Omega Church with Ronnie Allen

The Realities of an Unseen Realm | Sunday 10AM | Ronnie Allen

1h 24m
Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
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Now, Bonnie's been here for a while, she was little bitty, little bitty, and she's quite a young lady now, and a lot of things that you don't see, Bonnie's involved in behind the scenes, you're involved with our children's and youth ministry all the time, thank God for that, and that's the reason why I asked if she's in here, she made arrangements to come over here to share this with you. I want you to hear this, NATO mentioned that God is doing these things, and, Bonnie, why don't you just tell us what has transpired? Well, I'll talk about one to happen a couple weeks ago, so I worked for a doctor's office, one of our clinicians was walking a little funny, I didn't notice, I don't know how long he was battling that, but I had seen him, and I had asked him, I'm like, what's going on, and he had asked if I can get some imaging for him, so I was able to find it, I put it in, let him know, he kind of had this space on him, which he was concerned, so afterwards I, after Clank stopped, I went over there, and I was like, can I pray for you? And he said that was fine, so I, myself and another provider went over, I laid my hands on him, and we prayed over him, and I just believe that God would heal him, and that it's done, and I told him that, I believe that when I lay hands on the sick they recover, and that it's going to be done, and he says, I believe that too, but my mind is, my mind is worried, and I'm like, okay, we'll bend down, because I couldn't reach him, so I tell him I'll bend down, so I put my hands on his head, and I just told him I was like, God has not given us a spirit of fear, so you're going to have peace, sadness of mine, you're going to go home, you're going to be at peace, you're not going to worry about it, as though because God's already taking care of it. I come in the next morning, I go in, do my thing, he comes in, about midday I'm going down the hall, not thinking anything of it, and he stops, and he's all, look at me, look at me, and I'm like, okay, oh my, what's going on, he's all, I can walk, I'm standing up, it's gone, he's all the, what happened is he had a, like a mast or something in his groin area, and he wasn't able to walk, and he's all, it's gone, it's totally gone, and this is from one day to the next, from the evening to the morning, so I was, that was just amazing, I thank God for that, that he can see, that God's true and God's real. Amen. All right, tell me the next one. So the next one was, happened on Monday, I come in, and you know, Monday mornings are a little hectic, by the time I get from the back door to my desk, I get bombarded by questions, and I'm like, one thing at a time, I go to my desk, and I sit down, and here comes another one, and I'm like, okay, so this gentleman came and he says, do you mind if I leave for half day, and I'm like, okay, that's fine, he starts telling me that his dad fell yesterday, or the day before, hit his head, and he's not responsive, he's not able to move there, they're thinking that his time's done, and I'm like, okay, that's fine, just make sure you coordinate everything and go. So he leaves, and I'm like, oh, honey, that was him asking you to pray for him, because I don't believe he's a believer, but I fell in my heart, and I try to text him, and I'm like, hey, what's your dad's name, and I'm going to pray for him, so I text him, and then I start texting him the prayer that I'm praying for him, and then he tells me his name, and I told, and I've prayed that he would live and not die, he would climb the glory of the Lord, that the swelling in his head is going to come down, that he's going to come out of it, and he's going to regain maximum function. Okay, now he was kind of in a coma. It was in a coma, they were going to do a scan at, this was at 8.15, at 8.30, nine o'clock, they were going to do a scan to see if he was, if there was any life there, and I just told him that he would regain maximum function, he was going to, just said what I wanted the outcome to be, and I prayed, you know, in Jesus' name, and I sent him the text, and he says, amen, and I just went about my day just going, about nine, something, 9.30 text, and he was just like, you know, there's no life, there's no waves, he's not responding to anything, and I'm like, you know, it's okay, just believe on Friday, I get a text that pops up, and I open it, and it's from him, and I click on it, and it's like a video he sent me, and it's just all black, and as soon as I saw the video, I'm like, he's awake, he's alive, he's done. So I click on it, I watch it, he's awake, he's alive, his eyes are going, someone's holding his hand, and you can see his thumb, he's moving, and they call his name, and he's looking this way, this way, they call his name, and his eyes follow, and I'm like, oh, sorry, I was supposed to have an affirmation, oh, so I see God still does miracles now, and so I'm like, he's alive, so what they said, he was gone, it's not done, God wasn't done, and these were all happening to your co-workers, co-workers, yes, mm-hmm, God's got you where you're at, you think he's got you there for a paycheck, he doesn't have you there for a paycheck, he's got you there to be an ambassador of heaven, glory to God, but honey, shake him up over there, like my daughter, already God, now I wanted to share with you the good things that are happening, but I want you also to see, in sharing that, that that stands behind the podium, all we're here to do is equip you to do that, and have a relationship with Jesus so that you can do that, have the confidence in him, and because that's the only place to put your confidence anyway, so I want you to, I want you to do, I want you to get ready and equip for that, also we thank God for young people, young people, I want to tell you, David Slube Goliath and his teenage years, when the adults, the one that's trained in battle were hiding behind rocks, here's a young man that came out of nowhere, and Slube Goliath and brought a great battle, won a great battle for Israel. Do not underestimate even little children, your children, that's why we want to train them up in the way they should go, when they get older they won't depart from the faith, that is a promise, but the key, the key to this parents, grandparents, is you have to train them up in the Word of God, if you do not train them up in the Word of God, they're going to depart from something they, they'll depart from something they haven't been trained in, and you follow what I'm saying, and listen, we believe the lie that every teenager has to go through rebellious years, that's what the devil wants the church to expect, they don't have to, and they won't, you train up a child and the way they should go and when they get old they won't depart from it, that is a promise from the Word of God, the problem is we've left our children's training to someone else, this is not chewing you out, this is more about giving you an understanding, those blessings were given to you, not to the government, that's all I'll say about that right now, school starts tomorrow, you need to be believing God, you know, Richard and I are on the radio tomorrow and Tuesday talking about these things, and I kind of mentioned a little bit in there, can you imagine if there were millions, this is what you need to use your imagination on, millions of Christian families that raised up their children with a Christian education, what would happen to society, God started giving me, said I want you to start thinking like that, amen, so pray for the school and when I say pray don't beg, begin to command, in Jesus name, we're going to dismiss the 180 at this time, thank God for all of our teenagers, we appreciate you, hallelujah. I really do appreciate what Pastor Zona taught, well I appreciate really Thursday, all the Thursdays, all the way back when she took Proverbs line up on line for five years, every Thursday, but this last Thursday when she mentioned it's okay to not be okay, every person comes to God broken, but he didn't come to just fix it, he didn't put a band-aid over it, he restores, it's just not okay to stay there, religious activity cannot produce the outcome of God's promise, you have to enter into a relationship, a relationship built on fellowship, without that you're going to stay the same and you'll wind up fooling yourself unintentionally that you're a good Christian, and in reality that's not true, everything is dependent, my dad used to put it this way, all that depends on me is that I depend on him, you must you need him every single moment of your life, he is your life, now with that thought in mind this is what I want you to do with me, first of all we're going to use our lips, I appreciate your hand claps when you do them, but God wants you to move out the word listen carefully, the word of faith is in two places, it's in your mouth and it's in your heart, didn't say it was in your hands, now if it's in your mouth and in your heart it'll give it into your hands and your feet because you'll start automatically going in that direction, the problem is that we don't understand where it's supposed to be, you follow, it has to be in your mouth and in your heart, so we're going to use our mouth today, okay, we're going to learn how to pass up all the bad days, I used to hear preachers talk a word of faith it says you know I don't have no bad days and I said where the heck did you come from, he said I don't have no bad days and I think man you're lying, he said bad days show up but I bypass him, that's what we're going to do, we're going to learn this, we're going to learn this, Jesus said it this way, in the world you have trouble, but be a good cheer, I've overcome it for you, so that means that we can overcome it, we need a dead wind up overcoming and you'll overcome, now we're going to use our mouth for just a moment, say this with me if you would, it has to be a choice of yours I can't make you, so say this with me, I don't want to miss one word you say, for every word you say is life to me, therefore I'm opening my heart for the entrance of your word to bring life where there was death, I'm now going to have a resurrection and restoration, better than my most perfect day, now extend your hand this way, I'm going to tell you what to pray, say this out loud, Jesus give Pastor Ronnie clear thought, accurate words to convey understanding in the mighty name of Jesus, all right, the other day and we kind of touched on this on Wednesday night and I feel like sometimes we deviate, this has been me, you know, I just want to hear a sermon, none of this is a sermon, this is about training, you have to learn Christ the book of Ephesians says, you have to learn that, if you just look at it as a sermon and you may leave here and say, oh that was a good sermon, when in reality it's equipping, that's what it is, equipping, so the other day I was in my personal time with the Lord, this phrase came to me, the realities of an unseen realm, the realities of an unseen realm and there are realities, the unseen is more real than the seen, we lose sight of that because we live our lives by the scene, you follow, and but there are realities, in fact, I remember this years ago, until this story, it's worth, it's worth me be reminded, all right, I used to work for Zona's dad in construction, he had sent me to construction sites, there was always, you know, I was delivering stuff and Zona and so forth, and there was always this particular superintendent of a construction site, that once he found out that my dad was a preacher, always harassed me and his harassment were always, always in front of everybody, that's the only time he had to do it, if it was just me and him, he'd greet me and say, how you doing running, but when he'd get me in front of people, other construction workers, other heads of subcontractors, he'd always harassed me about being a preacher's kid, and he'd make this statement out loud, so you believe in God, I said, yes sir, I do, he said, well, I don't see, do you see him, make a joke and laugh, is he really real, so this had went on for many times, so I went to this one site where he was there where he's going to do that again, and I was, I'd had it, okay, and then he pulled that on me, he said, so you believe in God, Ronnie, in front of everybody, you know, you believe in God, and I said, yeah, sure do, you believe he's real, absolutely, he said, how do you know he's real, I don't see him, and I looked at him and I said, this was Holy Ghost, I said, do you have a brain, and he said, yes I do, I said, I don't know it, I can't see it, he never did that again, I'll never forget, a few years before Zona's dad passed on, he reminded me of that, I said, did you, he reminded me of that, he said, did you ever know that he, that he told me, he said, yeah, he told me about it, here's my point, the most real parts of your body, the parts that you can't live without are unseen, you can't see the wind, we don't see the wind, we see the results of it, so the most real parts of life are the unseen, 1 Corinthians chapter 13 puts it like this, now by the faith, hope, and love, all three of them are unseen, and we can see the results of them, but they're unseen, a dream, a vision is unseen in the natural realm, it always starts in the unseen realm, always, and yet the world's systems will mark what we're talking about, they'll belittle them, but then they'll make you think with their imagination to try to get you to believe such foolishness, as a mouse as big as a man talking English, and you talk about Mickey, are you following? And they expect you to believe that, they're training children to believe that, now you look at me and say, well that's just playing around, that's what's confused about us, that system has confused us with the realities of an unseen world and trying to confuse us in what we really believe, we call that make believe, the word of God is not make believe, the word of God is real, all things, we're going to look at subscript here in just a minute, all things that you see are made of things you can't see, and everything that you see is temporary, I want to say that one more time, everything that you see is temporary, everything, there's nothing you can see with the natural eye that's permanent, name me one thing that you see with your natural eye right now that's permanent, now what does that mean temporary, that means they're subject to change, temporary means subject to change, here's a reality, things are going to change, I looked in the mirror and put a hug past her zone of this morning and I looked in the mirror and I said, can you believe this, talking, pointing to her, fell in love with this, and she said, oh you're handsome, I said I'm glad you're blind, I'm teasing you, she's not blind, here's the point, I'm going, I really feel like this is a time that God wants us to be trained, including myself, the word reality, the word reality is the state or quality of having existence or substance, let me read that to you again, the state or quality of having existence or substance, we get the word reality from the word real, so listen carefully to this, real means something not fake, listen carefully, not fake or imaginary, so if something's real it's not fake, it's not pretense and it's not imaginary, now the Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians, I believe in 2 Corinthians chapter 10 that we are to cast down vain imaginations, there's nothing wrong with an imagination if you're imagining you're imaging in your spirit a promise of God fulfilled, all of the promises of God are unseen, every single one of them are unseen, when we make a promise it is something that we're going to, something to be fulfilled, not something to daydream about. God, God is given every promise in the Bible and every promise of God is His will, that's what He wants for you, that's what He wants for the body of Christ, that's what He wants in America, and boy thank you for that one faint amen, that's what He wants and yet that promise could look 10 million miles away, present circumstances could make you believe it is fantasy and ain't ever going to happen, what we witnessed here a few moments ago with Bonnie telling the testimony of answered prayer, when she prayed there was no evidence of a promise fulfilled, zero, so how could you believe that? Because she knew it wasn't fantasy, she wasn't trying to tell somebody the image of a Mickey Mouse, are you following me? She was giving them a reality, existing, so these realities of an unseen realm, now the word realm means a field or domain of activity or interest, in other words there is a domain, there is a field of activity and interest of God on a level that's not seen, we have been educated for decades now to think that mankind is nothing more than animalistic, just an animal and the Bible does not say that animals were created in the image and likeness of God, says man was, so God expects our desires us to live in a realm or a field or domain of activity or interest that is superior to animalistic behavior, are you following? Let me take you here to the book of first Corinthians chapter number one, you know God's healing my eyes, I'm not saying that by faith, I can see it. All right, first Corinthians chapter number one, let me just look at two verses here, actually three, but God has chosen, who chose it? Okay, so I made a choice, he has chosen the foolish things of the world, in other words this world system looks at this as foolishness, to confound the wise in this system, the world system, and God had chosen the weak things of the world system to confound the things which are mighty, totally make them confounded. My dad one time, I tell a story, so I'm going to tell it, I'm going to get a little older, you start telling stories. One time my dad was having one of those days where he was really down on himself, and as a pastor you face that, God pulled him out, amazing, and a good friend of his brother W.W. Autry came by to see him and he was down, I love Brother Autry, and he was down and Brother Autry asked Dad, "What's wrong with you?" He said, he said, "I just don't know why God called me." He looked at his failure and stood the promise. Some of y'all get that today. I'm believing you'll get that today. And Brother Autry burst out laughing. You'd think he wouldn't be laughing at his friend, he'd consoling, but he started laughing and he kind of tapped my dad on the back. He said, "Brother Allen, I know exactly why God chose you." He was looking for near nothing as he could find. How many of you are in the same class? I'm in the same class. God dug me out of the mari clay. He chose me. Now you may look at me and say, "I have no idea, Pastor Ronnie." But he chose me. He chose you. So he takes the weak things to confound the mighty. God chose this method. Now watch carefully. And the base things of the world system, these are the things that the world system looks at with disdain. And the things which are despised have God chosen. Yay, the things which this which are not. To bring to not the things that are. So God chose a method of taking things that do not appear in the world system. To bring to not the things that do appear. Because everything that does appear is not made by what appears but something that didn't appear in the beginning. Are you following that? Even the chair you sit on. You think it's made out of all of that stuff? Do you really know what's on the inside of that? You don't have any idea. That chair was made but it took substance that you don't see. Science ought to prove this to you. There are molecules in that chair you're sitting in. You don't see them. So it's a realm you can't see. Nevertheless the realm is a reality. Go with me now if you would to the book of Hebrews chapter 11 verse three. Well let's just start with verse one and we'll go through verse right? That's a habit. That's a demonic habit. All right let's look at verse one. Now faith remember faith is a substance you can't see. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for. Another substance you can't see. Another reality. Faith is a reality. Hope is a reality. So now the reality of faith is the substance of things that are hoped for which is another reality. The evidence. The evidence of things what? The promises of God are the evidence of eternal realities that are unseen. In other words we take something that is eternal to change something that is temporary. Everyone in this building has circumstances that you wish were different. Notice what I said. You wish were different. In the reality of the eternal realm they are different. Every promise God takes every promise. Every promise that God made is His will that we established that or He wouldn't have made it. You didn't talk Him into something. Your need didn't talk Him into it. So every promise is God's will and desire for you. Say that with me out loud. Every promise of God is God's will and desire for me. Now in that realm of the unseen reality God looks at you and your life through the realm, that kingdom, that realm. He looks at your life as every promise fulfilled in your life. Now I know I'm going slow. I got to go slow because we want to change up our reasoning and our thinking. So God looks at it as done. I'm going to give you a scripture here in a minute and show you something. He looks at that as done. The fact that He said it, the moment that He said it, He looks at it as fulfilled. Are you seeing that? Then what's keeping us from having it fulfilled? What is keeping us? In fact every promise of God is your future. I'm going to say that one more time. Every promise of God is your future. Every promise. That's God's future. That's where He wants to take you. That's what He wants to have happen to you. Listen, any promises that I ever made to my children growing as we were raising, every, I had every intention, every desire to fulfill it. Can you see that? So, and man, now I know that I'm following after the father. I haven't obtained that just yet. Need is probably saying, let's see what I can remind him of. He hadn't fulfilled. You'll get some ice cream today. We've got to understand this. And He tells us in Hebrews, look at this. Verse two now, for by this reality of faith, the elders obtained a good report. Verse three, true faith, this eternal substance, this reality in the spirit realm, through faith, we understand that the worlds were framed. Now stop, we used the word worlds a while ago. We was talking about systems. This is not referring to man-made systems here. This is referring to the eons of time. Now, time can work for you or it can work against you. Depends on how you look at it. Did you hear that? Depends on how you look at it. It can work for you or it can work against you. We'll talk about that in just a moment. Through faith, we understand the worlds, the eons of time were framed. How were they framed by a substance that's not seen, called faith, and he said, "By the word of God." Now stop here, just a minute, because I want us to see this clearly. God chose the eternal substance of faith, the reality of it. God chose words. He put that substance into words. I want to say that one more time. He put the substance, that eternal reality, into words. It's referred to the word of God. You cannot separate the eternal reality of faith from the word of God. They're one and the same. Animals don't use words. I know, well, they've got their own language. They do have their own language. They do. Animals live by instinct. They don't live by choice. They don't get to choose their words. We get to. We get to. Thank you, Jesus. And he says, "Look at this. True, this eternal reality of faith, we understand the eons of time were framed by the word of God, the container that God used, the words of his mouth." So that, now why did God do this? So that things which are seen are not made of things which do appear. So the thing that appeared was made by something that did not, we did not see. Let's go back to the chair you're sitting on. Yeah, mankind maybe dug the metal out of the earth, you know, the iron ore to create the frame you're setting on. And then it was refined and so on and so forth and they hammered it out. But they didn't, they didn't, they built it, but they didn't create it. They built it, but they didn't create it. Are y'all with me? They built it, but they didn't create it. What you're setting on is the assembly of something created by something you cannot see. How did the iron ore get here? How did the fabric come together? Are y'all following me? The foam you're setting on, by the way, just want you to know the foam you're setting on came from an oil product for everybody that wants to do away with oil. I don't want to go into all that. My point is where did the oil come from? Man discovered it, learned how to use it, but it was not created by man. You follow? So, thank you Jesus. I want you to go with me to Romans chapter four. Last place we'll go to today. Thank you Lord. Man I'm hearing something in my spirit and my goodness I need. Romans chapter four. The best the doctors could do with the testimony we heard while ago. It's try to determine if there was any brain activity. But an unseen substance spoken by prayer in faith believing calls that brain to wake up. He said why don't it happen all the time? We'll get into that a little bit. But I want you to see something here in Romans chapter four verse 13. For the promise that he speaking of Abraham should be heir of the world, should be heir of the world. Was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law or through the ritual behavior of religious activity. But through the righteousness of the eternal reality of faith. For if they which are of the law religious activity be heirs then the reality of the eternal substance faith is made void. And the promise, look at this, the promise made of none effect. In other words the promise cannot be effectual. Because the law worketh wrath for where there is no law there's no transgression. Therefore I'm going to read it out of the King James. Therefore it is of faith this eternal substance, this eternal reality that it might be by grace, grace is God's influence. So in order to tap in Romans chapter number three I believe it is says that we know chapter five says that we access grace God's influence through faith. We access it. What's the door? What's the access? The access is this eternal reality or substance that gives you access to we could say the favor or the influence of God. So what are we going to use to influence our situation? We're going to use this eternal reality that changes temporary circumstances. Every circumstance is temporary. It may feel like forever. How many have you ever felt like that? It feels like your God is this ever going to end. And then when you start thinking and contemplating that then you start getting anxiety then you start having all of this doubt. Dear God did you ever hear me? Are you with me? Are you real? Talk to me. He's been talking to you all along. You're just not on the same wavelength. You're not seeing what he sees. You're not hearing him speak. Are you following? Watch this. Therefore it is a faith that it might be by grace. Watch this to the end. The promise. The what? Every promise that is seen is no longer a promise. It's a reality. Did you hear that? I just want to throw this in there real quickly. I know I'm really going slow. Thank you for your patience. Peter puts it like this in second Peter chapter one. Whereby or given unto us, exceeding great and precious promises. So they're not just promises. They're exceeding. Everybody say exceeding. And they're great. And they're precious. Okay. Why I want you to see that? As big as your present situation may be, that promise exceeds it. Let me give you an example. Let's suppose you have a thousand dollar need. That promise that God would supply all of your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus will cover the thousand, the ten thousand, the hundred thousand, the million, the trillion. And you just have a brother running. I'm having a hard time believing that. That's because we're so undeveloped. There were times that a hundred dollar need to his own and I was like a ten thousand dollar need. You know why I appreciate that? Because on the first grade level, that first grade level is just as hard to a first grader as a tenth grade level is hard to a tenth grader. Okay. That it might be by a grade by that to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed. Sure. Everybody say sure. God wants it to be a sure thing. In God's mind, in the way God sees it, it is a sure deal. The fact that he spoke it and promised it within the word spoken is the eternal reality and substance to bring that promise to pass. He's not dependent on our human ability to try to figure out how God's going to do anything. Not this is not to that only which is of the law, which is practice, religious behavior, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all. Now watch verse 17. God made promise to Abraham when he had no son. Are you with me? There was no son. And thank God first made promise to Abraham when when he's 75. He goes all the way up to 99 and he still doesn't have the son. It's all a promise. Are you with me? Watch this. This next verse is going to be very important. As it is written, why is it written? Because it's been said. Are you following me? So it's already been said. That's why it was written down. Okay, as it is written, watch this. I have made thee a father of many nations. Listen to that. I have made thee cast tense, a father of many nations. And it was only a promise. He didn't say, I'm going to make you. He said, I have made you every promise in the Bible is God saying, I have made this way for you. I have made it. Man, oh man, oh man. I've made it. So God doesn't see your need unfulfilled. He said, I've made it. I hope you're seeing with your spirit today. Now watch this. I have made thee a father of many nations before him. Now that word that phrased there before him in the margin on my Bible actually puts it like this, like unto him. I have made thee a father of many nations like unto him. Who's the him he's talking about? He's talking about God, like unto God whom he believed. Abraham believed the promise. Even God who quickens the dead and calls things that be not as though they were. Abraham, like unto God who he believed. When God spoke to him the promise and it wasn't a reality in the physical realm, it was a reality and an unseen realm. So Abraham says, like unto God, I call myself a father of many nations. I love y'all. I love you. And if I could, oh Jesus, close your eyes for just a moment. What do you see? Talk to me. What do you see? Thank God you got a blank campus where you can build on what we're seeing. This is carefully. Time is divided up into three categories. Three, how would I say the best way to put it? Three phases. Past, present, and future. God doesn't want you to focus on past experiences nor present circumstances. He wants you to focus on the future that he's got planned for you in a realm of an unseen reality. Did you hear that? I was sitting there and God was dealing with me about myself. All the promises of God, I'm going to say this to quantify this next statement. All the promises of God are God's future. They're not a reality. Your circumstances are the reality to you now. And God says, I want you to begin to look at the realities of the unseen kingdom. Hebrews 12 says that God is going to shake heaven and earth one last time. I'm going to shake heaven and earth, not just earth. I'm going to shake heaven and earth so that the things that can be shaken will be removed and the things that cannot be shaken will remain. Glory to God. All right. Everything that we've seen going on and we may have experienced in the last number of years as a nation and maybe it's even rippled down into our lives individually. Is the shaking and we don't we don't know what to expect next. I got news for you. God wants you to stop looking at the temporary and begin to look at the eternal. We look at eternity after we die. Listen, the moment you make Jesus the Lord of your life, the gift of eternal life has been given to you. Eternity began at that moment. Now watch this. The word prophetic means that you are living the future. God gave it to you. Take reveal where He's taking you. And this is what the Lord spoke to me and I'm going to give it to you. It's too good to keep it to myself. This is what the Lord told me. He said, Ronnie, you need to learn to live in the prophetic and not in the pathetic. Are you listening? We got pathetic circumstances. You may have had your your experience made being the pathetic of the past. But the Bible tells us in the book of 2 Corinthians, chapter 5, if any person be in Christ Jesus, He is a new creation. This is this. Old things are passed away and behold, all things have become new. God has recreated you anew, starting with your spirit to have the capacity whereby these eternal realities could be lived through your born-again spirit and not be subject to your dead spirit. You follow me? To illuminate your way of thinking. Glory to God. Oh my goodness. Oh, I want to keep going. But I want to help you. By the grace of God, He's going to help us get this. He's been speaking it to us but most of the time we take it for a moment. This is carefully. Most of the time we focus on the past and the present. That's what we focus on. Mark, chapter 4 talks about those that hear the word and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches and the luster of other things choke the word. Listen carefully. All of those that I just said are temporary. They're physical. They're in the physical realm. There's nothing spiritual about them. And He said if we live that way, we choke the eternal truth and the reality of another realm that we've been born into. So we begin to think in terms of our fallen human nature. God, give us a glimpse of the precious blood of Jesus that has elevated us out of the past and present to deliver us into the future where we live in a new creation reality. I'm not trying to be philosophical. It's a realm you've got to purpose to pursue because we're conditioned through fallen human nature to either live the past or present circumstances. And that's where fear dwells. That's where fear dwells. That's why the world conditions you that way. A few people break out of it. We see a little bit of success here and there, but God is saying, I'm raising up a people in these last days that are going to live fearlessly. Fear of the past and fear of the present. When's the last time you just closed your eyes and let God take a hold of your imagination? Because that is reality. The other is make believe. And let me just say this for you that are a little bit not as young as you used to be. We have to purpose not to be conditioned by a world system that limits you because of your age. You're going to have to fight the good of fight of faith to do what I'm talking about. You're not going to live that accidentally. You're going to have to fight the good fight of faith. You're going to have to discipline your mouth. That's probably the number one problem that we have. An undisciplined mouth. Where did God tell you? Where did God Abraham liken to him whom he believed that calls things that be not as though they were? Abraham likened to him whom he believed. He did the same thing that God did whom he believed on. God does not clown around with you and tease you with pretense. He meant every word that he said and he says every word that he means. I have not found one promise. Not found one promise in the Bible where God teased me. They say I was just joking. I really didn't mean it. Never found that and you ain't going to find it. Thank you Lord. Father we thank you right now. You raised the poor out of the dust. Thank you Jesus. I thank you that you make new creation realities come alive in our heart. Glory be to God. Thank you Jesus. Hallelujah. God's going to begin to paint as you close your eyes and have a blank campus. He wants those when you close your eyes you don't close your eyes trying to hide from circumstances. You're closing your eyes and seeing what God sees. Glory to God. Yes Lord. May be more than one but I'm going to just tell you somebody is fixing their step into an inheritance that you did not know was yours. That's both on a spiritual level. And a natural one. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Oh listen we're born from heaven. We wasn't just born into the earth. We're born from heaven. Lord I thank you right now for the realities of this unseen kingdom. You told us in the book of Hebrews that when you shake heaven and earth you told us to get ready because we have received a kingdom that cannot be shaken. With all the turmoil going on around us Father it doesn't have to get in us. You protecting us with the promises of your word. I hear the sound of the abundance of blessing. Hallelujah. We're inflation, deflation, recession. All of those things does not change the reality of the realm you've been born into. Lay hold of this right now. Experts say that we're entering in and have been entering into a great recession. But the kingdom of God says a kingdom that cannot be shaken with this earthly realm. Says there is abundance. Everybody say abundance. I want you to begin to see yourself not working like a dog and like a slave but begin to see that the promise is fulfilled. That he raises the poor out of the dust. Begin to see more than enough. Looking into the things that are not seen to change the things that are seen. In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus, oh abundance, abundance, abundance, abundance, abundance. In the mighty name of Jesus I see abundance, I see overflow, I see more than enough. In the name of Jesus I see abundance, abundance, I see it more than enough. Coming, breaking out on the right hand, breaking out on the left hand. I see abundance, I see abundance, glory to God, more and over. More and over this present situation, more and over the experience of the past, more and over. I see more and over. Glory to God, glory to God, I see it Father, I see it through the promises of Your Word. I see it, I see it, I see it. Glory to God. Hallelujah. Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God. I see myself living long, strong. I see it in the name of Jesus. Glory to God. I will fulfill my days. I will complete my course. Glory to God, hallelujah, hallelujah. Glory to God. Thank you Jesus. I know we're just meditating here, but sometimes you're getting too much of a hurry. You'll get to eat today. In fact, this is your food. Glory to God, glory to God, glory to God. Hallelujah. Let the promises of God get ahold of your imagination because they're what's real. Let it begin to paint in you the will of God. Hallelujah, hallelujah. Glory to God, praise the name of Jesus. Glory to God. Thank you Lord. With God, nothing. Nothing. I said nothing is impossible. Glory to God. Hallelujah. The pastor is going to talk this on Thursday. It's okay not to be okay, but it's not okay to stay, not okay. She made a statement. You got to know where you're at in order to know where you're going to go. How can you get to where you're going to go if you don't know where you're at? And then you fill in the gap with this eternal reality and substance. It's called faith. It's the bridge that gets you, you know, you want to say this? It's the bridge that gets you to the other side. And she made a statement, you know, she was talking about the bridge over there that goes from Louisiana, you know, goes, I don't think 27 miles, did you say? 23 miles long and all you see is swamp water everywhere. How many have you traveled on it before? It may seem like for it, it ain't ever, it ain't ever going to get there. It may seem like 23 miles of nothing but, but then you wind up on the other side. That's the eternal reality that you get to live by, what a privilege to live by the faith of the Son of God. Now Father, as we close today, we ask you to help us to let this sink deep into our being, to where we don't stay stagnant where we're at, and we don't let the chains of the past restrict us. I thank you that they're being broken off for every promise that you have given us. You want, it is your will to be fulfilled in our lives. And these promises are exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think. Now Father, I thank you that your word is working in us, transforming us to promises fulfilled. We give you the praise for that. And Lord, as we lead this place today, if there's anyone that doesn't know you, thank you that you draw them by your spirit. You have drawn them, that's why they're here. That they would open up their heart, crown you Lord of their lives and be born from above. Give them a brand new spirit. Help them to enter into a relationship, a fellowship with you. In the mighty name of Jesus. And that's you, all the Bible says, all you have to do is call upon the name of the Lord, all that call upon the name of the Lord, shall be saved. Now Father, I thank you right now. As we get ready to lead that your grace surrounds us like a shield, follows us wherever we go. We thank you Father that we hear your voice, the voice of another we won't follow. We thank you Father that you have given your angels charge over us, our families, our properties and our goods, and you've given us your name which is above every name. Which we invoke right now, say this with me out loud in the name of Jesus. There'll be no tragedy named among any of us. Now Father, we thank you for filling us so full of your love that as we go into our everyday lives that every person we come in contact with, your love would ooze out of us and touch them with the truth of the gospel. We give you the praise and thanksgiving for it in Jesus' name. Amen. Glory to God. Find three people and tell them you got it.