The Innovation Show

Low Man on the Totem Pole: Start Selling Your Genius with Heather MacArthur

For many of us, the thought of work brings to mind a daily nine-to-five grind, reporting to disinterested supervisors, and ''working for the weekend.'' You probably enter the office feeling disenchanted, counting down the minutes until 5 p.m. Whether this approach to work is due to feeling unrecognised for your work, being a cog in a corporate machine, or the influence of apathetic coworkers, there is something you likely forgot along the way, YOU, you are the one in the driver's seat of your career.

Making the switch from a passive passenger to being the driver isn't easy and there are no one-size-fits-all means of achieving this. Today's episode offers various groundbreaking strategies to get more out of your work--including viewing yourself as a business owner and your place of work as the client.

Whether you are a front-line employee or a manager, today's episode offers something for everyone trying to find meaning in their work.

We are joined by business consultant and author of “Low Man on the Totem Pole: Stop Begging for a Promotion, Start Selling Your Genius” Heather MacArthur

Heather shares: The two of the biggest issues facing the workplace today: We have been told not to believe in our greatness Business structure relies on people managers who have no clue how to develop people The 3 mindsets of the workplace The Pyramid of Purpose Challengers and Nemeses Weaving Webs v Climbing Ladders Networking v Building Relationships The first steps to change

You can find out more about Heather here:

Broadcast on:
06 Apr 2019