The Patdown with Ms. Pat

265: Ms. Pat's English Accent

Ms. Pat debuts a new skill as an actress: an English accent. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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13 Aug 2024
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Ms. Pat debuts a new skill as an actress: an English accent.

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- All rise 'cause baby court is back in session. (upbeat music) - This is season two. He's a real case with real money on the line. - He can go to hell. Am I paying him nothing? - She butchered my dog, Tierka. - In my defense. - He literally made this lady dog by race. He blackened her face and white on that. (audience laughing) Your job is to be funny and my job is to be funnier. - Ooh, wait a minute, can you run that back? (buzzer beeping) - You and your mama look like Snoop Dogg at two different ages. (audience laughing) - He a chef. They cook nuggets. - Yeah. - Does he have to ask people if they have nut allergies? (laughing) - What type of drugs you on? - You gonna find out though? - Don't play with me. Play the radio. - I am Jack. - I object to that caution tape outfit. - Oh, shit. (laughing) (upbeat music) - I'm getting my money back to that. - How you know my verdict? (upbeat music) - I'm gonna mess around and find out. - For real, look, I tried. - Y'all may have started, but I'm gonna settle it. - Watch season two of "Miss Pat Settles" at starting July 31st on Wednesday nights at 10 p.m. Eastern on BET. Hey, it's white boy Chris. If the Pat Downs ever made you laugh, then join our Patreon and support us. Get bonus content, a t-shirt, or an autographed copy of "Rabbit, Miss Pat's Autobiography." Visit for the link to the Patreon and while you're there, join our Facebook group. - Welcome to another episode of "The Pat Down." And I'm here with my good friend, Dion Curry. He's my co-host and my other co-hosts here. It's Chris Spangalain, who's been here from the damn start. - Fuckalock. - We don't know what he's saying, but it sound like he been to Ireland and he wasn't welcome to. (laughing) You stay tuned 'cause in this episode, the lights goes out. And when the lights come back on, one of us turned into a different national. (laughing) - I attempted it, it failed. (laughing) It was a close one. (laughing) (upbeat music) ♪ You better get up, get out and turn into this podcast ♪ ♪ This Pat's bit the truth, it's bit the real fact ♪ ♪ Nothing but the other classy, at the same time ♪ ♪ Pat got the flavor, these are not the same line ♪ ♪ That's the politics, cheap and on the real grind ♪ ♪ It could be pretty with ugly at the same time ♪ ♪ Just tune in, put your lock on the spin dial ♪ ♪ Ain't no need for the waitin' turnin' up now ♪ ♪ What you talkin' 'bout is real though ♪ ♪ And cut the game, you gettin' on playin' like Nintendo ♪ ♪ You wait 'til time turnin' up, nothing but the ugly ♪ ♪ Straight off the tie, everything should say you know it funny ♪ ♪ Four plans, this a taste of the future ♪ ♪ Listen all your out from all your deaths, talk of beauty ♪ ♪ Siri, tweet it, ain't no way to beat it ♪ ♪ Nothing but the ugly turnin' up, it's gonna repeat it ♪ ♪ Nothing but the ugly turnin' up, it's gonna repeat it ♪ (laughing) - I have everybody, all the guests we have, they sort of, and like they scattered a mic. - I know. - Like just fuckin' talk. But it's hard when people and I used to, like I remember the first time I started doing "Stendo" and you know, that's one of the fuckin' amateur of a comedian, they have a mic way there. And I said, I was walkin' down the street, and you fuckin' scared, and you uncomfortable 'cause you're not in a zone that you're used to. - Yeah. - So we all used to have a mic snob face. So we like, put your fuckin' lips, your lips are big. This thing is cushioning, it's gonna bounce back. - When you start, do you remember your first radio interview? Like local morning radio show, you're at the local chuckle hut in Iowa and goin' in to see Don and Larry in the morning or whatever? - Mm, I don't quite remember my first radio interview. I know, was Eddie Ift was your first podcast? - He was my first podcast. - Were you nervous at all doin' that? - Mm-mm, I just went over there and there was a bunch of white boys diggin' their heads. - You remember your first bobbin' time interview? - I do, I was bombing. (laughing) - You wasn't bombing, you was nervous. - Yeah, I was nervous. - And you wasn't being yourself. - Yeah. - Because the old club owner talked it up to be so much, like, oh my God, if you get on bobbin' time, it's like Johnny Carson and you don't wanna fuck up and then the black people in Indiana was like, don't get on bobbin' time, they're racist and I'm like, what the fuck? And why you livin' playing field? It's racist, I ain't peep out here. I'm like, well, it's a miracle. They ain't hung people a little bit everywhere. (laughing) - A little bit everywhere. - Let's sprinkle over here. (laughing) - There's a little school system so I'm gonna be over here. (laughing) ♪ Come on home, America ♪ ♪ America ♪ ♪ Hey people ♪ ♪ It's from a tree ♪ ♪ So fucked up ♪ ♪ It's got you ♪ ♪ The black man sung this song ♪ ♪ A little bit here ♪ ♪ A little bit ♪ ♪ Just kick out that chair ♪ (laughing) ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ God damn ♪ ♪ Chris ♪ ♪ You had just kicked out that chair ♪ ♪ Where ♪ ♪ God damn ♪ - Chris got way too far a little bit. - I heard a little bit. - There were some Thanksgiving jokes. (laughing) - That's some white folk things. That's that green button casserole joke, right? - I'd never tell that of Thanksgiving. I wouldn't want them to think I'm racist. But for some reason I get here and here we go. (laughing) - So I'm doing the interview and Dion takes me. He's like, "You're bombing." And I'm like, "I am." He's like, "Tell me you've been shot in the titty soul." - You were a bombing. It was just, you know how to set up that bombing time was and since they lead you into your jokes and her strength wasn't being led into material. It was just her telling you a story. And I was like, "Just tell them about the time you got shot." 'Cause that was the first joke that I ever heard tell was when she was talking about getting shot. So when she starts talking about that story, she relaxed, you know, she was just telling them. - Yeah, and Tom when he grabs a hook like that, you know, it's, it's, you see, especially back then at that point they were seeing so many comedians come in. - Yeah. - And so to stand out. - You say Christy Lee saw the text messages. Like, what titty story? You say Christy saw that you were texting me during a break and she said, "What titty story?" 'Cause I was telling you to tell a titty story. - Oh yeah, and then I, when it came back from break, I told it and it just, and from there. - And from there. - We like you. - Yeah. - 'Cause I thought these by the escort my ass about it. - Yeah, I mean, people there are so proud of you because like you've always been considered a family comedian, which is like a haywood banks or Greg Warren or somebody like that comes on regularly and like was really close. Like Mike Downey Baker. - Or Big Lea kind of got his start there in a lot of ways. Like Tom went to bat for him. So for you to get to where you're at, like they're just every time I see them and I go back, you know, like they know I come back from like Atlanta. They're like, "How's Pat Tell? "We're really proud of her. "Is her house nice?" - That's why I always go back. - Yeah. - "Is her house nice?" (all laughing) - Yes it is. - Yes, yes it is. - Very high. - I haven't been to Tom's house yet. - I'm quite sure it's way better than it is. But I'm so thankful for them, you know, opening their doors and sharing their audience with me. And it's, you know, they really diversified me. - They got to see the real you and then they, you know-- - Yes, after who I was and kept going. And that's what we all should do. We should sell. I told y'all about that. No ginger bathroom, I went into LA. It was fucking awesome. - I didn't feel rapeable. I didn't feel-- - What time do you do you feel rapeable? Is there a scenario where you feel very rapeable? Is it like-- - When I take my bra off in front of Ashley. (all laughing) - That is crazy. (all laughing) I made a joke about chicken. - I mean, the worst but best answer ever. (all laughing) - That's the craziest thing set on this podcast. We had us. - It's so gross but accurate. - It ain't a song. (all laughing) - I just, you know, and that's how, but I try to, I don't, I'm never gonna see, I don't, I'm never gonna say, I don't see color. I try to focus more on I see people. - Yeah. - You know, 'cause assholes comes in every race and, you know, race is coming every shades of white and prejudice coming all skins of brown, right? - Do you think everybody has, like, there's a musical that has a song called "Everybody's a Little Racist" and the theory is like, "Everybody's Not Racist Against Racist" but like, everybody has their own prejudices. - Well, you know, white people can't be prejudice. - Well, here, I mean, the-- - The introduction bias is what I call it. - Yeah. - So if you don't know anybody who's black and you're introduced to black people to a certain medium. - Yeah, yeah, I was waiting for you to clean it up but I was like, we got one. Let's keep going. - We can't, they can't, they're racist. We can be prejudice. - Everybody can be racist. - Everybody can be racist. - Really? - Yes. - It's interpersonal racism. So there's interpersonal racism where you can hate a person just because of their skin color. - Colorism. - So imagine something. - It's being racism. - It's being racism. - Is it hate? Is it really, I hate you because you're black or I hate you because you're this? - I tend to find that it's more ignorance. Like in the conversations that I have because I can have very frank racist conversations with people because they're not gonna say these things to you guys but they'll say it to like another white person. It's always born out of like economic insecurity. It always is because they're threatened in some way in like their own standing in their own being and they're like it's just deeply insecure people. - They're threatened by what though? - They're feeling disconnected from whatever, right? Like I'm thinking of one person like they don't have any friends. They don't have much going on for them in life. So they find community in these online groups and the way to fit into those groups is to be racist. Is who can say the most outlandish racist thing to be top of the the wood pile? Like, you know, it's like racist King of the Mountain, I guess is the way to put it. And that's what I typically find. It's somebody trying to show off to fit in because of their own deep insecurities. - We always said that about white boys and doctors. - That's what I find about like the new class. - That wasn't the type of racism that I experienced growing up as a kid in Indiana. Wasn't that I'm trying to fit in 'cause I don't have any friends. Now I was, I hate black people. - Yeah. - Because there was a black. - It was like there wasn't, you know, they didn't care if people agreed with or not. It wasn't, it was in your face. I don't like black people. That's it. - I saw a man on the news when Obama was running. I think I was told y'all this story. And it was down in like, name a father down in Plainfield, name of place. - Like south of Plainfield? - Just name of it. - Like Martinsville. - Somewhere down like Martinsville. And they was down there with the cameras and they was like, oh, we got our first black president. I mean, black African American who could be president. And they asked this white dude at the store. And then he was like, are you gonna vote for Obama? He said, I know I will not. And the news reporter said why? He said, 'cause he black. And that shit floored me. - Yeah. - And I said, no policies, nothing. - Yeah. - All because he was black. - And I say, oh, wow. - That's like the, like what I'm talking about is kind of like the newer trendier online type. Like, but then there is the way that I grew up with like hearing people, it was just ignorance. It was a lot of the way that I came in. Like to this podcast going, I'm scared of looking like I don't know what's going on. And so I'm just like-- - I don't think that's racism. I think that is ignorance and prejudice. Racism to me is that deep. I don't like-- - I would hurt you. - Yeah. - And I mean, we all say crazy shit at times. Even if we don't say it out loud, we say it in our head about another race of people. But I don't dislike or hate anybody enough to harm them because they don't look like me. - I've never run into anybody that had that conversation where they have that mentality. Like, I've never had anybody say to me like, I want to kill black people. Like, I just don't understand that psychology at all. - I've talked to those people. - Yeah. - Like you guys would have more experience than me. - The people that said he wanted to kill you because he was black. - They said they wouldn't have a problem with it. This guy that I play poker with, he just didn't like black people, he just grew up racist. But he was like, we're playing the game, you're not doing anything to me. So like, I don't have like, I have no reason to act on how I feel about you. 'Cause I never get, like, I wasn't rude to him. You know, but he was like, yeah, I don't like black people. If they came on this property, it was over for him. Like, that's how he felt. - Hey, wait, when y'all play poker? - I mean, this is in up in Northern Indiana. - Yeah. - And you play poker with him? Did you ask him why? - I don't care. As long as he ain't cheating at the car game, I don't care what it's about. - He might kill me, but I don't need anything. - I'm just never gonna go on his property. - At least the man was honest. - He don't go out of his way to like, be racist or anything. So as long as I, like, this is public space. - Did you ask him why he felt like that? - I don't care to. - I mean, I know you didn't care. I just wanted that you ever want back. I mean, he was free to just say, I hate black people. But, you know, I'm sending a playing card game. How much can you hate somebody? - Here's the thing, I wasn't carrying. There's probably more people that think the way he does. So it wasn't one of those things where I wanna dive deep in this. It was like, he made his feelings clear. I know that-- - What made him make his feelings clear to you? - 'Cause this was the first time he was playing. I had never met him before. - And he just saw that and said, look, I don't like niggas, but we're gonna play this game again. - Yeah. - And what did you say? - I said, okay. Like, he started out that way. - Mm-hmm. - That's crazy. - And how many times did you play with him? - I played with it. I still play with him every time I go up there. - Can I have his number? I wanna call him and ask him. - I don't have his phone number. I don't talk to you. - Will he speak? - Not to me. He don't like us. And I have no problem with it whatsoever. - So when you had to take a plan with him, in the poker game, you don't have to have a conversation? - We don't have to. It's bet, race, call, fold. That's it. No nice hand, if you win or nothing. You know, he don't, he don't gloat or nothing like that. He just, he take the car, so you have a conversation. - How many black people have to table with him? - Just me, usually. - Is he older, younger? - Oh, he's, he's as old as you think he is. - Okay, all right, yeah, all right, yeah, yeah. - Can we take a break? - Yeah, sure, let's take a quick break. (laughing) - Oh God, they're AI boy. We are fucked. It's over, I'm telling you. - You gonna make murders that you do? - Yes. - You ready, you want to do some listener questions? - Yeah. - All right, we're ready for rolling. - Can we lose it? - Yeah, we lost the M.I.V. asshole stuff. - Can we do it? - Yeah, we're gonna just do a different, we can redo those same questions or I can give you some questions. - And then we'll do both, we need to keep what you need. - All right, so let's play a little game called M.I.V. asshole. - Oh, okay. - All right, so. - It's sure crazy as you. - So this is all stuff from Reddit that people wrote in, all right, so. Hey guys, need some advice on a sticky situation. So I had plans with my boyfriend for a chill Friday night, dinner in a movie at his place. But right before heading over, I got hit with my period and all the symptoms that come with it. I was feeling pretty rough, so when he asked if he could help, I finally spoke up and asked if he could pick up some tampons on his way home. It's literally a two minute drive from his place. Instead of just saying yes, he laughed it off and suggested we go together later. I was shocked and ended up running to the store myself. Later when I asked him why he didn't just do me this favor, he said he didn't want to embarrass himself and it was busy with a game. That was it for me and I ended things right then and there. Was I overreacting? Should I give him another chance? Am I the asshole? - Nah, 'cause you know what you like and you didn't do it. Sometimes you don't gotta give people a second chance to fuck you over. - I mean, she was on a period, so he planned a video game, so he sound pretty young. - He's with immature. - Yeah, so he don't know how important it is. You got to catch it, but he don't realize that when blood stain your drawers, you got it nine time out of 10th on my way if you don't soak them in salt and water first. So you have, I don't think he's an asshole. I don't think she's an asshole, but I think she's dating the idiot. - If he didn't care enough to go to the store, I don't want to embarrass myself. Tell her, ask her exactly what she needs to go to. - See, she could have put on some tissue. - I'm doing all this extra shit for him. He can't go to the store. - What was she doing? - She was doing a birthday party and what not? - We're gonna have like a date night. - Yeah. - What a young. He don't understand the ramifications of a period. - Yeah, I'm not saying she's the asshole, but she's definitely on her period and she needs to chill out. - She overreacted, but at the same time I don't-- - But they do, don't they? Just kidding. Please don't. - No sir, I don't have a period. I have something called a hot slash. I have pellets in my ass. - Was that your British accent? - Yes. - I love it. Let's hear it some more. - That's constant. - What part of England are-- - What was that? - Next question, please. - Question. - Sounds like Australia. Yeah, no, she-- - That's not British people. - She dumped him. - I'm British. - Are you? What part of England are you from? - Walmart, England. - Yeah, Walmart, England. - You eat spotted dick? - No, we eat roasted tarantulas. - Tarantulas. What do you mean tarantulas? - Tarantulas, because the arms are full of protein. And when you eat protein, tell hot tarantulas, your hair grows. - Does this sound like a British accent in your head? - Mm-hmm. - I am bratache. I'm bratache. - You sound like Paris Hilton in the 2000s. - Batch. - You sound like a valley girl. - Batch. (laughing) - Splay queen. - Hi, the coing on represents me. (laughing) - That's good. - It's so bad. - It is not fucking bad. - You are a highterer. (laughing) - It came out of nowhere, too. - We need to call Jerry right now, get her opinion. - Hey, us nuggers. - Ask nuggers. - Don't say what she was saying. - Oh. (laughing) - Jesus Christ, Chris. - Nuggin. - Oh my God. You are so close. - You, you were way too close to the line, sir. - We should go get you fucked up. - If we, in my house, call him nuggies. So I thought she was talking about chicken. - Nuggies? - No, nuggies. (laughing) - Well, that goes through season three. - Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. (laughing) - I stopped and I was like, he's gone to say yes. (laughing) - You didn't stop me. - I was just listening to the white man. (laughing) - This is the greatest thing ever. - I didn't know. - I think that power outage was a blessing. I don't think you ever would have done that. - This is way better. - We lost a whole segment. The whole second half of this episode, whatever we do. - She almost got Chris's say niggas. - Oh, that was very close. - I don't know why I didn't think that's what she was saying. - He was like, no, so say that, Chris. (laughing) - I'm talking about nuggies. - I can't wait to watch that again. (laughing) - Ask nuggies. - They didn't do it. - Oh my god. - All right, so my partner calls chicken sandwiches from Chick-fil-A, McDonald's and Popeyes burgers. So basically chicken sandwiches from Chick-fil-A and Popeyes burgers. Let's do the next one. This was stupid. - What? - So basically, I was in a car and I saw a cat get thrown out of an SUV. The cat was in the middle of the road, so I ran over and picked it up. But when I picked up the cat, the SUV stopped and had the audacity to ask for the cat back. Then a lady came out and yelled at me for taking her property and that she was going to, quote, sue me. I ran back to the car and took the cat home. Am I the asshole in this situation? - I would say she'd have asked her, let me tell you why. That's why people are not mad that they motherfucking me. You didn't know that cat. You didn't know which one of the cat went out of. All you had to do with mine, you got that baby. If that woman wanted that cat, she was going to come back and get that cat. But by you picking it up, you made her feel bad. - Yeah, I actually agree with you. When I first read this, I was like, you're not the asshole, you were trying to save a cat and this person's just jealous, but... - She should have minded her business. That cat would have been fine. - That cat, I mean, they got 99 lives. You can slay-- - They do not have 99 lives. The cat slings a cat out of the wonder and they will hold on to a tree. They can see you about to have an accident. They would jump out the car and let you ride into the tree. (laughs) They're fucking-- - Don't give a fuck. - And then they're so mean, I always see them on fucking Facebook slapping the shit out of other people's keys. They're always slapping the fuck out of the kids. I was like, there's a black mother in those cats. (laughs) - All right, do you have an independent on this one? - I don't think she's an asshole. That woman threw the cat out the window and they act like she got caught and she tried to clean it up. How you gonna sue a lady for you throw your cat out the window? (laughs) That's stupid ass up. - She should have had her window rolled up anyways. Cats are running around and gazooies in the car. - Or do they hide? - She didn't care about that cat. That's why I wasn't in the carrier. - Yeah, that's a good point. - They got a lot of lives. Fuck they can't. (laughs) - Ashley's dog jumps out the window. Do you go back for it? - No, I don't go back for anybody else I do want to do. That is you and your free sprawl. (laughs) I'm not chasing shit. - What other accents do you do? - What's your Jamaican? - How's your Jamaican? (laughs) - I do curry rice. (laughs) (mumbles) (laughs) (laughs) - Pow, pow. - Is that what your Jamaican sounds like to you? - What do they say? Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. What did they be saying? - Bumba clock. - Bumba clock. Bumba clock. What the clock? Clock clock. (laughs) - This is the freedom of expression. - Clock clock. (laughs) - Oh no. - Oh my God. - Hey, was some curry fried rice? - Can you do German? - How do you sound? - I should not even heard of it. - I don't know. - Yes, so no, no, no, no. - I don't want Schwarzenegger. - No, I don't. (laughs) - Schwarzenegger. (laughs) - Not getting me again. (laughs) - See what voice it does to Chris. Make some flirt with that lion. (laughs) - I just want Schwarzenegger. - I know. - Wait a minute. - I'm gonna say Swagger and round us again. That's racist. - No, it's not, that's the name. - No, 'cause he got a nigga on the end. - It's with an E. - I don't give a fuck. (laughs) What the fuck is it with? (laughs) - Just please, no eyes. - Oh, you are so stupid. - All right, so this is a crazy one. Two people, 29. Each. Boyfriend and girlfriend. - I'm crying. (laughs) - Can you let me know when we're like 25 minutes? All right, can you let me know when we're at 20 minutes on the clock? - All right, cool. Thank you, sir. All right, so two 29-year-olds, boyfriend, girlfriend, and they were both slightly tipsy and they got an argument. They don't remember what it was about. We were both being petty and some underhanded comments were being made. She went to get up to poop and I said, "Where are you going?" She said, "Fine, I'll poop right here." And she just pops a squat. And I said, "If you poop right here on the floor, "I'm breaking up with you." And she said, "I look forward to it." I ended up witnessing the fattest shit drop-known demand right in front of my eyes. Now, am I the asshole for actually ending the relationship over this? Have we been together for three years and now live together? This all happened in our dining room. I can still smell it. (laughs) - Yeah, she likes the asshole. She's the asshole, 'cause she opened her asshole and jumped the fat tuck. - There's chocolateies. - I don't know what accent that is. (laughs) - You could have been German and then I'm like, "Michael Kane, if you had a stroke." - Well, she used to ask how. She opened up her asshole and dropped a fat tuck. (laughs) So I say she's a shitty bitch. (laughs) - She's definitely the asshole. - Yeah. - Oh, for sure. - Yeah. - She just wanted to break up with him. - Yes! (laughs) - I wish we were doing drops on this show. (laughs) - I'll be the best one. (laughs) - We could get it. We could move the board in here and do drops. - She's the boss. (laughs) Shitty bitch. - Shitty bitch. - I know why he's mad. He's mad because he saw that turd and that turd was way bigger than what he had. (laughs) And so he's thinking, "You can let all that shit go, but you couldn't put me in you." - Oh, no. - So he's upset. (laughs) - I do all foreign people in with that. (laughs) - Yeah. (laughs) - She knows she could take more now. - You sound like you're doing the count. (laughs) - From sets of your street. - No. - One fetch it. - Yeah. - Two fetch it. - She done it, bitch. (laughs) - Have you done any acting classes or you've done pressure? - No. - I don't fucking impression it. - I don't know how. (laughs) - I don't argue with you. - Did Jamaican sounds British. - Jamaican sounds. - Pumba clock. (laughs) Good o'clock. - Oh, you're going to kill me. - All I got sales. (laughs) - Can you say all I was better than Jamaican, please? - All I was matters. (laughs) - Pumba clock. - All I was better. (laughs) - You like what? - Better? - All I was matters. All life matters. (laughs) - What the fuck is wrong with you? (laughs) - Damn, it's a good deal. - I've never heard you do shit like this before. - It's like being silly. - It just came out of nowhere. (laughs) You keep doing it, I love it, it's so funny. - Yeah. - I feel like you're not taking the segment but you were like, y'all. - 'Cause you know why? I've been sitting here all day, podcasting with two of the people that I love the most and my stomach is so heavy, oh, my vagina. (laughs) - I really need my stomach, need a belt. (laughs) I didn't know I had gained that much weight. My vagina is in stress. - It's just not set up right, very often. - I just feel like something is on it. (laughs) (laughs) - Fuck me, I hate it. - Your vagina's being strangled by your poop on it. - Is that why I had to make it, you talk like this? - Yeah, there's no air getting down there. - There's no air in here, it got really warm in the last 30 minutes since the air cut off. - Did we cut the air off? - Yeah, you turned the air off. - When the, when the pain cut off, yeah. - Yeah, the air went off, we didn't cut it back off. - Oh, do you want to answer some listener questions? - How much time we got? - How much time we got? All right, so we got like 10 more minutes. - Okay. - Well, actually we got like five. - 'Cause you really, you got another part to this. - Yeah, yeah, we got a bunch of questions we can answer. - We can answer them in the next part. - Yeah, let's do that then, we'll end this now. - Yeah, how long have we been on this with 16? How much was the other one? - 13. - So we got more than enough, let's close it. - All right. - And so with that, we're gonna end this episode of The Path Down from a clock. Tune in for the next episode and make sure you join me on tour at 'cause I'm on my motherfucking word. Bookalop, bookalop, bookalop. Bookalop, bookalop. Thank y'all so much for tuning in to another episode of The Path Down. Make sure you check out my website at for all of my social media, my tour dates, my book. Make sure you spread the word about my podcast. Please rate and review. Please rate and review and share. Thank y'all so much y'all, I've been Miss Pat. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)