Newberry Reformed Presbyterian Church Sermons

(6/30/24) Revelation 22:16-21 - Come Soon, Lord Jesus

Broadcast on:
30 Jun 2024
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Rev. Seth Yi

Our Scripture reading this morning as we conclude our study of Revelation begins the verse 16 of chapter 22 to the end of verse 21. You can follow along few like in the Pew Bibles on page 1042 as well as in the large print 1,235. Let's give heed now to the reading of God's holy word. I Jesus have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and the descendant of David, the bright morning star, the Spirit and the bride say, "Come and let the one who hears say come and let the one who is thirsty come. Let the one who desires take the water of life without price. I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book. If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues describe in this book. And if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city which are described in this book. He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming soon. Amen. Come Lord Jesus, the grace of the Lord Jesus be with all." Amen. Here in the reading of God's holy word, the grass withers and the flowers fade but the word of our God endures forever. Amen. Well indeed we come to the very final words not only of revelation but indeed the whole of Scripture. And as I reminded you last week beginning of verse 6 of chapter 22 to the end, we have what's referred to by scholars as an epilogue. And an epilogue is sort of a postscript but in this instance it really is a reiteration of what was given in the prologue, the first chapter, especially the first eight or nine verses of Revelation, where Jesus as you recall revealed Himself to John and everything that is of course found in this letter of Revelation. And what we find in particular that Jesus wants to set before, not only John of course but all who receives this letter, is that they might be equipped, that this letter is not simply looking forward, it's not just a road map or say of events that will take place but it is intended for believers to have their faith built up. As I've reminded you one of the key words all throughout and really the theme, if you'd like to think of a revelation, is the concept of overcoming or overcomers, especially as we've noted throughout the book of Revelation, in the face of demonic opposition. Satan, the enemy that we looked at this morning back in Genesis chapter 3, has shown himself to be at odds not only with God's purposes but indeed all those who are the image-bearers of God. He wants nothing more than to bring about death and destruction to those who bear God's image. And so as we see John is given a final word that as the church is under assault, especially in the first and second century of the church's life, there's also this similar pattern that has unfolded and will continue to be made evident as we experience it even in our own life. Satan's ploy, however, has not changed all that much. He finds himself using the same method of deception and idolatry which was presented to our parents in the Garden of Eden. You can be like God. Reject the one true living God, make yourself to be God. And that same ploy of Satan continues in our own day. The deception and the idolatry that he continues to use is oftentimes simply a lure that brings this destruction not so much on simply unbelievers who are already enslaved in darkness but is particularly used against those who are members of the visible church, those who profess to be Christians. And as much as we see in Revelation that speaks to what God is doing all throughout the world and all throughout history, again we must keep in mind it is primarily intended for his people how we are to persevere in the face of opposition that we might bring glory to God forever and ever. And says we bring to a conclusion these final words of Scripture and the words of Christ in Revelation. I want to remind you that this is not just something that was written for people of old. It is not just a history lesson or a lesson in what may come to pass in our own day but it is a lesson for us today and now and the rest of our lives if we are to be found faithful in Christ. Verse 16 we hear once again the very words of Christ he speaks and he told already I Jesus have sent my angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. Jesus here as he did at the very opening verses of Revelation repeats almost vervatum the same idea of sending or disclosing his true so that the church might be prepared for what is to come. As I've said many times to be forewarned is indeed to be forearmed knowing what will happen should enable us to take the faith that God has given to us and the word that he has supplied us to know how we are to respond in the face of such enemies in opposition and here Jesus comes in a sense to testify that word you'll notice at least in the ESV is used twice but in fact is used three times because in verse 18 the word worn also is the same verb that has been translated testify two other times in other words it speaks of the sovereign authority with which God in Christ is showing us and preparing us for what is to happen and of course is given as I've said to the churches this isn't just general history lesson for all the world but it is given specifically to God's people and as we saw in chapters two and three earlier in this letter seven churches in particular in that region of Asia minor were addressed of their particular weaknesses and what they need to prepare themselves in order to be found faithful in the Lord Jesus as he designates himself with this imagery that is taken from the Old Testament I'm the root and the descendant of David the bright morning stars a couple of Old Testament passage I'm sure some of you are familiar with one taken from Psalm 110 as well as Isaiah 11 along with number chapter 24 and what you see Jesus in a sense declaring of himself is that not only is he a true descendant a seed of King David who became of course the true son of God the true King the greater David's son but even more significantly he is in fact the root that is to say he is the source of David in all life but in particular the very source of the one who is bringing his purposes to pass Jesus as you may recall in Matthew chapter 22 was questioned about his own identity and how David referred to himself in Psalm 110 and in that response Jesus made sure that he was not only David's son but indeed David's Lord and for those who hear these words especially for Jews who are well familiar in these verses they knew that Jesus was speaking with such authority because of what they were to ultimately undergo that despite all the powers that may come against them the one who has spoken and the one who has indeed established salvation is the very one who is with them to the very end and in this last image of course of the bright morning star if you go back into the Old Testament again you see this imagery that is given of a new day a dawn that comes about in especially relationship to the the people of Israel who found themselves under exile where they had been literally taken out of Jerusalem and Jerusalem had been cut to its roots and yet in those moments of defeat and apparent destruction God spoke this word of a bright morning star that will eventually dawn and the messianic kingdom would come to establish once more the reign of God amongst his people but indeed in the whole world. Second Peter chapter one reminds us of this when he writes and we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed to which you will do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts Peter writes this of course to believers as they themselves are undergoing some measure of persecution and he speaks this word of promise even as it has already been established in the first coming of Jesus pointing to that final consummation of the kingdom of God that indeed is to be made known on that day and so Jesus assures all who hear he reminds us indeed that every word that is spoken that has been testified is not just simply wisdom of a mere earthly man or a teacher but it is the very word of God and as we'll see later on this passage there are some clear implications to the reality that this is God's word not just the writings or the recordings of a mere man even an apostle if we think of John as such but rather these words are given to us that we might know and ultimately to submit we claim in the evangelical church that we are people of the book we have God's very word and yet as much as we may profess the doctrine of divine inspiration that this is the very spirit of God who is given to us the word of God it is of no value ultimately if we do not yield to it we must humble our hearts and acknowledge that as we profess the authority that is inherent in the word of God how should that authority therefore be worked out in our own life as we profess it God's word originates from the one who is all powerful all true and the very light of lights and if that is the case how should it not affect our response to his word. Verse 17 as Jesus declares as he makes known his testimony and witness of his ultimate consummation you have in verse 17 the union of the spirit and the bride i.e. the Holy Spirit of course and the bride of Christ his church and they say together come and goes on there in verse 17 also they say and let the one who hears say come after Jesus has spoken of that new morning that dawning day that is to appear on the horizon it is fitting of course for the Holy Spirit who is described late earlier in Revelation as the lamp that brings light and of course on earth as we saw in the earlier chapters the church is the very lamp stand and so the spirit and the church as as he fills the people of God what is true join their voices and they declare one with another come come he is the one that we long to see joining even the host of angels and all who have gone before us to deliver the kingdom of God once and for all here on earth and this blending of voices which is really a prayer that also should resonate with our own hearts knowing that this world in which we currently reside is not the final destination it is not the fulfillment of the promises of what we are told that our longing ultimately is that he will restore and make all things new this coming strangely enough is spoken almost in the imperative that is a command because our hearts are so much filled with the truth of God's spirit and because we know what is ultimately to be given to us it is as though we can say Lord come we are calling out in a sense with an authority that he has given to us because of the promises that he has made and of course when this promise is fulfilled he will make all of our dreams and our desires even our longings and our greatest expectations fulfilled and so you have the Holy Spirit you have the bride of Christ but then this dark group the one who hears also says come who might these individuals or this group may be we know that this is a common refrain that's used in chapters two and three again the seven letters that receive Christ's particular exhortation all in with this refrain he who has an ear let him hear what the spirit says to the churches and so it is as though the heavenly witness of the spirit and of the the true church is also calling out to the churches on earth and who are those who hear who are those who respond knowing that this promises to be filled it is those who who have an ear to hear now as we've seen before this language is specific because those who alone have faith those who have been given spiritual eyes and ears are the ones who alone can't even hear the words of God in its intended purposes yes many hear outwardly the gospel goes out and it is proclaimed to those who are able to at least make some sense but the true heart the heart that has been given faith by the working of the Holy Spirit it is to them alone that this command likewise is joined where they say come Lord Jesus the Holy Spirit is able to stir the hearts of those who are truly his and their desire as much as God's blessings are numbered in great here on earth those who long for heaven those who see the fulfillment of God's greatest promises only in the new heavens and the new earth their hearts echo with the Holy Spirit and the church in the heavenlies come Lord Jesus it is oftentimes a sad reflection of our own desires is it not that if Christ were in fact to return tomorrow next week or even before that vacation you have planned that you might somehow be disappointed that's not to say that of course we ought to live our lives in such a way that we're petrified or completely unable to function but as you consider at times how much is it that your heart truly longs for the second coming of Christ will be in a sense a revelation to yourself of your love of Christ and we see here as this voice and this invitation goes out to those who long desperately to see the Lord Jesus when he returns or even to behold them when we pass from this life to the next come Lord Jesus the invitation therefore now goes out specifically and let the one whose thirsty come I think this is the same group that is already described early but now this imagery of a heartthirst or soulthirst is given let the one who desires take the water of life without price the image of water as we've seen throughout the book of Revelation clearly speaks of life an abundant flow that is required if we're not only to live physically but of course the water of life and that stream that flows from the very throne of God is of life eternal and this call is not just an invitation for the Lord to come to come to Christ let the one who is thirsty come where is it and in whom will we find this so thirst satisfied men look to many things which are temporal going from one pleasure to the next and yet we all know that there are nothing but broken cisterns that will not hold water indeed this call is again given to those who are thirsty who are those who truly even recognize their thirst it is those who have tasted of that water those who are still yet dead in their sins and trespasses are even unaware that they are indeed without the water of life and so as Jeremiah says in chapter two it is as though he is speaking to us even now to his people for my people have committed two evils they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters and tune out cisterns for themselves broken cisterns that can hold no water God's word through Jeremiah is directed it is a direct rebuke against the people of God for they're the ones who are blessed with the knowledge and the truth of who God is they're the ones who have experienced the heavenly the lights and yet after having encountered that grace they're still those who would chase after faults God's and so the sin that is specified in Jeremiah chapter two is only possible for the sins of those who have come to know and have tasted that the Lord is good that is us my friends God calls out to his own people turn and forsake your idols which will not satisfy and come back to me for I alone can provide you peace and purpose and joy without in and it is a continuous coming it is that fountain that flows ever for even if we have walked with him faithfully over decades we have experienced time and time again that our hearts are so easily drawn to forsake our first love and yet that water is free it is abundant it ever flows that all who will look to Christ will know that refreshing grace that is found in the Lord that being said to who much has been given much is demanded and so as Jesus speaks to his people as he calls out to those who have heard and who have been given his truth there is all the more a need to respond in repentance and faith and yet some have indeed become dull of hearing they have become quite comfortable with taking parts of God's word willing to accept some and not the other rejecting ultimately the whole counsel of God and so that we see here is how the Lord will deal with his church by bringing the judgment that he speaks of in verses 18 through 20 I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book if anyone asked to them God will add to him the plagues described in this book and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy God will take away his share in the tree of life there's nothing mystical about this the image that Jesus gives is my word stands as given there's nothing to be added nor to be taken away and of course this is consistent with the very nature of God God is immutable that is never changing and so therefore nothing has to be added to what God has already given and have declared in his holy word so oftentimes we see throughout church history and even in our own day unfortunately a common sin a reoccurring sin in the church is to put such an emphasis on one portion of God's word to where others that are just as authoritative and necessary is almost ignored and to the exclusion that brings about our own ill and ultimately in balance to our understanding of God all throughout the church you find those who will highlight or accentuate some portions while minimizing the other balance of God's word and this is all part of our own fallenness we are all bent towards however we might see ourselves certain portions of God's word and so we need one another we need the whole council of God there are those who are members of the body of Christ who show us areas where we may tend to avoid and others who come along and highlight for us those areas that we may want to accentuate above others and yet the Holy Spirit who is that lamp does that glorious work in all of us through the word of God he shows us and he exposes us of the very sins that we need and yet he doesn't stop there though the Holy Spirit also is sort of a spotlight his ministry primarily as we see throughout the Bible is not to draw attention to himself but to shine the light of glory upon Christ and of the gospel the Holy Spirit literally takes the position of John the Baptist when he says I must decrease and he that is Jesus must increase and in the economy of the holy of the Trinity the Holy Spirit is always seeking to bring honor and attention to Christ as Jesus declares here not just not just here indeed the context in which Jesus speaks pertains specifically to revelation I won't argue that point but I think the principle is true if we believe that all 66 books of the Bible is indeed the word of God that same principle applies we're not to add nor are we to take away from God's word it stands as is on its own based upon the authority of God alone and so we must always maintain a sense of humble hearts who are teachable and also able to be reproof when necessary Jesus is jealous over his word because apart from his word we have no objective standard by which we are to be judged ourselves and by which we are to declare what God has provided for the sins of man one author says he jealously guards the integrity of his word for it is through this word that he jealously guards his beloved bride from the devil's lies as we recall in Genesis chapter 3 Adam failed in protecting his bride in protecting the garden in protecting his calling that God had given to him directly because he in essence failed to protect God's very command and my friends we will fall under that same weight and temptation if we do not give ourselves to the word of God the degree to which you know you have treasured God's word in your heart and that you can respond in various situations however they may present yourself in life whatever the temptation may be God says very clearly no temptation will overtake you that his grace will not provide you the way of escape and that way of escape will oftentimes come through his word we need no look further than Jesus himself when he found in the wilderness the temptation that came by the devil himself all three occasions we are told and we see Jesus respond to Satan by the very word of God ignorance is not only Satan's delight in your not knowing God's word but ignorance can be for those who are within the body of Christ the very path by which we are taken away and left to our own vices and ultimately where we shipwreck our very faith and so we see here how Christ establishes the absolute authority and the unchangeableness of his word as it was given in in the days of the first century as well as in the times of the Old Testament this is the same word by which we must always guard and uphold his standards verse 20 he used testifies to these things that surely I'm coming soon for some this might be a word of warning because what is the come with Jesus's return we have been told multiple times his very judgment but if your heart and your faction is towards Christ this is both a word of warning as well as a word of great comfort we are to be held accountable for what we have been given and the gifts the talents the spiritual blessings all of those we see on the day of judgment as the measure by which we will be judged and if you have been found faithful by the grace of God untold riches images that go far beyond what even human words can describe as we saw all this describing precious stools and stones and jewels that were given to us are simply a human or an earthly way of depicting the value and the abundant riches that will be bestowed to those who are found faithful in the Lord and as we face the temptation in this life to simply avoid any risk Christ says again I am coming soon how will he find you what will you be doing when the Lord returns again we do not know the hour or the day and yet this word is given to us so that we are ready at all times the word quickly as we saw earlier in this passage isn't just the matter of how soon he comes but without warning we can never assume he'll come next year next month or next week for we may see the Lord if our days are numbered here upon the earth we will be in His presence one way or the other and as witnesses of Christ we must seek to take hold of many of these tribulations that Jesus warned the bowls and the plagues and so on that we saw throughout Revelation we will not escape at least physically we're not promised some sort of protection the way it was the case in the Exodus where in Goshen the people of Israel didn't suffer the way the Egyptians did what Jesus tells us throughout Revelation is that both believers and unbelievers are like living throughout the world will suffer many of these tribulations and while we are under such duress the temptation will be great therefore to give ourselves over to the beast and his ways and yet how will the Lord find us what will we be about his works or simply protecting ourselves from the harm that we must endure surely I am coming and then John resounds with this word of comfort amen come Lord Jesus John affirms would it a word of I need approve this word is true what's amazing if you think about it I'm assuming this to be the case but at least in multiple countries I've been in you realize amen is spoken by all Christians it's a word that has been in a sense taken from the Aramaic to affirm the trustworthiness of God it will be the case I believe in heaven we will use that same word amen because it stamps ultimately that God is from everlasting to everlasting he is true he's the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end and he holds all authority and because of that John along with every Christian who desires for the return of Christ cries out Mira Natha come Lord Jesus again when's the last time you've even contemplated praying that prayer come Lord Jesus if ever you are watching or reading about all the the gravity that is taking place in our world and even in our own country you ought to pause and think come Lord Jesus because it is only through the work of Christ that such sin can be abolished no work of man of governments or powers of this world will undo some of the destruction that we have seen take place just over the past couple of years and as Christians as much as we are called to proclaim and to hold out the word of the gospel in faith it is only through the return of Christ that we will see all things made new the very last words of Christ the very last words of the Bible the grace of the Lord Jesus be with all men indeed we find this benediction oftentimes through our Paul's letter he opens with a greeting of peace and grace and yet for the Jew who knew well the word Shalom which in a sense summarized for them what it meant to be at one with God all of life everything not just the spiritual but the physical and even their very existence was to be at one with God all harmonized the way it once was in the garden before the fall but obviously the fall brought that clear chasm between God and man and yet through the grace of the Lord Jesus we are once again restored and yet this grace is not just simply static it's not just something that has been done that is through the gospel but as Jesus promised his own disciples as he prepared to ascend into heaven he said something very similar to this he declared all authority and heaven and on earth has been given to me and with the great commission he also promised behold I'm with you to the end of the age in like manner Jesus concludes this revelation and the word of God likewise closes with this assurance that God's grace his enablement to live our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit will be with us grace is what isn't necessary because of all the hostility of all the opposition it will be very common for us as Christians even those who face martyrdom in the first and second century to fear and to cower under the pressure of the evil one and yet we know from Scripture that fear has no place in our hearts when faith fills us with the absolute certainty and the promises of God's word God himself spoke to Joshua who was prepared to take on the great task of fulfilling the promise of conquering the promised land not just to be given over to him but they would have to take up their arms and go into battle and with the passing of Moses the Lord spoke to Joshua have I not commanded you be strong and courageous do not be frightened and do not be dismayed for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go the Holy Spirit is the embodiment of this very promise because wherever we go we can be absolutely certain that the Lord is with us he abides and he lives within us so that despite the obvious conflict that we have to face in this world the obvious enemies that surround us we do not have to buckle to the pressure of fear that comes naturally but when we are equipped and empowered by God's grace and take hold of this very promise that the Lord is with us we can indeed fulfill the very words of Christ that we are more than conquerors more than conquerors not just simply overcoming but through the very battles and the very challenges we are able to demonstrate that though we are weak God's grace is strong and though we are insufficient of ourselves he is all sufficient that his power might shine in glorious radiance through his bride and through each and every one of us who seek to be found faithful in him may God be pleased therefore to take this word of preparation and exhortation that he is given to us to be the church in this dark world where the light of Christ through us will continue to shine thanks be to God let us pray