IELTS Speaking for Success

🎞️ Films and film industry (Part 3) + Transcript

Which film genres are most popular in your country? What kind of movies must be seen in the cinema to be fully appreciated? What can cinemas do to attract more people? Do you think people can learn new cultures through movies? With the increasing popularity of streaming services, what do you think is the future of cinemas? In what ways has the film industry changed in the past few decades? How do films influence our culture and the way people think?

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08 Aug 2024
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Which film genres are most popular in your country? What kind of movies must be seen in the cinema to be fully appreciated? What can cinemas do to attract more people? Do you think people can learn new cultures through movies? With the increasing popularity of streaming services, what do you think is the future of cinemas? In what ways has the film industry changed in the past few decades? How do films influence our culture and the way people think?

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(upbeat music) - This episode is brought to you by Experian. Are you paying for subscriptions you don't use, but can't find the time or energy to cancel them? Experian could cancel unwanted subscriptions for you, saving you an average of $270 per year and plenty of time. Download the Experian app. Results will vary, not all subscriptions are eligible. Savings are not guaranteed. Paid membership with connected payment account required. (upbeat music) - Hello, hello dealers. Now welcome into the world of IELTS speaking part three. Films and film industry, we are all excited about movies, aren't we? Rory is super excited. Rory. - I'm excited to talk about them, yeah. - Rory is an expert on horror films. - And science fiction films. - Science fiction, yeah, I'm an expert on what? - Action. - But yeah, I do love for films, you know? Dealers, how many films have you watched in your life? Rory, what about you, do you know? - Oh my god, no. There must be an average number of movies that somebody watches in their life, surely. - I spent so many weeks watching films. If you kind of add up all these hours, I spent watching movies, I think it could be like several weeks or even months. (laughs) - Oh my god. - Right, but in speaking part three, we're gonna be talking about other people in general, not about ourselves, okay? So I think other people like, other people dislike, and we are talking about society in general. (upbeat music) Which film genres are most popular in your country? - I'm not sure any one type prevails over the others, to be honest, people enjoy all kinds of things here. However, you do see a lot of advertising for superhero movies, so I guess those are still in vogue. - What kind of movies should be seen in the cinema to be fully appreciated? - That's a good question. I know really, should to be honest, since most LED or OLED screens are now just as good as cinema screens, despite being smaller. Oh, and you can get a home projector on the cheap very easily. Maybe movies with particularly amazing special effects which can use the sound system well, though I can't think of a clear example right now. - What can cinemas do to attract more people? - Well, they could be cheaper for a start. Some of them are absolutely extortionate in terms of ticket prices, and then they jack up the prices of the food and the drinks, things like that. I'm not sure it's worth paying all that money for an experience that lasts a few hours, which you can replicate from the comfort of your own home just fine. - Do you think people can learn new cultures through movies? - Well, partially yes, though there will be things that you can't possibly get from a movie that require direct experience, like social conventions and practice, or culinary experiences, which are also part of the culture. But the surface level things you could, well, that you see could be covered by movies, sure. - With the increasing popularity of streaming services, what do you think is the future of cinemas? - I think they'll probably go the way of the radio and similar types of media to be honest. A few will stick around, but they'll fall out of favor more and more as time goes on. - In what ways has the film industry changed in the past few decades? - No, in general, there's been a decline in theater, audience sizes, as new forms of medium have developed. It's a shame because the more positive developments have happened, like rising the diversity and of genres on offer and different techniques, like single-shot takes and films from different cultural perspectives. How do films influence our culture and the way people think? - I mean, that's as varied as the films themselves. I mean, some movies are completely inconsequential. Look at Avatar, that movie made billions at the box office, but nothing really changed. Whereas by contrast, purely funded and low-performing movies about queer people influenced people to reconsider their support for things like equal marriage rights. (upbeat music) (upbeat music) - This episode is brought to you by Shopify. (upbeat music) Forget the frustration of picking commerce platforms when you switch your business to Shopify. The global commerce platform that supercharges you're selling, wherever you sell. With Shopify, you'll harness the same intuitive features, trusted apps and powerful analytics used by the world's leading brands. Sign up today for your $1 per month trial period at, all lowercase. That's - Right, thank you, Rory, for your answers. So, listen, film genres, different kinds of films or film genres, like horror films, comedies, science fiction. And Rory told us that I'm not sure any one type prevails over the others. So one type is not more popular than the other ones. So something prevails over something else. - Yeah, it just means that it's not more popular or does more than the others. If it prevails, then it's stronger. But I don't think one does prevail over the others because you see adverts for everything these days. - True, like superhero movies are quite popular. Or I can say in vogue, vogue, meaning well, they are popular, fashionable, okay? For example, action movies are in vogue. Or I don't know, like black skirts are in vogue. Certain kinds of movies should be seen in the cinema or at the cinema because we have all these effects, right? And Rory told us about LED or ED screens, what are they? - Oh, LED and OLED screens are just different kinds of screen. What you see at the cinema is something that's really different because on a TV, like these, the images displayed on the screen. Whereas in a cinema, it's projected by a projector, funnily enough. - And we say that cinema screens, they provide us with this extensive experience. But we can have a home project, okay? So we can organize our small cinema at home. And perhaps at the cinema, we have amazing special effects, which can be appreciated because cinemas have these sound systems. Okay, so we talk about special effects and professional sound systems. We may not have them at home. - But you could get a home projector on the cheap, which just means it's really cheap or inexpensive to buy. - Yeah, you can also say that they have powerful sound systems at the cinema and they have immersive experience, okay? So kind of you are immersed in a film. So you can't have it at home if it's not like a full-size home cinema you have. The prices are extortionate. - Yes. - Which means like super expensive. And it's like negative, like extremely expensive. So the price of a cinema ticket is extortionate, right? And that's true for some cinema houses. - Cinema houses. What century are you from? - What do you call it, like cinemas? - To cinemas or theaters? Cinema house, like the picture house. - Oh, like theater. To go to watch a movie, a theater. - Yeah, theater, or the movie theater. - Of the movie theater, yeah, okay. So we are talking about cinemas or the movie theaters, yeah. So cinemas can make their tickets cheaper. If they jack up the prices, what do they do? - They just bring them up to really high levels. - Jack something up. In this context, increase the price. That's also disapproving and very informal. For example, when tourists arrive, the restaurants jack up their prices, like jack up. Their prices increase, their prices suddenly. And cinemas jack up their prices of food and drink. So popcorn is really expensive. Oh, popcorn is caramel. - Oh my. - Roy, if you were to go to the cinema, do you usually eat some popcorn and Coca-Cola? - I do, yeah, but I will not give the brand of drink because they are not paying us for advertising. - And you can say that I'm not sure it's worth paying all that money for a cinema ticket, okay? It's worth paying or it's not worth paying. I don't think it's a good idea. It's just not worth the money because you can replicate the same experience from the comfort of your own home, okay? From the comfort of your own home and replicate the copy, right? But they're listening not with the movie theater ambiance, ambiance environment, not with the enhanced audio visual technology, okay? But if you do have a home cinema, 'cause these days there are some really high tech home cinemas. - Even if you get a projector, it's cool. I'm sorry, I'm really big on this. I bought a projector and I'm still happy with it. I absolutely love it. - Wow. And do you have the speakers, like a big speakers and like for the like 3D sound effect? - I have a speaker. It doesn't really give 3D sound though. I suppose I could buy something for that, but I don't want to. - Yeah, because I have the screen is big. I have a TV and the screen is quite big. And also I have like four speakers and they're quite big and they are situated in the four corners of the room. So I have these kind of like different noises from different places, it's so cool. - Yeah, it's quite cool. Although it might be scary if you have a horror film or something starts moving around behind you. - Cutting edge, audiovisual technology, dellessener. Cutting edge like modern, audiovisual, audiovisual, listening and watching. Yeah, like a cutting edge, audiovisual, film, watching experience. - Hey. - An interesting question about cultures, learning new cultures through movies. And that's true because we do pick up some ideas about different cultures through movies. - What kinds of things can you learn about different cultures through a film specifically? - So for example, "Dellessener". The latest film with Leonardo DiCaprio is called "Killers of the Flower Moon". Actually, 2023, it's an American, epic Western crime drama film. And this is about a specific thing, so it's set in Oklahoma in 1920s. And this film is about the members of all such community. Oh, I don't know how to pronounce it. - Oh, Osagi. - Osagi, sorry, Osagi community. I didn't know anything about the situation. I didn't know anything about this Osagi community. This kind of like a tribe. And what happens there? And there were like murders. And pretty much everybody died. - Oh, maybe not everybody, but a lot of people could have got that land. - Yeah, due to a corrupt local government, right? And I learned about their culture, about what was going on. Yeah, I understand it's a film, but still kind of I learned something and I read something about their community. So I did learn about their culture and about like the things that were happening. See, so I kind of like threw a movie with the help of Leonardo DiCaprio. Specifically, I learned about their culture, which is like interesting. So I think this movie is a very good example. And also other movies can show us social conventions what do you mean by conventions? - How people behave or common understandings of how people behave. - Yeah, if a film is based in Canada or like New Zealand, you could understand social conventions in this culture. Culinary experiences what people eat. Yes, different parts of a culture. Streaming services, we mean such services as Netflix. Yeah, all like TV, I don't know, YouTube. And lots of people might choose Netflix, for example, instead of going to the cinema. And Roya told us that some cinemas will stay or they will stick around. So if something sticks around, it stays. But some cinemas will fall out of favor. Fall out of favor and people will stop going there. People will stop enjoying going to the cinema. And I think like more people will invest in home cinemas in projectors, in enhanced audio visual technology at home. And decade is 10 years. And here we use present perfect. So the film industry has changed over the last two decades over the last 20 years. - There. - And you can say that there has been a decline in theater audience. Theater meaning a cinema audience. So there has been a decline in. So not so many people go to the cinemas. - It seems like that. What do you think? - Yeah, actually cinema houses were full. - You have got to stop saying cinema houses. (laughs) - The last couple of times I went to the cinema, it was full, like, it was packed. Lots of people go. And people go to the festivals. For example, they organize this a festival of, I don't know, Tarantino movies or the festival of Japanese films. And like people go and like, I couldn't get the ticket. Can you imagine it was full? And we also have this nice cinemas. And the holes are nice. The atmosphere is nice. It's in the center. So people actually go there to do just, I don't hang out to have fun. And at these specific cinemas, everything was full. - Oh, wow. - So, you know, it depends. - Yeah, maybe in your country it's different. - Maybe there's been a revival. - There's been a revival of cinemas. - Cinema attendance. Oh, wow, that's definitely a bad night of call occasion. - Cinema attendance. And you can say that new forms of medium have developed. So what do you mean by new forms of medium? - Well, there's different ways to watch things now. You can watch them on your phone. You can watch them, I think, even on the tiny smartwatches of them. - And how you can see them as well. We already talked about LED and OLED televisions, although that's for watching it at home. In the cinema, there are things like 3D viewing or enhanced 3D viewing. There's another kind as well. I've forgotten the name right now, but it's like a total experience where you feel things as well as see them and they're smoking so good, what have you? That's crazy. - The diversity of genres means like different kinds of genres or kinds of films. What is inconsequential? - It has no consequences. - For example. - Well, it's so small or so insignificant that you don't need to worry about it. - Inconsequential. Why do you choose words which are difficult to pronounce? - Because if it's difficult to pronounce, you will have to work on the pronunciation and develop your bad night level pronunciation. Inconsequential, inconsequential, quencial, de-listener. Inconsequential, not important. Like most of what some people say. - Most of what Rory says is inconsequential. - Yeah, yeah, I wanted to say that. - I knew, I knew that you were going to say that, no. - I didn't, you said that. - I know, I know, but it was funny. - Right, de-listen. And make sure to watch the film I told you about, Killers of the Flower Moon, it's pretty long. And maybe don't watch it in English because there are all sorts of accents or maybe watch it in English with subtitles. So yeah, and very interesting movie. Okay, and Decapro is great. It's amazing. Like, as always, you know. And it's what's, it's Scorsese Martin. - Martin Scorsese. - Scorsese. - Yeah, it's not obvious how you should pronounce that name, to be honest, but it is Scorsese. I've heard it a lot. - So although I don't like Westerns, but I did enjoy this film. Now, you can't do this now, so, yeah. Oh, and Robert De Niro is there. - Robert. - Also pretty, pretty cool. Robert, like French. - Oh, yeah. - Is he French? - No, I don't think so. Now, what do you call him? Robert, Robert, Robert. Robert De Niro. How do you say it? - Robert De Niro, no? - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - I guess so. That's how Americans pronounce it, but that doesn't mean it's correct. - He's 80 years old, a listener. Wow, and he's so cool in the film. And Decapro is 49 years old, and he's also pretty cool. Sweet. So, this is your homework, okay? Like, do it for IELTS. Thank you very much for listening. And we'll get back to you in our next episode. Okay? - Bye, bye. - Bye. (upbeat music) - Which film genres are most popular in your country? - I'm not sure any one type prevails over the others, to be honest, people enjoy all kinds of things here. However, you do see a lot of advertising for superhero movies, so I guess those are still in vogue. - What kind of movies should be seen in the cinema to be fully appreciated? - That's a good question. I know it really should, to be honest, since most LED or OLED screens are now just as good as cinema screens, despite being smaller. Oh, and you can get a home projector on the cheap very easily. Maybe movies with particularly amazing special effects, which can use the sound system well, though I can't think of a clear example right now. - What can cinemas do to attract more people? - Well, they could be cheaper for a start. Some of them were absolutely extortionate in terms of ticket prices, and then they jack up the prices of the food and the drinks, things like that. I'm not sure it's worth paying all that money for an experience that lasts a few hours, which you can replicate from the comfort of your own home, just fine. - Do you think people can learn new cultures through movies? - Well, partially yes, though there will be things that you can't possibly get from a movie that require direct experience, like social conventions and practice, or culinary experiences, which are also part of the culture. But the surface level things you could, well, that you see could be covered by movies, sure. - With the increasing popularity of streaming services, what do you think is the future of cinemas? - I think they'll probably go the way of the radio and similar types of media, to be honest. A few will stick around, but they'll fall out of favor more and more as time goes on. - In what ways has the film industry changed in the past few decades? - No, in general, there's been a decline in theater audience sizes, as new forms of medium have developed. It's a shame because the more positive developments have happened, like rising the diversity of genres on offer and different techniques, like single-shot takes and films from different cultural perspectives. - How do films influence our culture and the way people think? - I mean, that's as varied as the films themselves. I mean, some movies are completely inconsequential. Look at Avatar, that movie made billions at the box office, but nothing really changed. Whereas by contrast, purely funded and low-performing movies about queer people influenced people to reconsider their support with things like equal marriage rights. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)