Informally God

Do Not Be Deceived: God Is Not Mocked Lol


Broadcast on:
27 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

- Hi guys, welcome to another episode of informally God. So today's episode is gonna be like kind of like a reaction piece because I followed this, I don't follow, but it's a YouTube channel that I used to follow pretty regularly. And I tap in every once in a while because I do think, you know, she has some, you know, useful content and I saw that she had made a video and the title of the video is called France Mox Christianity During Olympics Opening Ceremony. And then, you know, she gives her opinion and, you know, she plays, you know, the really kind of disturbing, you know, opening ceremony images and the video from that. So this episode is gonna be about, you know, it's gonna be a reaction piece to that because the question that she then asks in the description box is, you know, doesn't it say in the Bible, don't be deceived, God is not mocked for whatever a person so's he will also reap. So my question to Christians is, when does that reaping happen? And this is kind of the whole idea behind blind people, blind people who can physically see what their eyes but who are spiritually blind because in order to believe in God, you have to drop the idea that you are God. And when you drop the idea that you are God, you go within and stop going without. You stop focusing on other people and you start focusing on yourself. You cannot say that you believe in God and be about vengeance. You are not God, you are not God. If you want to live a life where you are taking it upon yourself to force people to do things, to make people do things whenever somebody says something or does something that you don't like, this is a very weak state of being, this is the devil himself. And, you know, this is an external life, you know, this is a worldly life. You are bothered, the devil in you is bothered by the devil outside of you and others. And as a result, when you do not go within, you keep reacting to something external and you think that it's external, but it's really internal and that's the whole idea of being spiritually blind because the answer to her question is right in her question. You know, don't be deceived, God is not mocked. So first of all, you need the Holy Spirit when you even are reading the Bible. You need that Holy Spirit to be able to interpret for you correctly, even when you are reading the Bible. So, you know, one of the tricks and traps, you know, out there of Satan, even when people are being sincere and seeking God is people, you know, trying to incite you to move as according to how they would move. You know, you have to do this. You have to do that. Don't you feel ashamed? Don't you feel embarrassed? No, I don't, that's how you feel. And because you're not dealing with how you're feeling, you're trying to project that onto me so that I then become the devil that you are, so that I then begin to live externally the same way that you live externally and nothing ever gets solved because nobody is ever paying attention to themselves. They're always just still focused on what everybody else is doing. So it's just a, you know, a bunch of blind devils, you know, running around. God is not mocked. God is never mocked. You know, if, if, you know, I have a boyfriend and he goes out and he cheats on me, you know, you know, the way that blind people work is backwards, you know, right? So somebody does something and then they look at the other person as if that person who got something done to is the person that ought to feel that way. It's like if you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend and they cheat on you, everybody looks at you with all this embarrassment and shame when it's like, I didn't do anything. That's a reflection of him. That's a reflection of her. That's not a reflection of me. You know, if, you know, if somebody goes out, you know, and I say that I'm a Christian and somebody goes out and starts dressing up like a demon and starts mocking Christianity and starts mocking, you know, religion or whatever, that's a reflection of that person. That's not a reflection of me. This is what it means and this is why the world is so screwed up because it's in darkness. It can't see, it's blind. It's projection, you know, exactly because you can't see in the darkness that the devil does not perceive himself and that's why God is the victor because God can see the devil and the devil cannot see himself. So as long as you have that sight, you're all right. The first spiritual law, which is really hard to understand personally, I'll say that myself personally, it's really hard to understand this, but the first spiritual law is whatever you do to someone else you do to yourself. First, you have committed of an offense and you have violated within yourself first and foremost. Whenever you see someone who is doing something and you get angry, that anger is happening first with inside of yourself. It is happening first within you. The violation happens within you first. Whatever you do to someone else is what you do to yourself. It is a reflection of where you are. It is not a reflection of someone else. It's a reflection of you that is the first spiritual law. You don't seek vengeance when you know that there is a God. And even in the Bible, I don't even know this passage, don't be deceived, God is not mocked. But it even says in another passage in the Bible, vengeance is mine, say it the Lord. People, especially people who don't, I don't even want to say people who don't believe in God because people who say they believe in God twist the Bible all around too. And it is first to be understood that the blueprint of God is within. It is not in the Bible. The reason we have a Bible is because there are men and women who had God within themselves and they recorded that experience. It is not from the Bible itself. It's from people who lived and walked in this earth who had God within them and they lived according to that. And then we have the recorded experience of that. Moses didn't have a Bible. Jesus didn't have a Bible. They had God within. That's the way that it works. But you don't seek vengeance because vengeance is not yours. You're not God, you're not a God. You don't, unless you're the one who plays God, which is Satan himself. You don't go out and take it upon yourself to try to, you know, take somebody's head and mash it in their own crap. You know, it is not your job to go around trying to force somebody to live and act the way that you want them to act. That is demonic. It is, who cares? You are not God. God's not concerned about that. God is concerned about you paying attention to yourself and giving up your own wicked ways instead of turning your eyes on the wickedness of other people and then forgetting all about what's within first. So God, and the thing to understand is that, like I said at the beginning, God is not mocked. God is never mocked. What you do, I don't care if you go out and you, you know, you put on the devil's outfit and you talk about Christians and you talk about how awful and stupid God is. You're just a reflection of yourself. You know, when I watched this video of all these, you know, kind of kooky people in France, you know, with this opening ceremony, you know, and this is what it means like to see, you know, you don't get offended because these people are, you know, for lack of a better word, these people are to be pitied. These people, it's sad. It's not something that should move you to anger if you're a real Christian. It's something that should move you to sadness. It's something that should move you to a deep pity because there are all these people who have no idea who they are. They don't know if they're a man or a woman. They're confused. They're crazy. They're chopping off their body parts. They're doing all these evil things. They're sexual deviance. They're, you know, hyper-focused on their genitalia. You know, I mean, how more demonic do you wanna get here? And then, you know, like I'm supposed to feel bad or God is supposed to feel bad about what you're doing. That's not how that works. You know, when your eyes are really open spiritually, God is never mocked. You mock yourself. You know, God, you know, is here. And then you're existing in some sort of alternate reality that has nothing to do with God whatsoever. God is never mocked. You're never going to mock that which is right. You know, you yourself look like the fool. But because you have a lot of, you know, devils agreeing with each other and seeking their own level, you know, they see backwards. They don't see the right way. They're blind. So, you know, this whole question of, you know, when does the reaping happen? It happens whenever God says it happens, you know? As a Christian, it is not my job to play God. It is not 'cause I believe in God, you know? Like if you, you know, even if you don't believe in God, you know, it doesn't make sense, you know? And you have to question the whole, like, 'cause the mind is garbage and it's all Satan all the time. And so, you know, you have to question this nonsensical thought pattern. You know, even if you don't believe in God and you believe in something called karma, you know, of, you know, this deep sense of a spiritual order of the universe or the world writing itself, you know, because right is only right. It's victorious. Things cannot exist wrongly. Otherwise, there will be complete destruction at all times. That's why God is only right. So, you know, if you believe even in like this idea of karma, it's like it happens, right? It's something that happens whether you participate or something that happens whether you participate or whether you don't participate. You know, you've seen it in your life when you've, you know, not really, you know, caused something to happen, but something, you know, has happened to you or somebody has been really evil to you. And then the situation has rectified itself without your participation. That is the spiritual realm. That is the spiritual order. You do not interfere with spirits. You are not devil. You are not God, you know, and when you endeavor to play God, you are the devil himself because you control nothing. When you go around, you become offended by everything that everybody does, you know, you're just showing your own weakness and that you're controlled by everything outside of you. That's not the way to be. That's not a way to aspire to be. You know, you know, the reaping happens whenever God says it happens. And it will not happen, you know, until he says that it's going to happen. And, you know, he will use his vessels, however he chooses to use his vessels. And if, you know, if it needs to happen, then, you know, one of his vessels will be used to do that. You know, this whole turn, the other cheek, you know, you have to be very careful with people who are not of the Bible. That's the wrong statement. But you have to be careful of people who are not really of God, you know, even when they're seeking, you know, taking bits and pieces of the Bible and trying to make some sort of sense of God in this way. You know, they still have a lot of evil within. They still have a lot of anger within. They still have a lot of vengefulness within, but they're trying to interpret things in a right manner. And it doesn't go that way. You know, you interpret and you perceive as according to the spirit you have identified with because it's all spiritual. The spiritual realm is not concerned about what you do. It's concerned about what you are. And you are the spirit that you are identified with, you know? And it's, you know, I just wanted to, you know, make a quick reaction piece to that because, you know, you know, you go out and you do something, even if I'm with you, you're still a reflection of yourself. You're still a reflection of, you know, I have a boyfriend or I have a girlfriend and you go out and cheat. That doesn't prove anything. It just shows that, you know, you have a lot of problems, you know? And, you know, you think that doing X, Y, Z is, you know, you think something external is going to solve something internal. And like I said, quote unquote, that is sad. It's not, it's something to be pitied. It's not something that should move you to anger, you know? Because anger doesn't solve anything. And it's just, you know, this world is a, you know, a reflection of that currently of, you know, just one group of people doing something, you know, led by the spirit of anger. And then another group of people responding, being led by that same spirit of anger. And then the anger just keeps going and going and going and going. And there is nothing right that can come out of wrong. There is nothing that can write this except for the rightness of God. And if you, you know, are the ruler of all that there is, what do you care about the creation that you've made? You've made, you know, it's like being a parent or something like that. And then your kid going out and making in front of you, you know, I'm still your parent. I don't care what you do. You're still going to have to listen to me at the end of the day. What do I care about these little, you know, temper tantrums and all these things, you know, that you do, you know, never lose sight of what's really important here. We've got lost in the details and the devil is indeed in the details. And none of these details make a difference at the end of the day. Focus on yourself, focus on what's going on inside of yourself first and foremost. You know, never mind, you know, what's going on. You can't master yourself. You don't know what's going on inside of yourself at all times, then you will be subject to the devil. And on that note, I will talk to you guys in another episode of Informally God Soon. Thanks for listening. Bye-bye.