FM Talk 1065 Podcasts

State Rep Matt Simpson Guest Hosts - Midday Mobile - Tuesday 8-13-24 hour 1

Broadcast on:
13 Aug 2024
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There will be no personal nor direct attacks on anyone and I would ask that you please try to Keep down the loud cheering and the clapping. There will be no booing and no unruly behavior With that this is painful and it will be for a long time After all these are a couple of high-stepping turkeys and you know what to say about a high stepper No step too high for a high stepper. This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five was shot a tough guy. I mean, I think everybody knows that you know Sean He took some licks he hangs in there. Yeah, what's wrong with the beer? We got I mean the deal we got drink pretty good on it. Did you hear what I said? So this is a bathe council. I had no doubt about them. That doesn't shock Good afternoon everybody. This is state representative Matt Simpson if you're listening now You know that I am not Sean Sullivan Sean is on vacation He should be back soon for us But I am happily filling in for him and we're gonna get started off right off the bat with one of the most Distinguished guests that I could invite Don here I'm very happy to have the speaker of the house. Mr. Nathaniel lead better. Mr. Speaker. How are you doing today? I'm doing good Matt. Good. We don't show where you say absolutely one of the things and why I'm so excited to have you on Is because we we talk all the time about wanting to get our message out and wanting the public to understand Some of the good things of what we're doing in Montgomery And I can't think of a better way than to have you talk about some of the stuff that maybe the public is not aware You know a lot of the the the elephants kind of take a lot of oxygen in the room Some of the bills that didn't pass this session But there are a lot of good things that did pass and it wanted to kind of get your opinion and talk about the the outcome of this past Session we just had Yeah, I think it was on the better session today I like you said a lot of times some of the bigger subjects takes up all the oxygen in the room But you look at some things we pass as far as about harps in the D. I and and you know cheese act You know those are all strong piece of legislation that they helped our state in the long run And I think it's makes taxpayers money to better use so Starting to looking forward to see how those come. We have a number of Positive bills that come out this year. I think last two sessions has been really strong and Appreciate the leadership of for you. You know as a chair in the comedian and you've done a great job and Certainly look forward to continuing the work and seeing and improving even improving our state Well, I appreciate that one of the things and we're starting to see some of the results from what we've been doing Just in the past few years from the legislature and one of the things I'm happy about is some of the national media is starting to pay attention And looking at Alabama for our business-friendly policies. Can you tell us some of the stuff that you've seen and how that's been played out? Yeah, I think you know this year as well, you know We passed working for Alabama, which I think is gonna be a big big deal But if we we had the incentives that we had on the game plan We had to renew last year because the Sun said and you know some things that come out of that the feedback is a big very Productive for the state But with incentives that we've had I think people failed to realize, you know, Alabama is becoming you Alabama I mean if you look at the rankings of who we're at we're number one in exporting Audible bills we're in the top five and ship building that commercial airlines were number one. I mean technology now in Alabama was a Research and and murmur me down with southern research and huts alpha-huts will and now going in the wire grass We fast become one of the strongest growing research states in the country And we've got more engineers with Alabama, especially in the redstone arsenal area than the other part of the country So Alabama's changing. I mean it's I think a lot of that has to do with The legislative body is fast and I'm proud to be a part of that and you know, I don't have to you because you're involved We got great members. They do really good work and I'm proud of to be the speaker of this group We do and and I'm really happy to be a part of the team and on the team statewide and especially down here We've got some really good people that you've put into some really powerful positions You talk about state representative Chip Brown who's a chair Marjorie Wilcox is a chair You've people criticize a lot and say well, you're from Fort Payne you're from Rainsville You don't really know South Alabama You're down here in South Alabama a ton and that's where I try to tell everyone is you spend a lot of time down in Mobile in Baldwin County And you've recognized the talent. Can you just talk to us about what you've seen from Mobile in Baldwin counties? Yeah, I mean I was kidding Chip the other day and I had a chance to go out and do a little bit of fishing I was down a couple weeks goes down here this weekend again. I think like every few weeks I'm down there, but I love that part of the state I mean, that's beautiful and gross and what it's doing for our state of time is amazing and Certainly the leadership that you guys provided we have put more people in the leadership roles from Mobile, Baldwin County probably more than ever in the State House, so I'm excited about that and I Expect you know with folks like yourself, and I was just telling somebody today You know that's a super smart guy. He works extremely hard probably as hard as any man We got Marcus doing a tremendous job. He really has stepped her game up Certainly was proud to put him around over a porch a chair in that committee for a porch You know, it's so important people in North Alabama. I've I preach it all with that How important the port is and mobility is for our commerce across the state Certainly important for North Alabama. I mean if you look at what they're doing a fire or Toyota Mazda and with Ag You know Alabama ranks second Ag so a lot of production from North Alabama goes out of court and mobile so it all works together, but I'm You know shiny strangers taking the big row leads a vice chair on one of the committees and nice the chairman of the delegation there then mobile so I Think all of you all those Folks down there have done a really good job. You got some new people is coming in freshman was Donna Givens and and you know Francis Holt Jones and I think they've done a really good job Donna is one of their own refreshment that we have on our journal fun So she's on one of the most powerful committees in the State House So it's it's amazing that the accomplishment job done and what you're working with and I sort of me from my leadership perspective appreciate that Matt And we also we were miss if we didn't talk about you know one of the the main people sitting at the table from South Alabama is our Pro Tem Chris Pringle and and you talk about your relationship with him and how y'all work together and the speaker and the pro Tem role Yeah, Korea has been tremendous. He has done a heck of a job and I am so proud to have him in that role And yeah, he and I over the past two years have gotten extremely close and we're really good together and Chris is smart I mean he's got so much institutional knowledge and there's been many times I call him in the office and just say okay What do you think about this and what do you say the thing about Chris? He's a he's a team guy, you know, whatever the team decides to do he's gonna be there full-bore and I can't compliment him enough on the job. He's doing I really to be honest I think all of us when we first get these roles me including, you know, there's growing The first person we go through and try to develop into better leaders and I've seen Chris Pringle do that And I've seen him in the last two years really grow in just rolling I think he's doing a tremendous job and certainly working as closely with him as I do He's become a good friend and I'm excited for him more I think that's there a good couple and I look forward to being down there for his his big event Absolutely. I know you were just down here this past weekend kind of this is This past weekend that Baldwin County becomes the center of the Alabama political universe Or we have all of our federal and local and state officials coming through The business-friendly environment that we've tried to create with the legislature has starting to get some of the notice of People signing and coming up for Alabama as being a business-friendly state and that's that's getting spread out nationally Can you talk about the reports that's coming through that? Yeah, it's been kind of amazing. I think you know some of the people used to reporting Especially that I guess the last two weeks We've seen where Alabama ranks is the most moved into the one of the most business-friendly states in the country You know, we've moved in Broadband access to Broadband from being 44 now. We're 24 We've moved in education and I think we'll choose that we're gonna see more movement with that. I mean Alabama has set the bar now in the Southeast and I think it has a lot to do with some of the things that the legislative bodies Don't imagine a question about that the incentives that's being passed We got the strongest incentives package in the country and I think we do it the right way Those companies got to be here and doing business before they start getting them and you know, even with the you know our growth is dictated that we do some other things and The working for Alabama plan we passed this year with childcare tax credit, which is going to be very positive for your area as well It's the housing credit. I think Remote bill and ball and those stand out probably the counties I think that that's going to benefit the most is going to be Mobile ball and in Madison just because of the extraordinary growth that I had When when you see some of the the ideas become fruition and they start to actually produce the results You were promised that's got to make you feel good when you see the port being when we started talking in these conversations in 2019 about what we were going to do with the rebuild Alabama act and how Important to roll the pork plate in that act and then you see here We are five six years later and you see the result. It's doing that's got to make you feel good, right? Well, it does. I mean it really does. I mean you got to think you know being from North Alabama and we're putting two hundred 50 million dollars in the port to the rebuild act And me selling that to people and tell them this is a great thing ever Because it's going to open up our commerce from what is locked open up a vein You know if one of us like the other showing new business and that man has done it I mean if you look at the growth at mobile, I think through with a form of passage going ports in the country They've increased since we started that work 43% I mean just for what's coming in and now because of that you're talking about putting a port here in Montgomery and We'll see them across the state. I think I want to thank you and I was just at Southern legislative conference and it I served on one of the communities and transportation actually cheered that community for them for a few years and See if what Georgia had done with our off-ports and doing it across her state now See in Alabama mirror and that and being able to do it and now we're taking some of those you know finally finally We produce more cars than anybody, but we wasn't able to show a amount of our port because it wasn't deep enough and wide enough And now seeing that come to be and seeing those automobile is coming into the port in mobile It is I mean, it's just you think you know Going through all that and trying to get it done and seeing it comes fruition is is a big deal And you know, I think we all got to give credit Do you think good Lord looking out for someone like that? But man, it's been awesome the kind of problems they like I get a chance to do and see what the outcomes have been One of the issues and I can't let you get off the phone without talking about it Because I know this issue is so important to you from even before you were speaker when you were the majority leader is mental health in Alabama And the increased funding and the increased spending we've had on mental health and some of the results from that Can you tell us what your efforts have been and how you're seeing that payoff? Yeah, you know, we were the point there with all the growth we were having our economy I told the governor was certainly fighting in mental health and she tasked me to try to fix it And I think you know, it's one of those things. It's always going to fix and continuing to build it It's almost like putting a puzzle together, but if you look at the outcome from when we first started To today, I mean, we we have made strides it is something I didn't think about It's just everybody working together when you got other states go and say, okay. How y'all doing this and we're Strongly becoming one of the stronger states for mental health and I I'm proud of that I mean, you know, a lot of first things we did of course is put mental health coordinators never school system across the state and Then it's increasing the CIT training for a police officer So I could identify mental health and not only for the safety of the people they serve also for themselves and then the crisis care centers one of which is going in mobile now has been a huge deal and I think we all got 15 mobile units We're gonna add six crisis care centers brick and mortar that we've got open most all of them now my fact the governor dashed me to come to a wing in Huntsville where we had put one layer now they're expanded to the Lesson's wing so the growth and what we've put in mental health is certainly Something I think makes us a better state Well, you're absolutely been on the front lines of that and to lead the charge with a lot of what we're doing in mental health And you should absolutely be commended for that It's it's that time, and I know you're getting ready to leave But I do want to ask a couple of questions because everybody will everybody wants to know Soon as we get done with the 2024 session the first question that everybody's mouth is what's happening in 2025 Where do you see the session added in 2025? Well, I think you know There's something we just got through talking about Matt with the growth of our economy and certainly has been you know It's been something that I didn't think would say in a lifetime this happening. I mean we're growing the place I've never dreamed we could be doing it and with that comes issues and you know one of them in metropolitan areas we've got some issue for crime and So we have already geared up and have been meeting about that and probably some legislation to try to help with that I think it's important for our growth that people know if they come down about and they can be safe and We've got some issues and we've got to face them and we so we'll continue to work on that So that'll be some of the things I think the education side of it you'll see some Some things in education it's gonna make it stronger And I think that's something we tried to do you know one thing when I come as speakers try to separate education system I think we're making some strides in that but I think this year we'll see some more Probably come out and so I think those will be a couple of things. You'll see Certainly you've done a tremendous job. I can't give you enough credit on what you've done with ethics. You're so warm And I think we've gotten you know sometimes as you know and the listeners need to be aware But sometimes on tough issues if you can't get it done in one session Because there's so many things it just takes time and to get it right and I think that's important I applaud you on work you've done. So I wouldn't be surprised. We don't see something with that come back So it you know, I think there's a lot of things will be coming up and I'm excited about that We've met the last two days I've been in my government and been doing meetings and and we've got some exciting things one of them We're meeting here at one o'clock and I'm not a preview to announce it. Yep if we can pull it off It's gonna be a big deal for Alabama Breaking news to pay attention something's happening at one o'clock, but we'll find out what it is later Mr. Speaker, thank you for your time. Thank you for everything you've done for mobile in Baldwin counties Thank you for your leadership for the state of Alabama and tell us Teresa. I said hello. I Will do it. I will do it tell Marina. We said hello look forward to seeing you guys again we thank the world of y'all and You've done a tremendous job and I just can't say enough of your leadership and you know I thought my putting in the leadership role and it's terrible when you do a great job It's you've exceeded my expectations. I just want thank you for the leader that you are Well, thank you mr. Speaker. I certainly do appreciate that All right, we're going to go to a break now. This is FM talk 106 five at midday mobile. I am not Sean Sullivan. I'm state representative Matt Simpson, but we'll be right back This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk Good afternoon everybody, this is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan only I am not Sean Sullivan This is state representative Matt Simpson filling in for you guys today Don't change the channel just yet. We've got an exciting program today One of the things that I wanted to do when I had this opportunity to come in and host is kind of talk about some of the things that the general Public is not talking about that that maybe it falls under the radar a little bit from from everybody It's not going to catch the headlines of It's not going to be the thing everybody talks about at the water cooler But we're really doing some things across the state that are really making an impact that really when you when you go to Montgomery You try to make a difference and that's some of the stuff that we're doing to make our area better to make all our listeners The area that all our listeners in and serve better You know to have the opportunity to have the speaker come in and we talk so strongly about what's going on in both mobile and Baldwin counties When he puts leadership in the roles of Chip Brown as a chair of Shane Stringer of our pro-tem Chris Pringle of Margie Wilcox as a chair when you have the opportunity to get some A voice in Montgomery to be sitting at the table. That's what we've needed That's what we're pressing for and we've got some young guns coming in I know Chip Shane and I have been there for about six we're going on our seventh term going up on seven years But we've got you think of Mark Shirey dr. Mark Shirey who does a lot with health care you think of Francis Holt Jones Donah Givens Jennifer Fiddler and you throw that on top of the the group that came in with with Chip Shane and I and you throw that with Margie and and Chris Pringle We're really doing a good deal for our area and I want people to understand what we're doing for our area That's my biggest my biggest weakness. I'll tell you is the messaging People come out all the time. It's like if I only knew what you guys were doing or I didn't know that was something that was going on So this is an opportunity that I wanted to jump on and tell people hey We're doing some really good things for South Alabama and Montgomery And some of the benefit of what we're talking we're gonna talk about that today We'll talk about next up at 1230 is going to be Michael Hoyt candidate for district court judge He's candidate for district court judge because we passed a bill in 2023 giving 13 new judges throughout the state and Four of those new judges came to Mobile in Baldwin counties So we're seeing the product of good legislation of good conservative government and I want you guys to hear about it So stick around for the rest of the day You This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 1006 5 Good afternoon everybody you are listening to FM talk 1006 5 This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan only this is not with Sean Sullivan I am state representative Matt Simpson filling in today. Sean is on vacation for a week. He should be back pretty soon I'm very happy to be the host today and one of the things I got to do is just wanted to figure Who would you like to talk to if you had this opportunity to discuss Issues going on down here and I couldn't think of a better person to talk about what what's going on Then our new district court court judge candidate in most Baldwin County and when I say candidate He is the candidate and there's nobody on the ballot against him and that is Michael Hoyt Michael. Are you there? Madam here and and it's a great to talk with you. Thanks for having me on today Well, absolutely one of the things that we I wanted to focus on was some of the good things that the legislature and that it's coming out of Alabama And one of those good things is this 2023 bill that we passed with 13 new judges coming throughout the state And of those 13 new judges we were able to get for down in Mobile and Baldwin County in 2024 Mobile is getting a Mobile is getting a district court judge Baldwin County is getting a district court judge and Baldwin County is also getting a circuit court judge in 1926 Baldwin County will get a circuit court judge as well and to have you be one of those guys that that People and not just guys judges. There's a ton of female judges some very good ones in our area But to have you be one of the people that's filling in that spot that just meant the world to me So I wanted to get the opportunity for the people to find out who you are Michael we go back a long way in the Republican Party, and can you just kind of tell us tell let the people know who you are? Matt, thank you very much, and let me just start by saying I Can't overstate and I hope the people can understand the Herculean effort that was undertaken in the 2023 legislative session and particularly by our Baldwin County delegation and getting these three new judgeships for Baldwin County Something that has been trying to be done for a decade plus And to not only get that done But to have it passed unanimously out of both houses is is tremendous And you know we we've had the same amount of judges in Baldwin County district and circuit court judges For the past 20 plus years and we know what's happened to our population during that time And we certainly don't have the same amount of people that we had 20 years ago And so this this was just a great work by our legislative delegation and by the legislature as a whole and what a what a positive for the people of our region the mobile in Baldwin County because If you can't get your case in front of a judge and you can't be heard timely We know the old saw that just as delayed as just as denied and that's certainly true And so this is something that is really a tremendous net positive that came out of the legislative session And thank you for your efforts in getting that done Absolutely that was something that was kids close home to me You know we've been in front of Judge Reed and a lot of judges over in Baldwin County when I was practicing over there And they'd all say we need new judges and nobody thought it would happen in their lifetime And not only did we get one but we got three coming to Baldwin County So so to have that can you let the people understand what a district court judge does and and how this is going to help them And the people have more access to justice with what we're doing Matt I've served as the municipal court judge for the city of Daphne's for the past 12 years It'll be 12 years in January and in the municipal courts you handle all of the misdemeanor criminal violations that occur within your city all of the traffic cases and a lot of that directly transfers over to the duties of the district court judge except it's on a county wide scale So the district court hears all traffic violations that Originate with the sheriff's department of state troopers Also, here's all of the criminal misdemeanor criminal cases that are brought by not only the Sheriff's Department of state troopers, but also conservation officers or Marine police Division of Aliyah as well as felony cases that are on preliminary hearing and all of the civil cases such as small claims and matters in controversy up to $20,000 so the district court much like the municipal courts really are the courts of the people's court They're the they're the court that you're most likely to have contact with And so it's important to have Efficiency and handling those cases and managing large volumes, and I'm just grateful for the opportunity to be able to use the skills that I've developed in years as a city court judge and prosecutor As well as a defense lawyer and to use that in the district court and serve the people of Baldwin County What's the and I know just I know how hard you work and I know you do research and you get prepared from what's the caseload? You're anticipating walking into what are our district court judges facing right now? You know right now we have two district court judges that do really triple a quadruple duty because They handle not only those cases that I've talked about we just mentioned, but they also take a share of the domestic relations Cases and then in the case of the judge Thomas and she also runs the veterans court and so Those assignments will change and we will when I come on board We will have three district court judges, and we'll have two district court judges for the first time in my career That are solely doing traditional district court work, which is those civil dockets Small claims and all the criminal cases right now Matt those dockets on traffic dockets that can be Six seven hundred cases in a day So so the general public I want them to understand when they come in if you're talking five six seven hundred cases That means you're coming into a docket that may start at nine o'clock and and Michael how long do some of those Kate? How long do those dockets last? Well, they could potentially last if you've got everybody come to court like they're supposed to and should They could last well into the afternoon, and so it's important to to make sure that those hand cases are handled Very efficiently because we have to respect people's time people work They had to take off from work and be out there if it's younger people they might be out of school And so you want to be able to handle those cases everybody gets their opportunity to be in court But do so in a professional and timely in efficient manner and you've seen stories of it happening and I know of instances where it happened where a judge will take the bench at nine o'clock and Just go on through and they're sitting there until five five thirty six o'clock in the evening sometimes And it's not this judges that have to do that It's the general public it's the people that took off from work that say hey I had to take off from work today, and I've got here eight thirty because I wanted to be on time And I'm waiting and I'm waiting and I'm waiting and by four o'clock. They're upset They're really upset before four o'clock, but they're upset. So this gives people the chance So they won't have to be sitting in Baymanette all day long trying to get their case heard to have more judges working on it That's what I'm excited about to have that opportunity Michael You know, this is one of those Opportunities where is you as a legislator can watch a bill come to life come to fruition and really see tangible real results And I know that's got to be satisfying for y'all Because this is really going to be something that you're going to see a change now Let me tell you our district court judges are the hardest working ones in the state I know Judge Scully has the I think lasted the largest volume in the state So they they work very hard very great great job And so this will bring so much needed relief and and and really will be a boon for the people And that's what today is about on this show. I wanted people to understand what what to get Information that they may not have our judges in Baldwin County are working judges our judges are the same in Mobile County They're working judges. This isn't something where hey, you got a judge on the golf course every day and enjoying their time Our judges are on the bench working Constantly and because of they've had to be so Could underserve the people by three judges. That's why we got it in Baldwin County That to be able to have the opportunity to have not only you serve in a district court judge role But also another circuit court judges was going to help in those cases cases move faster And then in two years we've got another judge coming to help move those cases faster So judicial the efficiency is going to increase exponentially and that's what I'm excited about but but Michael Not just the fact that the spot itself is created I'm very happy that you will be able to serve on the bench and and you mentioned it you've served as a municipal judge But I want people to understand your background. You're born and raised in Baldwin County, right? Well, I'm not a native Baldwin County and but lived in Baldwin County since I was in fourth grade That's what it was and grew up here in Baldwin County prior to that was in you know way across the Bay over there in Mobile So Gulf Coast my whole life and grew up in Baldwin County went to Baldwin County public schools graduated from Daphne high school Graduated from Auburn University, you know, you and I diverged there Me and marina have differences there, but that's okay. You can't be part of it. I went to And then I went to law school University of Arkansas a little rock and came back home to Baldwin County and open my practice with my law partner Warren Harbison back in 2006 and we've been in practice together ever since that time and that really matters when mine and your relationship developed because it was around that time that the you you kind of Brought back to life the Baldwin County young Republicans Me and you and Brad Hicks, right? Yeah, that's right. And so we used to have meetings at my office over there in Daphne and And so we our ties go way back. We've been good friends for many many years We've been both of us have been involved in the leadership of the young Republicans and in the Baldwin County Republican executive committee which both you and I are past chairs of that committee and also serve On the in the state party and you've got leadership roles there So we we have commonality and commonality of interest and and and and share the the conservative values that really make ball and county great and so while the Role of a judge is not political at all. It's the opposite of that. You don't take into account anybody's politics on any judicial just dishable matter before you, but it's important that Whatever candidate for office whatever they're running for that they do have those the Baldwin County conservative values and and I know that I bring that to this job and And we'll do a good job for the people It's important for everybody to understand just how respected you are from your time Running the party from your time involvement in legal profession not only just in politics But in your professional life and your personal life as well Michael your thoughts so highly of that that nobody ran against you when you declared that you were going to run for this district court Judge spot everybody said that's wonderful. How long you've got the experience to do it. How long have you been the municipal court judge in Daphne? Well, let me say Matt. I hope you host this show more often than when I need a ego boost You call me and I'm gonna come on here. Thank you for your kind kind words But I'll tell you and you know it it's very humbling to have an open seat and there's hundreds of lawyers in Bowen County and that I had the respect of my colleagues such that nobody ran against me in the primary like you said and Nobody's running against me in the general and and I'm so appreciative of that and it's and it's very humbling And I'm grateful to all my colleagues for for putting their faith in me to do the job And letting me do that I I When I went into practice the morning I hung our shingle Straight out of taking the bar open an office had no clients and Judge Doyle who I do his kids from going to school with some of them and he said they come down to Daphne court And I'll give you some appointed cases and so I used to go down there every Tuesday and sit in Judge Doyle's court Represented people down there and then you kind of build your practice And I took appointed cases in there had private cases in there and When that position came open I put in for that a lot of other lawyers did too Scariest job interview I've ever had which was done in an open city council meeting In front of everyone and I was blessed to be chosen unanimously to serve as the municipal court judge And that was back in January of 2013 And they've had the confidence to reappoint me five additional times since then it's two-year terms for I mean That's the court judge. So I thoroughly enjoyed doing that and doing that is really what Gave me the desire to want to do that on a larger scale And do that countywide and I'm certainly blessed to be able to do so well I can tell you Daphne is certainly going to miss you, but but our loss in Daphne is going to be the entire county's gain When will you take this bench when when's your first sworn into office day? I will get sworn in on Tuesday January 21st, 2025 That 20th is a holiday that's Martin Luther King day and so the courthouses and all will be closed on that day So the the fancy term for it is Restiture for the judges and so that will be a January 21st of 25 January 21st of 25 and if I know you like I think I do I think you've already got a docket lined up for January 22nd It'll happen quickly it'll happen quickly that's for sure well Michael I'm certainly proud to be able to call you a friend and thank you for coming on the show And I look forward to all the wonderful things you're going to be able to do on the bench Well, God bless you Matt. I appreciate your friendship and appreciate all you do for us down here in district 96 And then the work you do in our state party. Thank you for your leadership. Well, thank you, sir It is 1249 at FM talk 10065 you're listening midday mobile with Sean Sullivan only I'm not Sean Sullivan This is representative Matt Simpson. We'll be back in just a few minutes This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan on FM talk 106 five Good afternoon everybody you're listening to FM talk 10065 this is midday moat midday mobile with Sean Sullivan only I'm not Sean Sullivan This is state representative Matt Simpson as you guys can see part of what I wanted to do today was talk about the good news for our Area good news for our state things that are going on really well that maybe fall under the radar a little bit stuff like Hey, we got four new judges coming to our area to help people have access to justice Stuff like let's speak you're talking about the leadership roles of our people down here One of the news articles that just came across my desk because there was a press conference this morning I couldn't be at because I was getting ready for this today is Governor Ivy was in town and Governor Ivy announced $30 million in projects for go Mesa funded projects. You're not going to hear that other places It's not going to be the first run that's in the press area But 25 projects in coastal Alabama received $30 million announced today Chris Blankenship Who's the director the commissioner of the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources is helping responsible for giving out that They've given over more than two hundred and ten million dollars under the Ivy administration for go Mesa projects And that is only in our area Senator Chris Elliott had a bill a few years ago to make sure that that go Mesa money Which is the Gulf and I want to make sure I have this right the Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act Which goes to make sure that that money is protected and goes towards environmental education and outreach sewer and stormwater Infrastructure wallet water quality improvements Recreational access improvements and other important projects and those funds have to stay in mobile in Baldwin County So as part of the press release that went out today as far the front funding that went through that 30 million plus that went out I'm happy to say honor park in Spanish Fort got 30 mil. They got three million of that money Which is hey always good for district 96 you see the city of Creola got a million dollars for their conservation and education project Mobile County Cedar Point boat ramp phase two got two point seven five million dollars Meer State Park the headquarters at the camp store project one point one million dollars Big fan of that in the district dolphin island middle beach access improvements So the dolphin island middle beach access improvements one point five million Summerdale Miracle League ball fields one point five three eight million fair hope flying Creek natural preserve phase two one point three million The National Maritime Museum improvement and mobile two point two five million Serenly and water and sewer system upgrades one point five million Blakely Park waterfront Astra access improvement project one point nine million Mobile Riverfront Park enhancements phase two three point zero two three million Dolphin Island sewer collection system two point nine six five Little things like that of how we're making sure that we get what we I'm not gonna say what we deserve I'm not gonna say we get everything that we should get we should get more But when we do good things to bring stuff to our area That's the stuff that you guys don't hear about when I'm trying to tell you we're fighting for you in Montgomery We really do work as a region. We put ours put our arm around each other and say what's good for Mobile County is good for Baldwin County There's not a lot of animosity or that it's not a you versus us as hurts It's a we argument that we make and when we go up there and we're able to get the governor to come down here with a 30 million dollar Announcement on go Mesa funds. That's something that's good news So when Sean asked me to be on I wanted to have a good news day I wanted to have a good news Tuesday. So we're gonna talk about some of the good news next up at one o'clock The one o'clock hour is going to be state representative Margie Wilcox We're going to talk about some of the stuff that she passed some legislation she passed last year That's going to be very helpful to everybody that that can hear the state the station And you'll understand while I'm saying that when we talked about what can who can hear the radio because of what Representative Wilcox has done We're gonna talk about her roles and joint transportation as a chair of the joint transportation committee the chair of the sunset Committee Just things that may be fall under the radar a little bit that the general public won't hear about you guys are our constituents We're supposed to hear from you. I will tell you the text line is open 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6. That's 2 5 1 3 4 3 0 1 0 6 This is midday mobile with Sean Sullivan. I'm state representative Matt Simpson [Music]