Informally God

Believing In God Doesn’t Guarantee an Easy Life


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04 Aug 2024
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Hi guys, welcome to another episode of informally God today's topic is just because or believing in God slash having faith in God doesn't guarantee a quote on quote easy life. It doesn't necessarily guarantee a quote on quote hard life either. But for the sake of communicating, you know, this is the best that I can do. Believing in God slash having faith in God doesn't really guarantee anything because God is all about, you know, he is the destroyer of expectations. He's the destroyer of that evil of the human will that expects things. And, you know, because we're not God, you know, we get destroyed, you know, we are, we get, you know, our assumptions, our expectations, that whole idea of playing God and thinking that we know gets destroyed. You know, also in the world, you know, we communicate in these concepts, you know, we're a word, you know, if we use a word, then there's another word that's the opposite of that word. And, you know, it doesn't mean that it's an easy life, but it doesn't mean that it's a hard life. You know, communicating in God really requires no language. It's really difficult to, it's difficult to communicate because really God needs no explanation. You know, you understand what you understand. But I say believing in God slash having faith in God doesn't guarantee you a quote, unquote, easy life. I say that first and foremost, because that personally has been my biggest expectation. And because, you know, I didn't even know that I had that expectation until things, you know, started becoming a little bit rocky for me, a little murky for me. And it totally, you know, knocked my socks off because it was just like, well, first and foremost, I didn't even know that that's what I thought. And second of all, you know, wait a minute, what, you know, first, I, you know, most of my life has been very painful. And it's like, you know, I didn't believe in God. And now I do believe in God. And it still seems as if my life is, you know, very painful. I don't really get it. And so a word on that is, you know, in the world, you're looking to be saved from a situation. You're looking to be saved from a terrible apartment. You're looking to be saved from having no money. You're looking to be saved from, you know, awful people, you're looking to be saved from the world. And when you're worldly, you're looking to be saved from the same people who have put you there, or the same, you know, kind of quote unquote evil people, you know, that just exists in the world period. In the spiritual world, you are looking to be saved by no one but God, you know, being saved by people just entrenches you more so into the world because there's no real lesson in that. You know, you have to go through what you have to go through in God to truly understand and to truly know that you know that, you know, that you know for yourself. And, you know, not because somebody else told you, not because, you know, everybody else is saying it, but because you know, for a fact that this is true. This is, you know, what the journey in God is about, you know, it's about, you know, facing your fears. It's about, you know, you know, sometimes seeing things through into the very end, you know, just to see that God is there on the other side. But believing in God, slash having faith in God does not guarantee an easy life. And I like the way that there's this pastor that I listen to every once in a while. He's an Asian pastor and his name is Pastor Gene Kim, I think. And he described it. He uses a lot of pictures and stuff when he's preaching, which is pretty funny. But he, he drew a glass of water on the dry erase board. And he said, think of it like this. You know, the water, there's a glass of water, right? And that glass of water represents purity, represents salvation, represents peace, and all that. And then, you know, let's just imagine that somebody comes along and, you know, drops. Let's not let's not imagine that. But let's just say we have this glass of water. And in that glass of water, there's a piece of a dung, there's a piece of doodoo, there's a piece of feces. All around that feces is purity. It's the water. But then you have, you know, this big old lump of just feces of nastiness, you know, just because you're working toward, you know, being sanctified or just because you're working on yourself doesn't mean everybody else is going to be doing the same thing. So you're going to get touched, you know, by that piece of dung. And like I said, you know, when you are endeavoring to be, you know, to return to the spiritual world of your father, God, your goal is not, you know, in making other people stop so that you can be okay. It's in being able to have peace inside of yourself, no matter what situation you find yourself in. So, you know, maintaining that purity despite, you know, always being surrounded by a piece of dung. That's what it's about. You know, at the end of the day, you know, the way that I look at it is, you know, at the end of the day, it's to dust you or return, or it's your soul will rejoin God and eternity. It's it's you're either going back to dust or your soul is, is, you know, returning to God and eternity. And the world is not going to help you do that. The world, you know, a big car or a nice car is not going to help you, you know, in your soul and rejoining God and eternity, you know, a lot of money is not going to help your soul. You know, having children is not going to help your soul. It's not going to help you return to God. The world is not going to help you return to God. The world is not going to help you get rid of all that impurity on the inside that requires it's a requirement for you to return to God, you know, that all this stuff, you know, be cleaned inside of yourself because the goal at the end of the day, spiritually, is your sanctification. It's not a big house. It's not clean to the world. It's not a lot of money. And like I said, at the beginning of this episode, it's not necessarily not about that either. Let's just, you know, keep focus where the focus needs to be. And, you know, just because you believe in God, you know, does it mean that you're going to have a big house? It doesn't mean that you're going to have a lot of money. It doesn't mean that you're going to, you know, experience windfall after windfall after windfall because what happens when you don't? Who are you, you know, when you don't receive all that is good and all that is quote unquote good and gold, you know, just as, you know, just because you don't believe in God, you know, does it mean that you're going to live an awful life? It doesn't mean that, you know, you know, just because you have money, you know, doesn't mean that you're not miserable. You can still, you know, be miserable and have a lot of money. You can still have a nice house and be miserable spiritually. You can still be in a mansion and still be completely miserable. You can still have a lot of friends and family and people surrounding you and be completely lonely and be completely miserable on the inside. The external is not a bandaid for the internal. You're not going to return to the eternity of God by the world. These are two separate things. And I think that's, you know, the bulk of what I wanted to say, you know, like I said, you know, before and in a previous episode of informally God, you know, I'm not looking to play the game of the world better. I'm not looking to become a better gamer. I'm not looking to play more games. I don't play games. I'm here to overcome the game all together of the world. You know, the end goal of spiritual spirituality and of, you know, returning to God is returning to God. And, you know, you know, a lot of money is not going to make you stop gossiping and being evil in that manner. A lot of a big house is not going to make you stop stealing. A lot of, you know, friends and family is not going to stop you from being an adulterer and cheating on your wife or cheating on your husband. You know, having all these worldly things doesn't sanctify you. It doesn't cleanse your soul feeding the homeless doesn't do anything for what's internal. You can't shortcut God and you're not going to shortcut this journey that you must walk in order to be sanctified by God. You know, like I said, you know, for me, personally, this has been the biggest, you know, quote unquote, disappointment, you know, kind of, you know, it just kind of knocked me off my, my keister more than a couple times, you know, because like I said, first and foremost, I didn't even know that I had the expectation that life was going to be easy in God. But then, you know, just a word, another word on this, when you're going through any given situation, you're not looking to be saved from the situation. That's a worldly thing, because what happens is when we get saved from a situation, we just kind of end up doing the same thing all over again. But it's just a different situation, but it's the same spiritual mess all over again. So when any particular situation happens, we're not looking, you know, from a spiritual perspective to be saved from the situation, we're being, we're looking to be saved from the way that we are perceiving the situation, we are looking to be saved and to keep our eyes on God instead of our eyes on the devil, who makes us interpret any given situation in a very horrible manner. If you get in a situation and you're depressed and you're sad, you're angry, you're not looking to be saved from that situation, you're looking to be saved, you know, from your own anger, from your own depression, from your own loneliness, you're being saved from the spirit that causes you to perceive wrongly about this particular situation. That's the way that the spiritual works. You know, like I said, in a worldly manner, you need to be saved all the time because there's no real lesson being learned. You're not building a relationship with God, you're just building a relationship with other people, playing God, you know, and finding yourself in the same situation over and over and over again. And, you know, for me personally, I'm not interested in that anymore. I never really kind of have been, you know, even when I couldn't help myself. But, you know, believing in God doesn't guarantee an easy life. It doesn't mean that things are going to be easy. You know, nine times out of 10, it means that things are going to be quite hellish because knowing God is about facing the devil and about meeting the devil. And it's a very horrible thing just to be sure. You know, but I would much rather do that, you know, than live, you know, in an illusion, you know, that the spiritual life doesn't exist, you know, and pretend, you know, that this is all that matters is the world. Because at the end of the day, like I said, to dust, you shall return or, you know, that you're the soul, you know, shall, you know, return to the eternity of God, or not. I don't know who knows how the spiritual world works. And on that note, I will talk to you guys in another episode of informally God soon. Thanks for listening. Bye bye.