'm going to chat He is my picture How many of us ain't letting that that party's coming how many of us ain't letting that son of a cut out come out Well, you think it's coincidences They're gonna give one man a scripture and give another man a scripture. No, we night Be careful in the decisions you might be in the big free in your life Don't go won't you be part of the free hunt won't you be part of the ones who will need to buy it God just didn't dwindle them down not only for the number so he Made me short That's what God give me a small I told you the other day. I said don't you know, I didn't you have a lot of greats and how short? I still realize that today when water down that day That's what the Lord give us this morning