The Unexpected Cosmology Podcast

378 | Torah Portions: Week 44 Deut 1:1-3:22 | Purpose of Little Season Explained, 9th of Av, MK + Sophia

Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

2h 6m
Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2024
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Ministry and Widow Fund: Website: The Unexpected Cosmology Link: Archives page: Patreon Support: Contact: Facebook:

Shabbat Shalom, everybody. Here we are again, another Sabbath, that dreaded day of having to not work in the shackles of rest. Can you believe it? I love this day. I love preparation day. I don't love preparation day nearly as much as Sabbath. It comes in number two, but here we are. We're coming up on it. So welcome, everybody. Thank you for making this a tradition in your household and just all praise to our Father in heaven, the Father of all spirits. And I guess for me, it's just the fact that I'm here, that I'm breathing, that I have consciousness in my existence, that I was given the opportunity to come down to this earth and to live the life and to discover truth, to seek truth. I love this whole process of just seeking the truth and discovering, looking at the different puzzles of the mysteries of heaven. So here we are, starting the first chapter of Deuteronomy or Deuteronomy, Deuteronomy. As you can see, I have Pamela here with me today. And she is, of course, the translator of the pail of the Hebrew. So I'll be bringing her on in just a second and having her take us through it. Now, oh, I will, I will mention this was a really weird week. We had tropical Debbie come through. That would be Debbie, Tropical Debbie. She started out as a hurricane. But starting Sunday, there was four, of course, in Charleston, South Carolina, there was four consecutive days of nonstop rain, mostly downforce with a lot of wind starting Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. And then Thursday, the hurricane, well, she was a tropical Debbie, she was gone, but it was still raining all day. Today was the first clear day. It was a very strange week, especially since she's coming up towards us. She veers out just south of Charleston. She veers out over Savannah, over the Atlantic, and makes a 180 around us and just hangs out there in the ocean for a couple of days. And then comes in right north. It was so weird. Anyways, for those of you who are wondering why I did not do a Torah portion last week, I actually did end up doing a Torah portion. Pamela was with me. And she actually read it last week. It was a very special treat. We didn't skip the beat. The problem was, is I went into YouTube jail. And so I was out for seven days. And there were different suggestions about what we should do, like if I should go on to another YouTube channel or whatever, that would have been fun. But I decided to do something just small and intimate with my group. And so for those of you who come to our, our tuck community at, on our Discord group, we meet every week, seven p.m., seven to nine p.m. It's a great meeting. And it was very intimate last week. It was just us in there. We, we read through the portion. We discussed it, had a great time. So something to consider. So that is now lost forever. I did not record that. And you were either there or you weren't something to consider in the future. All right. Now, one of the things I didn't get to discuss last week is we are in a new month. We're actually almost a third of the way through the month. I'm just going to show you here. This is where we're at with our budget this month. You can see it's, it's kind of low on the low end. I'm not stressing it. I gave this story last week to my group that last month, I was so detached from the budget. I just, I got to the point where like, yeah, I'm handing it over to you. I have gone on so many anxiety walks. Probably lost a lot of weight through that, which is a good thing, I guess, on that regard. And I just got to the point where I'm like, yeah, I'm just handing it over to you this month. At the end of the month, I asked Sarah, I said, okay, we have like, it was the last day of July. And I said, okay, look at her bank account. Let's see what we got. Let's add it up. What's the damage? And amazingly, not only did he provide, but we were able to put, hopefully this is an awkward free Pamela. We were able to also give Pamela $1,122 last month. So I mentioned regularly that I want to be able to provide for Pamela's needs. And this is, you know, it takes a village as a community effort. One month ago, we were able to raise $2,226 for her, which is great. Last month was a little bit less. And so just encourage everybody, if, or of course, we're looking for monthly partners on Patreon and that great support. We're looking for prayer partners. That's really important as well. But if you just put on your heart to give, to provide for Rebecca, to provide for Pamela. And of course, myself and my family, that is very much appreciated. Pamela does this without asking for anything in return. I mean, she's just like living out of faith. I guess she's just expecting a birdie to fly in her window with a check or a dog to go to her front porch and vomit up some coins or something, you know, something, but you know, just, you know, the groceries show up, whatever. Yod just provides, he provides for her. And she did say this to, I think, the group last week. So hopefully this isn't too personal, but she told me that if she didn't get that $2,000 a month ago, she didn't even ask for it. But she didn't get it that electricity was going turned off. So just, if you can just, you know, pray about this. And she's doing an amazing work, trans full time job, translating these books. And with that, before we get into our rings, I'm going to hand it over to Pamela. She's been sitting there quietly. And first of all, just tell us what you're working on now. Give us updates. Now that you are done with Deuteronomy, you, you, she has been amazing pace where Genesis, excess of Vegas, number Deuteronomy, one year, she was, she, this came in like a week. I told Rebecca, my editor, I was like, okay, I'm doing the tour portions in one week. At least I need, can you give me at least the first three chapters of Deuteronomy and boom, Pamela, she turned it in, they were done, they got it in right on time. So talk to us, Pamela, what's coming up next? What are we, what are we looking for now? All right. Like, like you said, we have finished Deuteronomy. It's gone. It's finished editing. It's, it's on to Lulu. You can, I think it's up for sale now, isn't it? So we've completed Deuteronomy and we'll be, we'll be trying to compile all five books now, books one through five into one volume. I feel like there, there have been some people, okay, um, Pamela, it just got knocked out on your end. So hopefully everyone can still hear me well. Here on the now. Okay, you're good now. I will have to, I may have to, I may have to read out of my notes. I may have to read off. We'll see. But, yeah, if you have to, if you do, if you do have to cut the camera because that might be using up a little bit more, you know, whatever, but I had my phone, I'm running off my hotspot. So my phone, I had it down to a, so I had to move it over there. So if you can hear it now. So we finished Deuteronomy and we've compiled books. We're going to try, we're going to start working on compiling all five books of the Torah. I finished, I finished translating the song songs, which is of Shalomah. I'm also, I've, I've got to get some book three. I've got to get it also ready for printing. I started working on the book of Joshua, YAHoshah. And I've also been looking at translating Matthew, the gospel of Matthew. I've been doing a little bit of it. Also, I've got, I'm partnering with our own L.A. She, she and I are trying to get a workbook for the Paleo Hebrew put together. And right now it's, it's baby stages, but that's also something that we're working on. And I just want to tell you how much I really do appreciate everyone for what they, what they've given, you know, given monetarily. I also appreciate the, the words of encouragement, your prayers. When you pray for me, ask, please ask YAH to give me ha-ha-ha-ha and be on the ha, wisdom and understanding because I certainly need it. So I appreciate everyone who's, who has, who have done whatever you've done, it even encouraged me. And YAHosh does. I mean, we're laughing about, it actually happened to me, not this past week, the week before. I just suddenly, girl, she showed up on my, my front porch. I didn't know they were coming. And I've got someone had, you know, Instacart delivered, you know, groceries to me. And so, um, whatever, everything, everything that you've done, just words of encouragement, your prayers, all of it. I appreciate so much. All right, good. So that's what we have, of course, to look forward to when we're done with Deuteronomy. When we kick up the cycle again, we're back in Genesis, I'm going to be splitting it, what I'm going to do, Genesis on Friday nights. And then we're going to start with song of songs afterwards. So that's going to be really exciting. When it was the last time you guys did a study on song songs, let's get right into it. Before you start reading Pamela and, well, of course, we'll see how your connection is doing whether I read or you read it, but tell us, introduce the book to us. Tell us about it. All right. There was this Bobby scholar I was listening to this past week. And he stated that the book of Deborah Yum is the most important book in all of scripture. And before anybody starts texting furiously, he actually has some really good points, you know. Some of the facts concerning Deborah Yum, you know, when you talk about the Dead Sea Scrolls, they're like, I think 250 fragments and manuscripts from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Deborah Yum was apparently the most popular, it plays a second. The first was Psalms, the book of Psalms had the most copies, the most fragment. Deborah Yum had 32 manuscripts and fragments. Psalms had 39. And Messiah, our Savior during his earthly ministry, he quoted from the book of Deborah Yum 44 times. And when he was his temptation in the wilderness, when he's combating the enemy, hostile, he uses Deborah Yum in his spiritual warfare. He quotes it. And it actually is really interesting the fact that the temptation by Messiah and the temptations that the children of Israel encountered their parallel. Whereas he was successful, you know, we know that they weren't. And of course, he was 40 days, 40 nights in the wilderness, no food or drink. Machaha, he was on the mountain. He was 40 days, 49. No eating or drinking. So you have these parallels, you know, so you have these parallels. And also, you know, when he asked, when they asked him, what's the greatest commandment? When this this Ha'chan, this wise one, or this sage, he asked what's the greatest commandment? And Messiah said, the first, the first is you shall love Yechaha Waha'i YAH with all your heart and with all your nafosh and with all your strength. Pauli heart and I, we had a discussion this week about that word strength. It could be your force or your muchness with all your muchness. As I told Holly, I said, maybe I should have used that word with all your heart, with all your nafosh and with all your muchness. So, you know, really, truly, if someone were to say to me, okay, you, you're going to be banished into the wilderness. You only get to take three books from scripture to take with you. You got to pick them. My pick would do wrong me. It would be one of my pick three. I, it probably, you know, Deidronomy or Debriam, the book of Psalms and the Hebrew gospel of Matthew. I picked those three. If I could only have one, it'd be Debriam. That would definitely be mine. And you don't have to agree with me. Like I said, I'm not here to argue. I'm just, that was my scenario, my choice. I get to choose. So, I'm just going to let you know how very important this book is, so far, how foundational. So, the structure of this book is also, it's very different from the other books of the Torah. Most, you know, of course, we're used to the chapter in verse, but that's kind of a artificial construct. That's not, it's most of, most of the manuscript, it's just, it's a story. You're, you're reading a story. But the, the, the structure of Debriam is different because it's broken up into speeches. They're the speeches. That's what that word could mean. Debriam, most people think it means words, but it can also mean speeches, speeches of Moses. So, these, I, I, they're divided into 12 speeches of Mashaha. And he gave these shortly before it's there. And in these speeches, he gives them, he gives them a, he gives them a history of their journey, their four-year journey. He describes their temptations, and like I said, their temptations sort of parallel what Messiah has later on. He outlined the expectations, the expectations that Yahalah had to ever live in, to sit for us. He reiterates, he reiterates the covenant, Debrias of Yahalah. And he urges them to guard the covenant. He's restating, restating the, the Torah. So, so he tells him to keep watch over this Torah. Yah, Yahalah yams, instructions for righteousness. And then he explains the benefits of obedience, and the, the stresses, the calamities, all the stuff that happens with disobedience. And so, like I said, this, you know, we're used to this artificial chapter in birds, but that's not how it's, these are speeches, these are speeches. And the chapter in verse thing, it kind of interrupts, it interrupts the story, it interrupts actually thought processes a lot of times. And we have this natural structure. We have also, this is, this is something that people get it confused of. There's an introduction and a conclusion. And those two were probably written by Al-eizr, the son of Aaron, nephew of Mashaha, who was high priest. So, so we have introduction, 12 speeches, and a conclusion. That's sort of the, the, the, the overlying structure of this, this book. Okay, good. So, it's sounding really good on your end right now. Would you like to go ahead and start reading it? I am going to read, I'm reading, if there's slight differences, just let me know because I was going to read it off my phone, but I had placed my phone over there so I could get a good signal. So, I'm actually reading from the original, the original translation, the original notes. So, this is, this is what I had at first, you know, the, I guess you'd say the first. So, I'm going to try to read from this. So, if I, it is slightly different, I'm trying to, to keep it all, cup of static. I like this. You guys are getting, you guys are getting the author's version tonight. You're getting the first, the first, first draft, this is it, and I'm sorry Rebecca, I don't have, I don't have our beautiful thing in front. I, when I get my, my, I get the book myself, that's when I'll be reading, reading the, reading of it. Okay, so this is DeBrayam, and we will start with an introduction, the introduction by, which was written by Aliezer, the, the priest, starting with the first, the very beginning. These are the speeches, the words set in order, which Mashafah spoke toward all Yacharal in the region beyond the Yaradan, in the arid deserted wilderness, opposite the Sufsi between Faran and between Tufal and Laban and Chatsaras and Dayah Zahab, and that word means enough gold. One in ten days from Haab, by the way of Mount Sayai Yav until Kudash Banua. And he existed in the 40th year, in the 11th month, on the first of the month, Mashafah said words in order toward the sons of Yashua, like that which Yaha Waha, they ever lived in, had commanded, that's him toward them. Following his striking against Seyachan, Malak of the Amalaya, which had settled down to Du'el and Hasabban and Alug, Malak of the Bashan, which has settled down to Du'el in Ashaparath, in Adarah Ayah. In the region beyond the Yaradan, in Arat, Malab, Mashafah began to explain the Torah, this Torah, to say. So now we have the first speech. Yafah Waha, our Alayah, said words in order toward us in Haab to declare enough now, enough now for you. Have you settled down to Du'el in the snowton? Turn and remove count for yourself and go to the Mount of the Amalaya and toward all the inhabitants in the dry, arid, deserted region, in the mountain, and in the lowland, and in the agave, and along the coastline of the sea, the land of Kanu'yan, and Laban'u, over against the river, the great river, Fa'la. Observe, I have given to your faces the land, to enter and take possession of the land, which Yaha Waha the Everliving swore into your fathers, until Abariah, YAH, Abaram, and into Yitzah, and into Ya'qul, to give them and to their seed after them, and did speak toward you at that time, and I did speak toward you at that time to declare, "I am not able of myself to carry, I am not able to carry you myself along." Yaha Waha, your Alayhi'an, has greatly increased you, and behold you are this day as the stars of Ha'Shema'im for greatness. Yaha Waha the Alayhi'a of your fathers, he will increase over you as you are, a thousand strokes of the animal, that means a thousand times, and he will butt off you like that which words he has said in order unto you. How can I carry you by myself alone? You're weary, some trouble, you're burdened, and you're contingent. Set in place for yourselves men, wise one, the one standing apart, having discernment, and one's well known in your tribes, and I will set them over your heads, and you will lift up the voice in answering, and you will say the purpose plan which you have said in order for us to fashion is excellent, upright, pleasant, and I would take the heads of your tribes, men who are wise ones, and the ones who are well known, and I will give them as heads over you, leaders over thousands, leaders over hundreds, leaders over 50s, and leaders over tens among your tribes, and I will reveal the established path, commanding your judges at that time to declare, here and respond between your brothers and judge you what is right and just between a man, and between his brother and between his stranger, and you shall not recognize the faces in judgment, like the small, like the great, you shall hear and answer them, you shall not turn aside from the face of a man for the judgment as of Allahaykum. This and that matter which is too difficult for you, you shall bring him near unto me, and I will hear and respond to him, and I commend you at that time that all these Debriam, all these speeches, is worth it in order which you will fashion, and we pulled up stakes from the hive, and we walked, all the great and fearful womanists, that which you observed, along the way of the mountain of the Amoriah, like that which YAHawah the Ever-Living, your Allahaykum, has commanded us, and we came as far as Qudash Baranu'i, and I declared, you have come as far as the mountain of the Amoriah, which YAHawah, Al-Ahi, Al-Ahi'an, the Ever-Living, or Al-Ahi'ah, has given unto us. Behold, YAHawah, your Al-Ahi'ah, has given to your face the land, ascend, take possession, possession, like that which the Bar YAHawah, Al-Ahi'ah, the Al-Ahi'ah of your fathers, has purposed for you, do not fear, and do not be confounded. And you drew near toward me, all of you, and you declared, we will send out men before our face, and they will search out for us the land, and it will return to us a report, the pathway which we must ascend in her and what cities we shall come toward. And the proposed cleansing did my eyes, and I took from you twelve men, one man of a tribe, and he turned his face and he ascended the mountains, mountain this place, and he came as far as the torrent valley of Ashukal and he treaded about exploring her, and they took in their hands from the produce of the land, and he descended toward us, and he did return back to us the Bar that is a report, and he declared beautiful excellent prospers is the land which YAHawah, our Al-Ahi'ah, gifted toward us, but you were not willing to ascend, and you were bitterly rebellious against the mouth of YAHawah, your Al-Ahi'ah. And you did mine were in your tents, and you did declare because YAHawah, they are ever living, hey this, he calls us to go forth from a right month of YAHawah to give us into the hand of the YAHawah to destroy it. Where shall we ascend? Our brothers have made our hearts to melt to say the people are greater and loftier than any part of us, and the cities are great and inaccessible until Shama'am, in addition the sons of the Ainu Quyam, we have observed there, and I declare toward you, do not tremble with Tara, and do not reverently fear them. YAHawah, your Al-Ahi'ah, walks to your faces, he shall fight for you, like all which he fashioned for you in Mitzvayim before your eyes, and in the wilderness where you observed how YAHawah, your Al-Ahi'ah, has lifted you up just as a man does lift up his son in all the way that you walked as far as you're coming into this standing place. And in this matter, matter, you were not faithful to YAHawah, your Al-Ahi'ah, who walked to your faces in the way to travel about seeking for you a standing place to incline your tent in a fire by night and to show you in the way that you should walk in her and in a cloud mass by the days. And YAHawah, the ever-living, heard and answered the voice of your words said in order, and he broke forth with anger, and he sourced solemnly to declare. Conditionally, not a man among these men of this wicked generation shall observe her, the excellent land which I solemnly swore to give unto their fathers. And I have a little bit of a problem. Okay. And it's in a different form of violence. I'm sorry, I was on mute, I was talking on mute. Do you want me to read to you, figure out? No, in addition, is that where I'm at? Conditional. Not a man among these men of this wicked duration. Yeah, shall observe her, the excellent land which I solemnly swore to give unto the father, except Calab, son of YAHawah, he shall observe her. And to him, I will give the land which he trampled about upon her. And to his son, because he is fully followed after YAHawah. In addition, YAHawah, the ever-living, breeds heavily in his wrath against me upon your cause, to say, "Additionally, you shall not enter there. YAHawah, son of noon, that stands to your face, he shall enter there. Bind him fast, strengthen him, for he will distribute the inheritance of Yashirel, and your little ones which you declare would be existing as spoils of war. And your sons, who had no knowledge that day of good and evil, they shall enter there. And to them, I will give her, and they shall possess her. And as for yourselves, turn you and plup camp toward the wilderness, by the way, of the sousses. And you did lift up the voice, and you declared to me toward me, we have sinned against YAHawah, the ever-living. We will ascend to make war, like all that which YAHawah or Elahai has commanded us. And every man girded on his, girded with his implements of war, and you comfortably and easily ready yourself to ascend the mountainous place. And YAHawah, the ever-living, declared toward me, speak it to them, do not ascend, and do not make war, for I am not in your midst, so that you are not smitten to the face of your enemies. And I set words toward you, but you would not hear and obey the mouth of YAHawah wahawah, the ever-living. And you boiled over, acting insolently, and you ascended the mountainous place, and the amarayah, who had settled down to dwell in the mountain, did come out against you, like that which bees do fashion, and they beat you into pieces as far as ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. And you turned back and you wept to the face of YAHawah, the ever-living. But YAHawah would not hear and respond to your voice, and would not give ear towards you. And you remained in kudash a great many days, according to the days you settled down to dwell there. And we turned ourselves and removed camp from the wilderness along the way of the sous-see, like the proposed plan with YAHawah, the ever-living, set toward us, and we circled around Mount Shayar a great many days. And YAHawah, the ever-living, declared toward me to say, "Enough to you is the circling around this mountain. Turn yourselves northward, and you shall command the people to say, 'You are passing through the borders of your brothers, the sons of Aishawu, who settled down to dwell in say YAH, and they shall be afraid of you. And you shall guard your says exceedingly. You shall not be rough with them, stirring up strife, for I will not give from their land to you, not so much as a hands with or a foot's step, for I have given it to a shawu the Mount Sayyar. Provision you shall buy from them with silver that you may eat, and in addition, you will dig waters from them with silver that you may drink. For YAHawah, YAHawah, your Elohayyah will brew Barakyu in all the works of your hands. He knows your walk to this great wilderness these 40 years. And YAHawah, YAHaw, the ever-living, your Elohayah is with you. You lack no thing. And we pass through from our brothers, the sons of Aishawu, who had settled down to dwell in Sayyar, from the way of the arid desert region, from Ayyalah, and from Aishayan Gabbar. And we turned and we passed through along the way of the wilderness of Mao, Mao, Maoab. The Amayam, the terrors of dark countenance, settled down to dwell in her, and people, great and many rising upwards, like the ones of Anuk, and they were reckoned, the Rafayam. These are the same like the Anukoyam and the Maoabayam, called out of them terrors. And Sayyar, the karayam of dark countenance, settled down to dwell there. But the sons of Aishaw, dispossessed them and destroyed them from before their faces. And they settled down to dwell in their stead, like that which Yarsharal, faction for the land of his inheritance, which Yaha Waha did the air live and had given to them. At this time, you went forth and passed over for yourself the torrent valley of Zarad. And we and we passed through the torrent valley of Zarad. And the days we walked from Pudash Bara Nuya, until we passed over the torrent valley of Zarad for 30 and 8 years, until the circuit of this generation of men, men of war, from the midst of the encampment, were finished, like that which Yaha Waha had sworn into them. And in addition, the hand of Yaha Waha the air living existed against them, putting it to motion to utterly destroy them from the midst of the encampment, until they were finished, and it existed. All the men of war were finished and were destroyed from the midst of the people. And Yaha Waha the air living set words in order toward me to declare, "You are passing through this day the border of Ma'ulab as far as ire, and when you approach the sons of Amal, do not press and do not be rough." Stirring up strife against them, "For I will not give from the land of the sons of Amal to you as a possession, for to the sons of Lot have I given as a possession." A land of the Rafi'im, it was reckoned. Those Rafi'i'am settled down to dwell in her of the before time. Make sure. Yeah. But the Amandu'am called out of them Zama-Zama'i'am, which is a funny name, which means "tribe to make noise" or ones who talk gibberish. People great and numerous and rising upwards, which would be call or exalted, like the Anur-Kuyah, but Yaha Waha the air living destroyed them from before their faces, and they dispossessed them and they settled down to dwell in their place, like that, which was fashioned for the sons of Asho, the inhabitants of Chai'i'i'ar, when he destroyed at the Khara'y'a, which was K dwellers, from their faces, and he dispossessed them and they settled down to dwell in their stead unto this day. And the Uy'am, the once you dwell in desert places, which settled down to dwell in Hatsar'y'am until a Zaha of the Qafafun Ray'am, who came forth from Qafafun Ray'am, having destroyed them and they settled down to dwell in their stead. Rise up, remove camp, and pass over the torrent value of Anur-Nu'am, observe. I've given it to your hand, Sa'ihan Malak of Hasabayalam, the Amar'y'a, and his land to wound to dispossess and to mate war with him in battle. This day, I will begin to give the terror of you and the reverential fear of you upon the faces of the people beneath the entirety of Hasabayalam. Whoever shall hear the reported you shall be moved, trembling, disquieted, and you shall rise in pain from before your face. And I sent messengers from the wilderness of Qaddam'lah toward us al-Sayakon Malak of Hasabayalam, offering proposed plans of Shalom. To declare, I will pass through your land by the highway. I will walk. I will not turn aside to the right side or to the left side. Food for silver, you will sail me, and I will leave. And water for silver, you will give me that I may drink. Only I will pass through all my feet, like that, which was fashioned into me by the sons of Aishau, the ones who settled down to dwell in Mount Sa'ih, the ones of Malab, who settled down to dwell in ire. Until the time when I pass through the Yara'dan toward the land which Yaha'u'llaha or Elohayah is giving into us, the Sa'ihan Malak of Hasabayalam was not inclined to allow us to pass through by him. For Yaha'u'llaha, the ever-living, your Elohayah had made hard his grooc and made strong his heart for the purpose and intent that he might give him into your hand like unto this day. But Yaha'u'llaha, the ever-living declared toward me, observed. I had begun to give for your faces Sa'ihan and his land, seize for possession his land, and Sa'ihan came forth to call out against us, his people, to wage war, to Yaha'u'llaha, and Yaha'u'llaha or Elohayah delivered him from before our faces, and we struck him and all his people, and we took captive all his cities upon that time, and we utterly destroyed every male of the city, and the women and the little ones. We left no survivors. Only the beast did we take ourselves as full the war, and the plunder from the cities which we seized from Ayuriah, which is over against the edge of the river of Arun, and the city which is upon the river, as far as the Galai, there existed no city which was too lofty, too protective from us. All of these were gifted into us by Yaha'u'llaha or Elohayah. Only toward the land of the sons of Ayman, you did not approach, or upon the land of Yaha'u'llaha or the cities of the mountain, or any which Yaha'u'llaha or Elohayah had commanded us concerning them, and Mashaha continues his recitation. And we turned our face, and we ascended the path to the Bishan, and O, Malacca the Bishan, came out against us, he and all his people, to wage war at Adariah, and Yaha'u'llaha, the ever-living, declared toward me, do not reverently fear him, for, and to your hand, I have given him, and all his people in his land, and you shall fashion unto him, like that which ye fashion unto the day of Han, Malacca of Amaria, which had settled down to dwell in Hachabalom. In Yaha'u'llaha, Alahayah knew, Yah knew, gave it to our hands also, O, Malacca the Bishan, and all his people, and we struck him until there remained unto him, no survivors. And we took for ourselves all his cities at that time. There did not exist a city which we did not take from them, 60 cities, all in the region of Aravah, from the Kingdom of Og in Bishan. All these cities were rendered inaccessible high walls, doors, and doors, separate from the great many cities of unwalled villages, and we consecrated them for utter destruction as a fixed, powerful sign, like that which we had fashioned into Sayachon, Malacca of Hachabalom, utterly destroyed from the city, every male, and the women, and the little ones. But all the cattle and the spools of the city, we snatched away as plunder for ourselves. And at that time, we took the land from the hands of the two kings of the Amarayah, which was over the region, was on the region over against the Odadon, from the torrent valley of Arunun, unto Mount Hachabalom, the Zayab Da'nuyah, called out of Hachabalom, as Sarayah, but the Amarayah called out of him Sanuyah, and all the cities of the plains, and all the Galiad, and all the High Bishan, as far as Salahaha, and Adarayah, Adarayah, were cities from the kingdom of Ayyog in Bishan. All the cities of the plain, and all the Galiad, and all Hachabishan, as far as Salahaha, and all the Dayah cities from the kingdom of Ayyog in Bishan. And only oh, Malak of Hachabishan, was left of the remainder of the Raffayant. Behold his bed was a bed of iron. It is that one, which is in Rabas among the sons of Iman. Nine Amos was the length, and four Amos was the width after the Maha of Amman. And the land he possessed at that time was over against the torrent valley of the Aranun, and half of Mount Galiad, and his cities are given to the Va'bau Banuya, and all the Gdaya, and the remainder of Galiad, and all the of the Bishan, from the kingdom of Ayyog, I gave it to the half-trog of Manuya, the region of Aragab, along with all the Bishan, which was called the land of the Raffayant. Yahayar, the son of Manuya, took for himself all the portion of Aragab, as far as the border of the Gshawraya, and the Ma'aikusuya, and he called them Hachabishan after his own name. Yahayar, and to this day, and unto Makaya, I gave Galiad, and to the Rabayuya, and to the Gdaya, I gave from a part of Galiad, as far as the torrent valley of Aranun, half of the torrent valley, as far as the territory Yabak, the river, being the boundary for the sons of Iman, and the arid desert region, and the Yahredan, and the territory from Shanurath, and as far as the Hamalaksi, the lower part of the pouring out of the façagaha. And I commanded you at that time to declare, Yahawah, Yahawah, Al-Haiyaqam, has given it to you this land for girded for battle, you shall pass over to the face of your brethren, the sons of Yahsharell, all the sons for who? Only your women and your little ones and your lifestyle, I know there is much lifestyle for you, shall settle down to dwell in your cities which I have given it to you. Until YAHawah, the Ever Living, has given rest unto your brothers, like yourselves, and he, in addition, possess all the land, which, as the land, which YAHawah, your Al-Haiya, has given to them in the region, beyond Ha-Yahredan. Then you shall turn back every man unto his inheritance, which I have given it to you. And I commanded YAHawah at that time to declare, "Your eyes have observed all which YAHawah, YAHawah, your Al-Haiya, fashioned unto all the kingdoms which you pass through here. You shall not reverently fear them for YAHawah, YAHawah, your Al-Haiya. He shall fight them for you." That was a beautiful reading, Pamela. Thank you. And just for clarification, you were reading from your actual handwritten translation, correct? Yeah. That was absolutely amazing. I loved it. I think everyone else did too. And a couple of things that were going on while you were reading was, one, was the discussion over if you only had, I think you had brought it up like only three books, right, that you could take on to an island for the rest of your life. Well, this is, I'm going to cheat. I don't know if this is cheating. I'm just going to take this whole book right here. So this is, of course, now, of course, some people, it's a love-hate relationship with the Supper. I love my Supper because it has an additional 20 or something books to it. So I'm now taking Enoch, I'm taking Jubilee's, Jasher, you know, the whole thing. So actually, because I'm a book publisher, I would print my own book and I would just have a huge thick volume of like all the extra biblical books. So I think I would, you know, it would be like, I'd max it out like a thousand page volume and have like three thousand pages of like the most sacred literature anyways. And it was interesting too. There was another discussion going on here about Joshua and Caleb and who came from Judah and who came from Ephraim. I think they worked it out and decided that Joshua or Yohushua was Ephraim and Caleb was from Judah or Yohuda. But that kind of sparked a thought because I haven't given this presentation yet nor have I finished the research on this is something I have looked into. It is really interesting that in the first century, BC as well as AD, according to the official timeline, of course, there was a lot of talk about two different, there were two different messiahs. There was the the Messiah from Ephraim and then of course, the son of David, son of Judah. And the the argument that is put forward from the Dead Sea Scroll community is that the the messiah who actually was Yohushua Hamashiach was actually the from Ephraim. Kind of interesting to think just to point out, especially since you have Yohushua being from Ephraim crossing over and we're going to be talking about that tonight. So I'm going to give you a quick little rest here. I know how difficult it is to read to these portions because I have to do it almost every single week and I love when you come on to do it with me, Pamela. Something to think about because in my personal notes tonight, I kind of I feel like I was like preparing mentally all year to talk about Ogg tonight and to talk about the refereeing and I didn't. I went through all these other notes that I'm compared to talk about tonight. I do not talk about them. So if anyone you know showed up hoping to hear Nephilim talk tonight, well maybe Pamela can take that do that dance for us. I would be interested to hear your thoughts later on Pamela and what you thought the cave dwellers amounted to and also the the mumblers or the buzzers or whatever, especially since that. Yeah especially since that really plays into modern alien UFO research and when I had Ellie Marzullion and I know you really like his work as well Pamela when I had Ellie Marzullion a couple months ago now when I had a few minutes beforehand before we went live I was asking about that and he's like yeah you know that that's totally like in this passage and that's a common experience that a lot of people who are abducted by aliens are in their presence they hear this like buzzing sound so be interested to hear your thoughts on that. All right so let's talk about the night day of Vav or Tisha Vav and I was of course talking to Pamela about this beforehand and everyone is on a different calendar. Certainly Pamela and I are on one calendar right now we are on the full moon is the new moon and if we're going by the official calendar of Judaism I know just work with me here. I don't think that you know there are there are spiritual truths and to be found everywhere and it's not everything it's just a coincidence but coincidentally I guess there's over coincidence every single time Deuteronomy chapters one through three is read for the Torah potions were on week 44 coincidentally it falls with the ninth day of the month of Vav. And so this year on the official calendar by the crescent moon is the evening of Monday August 12th to Tuesday August the 13th and of course today is the evening of the night. So if you're unfamiliar with this day and what a big day this was. Well before I talk about it let me talk about why this is interesting with this passage. They're getting ready to go. They're across from Jericho. They're in the same plane where the whole I think the whole bailum incident happens and of course all came down and all that kind of stuff. They had just finished him off they're getting ready to cross over a mochaise getting ready to die. This is his farewell speeches or maybe it's a collection of his speeches over a length of time that can be I guess discussed at a later hour but they're getting ready to cross over and that's the theme tonight I'm going to be focusing on crossing the river Jordan and they're looking back at this generation it he explicitly stated that he's speaking now to the children who were too young to know good or evil and their parents were telling them Yahuwaha is basically evil and he's sending us all to die and they're murmuring in their tents and mochaise like yeah he killed off your whole parents the generation of your parents are all dead now. They all died in the wilderness because of their lack of belief because of their rebellion and now he has raised you up we're going to cross over and so there is a connection between them repenting of their sins but also repenting and being sorrowful for the sins of their fathers and we're going to be looking at that verse in just a second. That's one of the things that comes with the ninth of awe. It is a reflection back to this our spiritual heritage and recognizing the the sins of the fathers so let's look at them on the ninth of all now again we could look at different calendars and say do all these line up and stuff like that but let's just go with this all right on the ninth of all was the day that the twelve spies sent by mochaise to observe the land of Canaan returned from their mission and it wasn't good and I explicitly picked up tonight too that mochaise he's like he doesn't say that yah sent them or that he you know commanded them to go this was exclusively the idea of the people of the spies because they they weren't interested in keep in mind that yah was scouting out the land for them right he was leading them with the pillar they were following him there was no need for them to send in spies they they all they needed to do was follow him and they were good to go right so this was a wicked thing that happened with the report happened in the ninth of awe there was a tragedy because now they have to wander a complete 40 years which were finishing up so they're reflecting back on this there's a reason to be more mournful towards it another event that happened the first temple built by King Solomon was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC on this same day in which the by this time Israel was already long gone and he just had Judah Benjamin and Levi left but the kingdom of Judah was sent into Babylonian exile on this exact same day the second temple built by the rubable and renovated by Herod the Great was destroyed by the Romans on the ninth of ab in 70 AD scattering people of Judea and commencing the Jewish exile from the Holy Land. On the same day the Romans subsequently crushed the bar Kukba's revolt and destroyed the city of Bittar killing over 500 000 Jewish civilians on this day in 135 AD. Following the bar Kukba revolt Roman commander Quintus Tenius Rufus plowed the side of the Temple of Jerusalem and the surrounding area. So those are those are all reasons why the Jewish people specifically would look back and mourn for the sins of their followers. All of these things happen because of the sins of their followers. Now we don't necessarily mourn for these things because we see we have a story that continues we have Yuhush al-Mashiach which they have rejected and we have we are now living stones of the the temple of the Melchizedek priesthood and all that kind of stuff. So for us we're looking at from a different perspective however I want to stress tonight in fact the current title of this video has to do with the reason why we are in the little season explained. All right the reason why we have left the Millennial Kingdom we are now in the little season it is because the sins of our fathers. And there are instances perhaps the fill in the ninth of all that caused some of the rebellion. So let's look at this right here. Now again I'm going with the official history here just work with me all right. The first crusade officially commenced on 15th of August okay so these are these are other calamities that they either line up or they're very close to it all right. First crusade officially commenced on 15th August 1096 killing 10,000 Jews in its first month and destroying Jewish communities in France. And the right now this why this is interesting is because preterism when they're preterism I'm not a preterist because preterists tend to go with a spiritual kingdom which it is a spiritual kingdom but you know there's nothing material nothing physical and they'll say it there's many different views but the the mainstream one is that 70 AD to about 1070 was the the Millennial Kingdom spiritual and that Satan was released which was more than just spiritual right he was he was physically held up he was released the crusade started. So here you have another event that lines up with the ninth of all. The Jews were expelled from England on the 9th of August in 1290 the Jews were expelled from France in 1306 on the 10th of August. The Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492 on the 7th of August. Germany entered World War I and I actually find that one really interesting especially since Spain was a hot spot of a Jewish activity we have a lot of like Jasher we have a gospels that came out of Hebrew gospels there's a lot of Hebrew presence there and I have shown in the past that the the Jews and the Goths were probably interchangeable. It was a Jewish kingdom there in Spain but again Jew a lot of the times it was it was what they would call the Nazarene and I'm highly suspect that the Jews of Spain were not the just the biological genetic Jews like they make out that it was actually interchangeable with the Goths anyways I digress. Germany entered World War I on the 9th of August in 1914. Let's see what else we got we got a lot of Holocaust talk here on the night well let's see what this is on second August 1941 the 9th of August SS Commander Himmler Heinrich Himmler formally received approval from the Nazi party for the final solution. There's no paperwork on that just you know so I don't know maybe they got that through like I don't know I don't know where they're pulling that from but anyways July 1942 9th of all the mass deportation of Jews from Warsaw ghetto and it goes on and on from there all right so a lot of things happen on the 9th of August and regardless of what is true and what is propaganda or simply fiction because there's a lot of that in history there's there's a lot of history that I think is true mixed with propaganda right twisting into lies and something's just straight made up maybe composite events things like that rather than getting hung up on what is false I think but we all need to note particularly for those of you who are looking into the millennial keen research like me in the little season is that recognizing that we are no longer in it that we are in the spiritual outer darkness whether we are in a physical outer darkness or not that can be debated we should repent of our sins and the sins of our forefathers before drawing near to the Almighty and that's one of the things that really concerns me about this movement the same thing it concerned me with the flat earth movement where you see people worshiping the the creation rather than creator that's a that's a persistent problem and I see people worshiping these ideas and these concepts and these pursuing truths rather than the creator and that I really concerns me all right well let's see what it says here in Leviticus I have panelist translation below I'm going to read from the the King James up here really quickly if they shall confess their iniquity I think this is the King James maybe it's new King James if they shall confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers with their trust so there it is their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers how often do we do that how often do we you know be like you know talk about the sin of the people we are descended from and there's something about that right the sin down the seventh generation like there are things that maybe we struggle with through the sins of our fathers with their trust pass which they trans trust pass against me and that also they have walked contrary unto me and that I also have walked contrary to them and have brought them into the land of their enemies if then their uncircumcised hearts be humbled and they then accept of the punishment of their iniquity then will I remember my covenant with yeah a cove and also my covenant with Yitzchak and also my covenant with Abraham while I remember and I will remember the land this is Pamela's translation right here and upon their confession of their depravity the the guilt they acquired by sitting in the depraved actions the guilt of their fathers with their treachery which they have treacherously done against me and in addition that they have walked in opposition with me additionally I I have walked in opposition and I have brought them into the land of their enemies or perhaps at the time that their uncircumcised hearts are subdued at the time they graciously accept the penalty of their sin then I will bring to mind my covenant with Yatakom and additionally my covenant with Yitzchak and additionally my covenant with Abraham I will remember and the land I will bring to mind in Hot Erats is forsaken from them and she has graciously accepted her sabbits that's kind of interesting right there I that there's so much in here like I hear what's Christian all the time oh I just have to keep the covenant with Abraham I don't have to keep the one with Yitzchak or Yaakov and he's like naming all three right here but even the sabbits it's like you know the land was desolate but I thought the sabbits was done away with right it's something we come back to all the time obviously the sabbits was not done away with the very fact we're talking about a millennial king this is for me the biggest hypocrisy in the movement that they're all about oh that thousand years happened but the sabbits was done away with but you need to recognize that the thousand years happened it's like well did the sabbits happen or not I mean was the sabbits done away with or not because we've got issues if you're if you're telling me this and so the land is now deserted so that it can get its sabbits which we're not done away with in lying desolate from them and they shall graciously accept the penalty of their sins because even on account of that they were contemptuous against my judgments and my statutes and my statutes they're in the fast they're sold low why is that like what has changed today I still see uncircumcised harps out there where they're like I don't want anything to do with the judgments his statutes and it's like okay well that's why you're we're in this predicament by the way just so you know and moreover for this in their existing in the land of their enemies I have not despised them nor have I loathed them to completely finish them and to break my covenant with them for I am Yahwehah they're Allahayah that comes from Leviticus so he's saying that he does not loathe us the same way we loathe him and that he will not break his into the covenant and that's the reason why we I guess they're still here so have breath we still have a chance still finding chance all right so I want to talk more about the kingdom itself and I will give you a specific verse that I have found that actually says it gives the reason why we're in the quote unquote little season and it's going to blow some of your minds if you've never seen this before so I'll be giving a few passages from the wisdom of Solomon and one of the reasons I'm doing this is because wisdom of Solomon if you sit down and read it or chukma shalomah it actually it mirrors this passage in Deuteronomy that we're going through the speech about the history of their travels through the wilderness it actually matches that it talks about them coming out of Egypt going through the wilderness and interestingly enough the I've seen this many times before the 40 years wandering to wilderness that generation that then crosses over into the land is mirrored by the 40 years from Yahuushu to the destruction of the temple and then entering into the spiritual kingdom you know you guys know my my thesis that the it did not become the kingdom was kind of broken out but it did not manifest into a actual physical kingdom on the earth for another 500 years all right that's a different discussion let's read this this is ruach chakamaha which is a wisdom Sophia or just chukma in modern Hebrew ruach chakamaha and the ruach hakadesh with you is chakamaha she who knows your works and was present when you made the world she understands what is pleasing you your sight and what is right according to your commandments send her forth from the holy heavens and from the throne of your glory send her that you may labor at my side and that I may learn what is pleasing to you and your counsel who has known except you give chakamaha except you give wisdom and send your ruach hakadesh from above now notice the kind of interchanging plan words there if you're paying attention it actually says here that wisdom chakamaha is the holy spirit right it it's saying sin the whole the holy spirit from above and it's saying that wisdom chakamaha came from above right it actually says that she has a throne she has a actual throne that she sits on in the heavens which I think is really exciting let's keep reading this comes from that was from chapter six and this is also from chapter six I think I skipped there I went from verse nine through ten and I went over to verse 17 to show the the connection with the holy spirit this comes from verse 12 through 20 and here's what it says chakamaha is radiant and unfading and she is easily discerned by those who love her and she is found by those who seek her which is such an exciting thought that like you see all through the proverbs and in wisdom literature she is she is a actual lady who conscious lady who is out on the street she's on the hilltop she's she's crying out saying here I am and all these people just have their heads down hands and pockets just you know sluggishly going by they're not interested in her they're not interested in righteousness and she's not hard to find she is there to be access to be found but you have to seek her out and we will see that the reason why most people there is a counterfeit holy spirit the reason why most people aren't interested in her is because she is the Torah she is that the wisdom and the knowledge that is found so that is her she is the tree of life right she is she is what we are clothed in when we go into eternity not go and throw all that study tonight she hastens to make herself known to those who desire her one who rises early to seek her will have no difficulty for she will be found sitting at the gate it says that right there the idea of sitting at the gate right like that's when you would go into a city that that's where lot was sitting when the angels came in and i've been to a lot of these ancient cities and like the middle east and stuff and there's always some dude just sitting out there at the gate so she's like literally at the gate the people coming in and out you can't miss her unless if you purposely are trying to snub or avoid her to fix one's thought on her is perfect understanding and one who is vigilant on her account will soon be free from care because she goes about seeking those worthy of her and she graciously appears to them in their paths and meets and meets them in every thought that's really exciting that she graciously meets people where they're at in every thought like if you seek her out wherever you're at in life she's like i'm right here i'm right here i've been here all along the beginning of wisdom is the most sincere desire for instruction and concern for instruction is love of her and love of her is what it is keeping of her Torah how excited like just like get excited when i read that and giving heed to her Torah is assurance of immortality oh this just with opposite direction of a modern Protestant thinking you know you go to any Protestant churches like no assurance of your salvation of immortality is belief that's all you just believe right faith alone it's one of the five solas it's like actually no that is not assurance of your salvation of immortality it's actually giving her it says right here giving heed to her Torah as James would say as y'all co would say faith without works is dead right actually i think i quote that in here i'll quote it for me a little bit and immortality brings one year to alahayam so of course you who should said i am the way the truth life no man comes to follow except their me right so here we have kind of a kind of interesting passage of it way we're still trying to get to alahayam but it's got to be even if someone is going to quote that verse i'm the way the truth in life no one comes to follow except for me you still have to have the ruach kakadesh right any christian is going to go yeah that's that's true right well that's the thing right she is the Torah she is the way to get to the Father you got to have you got to be you got to have wisdom chukma and the immortality brings one near to alahayam so the desire for wisdom leads to a kingdom and again the whole the whole way wisdom is Solomon i want to do a broader study on this and showing that actually Solomon's kingdom was a a setup a preview of the millennial kingdom and you can't go into the kingdom unless you have wisdom the destiny of the righteous this is really exciting too but the this comes from chapter three of wisdom is Solomon or chukma shalomam but the souls of the righteous are in the hand of alahayam you could see i kind of did a quick edit on this so you have that hand of god here and no torment will ever ever touch them in the eyes of the foolish they seem to have died it's this is talking about the people living in the world and they're just looking at the righteous people those really weird people you know you know the people saw them good more i thought Abraham was a total weirdo right like when they died they're like yeah they just they wasted their life what a boring life they lived in the eyes of the foolish they seem to have died and their departure was thought to be a disaster and they're going from us to be their destruction but they are at shalom for though on the side of others they were punished their hope is full of immortality having been disciplined a little they will receive great good because alahayam tested them and found them worthy of himself what was the test the test was being obedient not just a stated belief it was being obedient revelation fortune trial like gold in the furnace he tried them and like a sacrificial burnt offering he accepted them the pay attention this just gives me just chills reading this in the time of their visitation whose visitation those who died the righteous they're immorals now in the time of their visitation they will shine forth and will run like sparks through the stubble what is this double the earth that was scorched and burned and destroyed this is like idea of a the young calf breaking forth in the stall and stomping on ashes a gahenna they will govern nations and rule over peoples and yahaha will reign over them forever well there's another direct correlation with yahushaha mashiach being the god of the Old Testament yahaha right yeah if you're not cut up to speed pamela in my working theory is that yahaha was always the son right the father is not yahwa or yahwa that was always the son this is a right here yahwa himself comes down to reign on the earth all right let's read a little bit more and this is where it gets really awesome it ties it all together so we know that the only way to get immortality get to the father is through obedience passing the test the Torah the only way to and that is wisdom chokma she is the Torah and that is the only way to get in the kingdom when we see that those who pass the test are the ones who are the sparks of light that are ruling over the you know the other people look what this says right here therefore those people were deservedly punished through such creatures this is talking now about the wilderness generation they did not get to go into the land because of their wickedness all right that's the place we're at right now we're waiting to enter the land again because the because the wickedness the rebellion of our fathers and many people unfortunately are still rebellion therefore those people were deservedly punished through such creatures and were tormented by a multitude of animals instead of this punishment you show kindness to your people and you prepared quails to eat a delicacy to satisfy the desire of appetite in order that those people when they desired food might lose the least remnant of appetite because of the odious creatures sent to them while your people after suffering wants a short time might partake of the delicacies or it was necessary that upon those oppressors inescapable wants should come while to other took while to these others it was merely shown how their enemies were being tormented for when the terrible rage of our animals came upon your people and they were being destroyed by the bites of writhing serpents these are the the basilisk you know that those that's my theory you know my theory on this is that they are there's a connection with the seraphim angels right the the the fiery serpents but this seems to be like the basilisk creatures those little snake-like creatures with the the bat wings that you see in a lot of ancient art that seem to go back into Egypt and you see them in medieval artwork and and so on so forth your wrath did not continue to end but they were troubled for a small season there it is right there for a little season they were troubled for a little season that they might be admonished having a sign of yeshua to put them in remembrance of the commandments of your Torah guys that's that's the whole bible right that's it this right here those three lines describe exactly where we're out in history we are out in the wilderness in the darkness there are writing serpents all around us the only way to defeat these are with the with the medicine of the shiok with the Torah we are being troubled for a small season as a test to see if we're worthy that we might be admonished that we might repent of the sins our sins the sins of our fathers having a sign of yeshua salvation and what is his purpose if we walk as he walked to put us in remembrance of the command of your Torah which we have forgotten it's all right there that's it I rest my case case clothes good night everybody no we're not done yet but uh I get in there it'd be great right so for the one who turned toward it was saved not by the thing that was beheld by but by you the Savior of all and so it's right there it's saying that yahwah is the same he is yeshua right he is our yuhushah yuhushahum shiok beautiful passage all right let's see what we got here oh yeah and this this really plays into the little season as well the whole the days are I hear this talk about all the time for the Mandela fact it is then no this is not a passage for the Mandela fact behold the days are coming declares yahwaha alahayim when I will send a famine on the land not a famine of bread or thirst for water but a famine famine appearing the words of yahwah where you can see the word of the people will stagger from sea to sea in Rome from northeast seeking the word of yahwah but they will not find it that guys that's that the reason why that's used for the Mandela fact is there's like see there's a famine because like the Bible's changing it's like okay well that's a side note to the fact that contextually this is always about the Torah this is always about the Torah that the famine is is people are looking at the Bible it's right there in front of us 100% of it is you need to be obedient and you know you take the letters of Paul you say that's 5% so you give them 5% of the Bible even though I believe you know he was full Torah. But it's like they've got 5% to disprove the other 95% and I say this like every single week and they they are so spiritually blind it it burdens me it saddens me makes me want to cry watching all the comments on out there on youtube land and on the internet and all the people who hate his instructions and righteous living and they think that all it is is a belief you go on living your life you just believe that's just think real hard you just believe that that he existed Jesus came and he existed he died and resurrected and we get to go live with him and just think about that all day and believe and then you know don't keep the Sabbath don't eat clean don't do this kind of stuff and man they got another thing coming there so spiritually blind they are living in the famine they don't even know it they don't even know how malnourished they are it's so sad that is the little season we live in ladies and gentlemen all right before I go into the next thing Pamela I'm going to hand it back over to you do you have any give you a little reading break there or speaking break I think I went on there for about 30 minutes I was having fun so would you like to add in some discussion I have just a few things I just want to you know out of what you were saying I want to just talk about you know you were talking about their temptations now of course they were they were nomadic they were nomadic and they sort of lived more of a minimalist lifestyles to what we are used to and that so usually nomads they they move from watering hole to watering hole for oasis to oasis the primary difference with the children of Yasharov is that yah was leading he was leading them with that that pillar of fire and he was taking them into places where usually nomads would not go so they're going into these places where you know there were terrors that's what the word was translated they encountered what they called terrors which were a dire countenance and then counted these leaving creatures we talked about cave dwellers and the rafaiyan some people say the dead ones but that word rafai means healed so they were probably healed from dead ones who were healed so they were probably healed from dead that's what they were talking about and that I nuke these were that word means long-necked I nuke means long-necked or having a collar so I'm just wondering if they were some kind of like reptilian you know because they've got the long neck and they had of course great statue statue and so so he led them into these places and they were encountering these things they terrors these these zamasai on which we talked about to say that word means that they made gibberish or making a buzzing noise which you know la marzili he says that he makes that connection between the the zamasai on or zendoming from the modern the these creatures made a buzzing sound and some people who have had alien encounters I think it's the graze is what he said that they encounter these uh a buzzing noise so anyway so they weren't living in tents and everything you know a person's wealth was not measured I mean they did have gold and silver and stuff but when you're in the desert are you can you eat gold can you eat silver no you measured your wealth primarily by you know your your herd your flock should cattle and these these flocks and cattle stuff they they provided them with food and fiber and materials that they needed so so uh and these family members you know these these family matters you know we we have this organization in uh you know it talked about I will sit sit in place all these people you know I will sit over you these heads some over tens and over fifties and over hundreds and all so they organized there every everything was organized where you had like the the head of the family you had this lifted up chief and everyone was underneath underneath his purview usually was like the father or the grandfather and what's interesting is that all the family legal matters were conducted at the entrance of the tent and when when matters were discussed with y'all they went to the entrance to the tenamine so the entrance was where all these uh legal matters so um so the tents were constructed of goats here and and your wealth they mean if you the more the wealthier you are you would stretch your tent out and so um so anyway so they they were he was taking them into the wilderness and uh and he brings them up to the land just like you know my chef I he talks talks about you know that they came to this point they came to the point ready to enter into the land but he said you weren't willing uh he said he told him don't tremble with fear and terror do not reverently fear them that there's a few little Hebrew idioms that that I just wanted to explain right quickly um it's about the face um when they would say things like to the face that meant it right in someone's presence now he said I would I destroyed him to your eyes so most of those are talking about in someone's presence and if you stand up to the face of someone it could be one of two things if you stand to the face of y'all you could be staying to his faces in ministry ministry and but also there were people who would stand up to his faces and stand in opposition to to y'all and um also another statement about the face you shall not recognize the face in judgment so that would mean like don't be a respecter of persons and um turn aside from the face now this one do you remember that that maybe I think it was alien three that moment segornay weaver you know she the alien is coming toward her and she kind of turns her face you know away so it says to turn aside the face do not turn aside your face that means don't be fearful so you're not turning your face aside to these creatures and I dare say they were probably some scary stuff I mean probably some stuff that I mean we're we're so immune in some ways we've seen all these horror films like alien predator and all this stuff can you imagine seeing something like this in real life you know just jump in on that because I was thinking a lot about this and you talk about the people with the long necks there was a comment in there about you know yes it's still to this day like I mean I've been to eastern africa where you see I've seen the ladies with the long necks and we've talked in the past about the the binding of heads that create the elongated skulls and you know the idea that these were actually based on actual gods on the earth and but I was thinking about this today that they were about to go in and meet probably these actual creatures with stretch necks elongated skulls things like that that they were not supposed to mimic when they went in but when you go into talking about like these alien encounters when people encounter grace or reptilians or whatever action real life they go through either like some sort of sleep paralysis or they're unable to you know maybe they're they're unable to function right and there's just this this you feel that the fear and the hate and all these malnourished feelings when they're in presence and so I was wondering about like how that even worked when you're like these probably had some sort of like maybe they were highly advanced in the same sense of like their ability to have like some sort of tele like kinesis kind of I don't know something that you just had to go into this with both faith that yeah y'all is going to be there and he's going to build to bind these spirits and allow you to move move anyways I was just I didn't want to cut you off but this this wasn't just like you know going up against just purely physicality if you get my drift right there was something very spiritual about what they were what face it yeah it wasn't just I mean it wasn't just the the the fact that these were were of dire count that they were scary and apparent it was it was this fact that that this this malevolent this malevolent this heaviness yeah some of these entities they got this this heaviness I know that you say say that you've encountered these things and I've had some encounters in my life but you could actually feel this this hatred just just rolling off of them and this actual that you you know that this this thing wants to do you harm that it wants to harm you know your your family that it wants to to do these things it's a very it's a very very oppressive like you can sometimes just feel like like you can just feel their faces just pressed up against you just you know just with their jealousy and their hate and you know just weighs you down and if you don't just go straight into prayer yeah and and like when something's I mean I've talked to this about this before that that there there were there was a lot of times I was translating some of this it just sometimes there's just like this this heaviness you know that you know just where you just you just struggle just you know getting up just getting out of bed and and and you have these things these these thoughts running through your head you know just just give up just quit you know who do you think you are and so you think about that there's this duality whereas these things were physically intimidating they were they were most of them were like of extreme size you know that they were they were called a great statue they do a big intimidating in terms of as size they were in terms they were intimidating in terms of they were frightening to look at them I mean if people are calling them the terrors then these these these aren't you know sunshine and and flowers and stuff it it was it was scary looking but then you have along with it you have this oppressive you know it's like this oppressive field you know around these things and um and I've even heard people say that that some of them they they just oh they smell there's such a smell associated with some of these these giants that uh they the smell of them some of them they they they stink terribly to what we would think and so they're encountering all these things and and and Michelle I mean you know y'all tell them again and again don't don't be afraid of these things don't tremble with fear and but you know they they said you know the people when they got to the to this point of crossing over they're like these people are greater and loftier than us their cities are inaccessible and um if you ever I've got this this is a great resource to have to go with the book of Deuteronomy because a lot of the place names that you find in scripture you know especially in terms of the seas of Bishan Adara Aya which was a capital city Reverend Porter he actually described some of these things because he is he is they were still standing they were still standing I don't know if they're still standing now or not because you know some of these places uh Bishan would be you know going by the holy I'm going on that that the holy land is where they say the holy land so uh Bishan would be Syria 11 on and that region in there and so they don't just let anybody just come walking in and start looking at stuff so uh he said that that especially like Adara Aya some of these places they're they're mountainous and rocky there's like one place that was like it was like cool lava that's what he said in here uh that that in his day there were these things uh these these people were they they still would take they still take refuge there that there's these I guess you say criminal elements so maybe you know we've talked about that I think you did the wasteland of the serapham maybe these are strongholds not just in terms of physical strongholds but also spiritual and so all these you know these criminal and these these dark forces they they have a tendency to go toward these and so um and they they didn't they weren't faithful they were not faithful they were not faithful with and that word is faithful it's not oh you just didn't believe they were not faithful he told them to do something they didn't do it because sometimes when he asks you to do something your intellect or your fear is telling you don't do it and sometimes it's just you know I don't get it I don't get some of the stuff about you know people get so upset about observing Shabbat you know oh you don't want to take an off day are you gonna call your boss and tell your boss you don't want any off days that you want to work uh every day of the week so uh I don't know I don't I don't understand that but but he he tells us to do stuff he told them he he showed them the way and what what are you going to do just suddenly say in the middle of the desert I'm tired of following y'all I'm not going to follow him anymore and you're in the middle of the desert so he went about he walked to their faces in the way he traveled about he sought for them a place like you said they didn't need the spy uh he had they had the fire by night to show them the way in and I know um Mount uh say say say say say sign name the Mount say say you know yeah it actually the fire that it went up to to Shamaem so this thing was all the way up all the way up to Shamaem it was it wasn't and I wondered did it look like a tornado was it was it kind of some kind of tornado that's that's got fire mingled in it and it's just one of these things I thought but it went all the way out and I don't know if any of y'all have ever seen a a tornado in person it's a fearful thing it's a scary thing and yet they were more fearful of these these creatures uh then they were of you know the firenado I don't know who said that but uh yeah a firenado uh so they were more fearful of the this thing uh then then uh then they had trust in y'all and so I don't know if I I told you about the parallels between the temptations you know in Matthew 4 and 4 you know when it's when you know Hossaton says you know um turn these stones into bread and he quotes in Biorama he said you should you know you should not live a bread alone and then in 4 and 7 he says uh he says you know uh throw yourself down he said don't tempt you should not tempt uh yahawaha yahawaha yah which is interesting in light of the fact that he is yahawaha you should not be tempting anyway that's something and also in uh Matthew 14 he says uh if you bear your head today that's what he's actually saying in Matthew you said you know he said instead we it usually is interpreted as bow down he's like bear your head and I can only think of in terms of that you're lowering your head uh like that and so in in the law it says do not go after these alahayyam I thought I am so you have these parallels and whereas they were tempted and they failed but Messiah he was tempted and he he overcame these things so it is with his help that we can overcome these terrors you know day terrors not terrors these cave dwellers these these uh these dead ones and uh these long-necked ones so um so that's that's a few of my little notes to the head all right uh that was good stuff I want to thank you and I can never believe I mean I every week it just I can't believe that like two hours just fly by and got like 20 minutes left so there are some things that I put onto the title this video that I probably won't get to tonight like doppelgangers but that's okay I will uh you're like doppelgangers what how does that have to do with dude on me one to three actually I see it in there but maybe if I don't get there I will cover that next week because what what I want to do is as promised I want to talk about the Jordan River and uh what and some of the significance of it of what they're about to cross so you can see here this is an aerial picture of the Jordan River in 1938 now what is unique about the Jordan River is that it it has four sources uh that it starts from four freshwater sources that the bubble up that come from life and what does it end in guys it ends in death it ends in the in the uh the dead sea so we have uh the the I'll just go over these really quickly the hush body stream these are photos from the 1800s of when people are going and photographing the source there's the dance spring and these are the dance spring is the one of the largest fountains in Syria and it is said to be the largest single fountain in the world that's where we're on the right and it just comes up and then it flows down into the Jordan and you know interesting thought that I was thinking about today is there's all these different discussions on where the Garden of Eden was there is a really a lot of research right now in the Philippines as you guys know that I've taken a big interest in the lost continent of Mu or Maru and uh Lumeria as it's also known I give some videos on that interestingly enough uh that's where of course the Philippines the remnants of the Hawaiian Islands all that right that would be from that lost continent and which we see on the moon map but I was noticing today that in the Garden of Eden story I'm not gonna go through all those verses gonna be a bit of a distraction for what I want to cover it talks about how that it watered all the the rivers of the world and so wherever the Garden of Eden is whether it is you know the North Pole on all that you know hyperborea all that it is interesting that we see these these water coming up from the springs underneath the earth where are these springs coming from are they being watered from a central source just want to throw that out there and then we see over here this is Mount Herman over here I think on the left these uh people are on Mount Herman over there the source of that and then of course the iun stream over here which is in Lebanon and all four of these they pour into the Jordan now today in the 20th century 1964 Israel began operating a pumping station that diverts water from the Sea of Galilee to the national water carrier also 1964 Jordan constructed a channel that diverted water uh weather and point is is that in modern times up to 95 percent of the water is diverted for human purposes and the flow is less than 10 percent of the past average so now the Dead Sea is quickly shrinking and I let's see I've been to the Dead Sea a couple times last time would have been 2006 and I remember from when I was there in the year 2000 to 2006 that it had even shrunk up more I don't even know how much it has now but even at that time some of the resorts that were there on the Dead Sea they were actually uh you got to get out it used to be right on the Dead Sea now you have to get into a bus and drive like a kilometer to get there and that was like 20 years ago so it's it's almost completely disappearing and you know they're they're saying it's prophecy but this is clearly this is not yod doing that this is uh man uh damning up the Jordan River and there may be issues to that now this is how beautiful I've seen some comments recently that people are saying like it's really ugly and Israel I couldn't disagree more I think Israel is a beautiful beautiful country and I was just blown away with how beautiful Galilee was the Jordan means to descend or contrarily I was talking to Pamela about this it could mean to cast down but it literally descends so think about this now the river drops over 75 kilometers from its spring source mount uh the Mount Lebanon Mount Herman going down to Hula Lake which is slightly below sea level in the Galilee area from Hula Lake it drops another 690 feet below sea level to the Sea of Galilee so it literally is descending right by time you get to the Dead Sea it has now dropped 1,290 feet below sea level that is the lowest place on earth there is no place lower on the earth than the Dead Sea how about that the very place we're sawing the mora was where it was destroyed and it's a place of total debt right so you have a river that starts with life and it ends in death so it is at this point the Jordan River has run the entire gamut from the clear clean mountain water to the dead and lifeless water ending at the Dead Sea and that's a little bit about what I want to talk about because one of the themes we see in scripture is what we see right here in Genesis do not go down to Egypt and before I read these scripture verses last week when I went into YouTube jail over a video about uh I love Don he's a great guy he Don is apparently a rebel a very naughty man because he likes to drink tea and he likes bars of soap and apparently if you're a lover of drinking tea and soap uh you're you're liable to be taking down from YouTube and you know getting strikes and get your videos taking down all that kind of stuff so you know a lot of people were suggesting things I need to do this or that and I'm like and I was telling people no no no I have learned in these situations that even though it looks like the enemy is doing this that actually y'all is working through the situation and that what I need to do is just kind of sit there pray and be like okay what are you trying to tell me right now what do I need to hear and one of those lessons I've learned interestingly enough was in Israel the last time I was there and I'm backpacking around going you know through Jordan with the Petra I went all over and I was uh at Jerusalem right the ticket booth for the bus was right there at the Mount of Schools right there right next to the garden tomb and my experience of buying a bus ticket in the you know you ask you know you try to tell him you want a certain time it's like well do you want morning or afternoon like what are you talking about it's like well the bus driver will either show up at this time or that time so you get your ticket and you sit there and you wait you don't know when the bus is going to show up finally the bus shows up and you're like all right we're ready to roll you know we're burning daylight here and the bus driver he may not even he goes on leaves he goes somewhere and he comes back with lunch and he just sits there and he's eating and everyone's singing the bus way to go and he's just you know he's not talking to us he's eating this is like you know life in the the Middle East way more relaxed laid back you know you're not always just like get things done all the time right so finally I go down all the way down to the Dead Sea to the Egyptian border my goal was is I wanted to go down into Egypt and I wanted to go to the to St. Catherine's and then I wanted to see if I can make it all the way to the pyramids I crossed the border and I there's nothing there there's not a bicycle there's not a car there's not a bus there's nothing I talked to the border it's just a road going out into the desert there's nobody there and I asked him I say like how do I get to St. Catherine's how do I get to Egypt I was told you know I got my travel guides and like oh well you know somebody will be along at some point today and they'll take you you know just just wait around it could be 10 hours it could be tomorrow somebody's gonna come along so I'm sitting there on the edge of the road and Yod I heard him distinctly tell me he said do not go down to Egypt don't and it wasn't even thinking he was quoting scripture this time and he was telling me go up to Jerusalem go back to Jerusalem and so I was there I was praying for a couple hours nobody showed up and I was like okay and I went back I got back to Jerusalem that night lo and behold got into some hot waters beside they were they tracked me for the next two weeks I ended up in one of those rooms with the one-way mirrors the only time in my life where I was ever officially interrogated what the what it what an experience that was all that this and I had a lot of weirded cameras where like I look back down and I realized there were some boots on the ground you know coming up to me and talking to me that kind of stuff but let's um let's see what this is right here then Yahua appeared to him and this would be uh to Yitzhak and he said do not go down to Egypt and he says I will make your descendants multiplies the stars of heaven now we see that prophecy fulfilled tonight it happened he said you're you have now multiplied as the stars of heaven I don't think there's any time to talk about that I will talk about that next week about the the interesting connection between men and stars or the righteous and the stars well here we see another passage here Isaiah 31 1 woe to those who go down to Egypt for help and rely on horses who trust and chariots because they are many and in horsemen because they are very strong but who do not look to the Holy One of Yashreal nor seek Yahua and we see again Isaiah 30 don't go down to Egypt lack of time you guys get it we read this in Ezra this is in the first year Cyrus king of Persia and the decree is for you know he's sending them back to Jerusalem and this is all the kingdoms of the earth is Yahua allahayim of heaven has given me and he has commanded me to build him let's see oh who's speaking here like that whatever he is a house at Yerushlain which is in Yehuda who is among you of all his people may his allaham be with him and let him go up to Yerushlain which is in Yehuda so is it always interesting here that we see the language you go up to Jerusalem or down to Egypt and of course this is all related with the river Jordan right and we see the same thing here in Yulkanan or John and this is Yahusha it says after this there was a feast of the Yahudim and Yahusha went up to Yerushlain. Okay so let's talk about the Jordan River the first and second Adam in the Yarden River and the Tree of Mercy I'm going to probably end on this point tonight I'll get all the way through this and like I said I'll save the star talk for next week the fulfillment of prophecy on that end so this is Adam and Chawah or Eve they have committed their transgression they have been kicked out of paradise and he says this is Adam speaking to his woman he says rather be silent only do penitents in the water for 34 days with all your heart and I will do the same in the Yarden River she goes up to the Tigris River and until Alahayam harkens and gives us food so she went off to the Tigris River and she and she did his Adam had ordered her and Adam he remained in the Yarden River and this is the hair of his head was spread out it's kind of interesting so it basically it's it's like he's so deep I imagine him like he's tilting his head back and his kind of his mouth and nose are just above the surface of the water and his hair is all spread out and he's doing this he says at the moment when the finally this is really what's interesting now I am theorizing that Adam was standing on the very spot where Elijah crossed and where they crossed with the Ark of the Covenant and also where you know who she was baptized I'm just theorizing that it says at the moment when the water the Yarden had restrained its flow then Adam raised his voice towards Alahayam and he varied his tone of voice six times the six is interesting there because within the Talmunic literature there are six degrees of baptism that the utmost degree is that of repentance so we see the same thing here in Yahushua of course as you guys know this is following Moshe speeches after he dies and it says that what happens when they cross that so it was when the people set out from their camp to cross over the Yarden with the and of course the idea of crossing over is to be a heaver right with the priests bearing the Ark of the Covenant before the people and as those who bore the Ark came to the Yarden and the feats of the priests who bore the Ark dipped in the edge of the water for the Yarden overflows at its banks during the whole time of harvest so of course this is spring time right and it's it's really flowing at this time and the waters which came down from upstream stood still and rose in the heat very far away at Adam at Adam that's not that's not a coincidence the city that is beside Zeraton so the waters that went down into the sea of Arabia the salt sea failed and were cut off and the people cross over opposite Yerico no the idea here is that if if the Jordan river with the very name of it means to descend or to cast down which is what Adam what happened to Adam he was cast down out of paradise he descended right and basically went down to spiritual Babylon or Egypt if you will it is interesting that the waters stopped as far back it's like 18 kilometers from the proposed spot it's way far away it actually stopped way up river to the point they couldn't even see it I don't think at Adam and it's telling you that the transgression right that was cut the basically it was forgiveness going back all the way to Adam that's how I read that we see that Elijah or Eliyahu crossed at the same point and this is the incident when he is he goes right to the other side and is taken up in the the cyclone the tornado the whirlwind whatever and the cherry to fire he's taken up to heaven and of course right afterwards Elijah then he crosses right back at the same point and then we see in Matthew 3 the new Hushah came from Galilee to Yokinon at the yard ends we baptize by him now what's interesting about when that happens here we let's look at a scene from the book of Adam it says and Elihim sent to them the Archangel Michael who is in charge of the souls and he told Seth man of Elihim do not labor to supplicate that's concerning the olive tree in command to anoint your father Adam if you saw my presentation two or three nights ago on the green man I actually talked about the incident I talked about where Seth and his mother Chappwahap they went to paradise to get an anointing oil of mercy for Adam he was sick he was dying and and this is Michael's reply this is not to be right now but in the future times when 5,000 years will be completed then at the five and a half thousandth year the beloved son of Elihim is she often come upon the earth to resurrect Adam's body from his fall because of the transgression of the commands he will come and he will be baptized in the river garden and as soon as he will have come forth from the water with the anointing of oil he will anoint him him and all his citizens and so that they will rise at the time of the resurrection yeah what I said I will admit them into paradise and I will anoint them with that function and you can see that I put their five and a half thousand years I mean that goes into my whole timeline right I'm spacing off this the scripture that he comes at your 5,500 if your 6,000 is when the millennial kingdom began here's another passage so this passage is coming from gospel Nicodemus and Yokanon is John the Baptist is speaking from Shiloh they're all like waking up from their sleep I think there's this whole scene I just love I think it's so beautiful they're in total darkness and they're all speaking to each other and he says when an eye Yokanon when I saw who shall coming to me being moved by the Ruach Akkadesh I said behold the lamb of Aliham behold him who takes away the sins of the world and I baptized him the river Yarden and saw the Ruach Akkadesh descending upon him in the form of a dove and heard a voice from heaven saying this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased skipping down to 14 but when the chapter 14 but when the first man or father Adam heard these things that Yohushah was baptized in the Yarden he called out to his son Seth and said declare to your sons the pay charts and prophets all those things which you did here from mikel the archangel when I sent you to the gates of paradise to entreat Aliham that he would anoint my head when I was sick then Seth coming near to the patriarchs and prophets said I Seth when I was praying to Aliham at the gates of paradise the whole the angel of Yahuwah mikel appeared into me saying I am sent unto you from Yahuwah and I appointed to preside over human bodies I tell you Seth do not pray to Aliham in tears and entreat him for the oil of the tree of mercy wherewith to anoint your father Adam for his headache because it's kind of interesting this is the headache he's dying of a headache guys it sounds more like a moose-sized headache to me because you cannot by any means obtain it till the last day and times nearly till 5500 years be passed so this is where I'm going to kind of show you here that the the this oil of mercy on my opinion is coming from an olive tree and well let's keep reading then when was she at the most merciful son of Elohim or Aliham come on earth to raise again the human body of a dom and at the same time to raise the bodies of the dead when he come up you will baptize in the yard I think it's so beautiful this idea that you know when we hear about death coming into the world it's coming in through we're talking about the the Adam and the sons of Adam right so we are the sons of Adam I do believe that he was the eighth day man that there were earlier men but we're talking about like he is not coming for the others he's coming for for his special creation Adam I mean it's such a beautiful picture right and of course all the the children of Adam but it's specifically he's coming for Adam and he says then with the oil of his mercy he will anoint all those who believe on him and the oil of his mercy will continue to future generations for those who shall be born of the water and the rua kakadesh unto eternal life man that's another thing I'm not gonna get through tonight I have a lot to cover next week all right so I talked about though this is kind of review for those of you saw my green man video and I was really investigating into this idea of these thousands and thousands of green men you see all over in gothic cathedrals and my conclusion was that the green man was first Adam now people are you know they're coming out there you know they're they're they're so hung up on the you know it's just everything is shading they just this pagan god because leaves like guys the leaves are not evil okay like you know yes there are other pagan gods who have leaves you know I mean but okay anyways time and again you see here this is the most famous one up on top in Germany right under what I believe is Yehushah Amashiach right there and the idea is that he is again he is the conquering king second Adam this one here is specifically they're telling you that the green man that Yehushah Amashiach is also this this green man the second Adam and here we see Mary with the Christ child the first Adam so I kind of I kind of botched this right here so the idea is that when Seth brought back these seeds from the the tree of the of mercy which was an olive tree he planted them in Adam's mouth they created the they grew out of his mouth and so you could see here growing up all around Mary in the Christ child and the idea is is that the life the death of Adam eventually ended up in the life of all humanity through the second Adam and that's the whole story of the green man right there and you can even see this illustration here you see the tree growing out of Adam's skull and and then they chop it down and it's made into the cross and so the idea is the cross or at least the cross beam or some people you know will say that you know he actually hung on a living tree and they put a cross beam there the idea is it makes sense of olive tree right there were olive trees everywhere there is the amount of olives you had the garden gazimini with olive trees you had the olive press that was what they say is the garden tomb there there was an olive press there so there were olive trees all over so it makes sense that he was hung on olive tree and the idea is this came straight out of Adam's mouth all right but i wanted to show you this and i have some more work to do because um i need to go back and change some things with or add some things in the paper this is really interesting this comes from third baruch and when in paradise all the different trees were planted i made a deal about this in my Anunnaki research because the Anunnaki are clean that they had a they've all had contributions to creation and so people freak out with the ancient alien story line i don't really think it's a big deal because i'm reading these texts and i see that these gods these angels these Elohim they all had a part in the creation process that makes total sense a king gives a decree but the king is the king actually has servants who go out there and do it for him so we see this with paradise yohushah hama shiaka i should say yahua on this case uh he's like hey i want a garden i want paradise and then all his angels go out and they plant it and it says that there were 200 thousand and three angels two hundred and three thousand angels who went out and worked on paradise alone right and we see that of course satan satan al who was a zalzo he he planted divine microplanted the ollie isn't that interesting mike al he planted the olive tree and that's where the tree of mercy comes from so according to medieval tradition the cross the yohushah hama shiaka died on was the very wood that originated from the tree that microplanted in paradise isn't that beautiful i think it's really beautiful and of course the the wine from the the he had at the last meal the last supper passed over actually would have originated from the tree that satan or satan or a zalzo planted so i'm going to end it there looks like i'm only on page 29 of 43 pages that i had set aside for you guys tonight so i'm going to have to change the the title of the video tonight away from the doppelgangers i'll do that next week we'll talk about the stars maybe we'll talk oh let me just end here on um uh we do see you know the ending um this is in revelation chapter four and it talks about the sea of water um and it says that let's see when all of them will return to their flesh those who are resurrected in the last days will bathe in the water of that sea and repent of their sins and of course the sea of glass like in the crystal and it's we see the same thing in ah i don't have the passage i thought i did i must have erased it anyways well i killed that point it was um in adam and eve when it talked about it as well that they were removed from paradise for that purpose because if they would wash in it you know they would get this it would be cleanse have this eternal life and they need to go through the redemption process and of course that's talking in adam and eve it specifically mentions this river outside of paradise and i actually believe that it was uh in the hidden wilderness okay so there's all that all right i'm going to end there tonight and should i end here tonight oh my goodness this is so good will you guys hang in there with me a few more minutes if i talk about this no i'm going to end i'm going to start on this next week because this is too good i don't want to i don't want to speed through it so i can't believe it it's over our time together two hours uh pamela was there anything else you wanted to add any more notes that you wanted to go through before i end for the night well i mean there's there's always more we could add but uh just you know the thing that that that's you know strike struck me when i was reading this um was the fact that he said that you know that you're bitterly rebellious he brings him back again and you were bitterly rebellious you witnessed and you weren't faithful and um besides the fact that you know we have all these these the reiteration of the the Torah for us it's also examples for us don't do this what not to this you know um you know don't don't be like them to to get to the right at the gates of the promised land and then fail follow away because uh a lack of faithfulness so i guess that's my my main thing my main thing is uh is that and and love y'all with all your heart without you in the flash and with all your muchness yeah um just to answer that one question up there too about the olive tree i you know at the end of the day the the typical idea is that the uh the tree of mercy the olive tree was cut down and was used for wood for the cross um but the there's a lot of different ideas out there on uh how he was hung on the cross and i actually like the theory of the uh the one stump that all three of them were placed on basically in a circle all the way around uh that there would have been some branches coming out that they you know put some cross beams on top of whatever it looked like or maybe it was a like a stump don't really know um wasn't there but uh if we're looking at a very old tree olive trees can get pretty big and yeah you could totally hang a guy on an olive tree so i think it's totally doable um but like i said i'm just a messenger right i'm just pulling these different texts together and trying to form a picture and either it's right or it's wrong i don't know maybe not all this right maybe it is uh and um i i love discovering some of these texts i mean it's you know things that i'd never thought about before and i just read this and i get so excited and then i start cross-referencing and i find it everywhere i'm like wow like people hundreds or thousands of years ago like believe this and like we're not told this anymore so now thank you Pamela for coming on and um i really enjoyed it i loved uh hearing you read that was my favorite part of tonight and we'll do this again next week everybody i hope you guys have a restful Sabbath and i will be yeah i'm gonna get my nappy nap in tomorrow i only get one per week we'll do this again next week thank you everyone for making this tradition in your home tonight. 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