Fox & Father

Fox & Father | Episode #023

Broadcast on:
12 Aug 2024
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I think a lot of the reason they're inciting this stuff is because they want to clamp down on our free speech Good morning Britain for the last two days has covered this should social media be banned and when they say social media Of course they mean X or Twitter because this the only platform we have left where we have free speech As in social media, we've got rumble for video But in terms of social media Twitter is the only one they want to cancel it because they don't want any dissent They can control Facebook. They control Google. They control YouTube. They don't yet control Elon Musk So this is why they're coming for him. He's come out on our side Thankfully, I mean actually come out on our side because he's come out and start saying two-tier here And he's smart and then you get a David criticizing Elon Musk. I'm like, Ed, you don't even know what a woman is This man is building space rockets to Mars. Yeah, tunnels under LA Uh, and he's got time to ship post on Twitter [Music] Welcome to another episode of Fox and Father with me the Fox and him the father This is a show usually where Calvin tutors me in the ways of righteousness And it may be our last show before the summer, but we may we've just had a plan that we may do one while we're away in Greece We're gonna do Fox and father on tour Fox the father on tour And then we someone suggested the other day we should do Fox and father on tour in like right around little cities That would be lovely wouldn't it especially outside of here because this may very well be our last one in London. Mm It's definitely the last one in this studio anyway It may times are changing times. They are a changing baby Um, anyway, what a week What a what a what an unbelievable awful what an unbelievable week, but let before you're in charge now So everything's good. No, it's the fact that growing up's what um the lying bastards. Um, let's start off with a With how are you doing Calvin? I've had a good month Being in Cambridge was wonderful. I'm now in Oxford. I'm nomadic so they can't track me down Um, I thought they were gonna track you down at some point. Hey coming back into London is uh, I'm not happy about it This is the last time I'm here. I'm not coming back here. It's an assault on the ears, isn't it? On all the senses. Mm It's dirty. It's horrible. It's too busy, but it's it's it's no longer british Yeah, but city can says it's the greatest city on earth. It was it was until he got his grubby hands on it Until he got his dirty. Yeah, I'm good until I come back here. How are you? Oh, in fact on the way in I had the the only Black cab driver who's not sound, you know, I love black cabbies. I know I was like he said, uh, how are you? I was like, well, I'm all right until I came back here. He's like, oh, London's great. It's very multicultural. I'm like, that's the problem Anyway, but that multicultural thing is uh is a bit of a bother. Okay, so we got a lot to go over. How are you? I am very good. I I hate being uh Tarnished with all these horrible terms by our enemies who like to attack and smear and cancel. I hate that but I don't live near any of them anymore. Yeah, so Same old, same old out in the morning. 90 minute walk to our walk Talk to three things with the missus. Yeah, go back home do some hardly but of some kind, you know, and then um and live a very Simple and peaceful life do a bit of writing. I've been writing some more and do some more And I'm gonna see my kids and we're all gonna go away to our favorite place. So we are we are super excited about that So I'm on um, I'm on good. I'm on sort of demob happy shutting down for some of our Which would be good, but let's let's get going. Okay. Sorry. I'm just it. I'm just thinking how much we got to cover So let's start at the beginning. Yeah, it's what we're supposed to start, isn't it? Yeah, right that's classic But I mean the beginning isn't actually last week The beginning isn't that very very horrible unfortunate killing of three innocent young girls The beginning is 1997. The beginning is tony blare opening our borders at very Systematically and saying that anyone who opposes this is racist and Repeating that lie constantly throughout his whole tenure Throughout the whole of the labor tenure until the conservatives and the lib Dems took office in 2010 and continued because They wanted to get rid of the reputation of being the nasty party So they wanted to be nice and so they continued with tony blares legacy But also because they had no ideas of their own and so they kept the borders open in fact opened them Wide open the gates to the barbarians And so we find ourselves in a very messy situation that has been instigated by Successive labor and conservative governments importing people who hate us hate our way of life hate our ideology hate our faith Hate our culture and essentially want to take it over It's a pretty first summation. Okay, where we find ourselves in and then what happens is this tragic massacre takes place We still don't know Enough about who did it. I mean there is an irony a horrible and tragic irony that The writing that's ensued has brought around 24-hour courts and people are getting released from prison murderers are getting released from prison to To house these people and yet the families of these three young girls and then 11 Seriously wounded are gonna have to wait till January for justice really for their families. So that just goes to show how how awake here here two-tier peers Priorities lie So we have that We then are not told rumors like they do on the internet spread around it We're all guilty occasionally of getting these things wrong And the rumors were and wait and also none of these have been discounted yet We don't know what this person's motivation was we don't know anything about him really that's part of the problem Yeah, it is part of the problem. So it's no it's absolutely understandable That British people would turn around and go well when was the last time people started who were the last group of people that started massacring people Who is he? Where's he from? What's his motivation? Very simple straightforward questions that people deserve answers to But they sweep it all under the rug because they're so afraid of race riots They want to put diversity about everything else. So of course, they're not going to tell us who he is where he's from all his motivation is But they never do we never ever find out the manifestos of these killers And that's why people are speculating and then the people who are speculating get the blame And so the government and the mainstream media will talk about anything anything Except who it is why he did it and where he's from Which has got and I think we've reached a sort of boiling point with that so It very quickly stopped being about these three girls Led on by people like Marjid Newhouse who's sort of Importance in the world is dwindled for whatever reason no one really cares what he says anymore Which is a shame because I used to like Marjid before he started calling me a near fascist globalist pats. Yes I was like well, hang on what where do I get my near fascist globalist patsy cash from? Now Marjid's an interesting because he was very good throughout covid and He fought the good fight for freedom, but he's I seem sort of lost the plot because he's lost his relevance He called you out. He called you at that a neo-fascist globalist patsy and I was like wait a minute Nothing you've said was incorrect in that saying britain should be free of Islam Of course, it should it's contradictory to our way of life. Yeah, but I think what he mean. Well, I don't know what he means but Islam is the globalist agenda Replacing christianity and british values with with one world order one world government one world religion is the is the globe Stored so actually he is the globe and he called me a globalist shill for supporting but he is actually the globalist shill By supporting islam, but it's interesting that You know he wrote his book from radical extremist What was it to secular is that there's no secular islam and it just goes to show when it comes down to it when push comes to shove He puts islam above britain and they always do this is the problem It's where do where are your lowerities? Where are your allegiances and foot for a Mohammedan? It's Mohammed over over harry in central org Yeah, I think it was it was a very stupid decision to To for what the government did to not tell anybody what happened and I think it was even worse Then as the the boiling Boiler plate of anger about you know the fact that we're outraged and nothing have changed is outraged and nothing happened After mascara from mascara from mascots. Interesting that people immediately jumped the conclusion. It was An islamist and we still don't know what the motive motivations of this person were and I won't speculate on that but um Now we that that was him preceded but before grand because other people were speculating other people are saying actually he is a christian Actually, he's Welsh actually this and the other it's like well Let's have the full information is he well. She doesn't look Welsh from what i've seen of him It turns out maybe his parents are from Rwanda and that he came over his second generation We don't know if he was born here. We don't know if his parents came up We don't know the ins and outs, but both sides are speculating to try and prove the other side wrong So let's just have it all out there. Let's get the information But only one side is one change one the narrative which is to make it completely not about another set of massacre children Yeah Uh on British soil by someone who doesn't seem You know, was he christian? Was he recent convert to christianity? Was he a mohammedum? Was he recent convert to mohammedism? We don't know he's a sweet little autistic boy. You like dr. Who but that's the problem, isn't it? That's what the media are telling us. That's what i'm so disgusted in a pool by You didn't the minute the media released that first picture of a baby boy's face It's like how could you how could you see that as a monster? He is not the monster He's the victim in all of this i hate i i i my Views on the media my disdain for the media was already like Gutter levels and now it's gone beneath the streets into the sewer level So some some murders three innocent british babies and seriously injures 11 more They should be painted as as the enemy not the victim And for the for the media to flip it upside down shows that the media is not all aside It's not on the side of the british people not on the side of the victims painting the perpetrator as the victim That's wicked the lying dying media inclusion with the government It's and as we found out as i've said frequently on this In conversation with you and in conversation with others kia stammer was just pretending to be a nice guy Pretending to be grown up. He's a radical radical authoritarian They will they will call evil good This is scriptural times we're living through where the world is getting flips inside inside out and upside down And so we have to maintain our sanity Through sticking to the truth. Yeah, okay, and on that note i want to play gears speech I utterly condemn the far right thuggery. We've seen this weekend be in no doubt Those that have participated in this violence will face the full force of the law The police will be making arrests Individuals will be held on remand Charges will follow and convictions will follow I guarantee You will regret taking part in this disorder whether directly Or those whipping up this action online and then running away themselves That's that's him threatening there. There's two threats in there Yeah, what tell me about the first one is he's threatening the british people by calling them far right the people who are upset Frustrated angry with righteous anger And you and I and other people have said, you know, be angry, but don't be violent all along So but people have a right to be angry So he's threatening them by calling them far right by calling the upset people the perpetrators and then the other threat is The people online. He's essentially saying to you to Tommy Robinson, Carl Benjamin, Nigel Farage Anyone who's having a conversation about this commentating on this he's saying you guys are the problem And for me just to compare that to his speech about BLM The riots in 2020 during apparently the world's most dangerous pandemic. You have a right to protest. You should be angry Yeah, very soft and and then then to go into a cobra meeting come out. So there is no two tier policing. Yeah, and then to then this morning last night actually to see the the the head of Whatever police force it was. Let me have a look. Yeah, I think it was Mark Raoul who who pulled the mic off someone when they said is the two-tier policing and he pulled the microphone off them and stormed off Are we going two-tier policing, sir? Remember the public did that that's criminal damage whatever but anyway, then you get the head of the West Yorkshire you get the head of West Midlands peace Why was there such a Low key should we say police presence because I mean tell your offices were there But they were not visible and yet there were an awful lot of people out and an awful lot of people who were armed with various weapons So we have really strong business and community relations And because we were aware through intelligence that there was a potential protest through that misinformation yesterday We had the opportunity to meet with community leaders with business leaders Prior to that event to kind of understand the style of policing that we needed to deliver during the course of that operation So we knew that there was going to be a large amount of people out on that counter protest We knew who the vast majority of those people were we'd had conversations in terms of What that was likely to look like and so Our policing response was commensurate to that intelligence and the information that we'd held with our partners and Communities prior to that event taking place even given there were so many of them clearly armed I mean would you do the same if it was an EDL type situation? So we we've placed in response to the intelligence that we received at that moment in time What I would say is that the vast majority of people that attended that protest yesterday Did so law abidingly and they did it with the right intentions There were just a small minority of people that attended there and were intent on causing either criminality Disorder or fear within our communities What we saw was a response from our communities Where they were trying to kind of make sure that that was policed within themselves as well I'm trying to deter people from taking part in that disorder and as a result we've been able to Go on Gather that evidence gather that information We have made arrests where we've made an arrest this afternoon We continue to try and make arrests in terms of those people that were involved in those disorders yesterday So that so having denied two-tier policing exists We have A man explained to us two-tier policing They meet with their partners their community leaders first of all who is a community leader How do you get elected as a leader of a community? Who selects these leaders and who puts them in charge who says you're allowed to police your own community you are allowed to Tell us how to help please you that's not what the police are supposed to be It's not policing that fear of favor. It's not with preference and precedent And and he's he the way they go on about these largely peaceful protests He's alluding to it, but of course sky news use those exact words Largely peaceful when they're out there with machete is planks of woods They're beating people up. They're destroying cars and pubs. They're a violent mob Well because it happened and it's okay. We've got to be fair and say that they're a violent British mob So we should condemn that actually we've got able violence But the problem is they don't know they don't they don't and then they say that we're the ones inside in violence Got newspapers saying that tommy robinson's in such a violence. He's never done any such thing He's they're saying i'm inside in violence. I what by saying that islaman britain You've got to get Islam out a bit and otherwise it's going to be violent Absolutely because there will be in its fundamental form It will be a completely I tweeted this yesterday will be a completely acceptable opinion to have within the next two or three years As kierstama who actually I do feel sorry for in a way do yeah, I do because I think he got himself into such a bind He's got two choices He either addresses the absolute nightmare in room which we live in a complete two-tier society as proved by policeman Wanker for one of a better word going we talked to community elders they tell us everything's fine A few guys walk around with machete's then so be it just a few machete's, you know, it's like what shut up You crazy luni sick and then you've got um, so you've got him describing how they two tier pleasers Then you got so kierstama can either approach can face on the problem Which is that we live in a two-tier society where a guy is getting chucked out of prison for murdering a white kid A black guy is getting chucked out of prison early so they can throw some white writers into prison and said That's two-tier justice system. That's two-tier society. He's got two choices You know the face is down the fact that we live in a two-tier society complete two-tier society as proved by pc prick over there or He deals with it and faces it dances. We do have a problem in this society where different communities are pleased differently And you lot my own people are absolutely fed up of it Which is causing this writing you got to deal with the causation of the writing and on top of that You got the bastard taking the knee to blm in 2020 two days Before 27 police officers in london were injured alone So you could see what kierstama's doing as inciting those riots or at least he's coursing them He's inciting them. I don't think he sees it. I don't think he can come out and say there is a two-tier system I don't think he recognizes that From day one the politicians and the mainstream media have been on the same page the media was Blaming edl for good and seek who've been defunct since 2013 so they're straight away on the let's blame tamarobinson even even though he's been Condoning sorry he's been condemning the violence from the beginning. He hasn't condoned any any violence at all But they looked they looked the media looked for a target so everyone within kierstama's bubble is saying okay So the media saying it's edl. Let's blame edl. Let's blame the far right I don't think he sees that the police are treating us differently treating ordinary British people differently I think the police are ordered to I so I think that I think that when the when the when people say like the police men and women on the street Are I think they are actually ordered to right? I think they're told that these police community one community bent Nice enough because they're in a press minority community and you gotta be really careful and speak their elders and all that stuff Well, he did say we're gonna. We're gonna protect the muslims. We're gonna protect the mosques We could provide more security English guy that stabbed and used to protect your moss. Yes It's like how does that happen? Elon Musk stood up didn't he said well, how about protecting all communities and then Wets like Rory Stewart like how do you jump in this like there's nothing to be offended by mando iinucci Alistice Campbell all of the people but saying protect all communities is surely a good thing that all people should be able to get behind No, it's an extension. They want financial treatment for certain demographics It's an extension of all those matter and I'm really sorry as I've said before Uh whilst killing all violence there had been violence from both sides So acknowledge that to start with don't victim blame. Yeah, and also don't don't you know Don't cry bully. Yeah, there was some crybelline going on and acknowledge that it's not that there are as you say these problems There were problems. Yeah, so jess Phillips was another one. Was it she came out? Oh, the only reason the Mohammedans are out there with their machete is because there was going to be a far right demo And so these these people have come out they've been baited out and this is the context like no these people are wrong condemn them condemn everyone else too, but condemn them as well They can't because they're terrified of them which takes me to the problem That I have where I say Islam doesn't work in England because if you cannot criticize an ideology You you were denying everyone free speech. You're denying. I don't you know, I don't we've said I've said this before I object to when people are You know Say horrible things about god the one true god And I don't but I have to defend their right to do it. I do I and I go if you want to say my god It's a useless waste of time and it's and it's pretty petty and I'm gonna do some You know, I'm gonna do some crappy carting so I'll just go I well, you know I don't have much respect for you, but if you want to try and goad me in that way, that's fine But if you have an ideology that you can't criticize or leave it's a cult. It's not an ideology So it cannot be convention with British values. So I say we have to lose the ideology then You don't need to take away Muslims. You just have to say Islam is the problem. Yeah, it's a threat to all of the things that Britain is about or he was about before we became a socialist state lesson a month ago But that those words you just said will upset a lot of liberals a lot of liberals who want to see everything There's good and everyone is good and actually you know, you don't have to go deep into Islam You don't have to study it for years You just got to look at the foundation the very simple foundation of if Muhammad ever existed his very words He said that he thought he was being visited by demons, right? And he married Aisha at six years old consummated the wedding at nine years old So we we have someone who's admitting to be in demonically possessed admitting to be a pedophile And a warmonger because he went around killing people who would not convert or revert to feminism. So we have a warmongering pedophile Demon possessed from the get from the very foundation of this ideology. So it's objectively not good You don't have to go into of how they treat gay people or how they treat women or anything that comes from identity Look at the very foundation of what this thing is. It's not good. It's objectively not good So people who are like, well, you can't criticize because it's a foreign faith and it's different That they are part of the problem actually Which brings me on To this this man who I thought was very brave To say this now. I'm going to read it because I I just thought he was very brave. What he said he's called Sahil Ahmed He describes themselves a former islamist turned critic cultural muslim Counter extremism. I don't know that book on I pledge allegiance to king and country in humanity So he says i'm just going to stick my head out of the parapet and say the following It is an inconvenient truth that we muslims do share some responsibility regarding the way we are perceived by the rest of the world I actively speak out against Islamic extremism and the problems in the community precisely because i'm worried that hatred and muslims will intensify Many muslims assumed I was a self-hating and totally misrepresented my intentions, but I digress Returning to the topic at hand for how long have we nurtured anti-kafir hatred kafir equals infidel this believer in our midst For how long have we nurtured anti-british and anti-white sentiment for perceived past colonial wrongs For how long have we had a superiority complex sinking ourselves better than the lowly kafar equals plural of kafir For how long have we refused to deal with the extremist in our midst instead? We are more concerned about defending islam so that islam didn't look bad even though everyone could see how rife the extremism was We all knew radical islam was prevalent in our community, but instead of dealing with the issue We were more concerned about pr and how we look to the community Which is ironic because in the long run it made us look even worse We did what we always deny our problems to the world Acting dishonestly in the protest process whether intentionally or intentionally I could go on a belly even scrape the surface perhaps discussing This is a potentially inopportune moment in this time is not appropriate Give them what is taking place in the UK perhaps I should have waited a while longer before I wrote this whatever the case might be The fact remains that once all this settles down we need to take some time out to self-reflect It's high time. We want this with ourselves It is in our interest to tackle these issues and in the process improve ourselves We need to take some responsibility instead of blaming others for our problems and we need some change starting now our men what said I thought that was a real glimpse of If you that's a voice one voice in a million Muslims So if we had the voices of Muslims like that Saying we have got a bit criticize our own religion Other people have got to see us criticizing our own religion calling out extremism calling out this stuff Then people like me wouldn't say this can't exist in Britain Because we do criticize our religion. We spend a lot of time criticizing Justin Welby We spend a lot of time criticizing where our church starts to go wrong And we're free to do so that is brave and I take my hat off to him And I think if their more Muslims came out and spoke like that I think Britain has actually has a has a chance for the glimpse of a brighter future Well, could he be elected as one of these community leaders? Could he be the an elder? I don't know how it works But we certainly need more people that are going to call out the nasty behavior I don't understand what it means to be a cultural Mohammedan, that's very strange to me because the culture is toxic in itself Well, this I think is probably a bit of um, you know, it's a it's a bit about like like him rich adorkin saying he's a cultural christian So he's not really a christian I I sent I sent the person who sent his tweet to me I said he sounds like an apostate to me And he said no, he's still I think he still believes Okay So I think it's difficult anyway. He says former is the mist so mother Whether he's managed to reform his arm in his own head who knows sure, but I mean that we've said this many times we need Particularly we need Pakistani Muslims calling out the Pakistani Muslim rape gangs and stuff We need these leaders to stop colluding with the police and not asking for extra protection and stop Speaking out against the evils that are taking place in their communities I think it's part of the rage part of the huge rage is that you know You blow up a building and then say you blow up a concert full of children or a cheap to courage full of people And then you say oh why are you getting upset with us? Yeah, it's like the first kind of thing Why aren't you yeah? Well, that's now the prevalent dialogue on the internet It's like this is revenge revenge colonialism. I thought I thought you look we're against colonialism for it So which is it because if your problem isn't colonized I'm hoping to go back to the British Empire Which was bloody good thing by the way, yeah, oh, let's do that You know, I'm happy to go in and go going into Pakistan and say by the way, you can't marry a first cousin It's not good for you. Yes. Yes, that was an interesting thing Wasn't it seeing the stats coming up for that? The majority of Pakistanis are inbred and a large percentage of mamadans are inbred And this might be why there's so much angst and so much violence because Inbreeding breeds fanaticism and violence. It's common to it. It's a bbc study as well So it's not even it's not uh, it's you know, you wouldn't but it's you know, it's well over 50 I think of people are marrying the first cousins and they're like studies. It's 70 Wow Yeah, so it's to generate it's causing mental retardation Which is in and then we're importing these people into our land and expecting them to walk in on with everyone of course That doesn't work. It's it says totally different culture Do you think these people getting on the boats are getting off the boats of kia stammers new stany army? That keeps talking about I don't know do you think we're gonna end up being pleased by um mamadans No, I think we'll end up where Brits are policed and and persecuted And we're already getting having people, you know, someone's being arrested for what they've put on facebook already for goodness We're you and I gonna have police knocking on you already have police knocking on your own doors And whereas the mamadans are gonna get away with everything they've been doing anymore. Well, there's two people from the airport kicking They're out on bail Like this this absolutely which should not happen. These writers condemn them utterly as we do They're on remand. Yeah, they will be convicted in short order and they will spend a long time in jail Violent disorder. Yeah, you get five years Well, it's good that two-tier kia has taken off as a hashtag and as a as a name that people are accusing him of because it means He will constantly hear this and he if he hasn't recognized it yet He's gonna have to at least have some self-reflection. He's going to be forced to I think that I think that there are at least from what I can gather I mean I get sent invites these things all the time how they can say I've been condoning violence is beyond a right very long post on Friday saying The reason I'm not going to these protests is because they're snap protests and they will get out of hand very very quickly That's not condoning, but it's like we said last week It's they can never address the problem So the the focus on the people addressing the problem as the problem So you are the problem for for noticing something they don't want anyone to notice But we are noticing because our country's falling apart. Yeah, and he that was the most terrifying speech I've ever heard of which the politician delivered as well. So and I've never heard something so Terrifyingly creepy ever and he needs to get a grip because I know I'm not just speaking for me Because she's got these people when people go out on this street is because they just go I've got nothing left. I can't vote my way out of it Nigel Farage is throwing anyone he can under the bus I know trying to do this what he does to protect himself Try distancing himself from a problem, but you've been listed in this times list We've both been listed in this five pillars list And what this is doing is essentially putting targets Yeah on our backs to say to them habitants. These are the people causing problem for your community take them out. There is essentially a fatwa Yeah And in your own country. Yeah by people who shouldn't be here You who are upset that we are criticizing their religion, which we are allowed to do We and we've we've we've had decades of absolute abject moral cowardice in dealing with this stuff You they should wear with the police outside badly grammar school Where were they going disperse now, or we're going to come at you with riot shields I'm sick of seeing balaclarvard Masked Mohammedans with machete's and planks of wood in the hand and police standing around or if they're even present doing nothing Whilst they're attacking we've seen them go and punch protesters to start a ruckus If they're british, we've seen them arresting 72-year-old women for being british We've seen them arresting young girls for being british that this two-tier system cannot go on as it is People are gonna want they're gonna be all take yeah And we need to but a deep own deeper more fundamental root cause of this Is that we have had built into us our our national psyche over the 30 years of this cultural Marxist movement Which has crept through everything through it that it's now Absolutely crucial and part of our national identity that we hate the white working class of this country And we and we actually just hate all white people, but it's really the white working class. It's white straight working class Christian What all the things that used to be the normative or the predominant in this country They are the things and the people that are the characteristics that are attacked that built this country that made it beautiful No diversity built this country, didn't it? No, it didn't actually go Sorry, and you know, that's what they tell me. James O'Brien can say why the fuck he wants Relentlessly and relentlessly and just smear everybody else as a racist trying to piece his side So you think I've noticed about our side is we're not trying to Panda to our side. No, but all the people I notice who talk about this issue confidently are just expressing an opinion Yeah, that used to be in a protected characteristic in this country And if we lose free speech, we're not in living in a democracy. I've been saying it for five years That's what a lot of this is coming down to a lot I think a lot of the reason they're inciting this stuff is because they want to clamp down on our free speech Good morning Britain for the last two days has covered this should social media be banned And when they say social media, of course They mean x or twitter because this the only platform we have left where we have free speech As in social media, we've got rumble for video But in terms of social media twitter is the only one they want to cancel it because they don't want any dissent They can control facebook. They control google. They control youtube. They don't yet control elam musk So this is why they're coming for him. He's come out on our side Thankfully, I mean actually come out on our side because he's come out and start saying to to your kid And he's smart and then you get a David criticizing elam musk. I'm like ed. You don't even know what a woman is This man is building space rockets to Mars. Yeah tunnels under L.A And he's got time to shit post on twitter And I know it's like but then you've got ed balls interviewing his wife vet Cooper saying should we you know Azure government's going to clamp down on social media and then you've got conversations today on there You can say are you gonna clamp down on social media is the concert repeat repetitive line until the sheep are like wait Maybe this should clamp down on social media because that's the problem. That's where the world is starting. It's not if they're clamped on social media They will make this problem 100 times worse force the world because they've got there are people in telegram groups I get sent stuff all the time And I just don't engage with any of it despite the fact that I'm apparently I'm one of the mean stokers of all those I'm gonna stop stoking stuff for him. Yeah, well, I you know what I want what I want to stoke is a bit of backbone Right in the British people that we've showed time and time again This is what he does but for some reason people still write it to him Well because he's he's been through a lot, but I don't think he's got that much cultural capital on this stuff Actually, I think he did great on Brexit But uh, it's interesting to look at the the social media feeds of his fellow MPs because you can tell that Rupert is Rupert low is absolutely not telling the Faroech party like the sea is developing a bit of a base attitude to the whole thing as well So I think there's huge amounts of this discontent in the reform camp because Nigel's just strolled in But after all their hard work taken over and just gone. It's Nigel's show. Yeah, so Nigel shown It's like he sits here and goes not to understand Tommy I mean Tommy bless him. He sits there and goes I will support Nigel whether he hates me or not That's courage and that's patriotism. And I tell you what who would you rather be sat in front of Kim yong-un? In an international debate, Nigel Faroech or Tommy Robinson Tommy Robinson because you know that he would not go. I'm gonna appease our all three people to you Yeah, and Nigel's made a dreadful call on that I won't support Nigel. I think he's a mistake But I will I think reform is important reform I hope can become democratic and all the other people involved can can take some control back so that the members can become members That's a good thing and I'm so glad you're going to turn reform back into a party and stand as well I'm going to stand. I'm sorry. Okay. Reclaim sorry all the time What mixed feelings about this but I've joined ukip. I'm going to stand in the next election too I'm like, I'm sick of this. I'm there's no one I could vote for there's no one I could believe in I'm going to just do it myself. So if we all do it you do it reform if they can take over it and I'll stand for uk We'll have different options. I'm sure people can work together in different ways But we've got to have a voice for the ordinary people or we should work for where you work with each other as I've been saying constantly We had a whole program on it on my show No, oh, yeah, well, I remember yeah, yeah, we we absolutely should it's it's astonishing So we've got to the end of this we're coming to the middle of the week is Wednesday. There are another 30 Demonstrations planned for tonight. Wow So and this will go out tomorrow night. So we'll have to see what what happens. Um, this goes out on Thursday So we will have to see You know Carl Benjamin's been for a very wise and probably most sensible voice amongst all of it He's like he's the dad of the group isn't he but he keeps saying someone's you know, someone's gonna get hurt We've all got to be careful someone's gonna get hurt. I think he's probably right on this at this point Someone is going to end up getting hurt. We've got to make sure that whoever whatever you do with your anger And you know whatever however you protest do not get violent do not resort to violence. That's what they do We don't do that. Mm. It's right and there is no excuse for violence But the more care puts the boot on people's necks the more he's gonna antagonize them towards that Which then leads them down the path of um digital currencies You know, I digital IDs The government knowing exactly where your money is and all of that and we've got something to say about that towards the end of the show Um Because we have a new sponsor, which I'll let you know about and we're we're very pleased to have them Where do you think? We're headed now What's gonna what what is going to be what what what can this country look forward to With that despotic little traitor, which I do think is a traitor. I would say care things. I think that the daily mail are saying Daily mail did an article Saying Lawrence Fox fleas Britain after declaring war on kierstama. It's like no, you're right here I'm right am was coming back to Britain from up from an already arranged trip away to island And be I didn't declare war on kierstama. I said it's war. You know what? What you guessed armor declared war on us That's what I was saying that are lovely friends in the media They're like to miss it part of it the legacy media are part of the problem One of the reasons they want to cancel twitter is because not twitter is now the number one source of news in this country The legacy media has been dying for a while. We've been talking about it. Yeah, nobody watches tv anymore Nobody buys newspapers anymore. They go online. They watch our podcast. They watch other podcasts They go on twitter. This is what people do now The legacy media has colluded with the government and colluded with the politicians because they're part of the Metropolitan liberal elite establishment bubble and they are they are the swamp. They need draining They do need the media no longer holds the powers that be to account. They are part of the powers that be that which is a very dangerous way Of course in a society operate where the media are doing what do doing what their friends in the government say? I mean, who are they talking to? They're probably talking to 60 70 year old people who still have some vague trust in the BBC Do they realize how quickly that power is about to be dragged away from them? I tried to explain to Miriam cakes where she was calling for censorship Conservatives shouldn't call for censorship. That's not what conservatives do And she and she was going in it. It's social media is really bad. I'm like social media is the reason you lost your election You were booted out because you wouldn't do what the social media is now given us a voice the people all of us It's actually true democracy and when they say we're gonna cancel it We're gonna censor to protect our democracy actually true democracy is the people having a voice and that's what social media provides It does so what's gonna what's gonna what's gonna happen? Well, we're awake. I've got a I've got an idea and I want to ask you what you think okay? I'm tempted to do three entire weeks off social media when I'm in Greece. Okay Do you know I the minute I said that to Peter who was down last night He went but what about your revenue and that money you get for feeling your kids Sure, but I think it's good for your well-being. Hmm. I think it'll be amazing if you could do it It will take a lot of willpower. I think I could do it. I've done it before. I've done They're probably at least three weeks before Um after question time and stuff because it's the it's the thing that holds you back like on on holiday Like it's time to relax and twitter just keeps adding toxicity. It's it's negative all the time So one needs time to think like Yes, spend some time on the island and relax and write your book and then come back and if the country's imploded We'll find out when we get back. Maybe we should maybe we'll do the week that first week off Let the guns come out This is the guns like how you don't tell me what to do Um and what what did you think of ashol cars post our women of Our people of color say from UK. We're not winning any more lads. Are we what we're not winning any more lads Said well, she said we're winning lads. Remember this was whole whole thing. Oh, right. Yeah, there was a statistic about Immigrants taking over or something and she was like we're winning lads Trying to she tries to put this dichotomy of us versus them Um immigrants versus native Brits, which is what it's I mean if you want a multicultural society That's not what you want. You want everyone coming together and so she's been part of the problem navora media part of the problem I hate are the they are the government paid for part of the problem I hate are a communist Corrupt organization and the fact that they work with the government is is a disgrace on the side of the government It's a great shame on them But yeah, navora media have been ratioed quite rightly. Oh, well, I I helped that ratio by by putting a picture of lizzy And I saying should our women are women of color safe anyway in the uk and oh and so far so good with fingers crossed My picture of me and lizzy because it's not a thing about people of color versus non people of color It's about it's about different opinions. Absolutely. And this is what this what hate about race racial skin color based agency politics. It's like So they can't call lizzy a They can't go as far as to call lizzy. What do they call what in the window that stupid woman calls people like coconuts and stuff like that So they just call her a mad woman instead. They call her like thick and stupid and it's like that's really genuinely racist You're going well if you don't think that I cast you're just a stupid brown woman And it's just either that would that that offends me. I had an update on my case You know, I've filed a police report against candy Andrews calling me a coconut uncle tom coon House Negro. They said oh, we're still trying to find out where he is and I'm like, I literally told you where he works Like how is it that the police can find out where you are knock on your door straight away, but someone Attacks me the racist lingo and they did it. Oh, we don't really know what's going on. It's like The two tier policing is right. See to please david run of it. It's two tier policing It's not even the two tier policing of different skin colors or religions I mean, it's the two tier policing of different ideologies. It is and because work workism in it is llama so Aligned on you know, some really fundamental things They're really not aligned on some of the things that the work people are going to find out pretty soon No, because the Mohammedans have been taking advantage of the woke letting the woke destroy christendom Let them woke destroy British values so that Mohammedans can step in and take over and the first people living in get done by the Mohammedan to the woke Absolutely because you know, there are if england is going to turn into a country. I don't know what what's a sort of What's what's an equivalent? You know, we're kind of sort of secular westernized Islamic country would you say? I mean, I suppose turkey's probably the close you got to it But that's pretty fundamentalist place as well. Isn't it the the the out what britain is going to look like if this is not face down Well little lebanon or iran, which is what it's going to look like If if this country becomes predominantly Islamic which it looks like it's going to be if the current trends continue. Yeah Six six kids versus none. Yeah, this is six kids versus 226,000 machete's versus no machete's weapons versus no weapons So the greatest mistake we ever made was allowing them to take our guns over one horrible catastrophe We without our first and second amendments without what america has we are we have nothing. We're an unprotected People we are and it's no freedom There was that that was that ben jpere thing where he with piz morgan when he and even i found it a bit ludicrous We're ben jpere is defending the first second amendment. He said i'm i'm scared against future to government tyranny I was like oh come on ben and then Future government tyranny arrived. Yeah, I think kiss dharma is a despot and I think he's frightened Which is there's nothing worse than a weak leader in secure despot. Yeah So have we got anything positive we can send out to the universe. We have we're going on holiday Yeah, I'd also start if you know you were saying that I need to spend some more time with bible I've now started. I'm doing much. I have a day. I put aside every day I'm going to get your rosary on you as well. I've gotten a ratio. I feel like I need it That's why Yeah, so yeah regular time with the bible regular time with scriptures and regular time in prayer Is exactly what we need. We do not all of us I think who was it you put out i was king bow put out this uh tweet that says if you're protesting great But also go to church on sunday It's not enough to just be in action. You've got to also be in prayer the two things come together I think that's really wise and I do I do think it's time for people to find their find Even if you struggle to find your faith look for it. Mm because it's there And that's so many dms over the last few days of people who are refining their faith good So yeah, god works good out of the bed every single time it takes bad situations and uses it for good And I think that's what we're seeing if we want to remain a good country We have to remain a christian country and people are finding Christ again because there's so much darkness and there's so much Mohammed around oh man and um our thoughts are with always with those Families of those children because that must be and those that know them because it must be absolutely unbearable And to those that say it's being politicized. It's like it is political. I'm sorry The constant and unending murder of our young people Is a political issue over the forms of immigration and uncontrolled immigration that we're allowing into this country So it is a political issue and I think it's absolutely disingenuous to say that we're not allowed to talk about it And we are at the same time we are praying for them. We're praying for the repose of their souls Me like petrol shine upon them, but we also need action. We also need politics to change We do we need politics to change. Well, I think we managed to get through it without slandering anyone too badly And um, I am so looking forward to spending a chill week with you. You are Um, the most fun to have on holiday other than the kids which would be amazing And we'll be there same deck chair and we'll deal there. We'll do a fox and father. We'll do it We'll do a scat or special fox and father on the island on the island Um after a couple of sundowners. Yeah, it would be quite nice. I'm really looking forward to it. I love you buddy youtube brother And um, we will see you Next week probably but then we're gonna have a small Uh gap during august and we'll be back at the very beginning of september. So there'll be this one And then obviously if anything massively kicks off we may need to have a zoom conversation Just to i mean maybe just for my own personal sake amazing margin would refuse to have a zoom conversation Funny that isn't it You know meet me here. This is how fundamental factors Of being labeled by these people as the enemy of them I don't like to know you meet me here at this time in its range. I I'm like no, why should you? I don't want my what I do to be predictable at all. No, I don't want people to know that where I am I don't because i'm scared of my living in my own country. Thank god. I moved out to that This is beautiful Paragon, this is what the americans have been asking me this week like I'm not afraid But I do I am cautious that either the government's going to come for me or the mohamedans are going to come for me I feel threatened on both sides And I am sure you're the same like we shouldn't feel like that just from speaking the truth and living in our own country now As we come to the end of the show. I did promise you that we had a new sponsor yes sponsoring the fox and father's shape because apparently this company gold bullion partners a few of our listeners have decided that while being faced with the tyranny of potential digital IDs and CBD sees and and what where they can keep their money safely without it being removed from the government They have come up with the idea of gold. Well, this is actually silver. Well, I've got some gold. I've got some gold too But my gold's a little one. Well, so the problem is your money isn't yours if it's in the bank And you can't rely on it. You can't trust the banks. So we've got to invest in assets No capital gains tax. That's interesting. No capital gains tax. I've got a lot of friends who are buying gold and silver actually Yeah, non traceable. I'm I'm buying silver because gold's a bit up there for me. I could probably get one of these But um, this is legal tender. Is it? Yeah, okay. You could do it. I wouldn't want to spend it though No, I'm just saying well a lot of places aren't accepting legal tender anymore That's part of the problem that the more we go to a cashless society the more the government can control Everything that we do they can see every penny we spend they can control where we spend it That's not a good thing but gold and silver are holding their values Beautifully in the world and in times of trouble people tend to lean and go towards gold and gold and silver So, you know gold bullion partners guys the link will be in the in the show notes And um, if you so feel that you want to absolutely do your own research look into it. Yeah, and um, we will Carry on buying it ourselves, won't we? Anyway, so there you are and um have a wonderful wonderful Beginning middle middle of the summer holidays. It's going to be the beginning for me because I get my kids back today. We'll be and um We love you all and we appreciate you all and the message is love and peace and the message is strength in confidence in critical thinking and in the fact that this country would build around the values which you are Much bigger and greater than ours and the experiment being done on us is is sinful and wrong God bless you all god bless [Music]