Jesse Kelly Show

How to deal with a communist when they frame and label you

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13 Aug 2024
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I'm Victoria Cash, thanks for calling the Lucky Land Hotline. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun. For the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear. So go to right now and play over 100 social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today at No purchase necessary. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly show final hour of the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday. It's been a huge show so far this hour. We're going to have an uncomfortable conversation right about now about how to counter communist tactics when they're framing you and labeling you. We will discuss that. We're going to discuss them seeking out and seizing choke points. George Soros, wow, what he's up to is jaw-dropping. All that and more coming up this hour on the world-famous Jesse Kelly show. Now, I want to get back to something we were talking about. Again, I think JD Vance has been a dynamite pick for Trump. I was a fan beforehand. I don't know about fan, but he was a good senator from what I hear behind the scenes. Good dude, genuine, true believer. And he's been dynamite on the campaign trail. But he goes and sits down with a bunch of different reporters. And they're labeling him. They're framing him. And you'll hear this last one, in case you missed it before. They get him. They flat out tomato. Do you disavow? I mean, do you disavow? You disavow what you surely you disavow. So there's been a lot of talk about racism and whatnot. You faced some really nasty stuff. I saw this thing that Nick Fuente is, of course. He's an avowed white supremacist. He said, what kind of a man marry somebody named Usha? Clearly, he doesn't value his racial identity, his heritage. I mean, this is racist garbage. Yes, it is. But this is also a guy that dined with Donald Trump at Mar-a-Lago during this campaign. Well, the Donald Trump doesn't know anything about and frankly doesn't care for. Nick Fuentes, an avowed anti-Semite jerk, went after your wife. He had previously dined at Mar-a-Lago with Donald Trump. Does this have any room in your movement, in the MAGA movement? Of course, it doesn't have any room in the magnet movement. And of course-- You disavow him at a Venice. And of course, Donald Trump has criticized this person. Look, I think the guy's a total loser. Certainly I disavow him. But if you ask-- I want you to picture this. You know, who's a regular-- who's the guest we probably have on more than any, although I don't do many a guest segment, probably BK, right? I would guess we probably have BK, our Air Force PJ guy. Let's just speak it about BK, especially since I didn't ask permission beforehand to use this name and he'll understand what I'm doing here. So I want you to picture this. We start doing a weekly segment. Every Wednesday, BK comes on and we do an interview. And every single Wednesday, when I get to interview BK, instead of having fun with them, like we always do when joking about foreign policy, every single time BK comes on the air, you hear me ask this question. BK, I've heard from a lot of people that you kick puppies whenever people aren't looking, that you actually buy puppies for the express purpose of kicking them when people aren't looking. Can you put that rumor to bed now? Do you do you do that? Do you disavow that? And of course, BK, well, we know he would joke about the whole thing, but let's say he was being serious. What would he say right off the bat? If he didn't understand what I was doing, what would he say? Well, that's a lie. Of course I disavow it. No, I don't do that. But then, but then we have them on the next week following Wednesday, opening interview, opening question. Hey, BK, I know we talked about this before. There are a lot of people who have talked about you kicking puppies, and they say you do this a lot. There's a lot of people, so I just want to be clear. I want to make sure I clarify this for the record. You do, you don't kick puppies and you do disavow the puppy kicking, right, BK, you disavow it? And he's eventually, yes, yes, of course I disavow it. No, I would never do something. And I do it again the next Wednesday. Hey, BK, about the puppy thing. Could you answer one question? And then the next Wednesday. Hey, hmm, hate to keep doing this. Do you disavow it? Then the next Wednesday, then the next Wednesday, then the next Wednesday. Now let me ask you something. It's been a month of this, two months of this. If you, God forbid, see somebody walking down a sidewalk kicking a puppy, you watch a movie and someone kicks a puppy. Let me ask you, does BK's name pop up into your head? Of course it does. Of course it does, that's basic word association. Of course it does. Just by repeatedly asking him a question about something despicable, something he's not, I have labeled him. I have already framed the debate and now BK because he accepted that bait because he accepted that framing. Now he's forever associated with kicking puppies. The American left, the communists, they have so successfully labeled the GOP as racist because the GOP is too weak and pathetic to see what's happening and they're too stupid to fight back with any teeth. If a reporter, whether you're running for school board or president of the United States or anything in between attempts to frame and label you with something despicable. So they say you're a Nazi. They say you're part of the KKK. So people are saying this, do you disavow this? Do you disavow that? If you do not attack viciously, verbally, I mean, if you do not launch an attack against a person who asked you that question, if you don't immediately treat that person as a hostile actor, then every other hostile actor who gets a chance to ask you that question will ask you the exact same question. Donald Trump during his four years of presidency had to denounce white supremacy approximately 875,000 times. Why did he have to do that? Because he kept doing it every time they demanded he do it. Yes, I denounce it. Yes, I denounce it. Of course, I denounce it, I denounce it. I already told the lastly, I denounce it. Why are you still asking me? I'm denouncing it, I'm denouncing it. They're labeling you, they're framing you. Stop denouncing it. And the next time somebody brings that up and says say right back to them, hey, do you disavow this? Do you denounce this? Ask them. Do you disavow slicing off the breasts of a teenage girl? Your party, the party you support, they slice off the breasts of teenage girls. They cut penises off of little boys. Do you disavow that? Do you disavow? Well, hold on, nobody ever said that. No, no, no, no, no. Do you disavow cutting off a young boy's penis? Yes or no? If you don't emit, do you disavow President Joe Biden being President Bad Touch? Every time he sees a girl under the age of 10. It's on videotape, it's not an internet rumor. We've seen Jeff Sessions on camera physically slap Joe Biden, he was then a Senator, physically slap his hand away from a young relative of Jeff Sessions because Jeff Sessions knew exactly what Joe Biden was, exactly what he did. It's why Joe Biden lights up like it's Christmas morning every time a young girl gets within his presence. So the next time a member of the American media asks you to disavow white supremacy to look at him right in the face and say, do you disavow pedophilia? Do you disavow the touching inappropriately of children? I've heard you people love to touch children. I have Joe Biden, he's on camera. There's a lot of touching there. Are you comfortable with the touching? Do you disavow it? And I know how hard this can be because it is difficult to break out of someone else's framing when they're framing you that way. That's why they do it. They do it because if you choose to play within the rules, if you choose to be quote polite, if you choose to go along with it, then they win. You must learn to break out of the framing and there's no comfortable way to break out of the framing. They ask the questions, the way they ask them because they make it so comfortable and safe and nice to just stay within the framing. So you'll sit down for an interview today and yes, of course I denounce white supremacy and then you'll sit down for one tomorrow. I denounce white supremacy and then when the next day, I denounce white supremacy. I disavow, I denounce, I disavow, I denounce, I disavow, I denounce and they keep asking and they keep asking, they keep asking because they're winning. Every time you're answering the question, they're winning. You keep answering the question, you keep losing, they keep winning and you will stay losing for the rest of your political life until you decide to turn that around and attack offense, offense, anti-communism. Treat the vial commi scum like the vial commi scum. Stop treating them like the reporters from the media. Stop treating them like they're just a professor. Stop treating them like he's just a Democrat member of the house. He's a disgusting communist and everything he does and says is done with the purpose of destroying you and everything you care about. So stop being polite, stop disavowing and stop denouncing. That's it, I'm gonna move off of it 'cause it gets my blood pressure up. I can't stand it when I see 'em do it. Oh, I disavow. Gosh. I disavow paying too much for betting. That's what I disavow. In fact, I denounce it. I denounce Bed Bath and Beyond. I don't denounce my pillow though. My pillow got kicked out of Bed Bath and Beyond. How, how could some, how could something so popular? They were just going gangbusters in there. How could something so popular get kicked out of a big box store? Because Mike Lindell and my pillow won't stop talking about you and your values. They won't stop fighting for you and your values. And they have these big sales. You know how my pillow always has a big sale going on? They got queen-sized my pillows for $19.98 right now. How about that? They have mattress toppers as low as $69.98 right now. Go to my Click on the Radio Lister special square and use the promo code JESSIE. They got six-piece towel sets, 25 bucks. I need to stress how wonderful this towel set is. My promo code JESSIE or call 800-845-0544. Do some emails. Next. Get the kiss. This is the JESSIE Kelly show on a Monday. Don't forget you can email the show JESSIE at If you miss any part of the show, download a podcast, iHeartSpotify, iTunes. Let's do a couple of emails. I've been lax tonight. In fact, I don't know if I've got to a single one. All right. JESSIE, Republicans are worried about act blue. Just pause for a moment. Act blue is that huge Democrat front group. They'll constantly fundraise off of various things and then use it for Democrat causes. I remember this like it was yesterday 'cause they did this after Hurricane Harvey down here in Houston. We had that terrible flooding after Hurricane Harvey. I've never seen anything like it. It was apocalyptic. The whole place was underwater forever. And then a bunch of people started raising money. "Hey, help the victims of Harvey." And if you click through, all the money went to act blue. And that's who these people are. Anyway, Republicans worry about act blue three months before an election. Representative Brian Steele asking for an investigation. He wants to pass legislation to stop illegal donations by gift card and anonymous donors and ask for an emergency order from the deep state to stop it. Where were Republicans on this two years ago? This is why we lose. Yes, this is why we lose. I just got done ranting about disavowing and denouncing Republicans or a thousand steps behind the communists. We're dealing with these rabid communists who are, I've used kind of this kind of example before, but think about us as residing in a castle. It's medieval times. We're in a castle. We're in this gigantic, beautiful castle. And it's our job to protect and maintain the castle. So obviously we have to guard it with weapons, shields and swords and spears and bows and arrows. It's our job to attend the garden. Make sure the water is done right. Clean things, it's our job. We are the keepers of the castle. And what's happening is the communists, the bad guys, they have kicked down the gate. They are busy murdering everyone they can get their hands on. They've lit fire to half the castle and the GOP is the castle staff convincing themselves that this is just some light rebellion that'll go away if they treat it kindly enough. We are in a cultural war that will decide the next several hundred years of the country. Do you want to feel good about being involved in politics? That's the war you're involved in right now. We will win or we will lose and the cost of victory is staggering. And we send these weapons grade losers back to Washington DC and they don't act like they're involved in anything at all. They just kind of act. Oh, it's just the old DC politics. Just another day here, my good friend, Democrat, Dark. We may disagree, but at least we play golf together on Sundays. You're actually asking the GOP to be proactive about it. Where are, and I actually want to give credit to Ken Paxton, the AG of Texas, but where are the Republican AGs from red states attacking the highly, highly illegal and suspect Democrat donor network? In fact, I'm going to bring this up right now. I got to read this off my phone here. I forgot to have Chris and Michael print the thing off, but there's a story. It's not my story. It's from the media research center. They're a wonderful group. I have their people on a lot. It's from the media research center. And I want you to go read it if you wanted some details on it. But the title of it is, it's 30 pages, so it's a lot. I read it, so you didn't have to. But the title of it is Law and Disorder. And it's about George Soros and what he's done here. And I'm just going to hit a couple of highlights. And now you tell me why this has not been torn apart by Republican AGs. MRC, media research center, has uncovered 7,785 pages of internal communications from dozens of Soros-backed prosecutors. Soros invested at least 117 million to install direct and control 126 radicalized prosecutors. At least 30% of the US population lives underneath these prosecutors. Soros's communist machine sets the policies, including colluding to break the law and not prosecute certain crimes. The Soros machine held at least 51 meetings with the prosecutors. A foreign-born billionaire decided he could destroy America's cities by purchasing the district attorney office, turning the district attorney office into a weapon against his political opponents and a friend for the animals who are his friend and Republican AGs across the country are currently doing nothing to attack that. They are destroying this country using these front groups, shell corporations. Oftentimes, it's freaking foreigners who are doing it. And the best you can get out of a Republican AG is, "I'm voting Trump. I'm at a Trump rally today." Thanks. Sounds good. Could you maybe launch an investigation into the communist networks that are destroying America? And I want to interrupt your rally, but could you maybe attack them? They're busy throwing pro-lifers in cages for the rest of their lives. You can't get a Republican AG to lift a finger against George Soros and what he's doing here. God, you want to talk about chess versus checkers? That's chess versus checkers. All right, we'll do some more emails, talk about choke points and a couple other things before we do that. You know, I have news. So I lifted weights today, no big deal. No, it's nothing heavy. I'm just trying to not die. Lifted weights today. And feel great, feel really good. Except now my knees sore. Left knees sore again. Eggs and pains come as you get older. If you want a way to get rid of that, not mask it, not ignore it, you'll start taking relief factor every day. I know you wake up and that pain is there. That back pain. The neck, you ever have that neck pain? You can't hardly turn. You look like Batman. Your hands hurt. Your hands ever hurt you. Happens when you get older. Start taking relief factor every day. It's all natural. It's drug free. It's all natural. You take it daily. And what it does is it supports your body's natural response to inflammation. Your body's already trying to fight the inflammation. It's failing. It doesn't have the tools. Relief factor is the tool. Take it for three weeks. You'll know exactly what I'm talking about. If it doesn't work, don't ever order it again. You will. You'll order it again. Everyone does. Go to or call 1-800-4-Relief. It's the Jesse Kelly show on Monday. Do I still think Wall's drops out, Chris? It's not that I think he drops out. I think there's a chance he drops out. And I know that's kind of weenie. I'm supposed to come on here and just tell you, "No, he's dropping out like I told you for years about Biden." I don't know about that. Here's what I think. From the outside looking in, the Democrat party looks unbelievably chaotic. And here's a challenge for me. I'm sure this is probably a challenge for you. You know what? It's not that I'm sure. This is a challenge for you, whether you know it or not. I try to see things through the eyes of a norm or a norm. That's what I try to put myself in a normie's shoes because I pay attention to this stuff. I care. You pay attention to this stuff. You care. You don't see things the way norm sees things. I don't see things the way norm sees things. But trying to put myself in the shoes of a norm. Let's say I didn't have any super solid political convictions. You know, I want grocery prices cheap. Other than that, I want to watch the game on Sunday and white picket fence and pay less for gas. That's the norm existence in America. But putting myself in that guy's shoes from the outside looking in. Democrats dumped the sitting president of the United States of America. Look, polls we had showed that it was neck and neck race would have been down the wire. But what happened was a number of my Democratic colleagues in the House and Senate's thought that I was going to hurt them in the racist. And I was concerned if I stayed in the race, that would be the topic. You'd be interviewing me about why did Nancy Pelosi say why did so? They dumped the sitting president. They hand selected a new one and she's a mess. And then she selected a VP candidate who has more baggage than that Sam Brinton guy who just got convicted of a felony for stealing everyone's in the Biden administration. From the outside looking in from the eyes of a norm, as best as I can put myself in those shoes, they look chaotic and dysfunctional and disorganized. And so from the outside looking in, maybe dumping walls is actually worse than just hanging on to him and weathering the storm. And I'm guessing here, but I would guess that's the calculation. Democrat operatives are making as we speak. Tim Walls is there's there's no question about it. We have the numbers out now. Tim Walls is doing what the VPs not allowed to do. He's dragging down the ticket. He is dragging down her poll numbers. It is resonating. It is grown and grown and grown. Every day we have more video, more audio of Tim Walls pretending as if he did something he didn't do. Talking about his PTSD from his time in Italy. Both of you with your keen understanding of how this works, especially from National Guard families, I can tell you this, having been one of those that came back, we were in support of OEF, but being sitting in there with OEF, OEF veterans, when we came back, they showed us the horse whisperer and told us to be nice when we went home. And that was the extent of it. That was in 2004. Now, I'm proud to say that because of the people setting in here and people who came before me, things have changed over the last four years. They have not changed enough, but Mr. King. The baggage is growing. The communist is trying to figure out, do we hang on to him and let him continue to pull down the ticket? Norma veteran is bothered by this. Democrat veteran, if he actually is a Democrat veteran and those exist out there, hard chargers who fought for this country and this kind of went Democrat or always were, that's fine. But normal veteran, normal Democrat veteran, normal independent veteran is going to be bothered by stolen valor, the rabid Democrat animal demon base, they don't care, I'm not worried about them. But this is an election where Donald Trump has to grab the norms, Joe Biden has to grab the norms. Do you allow Tim Walls to pull down your ticket or do you appear chaotic by kicking him out? I don't have the answer to that and I'm not making a prediction there. I'm really not, but I tell you, they're having this conversation. And man, aren't you glad you're not them? Harvey P's killing it. Look, JD Vance, I know I was critical about the denounced disavowing. He has been so good on the campaign trail. I've been so impressed. Let's do some emails. Jesse, did you see the reports on college cutbacks? Makes me ponder why? Is this a surge in trades? Is it expensive? Okay, college is cutting back. Listen. Obviously, the government funds way too much of these disgusting communist universities and that's something the GOP would tackle if they had any interest in actually winning, but setting that aside, the universities do need your money. They need you to show up and they need you to pay. There are a couple of things that have happened, a few things that have happened in recent years. One, COVID. COVID was a big, big, big deal because you were forcing kids to take something they didn't want to take. Parents didn't want them taking it. You were forcing kids to wear masks. Two, the radicalism on college campus. It's not just standard college protests anymore. That's always been around. That's nothing new. Now, they're much more rabid, much more violent than they ever were before. When mom and dad are sitting at home thinking about where to send Aidan, Jaden, and Brayden, they have hesitancy of sending them to Columbia now when you turn on the television set and see a bunch of Hamas loving animals killing themselves or trying to kill other people on the quad. Columbia gets a lot less appealing. So, okay, there's that part of it. Really, the general distaste with the American education system and how gross it is is a huge part of it. I had a conversation recently. No, I'm not part of Hillsdale College, but I'm a huge fan of Hillsdale College. I have been for a very long time. And as I am having more and more discussions with my sons, my oldest is about to be 16. What do you want to do? I'm trying to give some guidance. What do you want to do? And he's talking about maybe being an electrician or a plumber or something like that. And as you know, I encourage that. I want my boys to go into the trades if possible. It's a wonderful living. It's better. But I've left open the option. Now, if you know what you want to do, we will allow you to go to a university of our choosing. And that list is unbelievably small. The universities I'd be willing to send my kids to. Well, Hillsdale is one of them. Honestly, it'd be the top one for me. I just love Hillsdale. They've been killing it forever. I had a chance recently to sit down. I had dinner with a couple of Hillsdale folks. And we were just gabbing. It wasn't, again, we're not working together or anything like that. We're just gabbing about some things. And I asked them, I was buttering them up. I flat out told them, I said, "I really want you to get my kid into college one day." You know, it's kind of half joking. It was very much half joking. Anyway, it's half joking with them. But along those lines, I asked, "Hey, what's it like to get in?" And I'm paraphrasing. I don't want to put words in their mouth, but they essentially said, "Well, the waiting list was long and it's gotten a whole lot longer in recent years." As you can imagine, there's this amazing university where you can send Aidan, Jaden, and Braden. They'll just learn the constitution and bath and history. And at the end of their four years, they'll be better thinkers and they'll reflect your values even more. You can send them to a place like Hillsdale where you can send them out to Berkeley. And you really don't get to see your daughter again for the rest of her life because she's at lesbian training now with a new group of friends. And she figured out that dad is a Nazi white supremacist. I know what I'm picking. I know exactly what I'm picking. The disdain the general public is beginning to acquire for these government education places, these dirty, commie education places is having people choose a different path. Look, it's not just that colleges are having to make cuts. Homeschooling's going through the roof. As people have learned more and more about how horrible the curriculum is, they are choosing something different for their kids. I have friends, they vote Republican. You know, they're all going to vote Trump and whatnot, but they're not heavily political people. They're already asking me, hey, Jesse, what school would you trust? Hey, Jesse, I'm really worried about our girl. These are not political people, but they know. They see, they went out. They went out of it. And that's a good thing. Again, we are already separating. It's just a matter of how exactly, we wouldn't wear exactly, we go from here. All right, I want to discuss communist choke points, a couple emails, then we're going to do headlines. And I tried to pack everything into the show. It's been a very, very busy show. It's a great show. If I say so myself, Chris, what Chris? Anyway, maybe this show was too much for you. Maybe there was too much yelling. I do feel like my voice was too elevated tonight. Sorry, I'm full of energy. Look, I take a male vitality stack from chalk every day. Even in the evening time, I am full of energy. I don't know what to tell you. Once you get your tea levels up, gentlemen, you'll stop needing a nap at three in the afternoon. And more importantly than that, your mind will start being clearer. You need testosterone for logical thinking. It's not just about making babies with the old lady. You need it for logical thinking. You need it for energy. You need it for mood. Gentlemen, are you down ever? Kind of weirdly down. Let's get depressed in the evenings. It's because your tea levels are down. Go get a male vitality stack. Take it every day. You'll feel so much better., promo code Jesse. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly Show final segment of the Jesse Kelly Show. I feel like I was a little bit amped up tonight. It's not exactly sure what's going on there. Little amped up that it was probably the my pillow bedding products. I don't know, but I've slept great. Either way, I feel amazing tonight. Now, let's do a couple more emails before I get the headlines I didn't get to. But before I get to those, I just want to play something for you really quickly. Remember, there is a huge difference between power and popularity. The right oftentimes confuses those two things. They're the silent majority. Oh gosh, gag me. Power and majority are different things. The communist knows this. The communist will take popularity if it's given to him, but it's not something he seeks. He seeks power and because he seeks power, he grabs choke points of power in your society. Why is there a child drag show at the local library in your little red town in Wyoming? Because while you were driving by the local library, the local communist who just moved there from California, they wouldn't got themselves in charge of it. They seized a choke point of power, but I don't understand. This town's 90% Republican. The communist understood that. That's why they went to the library and took over. This happened in the corporate world through the HR department. In fact, if you're a corporation that has an HR department and you're listening to the sound of my voice, you should understand you have very likely invited a poisonous deadly cancer into your company and you should probably fire everyone in the HR department and eliminate the department completely. The HR department, it was the choke point of power the American communist used to take over America's corporations. You get them in there. It's almost, always, almost universally some single child, childless cat lady HAG who hates everything about America and hates herself. And you let her determine the training your company goes through, the hiring, the firing, soon your corporate board room was full of a bunch of dirtball commies. I'm gonna play something for you right now. I want you to listen to this. Her name is Kira Lynn Johnson. Who is she? Delta Airlines. She's their DEI chief. That's her paid job. This heifer's job is to be the DEI chief for Delta Airlines. You invite this Maoist HAG into your corporate board room. You deserve everything you get from them. But the other more subtle forms of communications, I would call them the Little Sea Communications, they might even be verbal communications. So we're beginning to take a hard look at things like our gatehouse announcements. We welcome ladies and gentlemen and we've asked ourselves, is that as gender inclusive as we want to be? We're looking at some legacy language that exists in some of our employee manuals and getting to the root of the way some things are described and saying, does that actually send a message of inclusivity? Delta's working on saying or on stopping the saying ladies and gentlemen at the gate. Why? The wheels are falling off mid flight. Planes are playing bumper cars now because you filled up the air traffic controllers with a bunch of DEI hires. You're stuffing a bunch of DEI hires in the cockpit. Things are a complete disaster. Flight cancellation everywhere. And Delta's focusing on eliminating ladies and gentlemen. How could this happen? First, you started an HR department. Second, instead of properly vetting the people coming into your HR department, you wouldn't, well, she went to Yale. You wouldn't hired some HAG who to take over your HR department. And soon, your formerly wonderful company began to be filled up with communist cancers. Now it's terminal and you don't know how to stop it. You don't know how to end it. That is how they seize choke points in this country. Jesse, I love your show. I listen on KEX 1190AM in Portland. That's a sweet station. I love it when you do history stuff. I like the ones you did about Rome, Civil War. I have not voted in over 30 years. And this June, I registered to vote Republican. And the words of Popeye, "It's all I can stand and you can't stand no more." I love that, that's awesome. Jesse, I just listened to your show. I have a comment about the church question. And my church were constantly told while we are strongly urged to vote, we cannot endorse any candidate or party from the pulpit 'cause it could jeopardize the tax exempt status of our church. Our church is worldwide. So if one congregation in some town is advocating for a person or party, some visitor decides to record it. It could impact others. Okay, I understand that. Why don't black churches struggle with that? How many black churches, how much audio can I play from these poisonous black liberation theology churches of them explicitly endorsing candidates, endorsing causes, over and over and over again, they do so without fear. If the communists will get up and preach boldly without fear, and the good guys are worried about their tax exempt status, we're already finished. And now- Here's a headline. Gold, you know this, you know the thing. Headlines, we didn't get to you. House conservatives push for funding fight and shut down looms weeks before the election. Oh, absolutely. I am sure the GOP's gonna dig in its heels and really make a stand. I'm sorry, I couldn't even get it out. Secret Service apologizes the Massachusetts salon owner for breaking into the shop to use the bathroom. I first, when I first saw this story this weekend, I swear I thought it was one of those kind of internet rumor parody things. The United States Secret Service really did, they taped over a securities camera and they broke into a closed Massachusetts salon so people could use the restroom. And we only know about this because the owner came forward and complained and said, look what these freaking people did. This government is so out of control and people don't even know it. America's progressive cities are increasingly childless. Someone said it's a family exodus doom loop. Who wouldn't want to raise their kids around violent crime and heroin needles? Black Maryland parents, Sue DC Children's Hospital over removal, sex change and trafficking of autistic son. They haven't been allowed to see him in three years. Just a reminder, we are the good guys and they are not. All right. - This has been a podcast from WOR. - It's time for today's Lucky Land Horoscope with Victoria Cash. Life's gotten mundane, so shake up the daily routine and be adventurous with a trip to Lucky Land. You know what they say. Your chance to win starts with a spin. So go to to play over a hundred social casino style games for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. Get lucky today at - No purchase necessary. BGW Group void were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms of condition supply.