The Pitboss Podcast

More Dog Abuse & Dog Training - EP108-50: Molly's presents the Pitboss Podcast

More Dog Abuse & Dog Training - EP108-50: Molly's presents the Pitboss Podcast

#podcast #duckhunting #pitbosswaterfowl #gundog Email: Text: 410-937-4034

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Jeff & Karen Coats

1h 2m
Broadcast on:
06 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

(upbeat music) - Yeah, I can hear you. - All right, there we go. Do we want to eat pretzel for a minute or not? Just kick this thing off? - This one. - All right, I'll have one more too. - Oh. - Bad, but good. - All right. - Hello. - I'm almost done. Hello, love, how are you? - Getting steamed. - Yeah, well, actually I just turned mine way down. There we go, I'm just making sure I'm good. Something like that. Yeah, this has gotta be, but this is the best day out of the last three out of it, right? This has been effing nasty. Has it not? - Yeah, definitely the heat index, like 106. It's just been, but the dogs did not want to be out here. - No, I didn't want to be out here either. This isn't too bad. - No. - A couple of times I came out, and you'd be like, you don't want to go out there. 'Cause I was dirty or whatever, right? And I went, I came out and sat for a little bit, and I was like, yeah, okay, I want to come in. All right, so if you're watching on YouTube or Rumble, I'm going to hold my right arm up. There are no holes. Check that out. That one. - I left. - Yes, there is. - Oh, where? - There's a hole. - Where? - Sit down, follow the seam up, yep, yep, up and down. It's followed the seam from your sleep. - Anyway, I don't care, 'cause it's not gaping, 'cause I can't touch it really quick, but the shirt definitely is dirty. And I just got done doing, what would you call, well, you kind of a preener, okay, stop. Decoy carving, green wing teal. I just did a different head pose, and I've seen, I have pictures of a red head, way back in the day, actually a really nice picture of red head. He was all puffed up. So if you're familiar with a duck, which I hope most people are. - If you would, okay. - Well, I'm hoping. And he would do- - If you were more diverse than you realize. - Yep. - Maybe you have like the knitting community and other crafty kind of people. I think I'm myself a crafty sometimes. But anyway, if a duck would take and touch, and like basically tuck its head, tuck its build down, and try to touch its breast, where its neck and breast meat. That's, I had a really cool picture of red head. I've done blue bill that way. I've done scooter that, surfs. Now I've done a common, although I haven't cut out. I've lots of stuff cut out. (laughs) - You haven't done a common? I kind of feel like I've seen a preener. A preener common, I don't think so. - Okay. - Maybe I did. Definitely did surf. 'Cause I have one of them in the paint shop. Maybe there's two of you on a crunch. I'll hear, we can't hear you. So crunch away. Oh, it's, it is silent, but we can't hear you at all. So don't say anything. Tell me when you're done. Can we hear you now? - Yes. - Okay. Anyway, I've done a couple like, oh, right normal size, which are over sized ducks. And the scooter's ill I've done. Evidently, maybe I did do a comp. You know what, you're all right. 'Cause his head was like turned way out, came back. I do remember that. Okay, so I have done both scooter and blue bill. No red at no cans. Okay, anyway, I'm trying to pull this off for the green wing teal. I've done a, there's another 18 teal body sitting there. I've got a bucket of heads cut and tails are ready to go. The bottom boards are on the, on the teal body. I just thought it'd be kind of cool to try to pull off something like that. It may. - Looks good, so far. - Yeah, I, you did not see the pictures yet, but so were the base, basically for those who, let me try to paint this picture for you. So that the head was one piece because they're little, but to, so I could carve the bill out, I went and cut them in half, not in half straight down like the center line, but on the side line, if you will, cut them in half, right, basically I cut them along the bottom of the bill. That's the best way to just grow out, right? The bottom of the bill. Once I put them back together, the head piece, the top half, when I put it on at the bottom of the bill, - Sits on that. - Sits on, right, so I cut on that line, right? Just through some, when I say, I cut them in half, somebody might think like I could split it like down there, you know, I, I comes up. - Yeah, so it's a mirror image of each other now. - No, it's not the case. - Doing them behind the skull. - Yes. - Down following the neck. - Yes, yes, yes. I looked at those clouds over there, and I lost my train of thought. - Wow, that didn't take much. - It looks like a bad storm is coming. Love my mind, it's so freaking scattered right now. It's August, whatever it is, and the summer is flown by. All right. So, what I was telling you is, you did not see, I just, I just focused and I brought myself back in. The bottom, the tip of the bill was at the, basically the same as the, the breast line where the, where the head's going to attach to the body. So I took and cut, like did a, my little thing where, how I hold my finger, how I hold the pencil with my hand, and I'm able to scribe around something. So maybe like up 3/8 of an inch, that maybe if I cut that off the body, the neck part, that then the quirk will actually be able, it'll be lower than that. It may actually be a cooler look. You follow what I'm saying? - I think so. - So instead of it being like, like a super tall, preen you with a head tucked, it's not gonna be as tall, but like the bill would either be, like in the middle of the breast or touching the water. I don't know, but anyway, I did, I did a roll. - No, no, it sits. - Went live, you can go back if you're interested in seeing this. I went live on Instagram. - You did, you said Instagram and. - Oh, YouTube, YouTube, YouTube. - Oh, Facebook. - No, I didn't go live. Maybe I did. I don't know, my goodness, my head's gonna explode. I put it up a couple of different places. - And then we did a little video on this. - Well, you did a big video, it was 20 minutes. - Yes. - So there's gonna be a widescreen version of, you came as you came in and kind of I was already, wanted to get the first one done, just so I had it, I knew my ins and outs of where and what I wanted to do, how I wanted to do it, and the other two, the other two I carved. So anyway, I'm done that. That's why, long winded, that's why I'm in a dirty shirt. - Yes, you've been working hard. - Well, I'm about hard, but I've definitely been working. - I'd better be working hard. - Well, I've been definitely working, I'd prove that some people might not consider it to be hard. All right, so we tried to do this before, a couple of days ago, you told me I couldn't pull it off, I told you I could. - I didn't say you couldn't pull it off. - And we still may, we still may post it up. - No, I did not say that. - Okay. - Well, I thought as we were in the midst of bringing it out here, that you're like, I don't know, we should do this. - It's an uncomfortable topic, that's my point. - Anyway, I'm not blowing you off when I say anyway, but yes, I'm acknowledging you. I thought it was okay, and then I slept on it, and I woke up at 3 a.m. and I'm like, holy moly, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know, yeah, it's that kind of thing where. - Yeah, 'cause it's-- - It's almost like the stuff I did yesterday, like in the evening yesterday. - It's probably emotional. - Yeah, it is. What am I talking about? What are we talking about? We are talking about two dog abuse incidents. I'm gonna call them a kid, youngster, teenager, young adult. - Evidently, it's not too much of an adult, love. 15 years old in Louisiana, and then the other, a professional dog trainer, if you wanna use the word professional, attached to him in Pink Hill, North Carolina. I'll just say, what I saw is horrible. It disturbed me. It was horrible and disturbed me. And I think if I witnessed it, everybody always says, hey, like you, we, okay, I'm getting ahead of myself. Everybody always says things. Oh, I would do this and I would do that. I'm gonna say that I would react like that. I hope that I would react like that if that was in my midst. - See, that right there is a really good question about who like a bunch of, amongst a bunch of brothers, bros, would someone have really said something? - Not like brutal brothers, but bros together. - Yeah, bros. Well, someone have stepped up and said, hey, don't do that. - In the youngster's case, they were his friends, and evidently they all got arrested. The whole lot of, the whole lot got arrested. In the professional case, I'm gonna assume, I don't know if he was paid, an employee or compensated, but the person that's out in the field, which appears to be these, I guess, let's rewind a second. There's plenty of these videos and we talked about it last time. And if there's a couple people that I talked to said they didn't know that this happened. So I don't know how, should we turn lights on? - Nope. - They just got dark all of a sudden 'cause of these clouds. I don't know, I assume, I know what happens when you assume. But man, somebody is listening to this. I bet you at least 80% of the people that are listening have got to know about this a little bit. Seen a video here or there. The videos are disturbing. - Well, not to say if you're in the waterfowl hunting, you're into dogs. It doesn't necessarily go hand in hand, right? - Yeah, but it's very similar worlds and specifically on social media, they all, some of that stuff runs together, right? So anyway, where I'm trying to go with this is, I'm sure somebody's already seen these things. The three youngsters, evidently, three of them at least got arrested. And then the professional, oh, so yes, professional. My knowledge of how, in the past, how I've dog trained with other pros, somebody's either there to help, basically help the pro train his dogs and then you, me, get to run our dogs on that pro setup. And/or they're a straight up paid bird boy or girl. And those people were his employees. So for them to take the video, I'm sure that they just watch these dogs get the shit beat out of them. And I'm sure that they're probably have a little bit of, maybe not everybody, but I'm sure that they would definitely be concerned. In my mind, they'd be concerned. Maybe they're not concerned, but they would be fearful. - Well, that was said enough to take a video. - No, no, I mean a repercussion. - I'm sorry. - Yeah, what happened? - I whacked my mind. - Yeah, the repercussions of if they came forward with it and were, no, stop. Made an issue with him at that moment, right? But it was either, well, for whatever reason, they took the time, whatever the emotion was, it sparked in them, they took the time to film it. - I wonder if they anticipated it, if they'd seen it, you know, time and time again. Like, they were just like, I'm gonna get it this time. - Yeah, it's gotta be his daily, daily mode of, but I showed you that little clip of his own, where like in his kennel, there was not a sound. And how many, there's like 15, 16, 18 dogs lined up, all sitting on stuff and they didn't say a freaking word. - Yeah, yeah. - So they, they feared him, right? - Yeah, I mean, you know, I'm not an expert in animal behavior, but I could definitely read on some of those dogs. They sat there out of fear. - Nobody was wagging their tails, except for one of them, it kinda was like sort of wagging. - Yeah, it's just kinda sad, I just- - It's just fucked up. - It's sort of about my dog being in that position, and I certainly wouldn't be happy about it. - All right, so, again, I would hope if I saw that, and at my age, my current age, I would definitely, I would take some action, some action. Oh, yeah, and/or, I'm not gonna be a part of whatever's going on here. This is fucked up, this is bad. Really bad, not just to say bad, this is really bad. This is horrible, I'm done with this. Like you're, you know, you call this dog training, have at it, buddy, I'm outta here. - Yeah. - You know, I don't know. - Stick up for that pooch. - Well, that's, but like, I don't know. All right, this is, so this is gonna get off topic, and we're gonna be, this is gonna be like the last one. I really don't wanna talk. I wanted to acknowledge what I saw, what you and I saw. It was horrible and sickening, and I can't imagine doing that to an animal, right? Okay. - Wouldn't be with you. - So, the day that we, the evening into the morning that we saw both of these kind of things, kind of, kind of, it came out at one time, and we did say that, and we agreed that if it were not for social media, like we would not know this, more than likely, right? Good, and we're, yeah, all right, and we're, I guess just technology, where we're at today with technology, the phones. I can think back, with Koot Diamond, D3 TV, all that stuff we did, man, I took still pictures 'cause that was, you know, we didn't have, I can remember the iPhone 3. Probably was like 2006. Maybe 2005, 2006. That was iPhone 3, and it was the first iPhone that I had. And yeah, you could take video, a flip phone, you could take video too, but the iPhone definitely stepped up everybody's photography, videography, your skills, any, you know, and it's, well, just what we get, and then it's quick and easy just to click it and text it, share it on and on and on. All right, I'm really getting off my topic. What I wanted to come back to is that we saw the videos, the first night, the next morning, I went in dog train and I came back and I told you that I feel ill and you're like, what's wrong? Like, what happened? Are you okay? Did you say, am I okay? - Yeah. - Something like that. And I said, no, no, no, I use the wrong word. I'm sorry, I'm not ill, I feel icky. Because the stuff that I just witnessed, not the punching of the head so much, the kids, but the professional dog trainer. Because I've been, man, everybody likes to refer to it as the game. So I guess I was, my first taste of the game would have been in 2002, 2003, the game. Hunt test field trials. - Ah. - I'm sorry, it's good you did that. So maybe other people are saying the same thing, what are you talking about the game? But everybody, you know, current day, everybody refers to it as the game. You know, when did you get hooked in the game? - Okay. - Or, you know, the game. The game of running dogs, training dogs running dogs. A lot of people train dogs. - Competitive dogs. - And a lot, you know, many of those dogs get, do other people just training dogs as they want to train dogs? Like, I would assume that all those dogs that we, the kennel shot, you know, some are just there for obedience, some are there just for gun dog needs, they're not going to run hunt tests or field trials. Right, not, not, that's not everybody's goal, which I understand that goal one, but they want to train dog. Let me turn yours off again. - No. - Well, I did. So that said, now I lost my train of thought, especially this big class up there much. They're just blown right through. We're really supposed to get some, chew it, hurry up, hurry up, are you done? - Yeah. - All right. We're really-- - I'm not gonna say I'm just listening. - So it's five o'clock. We're really supposed to get, we're really supposed to get some good rain, hopefully. - Yeah, six o'clock on. And we had the hurricane coming up. - Okay, come back to what you were done. (laughing) - I felt icky and what that it sends again, like the game. You know, I'm far from a, well, I may be seasoned as far as age goes, but then I feel like I learned something almost every day. - Yeah. - I listen to something, watch something, I feel like I learned something related to dogs. - To each of you. - Yeah, related to dog training, which I try to apply to scooter and the puppies. I had to take a, I had to take a fog. Okay. 22 things running into my mind right now. - Okay. - Mr. phone call, getting text messages, I gotta just decompress. (sighing) So yes, I'm seasoned as far as age goes, but my ability level, I don't know. I'm kind of, I'm somewhere floating in the middle. I would hope to be above the average, but I'm definitely, definitely floating in the middle. So that said, yes, I felt icky. And then it just, I thought about over the years of how I dog trained, the people that I was around that we dog trained. And it made me question like the whole abuse thing from, oh, and I forgot to mention, the North Carolina situation, 11 counts, nine are felony dog charges and two are misdemeanors because it was a different county of something like that. But it's like, is it subjective or objective? Subjective, right? - Subjective. - Yeah, like, if you read the charges, you know, I can't remember how exactly how it says, but basically he said, did it too long? Well, what's too long? What's too short? What's too much? What's not enough, right? - Yeah. - And it made me think of, we did the videos right, as I look to my right, where we back in March, we're doing back the power scooter, and there's people giving me grief about, like, could we put another collar on the dog? - Yeah. - Right? You know, they're being dinks about it, but you know, yes, out of pinch collar, had the rope, had an electric collar. You know, they were like, that I was, you know, they're giving me some grief over it. I almost say I was taking heat, 'cause I don't really feel like I take heat from anybody. - Go ahead. - I don't, I mean, - Okay. - All right, well, maybe this, maybe this is my arrogance, but I really don't feel like I take heat from anybody. - You do you. - I'm trying to do me though. (laughs) But, sin, seriously, it made me think about my actions. But again, and my actions is to how somebody would judge me. So let's, you know, there's, current day, back in the day, man, we didn't have any of that stuff. - Mm-hmm. - So, coot, coot was coot and diamond poacher. That was like, again, like 2002, three, four, five. And what did I say? 2005, 2006 was the first iPhone somewhere. iPhone 3 was in there somewhere. So, we just didn't have, we didn't have those capabilities to always take him, you know, take him video. But it did make me think. And then, this all stems around freaking social media. And then, on Facebook, some of the retriever groups, they brought up, but, you know, it's all, it's a topic, you know, people, and it kinda, you know, amongst dog people, it seemed to be, seemed to be kind of like divided. Maybe not 50/50, but there was definitely a division of, you know, people saying it's horrible, which it was. And then other people saying like, well, like, how do you train your dog? Like, you know, how do you train? - They knew what they knew. - Right, and I'll tell you, in 20-some years, what I witnessed and the mode of training then, and current day now, I've loved, we've been out of the game for a little while. - Yeah, well, yes, I would say you, but. - I was kind of being, I didn't do air quotes, but you know, out of the game for a little while. - And things have definitely changed. I've said this before, you know. - I would say thanks to social media. - I don't know. - Well, all the stuff that you're watching on YouTube and everything, you know. - Well, yes, but like, but why did, why did people start doing that? - I don't know, because people want to learn. - No, no, no, no. Why did the, why did tactics change? Why did techniques change? - It's like science in general, like it's always evolving. - Okay. - Well, I'm obviously not saying what you want me to say. - I don't know. - It's kind of dismissing, okay. - Yes, it was. - I don't know, where I was going to go with it is, again, since the puppies were well, late February, especially as early mornings laying on the hard floor in there for three weeks, I would get up and I'd just watch as much on YouTube as I could, right? On dog training, excuse me, so everybody knows what I'm talking about. Freddy King, you know, bought into his program, watching all his puppy stuff, just like over and over and over and over and over. Podcast, anything I could listen to, listen, yeah, yeah, yeah. Try to absorb, try to absorb, try to absorb. And so back to social media, the thing throughout there, would you want an unedited video of you training your dog be made public? And you want me to be honest? That's my famous line, do you love? - Yeah, I would not. - Much like, well, I made our own video right over here. I made it public and that's what I got, right? So no, if you put a pinch collar on dog, which I am, maybe you can judge me for this, if you're listening, or those who are listening can judge me, but I have no issues putting a pinch collar on dog. I think a pinch collar is more humane and safe than a choker. - Absolutely. - Okay, well, that's why I like pinch collar versus chokers. Well, you show somebody a choker, you show the wrong person or the right person, a pinch collar, and they will think you are the freaking... - Yeah, the torture. - Yeah, Connor Peter. - 100%, 100%. So that's when I said I would not want a unedited version of me training, I would not, I would not want, I wouldn't want that to be public. Like to the 100% open world public. Dog training people, yeah, they understand that's what you do. Like I follow dog trainers outside of like Waterfowl dogs. And there's, you know, there is a debate in there, but you know, plenty of dog trainers, you know, there was a video specifically on putting pinch collars on puppies for lease training initially. And they gave, he gave, this particular guy gave exactly the same reasons that you do, because it's a much safer and it gets a better response than it does for a choker. - Yeah, it might not look that with all the prongs, right? The double prong at each section of it, but yeah, you can't, the dog could never, if it's adjusted correctly, the dog could never choke itself. Choke itself out. A choker, choker? The wonder lead, all those things. - Yeah, simply she is. - Like you could kill the dog. To the nth degree, you could kill the dog, right? So that to me is unsafe wherever I, again, the right or wrong people see a pinch collar and they're gonna say, you're just, you're an abuser, right? So again, it gets back to that objective of like, well, what's abuse? - Yeah. - What I witnessed was abuse, 100%. - Yeah, no doubt. - But, again, like it, again, that the other day made me think of, when that question of like, would you want somebody to see your unedited video, or your unedited training practices? - No, I would not. First off. - Because, like, in the circle of, you know. - People that train dogs, sure. People that train retrievers. - Yeah, but you're talking about-- - People are doing what we do. Good, I'm sorry. - You're specifically talking about putting it on social media for-- - Open to the public. - Yeah. - No. - Yeah. - No, it's just like those videos. - Yeah, but otherwise you would. - Yeah, 100% 'cause I'm not doing anything. In my mind, I'm not doing anything. It's not unfair to the dog. - No, and again, I always said is you do what you need to do with scoda as long as she enjoys it, and that isn't a time when that little dog enjoys what she does. - The other day, we did, I'm gonna room it back in, but this, I have to tell the story-- - Got you off tracking. - No, no, no, because this is what, this is a good example of that, I think. Oh, a big water blind. It's a water blind that I've run with her with a white bucket in the, very similar in the past. So it was a very similar concept. I had a lot of issue getting her in the, it was angled entry, so I had issue getting her, let's say issue, cast and get her into, into the water where I wanted her to. And once she started trucking on down, there was this island and the shore, and there was this little channel that had to be like 250 yards out. And she took it and it just let her go. And she was way, and I just, it's I'm training. Not running up, not, it's not a test. I'm not running that blind as a, it's a training blind. So she, she took my cast on, went down the channel, and she ended up left of the pole. I think we, we had ducks there. Left of the pole where ducks were. Mallard. And she was way left of it. Maybe 30 yards, but I did, like, she took my cast off that, off the island and went down the channel and I'm just happy as can be. Set her down, blew the whistle and she got out of the water. She's down there. She's done, done all this, all this stuff, did not, I don't think I put any collar pressure on her. And she's down there and you can see, you can see her just tail just wagging and build, standing next to me, he's like, look at her tail. Like you can see it at the distance. And she's just down there wagging her tail, happy. And I just, I gave her, I gave her a big, you know, over and, you know, I think honestly she sold, the birds were in heavy cover. She sold, you know, she sold a pole and whatever and got it. But yeah, like she truly does love and enjoys it, you know. But yeah, the things that have changed, I think, not I think, this is what I think, not I said think twice. This is what's changed. Instead of, it seemed like when I trained back in the day, everything was more of a test, test scenario. Like we're testing the dogs versus, you know, to use the different word, training the dogs. And again, if the dog's trained understands the concept, like, and they're not, they're not obeying you, then I don't have any issue putting a correction on. But I'm not gonna pull the dog, I'm not gonna pull Skoda back to me, hold her by the collar, freaking fry her, and then take a crop and just beat the shit out of her. No. Or pick her up and slam her finger out, right? No, it teaches nothing. And even, even if it thought you thought it would teach something, don't bloody do it. Because that's just straight up abuse. - Evidently nine, felony counts and two misdemeanor counts, right? - Yeah, you never handle an animal at that time. - Well, it definitely, again, to rewind where we started this the last time, I came home from training and I felt Icky. And Icky in the sense of, well, Icky in the sense of just questioning myself and I just felt off about dog training, that aspect of dog training. - It made you think. - Yeah, it did, and I'm hoping that it will, it stays with me, which I think it will, at least for the foreseeable future, because we're gonna start hunt tests here shortly in about five weeks and I'm sure that that's gonna be, at hunt tests, this is gonna be a big topic when everybody's sitting around the galley and their trucks and all. This is gonna be a big topic, so I think this will stick around with me for a while. But ultimately, man, I want the best dog. I do want her trained and I want them trained to puppies, but I want them to love what we do. - Yeah. - And yes, is there pressure needed to be applied 100%, but pressure can just be, I love yelling, do I not? - Oh yeah. - So at 100 yards from the scooter won't get in the water and I yell, "No, here, here, no, here!" - Yeah. - There's no collar in that. Now I even turn around with people, when I do that, I was like, "I didn't use the collar." - Right, it's like you wanna hold it by the antenna. - I didn't use the collar. - I didn't use it. - So, seriously, I like yelling. I didn't use the collar on her just now, because that's where, yeah, I'm sure everybody's saying, "What the, this dude's going off." No, I'm just yelling at her. I want her, you know, I want that, I guess, I guess I want that-- - The tension grabber. - Yeah, there'd be my voice not necessarily a collar or a crop or a pinch collar or anything else that we use. I want her, when she doesn't have nothing, when I really have no way to correct her, I want her, how my tone of my voice is, as you understand. Oh, doogie. Now he's reverse sneezing. Oh, he's good. All right. - Yeah, no, I think if you can do a voice correction of anything else, that's the best. - Yeah. All right, love this is the Pitball's podcast brought to you by our very good friends at Molly's Play Sporty Goods. Fuel your adventure at It's gonna be here very, very soon, very fast. They're anniversary, anniversary, I'll slow down. But their anniversary sale weekend is gonna be September 20, 21 and 22. In my recollection, it's actually a weekend earlier than what it normally is. But it's Molly's anniversary sale weekend, all kinds of big deals, savings on and on and on. And if you're not in the vicinity that you can drive to Molly's, you're definitely gonna be able to get online and take advantage of the savings. They'll even do things where they have free shipping over a certain dollar amount. But we will talk about this as we get closer to the anniversary sale weekend. - Next month. - I'll don't say that, don't say that. I thought it'd be cool. Some of these, the second group of teal, I thought it'd be cool if I could, I think I could pull it off in the shade. If it's sunny, I can't do it in the sun. But to be able to sit there and paint the teal. They're doing something decoy related. I know that they're trying to have their, that weekend grow. So cedar swamp, gunning decoys, Nick Castiglione, Nick will be there. He's gonna be there. I want to try to catch up with Joey Jones and see if we can get Joey to get there. - Cool. - Out of Harry Grace. But yes, I'm sorry, I'm rambling., Fuel your adventure, fuel your adventure at Molly's. Thank you, everyone at Molly's please. Up next, love. I finally got my cold crabs last week. - You did. - They were awesome crabs ago. We love you. That's a really good shrimp too. But man, I've been wanting cold crabs forever. It took me to... - End of July. - Yeah, to get my cold crabs. They were very good. And they were almost, we didn't eat, it was just a dozen. But the second, we did the first half and then we let them sit and revisit them. They were actually, I think they were better. Maybe it's just, that happened to be the crabs. Which crabs were which crabs? But is your drink good? - For another sip or two. - Okay, salute, love. I didn't salute you before we started this. I love you. There. If you're watching on YouTube or Rambo. - One fell off. - Molly's. - My sticker. - Yeah. Crabs to go, cold crabs finally, it was awesome. Crabs to go is easily in this shrimp too. Crabs to go is easily found on Route 50 and Route 589 in West Ocean City slash Berlin, Maryland. Very, right next to the casino. So, we thank our good friends at Crabs to go up next. They had a great weekend at the Delta Waterfowl Expo. It is the ultimate outdoor oven, the duck blind bistro. Can't wait to get fire back up in the boat. Game is home and we just haven't gotten into the boat yet of making biscuits. - How can you not eat one? - Well, that's what I was gonna say. I'm like, that was the top of the discussion this morning in our little debrief before we left drinking coffee. - What? - You know, I am down, I am down, wait. But like, man, I'm really trying to, I wanna be good as I look at these four pretzels in the crown royal. (laughing) But, you know, just, man, they eat biscuits like that. And they're so good. They're so good in the ultimate outdoor oven because each side kind of-- - They cook simultaneously evenly. - Yeah, clever on both sides, but we need to, we need to do it for again. We have not fired up the duck blind bistro. But they will be aboard the world's largest duck boat in October, so, the ultimate outdoor oven, duck blind bistro. Thank you very much. And speaking of the world's largest duck boat, Steve Hoover, New Philadelphia, Ohio, I was in the duck boat yesterday or the day before? - Yeah, I would, you know, strange feeling, huh? - Yeah, it was. I was barefooted, too. Climbed up in there. The last two times I climbed up in there, the Danforth anchor, Fluke Stylenkert, it's on the back deck. I've almost hit my toe and it's the last time. So this time I'm climbing up in there, I was like, okay, I gotta be careful the anchor. Damn, I was like, I mean, a millimeter away. Like, it touched me, but it didn't hurt me. Anyway, the world's largest duck boat. Duckwaterboats punishing docks and rocks. Steve Hoover, New Philadelphia, Ohio. Thank you very much. Up next, love! Gunner, kennels, Man's best kennel, man's best bumper, which we have been using daily and a 2.0 fan. Has worked out very well. Even when, like, so today, we have six crates, six gunners, excuse me, six kennels. In the Ford Transit Trail. In the T350, which is a one-tonana four-wheel drive. It's not a four-wheel drive. It is four-wheel drive, though. It's four-wheel drive. Skoders first, then Duke. They're in the Susquehanna series, and then the four blacks that are stacked in the back, only proof went with us today, but I turned all the fans on the back four. It just kinda keeps that air flowing, so. But yes, we love our gunner, kennels. And we don't know what the new Flyway series color is gonna be this year, which is kinda the character's dangled out there, but it's gonna be released very soon. - Okay. - We appreciate everyone at Gunner, kennels, man's best kennel. - You know, talking about gunner real quick. - Yeah, I'm gonna eat a present one for a month. - And I think I mentioned something to you when the chat was happening, but I'm on a Facebook group for four transit trail conversions. But the discussion was about putting your door kennel in the back in the transit. And well, before I was able to chime in, someone had already said, you know, the best kennel out there is. - You've done it really. - Yeah. - Nice. - And this person has Westies. I checked her out. - All right, very nice. - Yeah, but you know, it's not just us, you know, lab or, you know, hunting, you know, community that appreciates the safety of the gunner kennel, but there's a little Westies and other little dogs. People will appreciate it. - 100%. No, I don't wanna go off on a tangent 'cause I need to keep going. But we do have our 3M thinsulate as well as insulation as well as our three, yes, as well as our 3M glue. All I'm waiting for is just this, just a cool off, just a little bit. I'm gonna climb up there. We're gonna cut that hole. We're gonna get the velvet air conditioning and we're gonna insulate it. I mean, I still need to call about skinning the inside to get that coming to us. But yeah, we're gonna be set up here again, five weeks. Wow, yeah, in the full five weeks. Let's go to this first test. I don't, the puppies aren't gonna be ready. I don't think. - One might be. You wanna do them all the same time. It's just not gonna happen. They're on their own little timeline here. - I wanna line them all three up and let's do this. - It's not gonna happen. - Let's do this, all right. So maybe proof, we may enter proof, I don't know. - Proof, the size 16, flip a boy. - I thought the dug was referring to my flip-flop size. - No. - Okay. All right, all right, all right. Did you see the picture after that I posted? - Yes. (laughs) Relatively speaking. - Yeah, so I posted my hand up with, please, we'll be back in. - This is on Facebook, Facebook? - Yes, I posted, it's been a couple of weeks ago now. I posted up my, my hand's not small, is it? - No. - Well they say that, what do they say that size? - Except sales. - Well they say that it. - Yeah, I don't know. - When you do that, when the tip of your pinky to the top of your thumb, what is that? - I don't know, I don't understand. - What's that represented over? Yeah, see that right there. - Oh. Edit. - I'm not adding that out. - Okay. - Anyway, I put my, I'm showing you my, everyone in my hand. - Yeah. - So I put my hand out, put Bruce foot in there and like his foot is big. - Sizable, yeah. - Right, so I posted that picture up and then, I think it was, I think it was Brian Fry, Brian Fry. He posted up, Andre the giant, hold the can of beer. Actually to the, Jason's miniature decoys that I've sold and we're like, are the decoys, is his hands bigger? The dec, what's, and then he posted up the picture of Andre. So that's why, Andre the giant, if you do not pro wrestling, check him out. But yeah, he's holding a 12 ounce can of beer and like, it looks like it's a freaking pill bottle. - Yeah, it's like a miniature one of those of the miniature soda cans. - All right, gunner kennels, gunner, thank you very much. Up next, turtle box audio, I use it today. No, I didn't use it while we were recording, but I do, it's dusty. They're claimed to fame is waterproof, but it's dustproof too and I put that to test. - Well, just, who's they're off? - Well, yeah, I do need to dump that thing soon. Well, we love turtle box, turtle box, Live loud is their tagline, but I really do think the ultimate Bluetooth speaker, I think it should be turtle box, turtle box audio., everyone at Turtle box, thank you very much. We have the Gen 1 way back in the day. Gen 1 1/2 and then the Gen 2, so we have them all. The Gen 1, Gen 1 1/2, when this place is still empty, when I say still empty, like, you know, no, yeah, still empty. Maybe framed, but nothing was really done inside. I just had them on each end of the-- - I'd eat it, sink them up. - Yeah, that's what I'm trying to say. They didn't really have them on 100 feet apart, they were more like 50-ish feet, you know, from side to side. And yeah, had them synced up and it was nice, so., thank you very much. Love, we enjoyed it this morning, dirty duck coffee, pit bosses, duck boat dark. I know they had a great, they've been like non-stop doing shows, but they were also at the Delta Waterfowl Expo, which, I'm not talking to Jerry Buck, but it looks like they had a good weekend or so. - Oh yeah, yeah, no, ass supplies actually getting lost. - I know, I was thinking about what, and when we, so should we go five pound bags? - Probably. - That's what I was thinking. I mean, what are they, 12 or 16 aspects? I should know, I think they're 12 bucks bags. Anyway, they're cool 'cause they have our logo on it, whereas the big ones. - Your big old face? - Yeah, I was thinking more this scooter head, but yeah, my big old face is on the back side, which I don't have my Yeti. It was my blue one, which does have a detail. But anyway, it's all good. Yes, dirty duck coffee. If you use the code Pit Boss 10 at checkout for your entire order, not just the duck boat dark, you get 10% off. So check them out, duck, dirty duck, dirty duck, dirty duck I think the way that the season falls this year, the eastern weekend, eastern waterfowl show weekend, which they were at last year, duck season was open. But this year, I've said it before, but that might look really dark over there. With leap year, we need rain. With leap year, it just kind of pushed everything back. So duck season is not gonna be open during the eastern waterfowl festival. So I'm not gonna get them back on board this year. Definitely, if they're there, we'll definitely hang out, but I said definitely twice. I hate when I do that. And when I say anything twice like that, it just bothers me. I'm looking at many me. Look at them. A big one and a little one. Dooky and Delilah. Yeah, we'll get on that in a minute. Oh, my land to love. Have we covered everyone? That's a thing, so. I think that we have. Except for, as I look down over there, will we go wagon tails? Yes, yes. We've been having a bit of a loss of end of summer surge with some campers. So yeah, they've been, and the repeats, which I love are my repeat borders. That's the best. 'Cause they kind of know us. We know them. And you know what? The best part is when they pull up, they let them out, they run in, and I've actually got some smileers. But I was gonna say when the owners show up and like the dogs don't really, they just lay down like not really wanna leave. Yeah, yeah, that's kind of, yeah. It's reassuring that we're doing the right thing by them, but Delilah came in smiling. I got, to my right, that's our third time this summer. Yeah. And yeah, Delilah's to my left, I wasn't sure. We weren't with our age, we weren't sure. We just didn't know it. We hadn't heard from them. Right. And yeah, I was excited that she got to come back. Yeah, official. Yep, City Girl, Olive is, it's definitely enjoying the dirt and the grass, for sure. She lives in New York City. Man had an island. Yeah, she just gets out there in a kind of, not like rolls around in junk. No, no, the grass, yeah, just enjoys herself. 'Cause this morning I didn't, I don't wanna break off too much, but this morning I didn't tell you proof was like, he was finding lots of goose poop today. Which normally he does, and he was like, I was like, "Come on, dude, stop." He didn't say, "Sorry, yeah, stop, don't do this." All right, come on, yeah, on its way. Whaleyville Wagon Tales. Yeah. All right, that's good. And, and, and we are full for this coming season, the 2024-25 season, but the 2025-26 season, the calendar for Maryland Sea Ducks is open. Pippalswaterfowl,, so. Jeff is in crunch time to get these decoys done. To get everything ready before his season starts. So we've been kind of talking about, am I gonna be his answering service? So he stops getting distracted, as any regular listeners understand, Jeff can get a little distracted. - Just like today. - Yeah. - Took me a while to kick it in gear, 'cause all the stuff on my list and stuff that I had to do. But I'm really happy, I'm gonna come back and acknowledge that. But I was so happy with myself today, I got a clipboard and a pad, and now I can take notes when I'm sitting out there. So I'll necessarily forget stuff. So something gets said, I'll write it down. Even if I don't do it that minute, and it will come back to me. But yes, the other day, it was just like, I told you, I was like, man, would it just, I think it would just be easier. I don't want you to have my phone. - No. - Not there's any one on my phone you can't see, but like I wanna, I wanna be able to use the podcast, I wanna be able to use it. - Yeah, or do, you know, live broadcast or whatever, but you know. - Yeah, but like I don't wanna answer it. - Yeah, just to forge your calls, you know, wait. So you can remain focused on getting done what you need to get done. And then you can come in, sit down, and focus on replying to people. - Yep, you write down whatever, whoever, whomever calls, write it down, and you know, six o'clock, seven o'clock, eight, no, not eight o'clock, six, seven o'clock, call back, and just touch base with and reconnect. So, but yeah, I thought it would maybe help me just be a little bit more productive. - Maybe I could be more helpful to people. - Especially, you could, especially during the week. - Weekends. - Don't ask me hunting questions. - No, no, no, but, you know, I know I'm gonna get bombarded. No, deluged, is that the correct word? - Possibly, I don't know what you're trying to say, but. - Deluged, when you get over, you know. - Deluge. - Deluge. Say that again so I can say. - Deluge. - Deluge. - Deluge. - That's what I said. - Now it sounds weird, I have no idea what you're trying to say. - I think that's what I said. Anyway, I'm gonna get, so I'm full, and I'm gonna get all these people who said, like, it's not even, we're not even into September yet. And somebody says, "Hey, let's go, let's go on, let's go on." And I'm like, "I'm sorry, I'm full." - Yeah. - I guess it's a good problem to have for me, maybe not for them, but. - Yeah, definitely a good, I mean, and a lot of, I don't know what to say a lot, but you definitely get some repeat, you know. - Yeah, I think the repeats are more in tune with that. So that's not, you know, that's, I had somebody today as an early December date, and they said, "Hey man, like, it's on Wednesday. "Could we get Tuesday or Thursday?" I'm full, sorry. So the changes for sure, but like, yeah. So. - Well, I'm sure you'll make every day count for her, however long that, you know, they're gonna be with you. - Yes, so this is, I think I mentioned this early, or that we have our first, it's actually gonna be a hurricane. - Oh, this is. - For a short period of time. So it'll be. - Not for us, but yeah. - Well, yeah, but I mean, it will be classified as a hurricane. - It hit Florida as a hurricane. - Yeah, kind of the panhandle and then come up through, but man, I just, I hope, if I could, if I could, you know, dial up anything or wish anything, I just hope that the winds are just as mild as can be. The, I don't wanna say it's a controversy, but the white marlin kicks off here shortly. And because of this. - White marlin opening. - White marlin opening. - White marlin opening. - Open the fishing tournament, excuse me. It's the richest bill-fishing tournament in the world. Love to see, that's why I came here. - You're in Ocean City, Maryland. - Which is the white marlin capital of the world. - Yeah. - Yeah. - How that came about, don't know it. - Well, they're gonna have a fishing tournament that last year was worth over $10 million total purse. And I guess, well, you know, they don't know, won't know till tonight, tonight, I guess. Whenever the entry close, which is the, not tonight, they'll know what the total purse is. And I guess it's gotta be, it'll be over $1 million, I guess. But what they were concerned about was, is that the storms coming up the coast, windy, windy, windy, windy, windy, windy. And so, the old rules, the normal rules are, you can add a five days, Monday through Friday, you can fish three, can't fit. And you can, you know, you can fish one or two, but you can't fish more than three days out of the five. So this year, they said you, they opened up Saturday also, so that you can fish three of six days. And little, little grumblins griping around it, basically the only reason they did this. Well, one of the reasons, the main reason that they did this, is that all the little boat. - Because of the weather. - Because of hurricanes coming up. - Yeah. - Because of that, and that the ocean's gonna be rough, that small boats were not gonna enter into the tournament, and they would lose money. So kind of, and people are griping about it, I was like, hey man, like we, this is, it's been this way for 51 years. Like, you just, just 'cause, 'cause why. There hadn't been storms before, the water hadn't been rough before. We already got our plans made, and now you're opening up an extra day. - Mostly comments I saw were positive, that they will agree with it. - All right. Yeah, those are people that are just sitting on the beach, another day they wanna see boats coming in now. - Maybe. - Maybe, but, you know, again, it's, you know, you can never make everyone happy. - 100%, 100%, 100%. Yes, decoys are going well. Busy, busy, busy, go, go, go. Skoda's training's coming along well. September 7th will be our first hunt test. If you can't see, (laughs) now that you heard that, I'm like, I have a spawn, I'm laughing, but, I don't know, getting some, we'll see. We're gonna enter into master period. I, and I think I must've said, because somebody asked me about this, the first test is not a double. I thought the first test was a double senior, and a master, it's not. It's a junior, senior, master. So, she will be entered in the senior, she will be entered in the master, and we will see what she does. - Yep, that's what I said. The worst that could happen is she done pass, but you'll learn something from it. - Yeah, but I don't wanna, you know, I don't wanna set myself back where I create issues. That said, she truly, out of, there was Koot, first all Koot, black female. Second dog, diamond, black female. Third dog, poacher, black female. Fourth dog, booger, a male. - Huh. (laughing) - Dawg. - He was the lovable dog, I love that guy. I wish he was here right now, 100%, but he very was, very was, he very was. He very much was. - The boog man. - Yeah, the boog man, booger, very immature. So he kinda, I always tell people that he's the one that cured me of ever wanting a male dog. Current day, that's changed. And then the last dog was a Bristol, black female Bristol. So, had all those dogs and maybe a different lifestyle, lots of variables, but nobody was really like Koot. Diamond was good, diamond was good, but she wasn't like Koot. I think, usually she's sitting here in this chair, that's why I turned to the hook, I'm sorry. - Yeah. - I, she's probably on that bed right now. - Yeah, she probably is. I scotered her like current day with the stuff, the blinds, the things that I've been doing with her. Does she have the hunting experience Koot has? - No. - But, forget about the hunting. Yeah, man, she reminds me, she's a little bit smaller than Koot, but she definitely kinda reminds me of her. It just doesn't, she doesn't have, well say bad days, she doesn't have all days where her attitude is not good. - Yeah. - And whether, you know, whether she does everything we're supposed to do, you know, does it great? You know, we're training, so that doesn't really factor into it, but what I really, again, my example of running that big long line, big, big water entry, a big swim, you know, she's 300 yards plus away, I blow the whistle and she's down her sitting, her tail's just wagging, right? So, she has a really great attitude, and I think that, I don't know, maybe, you know, some of this stuff too, is I know enough with Koot. I think with, I was running her and senior, AKC senior and master at the same time, she passed all four seniors. We failed three, the first three masters we failed. And then the fourth, I was kinda at that point where like, okay, you know, I'm done this, if she doesn't, and they were all close to the house, so it wasn't like it was traveling, they were all close. But if she doesn't pass this next one, I'm not running her and master anymore, and what do you, guess what, she passed. So then I chased, I did get her qualified for the master national that year. Her senior title, as well as, I think, master national only needed to have five passes, not six at that time, that's how long ago it was. But, yeah, again, I don't wanna be that guy where push, push, push, go, go, go, but, man, I don't, you know, what do I tell people, Karen? I'll tell people a lot of things, but one of my other lines is, I don't know I'm gonna be here next month, but I wanna be, but I want to, you should've said it. You should've said it. I wanna be here next month, but I'm not, there's no guarantee I'm here next month, right? - No, and they age too fast. - They do, they get way too old, way too fast. I've written that, I bet you in the last week, I've written that three times where people, either dogs pass or that and put them down, regardless, their dogs aren't with them, and they get way too old, way too fast, so. Yes, so that's where we're at with Skoda. She's training really, really well. This morning, I changed up some stuff where basically I just kind of still do what I do, but I'm really gonna concentrate on, let's say line mechanics, getting out of the T350. Even when I train by myself now, I'm gonna put a holding blind up. I've kind of, it's easiest, it won't be a problem, but I stop that, there's a holding blind in the. - Make the effort. - Yeah, I'm gonna put it out. Even if she sits in there, I put her in it, tell her, Ken, where she gets in there, and I walk back maybe five yards, we sit probably not as long as what I think, but definitely probably like 15, 20 seconds, call her out, heal up very, very slowly to run a blind. - Yeah, go take that police board with you too. - Yep, the one blind, you were there, but not really a blind, it was more of a drill. Are you empty? All right, well, we can end this if you want. The blind drill is at 225 yards away, we run from a mound. Basically it's, if you're not familiar with the use and shore of Maryland, it's basically flat, especially the ag fields. So, I guess everybody's ag, there's some ag field, like Lancaster, they just had the conjugula flats. We went up through there, yeah man, there's ag fields up there, very rolling. But our ag fields here are very flat. And so everybody, not everybody, but many people like to put mounds in them, so you can get up 10 feet and at least eight feet, and you can see the dog. So at about 225, 225 yards away from this mound, there's a sand lane, I put six way bumpers. And I kinda, I try to line her up so that she, in my mind, she's running to the center of them. So if she, if she drifts a little to the right, fades a little to the left, she's gonna still be in the bumpers. And, but even, even doing that drill, which, you know, it's kind of a, it's kind of a cold line, but it's really just a drill, 'cause I just want her to go 225 yards without stopping. When I say back, the next thing, the next thing I tell her, good girl. Tweet, tweet, tweet, good girl, great job. But even, even this morning that, I put a holding bond up and, you know, get her out of the truck, make her sit, get her out of the truck calmly. And then I release her, let her go air. She runs around like a nut. Then kind of get to handle back on, put her in the holding bond, and we, we healed up, healed up to the mound, and I kicked her off. So, she's doing really well. The only pup that went with us today, Duke went, he just did Duke stuff, like he likes to do. He almost caught a mower duck, he really did. And, 'cause they're kind of molted and they don't fly that well. And that, but yeah, proof, the proof man is really, he's a horse, but he's really, he's a mini, miniature horse, but he's really improving well. His swimming is really starting to, he smoothed that out and he really, the obedience you've been doing with him, tell him to sit. Like I might touch him, I tell him to sit and he actually sits. Not, you know, for a second or two and I, but it lets me, lets me get a hold of my, my Richard Barnes steady tab with the pinch collar. So I use the pinch collar on him, but I don't, I throw it, and man, I'm sending him, I send him basically when it's, when it, then the bumpers in the water. - Yeah, yeah. - I just do a couple of them, just to get him, I'm just trying to get him swimming good, so. - Yep, and he's getting there, he's slowly improving. I just think once he muscles up, or, you know, grows into himself, he'll, he'll, he's gonna, it won't be an issue. - That's a scooter dog. I mean, momma don't ride, rise behind me. All right, love, are we good to go? - Yes. - Did I do a better job on it this time? - I think so. - Yeah, we still may use that other one, I don't know. I said some stuff in there that, like I said, I just wasn't comfortable with. - Yeah. - I remember I chuckled and laughed a couple times about, like what do you call, man, I shouldn't. - You're gonna repeat it after you just said that you know you shouldn't? Jesus. You shouldn't say that either. - I, I thought it was, I thought it was cute that I couldn't, I couldn't, so relationship, a male and a female, and there's allegations of male to female abuse, but they're not married, I guess fiance, but like what, how did you refer to her? And that's what I had trouble. That's why I kind of chuckled. I'm like, I don't even know what to call her. What do you call her? Like what do you call her? - Domestic violence. - No, no, no, but the relationship, how do you refer to somebody? That's what I chuckled at. And then I felt bad, I was like, well, wait a second, I just laughed. Somebody's gonna say, I was laughing about domestic abuse. I'm not. I laughed about like, what do you call that person? - That's in Australia, it's called a de facto relationship. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, it's de facto relationship. But how are they relative to each other? What do you call that person? - They're a boyfriend, girlfriend. - Okay, partner, so it's partner abuse. That's what I was trying to come up with. Like how it's not, you and I are spouse. It's not spousal abuse, because they're not, they weren't married. - Right. - They're engaged, girlfriend slash engaged. Boyfriend, girlfriend engaged. It's like, what is that person? And I laughed, you know, I didn't laugh. I chuckled. - Like trying to come up with like what do you call them? - I don't know what you call that person. - Right. - Yeah, so that, it was that kind of stuff. And I just didn't feel good about it. - Okay. - No, I just gave it, like what, I just gave it. - Yeah, 'cause we're not probably not gonna use it, so move on. - Oh, I'm, this is going in and going out. Just as is. - All right, okay. - Thanks about what? - I'll talk to you later about it. - Oh my goodness. - Oh my, Lanta. What we done? - Yes. - All right, it's been, I don't know. It's been a good while. - Pushing six. - That's getting dark. I'm hungry, we're doing steaks tonight. We are doing ribeyes on. - Camp Chef. - Woodwind Pro. I'm gonna throw some lump, lump coal in there too, to get that thing. - And then thick, like an inch thick. - Yup, yup, yum. - Yum. - They need to be good. All right, we're gonna use Pete's damn good stick rope. - Probably. - Okay, good. - He's doing this right now. - Yeah, we are. He texted me the other day. I saw the bollies, I guess stuff looks old. I was like, wow, it still tastes good. - Yeah, we kind of, we've had a few different things. It kind of suckles through it, right? Like the, you know, flavors of the month and what kind of takes your fancy, but right now, it's Pete's. - We did that Spatchcock chicken the other night. And you said it, it's gonna be like pork. It was the smoked-- - It was maple something. - A quorum of smoked maple rub. Which I would use that on ribs. - Yeah. - And, you know, it's chicken, but I thought it was still damn good. - It was really good. - I think you could put Pete's damn good stick rope on the chicken and that would turn out good. - We'll try that next. - Yeah. - But I use a lot and I probably will not have enough. - Oh, good, copy. Yeah, I didn't want to say anything to you the other day because I'm letting you, you do you. - Yeah. - The quote-- - Is this been good? - You do, yeah, but why'd you like, you put a half a jar on the bottom side. - Because it, it, it filters into your meat. - But if you're pushing down, which is laying down, the shit's falling out of it, not going up into it. - Hey, that's what the fella said on, that, that, what's that guy's name? Like the big sauce. (laughing) - I don't know, love. - I don't know who he said. - I have no idea who you're referring to. - Okay. - All right, we done this. - I'm getting myself in trouble. - Yeah, that's what I'm trying to get you out. - All right. - 'Cause I am not cutting this up. This is going in straight. - Okay, go. - So it can be up tomorrow. - All right, cheers, love. - Salute, I love you, Karen. - That's why we made it through this. - Thank you very much. Anybody that's still listening, we appreciate you listening on YouTube, Rumble, or any of the other major platforms. All right, this is the Pit Boss podcast brought to you by our very good friends at Molly's Place Sporting Goods. Thanking of you, we are, boom. Cheers. - Bless. Cheers, bless. - Don't worry. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music) (upbeat music)