FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

Jeff Poor Show - Monday 8-12-24

2h 2m
Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) - From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between, an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's The Jeff Poor Show. ♪ I don't think I ain't done it this way ♪ ♪ No ♪ - Well, good morning, everyone. April Marie here, filling in for Jeff Poor again. You've got the text number down. I am on it already. So good morning, off to a great start this week. I have taken my children to their first day of school. Well, my boy is anyway. I've got a second grader and a kindergartner. My kindergartner, I walked into his class. He's the baby, so this is my last time doing that. So I might get a little emotional on you guys, which I know you're used to on The Jeff Poor Show. I'm sure you get that all the time from him. And if not from him, from Sean Sullivan. Surely they get a little teary item about their children. All kidding aside, it really was a beautiful day this morning, getting them in. The surprise of the morning for me was, we did this back to school. You've probably seen in the little fill in the blank sheets. And right on cue, my second grader said he wanted to be a YouTube star. And then out of nowhere, my kindergartner said he wanted to be a priest. Yep, you heard that correctly. I was like, come again? So we'd gone through the little sheet of his favorite things. And then what do you wanna be when you grow up? And he certainly said priest. So what a blessing that would be an absolute shock because he's a hell on wheels, but an absolute blessing all the same. So I'm gonna just hope that one sticks with him for a while. So today on the program, and let me go back for a second and just say that I apologize for the mix up on Friday through a combination of factors. I switched days so that I could take my kids to their school open house. And I think the message somehow got made that it was this Friday instead of last Friday. So that's how y'all ended up with the best of. So that was on me and I apologize. So all right, well, today we're gonna have on the program with us a little later, we're gonna talk to Sheriff Mark Liam from Arizona about what's going on at the border. I'm really excited. We'll have him on in about half an hour. He is one of my absolute favorites in Arizona. Now, my absolute favorite is Paul Gosar, of course. And I can totally say that's because I'm completely biased and I know him well from having worked with him. I know his wife and his children, his girls and his son. And he's even got a little grandbaby now. So, but Mark Liam is a fantastic guy. He ran for the U.S. Senate. That race just ended a couple of weeks ago. And if I had a vote, he would have had my vote because he is no nonsense border security. And that comes from a place of having seen it firsthand. So we'll talk to him about what's going on down there. And then a little later today, we'll also have another guest who is talking about just what our kids are exposed to. And not even just kids, kids and teenagers. What we're seeing on TV, no longer is it an occasional swear word or maybe some window window. All of the things that the left is trying to push down our throats from DEI to the gender nonsense. You name it, the left is putting it into not just TV shows, but cartoons intended for children and intended for toddlers. There are literally toddler shows. I don't know how many of y'all are familiar with the show Coco Mellon. Turns out that's one of, if your kids watch it or grandkids watch Coco Mellon, it is one of the most unhealthy programs that they can watch just in terms of the way that the lights work on your brain. And then they started putting some woke ideology in there. So we're going to talk to a creator of a new platform. And we're seeing more and more of those. "Daily Wire" has their own now. There's one called "Jippy" that's been out a while. The "Daily Wire" is called "BentKey." And these are programming that's intended, where if your kids in front of the TV and there's channel surfing on these outlets, they're not going to come across a non-binary bison. And you go, "What the what the what is a non-binary bison?" Yeah, that happened in real life on Netflix. They've created a cartoon that one would look at if they were just scrolling through things and say, "Oh sure, it's a children's kind of Western show." No, they made the bison non-binary because they are after our kids. They are after your kids. And in this presidential election, the only thing standing between them and your kids is voting for Trump. And I'm telling you what, every day, more and more, I hear myself talk about it. That's what's on the ballot, this election cycle. What we want for future generations of this nation. All right, so we got that. We are going to talk also a little bit today. Man, it was kind of a wild weekend in terms of Olympic stuff. I had a tweet that are an X, I don't even know what we're calling it these days, that went a little viral, I say a little. It didn't go very majorly viral. But of course, talking about the break dancer, I know we've all seen the Australian Olympic break dancer, but Rachel Gunn, who has a PhD in break dancing and dance culture. Now she insists all of her moves are original. And my response to this was children everywhere would like a word with her about her original moves. The unique combination of the PP dance, temper tantrum before a nap. I don't want to wear a coat. No shoes, mama. And don't make me leave the playground. Aren't hers to claim. Clearly, this sentiment is felt by a lot of people. Actually, any people who's ever been around children because about 23, 24,000 people have seen this. And it's probably my most popular tweet in a while. All right, we'll be back with more national headlines, some of the Sunday shows, and other things going on in just a minute. [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] [MUSIC PLAYING] You'll play music like this. I'm going to sing, and then everyone's going to tune out. For those of you who don't know, I am a woman of many, many talents. Singing, not among them. Hooking, also not on the list. But I love to sing, which is somewhat problematic for those who live with me and/or get in a car with me, because I will belt it out. And I listen primarily to country. Although my son is learning the guitar and he is learning, he's learning smoke on the water right now. And so I've been looking at easy kind of rock tunes for him to learn. If you've got any suggestions for that, he's got that opening riff of smoke on the water down. So if you've got other suggestions of something a seven-year-old guitarist can play, feel free to send those on the text line. All right. Oh, man. I told somebody if I was on the text line that if I was going to organize a cue, it wouldn't be to take Jeff Porsche, it would be to take Sean's show. He says, he likes Sean. Maybe the two of us can team up on air. I'll work on that. Actually, I'm supposed to be on with Sean tomorrow. I hope he's back. I don't know. Well, we'll see. All right, so back to the news. Let's see this weekend. We had the break dancer, which-- man, I needed a really good laugh. So a lot of people are down on this whole break dancing, being an Olympic sport thing. No, not me. I truly believe we are in a time where if you compared us to past generations, and not to say past generations didn't have their own issues, of course, right? But I feel like this time in life right now, there is just so much unhappiness, so much complaints, so much division, so little joy in the little things, watching the Olympics, which I only watched here and there. I don't have cable TV. I would tune in to usually the gymnastics. I like watching that with my kids. Some of the swimming or diving. But break dancing made me just laugh from my belly, and I truly feel like life would be better if we just had more frequent laughing like that. So unlike everybody else, I am not down on-- I'm not going to poo-poo the whole break dancing thing, because that was hysterical. And it gives me something I can show my children and be like, look, mom has moves. I have the ability to do half of this and look equally as ridiculous as someone on the Olympic stage. Woo-hoo! That's what I'm talking about. All right, so Sunday shows rolled around, and pundits all over had to scramble to talk about Kamala Harris being missing in action. I've got a clip here from one of those Sunday shows that is where we're going to hear somebody try to defend Kamala Harris' interviews or lack thereof. Kamala Harris has yet to hold a press conference. She's been in this now 21 days. She has yet to do a single interview. Why is that? And is that going to change? 21 days, Jonathan-- Three weeks! --are running for present. Is that what I mean? No, OK. Before that, she did tons of interviews. She's done interviews with you. She's done the interviews. I'm sure she's going to do interviews. [LAUGHS] OK, 21 days, that's three weeks. That Kamala Harris has been the heir apparent. Somebody asked her to kneel. They took a little sword. They tapped her on both shoulders, and they said, we hereby dub you the next nominee for President of the United States for the Democrats. We also give you, although I'm still not convinced this was illegal, we give you and your next running mate all of Joe Biden's money. And we send you out to the campaign trail. So Kamala-- and by the way, I think it's genius. You will hear people pan her doing these concerts. I saw videos from the latest one where she's-- what she's got is she's got these famous stars. They've got these famous stars going and opening for her, and then she speaks. Well, what's happening is they're getting all these great crowd shots. The media's going crazy. Oh, look at all this excitement for Kamala. Which, hello, people aren't coming out for Biden, because you know, half dead kind of thing, right? But they are coming out for Kamala. They're all enthusiastic. They're excited. Well, then there was outlets, were outlets, who as soon as she started speaking, went from painting from her at the stage to panning to the audience, leaving. They're not there for her to speak. They're there for the free concert before she speaks. They have no interest in her whatsoever. So here's what my political brain says. My political brain says, does this still translate into votes? Does this still get people to the polls? And I think if there's down-ticket races that people care about, it will. And of course, there's going to be a year of obligatory. I'm turning out just because she's a chick, ugh. Or I'm turning out just because she's a minority. I'm turning out because of her race, whether you want to count that at her as Black or Indian, or whatever she's claiming today. There is going to be people that turn out because of the demographic aspect. But who gets excited about getting out to vote for Kamala Harris? And the answer to that is no one. They may get excited about the first woman. But when I think about Barack Obama, and I do, I look at the different candidates of my lifetime, people were excited about Barack. He gave good speeches. Oh, they weren't Trump-like speeches, but they were good speeches. And he drew an audience because he was young, and he was charismatic. Kamala doesn't have that. Her VP candidate doesn't have that. And so it's going to be really interesting to see if all of these star-studded rallies turn into even a percentage. I'd love to see an exit poll from a Kamala concert, right? Where you say, OK, have you voted before? And is this going to increase your likelihood of voting this time? Because I really don't. I know there is a huge demographic of people who just don't turn out to vote. And whether they haven't had a candidate they're excited about, they don't think their vote matters. Or they just don't care. It's not a priority to them. There is a number of people. And that's across both political spectrums, by the way. That just don't turn out. But what turn out for a free concert? Somebody on the text line asked, how about Kamala stealing Trump's no-tax-on-tips idea? Yes, so we have not heard a single original idea from this new ticket until they steal Trump's tax-on-tip idea, which is they're not going to tax tips. Now, this, by the way, I'm very intrigued by this tax-on-tips. I know Trump said it initially, but I am a little worried about the implementing this, and I'm worried about you guys. These little tip screens, which, by the way, drive me crazy. It's a really good thing that I don't care what people think about me, because I still tip the people who serve me. But I'm not tipping the person at the gas station unless it's full-service, which, by the way, I do go to full-service, because they fill up-- they do the hairs and the tires and all that stuff. So every, every, like, couple months, I'll go to a full-service gas thing. Like, I'm old school, right? But by and large, half the time I'm seeing a tip-- and we're not even talking about, like, servers, which I was a server, I was a terrible server. You guys, you have to understand. I love people, and so I would find the nice people, and those would be my-- I would get phenomenal tips from them. And then if someone was going to be-- I could read them, read their body language, read their tone. And if they were going to be jerks, they got the runners. But when it comes to tips these days, tips is no longer what somebody-- you got quality service. Now, everybody in their brothers getting tips. Tons of tips. And so I'm intrigued by this-- no tax on tips, concept, given the amount of money that has increased in recent-- in the recent since COVID. And the standard of tips went up. I mean, it's 20 minimum. Sometimes I'll look on a thing, and it'll be like, it'll start at-- it's like 15, 20, 25, 30. I'm like, who's giving 30% tip? And maybe who's giving a 30% tip on something that's not ordinarily tipped to go food? It's very odd. Somebody on the text line said, the votes for Kamala are already taken care of. They just have to keep up appearances. I saw this meme going around when Biden dropped out of the race of like, uh-oh, what do we do with all these ballots now? I think there's some value in thinking that the operations that get out the vote is just going to flip to her. Do I think someone's in a warehouse somewhere marking up ballots? I don't think so. Now, and for those of you who don't know, I believe that the election last cycle was stolen fair and square. What do I mean by that? I mean that I think that when they allowed votes to come in after election day, when they continued to count votes, when they counted votes that didn't have signatures, that were mail-in ballots, when they did all of those things, that were cheating. That is what swayed the election. Do I think that there were suitcases and warehouses and trucks full of ballots? I don't. I think I have looked at each and every one of those accusations and I have found nothing to substantiate them. Have we seen that there was ballot harvesting? Have we seen that there was all sorts of nefarious things that went on, judges, allowing things to happen, that should not have happened? That absolutely occurred. And did it occur enough to change the outcome of the election? I used to not be convinced, but no, no, I'm not so sure. Hello, kids. All right, we're going to see a break here when we come back, like I said before, we have a share of Mark and Liam of Arizona. Just to send it all down the line. Hello, experts, can you go minor? Let me thank you for your time. You were the 40-hour week for living. Just to send it all down the line. This is for the one who drives the big deal. [MUSIC PLAYING] The first thing I remember knowing was alone. Well, good morning, everyone. April Marie here. So great to start my week off with you guys. Filling in for Jeff Poor, if you're not following me on social media, you can find me on Facebook and X at April Marie. That's A-P-R-Y-L-M-A-R-I-E, April Marie. I am so excited to have my next guest on. You guys heard me talking about him a little bit last week. If I were an Arizona resident, as opposed to an Alabama resident, Sheriff Mark and Liam would have been my choice for US Senate. He is just an absolute beast at the border. He understands all the problems we've got going on there and how important it is for the safety and security of all of us across the nation to get that thing closed. I'm pleased to have Penell County Sheriff Mark Liam join us this morning. Good morning, sir. Well, good morning, April, and thank you for the intro. I appreciate it. I couldn't use your vote. Well, you really-- I met you at the FAIR conference, the Immigration Conference, that they put on connecting radio hosts around the country to strong supporters of a secure border a couple years ago. And I've just loved talking to you since. Talked us a little bit about-- you were just at the border yesterday giving-- or last week, I guess, when I was on air, giving a tour to a member of Congress. What are you seeing there right now? Well, this is just summer. So it's always a little bit down. When we talk, we look at Joe Biden, and he came out and did some things. And now they're talking about how they reduce the numbers. No, the numbers naturally go down during the hot months because it's so incredibly dangerous and just miserable out in the desert this time of year. But the numbers are still there. Look, we still have a ton of gotaways coming through. There's two types. There's the layups that people just come across and give up and maybe make an asylum claim. And then there's also the gotaways, the people that are in the camouflage clothes, the carpet shoes, that are trying to avoid law enforcement detection. And in the Tucson sector, we lead the way. And they estimate it's between 250 and 500 a day that are coming in. So we deal with a lot of that where we're at, whether it's in vehicles. We had a pursuit last week involved in one of those vehicles in a bailout. We've had some pretty big drug bust recently. So yeah, it's a pretty active skill. Well, we talk about the gotaways. And last week I saw some statistics on the number of individuals who they caught who were on the terror watch list or the number of individuals they caught who they then run a background check on and find certainly should not be here. What are your biggest worries about these gotaways who and who they are crossing the border that is just do not want to be apprehended, do not want to turn themselves in? - You know, my biggest worries are who are they? You know, just with the sheer amount of numbers at one point that the Border Patrol has told me we're only able to bet about 5% of these people. And what we see a lot is ID dump. What that means is they'll get to the border and they dump their IDs. And we find these huge piles of identification, passports, all that stuff. They dump them because then they can say there who they can make up a new name, say wherever they're from, and it doesn't matter. And so it doesn't matter to the, you know, obviously our government doesn't care enough. And now how do they go back and most of our countries are third world countries. So even if you were to call and do a background check on somebody from Sudan, what are the chances that the government's going to have anything on them? It's not like here where everything can commute, computerize, you know, where you have, you can get a criminal history report. I mean, it's just so expensive. And then a lot of these people actually have criminal histories here. People that like a couple of weeks ago, Border Patrol stopped seven people that were convicted sex offenders. People that were convicted of sex offenders here in this country sent back and they were either convicted of a sexual assault or actually some of them were actually raped, some of them were actually sexual misconduct with a minor. So they luckily we stopped seven. How many did we not stop? - Right. - So I guess I get concerned about the people that might have terrorist ties. And it's not just the ones I talked to the FBI. And they said it's not just the people that are on the Terror Watch List. It's the secondary and tertiary people. Those are the people that may not be on a list, but they're equally as involved in the terrorist organizations. I always equate it to like a biker gang. You have a biker gang and there's a fully patched member. And then there's the next level down is a prospect. So they have a half a patch, you know, they're not fully patched. And then you have the hang around. Well, the prospects and the hang around do the majority of the work. So my concerns are about the secondary, tertiary terrorist threat. You've got criminals coming in this country. And I think they had 40,000 people they stopped last year that were convicted of a crime or wanted for a crime here in America that we're trying to get back into our country. So those are the things that keep me up. And then the fentanyl and the other drugs. - Right. - Those are all things that really concern me. And when you throw that all together, this is the greatest national security threat we're facing. This is what's claiming the most amount of American lives. - Well, and it is, they're trafficking in the fentanyl, human trafficking, gun trafficking. And it seems that in DC, you know, we talk about it. I say we, we conservatives, we Republicans talk about it. But truly it's, this is an issue that goes across all political spectrums. And there isn't a person in this country who isn't feeling the results of this porous, if not open border. What is the morale situation? - Can I just say, can I just say one thing to that? - Yes. - If we had an honest media, if the media was truly doing journalism and reporting things the way that are supposed to be reported, then all people would see this as the problem that it is. Republican Democrats and independents. But because the media, if you're watching CNN or MSNBC or one of those more liberal, more progressive stations, you're gonna get a much different idea of what the border is than if you watch Fox and Newsmax and L.A.N. and real America's voice. I mean, you're gonna get a very different view. So I think that journalism in this country, part of the First Amendment is the media, you know? Their ability to tell the truth really had an impact on this country. That's why the Founding Fathers put it in the First Amendment. So I think where we're at is large in part because the media has failed to tell the truth to people. - Absolutely, and worse than failed to tell the truth, there are media outlets that are outright lying. They want you to believe each and every person crossing the border is a dreamer who's gonna be the next valivatorian, is gonna be the next person to, you know, do something amazing in this nation. And unfortunately, that's not everyone's intent. There are people crossing the border with very bad intentions or no clue whatsoever what they're going to do. - Let me ask. - You can't keep letting the third world of the third world come in and not expect to become third world yourself. - That is such a great point. How is morale? What are you seeing when you talk to your officers, when you talk to the federal law enforcement there, when you talk to neighboring counties, just in terms of recruiting those to work the border or those who have worked the border and feel like this administration is, possibly even hostile to one? - In terms of the border, for example, my agency, Morales High, why? Because we're out there doing our job. We're frustrated because we can do it every day because the government's not doing their job. We feel like we're not getting an interaction. But we're working hard every day and we're spending a lot of resources to the federal government. You take some other local jurisdictions and counties, they're frustrated because maybe their agency isn't as aggressive as maybe we are dealing with the border issue. And then you go into the federal side. The federal side, those guys just are miserable. They're not able to do their job, but they've become glorified babysitters. You constantly have the media attacking ICE. ICE is the removal portion of it and the detention portion of it. And then you have border patrol who is the border security piece of it. And then you have customs and border protection. Those people control, they control the courts. And all of them are very frustrated because they're overwhelmed. They're overworked. They've become glorified babysitters. And they're not able to do the job that they know needs to be done and that they're capable of doing. You can imagine how frustrating that would be to have somebody, this administration, put handcuffs on you from the job that you know you're supposed to be doing. - Oh, absolutely. And we've seen in Texas, they've got the governor there has said enough. We're gonna do what we can statewide. This has gone to the courts. Arizona, how are you feeling about your governor and her role in trying to secure the border? - Well, first of all, Arizona started this back in 2010, 2011 with something called SB 1070. They tried to take some control of it. I think the problem that Arizona, the mistake they made is they made the mistake of getting into the immigration portion of it. You have immigration and you have border security. Those are, while they intertwine most of the time, they are still two separate issues. You need to protect your borders and you also have to deal with immigration. Well, I think that bill dealt too much with immigration and what Texas learned from that is Texas said look, what we need to do is talk about the border security piece of it saying, if you come into this country and break the law, then we should be able to enforce it, which is I think absolutely correct. One thing that most people don't realize is immigration, and I don't know how to ask you, well, I don't want to put you on the phone. - No, go ahead. - It's a radio show. Most people don't realize that immigration is not, that authority was not given to Congress in the Constitution. Article one, Section eight gave the authority of Congress to establish uniform rules of naturalization. Immigration was actually given over time through the Supreme Court and through other courts, which is why I think you're seeing such a struggle why they're ping ponging that issue back and forth from the Supreme Court to the lower district court because they are trying to figure out who has that right, you know, the immigration piece of it. But I think Texas absolutely has the right to protect their borders and I'm glad that they're fighting it. I wish Arizona would do more. I'm not hopeful with the current governor, and I'm not super hopeful. We're not looking real great. We're a red state, but we're broken politically. And, you know, the left has really taken advantage of that. And, you know, Arizona is at a real critical time right now as to whether, what we're going to look like in the next four, six, 10 years. - Well, I'm glad you transitioned to that. That was, I was going to follow, kind of wrap up this interview with that. So Arizona is, of course, a very key state. But we've seen some changes in terms, as you said, there's been, there's been some challenges, even within the party of different, kind of more factions evolving. And what do you see in terms of the presidential election and Trump versus Kamala? What does the energy feel like? What does the organization feel like? What are your thoughts leading into that? - You know, look, I ran for the US Senate here because I thought that I would really be able to help President Trump secure another victory here. I don't know. I don't know what it looks like. It's a day-by-day thing. I still think President Trump's going to win in Arizona. But we're going to, it's going to be tough. And really what Arizona has, you know, we have a late primary. Our primaries are in, was it in August? They moved it to July 30th. They moved it up one week. We have a broken Republican party where we've just got, we can't seem to get along. We've got a huge cross-section of independence in this state that want to vote conservative, more conservative than liberal, but they find themselves getting really wrapped up in what the media sells them on who the best candidate is and it's not always the best candidate. And so we found ourselves in this thing where we've lost some really key elections that we shouldn't have lost. And part of it is we have 27 days of early ballot. I think that is a terrible idea. And it allows them 27 days to go out and really ballot chase and get as many ballots as they can. And it makes, and those, by the way, those laws were passed by Republican legislatures. And so I think we did ourselves an injustice in trying to make voting as easy as possible. And reality is I think that voting is a very important part of our citizenship. And it shouldn't be as so easy as to just mail something in. I think that it should require a little bit more than that. And it should require that shows some real citizenship on your part. So yeah, look, for a lot of those reasons, we've kind of lost our way here in Arizona and we're hoping to take it back. But I still think President Trump comes out on top in Arizona right now, but man, they're doing the best they can to paint. Well, it's usually what you find out in an open field where there's tons of towels and bowls and it drops and it's steamy and it's not, it stinks. And they're doing the best they can to paint what they've got in Washington, D.C. to make her look like a great candidate. - Yeah, well, I appreciate you taking the time to talk with us today. If our listeners want to find out more about you, they want to follow you, where can they do so? - You can come on Instagram, that's probably where I'm most active, American Sheriff, or on Twitter, which I don't love because leaders and trolls and journalists are American, but that's Sheriff Lamb one. And, or you can come to - You got it. - He transitioned my site, my site from the Senate site to a site that's more focused on the Sheriff Lamb. So, thank you so much for having me on, April. - Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to call him today. - All right, with that, we're gonna hit a quick break. And when we come back, we'll continue to talk about the border, how absolutely important it is that we secure that what we know is going on there. I will also talk a little bit more about just some of the issues that came up this weekend. We're gonna get into Elon Musk interviewing Trump tonight. How fun that's gonna be. Stay tuned, you're listening to the Jeff Porsche with April Murray. ♪ I must give love by the song that you've grown ♪ ♪ Over and over ♪ ♪ Everybody making my prediction ♪ ♪ So if I get stoned, I'm just carrying on and on ♪ ♪ Family ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ He's found it down ♪ ♪ Lord, in our back trucking ♪ ♪ Are we gonna do what they say can be done ♪ - Well, good afternoon, good morning, everyone. April Murray here. That was sure of Marco Lamb from Arizona. Fantastic, just absolutely fantastic guy. Easy on the eyes, too, for the ladies listening. Just the one that out there. Wanna go back to the text line if you wanna get a hold of me and you've got that number, which I don't have pulled up otherwise, I'd give you right now, I am checking that. One, Summerdale Tony says, the part that gets lost all the time with illegal immigration is it doesn't matter if they're dreamers, criminals, or whatever. It's illegal to come into the United States the way they're coming in. It should be easy for every side to see and say that. Amen to that. I think that, you know, and it's interesting, I met a woman, I was at an event, and met a woman whose entire job it is to work with refugees coming over. And we were talking about the difference between, and I was trying to talk to her about the difference between refugees and illegal immigrants who are just claiming refugee status. And that's really what, a lot of what's happening at our border, people coming across and they want to claim asylum, they want to say that they can legally be here. And they do not meet the legal criteria for that. And I was saying, you know, it's not my frustration, our frustration, the frustration with people coming across in the thousands and millions doesn't come from a place of heartlessness. It doesn't come from a place of unfeeling and uncaring, but it does come from a place of there is a right way to come in, right now that system is broken. But coming in the wrong way doesn't help anyone, including the people who do truly need to seek asylum. And so while we have individuals coaching people on what to say, we carefully, I'm talking about that document dump, they're just finding, you know, finding all sorts of passports and IDs and all sorts of things, plane tickets at the border. And what we're seeing is that these individuals, they are coming from places where they've been, they already received asylum. So they can't, they went into one country, stayed there for a number of years, could have lived there forever, but then decided to come to the U.S. to say that they are from a place that they've long since left. And we just don't have the resources. A little later today, I'll be talking about what's going on with the veteran services. And Tommy Tuberville asking why veterans aren't getting the services they need, why they're not getting the care that they need, why so many people are just stuck in the very broken system. And when we can't take care of our veterans, when we can't take care of our children, when we can't take care of those who truly need assistance. I'm not talking about the always looking for a handout, but I'm talking about the people who need a hand up, or the people who need, who have served us and need to have their healthcare taken care of. When we can take care of all of our own, plus those who come in legally, then we can look at those accepting more from the borders. Right now, the most important part of this is, of course, securing the border and paying attention to what's happening during the selection cycle. And who wants what? All right, we're gonna take a quick break. When we come back, I will be joined by Kara from me, the studios. And we're gonna talk about watching what our, what we are consuming and what our kids are consuming. Back. (upbeat music) From Buck's pocket to the shores of Orange Beach, at all points in between. An insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Poor Show. ♪ I don't think I ain't done it this way ♪ ♪ No, it ain't ♪ - Well, good morning, everyone. If you are just tuning in, don't adjust your radio dial. You've got April Murray here again, filling in for Jeff, who is still on his wonderful family vacation with his son. I can't wait for him to tell you guys all about it when he gets back later this week. I have thoroughly enjoyed watching his pictures. As I mentioned earlier, it is a bitter, bittersweet day for me. I took my two boys back to school this morning. My baby in kindergarten and my middle child in second grade, of course, my daughter for those of you who had last week, she's going into middle school and I am homeschooling her with a Catholic co-op this year. It's just a wild time to have kids. It's a wild time to be kids. And a big part of that is what they're exposed to. Just the absolutely inappropriate, non-family-friendly media that they're exposed to. I'm excited to bring on the minute I, it's been literally seven days since I got a press release from a friend of mine from college on this new streaming platform for families. And I'm thrilled to bring on Cara from We The Studiest this morning. Good morning. Oh, hold on. I got her on mute. Cara, are you there? - Yes, I'm here, hey. - There you go. Sorry about that. I had you on mute. So yes, you and your husband are have a background in entertainment and decided to start your own company. Tell us a little about it. - So my husband and I met and got married in Hollywood. We had our first two children there and everything was typically perfect until we started getting network needs about 2013, 2014 that some things that were not really aligned with our values as parents and as Americans. And we actually walked away from the business in 2013. What ended up happening was my husband joined his family business. He did very well. We went on to have two more kids. However, I worked in Hollywood previously for 17 years. It was very hard for me to stay home. And with the knowledge working in Hollywood in 17 years, I was able to see the messaging that was starting to play out in all programming, but specifically children's programming. So I started realizing every time my children are watching something, it was like, what did they say? What did they witness? What is that in the background? And I just said, given that I am in entertainment, I understand messaging and placement of words and symbolism. And I said, this is my design. They're really hurting our kids. I can sit here and complain on social media or I can take action. So the only course of action I could take because I am American loving and a protector of all children, not just mine, our nation's children. Hollywood wouldn't buy TV for me anymore. Somebody like me anymore. So I had no choice but to create my own streaming platform. Much like you would expect from other platforms. Dare I say their names here. So we're available in the app store. Both app stores, Google, Play Store, Apple App Store. You can also view on our website, And it's really just family-friendly, good old-fashioned entertainment. Just think when we were kids, we would watch growing pains or full health. And it was entertaining. It was wholesome, slightly corny, but not totally corny. It's just normal entertainment. And the response that we received has been absolutely amazing. We just had one video go over a million views on last weekend day. - Very nice. Yeah, I was talking about this earlier that we've gotten to the point where I can't even screen movies with my children anymore. It used to be I could go on a mainstream platform. And we do every Friday night, we do movie night. And it's a tradition, I love it. But we had a series we watched where there were three movies and the third movie, and it had been fine. There was nothing inappropriate for their age groups. And then sure enough, in the third movie, they introduced children who are having the gender and ideology issues, right? And all sorts of topics that you're just like, come on, let my kids be kids, let them use their imagination without them having to face. What is truly, it's an adult type of subject. And I find it very frustrating that we have to do this, but I'm so grateful someone is. Now, how do you curate the kind of content that you think is appropriate? - So I come from casting. So I've cast over 3000 commercials, print music videos. And basically what that means, I would get the actual script for the commercials, print music videos, all of the scenes, which is why I'm so familiar with messaging. And we would find the people to feature in them. I did this for almost 17 years. So I'm very aware of like those things that people that network and production companies and directors and big major brands are looking for. And so I took all of the skills that are essentially useless anywhere else in society and apply them to eat a studio. So I kind of have a little casting requirement that I look for, kind of a little arsenal of things that I look for and I execute. And I just find people that fit certain things that are all American and we're called We The Studios because it's We The People. It's for everybody. We're not just focusing on one race, one gender. We're focusing on our country and our nation, children and people, right? So I really just look for relatable families, real stories and that can't really give away too much of the magic, but I really just put a lot of my casting skills to work and I put them to work for me for the first time versus major corporations that don't love our children. - You know, the way that this was described to me is non-woke streaming. And what is frightening is that nearly, and I say nearly all, nearly all. I can think of a couple of exceptions that recently came online. But nearly all streaming has gone woke and is pushing an agenda and it causes children who are being raised in families with values, whether they be Christian values, whatever their family's values are. It gives them pause in a way that they just don't need to have when they're trying to unplug from the world. The world is already a crazy enough place. What is-- - I will give you an, sorry. - Oh no, go ahead, go ahead. - So I'll give you an example. I don't know if you're familiar with, there's a platform, it's a movie database and it logs all of the movies that are from beginning of time, right? So the director is, who the producer is, the name, title, actor, the actor says. There's over 675,000 listed on the specific database. Okay, there are 27 that are listed as non-woke. Out of 600 and something thousand. So that's pretty much where we're at. I realize that, you know, woke is in, I think Elon Musk is the best as a mind virus at this point. It is really something that it's just hitting you at so many everywhere you look. Every store, every piece of paper that you see at a store, every advertisement, every music video, every single song, every single TV show, it's just hitting you and suddenly this weird stuff becomes normal. And that's another reason why we call it TV for normal people because we just want our kids to be normal and everybody's version of normal may vary a little bit. We do feature all types of families, all types of characters from all over the country. But at the same time, we're all Americans and we just, we want to wake up, go to work, go to bed, get entertainment and let our boys see boys and our girls see girls. - Hey, got to share. - It's appropriate, age appropriate at the same time, you know, what's good for a five-year-old and a 15-year-old, there's two different things and we just, we can't push this adult stuff on children. We just can't do it. - Yeah, we should not be doing it. And so I think that's fantastic. So this is going to be original content and-- - Original content, absolutely. I kind of left that part out. We do have some license content, but we want us to establish a heartbeat for our network, like what the vibe and the feel is so people really know what to come to expect in the years to come. So we have five series that are all original, created by myself and my husband, inspired by some of the characters that we came across through the country and I say characters, they're real people, but these are people that are characters now in television shows, living out their life forever. - Well, I think that's fantastic and I'm looking forward to checking out more of these programs. It's Where can our listeners find more information, find you, and see some of the trailers for the shows you've got all that good stuff. - So the best thing to do would be go to our website, If that's difficult and something people don't like to do, we are on all social media platforms. I'm talking @Instagram, truth, rumble, you name it @WeTheStudio. So you can just put in WeTheStudio through your favorite social media and you will find us and you will see our super trailer. We just have a trailer for one of our shows, Raising Reynolds on Saturday. So every week, we're dropping a new trailer and then content actually begins to drop September 3rd. So you're not missing anything. You're just missing the brand launch, but you're definitely not missing anything yet. - All right. Well, thank you so much for taking the time to call in. I appreciate it. And I hope you and your kids have a great school year and looking forward to looking at the programming. - Thank you so much. I really appreciate the support, have a good day. - Thank you. All right, we're gonna take a quick break. When we come back, we'll jump right back on into some of the weekend of politics and interviews, some of the things you might have missed. More Jeff Corps coming up in just a second with April Marine. (upbeat music) ♪ I keep a close watch on this heart of mine ♪ ♪ I keep my eyes wide open all ♪ (upbeat music) - Well, good morning. Welcome to the Jeff Corps Show, April, Marie here filling in. Always good to find like-minded people and more importantly, like-minded businesses that we can support. I tell you what, I get kind of frustrated when I think about all of the money that goes to people who hate our guts. And let's not get ourselves. That's the truth. It's not even that they're just different because the way I feel about somebody who is, doesn't share my values, who doesn't, doesn't believe in the same things I do, who don't want the same things I do for my kids or for our nation is, I think, well, clearly, I think they're wrong. Not always the smartest, not always the best, not always the brightest, but I don't hate them. I don't want them shipped off to an island. Okay, maybe some of them. But I don't want them sent to re-education camps. I respect their freedoms are the same freedoms that are protected for me and you. The left, on the other hand, they hate us. Man, I'll tell you what, the number of threats and insults, the things people say. I posted a photograph of me and my mom's for Liberty Hat one day. And the post went viral. I guess I should add, I was in a swimsuit, no of the post isn't online anymore. But it wasn't even a crazy swimsuit, but I posted a photo of me and a mom's for Liberty Cat in a swimsuit and it went viral. And oh my gosh, the absolute just hatred-filled messages that I got online from people who were losing their ever-loving minds just because I dare to associate with a group that wants to protect children from woke ideology. And woke ideology, let's not kid ourselves, the overwhelming majority of it is evil. The idea that you have an entire society pushing upon children that they should get, they should poison their little beautiful bodies and healthy bodies, poison and butcher them. That's no short, no less than evil. Nothing short of evil and abusive. And yet that's what we have to fight against. And the people who do not want us to succeed in being able to secure our parental rights and being able to protect children, they generally speaking, they are the ones controlling Hollywood right now and controlling the media right now. And they just do not, under any circumstances, think that are our points of view are valid. Okay, going back to the text line for just a minute, prosecute the people that hire illegals. We have, well, one of the things we have problems we have is we've got a nation where these Democrats continue to find ways to give illegal aliens paperwork that they need to, before their court dates to work. We've got people, it's no longer just people working under the table, we've got administrations that have taken anyone brought here as a kid and tried to give them all the paperwork they need. We should prosecute the people who knowingly hire or keep illegals, period, completely agree with that. It is so frustrating. Let's see, we've got Tim on the text line saying, do I think Kamala would get more votes if she were a mini-skirt to the rallies? I've seen some old Kamala videos where she's dressed, she's dressed as a young lady out about town. Kamala was a beautiful woman and not to say she's not now, I'm older now than I used to be. I don't think the mini-skirts are gonna help her. I think the only thing that's gonna help Kamala is doing what they're doing now, which is keeping her out of the media spotlight. Refusing to talk about how bad her record is and her record from her time in California, her time in the US Senate, her time as VP is abysmal. The combination of doing nothing and then doing everything that she had to do poorly and doing bad things, that's not a record anyone's gonna get elected on. Mini-skirts are not, I think Kamala's only hope is the people are the people who are gonna vote for her to check boxes because of some strange, white single lady cat owning guilt because people think that they believe what they've heard about Trump and Trump voters. That's how she's gonna win. You know, I like to say about candidates like her, nobody gets out on election day to vote for her. They're gonna get out and they're gonna vote for these other reasons. And our job, our responsibility to our nation, to future generations of this nation, is to get out and vote more. Get more of our neighbors to the polls. You know, Sheriff Lamb was talking about all of the early voting going on and all the absentee voting going on in swing states. We don't have that here in Alabama, but sure enough, they do have early voting in absentee voting in Florida. They do have it in Georgia. They have it in Arizona. They have it in enough swing states that we need to be making sure that each and every person who shares our perspective on the country, who values the constitution and the ideals that we hold dear, we need to make sure they're getting out and voting. I'm not, I cannot even say, listening to radio, fighting online, that is not enough. Do you know what I'm gonna be doing the rest of the week since I don't have radio anymore? In addition to looking for a full-time job, that's a whole different story. I'm going to be doing, get out the vote calls in Florida. I am going to be doing, they've got a, their early voting, Hest are their absentee voting for their primary and early voting for their, the primary that's going on there now has started. I'm gonna be, I'm going to be calling. And there is an estate in this nation that you can't, from your home in Alabama, be working to get out the vote. And they have these handy dandy little apps now with scripts, so they tell you exactly what to say. And I hate political phone calls as much as the next guy because I personally do all the research myself and know who I'm voting for. But there are people out there who don't, especially when it comes to primary elections, there are people who don't realize, when the election data is or that they can go vote, that sort of thing. People who get absentee ballots in, who haven't mailed them back, there are a lot of things you can do that go beyond donating to a campaign and certainly have way more value than just screaming at your TV or your radio or playing on social media. There's my soapbox. I'm gonna go ahead and get off of that right now. Let's see, I am looking at the text line. Someone says, going back to the tip idea, Kamala stealing Trump's idea of taxing tips. The reason we don't tip in other cultures is because they have universal healthcare and other safety nets. We wouldn't have the tipping issues in the US if we had a proper living wage. Who, buddy, what is a proper living wage and how do we not pass that on? How do you get both the goods and services at the prices people can afford while paying what someone else might think is a living wage? Entry level jobs were meant to be just that entry level. And so, we can talk about that on the flip side. All right, let's take it on to have some muscle shells to eat your potato. Mm, burnin' half. Ooh, come on, go on. Well, good morning, everyone. And what a good morning this is. First day of my kids being back to school. Two of the three, anyway. My daughter, I am homeschooling this year, and so she's here with me, and we are starting her homeschool curriculum. We actually went and had a homeschool pool party yesterday where she got to meet some of her classmates, and she will have her first co-op meeting in just a couple weeks. Let's see, we have talked to Sheriff Lamb. If you missed that interview, catch it on the podcast because Sheriff Lamb is amazing. I'll put it on my social media a little later if you wanna share it as well. And then we talk to Cara, who is from We The Studios, which is a streaming service. There's several like it out there. There's Bank Key, which is the Daily Wire one. There's Yippy, which is, curates a lot of YouTube channels, but gets them where they don't have what my kids call cuss cusses. There's no cuss cusses. Doesn't have cursing in it and is a little bit safer than a typical YouTube channel. It's just a shame, right? And by the way, it's really funny because I have started watching some of the, and yes, you are totally allowed to mock me, but I started watching some of the cartoons that I grew up on. I was trying to explain, I'd seen a meme about the Jetsons. You guys remember the Jetsons? Do, do, do, do. Yeah, I'm musically talented when it comes to that, not singing, but I can do little sounds. Anyway, so the Jetsons, I saw a meme about it, how they predicted Zoom calls and they predicted, you know, working from home and some of these other things we got going on. And so I found it, sure enough, you can stream the Jetsons and I was just laughing so hard at what, no, the Jetsons, by the way, were not there yet. So we could have flying cars, but I say this to say, when I was a kid, you know, the worst thing happening was like Animaniacs or, you know, your trippical road runner, you know, and while it absolutely cracks me up to think of how, quote, offensive some of it is, you know, you got Pepe Le Pew trying to kiss on the other cat. And so, but when I think about it, the cartoons back then, we didn't have to worry about political topics in them, we didn't have to worry about these other things. And for people who are saying, why do you worry at all? Because it matters. Because if kids, if we are normalizing some of this nonsense, if we are programming kids to think that white privilege is a thing and that everyone's inherently racist, you know, then we are going to have to undo that damage. I was speaking with a state representative, this is years ago, several years ago, we were talking about some of, you know, during the BLM stuff, we were talking about what kids learn and he said, as a black man, he said, as a black man, I have to tell my kids things that you don't have to tell your kids. I have to tell my kids certain things when they, you know, when they get in a traffic stop or whatever. And I said, well, what if my son grows up to be that police officer? Do you really feel like you need to warn your son about my son? When does my son become a threat to your son? Because I'm not teaching my son and our sons, now I've got two. I'm not teaching my son, then he needs to worry about your son. But we have people who believe that every African-American child, every black child in the country, needs to be taught these racial ideas that are just no longer the status quo if you go to any family. And I did, I asked them and then I sat there. When does my son, should he grow up to be a police officer, become a threat to your son? And he said, your son doesn't. Well, let's not make assumptions about one another and let's not teach our kids that they should fear one another based on the color of their skin. Why is that right? And yet this is being put into all this programming. And I'm on a rant about this because I really tell you, it's just these kids are so sweet and innocent. I got to walk my kindergartener to his class today because it was the first day of school. But then he said, "Mom, I'm scared. "I'm not gonna be able to get there tomorrow." And his second-grade brother, his seven-year-old brother, said, "I'll walk you." And he said, "Will you walk me the rest of the week?" And he said, "Yeah, I'll walk you the rest of the week "if you need me to." That's what we want. We want kindness and compassion from our kids. We want to teach them to be good little humans. And so somebody said, "Is the cuscus from the love "of Mr. Fox, one of my faves?" I'm not sure where I got cuscus from, honestly. We've been saying it since the kids have been old enough to understand the cuscus. But I'll tell you my sweet kids, they think things are cuscuses that most people wouldn't consider cuscus. Stupid is a cuscus in our house. And so anyway, it's very... We're a little bit more traditional around here. All right, well, let's leave. I've got a clip here of finally Biden going on the record about why he dropped out of the race. Let's go to that. - Look, the polls we had showed that it was neck and neck race would have been down the wire. But what happened was a number of my democratic colleagues in the House of the Senate thought that I was gonna hurt them in the races. And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic. You'd be interviewing me about why did Nancy Pelosi say, why did so? And I thought it'd be a real distraction. - Well, finally, someone says the quiet part out loud, Joe Biden was forced to get out of the race because other people in the party knew, not thought, they knew he would be a drain down ticket. They knew that it's weakened at Bernie's over there and that Joe Biden's candidacy did nothing for no one. I mean that, there was nobody else on the ticket who was gonna get a boost out of a Joe Biden presidential nomination this time around because it's not about just defeating Trump. It's about getting out the vote. And Kamala Harris does that. A Kamala Harris top of the ticket does that. Now, I still think they could have and should have done better. I think they could have and should have put somebody on the Democrat ticket that could have energized their base. But they were writing a Trump, Trump was increasing in popularity in the polls and they just wanted to get someone out there. The idea that Kamala is the best they've got, if that's true, Lord help the Democrats. We at least have a somewhat deeper bench. I look at the candidates for those of you who didn't know. I'm a DeSantis fan, I'm a big DeSantis fan. His campaign was not run well. We've seen that from other Republican candidates, by the way, who have had internal strife that spilled over into the campaign and impacted it. But I think we've got a lot of talent on the Republican side to carry on the values and the priorities of MAGA without being Trump. And I think that that is looking towards the future, that is the strength of ours. Democrats, who they have, they've got Pete Buttigieg who is somewhat just a bizarre dude. He's just a bizarre guy. I cannot think about him without thinking about him nursing. His adopted baby, I say nursing, men don't nurse. I should, let me back that one up. Pretending to nurse with this weird prosthetic thing, getting driving an SUV and then taking out a bicycle to ride the bicycle. This man is an absolute disaster and joke. Don't get me started on the governor of California. That guy is even worse. Everything he has done has harmed his state. And I mean everything, every bill he signs, he is just a absolute train wreck. We've got Gretchen, the FBI tried to kidnap me, not necessarily a great pick. And then I think to myself, what does God forbid, a Kamala administration look like? How many of these absolute yahoos does she put into her administration? Because people don't want to stay after Biden. Biden, been able to get people in his administration that would not want to serve under Kamala. People who knew Biden in his time as the Senate back when he was somewhat effective. He was known to cross the aisle and get things done from time to time. But that was back when he had all of his faculties about him. Not that everything he did was good because by no stretch of the imagination is that true. But he was known to be effective. Kamala's doesn't have that, not in any way, shape or form. All right, great to see Biden actually taking responsibility and saying, I did this for the other Democrats. I did this because I know that I was, I was tanking the tickets. One listener saying, I'm a huge decentist fan also. Absolutely. One person talking about the individual who was, we were discussing who, the idea that my son would be a threat to his son. And I just, I hate that there are children being taught that because we don't teach our kids that. I mean, this idea that DEI needs to be promoted in all schools needs to be pushed onto everybody is absolutely, I'm laughing at the text line. It's absolutely absurd. Listener typing, Gretchen, the woman literally too stupid to kidnap herself. Every time I go down the rabbit hole of information about the governor's kidnapping, it makes me want to weep because this was the worst of the worst, the dumbest leading the dumb. Or maybe I should say the fed's leading the dumb. That's pretty much what it was. All right, we're gonna take a break. When we come back, we will get into more of the top headlines. Oh, and the absolute freak out over Elon Musk going all in for Trump. And we'll talk a little bit. He keeps doing these little practice streams. If you're on Twitter, you'll see it. Elon getting ready to interview to President Donald Trump. And we'll talk about what that's gonna look like in just a little bit. ♪ I fly a starship across the universe divide ♪ ♪ And when I reach the other side ♪ ♪ I'll find a place to risk my spirit if I can ♪ ♪ Perhaps I may become a highway ♪ - Oh, good morning, everyone. April Marie here. Filling in for Jeff Port. All right, if you have not heard, Elon Musk announced yesterday that he is going to be livestreaming a conversation with Donald Trump this evening, 8 p.m. Eastern. That would be 7 p.m. our time for those of you who need me to do that math for you. He keeps doing all these practice links because he is clearly rightfully concerned that there's going to be a lot of people on there. Some of his practice streams have, some of his practice streams have had, let's see, once had 3.4 million views, once he had 4.6 million views. So we can expect that this interview is going to be quite watched. Interestingly, he says that he did a tweet that says that he has nothing is off limits for this interview. And so that is the deal. Nothing, everything's on the table and he thinks it's going to be fun. And so I am really looking forward to this. I was trying to find that particular post. But what's even more interesting is the left losing their minds. It's a great form of entertainment, actually. The left losing their minds is the most phenomenal point of entertainment. I feel like I could just every day watch one lefty be completely ridiculous and that could be my good belly left. So we've got one for you today right now. This is a clip of a young lady, I think, using the term loosely, losing her mind about the Elon interview and his support for Trump. I hate Elon Musk! Do you even know how much money he has donated to Trump? Can trillion dollars? He doesn't need that money. He's already a trillionaire! There's trillionaire supporting other trillionaires! You know how much money that could be donated to worthwhile causes? Like, like the Biden Harry's campaign? He made Twitter's side! And his dad owns Emerald Bines! OK, that's not parody! That's a real person! In need of significant mental health expertise! Oh, oh my goodness. You, OK, first off, this was recorded yesterday. Biden Harris is no longer a thing. But I just can't... I can't keep a straight face when I look at... And it's always the same demographic. You almost always... In this case, it's not true. But almost always, it's a purple-a-green hair, rose-ring from an upper-middle class or a fluent area, overweight, completely predictable. You don't even have to see the person to understand what they're going to look like when they're losing their mind that way. But sure enough, Elon Musk... And by the way, the idea that Elon Musk has broken Twitter, I thought we debunked that, right? And by debunked that, I mean, continue to use Twitter. Has it improved 100%? No, but that no functional thing does. And I just... You're not supposed to take pleasure in other people's pain. But when it comes from... When it comes from this... When it comes from such an absolute... Goob. Okay, I just go ahead. Yeah, absolutely. But they always... Always, predictably, you can in your head see the image of the person losing their mind. I hope Donald Trump wins. I hope Donald Trump wins this election cycle. And for several reasons, right? I want secure borders. I want to do some of the small government things. I want our Second Amendment rights protected. I love the idea of a education, getting somebody into the Department of Education who's going to give more power back to the states. I could go on and on and on. But really what I want is I want more videos of unhinged leftists losing their ever-loving minds like this because I find it comical. We need to bring back asylum people. I am and have been a huge advocate for mental health care and community-based mental health care facilities, but some people really just... They may be beyond help. I said before we had the individuals. I'm getting a message. I'm going to need a link to that freak-out pronto someone says. I need to see what that lunatic looks like. Okay, I'll get that link up in just a minute. Daniel from Foley says, "I agree. Watching liberals cry is entertaining." Someone else said, "That's fake." That was funny to me for the live streaming of Trump Interview by streaming video games. Yes, I did leave that fact out. When Musk was doing his streaming to see how many people he could get on, he was streaming out video games. It's a beautiful thing. Millions and millions of people right there. It's fantastic. All right. I'm really enjoying these texts to these texts. I will go ahead and tweet out that video when we get to the next break so that you guys can see this individual losing their mind. And now I'm not even sure if it's a girl or a boy. I have it up and the voice threw me off. I'm sure it doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl either. Wait, did I say that? I'm a terrible human being. All right, all kidding aside. When we come back in the next hour, we're going to talk about crime because the data and statistics are not going in the right direction and yet the leftist media is saying it is. I want to talk about why that is and how the reporting has changed. We're going to talk about more of the VP shenanigans, tampon Tim and his, some of the weekend truths that came out and people talked about him. All of those things are more on the flip side. You're listening to the Jeff Porsche with April Marie. ♪ I keep on rolling with the flow ♪ ♪ Folks said that I... ♪ ♪♪ From Bucks Pocket to the shores of Orange Beach at all points in between an insider's perspective on Alabama politics. It's the Jeff Porsche show. ♪ I don't think I ain't done it this way ♪ ♪♪ Okay, I'm laughing so hard. Okay, so that freak out we played before the top of the hour break. That was a dude. That was so a dude. I think it was the voice that made me think it was a girl, but that's totally a dude. I sent those of you who are looking for it, the video. I got a couple texts to my personal phone, by the way. One said overweight, you can't say that. I can because nine times out of ten, you can name five characteristics and you're going to find several of them with anybody doing a freak out video like that. I mean it, I mean it, and I don't mean to sound like JD Vance here, although I'm not going to say that's a bad thing if I do, but we've got a demographic that typically has this. I think the kids call it the "pick me" energy. They're like, "I am the center of attention. I don't give two hoots." What that dude says, but he's really entertaining to watch freak out, and that's funny to me. That's really funny. People who have hobbies and lives and purpose, they don't get upset over this nonsense. No, not when there is so much more going on in the world around you. I want to say to kids, and I say kids. I look at these college campuses where protesters are just parroting, and terrorists tell them to parrot. Literally, we have young adults who have spent months parroting terrorists, and they don't get it, they don't see it. We have people who particularly affluent, young affluent white ladies who parrot the BLM nonsense. These are the women who are paying to go to dinner to be shamed. First off, if you need to pay someone to shame you, if there is anybody out there looking to pay someone to shame them, I will gladly do it for half. Half of what they are being charged by this other group to be forced into some uncomfortable shaming position. Trust me. Have you guys ever seen, I think it's Matt Reich, the comedian who will insult people? I will come over to your house, I will meet you somewhere for dinner, and I will tell you what a horrible human being you are, and if you want to pay me for that, that would be thoroughly entertaining to me. But I can tell you eight out of ten times, and call that whatever kind of profiling you want to, what someone is going to look like based on their, if you gave me their little situation. You know, Antifa. Oh, we've got all these Antifa people out there. Have you ever seen the mashup of Antifa mugshots? First off, they look like they have never heard of shampoo. I don't know what it is with Antifa and greasy, oily, whatever hair. Always look the same. Always the green, the purple, the nose rings, the neck and face tattoos. It's a whole situation, and they're rocking all of them. It's like, check, check, check. I have told my children that the day one of them shows up with something that falls into one of those check boxes, that is the day they can be completely independent from me. And any financial resources I'm going to give them, because I ain't got no patience for that. Have some self respect. All right, I'm done rambling on about that. If you guys want to hear that again, I posted it on my ex that's at April, Marie, A-P-R-Y-L-N-A-R-I-E. Elon Musk really promoting this Twitter live stream he's doing tonight with Donald Trump. It is going to be so fun. All right, well, Vice President Kamala Harris, about an hour ago while we were online here, did a post on her ex, and by she did a post, I mean whoever her handlers are, did a post. And the entire post is just says two words. Trust women. Then it says trust women. Trust them to make decisions about their own body, health care, and future. Who can argue with that sentiment? Oh, wait, she would argue with that sentiment. Half the people on her side would argue with that sentiment. What about that is questionable? Well, let's see. Do we trust women to defend themselves with a firearm? No. They want to get rid of concealed carry. They want to get rid of constitutional carry. They want to get rid of firearms. No. By the way, mandatory buyback. That's quite the little head fake, by the way, on her second amendment stance. Mandatory buyback. That's going door to door and forcing you to give up your firearms. I would give up my firearms, except I had a boating accident. It was incredibly unfortunate. Just recently have none. Sorry, happens to the best of us, I tell you. Go ahead and send me a text if you have also experienced a boating accident with your firearms. The other thing is trust women, except we're dealing with a party. We're dealing with an entire population of the nation. By the way, this isn't across the world thing. This is like pockets of places. Normal circumstances, a child as young as my son who's five can tell you the difference between a girl and a boy. You could go to kindergarten cop. You guys remember that Arnold Schwarzenegger movie? And that child could tell you the difference between a man and a woman. But we've got a vice president. We've got a sitting support Supreme Court justice. We've got judges all over the nation who have no ability to say what a woman is. Well, I'm not a biologist. Well, do you have eyeballs? Those handling Olympic athletes. Well, their passport said they're a woman. What? What? It reminds me of the time I got into an argument with a leftist about when life starts. And they were saying that abortion should be legal until birth, until all ages. And I said, when does a baby become a baby? And they said, when it has a kid you not. When it has a social security number. A woman becomes a woman when she has a passport or driver's license. A baby becomes a baby when it has a social security number. That's the left for you. All right, back in just a minute, with more things going on across the state and country, you're listening to The Deaf Horse Show with April Murray. ♪ Don't you see I'm a dime or so ♪ ♪ I should have died out a long time before ♪ ♪ I've been on a dime before today ♪ And I have thoroughly enjoyed the text line and keep those texts coming. And those of you who are reaching out to me, which I hadn't done before in a while, but you can always get me on X as well if you want to send me a comment over there. And then, yeah, Facebook, I'm on Facebook, although I'm not on Facebook. I say I'm on Facebook, but I'm not actually looking at Facebook right now. So if you're sending the messages into Facebook, it's going into the abyss. 'Cause I can only have so many tabs open when I am on air. And that's not one I have on right now. All right, so things we have discussed today, we had, we started the program talking about the Sunday shows and what's going on with the presidential election. This VB candidate gets worse and worse. Or as my kids would say, worse or worse or no, but really worse and worse by the moment. Every time I think, no, we can't be any, no, he can't get any worse, but he does. You know, he claimed to be a football coach. He was assistant football coach. He claimed to have gone into a war zone, was not, claimed to have the rank that he didn't complete the training for and didn't complete all of the things for. This guy is a hot mess. Now, former attorney general Eric Holder is supposed to be who did the vetting for him. And so I almost got to say, think it's some kind of like gag. Like what, some kind of joke, we're being pumped. Nobody can actually want this guy in the White House. He's a sacrificial lamb because they know, deep down inside, they cannot defeat Trump coming off of the Biden-Harris administration's record. Coming off of this economy, looking at all of the open border craziness, people are mad. We talked to Sheriff Lamb this morning. He was a candidate for the U.S. Senate in Arizona. He is a, the Pineal County Sheriff and just an all around great guy. I enjoy every conversation I've had with him. The issue at the border is a matter of Homeland Security, just a matter of just the people coming across, some of them terrorists, some of them violent criminals, many of them. The drugs, the weapons, the human trafficking, it is a disaster. And those issues from the economy to public safety, those are issues that aren't partisan. It's literally what people are talking about at their dinner table. No one is sitting at their dinner table going, "You know what? The Biden administration has been great for me. I want four more years of this." No, not a single soul. Not one single soul is sitting at their kitchen table going. This, this presidency, it's gotten me everything I hoped for. Not unless we're hoping for absolute weirdos in the administration, an absolute electust agenda and the neglect of everything that we hold dear. From our military, when they were withdrawing from Afghanistan, to the awful trades they have made, and even getting prisoners home. You name it, Biden administration has failed, and Kamala has done nothing of value or substance. She has, she has laughed her way through the vice presidency, and she has been silent throughout the last three weeks. Imagine if Trump went dark for three weeks, what the mainstream media would be saying and doing instead of making excuses for him? Yet we do have people continuing to make excuses for Kamala. We've got a clip of it from the Sunday shows. Let's actually play that clip, Leanna. This is Kamala Harris being defended for going 21 days without an interview. Possibly. We'll get back to that. We've got that clip, liberals defending her silence, her defending silence, by the way. Earlier today, a op-ed was published on the Hill, and it's the headline, which, by the way, back to the demographic politics, the headline is, "Can Kamala Harris win over white women?" And it is asking, kind of tongue in cheek, about can she turn out more than black women? Can she turn out more than just minorities? Can she win the election with white women? Well, if her party has anything to do with it, absolutely. Why? Because you are a racist absolute jerk if you don't. Sorry about that, Leanna. We're going to play that clip now of being, seeing Kamala defended for her 21 days of silence. Press conference. She's been in this now 21 days. She has yet to do a single interview. Why is that? And is that going to change? 21 days, Jonathan. Three weeks. She started running for president. She did tons of interviews. She's done interviews with you. She's done interviews. I'm sure she's going to do interviews. And you'll notice when her campaign kicked off, they were doing that demographics. White men for Kamala, white women for Kamala. And if you watch them, they were the who's who of people who hate themselves and hate our nation. The dude who was saying, and Sean and I discussed this a couple of weeks ago when it happened, the guy saying the idea that telling men that they need to be protectors and providers is dated. What exactly do we want from our men? Do we want our men screaming like the dude I played earlier having a complete meltdown? No, I much prefer my men to be the kind of men who recognize a lady. Open a door for her. Take their wives and cherish them and do provide and protect for them. Provide and protect for their children. Kamala Harris, what has she done besides check the boxes that Biden needed checked? And that's what he said. He said, "I am going to put a black woman as my VP." He put himself in that box. The op-ed goes on to say, "As Harris and Trump compete for the white women's vote, it's worth remembering that Trump has quite a history with women. Twice divorced, then they bring up the grab them tape. All the best ofs of those who hate Trump. What the left doesn't realize is you don't have to like Trump to vote for him. You just have to hate what the left is doing to our country. I don't like Trump. I've never liked Trump. Not one day since Trump started running for president, have I been saying to myself, "Hmm, this is the guy. This is the guy that I want to be friends with. This is the guy I like." No, instead this is the guy who is going to do what's best for our country. This is the guy who is going to be so much better than Biden. This is the guy who undoubtedly will be better than Kamala. That's what we're voting for. They want us to vote checking boxes and we're just not going to do it. It's absolutely absurd. All right, I'm over here using my little fingers to text Leana because I'm getting back on track here. For those of you just tuning in, you've got April Murray, her filling in for Jeff Poor today, coming at you from Birmingham on the first day of school for my two boys. They are in kindergarten and second grade. My daughter is being homeschooled this year. My kindergartener is my baby. If I'm a little out of sorts, it's because I cannot believe they're all officially in school right now and that's where we are in life. We just have absolutely -- they're all on their own doing their own thing. It's kind of creeping me out, to be honest. Okay, someone says -- going back to the text line -- walls has puddle vibes also. Walls gives very odd vibes. Did you guys see the video of him at the rally? He had a moment at a recent rally. We were doing these hand gestures that were very, very reminiscent of Howard Dean. Just absolutely losing his mind. Someone says, "You're right. Half the population denies knowing the difference between a boy and a girl." Absolutely. That is true. That is -- which is silly, right? How do you not know? He goes on to say, "Half denied knowing what a felon is." I look at the Trump guilty verdicts in New York for the financial reporting issues. I think to myself, just like every normal human being out there, how did our judicial system become so prejudiced that's been allowed to be used for a witch hunt? Why is no one talking about Trump's convictions in New York for the financial reporting issues? Because they were ridiculous. Because it was a judicial witch hunt because it was the weaponization of a system that was used for no other reason than to give Democrats the ability to call Trump a felon. I think there might have been some value. Initially, Trump was found to have documents in his possession that he wasn't supposed to have. I initially was like, "Ooh, this is a big deal." Then we found out that all sorts of things about the documents he had from -- some of them were sent from a warehouse to some of the cover sheets put on the documents weren't true. It was absolutely just silly. Okay, let's see. Looking at the other -- Jim Bob from Jackson, April Murray, love hearing you. Thank you. I love being here. It's always good to fill in for Jeff or Sean, although I've been having all sorts of technical issues this last thing. I'll tell you something because, you know, just a little honesty over here. I had -- we've pet rabbits in our house and the pet rabbits were in over the weekend because it was hot and they -- a lot of times they're outside. We bring them in when it gets too hot for them and they do have a fan. But at any rate, the rabbit ate my cord to my little -- my sound studio going on here at the house. So when -- if you're wondering some of what's going on here, I was making do because my cord wasn't working. All right. When we come back, I'm going to get it together for the final half hour. I tell you, promise I'm going to get it together. We will get back to the news and headlines of the day. Back in a minute. ♪ Brace land whispers to me ♪ ♪ Carry home ♪ ♪ Carry home ♪ ♪ Sweet southern comfort ♪ ♪ Carry home ♪ ♪ When me a song covers love ♪ ♪ I've got some drink and money ♪ ♪ To love your number ♪ Oh, goodness. It has begun for the first time since the mugshot tweet, which was the first time since January 8th, 2001. Donald Trump has begun tweeting again. I literally -- I kid you not. So I've got probably a half a dozen news outlets that I get breaking alerts from. I just got a breaking alert that Trump is tweeting again. That's where we are, just in case anybody's curious. So Trump has an hour ago, he tweeted a video that I will pull up and see if we can squeeze in here today. He -- it's a pretty long video, actually. It's a two-minute video. And then two minutes ago, he tweeted, "Are you better off now than you were when I was president? Our economy has shattered. Our border has been erased. We are a nation in decline. Make the American dream affordable again. Make America safe again. Make America great again." And I guess earlier -- just two hours before that, his pinned tweet appears to be that he also appears to have retweeted from his campaign account. Tonight, he is doing a live with Elon Musk at 8 p.m. eastern, so 7 p.m. central. And that promises to be -- I'm sure it's going to be good. It is -- a free-for-all is what Elon says he's expecting. No topic, off limits, they've been practicing because there's expected to be millions of people logged on. I will 100 percent watch it. Like, no doubt. Because that just seems like an interesting conversation to me. And one I'd want to tune into. So we'll -- I'm sure you guys will hear about that tomorrow after the fact. But yes, Elon Musk interviewing Trump this evening, making leftist lose their minds, which should be all sorts of entertaining. I will -- I retweeted, by the way, the video of the dude who we played earlier who was freaking out. Well, we'll see lots more of that I am sure. All right. Looking into other topics we've talked about tonight, we have had earlier we had on Sheriff Mark Lam talking about the immigration. I think it's incredibly important. Right now, the media is not focused on -- they're taking the bait on all of the silly things that they could cover. And among those silly things, by the way, is that there are reports that Donald Trump called Kamala Harris the B word. That wouldn't surprise me if you did. I actually saw a headline, an AP headline on, which -- which, you know, I can't even go there most days because I scroll halfway through the page and I'm like, I can't. But a headline about Donald Trump using a slur against her. Now, when I think slur, I think racist slur or bigoted slur, but yes, they were talking about the B word. And by the way, there's a video out there floating online of Kamala herself calling herself the B word. And I don't know if female who hasn't jokingly said that they're being won. I don't know why it's supposed to offend us so much. It doesn't offend me anymore. Someone is saying I'm -- I'm that because I am -- I have boundaries or because I am -- they perceive something I do to be mean or unkind. Earlier today, I was describing, you know, liberal women. And yes, there are some good-hearted liberal women out there. Unfortunately, those are not usually the ones you hear from and see. I'm serious. Think about the Democrat women. You know. The Democrat women you know aren't necessarily the ones on the Whites for Kamala livestream talking about how, as a society, white women have ruined the country. No. The same ones are quiet. They may have an issue or two that they feel strongly about, but they -- by and large, not crazy pants. But then you look at the other leftist women, the women who represent them. And you've got these antifa chicks with their green hair, nose rings, you know, face and neck tattoos, who hate everyone and everything. You've got the leftist JD Vance talking about single, angry cat ladies who want abortion up until, you know, the moment after a baby is born, who stand on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court and take the abortion pill just to celebrate their right to do so. The women who think they're men, the men who think they're women, the women who can't define women. That's what I think of when I think of leftist women. And if that makes me the B word, yes, go ahead and call me the B word. I think it's just observant to notice all of this about the leftist women out there. So that's okay. I just -- Trump -- Trump used the B word, so they say, whatever, doesn't bother me at all. Let's see, walls, more walls news coming out, his people he served with, talking about his stolen valor, a challenge coin has been presented that apparently perpetuates his lies. There is a speech that he gave where he didn't say the words, but here's what's interesting. His speech writer wrote for him to say that he served in the war. And so you got to wonder if the people working so closely with him. And in order to be a speech writer, you're working closely with the individual you're writing speeches for because you got to know their story. You got to know their history. You got to understand the way that they talk and they write. And so in the prepared remarks that are online for the governor, it gives the false version of his military history. These facts and more continue to come out. I guess he got a DUI. We've seen some of the crazy legislation that he has supported everything from the mutilation of children. That's what it is, poison mutilation. The left might call it gender affirming care, but it ain't that. There's nothing caring about what they're doing with these children. We saw, of course, this snitch hotline for COVID. The guy is just a bad deal. Those were headlines that came up around the weekend. Kamala at week three of hiding in her own little bunker. I started talking a little bit about this hillop ed about women. It looks like women is going to be the theme of the DNC convention, which cracks me up because there are a lot of people who will be in that room who will tell you that being a woman is a feeling. They'll tell you that if you put on lipstick and declare it, it is true. They will tell you that they see no problem with men punching women athletes in the face, taking their medals, taking their opportunities. And yet they're going to make this the theme of their convention. Women in the Democrat party, women get out the vote. It's hysterical to me. All right, we're going to take a break when we come back. Our final segment of the Jeff Porsche with April Marie, more news and headlines in just a moment. I saw the light, I saw the light. No more darkness, no more night. Now I'm so happy, no sorrow inside. Y'all did it, y'all managed to stick with me for three hours. It is always a pleasure to be with you. I guess everybody's coming back, Jeff and Sean and all the people. Y'all may have another day or two of guests, but it won't be me. Hopefully I will pick back up with our regular schedule, which is me coming on to just absolutely shoot the breeze with Sean. You never know what we're going to talk about on Tuesday afternoons. And then Thursdays, I come on with Jeff Pore. And again, not always political. We have a tendency to talk about, it cracks me up. I have the tendency to talk to those too about a little bit of anything and everything. It is somewhat hysterical. You never know if you're going to get me whining about the weather breaks they take at school. Jeff Pore and I did an entire segment once about the Wednesday. Do you guys remember that when they closed school because they expected high wins? And so my kids just sat at home like, what is this? By the way, I'm from Florida. From the space coast in central Florida, right there by where the shuttles go up is what I tell people. And we would have school during tropical storms. We would have school leading right up until a hurricane. It would be a whole thing. And now these kids can't go to school. If anything is expected to come, and I get it, there's liability things. But for the love of all that's holy, this is how we have a generation who doesn't want to go to work. It's because they have been taught from early ages. You just stay home. There's going to be wind or rain. We talked about taco joints. You name it. You never know what you're going to get with us. I am going to take this afternoon. I'm going to go get my car tag renewed. I know that's exciting. And you guys were really dying to know what I was doing this afternoon. And I'm going to take a breath. I did it. I got my baby into kindergarten. He survived. I tell the kids all the time. Usually when they're doing something absolutely ridiculous, I say, what's my job? And they say to protect them because, you know, my job is to make sure they don't run into traffic. Make sure they don't put their tongues on light. It's all the good things, right? These days, it seems like I'm more protecting them from the left. These days, it seems like I'm more protecting them in terms of the policies that will change our nation and change the American dream as we know it. I tell my kids all the time. I look around myself. I'm the first kid in my family, the only kid in my family for that matter, to graduate high school. I went on to graduate college, of course, with a social sciences degree rolling my eyes at that one. I don't know why we let people get these ridiculous degrees. I was putting myself to college, though. And so I got the degree that was easiest. But what I -- I tell my kids that we -- that the American dream is real. And I know it because I lived it. I know it because my parents worked at Walmart in Pizza Hut. I know it because they did that and I've walked to the halls of Congress with members that I worked for, that I was a presidential appointee, nothing spectacular, a schedule C. Those are the minions. I know and believe in the American dream. I took my son to kindergarten this morning and I'm going to sit here after the show and I'm going to think about. And I want y'all to think about, as it's back to school and all these kids are going off, this is really what we fight for. I sit here today. I sit for years when I had my own radio show. I talked about the problems we face because I believe we can solve them. I believe we can do something about what's happening. I believe that it's more than just selections, that we have to pay attention to what our government officials are doing at every level. City, county, state, yes, federal. federal doesn't even matter as much, yep, I said it. As the local staff, what are your kids learning? Did you go to your kids classroom and walk around and look at the books in their classroom? Did you tell if you're a grandparent, if you're somebody without, whose kids are long since flown in the nest, have you told everybody you know with kids, when you pick them up or drop them off, look around that library, make sure you know who their teacher is, and you know what? We need to stop being polite, I know that sounds weird, right, but stop being polite to people who want to hurt us. I frequently recommend, there's two books. One is called the gift of fear. One is called protecting the gift. These are books that tell us how to protect ourselves, to trust our intuition. We're told it's impolite to trust your intuition now, right, like oh, if there's a man in the bathroom and he's making you and your children uncomfortable in your dressing room, whatever, you just need to do the polite thing, absolutely not. We have gut reactions for a reason. When you see someone and they make your little spidey hairs stand up, when you see someone who makes you uncomfortable, protect yourself, even if it's impolite. Ladies if a man is following you too closely, protect yourself, even if it seems impolite. Because that's what we need to do. In a situation where crime is rampant, we don't know who's come across our border, we have prosecutors who won't prosecute, we have law enforcement agencies who don't have enough personnel on staff because we have vilified them, we have allowed the left to vilify them, make them out to be the bad guys. There is a lot we can and should be doing and we do it for the next generation. We're not going to live to see the total and complete destruction and chaos that the left will bring upon us if we don't win this fight, but our kids will and their kids will. Here we are the start of another school year. Here we are and the thick of a presidential campaign. Maybe somebody should tell Kamala Harris that and she'll find some press to talk to. Maybe the press will start asking some tough questions if they realize it. Here we are in the thick of things and I want us all to remember why we do this. Somebody just said your photo with the mom's for Liberty hat is definitely still on Google. If you want to see me in a swimsuit, the photo that made the left lose their mind, apparently it's on the Google's. Go away from the text line just to pontificate for a little bit and get lots of comments here. Hi April. I love your comment about Trump and others calling KH a DEI hire. You're so right. With DEI being so important to the left, you would think they would celebrate it. Oh no. They hate that. And by the way, Biden was quick to say that Kamala Harris was a DEI hire. Heck, they had it on the White House web page until recently. Now all of a sudden they're like, oh wait, that's offensive. That's like saying the N word. By the way, don't buy into it. Someone says to me saying DEI the way using the word DEI the way you do, using the phrase DEI the way you do. That's racist. Do you know what the answer to that is? No. No, that's it. Hard stop. Nope. It's not. It's reality. This is what they want. This is what they ask for. They want people to be hired who don't have the qualifications. They want you to believe if you fire on qualified people, you're racist. They want you to believe that if you have qualifications and standards that you hold to, that's inherently racist. I always thought, you know, we go back to, and this has been happening for years on a smaller scale. Remember all the talk about, well, minorities can't get IDs. Wait, you're telling me a minority can't get an ID? What? How stupid and biased are you that you believe that? Let's see, why would Trump call -- there's one from Jerry from Fort Morgan. I can't read out loud on the air, but why would Trump call the blank word woman the B word? You know, I don't use that word that the person said, and by the way, they did say the acronyms. All right. I could go on because apparently I let the text line get a lot of control in the last few minutes, but we are at the end of this program. I have thoroughly enjoyed it. You've been listening to April, Marie, you can find me online at April APRYL in A-R-I-E. And Pat, I'm glad you found the photo I spoke about earlier. Talk to you guys later. Stay out of trouble. I'm here to say, this is where the cowboy rides away. the (upbeat music)