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🧑‍🎤 Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music (Part 2) + Transcript

You should say: who this person is, how you knew him/her, what music he/she likes, why he/she thinks music is important, and explain how you feel about him/her.

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17 Jul 2024
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You should say: who this person is, how you knew him/her, what music he/she likes, why he/she thinks music is important, and explain how you feel about him/her.

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(upbeat music) Hello, hello dear listener and welcome into IELTS speaking part two. Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music. You should say who this person is, how you knew them, what music he or she likes, why they think music is important and explain how you feel about him or her. Rory here has a lot of people who are into music. - I do, I know so many people that are into music. - Give us your story. - Let's talk about one of them now. (upbeat music) I mean, I feel like music plays the key role in everyone's lives really, unless they're like a psychopath or something. But one friend of mine who is very keen on music is my best friend, Rob. We met each other through mutual friends and gone on like a horizontal fire. Actually, now I think about it. The first time we met in real life was outside this club with music blaring inside of it. So this question is actually quite fitting for talking about that. He likes all sorts of music, but his favorite artists and bands in particular all have their roots in pop music, which isn't to say it's all the modern music that everyone is into now. No, no. His tastes spread back through the 80s and the 90s, even into the 60s and 70s when it comes to some of the artists and themes. And every time we go around to his place, the music is really well chosen and matches the mood well, though pop divas like Kylie and Cher have central roles all the time. You think that might get repetitive, but since these singers still bring out hits, it's always changing. And of course, they've had long careers, so there's always a lot to choose from for the playlists. When it comes to why music is so important to him, to be honest, I haven't really asked. Though I suppose it's the same reason it's important to all of us that music lets us to express and channel feelings and emotions in different ways. There's, it's there for difficult moments and compliments things like celebrations. And we can learn a lot about ourselves and each other through music. It can even inspire us to make up our own songs or change the lyrics, which he and I do quite frequently actually, but it's just for fun. So while I'm not really certain exactly why he likes it so much, I'm sure that if I hadn't met him, then life would be very different. And I wouldn't have had so much exposure to different pop icons from across the decades. And I'm very grateful for that. - And is music important for you? - Oh, definitely. It's important for everybody, I think. (upbeat music) - So dear Lissanam, an interesting task, a person who thinks music is important or enjoys music. Do you have this person in your life? - If you don't, you can steal Rory's story. - What a weird question. Everybody had this person in their life. - Okay, no, but maybe I will listen a dozen. So maybe now you have a friend who is a musician or a friend of a friend, or you can just lie, they're listening, you can just imagine. - Can you talk about yourself? - Yeah, yeah, why not? You know, like, I don't have friends who are into music, but I am into music and you can talk about yourself. Why not? - It is better to describe a person, you know, okay? - What kind of person is not into music? - Well, I am not into music so much. - Right, you don't listen or like music? - No, no, but I like music, I listen to music, but I can't say like, "No, I enjoy music, yeah, okay." - Yeah, like, I feel like everybody enjoys music, and if you don't enjoy music, then you need to get yourself to a therapist, seriously. - Yeah, have you ever met a person who just likes music? Yeah, that's strange. - I've talked about this before. I'm sure I said that if you meet someone and they tell you that they hate music, it's like, either they're not explaining themselves clearly or they're a psychopath. - Mm, yeah, do you listen to that? So here you don't talk about a professional musician or a person who is, I don't know, who plays an instrument or listens to music like crazy, like a person who enjoys music. Yeah, music is important for everyone. So Rory started off with, "I feel like music plays a key role in everyone's lives, okay?" And one friend of mine, like my friend, a friend of mine is very keen on music, to be keen on music, to enjoy music, to like music. So my friend Rob is very keen on music. He likes music a lot. We met each other through mutual friends, mutual friends. We had the same, we have the same friends. We share friends, yeah? - Yeah, they're friends we have in common. - And then an idiot, do you listen? We got on like house on fire. To get on like house on fire, which means that we kind of, we got along well. We met each other and we started being friends right away. We liked each other and we started having very good relationship from the get-go. So like, you meet this person like, yeah, I like it. So we got on like a house on fire. It's very good. She likes all sorts of music. So Rob likes all sorts of music or all kinds of music. His favorite artists and bands. So music, bands and artists, like singers and singers. Artists. - Yes, or groups. - Or groups, yeah, yeah, groups, bands. So his favorite artists, his favorite singers have their roots in pop music. Root, you know, a tree has roots in the ground. And here we are using this word to mean that he likes pop music. So his favorite bands have their roots in pop music. He likes modern music, his inter-modern music. And also we say his tastes. In music, spread back to the 80s, the 90s. So make sure you use an article, the 90s, the 80s, the music of the 80s. - But that's just to talk about how far back it goes. It's a very broad taste in music. At least I think so. - Yeah, so if your friend enjoys all sorts of music, you can say he has a very broad taste in music. So he likes everything. When Rory visits Rob's place, when Rory is round at his place, to be round at somebody else's place. So you go and visit your friend. In their home, you say when I'm round at his place, music is well chosen, okay? So well chosen music and music matches the mood well. Okay, so if I feel blue, if I feel sad, maybe jazz or blues, you know? So the music matches the mood well. And you can say that he usually plays popular hits, hits like famous songs, hits. And he has a long playlist. So a playlist is what you have on your phone or in your laptop. When you turn to another topic, you can say when it comes to why music is so important to him, tada, tada, tada. So when it comes to blah, he likes blah. And Rory said that, well, to be honest, I haven't really asked. Well, you don't know why it's important. - Yeah, I don't know. Do you ever talk to your friends, why do you like music? - Exactly, like why is it important to go ask him? - I'll call him. - You need it for IELTS, he has text him now, you know? - Well, it's like you should say this, but it's just you should say, and I was unable to say. So I'm going to guess. - So like he said, I haven't really asked. Or to be honest, I don't really know. And then, though, I suppose it's the same reason why it's important to all of us. So music is important to me. I suppose I think, and then Rory gives some good reasons. Like music lets us express our feelings. So we express our feelings through music. Music lets us channel our feelings and emotions in different ways. So channel, like we, what do we do we? - Manipulate or guide our emotions. - Yeah, with the help of music. And music is there for us. In difficult moments, and also music complements things like celebrations and parties. Compliments, so music goes well with a nice party. So music should match our mood and music complements a birthday party or a wedding, for example. And we can learn a lot about ourselves through music. If you play music, if you play a musical instrument, if you listen to music and dance to music, you can kind of express all feelings and emotions. We can make up our own songs. Make up a song, like create a song, a face of up. And we say that we can make up our own songs. And we can write lyrics, lyrics, the words of a song. - Here's a fun one. What do you call a person who writes lyrics? - Ooh, a songwriter. - A lyricist. - No way, really a lyricist? Ooh, yeah. Wow, so okay, if I make music and you write lyrics to my song, you are a lyricist. - Well, I mean, it's usually associated with popular songs, but still, yeah. What a fun word to say and learn a lyricist. - A lyricist, wow. - I'm definitely not a lyricist, but. - I'm a lyricist, Delizna. I've made up a song about Rory. Rory, Rory, Rory, like Rory gets up in the morning and sings it. - I definitely do not. I wake up in the morning and I grow and think, why am I waking up at six o'clock in the morning again? - Oh, I'm good. Delizna, can you imagine? Our Rory wakes up at six a.m. in the morning in Scotland and just the first thing that he does when he opens his eyes, he goes like, Rory, Rory, Rory. So funny. You can also say like a pop icons. He listens to many pop icons, like Madonna, for example, Cher. - But they're not just icons, they're diva. - Divas, oh yeah, divas. But a pop icon is a very good location, like topic specific vocabulary, like pop icons. - Diva is also a very good piece of vocabulary. A famous female singer of popular music. It fits so well. - So, Delizna, there you go. Okay, music. Now you can describe Rob. - You could describe anyone like this. That's the most milk-toast answer you could possibly give to describe what he likes music, because everybody likes music. - Yeah, and if you're nervous before the exam, you know which song you should sing. Rory, Rory, Rory, Rory, Rory. Why is it like, why is our soundtrack about Rory? I should make up a Maria song. - You're the one that wrote it, why are you asking me? - Yeah, I know, I know, but like it's unfair. - Delizna, do you think it's unfair? We do need like, we have our Rory song, but like, we need our Maria song. So if you have any ideas. - Oh, on that navel-gazing note, we'll see you in part three, where we're going to talk about music in general. - Bye. - Bye. (upbeat music) - Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music. You should say who this person is, how you knew them, what music he or she likes, why they think music is important, and explain how you feel about him or her. - I mean, I feel like music plays the key role in everyone's lives really, unless they're like a psychopath or something. But one friend of mine who is very keen on music is my best friend, Rob. We met each other through mutual friends and got on like a horizontal fire. Actually, now I think about it. The first time we met in real life was outside this club with music blaring inside of it. So this question is actually quite fitting for talking about that. He likes all sorts of music, but his favorite artists and bands in particular all have their roots and pop music, which isn't to say it's all the modern music that everyone is into now. No, no. His tastes spread back through the 80s and the 90s, even into the 60s and 70s when it comes to some of the artists and themes. And every time we go round to his place, the music is really well chosen and matches the mood well, though pop divas like Kylie and Cher have central roles all the time. You'd think that might get repetitive, but since these singers still bring out hits, it's always changing. And of course, they've had long careers, so there's always a lot to choose from for the playlists. When it comes to why music is so important to him, to be honest, I haven't really asked. Though I suppose it's the same reason it's important to all of us that music lets us to express and channel feelings and emotions in different ways. There's, it's there for difficult moments and compliments things like celebrations, and we can learn a lot about ourselves and each other through music. It can even inspire us to make up our own songs or change the lyrics, which he and I do quite frequently actually, but it's just for fun. So while I'm not really certain exactly why he likes it so much, I'm sure that if I hadn't met him, then life would be very different, and I wouldn't have had so much exposure to different pop icons from across the decades, and I'm very grateful for that. - And is music important for you? - Oh, definitely. It's important for everybody, I think. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)