Ben & Woods On Demand Podcast

6am Hour - Musgrove Returns, Merrill Madness, Padres Win!

Ben, Woods, AND Paul are here for you on a Tuesday morning! We start the show with a little foreplay as the guys welcome Paul back from his weekend in the Pacific Northwest, and Benny tells us about his work-related bad dream that he had last night. Then we get to our Padres Wrap-Up and discuss last night's 2-1 win over the Pirates which saw Joe Musgrove return to the mound, Jackson Merrill have another incredible moment, and more! Listen here!

Broadcast on:
13 Aug 2024
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Well welcome in everybody, Ben & Woods, 97-3, the fans, get our heads right on a Tuesday, great to be here with you, I'm Woodsy, that is back from his Bavarian bachelor party, not his, but a buddy's, the great Paul Reindel, executive producer, good morning, Paul. Good morning. How was your Bavarian bachelor party? Very Bavarian. Was it so Bavarian? I mean. Just Bavarian cream everywhere. Bavarian in the sense that we drink a lot of beer. Give me more that Bavarian cream. Just eating it with a spoon on the river. I want to get some stories from your weekend, but let me introduce the big guy here. Your friendly neighborhood sports anchor Benjamin Higgins morning, Benny. Good morning everybody. Paul, good to have you back. Good to see you. Good to be back. You don't look that extra tan, even though you're out, maybe a little bit. The weather looked nice. Yeah. It was about 80. I guess Washington isn't where you necessarily go to get tan, but no. Many call it the tropics of the Pacific Northwest. Saturday, it was hot. It looked sunny. It looked sunny in your picture. That was the river floats. And then, how was that? So fun. It was amazing. Floating a river is pretty badass. It really is pretty fun. I've done it before. I've done it. It's a big, huge in Texas. It's like an Olympic sport in Texas. River floating. It was like two hours, two, a little over two hours. It's a blast, dude. We just pounded a drink. We just pounded course lights out there. Two at a time. Two at a time. That's so fun, man. You had a little rapage like, oh, hey, hey, how are we doing? The best part is securing the 14 cases of course light to the bitter tube. Yeah. And then you can push it over to your buddies. They grab one, pop one. And the party tube. It's just kind of fun. It's so fun, man. Yeah, we had a good time. That's good. We went back to the house. I had lunch, drinks more, we played like seven on seven, Wiffleball game, the big yard, which was pretty dope. That's so fun. We stayed out there. We played like, we played a nine inning game. Should have been about four innings. Yeah. By the seventh inning, we're all just like getting just drained by the sun. Oh, it just tells me. We've been drinking. Yeah. Guys are like fading. So good. I love that idea. I love that idea. It's a, I think by bachelor party standards, it's a pretty tame one. Yeah? Fairly. Yeah. I mean, there's, there's quite a nightlife out there. That's crazy to me. There's like two or three blocks of the city. What's the city again? 11 worth. 11 worth. And yeah, it's, it's tucked away at the bot. Like you are surrounded by the mountains, right in the middle of the Cascade mountains. And we're just sitting there and I'm like, I bet this place looks insane in the winter time. Yeah. I bet it does. And I've seen pictures. I know people that have gone out there. I just, I've never gone out there during the snow. But yeah, no, it was great. There was plenty of bars to go to at nights and yeah, we had a good time. It was good to see everybody. Those are, you know, I've known the bachelor, I've known him since kindergarten. That's incredible, man. And we still, we stay in touch. So it's good to see all these guys. I hadn't seen them in a couple of years at the craziest part of maybe the whole weekend was flying home yesterday, 545 AM flight out of Seattle. And you know, it's about six o'clock. We had just pushed back getting ready to take off and I got my headphones on and they're doing the, you know, if you're sitting in an exit row, like, you know, they're doing their whole spiel. I haven't listened to one of those in 20 years. Right. And I'm trying to kind of fall asleep and all of a sudden flight attendant is like going like this. And I'm like, yeah, hi. Yeah. I'm good. Thank you. She's like, no, she's like waving at me. And I'm like, what the hell? So I take my headphones off. And she goes, cause bachelor party, right? It was his fiance. Shut off. No way. And I just didn't, I didn't even look at their face. I just saw a person like, you know, it's like, say, take your headphones off or put your phone in airplane motors. Yeah. Did she interrogate you? If anything. Well, so how was that? She was, I heard you guys had some fun. You're like, oh, I was just like, I was like, oh my God, Mackenzie, I'm so sorry. I, I didn't even really, I didn't even know she was a flight attendant. I did. Yeah. But I was told she like pulled back to part time for the next couple of months. Wow. And I had no ideas with Alaska Airlines. And so I was just like, what are the odds? That's so random. Yeah. It was great. That's so, so great. Drinks on me this morning. You're like, please. I was like, I'm good. I'm good. I'm an apple juice and also a coke and also a water and a coffee there. God bless. Well, I'm glad you're back. Glad you're back safely. You didn't, you know, you didn't miss much yesterday the day before we had, we had bald rindle what two days? We had a bald rindle Thursday and Friday. We had Italian poll yesterday and we had Jackson, Merrill, like game winning plays every single day. Very much. Well, you were gone. Pretty, pretty fun weekend. I know you guys had the Sunday loss. Yeah. We had the Sunday loss. But it's fine. We really didn't care. The rally roach is alive and well, Benny. And then I, I went this morning to the gas station to get some gas. I had two miles left in my car. And so I pulled in the gas station here and I opened my wallet and look what was tucked in my, I'm going to hide my face with the actual fake roach and my dress. But look, did you get pranked? My kids put a roach, not a real roach, but another. So I opened my wallet this morning to this roach tucked in my jump. I was like, ah, what in the, and I was like, got me again. There's roaches everywhere right now. Before we get started today, I wanted to, if he's up and listening and I hope he is. My little guy, Bo starts first grade today. We got a first grader on our hands and he's a little bit nervous. We went yesterday and did the, um, it was, it was kind of unofficial preview day. Yeah. But it was unofficial. Like there were some teachers there and we actually got to meet his teacher. Hannah went to high school with his teacher. So that's good. We looked at all the kids in this class. He knows several of them, but you go from the kinder area, which is over here. Oh, there's a jump. There's a jump from kindergarten to first grade, then you walk out to the, it's like walking out. I'd agree. First to second grade. No, no, no much, but kindergarten to first grade, kindergarten is separate. It's at the same facility, but it's separate. They got their own fence around it. They're a little playground, then you walk. It's like walking into the Colosseum. He was walking out. He goes, there may be six graders out there will be six graders and fifth graders and fourth graders and third graders and second graders. So he's a little bit nervous about that. Me too. Yeah. So am I as his dad, but I just told him, Hey man, you're, you know, I said, I watched you take a ground ball off the throat this summer and stay in the game. You're tough, dude. You got this. You can do this. So he's all dialed in for school. Lunch is made and today is a big day. I wish I could be there, but you know, listen, you take five days off for Hawaii. You probably need to set this one out because you have taken the first day of school on before. I'm kind of upset about it, to be honest with you. I kind of am, but I can't just come here and do an hour and then split. I just can't do it. It's gone for so long. So it doesn't mean I don't love you. It just means daddy has to work. So kick some ass today. I know you will. But yeah. Sometimes you don't want to make too big of a deal of this. That's the other part. And I know I was last night, relax is a little more like, Hey, there's nothing, nothing weird about this. No reason to make it a national holiday. You're just going to school. Yeah, it's exactly right. I just wanted to be there for him this morning, but you know, listen, I leave so early, there's no way. But Jackson, the chat, I'll kill you. So daddy wasn't there. Yeah, daddy wasn't there to take me to the fair. It's not started with Paul. Oh, God, and me actually, so, oh, I think that's probably why I'm so domed out by it. So as soon as I get the tax later on in the show from Hannah, like, oh, I took him. He was like, I know what's coming. I took him. He didn't want to go. He was a little, he was a little scared at first. But now he's much better. And by the time I left, he was playing with Grayson or Brayden or Caden or Jaden or Bladen or any of the seven Jackson's in his school. Yeah, he'll be fine. He'll be fine. So left, he says, well, let's get out of there. Family's always first. Don't miss it. Thank you, lefty. I will. I'm going to take off. I love you guys. That's it. That's the open and I'll be back tomorrow. No, man. He's he's he's a tough kid. So he'll be fine. But yeah, it's wild, man. He's looking back at old pictures last night, of course, weeping, thinking about his very, very first day of school. I believe that was the Mike Clevenger trade day is how I remember it. The first day of preschool, I believe, was the Mike Clevenger trade again. You guys called me COVID short seasons. End of August? Yeah, late in August when school started because it was the late trade deadline, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah. And I'm driving in and I'm like, oh my God, you guys really have Mike Clevenger. So that's how that went. But yeah, man, obviously a huge, huge dub last night. The grit squad, though, is going to be the death of me. The they're going to be the death of me, the grit squad. I told you yesterday I tweeted it. I want the blowout squad to show up. I need when a guy's sporting a 741 ERA, I'm going to need a 9 to 2 victory. I'm going to need it at some point. So it doesn't your it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Mike would tell you a win is a win. Every manager will say thing and they're right. But at the same time, and I was thinking about this as I was driving in, managers want it both ways. They want to tell you that a win is a win and it doesn't matter. But they also want to tell you that when you lose, but you play well and you fight, that does matter. Right. Right. So it's does a win is a win and it doesn't matter than a loss is a loss and it doesn't matter. But they never never go with that. Well, yeah, I mean, we lost. So we played terrible. No, they never say that. You know, they'll highlight the positives of the loss, but they'll never talk about the negatives in a win. No, and it is true that there are these shades of a loss. There's losses where you go out and it's like, and that's not just Mike's shield. No, that's every manager, coach, but they want to have it both ways. The win is a win. You can't say anything bad because we won the game, but hey, if there were positives in a loss, there's definitely some good things to talk about in this loss, hundred percent. The shades of gray as it pertains to a loss in sports are really fantastic and there needs to be some sort of deep psychological dive into it. And I understand it. You have a team that you can't let turn into the Chicago White Sox and have 91 losses already in early August. You can't have that. And so I do understand that. But hey, man, at the end of the day, that was that was another really, really nice win. And all counts is the same. It all counts as one win, whether you win by 10 runs or one run or whatever. But it was a really, really gutsy performance last night by quite a few guys that we will highlight today. All right. We will get into it. It is a should be a good show here on a Tuesday. We'll set the menu for you coming up. I will. Of course, T's. Jesse Agler will join us, which means woods. We need to come up with song lyrics. You've missed the first two weeks of Jesse doing song lyrics, Incorporated. So this is a big moment for you later today. Excited. Jesse joins us. It is a usual West Coast slot of 8.35 this morning. We'll set the rest of the menu coming up. I haven't talked to him in ages. I haven't talked to him in a month or something. So yeah, I'm ready. All right. So we'll let you know what else is coming up on the show today. Obviously, lots of Padres talk after last night's two to one win over the Pittsburgh Pirates. It's great to have Paulie Bank, all of us together for the just the second time in like two weeks. Yes. Well, it's on San Diego's number one sports station. Let's check traffic with Kelly Dannick right now, then off and running on 97.3. The fan. I think we've talked about this before. Do you guys have work nightmares? Oh, God. Their work or just general nightmares? Yeah, I have all the time. Yeah, all the time. I had a very specific TV anchor nightmare last night. It felt very real, though, and I don't usually remember, but I woke up and panic just kind of the panic of of what it was and you're you're going to laugh. But I'm sure there's something psychological about this one. I'm going to break this down. So I am a lot of time in therapy. I got I've got a I've got a television hit coming up sports cast at Channel 10. And I know it's about five minutes away, but I I walk to the mirror to get ready and I have bed head and I don't know how my hair is just everywhere. And I can't get it I can't get it to like hold down. I like try combing it and just pops back up and I try putting water on it. And I'm just like, I'm just trying to get my hair to get back into place and it won't do it. And I'm standing there and I'm trying and trying and and it goes on so long. Actually, I miss my hit and my boss is mad. My God. You missed your whole thing. I couldn't. I couldn't get my hair. What do you Joe Davis? I couldn't get my hair back in place. How am I trying to do my hair fix bots that I just can't see literally get it down there were consequences and everything and I go, but what can I do? I don't know how I got bedhead. I've been at work and I showed up and it's a picture of you know that picture of real buyers that pops up on the internet every now and then it was hairs on like exactly. What is that? So Jake says that PTSD from what from what ever happened to me? He's never done any of the work. Like, oh man, that's so good. I'm going to rarely have hair out of place. It's true. It's not a problem for me. Is it a is it a vanity thing? I don't think so. Well, you're being vain in your dream. Obviously. Obviously you missed. You skip your work because you can't just go out on TV with big bed head all over the place. I haven't lived for a while. Oh, this is good. Welsh fryer. Just look this up. Said mirror dreams. Right. If you're looking yourself in the mirror. Self reflection facing truths and unveiling hidden aspects of yourself. I like that. I definitely have a lot of hidden aspects. That's true. Probably even to myself. Yeah. Definitely. Definitely. That's it. Okay. That's a weird word. Was that an actual nightmare? I guess missing the hint. Yeah. The missing the hint. The panic you feel and that you get that that that's common in a lot of nightmares for me. It's that panicky feeling you're going to miss something and I guess I think part of it is being in two jobs to lie on absolute precision on time, being on time, every single time. Our whole lives minutes and seconds. Yeah. Totally. So it's definitely an obsession in my subconscious that comes out in the dreams a lot. I've had the one to the one that just makes me still sick and I have it less now. But it's the one where I wake up and I go, Oh my God, dude, you skipped your final and you didn't graduate, bro. I had to. When I lived in the first place I lived with Hannah, this condo at three o'clock in the morning, ran down to the garage, ripped open the thing and was like looking through boxes to get my diploma out to go, okay, and this is real. I did graduate. I am a college graduate. It took me eight years, but I did get this done and like clutching it to my chest going, okay, I did this, that and I have that about once a year, that terrifying dream that I didn't gradually have it because you'd be out on your own. Oh, I'd be out on my bottom here, right? They checked diplomas regularly just to make sure that you graduated without that English degree with a 2.0 grade point average. Wow. Whoo. College is important. It's very important. So fortunately it wasn't, I mean, it was right at the end of my sleep. So I woke up like panicked and I looked at the alarm clock and like, Oh, it's going off in two minutes. Great. All right, we're done. Okay. It's time to get out for the rest of the day. That was, that was my nightmare last night and we'll try to move forward. Here's the menu for today's show and should be a good one. Obviously we got our pot raise wrap up coming up to one win over the pirates last night. We'll talk about Joe Musgrove's return to the mound, obviously a huge element to that game yesterday and then leading all the way up to Jackson Merrill's game saving catch in the top of the ninth inning with two outs, what an amazing play by the kid who continues to, uh, continues to do something impressive almost every single day. Yeah. This is Jackson. If he doesn't do it with the bat, then he does it with the glove or he does it with his arm. I mean, it is truly a really complete baseball player, you can do it with his legs. I mean, Jackson Merrill can help you win ball games in a multitude of different ways. And again, I, I don't even know why I'm surprised. I don't, I don't know why I was surprised the ball found him last night. And I don't know that I was particularly surprised that he made that play. How were your, uh, how was your heartbeat last night? Mine was pretty good. Two, oh, two nothing with Suarez coming in. We'll talk about that elite entrance that he had last night and, uh, I felt pretty good about it as I tend to have been doing lately. I don't know. I was, uh, for most of the game, when it was zero zero, I was still like worried. Were you? I just didn't feel that much worry last night. We're letting them stick around to steal one from us here that they shouldn't be stealing from us. Well, we could talk about the approach last night. And they, I knew it was moving quickly. I knew it was, but when in the sixth inning, mud and don threw up the, uh, uh, Woodford's pitch count per inning and he's averaging like nine, 10 pitches, and then he I go, huh, something's off here. What is happening? The guys got a 741 ERA. He's clearly pounding the zone. He's just getting a lot of pop ups. I think he had like 10 fly ball outs. So guys were just getting under it, missing it. That is the, uh, that's the front, most frustrating thing about baseball. Sometimes if guys in the zone, you feel like you're seeing it well and you just can't, can't get barreled to it. So, um, yeah, listen, wins a win two to one and we'll talk about all of it. We'll have a game of take on Woods chance to qualify for our new trip to Las Vegas at Resorts World and carry underwood tickets coming up at seven, 10. Don't do this is at seven 20 and I will say Jackson Merrill's play of late has spun out the people who had already decided the Paul Skins was going to win the rookie of the year award. They spun out the network that does everything they can to take a big giant dump on the San Diego Padres at any and every opportunity. Never forget when the three of us sat in here, Paul, he pointed up to this TV screen. He goes, can you believe this? And we all turned around and looked up teams that should rebuild by Brian Kenny and the San Diego Padres were on it. The New York Mets were on it. These were teams that he said, they just don't have it. They're not going to get it. And they need to rebuild. I'm so glad that AJ Preller didn't say, you know what, Brian, you're probably right. Let's rebuild. Oh my God, at this point, 14 games, above 500 and playing some of the best baseball in Red Sox. We're on there. They're in the hunt. They're in the hunt. Yeah. They've slipped a little bit. But yeah, they're there in the hunt. Cardinal. I think damn near every if somebody has that graphic, please send me because I think damn near every team was like, hey, F you, pal, and then just started to run away with it. So if anybody has that graphic, please send my way. But yeah, man, I mean, it's the, you know, it does. It's why we've kind of avoided earlier in the season saying it's early because we didn't want to put that out there because it can't be the players mentality, especially after last year, but it is a really shining example of, yeah, it was early. It was early. They, they figured it out. They promised they would get better as the season progressed and they absolutely have. So I guess you got to take them at their word, Benny, they're doing everything they said they would do. Now it's still somewhat early in that it's, it's hard to play this well for another two months. No doubt. You know, what it takes to go through the playoffs. So I would imagine there's still going to be some ups and downs. Sure. Before we're done here, Brian Kenny, but you're building, you're building right now. So who are the teams on the, the Brian Kenny must rebuild list? It was the Boston Red Sox at 26 and 24. The Padres at 26 and 26, the Cardinals at 23 and 26 and the Mets at 21 and 28. All right. So all of those teams are currently in playoff spot or very much in a wildcard race. The Red Sox are two games out of a playoff spot. Padres are four games up playoff spot. The Mets are a game out of a playoff spot and the Cardinals are two and a half games out of a playoff spot. Nice job, Brian. Yeah. Very well done. I'm going to find the rebuild teams for this season and that network man and I, you look, I watch it quite a bit throughout the day and there's parts of it. I like parts of it. I don't enjoy, but I think sometimes when they get a chance to take a shot at the little guy, they do it, you know, they do it with, with no fear at all because they expect the worst to happen. And you know, things have certainly changed around here the last few weeks and it does feel good to be on the winning side of it certainly and finding a way to win ballgame. So let's get into no, no Joe and Java Joe and all the good stuff that happened last night. Yeah. Second half of the show. Jesse Agler has mentioned eight thirty five. Paul, you'll have a round of the report. Good to have him back at nine o'clock and we've got some tickets to give away to Journey and Def leopard coming to Pekko parks. So stay tuned for your chance to win some concert tickets for the show on August 30th. Coming up pretty soon. We'll let you know how to do that all ahead with Ben and Woods. Up next, our pot raise wrap up of last nights, yet again, one run win for your San Diego pond raise coming up next next year on San Diego's number one sports station, 97 through the fan. What crowd last night, obviously, they were given away to go in Henley, but it doesn't seem to matter. Huge crowds every night heard him talking on an MLB radio this morning Monday against the pirates. Yeah. 45,000 plus people. I was like, nuts, they don't even believe the kind of support that the San Diego pond raise are getting. So good job. Pot raise fans, not only was it that many people, but it felt like, felt like a weekend, felt like a playoff atmosphere on a Monday night in the dog days of August against a team that had lost, I think, what, seven in a row going into that game and now eight in a row of the Pittsburgh pirates. Well done, San Diego. You're impressing everybody across the country with your passion for pot raise baseball. And it ended up being a pretty good game. We will go through it here. A pot raise wrap up coming up, all the highlights with Jesse and Tony was back last night as well coming up right after this check of traffic on 97 through the fan. I love winning, man. I love winning. You hear what I'm saying? It's like better than losing. Oh my God. I'm so stiff. Miss any of the pod raise win yesterday, Ben and Woods didn't. What up crew? We've got you covered with all of the highlights. I like it with a pod raise with it. It's the pod raise wrap up presented by Hamul Casino with rilling slots and tables in all the best rewards. Hamul Casino has all the fun you're looking for. Hamul Casino, fun above all else. Give me a due damage. I was growing ahead of him only two kind of left at first two away. Joe long clause of the belt great at controlling the run again and the pitch one on it missed right three. Got him to go up that fastball that was out of the zone and a first strike out back for Joe Musgrove will end the top of the second inning. There's a two and one and a rise smacks it in the air to left center field. Taylor long run on the move. Gets there and kind of falls over to make a nice running grab and end the inning. One, two, three, six for Jake Woodford, one and two to Reynolds. A strata delivers swing and a miss strike three went back to the splitter and got it. Third strike out of the inning for Jeremiah Estrada. No runs a hit and two left. Three and one. Here's the pitch. Xander swings. Popes it the other way through into right field and up he says. Brofart drops into score and Xander gets it done. It's one to nothing. Professional hitting at its finest. The pirates crack the door and Xander Bogart kicks it open. One nothing. San Diego in the eighth inning. Two and two. Here's the pitch. Legashiyoka swings sent it in the air to left field. Pretty well struck. Reynolds is back. About a step and a half in front of the fence he makes the catch. Both runners will tag. Johnson will score. Give the third. Sack fly. Legashiyoka. And a two nothing. Proderely. Again. Executing at a very high level. Kayla Cruz at second. Two and two to count. Here's the pitch. Percussion swings hits it sharply off the glove of Croninworth. It'll trickle out into right field. Kayla Cruz rounding third will come in and score. And it's two to one. We have two outs here in the top of the ninth inning. Now the three and one. Reynolds swings. Hits it in the air towards right center. Meryl on the move. Dives. Reaches down and he made the catch. How about a hang a starter and a game? Jackson Meryl did it all week with the bat. And tonight with the glove he ends the game. There will be no challenge. And the Padres beat the Pirates again. Final score of two to one. What a terrific close out play by none other than Jackson Meryl. He got a good beat on it immediately. Came off the bat and you know clearly it's getting in some space. But you had a really good view actually and he got a great beat on it. You could tell his jump was great and his route was great. And there's no question about his determination and his ability to catch it. So it was a you know, as they would say, hang a gold star on it. I will I will admit that when that ball was in the air, my first instinct was play it on a bounce. Be safe. Don't let the runner from first score. That's I thought that's got to be your first priority there as a center fielder. You can't let that ball get past you because if it does, the pirates tie the game. If he's playing on a hop a little more carefully, all right, they'll probably have first and third, but you got Suarez with one more chance to get out of that inning. Shows what I know. That's why you're here in Jackson Meryl there and what Jackson had to say after the game from the UT said I was lined up pretty far on the left side and it was lay out or nothing in that situation. I don't think there's a way I can feel that and throw it in. And I think I have to go get it. Try to catch it. It was one of those blackout adrenaline moments that happens. It was amazing. It was an amazing catch. We spent about 30 minutes in here looking for the catch probability. And I will say I'm a little surprised by the results of what you found, Ben. What was the percentage? 64. See that blows my mind better than 50 50 because he was going to catch that when Brian Reynolds hit it, I went, and then I saw this young 21 year old Gazelle sliding over and making that play game over beachy in so many different ways. Does Jackson Meryl and really the San Diego Padres find a way to beat you with some unsung heroes last night like Donovan Solano and not his bat, his glove. The Kevin AC wrote a little blurb in his newsletter about Solano and how he's been working with Manny. I say teach me, you're the mini throw. What do I need to do? And he gave me a lot of advice about moving and throws. He helps me a lot. He sees me make plays and practice. I stop and throw. He says, no, no, no. Don't do that. Use your momentum. Catch it. Try to find a way to throw it. So he did that. He did that in a couple of really nice plays last night from Donovan Solano and just guys stepping up. Kyle, he got shielded. Bryce freaking Johnson. How about how about that move from the skipper, Mike Schilt? They're bringing the lefty and they're like, all right, now pinch hitting. Bryce Johnson. You're like, Bryce Johnson. Really? Okay. Rips one down the line. And next thing you know, Hickey drives them in almost. You might think I'm nuts. I actually, I kind of did a little bit, but I'm glad it worked out. And Bryce Johnson started that rally that got us the winning run. So and you pointed out that Solano was a third base. You know, Padres won that game and while it was 2-1 and it was tense, they were able to get Manny in day off first time in 50 games. I think it was that Manny got a full day off. So and it's kind of when you look at how the schedule plays out, I thought that was very strategic of Mike Schilt. So they had the East Coast game on Sunday, which ended around what one o'clock San Diego time. So that's now going to be about 54 hours between games for Manny. So you know, that's a, that's two full days plus between games and then with an off day on third, a day game on Wednesday and an off game on Thursday, you'll have another two full plus days between games, 48 hours plus between games. So that really gives Manny a nice breather this week as the pond raised head into the home stretch and beginning Friday, of course, they've got 18 games in 18 days and they'll probably need Manny for all of those. So they were not only able to get the win. They were able to do it while giving their, you know, number one player a day off that was probably overdue with how much he's been playing lately after, you know, early in the season when he take a day off every, you know, third or fourth day, take a DH day has not been happening. He's been out in the field every single day batting cleanup for the pond raised pretty much every single day. And it was, it was good to be able to get Manny a day off and not have it cost you a win. Cole Schmidt in the chat, he also got Orsillo'd last night because I got Orsillo'd as well. Jesse didn't do it. I hadn't heard that until I was also listening for that because Orsillo got me with Higgie. And I thought, I thought that was a second tank. Like I thought that was, that was deep into the night when he hit it. I saw just a little bit off the end toward the end of the bat and I thought I don't think this is going to have enough, even though Don got very excited. I mean, I never want to quell Don or Sillos excitement ever. And Kyle, Kyle, Kyle, you know, pulling the ball is has been pretty much a home run every single time when he gets it in the air. But something about that one goes, I don't know. I know it was at least a sacrifice fly though, which is all you're really looking for in that situation. One more insurance run. You feel really good about Robert Suarez in the ninth inning. And while he did give up a run, he'd only scored because of the defense of indifference. He wouldn't have been on second base if they hadn't left the guy go to second and that played it. And Jake could have made that play. It was a tough one, but you know, Jake makes that play at least half the time. So I don't think that that was a huge concern for Robert Suarez there in the ninth inning at his 26th save there. That's been incredible, man. Just been incredible. And let's talk about Joe Musgrove, right that that with the most nerves I had about last night's game was how is Joe going to do? You know, you know, the adrenaline is through the roof wants to be back with this team wants to be contributing to this incredible season. And yeah, you're obviously a nervous wreck about it. You just don't know what he's got. Um, I thought the Vilo look good. I thought the slider was sharp at times. I thought, yeah, there's probably a couple that he hung. Um, but man, I think that's pretty normal after coming back and not having a lot of innings under your belt at all, but really seemed to have a good feel for a lot of his pitches, had some big Ks and big moments. And I was really impressed with Joe Musgrove and and hopefully he wakes up today and feels fantastic and is ready to build on that in the next start, but he looked great. He looked great to me. Yeah. He looked great to strike out and, but you know, it's not, I don't think that's a reason for concern, which you didn't see was the new sweeper that he had developed in spring training this year in the off season during training. And another report here from Kevin A.C. and the UT is that his bone spur, which he's had for a while in his right elbow became symptomatic. And Joe believes that happened when he started throwing the sweeper. So sounds like he's going to put that pitch on the shelf for his health to see if he because he wants to avoid surgery. A lot of guys pitch with bone spurs in their careers and it's okay. Joe says though, it's his understanding that 20 to 25% of pitchers who have bones surgery on their bone spurs end up having to get Tommy John surgery. So he doesn't want to increase the chances later that he's going to need Tommy John surgery by getting the bone spur surgery first. So he's going to try to pitch through it and and hopefully maybe taken away the sweeper. He changed some mechanics that was talked about before the game yesterday as well to try to relieve some of the pressure on his elbow, get more of his lower body into it. Whatever he did. Look good. Look good. Vilo was was good as you said and seemed like the spin rates were good above where they were earlier in the season. Yeah, certainly, you know, going to be going to be a guide down the stretch that this team needs and to Bogart says, yeah, I mean, we don't get to where we're going without having Joe Musgrove doing what he's doing. So I think last night, obviously adrenaline can can mask a lot of things. You see it all the time. Guy gets drilled, you know, by a comebacker in the leg and he's like, I'm fine. I'm pitching. And then the next day, hell, I mean, he gets through the game. It happened to Michael King, you know, and, and it's just one of those things. It can get you through the game, but what he feels like this morning when he wakes up, I think is the most important thing and I'm sure I'm sure the very first text that our skipper might shilt will send this morning. The very first one is to Joe Musgrove. Hey, bud. How you feeling? It's the very first text he's going to send because that's the most important thing, getting him back. And then, yeah, man, you go have another one like that and another one like that. And you know, next thing you know, you're, you're feeling built up a little bit. So very encouraged by that last night, our friend Jeff in the chat says, if you're not a Padres fan, you want to know how much we care about our team, go watch the ovation. Joe Musgrove got both coming out for the first pitch and coming off the mound after four and a third innings. We love Joe. I thought, especially when he came out of the game, one of the nicest moments of the season to see Joe get that love, not just from the fans, but his teammates as well, how they all came to the mound to give him a pat on the butt as Mike Shilt took him out. And then in the dugout, all the high fives that he got, I think I heard a curse on the television as well. Oh, did you? Yeah. Not for Joe as he came in, but it was all in a, it was all in good spirit as, as that team just glad to have their kind of emotional leader. Sure. No question, man. The more guys like that you can have on your squad that are, are gamers like Joe is the better, the better you're going to be going down the stretch. These are how many games left 42, 42 games, 42 games left. Yeah, man, being able to run him out there every fifth day is a huge lift for this team. Huge. And credit to the bullpen last night, Brian hoeing, man, I am hoeing around. I love that guy. He has been great. Um, everybody to like seven and two thirds shut out games with the San Diego Padres. And, um, yeah, I think that he was an important part of that trade, a mass, like just such a throw in type guy. We're like, Oh, we also got this guy and skip text to me. Don't say that. What? Throw in. Why? I was listening to a Gwen and Chris yesterday. Yeah. And they had, remember they had Brian hoeing on last Friday. Yeah. And Matt Scrabe fortunately, Chris stopped him. He was going to ask Brian hoeing. How does it feel to be the throw in? Oh, I would never ask him to trade. I know you would ask, but I think he's more than a throw. I do too. I do. I think the reason the price was what it was, wasn't just to get Tanner Scott. It was because they also wanted Brian hoeing and he's got control, they'll have Brian hoeing in their bullpen. I believe for the next two seasons, that's, I had almost as valuable as two months of an elite no doubt. What was your arm in Tanner Scott? What I had no, I'd never heard of him. I had, when we made that trade, I had never heard of him. So I went to my source and I texted his manager and said, tell me about, I know what Tanner Scott does. What is Brian hoeing? He goes, and I sent you guys the screenshot. He's like, oh, he can, he can spot start. He can come in. He can eat anything. He's a, he's a, he's a dog. He's ready to go. Great. Okay. Perfect. But your source. My source. Yes. Skip Schumacher said that. The guy that he played. How do you know Skip Schumacher? I mean, so cool. No, I said, I said Skip, I said Skip, oh God, just leave your source. So no, he's, he's, he's been great so far, man. It's such a valuable piece to have. Is that guy that can do that? Good bounce back from a strata gave up a hit, but three strikeouts and, you know, get that swing and miss that's so critical for Jeremiah Estrada as well. So the bullpen continues to perform. Now they have to, they've been performing a lot and they expected it last night, obviously with Joe, you know, being on that pitch count. And again, it ended up at 63, four and a third. You can't, couldn't have hoped for anything more than that. No runs. That was like dream outcome, but that's still left him with, you know, four and two thirds more innings to cover with a bullpen that has had to work a lot. I mean, my heart, my heart once Joe came out, it was like, all right, first box checked. And then when I saw it was Estrada, I went, I, I like this move because you want to get that guy's confidence back to where it needs to be because he's nasty. And then I was expecting maybe to see Eric, he ran more at home, but he had the flu and it was available last night. No guarantee he's going to be back today. Jason Adam had pitched three of the previous four days. So they were trying to stay away from him and nasty dude, but he's now pitched for four times in six days. Now Robert Suarez is pitch Michael King, you know, he's not necessarily been the most efficient guy. And they've certainly not been pushing him on innings because they want to save him. But you also would love to see him go a little deeper into the game today, just because they've used or better yet to score some runs and then love of just score like 12 runs. And then you can put in whoever at the end of the game for the last three innings. That would be the ideal outcome today. We need one of those, man. We need one. Not just for our mental health and our blood pressure and our, you know, heart attack potential. It's for resetting the bullpen, getting guys some breathers, man. All right. We'll continue more and I've got an update yesterday on one. You Darvish Joe back. What about you? Darvish little bomb. If you needed innings, I can get innings. We will let you know and play some take on what's coming up next here on 97 three, the fan. Don't go away. Trying to figure out what to eat for dinner yet again with nor sides and bullion is your not so secret ingredient. You can skip the drive through and do dinner at home nor taste combos provide a menu of delicious, affordable and well-balanced meals that you can prepare in 30 minutes or less. Visit to get quick and easy recipe ideas for your home cooked weeknight dinners. It's not fast food, but it's so good.