Encouraging Words Devotional

Put Your Trust In The Lord

Be inspired by the encouraging words of Jeremiah and Jill Stewart's powerful story of resilience and faith, reminding us that trusting in the LORD keeps our roots in His never-ending river of supply, even in times of drought.

Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Be inspired by the encouraging words of Jeremiah and Jill Stewart's powerful story of resilience and faith, reminding us that trusting in the LORD keeps our roots in His never-ending river of supply, even in times of drought.

(upbeat music) Listen to these encouraging words from the prophet Jeremiah. Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in Him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes. Its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought. Author and speaker Jill Stewart tells of the time her organization had a women's staff retreat. Jill pictured the women as trees. There were oaks and furs, rose bushes and holly, all sorts and sizes. Around the campfire at night, the ladies began to talk. I had no idea what a year of drought it had been for so many of my dear friends. One after another talked of the dry places, of disease, of alcohol, of unemployment, battering and abuse, of widowhood. One had a father who had committed suicide. Another had seen her daughter through an unwanted pregnancy. It had indeed been a year of drought. Yet through it all, their leaves had been green, wet perhaps with tears of testing, but green. Those precious friends would be all right after all. Their roots were in the river. Jill pictured a tree that was not planted by the river. She called it a worry tree. An anxious tree, ringing its twigs in frenzy. We do not have to be worry trees, even in a year of drought. Jeremiah said that if we trust the Lord, we will be a tree planted by God's river of supply. Be encouraged. Joe reminds us that in drought, his river will never run dry. His comfort and guidance will always be ours. You've been listening to encouraging words with Darlene Salah. Visit for more. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) [MUSIC PLAYING]