Radio Miraya

2794: Nationwide: Navigating the 2018 Revitalized Agreement ahead of South Sudan's Elections

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13 Aug 2024
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(upbeat music) Nationwide, we bring you latest current issues, discussions and information. Nationwide, I'm Reggie Miriah. - Hello, good evening to you listening to Nationwide. My name is Sanyamat and we are coming to you live from Madjuba today. We shall be looking at the very latest update on the implementation of the 2018 revitalized peace agreement, which is being implemented as we are all aware that elections are supposed to be conducted in December. This year, according to the National Election Commission, the date set for it is on the 22nd of December 2024. With just five months left to this date, is it possible to have a free fair and credible election in the country which is facing a lot of challenges? These are some of the questions we are going to be putting and it is evening to the chairperson of the requested joint monitoring and evaluation commission argument. Ambassador, I retired, the major general, child style, guitar, who joins me right here in the studio and our lines will be open to you where you can call us on 091-206-2079 or 091-206-2950. Or you can send us your comment or SMS number 091-2177-141. Those are all our lines you can get in touch with us here and ask your question. As we are looking at the update on the implementation of the 2018 everybody lies to peace agreement. Good evening, Ambassador, and thank you so much for coming to our studio once again. - Good evening and thank you for having me. - Okay, let's begin with the first story happening right now as we speak to you. You have been calling on the presidency to meet and make more clarity on the way forward on election and other critical tasks within the roadmap of the peace agreement. And as we speak right now, the meeting is happening here in algebra, the presidency are meeting and this is coming at the back rope of your call for this meeting to happen. What is your reaction to this news? - Thank you, Sunny, and thank you listeners. First of all, I want to thank you for giving this opportunity to come to the studio. Many to discuss about the implementation of the agreement. Today is an important day and in fact, for you to state clearly that the meeting is going on for the presidency, we are very much pleased to hear this news because this is something that you've been expecting for a very long time. And this is basically what actually is needed. And if you look at the agreement on Article 1.9, it is very clear that the presidency should be able to meet, be able to discuss in a collegial and they consist as way so that they can agree on the way forward on this country. That particular article gives the presidency, they approach the powers to follow up the implementation of the agreement and to be responsible in the leadership and to give guidance on the way forward. So it is very important that they have met and it did its great congratulations for them. And we are looking forward to the outcome of this meeting. Okay, and looking forward for the outcome, we are also looking forward to see what's going to come out from this meeting. Where are we right now? With the implementation of the critical task, just five months to the expected conduct of the general election in the country. - Well, this is a very critical moment as you've rightly put it and it did as you know now, we are celebrating that in years of independence since this country, it became Wednesday 11 in 2011. And this government, for the last 11 years, when we reflect back, we say that from 2018 after now is actually six years. Indeed, we're going to be six years of this agreement on 12th of September next month. And in a recent speech, a secretary of the president said that no stone will be left unturned in the pursuit of tangible peace and prosperity, which was a very strong statement in regard to the way forward for this country. A lot of work has been done in those six years, no doubt. And indeed, what you know is that the roadmap, which was established for the elections to be held in December 2024, was, of course, after the previous agreement statement that the elections were to be in December 2022. And the two years of the roadmap had four key issues that were supposed to be looked into. One was that within those four, two years of extension, it should have a new constitution. The second was that there should be unification of forces. The third one was the issues regarding the operationalization of the legal framework, and particularly the election law that was supposed to come to be reviewed after the constitution making process. And the fourth one is the election itself and election processes. What we can say right now is that all those four critical requirements that were supposed to be there, we can say there is not much that we've achieved in that direction. Nevertheless, when it comes to the constitution making process, we've seen the critical institutions that have been established. We've seen the National Conservative Commission, national exclamation. The political parties cancel in place. Of course, when you talk about the other issue of the integration of forces, we've seen the first phase that has been the troops have graduated in the first phase, and you've seen also the deployment of eight battalions now of the force that were graduated. We have also seen the deployment of 2095 police ensues that have also been deployed from Rajev, and also the processes for phase two, which we understand that there are 14, two ones how this can also be commenced. Nevertheless, this is not what was expected in this particular time. This particular time, we thought all these things don't be done, and also we think that there has been, of course, not much done in matters regarding the actual processes of the elections. Apart from the institutions that have been established, and again, these decisions have a funding because they don't have enough funding for what they are supposed to. We know now that the National Election Commission, which has been established, has been able to also to establish high offices of election offices in the state, and this is also part of the progress. But we know there is a big challenge of funding because actually, most of them are funded almost about 10% of the sort of budget, which, again, are huge entrants into how they can progress in this regard. - In your own assessment, beside the four areas, you have mentioned where very little progress has been made so far, the issue of the constitution, the unification, the legal framework, and the election itself in your own assessment, beside that, has there been any sufficient progress made so far, as far as implementing the entire agreement is concerned? - Yes, one critical issue you need to understand is that six years down the road, we can comfortably say that there is relative peace in this country, and in fact, you can see that there has not been any major fighting between the parties, and this is, of course, clear that we've achieved that. Secondly, also, we can also say that we have been able to see, also reforms even in the area of the Resource Economic Finance Management. There has been an institution that has been established there, because we find public finance accounting, there has been a committee that's been established on public finance, authority has been established in the treasury, and there is a lot of work that is going on even in regard to issues regarding the works of the bills that are considered, concerns the CTRI-H, and also even the works that are important to ensure that actually there is progress in the country. But what there is is that we definitely know, and we've seen that there are challenges on the implementation, because basically, what we would have expected by now is that all this work would have been completed, and what we will be looking forward now to is actually elections within the framework of the agreement. The requirement for the agreement, as I have mentioned, was that by this time going to elections. For example, six months before December, we would have had the photos registered for elections. Now we do not have that. We would have, by now, been talking about the possibility of the parliament or the government being dissolved to go for elections by 22nd of September next month. But as we see it now, this infrastructures, that's supposed to be there or established, to be able to undertake these elections, they are not there. And therefore, these are the questions that we ask, and we have always been pushing the leadership of this country to be able to really come up with a clarity on the way forward. Yes, and a key task you have already mentioned, such as the permanent concentration making process, the preparation for election, the unification of forces, these are still remains largely and implemented or accomplished with just five months to the conduct of the expected election. Do you think all this can be done before, so should I just go to the poll? Well, partly this is a question that should be answered by the article, because basically, the one that is actually supposed to first of all, implement the agreement. Secondly, the roadmap was actually developed by the parties. And this is something that they did as parties when they developed this roadmap. What we have seen now is that in accordance with the agreement, there are certain things that should have been done by now. For example, if you talk about the elections, I mentioned, first of all, the voter registration is not done. The constituency and the delineation is not done, because we expect we are talking of 300 at the two considerations that we did in mathematics last time, I told you, the elective poster, 158. And what you know is that you have about 102 constituencies or so, or they are about. So there is need to think about whether the constituents will be reconfigured or delineated. Then there is issue regarding, of course, the institutions and the infrastructures that actually help in the election processes. The issues regarding the voting management of voters and where they will vote and the ballots and so on and so forth, all these things are not yet done. And we are not seeing any kind of a way in which this can be done within this short time that is left. So in a context to the agreement, in accordance with the agreement is important. The elections are supposed to be conducted within the sum of the permanent constitution. The elections are supposed to be conducted after the forces are unified. And these are important and critical requirements in accordance with the agreement. We do not have them on the ground. So if you ask me as the chair of our agenda, I would say that in accordance with the agreement, we are not ready to conduct those elections. In accordance with the agreement, because the agreement states clearly when and how and what are required to be done, what is required to be done for elections are conducted. That is not complete. And therefore, we as monitors and evaluators, we can very clearly see that in accordance with the agreement, we don't see how it is possible to have elections, which is prescribed in the agreement. Yes, as a monitor to the agreement, what are the implications even the parties to the agreement fails to move on these key aspects of the implementation of the prospects of holding a free fair election schedule at the end of the transition period? What should be the implication as a monitor from why you sit? One of the issues that we've been dealing with as monitors, right from very early this year and even late last year, was the assessment of what needs to be done before we get to elections. And if you recall also, even last time, when you are talking about the extension of the agreement, we were very much putting pressure to the leadership to tell us that which way forward, now that we are seeing that the time is running out and you are not seeing the appropriate requirement done for elections. And consequently, that was the outcome of the roadmap. Even after this roadmap came out very early last year and now and even after now, we've been asking questions as to how are we going to move forward if the requirement that has laid down for elections are not done. We recently also remember I wrote a letter to the leadership, which perhaps you may have heard or you don't know that we wrote a letter to the leadership, asking them to give us clarity to move forward so that we be able to know which way forward on the elections. And the consequence of that was the dialogue, in the part of the dialogue that was set. And I am informed that this is the part of the dialogue that's been sitting and I mean these members have been discussing. And I think three weeks ago they were able to come up with some analysis of the roadmap and they have pointed their report to the presidency, which is supposed to sit and discuss. I suppose perhaps this could be one of the agendas that they are discussing today. And hopefully, maybe we shall be able now to know the direction going forward. What we know is that if we have no election in December 2024 and the agreement expires February 2025, then we are likely to get to a situation of some kind of a constitutional crisis or some kind of legitimacy of the government, which is not within a legal framework. How does this agreement, this government is a creature of the agreement and it's found and established by the agreement? What are you doing as a regime in terms of advising the parties because like you said, by the, has announced by the next chair person in the second of December, it's the day day for South Sudan is to go to the poll. And also the agreement says at least the government has to be dissolved 90 days before that. So if I do my calculation very well, at least by the 22nd of next month, I think the government should be dissolved. What is the implication of the legitimacy of our tigono in the absence of all what we have stated in case the parties fails to meet the threshold of conducting a free and fair election? What happens? - I think the leadership of these countries very much aware of what you've said. And I believe they also know that they are legitimized by the agreement. And as I've always said, this agreement, if you read it to the letter, you will see that it is a very transformative document. And in fact, this document is if you actually follow the implementation, this agreement, you transform this country totally. The how does of this document brought about and document that was very much brought a lot of details on how the governance of this country could take place and could establish an institution that would be who last this country for a dwelling piece and prosperity. And therefore, I want to believe that the leadership of this country is listening and they have read and they know the consequences if they do not actually move with speed to ensure that they are able to act within the framework of their legitimacy. - And right now, we are talking, where are we with the constitution-making process? - In regard to the constitution-making process, as you know, we, as R.J. Mc, we were very much involved at the earlier stage. If you look at chapter six of the agreement, R.J. Mc actually was the first institution that came up with the basic framework of the constitution-making processes. And we worked together with Mark Planck's Foundation. And we came up with the basic framework that was supposed to inform the direction in which the constitution is going to be made. We did that work as early as 2021. And we forwarded our report to the Minister for Justice and Consumer Affairs because we were also working with them. And we are now aware that the Ministry of Justice and Consumer Affairs has gone along and they have been able to bring about legislation of this constitution-making process. And consequently, of course, you know now there is the establishment of the National Consumer Review Commission, which has been established. And the institution itself is working. It has already established its basic and administrative infrastructure. That's actually what they're working on now. Because again, they cannot just go to the field without a framework of the basis for the administrative foundation or fundamentals that they needed to establish before they go to begin work. What we know is that these institutions were quite impoverished, right, from the onset. And they are starting from ground zero. And therefore, every fund that they have is actually for the basic establishment of the institutions. So there's a lot of work that's need to be done. And the only way to get it right is to start it right. And I believe that is what they are doing. In our primary meeting, last week, the chair of the NCLC briefed us. And it told us exactly what they are doing with the funds that they were given. And they are moving forward, helped very slowly, because of the challenge that they are having of funding. Yeah. You have been meeting parties and a stakeholder in 2018 about a last-piece agreement consulting with them, hearing from them, when you talk to them and when they respond to you, what are the major challenges that is making them not to implement what they sign? One of the critical things, even from our assessment, is something called political will. We have a problem of the political will. We have a problem of trust deficit. We have a problem of funding, because that is one of the elephant in the room. And we have a problem of ability to have focus, commitment, which will make each one of them be able to see the importance of this process. And particularly also, understanding the agreement and following the agreement. For example, if you look at even the functions of the government, the way the government is running, it's supposed to run and looking into what the provisions of the agreement. For example, the chapter four, which is Resource Economic Finance Management. It is very well stipulated. And if the Ministry of Finance or Treasurer would follow those specific articles of the agreement, would be moving very, very, very fast forward. And the government is a transition government that is responsible on implementing the agreement. And that is basically why the government established by the agreement to implement the agreement, with a consequence of finally establishing or coming up with a constitutional framework, and then go for elections under the new constitution. The whole process is laid out very clearly. Now the whole process should go whereby if this is done according to the agreement. For example, chapter two, in terms of the issues regarding the unification of forces and all the processes of deployment. These are very important requirements because we want to go for elections with one commander in chief. And the only way you can achieve one commander in chief is to have these forces trained and then unified. And then those who are not qualified or not eligible, then they go to DDR. So there is need to have a very deliberate plan to ensure that those who go to DDR, there are professions for them in terms of financing DDR. If it is reintegration or rehabilitation, it's focused and well articulated and planned deliberately. It cannot be just taken for granted. And unless there is that very specific focus with devotion and with nationalism and petalism, as you know, you can succeed. OK. If you have just joined us right now, you're listening to-- nationwide, my name is Sani Martin. And in the studio, I have ambassador retired major general, Charles Thay G12, the chairperson of the reconstituted joint monitoring and evaluation commission, Arjemek, a body that was tasked-- that is tasked to oversee the implementation of the 2018 revitalized peace agreement. And like you have heard from him, that in the last two years during the roadmap, key four issues were supposed to be done. But to some extent, they have not been fully accomplished. One is the writing of the constitution or the permanent constitution-making process that should have been done. And then the unification of the unified forces should have been completed, the legal framework, and the election itself. These are the four key areas that has not been fully accomplished in the last two years with just five months to the conduct of the general election. And also, he said that throughout his consultation with the parties, another stakeholder to the 2018 revitalized peace agreement, one thing he has discovered is that the issues of lack of political will and trust deficit and the elephant of gurus' money, which is a funding to the agreement. These are some of the issues he has mentioned. If you have got any question, please you can call us on 091-2079. And he also says that legally, as per the agreement, if you have to follow the text as it is, it is practically impossible to conduct election in 2024, December, if you have to follow the text, unless you have to use that. That means 091-2079, and that's the number. You can also send us your comment to our SMS number 091-2177141. Those are all our contacts. You can get in touch with us here. Hello, everybody. Hello. Yes, what do you mean? Yes, your name? Andrea Camilo, I'm calling you for our area. OK, Andrea, your question, please. OK, I welcome the guest in the speech festival. There's the ARCHMX care partner. OK. Since the start of this talk, ARCHMX was very seriously talking about this in this country. When the rabbis' life is agreement has been signed, ARCHMX will come in the last, I mean, and enjoyful with the party of the rabbis' life is agreement in Cuba. One local museum has, you put in place to pressure this party to let them go on in full men. The four companies with are now still remaining, and people are now going for it. OK. What furniture are you going to do with the party, with the capacity of the rabbis' life? And are you enduring it, or you make it as a part of the party? You understand it, and you will pay the ARCHMX and the party. It's sitting at the party today, sitting at the party. OK. Thank you so much, Andrea Camillo, from Cange. Hello? [INTERPOSING VOICES] Hello? [INTERPOSING VOICES] Yes, your name? Good evening. Good evening to you. How are you? I'm fine, your name? Yeah, no, I'm not. I'm a wife and from you, you will be my dear. You're going to stay to go ahead. Well done. So I do appreciate the guess, one of you. My question to guess, I can say that. So do you think that all the chapters are completed? Or there is one chapter that was not completed? That is my first question. And then the conversation, do you think that if there is one chapter, do you not completely do you think that this can allow the society to run into the election? That is the conversation. OK. Guy from Bain to in the United States. Andrea Camillo is asking, Ambassador, about this, what kind of pressure is ARCHMX putting on the party to ensure that they implement what they agreed upon? And even is that part of your mandate? And Guy is also asking about what kind of chapters so far has been fully implemented and which one is not. And can it lead us to a free free election? Thank you. Responding to Camillo, first of all, I appreciate his question. And again, also, I understand the frustrations that most people are going through, and particularly the citizens of South Sudan in regard to the slow implementation of this agreement. But I want to assure him that ARCHMX, since it came into this country way before the first agreement of 2015, if you look at the role it has played all through even recruiting the three revitalization after the war of 2016, it was ARCHMX that brought the idea of revitalization that the then chair was a former president of Botswana, Mugai, is the one who came up to save the situation in regard to relief authorization of the agreement. And all through up to now, we've had several issues that have been coming up, and ARCHMX has been on top of things to ensure that those issues are resolved. And including also the solving deadlocks between the parties when they disagree. Some things we do, they are not basically public, because what we do is, of course, behind the scenes meeting the presidency, meeting the leadership in the country, meeting foreign leaders, for example, when the chair president, Mugan, was the chair of Uighad, you may not know that he faced this country several times, not so faced in the Khaktum several times. And all this was about South Sudan. And consequently, that is why we have achieved the six years without all these challenges. Secondly, also, even now, when the chair is president of Djibouti, we have been able to move to Djibouti many times. We have been speaking to the Peace and Secret Council of African Union, of Uighad, and also C5. And perhaps you may not know that even the recent fist of the president of South Africa, who is the chair of C5, was part of those pressures that we put because we communicated to them. And we tell them, look, you need to re-interfease. - Because you're on the ground? - Precisely. So we are the ones who basically put those pressures to them. What there is is that so far, what has happened as a sort of a lot of work that you have been doing to ensure that we put more pressure to the leadership of this country. We also talk to the government, because our first talk is to the Arctic and you. And I have been able to speak to the president, I have been able to speak to the parties, the agreement, I've been able to speak to the first five. It's president many times. It's recently, as a few days ago, I have been addressing parliament in this country to tell them about what they need to do. And also, the issues that they need to undertake, I have been addressing even the Council of Ministers. And even more recently, I have been able even to meet the leadership of the EAGAD and also like even the African-Americans of the Council recently. Even the UN president, when he came here, we briefed him about all those things. And cumulatively, all these reparations we hold, they come into focus and they put pressure to the leadership here. Second day also, even as now we shall be addressing the UN tomorrow, briefing them on what we think is a situation in this country. And as a result of that, the information that we deliver to them informs the policy decision that guides the South Sudan in regard to how the international community takes the Sudan. The gentleman from the United States asked about the implementation of the chapters. I want to tell my friend that the chapters, all of them have been implemented but not completely. So each of the chapters has been implemented. And it is important to note that, and I think it's important for South Sudan to note that the government of South Sudan is established by the agreement. That first of all is an achievement, that we have a government of national unity, we have a cabinet, we have governance in the States, we have government leadership, structures of the executive in the States, and we have a parliament that is also discussing and passing laws of the country. That is progress. I think it is important, we agree to that. Secondly also, even the unification of policies, is that a progress of so far, what has been unified? Despite the challenges that are there, there is that a progress that you need to really understand. Chapter that is important for us to go for elections is of course chapter six, in regard to the constitution making process. Chapter five, which was to include the, which includes the commission for truth, reconciliation and hearing and reparations, and the hybrid code of South Sudan, it is a critical chapter also. And as you know, the agreement says that the issues regarding the commission for truth, reconciliation and healing would have been conducted before elections, but we foresee that being a challenge also because already the law has not yet been passed. It is actually that reading in parliament. And of course, that is the law, and then after the law you need to be operationalized. And more importantly is that chapter four, which deals with the resource economic management, can, is a progressive chapter, even after elections. That can continue. And I want to say here now that it doesn't mean that after elections you shall throw away the agreement. Agreement will be implemented by even the government that is elected because this document is transformative. It is a blueprint for the country going forward. And it has got very important chapters that need to be done. So I think people must understand that this agreement is about throwing it and having some news. It has very important articles that need to be implemented even after elections. - In the long term. - In the long term. Even if you have elections even tomorrow in December. That means that the agreement will be thrown. Those will be responsible for those ministries have to look at this agreement and continue to implement. That's the only way we can go forward. - Okay. You can say call us on 0912069. Hello everybody. Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Yes, your name. - Hello, son. - Good evening. - Yeah. Evening to you. You are talking to Malaepal. - Okay. - Malaepal. - Okay. Malaep, go ahead. - Yeah. Thank you for the program. And welcome also the guests. My question is this. If the parties and all the signature of the agreement says to go to the election, what will you do? I say that because now that hearing everything out, some people, now they are just, they are worried now that you are mentioned, afraid that there is no political will. If I'm not really, yeah. So what will we do? I'll say yes. - Okay. All right. Thank you so much. Malaepal from Malaqar. Hello. Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Yes, your name. - Good evening. - Good evening. - Good evening to your name. - My name is James from the United States. - Okay. - Yeah. - So what I can say is a question to get. Now, the time is almost now reached to the time of your election. Do you think that the election will do by themselves without contain? Now, I don't see any contain now from every individual who would like to be a candidate now. I don't see. You think that it will do without contain? - Okay. Thank you so much. Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Yes, your name. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Yes. Go ahead. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Hello. - Okay. It seems to be having a network problem. This too, Chairperson, first of all, what would happen if the parties fail to agree to the conduct of a election? What would be the role of a guard, the African Union? Like you said, you have been reporting to almost all these international bodies, and tomorrow you'll be also reporting to the UN Security Council. You'll be giving your recommendation and general overview of how things are moving in the country. - Yes, it did. It's a good question from Malek, Malek. First of all, it is very important to note that the decision to go through elections is a suffering decision. It's a decision of the South Sudan leadership and the South Sudan people. Elections cannot be both from outside. They have to be done by South Sudanese themselves. And I believe what I just mentioned earlier is that in accordance to the agreement, they are set in criteria that's supposed to be achieved before going through elections. And I said clearly that the agreement says that the elections have to be conducted under a permanent constitution. At the time that the elections have been conducted, there should be, of course, the unification of forces. And again, election is a process. It's not an infant. It's a cause for a lot of activities that need to be done before elections. And these are the activities that we are saying, we have not seen them. If we have, for example, photo registration, has it been done? How do you vote without being registered? Have we, do we know which constituencies we belong to? Four months before elections, do you know who are the candidates? Do we know whether we're going to have election, what kind of nature of elections? Do you know whether we have a system that is going to allow us to campaign in terms of what we call this specific space? Like you just mentioned about campaigning. So all these things are not there. So we, as monies and evaluators, you say, we do not see what was supposed to be done for us to get to elections done in the last two years. In the last two years. So when you say you're going to have election December, then we just want to hear now, tomorrow or tonight, what then is it going to be like if you're going to have election December? And again, if those elections are going to be conducted in December, and they are not in a context to the provisions of the agreement, that means the agreement has to be amended and article 8.4 to provide for those elections that are not the ones that are having any stage in the agreement. And this is basically what we would want to see if then the leadership in Congress is going to be election. Whatever type of elections they may have, I don't know, then there's an amendment of the agreement because they are not within the framework of the agreement. And does that couple with the question coming in from James Bennett in the United States? Because our agenda, I've also been mentioning that on several times that a lack of clarity is causing a lot of anxiety amongst South Sudan. It's one of the South Sudanese's gyms right now because there are no signs of campaign, there are no signs of voter registration, there are no signs of anything, though we are told by the political party council that 29 political parties have officially registered an array and they just passed the code of conduct for the election for all the political parties that has registered so far. Is that one of the concerns and how can that be addressed the issue of a lack of clarity that is causing more anxiety among South Sudanese? The power of information is very, very important and I think this is what we've been saying when we say that we require clarity, we require the leadership to be able to brief the people to talk to the people, to tell them the situation that is there. I think this is one of the issues that honestly I would frankly say that has been lacking in this country. There is nothing wrong with explaining to the people of South Sudan what is the challenge? What is the problem? Have we explained that during your meeting today, parties? Absolutely and I think you have been coming to primary meetings where you've had me say so and we have had in my statement that we are talking of let the people understand what's happening. Every challenge there are people, you can tell the people if it is economic situation, if it is a problem of funding, if it is a problem of even if it's political will, if you have a problem political will, you can ask people, can you help us to see how we can develop political will? Can you help us see how we can develop this trust deficit to be lacking? Can you help us? Because after all we all want peace, prosperity in this country so you can address this problem and I think this openness, this collegiality, this consensus, this idea of sharing and talking would help heal the country. But when there is no information flowing, three or four months before election no one knows whether it be election or not. Six months before the end of the agreement period no one knows what is happening. It is safe even for international community, even for those who want to fund you, even for those who want to help you, they don't know where to start, remember those who want to fund you, they have to prepare budgets, and this is a long-term thinking, there is not a question of tomorrow there is money to get, it's a long-term process that you need to plan your budget tiers and different, for example if the countries that budgets are in November have been in July, and they want to support this country, July is over. So how would they manage to raise funds for the country? So this issue of information is very important at the right time. And finally, and briefly, what should the parties do right now to clarify this anxiety among many South Sudanese and the international community? I think what we need mostly is there is need to be coherence in the way the parties address these particular issues of the country. We need to see coherence from the political parties that parties the agreement. We need to see them speaking with the one voice giving direction into the right direction. For example, the issue is too many, we have two situations where the Minister for Capital Affairs is talking about different, the Minister in which we are talking about different. This brings, we do not understand the position of the leadership, we begin to get that kind of situation. We also know, of course, the first fight is present, again also in the same position in this. So the coherence for the parties, the agreement is important. We also need to have leadership that is, that rises above individualism and the personal interests and put the interests of the country at the top apex. That is what is going to drive this country the right direction. We need to build consensus and focus on the people, nation building with selfless service to this country. Thank you very much. I'm Mr. Charles Stagitwe for coming to us today. Thank you very much. Thank you for having me.