Kap & J. Hood

8/13 8 AM: Albert Breer

Hour 2: The guys played "Shot or No Shot", then NFL Insider for Albert Breer joined Kap & J. Hood with updates on the Bears, the NFL Preseason and the latest NFL storylines.

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13 Aug 2024
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[Music] Good morning and welcome in to the Captain J. Good Morning show on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app with David Kaplan, Jonathan Hood with you Now time for a shot of no shot. Here's Shay Norlin. Good morning boys, how are we feeling on a Tuesday? Good man, hard to roll. Weather's going to be awesome. Today's my long hike day. I'm excited. Yeah. Do you know your way back from that long hike or? Absolutely I do. Red crumbs. Today's north of 20,000 steps. A long one today, but let's go. And then we have a basketball game tonight. Captain's back at work. That's it. 835. Can you believe they have 10 year olds playing that late? 835 tip. West Coast? You playing LA or? Yeah, it's like late night. West Coast baseball. What are you doing? What the heck are we doing Danny? Here's Shay Norlin. The real crime there is they're getting in the way of hard knocks camping. I will tape hard knocks and I will be locked in as soon as I get back to the house. No spoiler, don't tell me what happened kid. With episode two of hard knocks coming out tonight, I kept thinking about the first episode and how clean and edgeless and family friendly it was. Not that it was terrible, but that's not hard knocks in the past. We've had moments like I always think about Cleveland Browns on hard knocks. And their assistant coach, the time Greg Williams noted bad guy. Was like dry voice screaming at players and somebody on the team goes coach. You need a lozenge and Greg Williams, uncensored, hit some with no bleep. I got a bleep and lozenge in bleep like just constant out players left and right. Players talking crap to each other. They're using harsh language shot or no shot. We would all like a little more edge in tonight's hard knocks. That's a shot. Are you saying that the whole coaching staff require boys? I mean, I'm just wondering like, hey, where's the heart? Because you got to have that cap. You level headed head coach would need an assistant that's out of his mind. All right, coach, I got it. I got it. Don't worry about it. Just tell me how many timeouts we got. All right. No. I got the referee. That's just bistol. All right. All right. I just want to be entertained. But from a coaching perspective, this is not me coaching the 10 year olds. This is a national football league. Let's go. I want to see a little bit of fiery stuff, if you know what I mean. I don't know who has a hard edge in this coaching staff. It's not humor flu's. There might not be anybody. I have no idea. Look, profanity is not the be all end all. I mean, I use it all the time. Obviously, not on the air. I haven't made that mistake, but. Well, that's not true either. When did I curse on the air? Yeah, you've let it slip several times. I don't think so. You have. It's okay. I'm the big black mirror to let you know what the reality is. Wow. And so is the audience. Like the late Lud Olson, one of the greatest coaches in college basketball history, he would throw his assistants out if they cursed Tony Dungy, Tony Dungy. Remember this TV show, the best damn sports show period? Sure. He said, all right, guys, I got to slide out of here and do this interview on the best damn sports show period. And they said, coach, you just said, damn. He's like, oh, yeah, I got to go on that show. He would never say it again. Never would he allow cursing best dang sports show period. He would not allow it. Lud Olson would not allow it. And I mean, not allow it period. I had a friend of mine. It was on his stab. He threw him out of practice. We don't use that language or get out Arnold and John Sally are waiting for me to do the show. Yeah, cursing isn't the beat. I don't have to hear the F bomb all over practice. I want to see some fiery stuff though. Yes, like the Austin Reed story. Here's Shane. Oh, well, I don't think we'll see any fire there. My tongue and cheek point of this is that I agree with Courtney. We don't need that. We don't need that. It's not. It's unnecessary. We don't. He's not going to make the team. Yeah, we got three quarterbacks. We're good. Unless someone looks at Brett Rippen and go, we need him. He's pretty good. He look good in bear's camp. But the Austin Reed story is kind of like, it's almost like cutting pace for hard knocks. Like, what's the guy that's on the cutting edge of losing the job or not going to make the team? And his unsigned and his parents are at the preseason game. Gotta have that. That's almost like commonplace on that show. Correct. And they chose Austin Reed. Okay. Correct. We'll see. All right, big story in the NFL yesterday, Hassan Rettik officially demanded a trade from the New York Jets amid his contract dispute, Jets general manager Joe Douglas, pretty much immediately issued a statement, making it clear the Jets will not trade Rettik will continue to find him during his holdout and the expectation is that he is on the field with his teammates doing football work. Rettik was a name being floated for the bears as a potential trade option to bolster the defensive line, shout out the unsanders on that word. If they choose to make a move, so my question, shot or no shot, even with Joe Douglas saying the Jets won't trade him. Ryan polls should be calling his phone until he either answers or blocks the number. That's a no shot because he's going to turn 30. He wants $30 million, 28 to $30 million. And he's never played with his hand in the dirt, which is the way they would ask him to play here. He was more of a stand up guy in Philadelphia. So unless polls is convinced, that guy puts us in the Super Bowl. If we get him, no, I'm not paying 30 million for that guy at 30. It's a shot. And the reason why it's a shot is is that as a general manager, you must do your diligence to call. You have to find out. I'd rather have Matthew Judon. So it's fine. But whoever's available, if you feel like you want to bolster, you want to be able to improve on that line, you call Shay just to find out like what's the latest, how negotiate with the agent, find out what the Jets aren't really about because the Jets will continue to find him. There's no doubt about that because that's how Joe Douglas operates. He wants me to camp. He doesn't want to be in camp. So you have to at least call because when you're in that position, Shay, you have to do it. You got to find out what's going on. You may not get him, but at least you got to ask. I'm also curious from the two of you who actually looks worse in this situation. The Jets or Hassan Rettik because if you're Rettik, you were in Philadelphia, they didn't want to pay you. So you asked for a trade out of Philly. You should probably fire your agent. I don't know how a trade gets done in 2024 in the NFL for a player who wants a contract and there's no deal in place when the trade happens, why the Jets would give up picks for a guy they aren't willing to pay makes no sense to me. So who comes across looking worse in this whole thing? I think it's Rettik. I think it's the player. Yeah, I think it's the Jets personally because he made it clear. He came there April Fool's Day to take his physical and he has not returned to the facility since he made it clear before the trade. I want an extension and I'm not practicing until I get it. He told them that I read it today in the New York stuff and okay, you want to play a hard ball with him, guess what? That's what you're going to get. Here we are in the 13th of August and he's at home. Yeah. Well, the organization dug their heels in, have every right, but if the player doesn't want to play, that's on him. That makes him look bad. That makes it devalues him. Not just as a player cap, but also as a leader or as a veteran, all these things. It's very much Gary Crochet, the situation, isn't it? But Gary Crochet at least is going to work every day. Well, yeah, he is, but kicking and screaming, you'd rather be someplace else and paid with a fresh contract. Correct, but also retics making 14 million this year to a lot of money. It's not guaranteed. I get it. He made it clear. I'm getting an extension or I won't be there. So this is in my opinion, I'm the jack. I just think that there's always a way to negotiate the idea that you're just not going to show up. Here's the thing. He's getting money. He's getting fined every day, isn't he? Or every week? He is. So he's going to tell them, I want 30 instead of willing to settle at 28 because you're covering my fines. That's what he's going to say. Brother, like every time I hear stories of players sitting out and getting fined every day, it hurts my wallet, save in mind, just like, wow, that's a lot of money just to lose just a grand a day, just on spite, right, she's 50 K a day. So my question is if that was you, you're going to go to work and take a chance. That's not getting hurt. If this is what you are digging your heels in on? Yeah, I am. Yeah. I am 50,000 a day. Oh my God, cap. Oh my God, I have a belief in myself that somehow, some way I'll be able to make that money. It may not be with the Jets with some from someone CD lamp doing the same thing. Yeah. Trent Williams. I believe in myself and my agents, Hey boy, eight four seven, I believe that I'll be able to get the money that I want. But the idea that I'm getting fined 50 grand a day, I don't care if I'm a multimillionaire, that sucks. It does. But if you go to camp and get hurt, now you get nothing, your agent's not going to let you go to camp. He's going to tell you, Jonathan, we've got to play hardball here. If you want to get paid, otherwise you're going in disgruntled. Nobody wants to be around you. If you're disgruntled. Yeah. And if I continue to get fine, I won't be able to pay by agent. I'm just saying like I can't, I can't lose that kind of money. No matter how much I make, I can't do that for a spite. I can't do it. I'd play this whole worry about being hurt all the time is just got into our bloodstream of sports fans. It makes everything soft now everything is, well, you can't do that because of injury because you can't do that. Well, that could happen anyway. I can get injury going up the stairs. So just yeah, to me, it's about business. Really? That's just not smart. We will agree to disagree because in a violent game like that, he has a value he's putting that he believes is realistic. If you told me they offered him 26 and he won't take it, different story. It sounds like that's not the case. I just think the idea that the Jets are just going to just stand still and not try to, of course, anything's negotiable. The Jets so strong it's like, you know what, we will never trade, well, never is a long time. Correct. I could find my agent and I will find a way out of this situation or I'm going to get paid one or the other, but it's not going to stay the same through October and November. It never does. No. He'll be there a couple of weeks. So either trade him and he'll be somewhere else, Chicago or wherever, or he will be back in Jets camp with all of a sudden, now we're here in Brandon, IU, who's been out. Oh, he and the Niners are reengaging on contract talks. Hmm. Oh, your receivers don't look as good without me in there, huh? So here's Shane Norley. All right. Well, the Olympics may have ended, but the drama hasn't one of the most bizarre stories unfolding front page of ESPN this morning. US gymnast, Jordan Chiles has been told to return her Olympic bronze medal. She won after judges incorrectly scored the difficulty of a routine. The US gymnast team appealed it because the judges were wrong. She ended up winning third place. Now Romania is appealing it and they've won their appeal. The Olympic committee saying you didn't win the bronze. You have to give it back. The shot or no shot. If you're Jordan Chiles, lock that thing in a safe and dare them to come get it. You don't return the medal. That's a shot. You want to give Romania the medal? Go ahead. But I still got mine. What are you going to do? A recipe? Well, what's a sub bladder going to get the handcuffs on me and arrest me? No, no shot. You want me to fly back to Paris and bring it to bring it back to you in an envelope? No. Okay. You said we're going to be at your house tomorrow. We want that medal. Would you like some coffee cake and some coffee? Antennan? Antennan? Yeah, but you're not getting it, but you're not getting the medal. Let's put away someplace. What are you going to do? What are you going to do? Is that criminal? It's your choice because of those judges screw ups. That's my medal. Take that. What are you going to do? I guess they could go to court and sue over. I guess. Sue. I don't know. No idea what the arbitration process is. Brought to you by a kid law. Three, one, two, six million for the great Howard Anker. If you'd like to sue for your medal, sign my ball or sign my medal. Sign my medal. Correct. The whole thing is over, like hoodie, if you're Jordan Childs and you're being told that because Romania said your appeal was four seconds late, you didn't win the bronze. Well, if that's the, if that's the rule, that's a different story. That's two. That's the rule. It's not four seconds. It could be four minutes if she's late, but they, the problem is the U.S. says they have video evidence that came in two seconds early, that's different. If they admitted, yes, we were four seconds late. She gives the medal back. Four seconds or four minutes or four hours, whatever the rule is, but they're saying we came in under the wire. We have video evidence to prove it. That's different. We had Estrain now before that she left Paris. This whole thing just reaffirms my belief that the Olympics are ridiculous. These events that come down to judges, and they have to factor in the difficulty of what you're attempting to do, that matters, and then the appeal has to be within a minute. And if you're four seconds late, we're going to strip you of the medal that you actually won. Just say it to all ridiculous. One thing for sure, Jay Moore, that they wouldn't do, they wouldn't take that medal away from Julia Childs. I know that for sure. That will not be cooked. I will now bake myself a nice cake. You stir the batter and put butter in five, six, seven, eight bars of butter, and you keep stirring. Nothing like a Saturday afternoon at four o'clock in the afternoon, and there's grandma watching Julia Child, learning how some interesting things of cooking on PBS, Julia Childs, they would never take the medal away from Julia. She's still alive. So that's exactly the case. All right, we go around the NFL. That's next on Captain Jay Hood. Truth of the matter is you're listening to Captain Jay Hood on ESPN 1000, weekdays, seven to 10 a.m., but it'll last a lifetime. It may only be three hours a day, but it'll last you a lifetime. It both sucks, these sucks. I'm just a fan, I'm not a football evaluator. I love the Green Bay Packers. The guy is drunk, but there he goes. This is not Detroit, man, this is the Super Bowl. I love winter. He starts to come at a moment. This is a really thickly built guy. I mean, what's the answer you're looking for on these things here, huh? Oh, boy. Check out ESP in Chicago on YouTube, Look for the ESP in Chicago channel. Hit that subscribe button, the same thing as Twitch, in 1000 Chicago around the NFL. Here's Shay Norlin. This will not be an NFL version of around the NFL, buddy, because yesterday the Associated Press released college football's preseason top 25. We know this year we get the 12 team playoff that everybody, including, and especially the TV networks, has craved for years. Now we finally get it, and I have the snorling 12 team playoff. Did you hear this cap? I did. For you guys, this is like football porn. I get it. For me, let's get to the games, but for you and snorling, you guys can name me the backup kicker on the 24th ranked team. Just let me know when I start gambling on college football, and then I ask you for play. Jay Moore is also in that circle as well, because the teams that he watches are usually toward the bottom of that top 25. Wow. So not predicting greatness for Wyoming, huh? So he can tell us a least about the bottom of that 25. Well, we can find a cowboy there. Are they going to be in the others receiving votes? Wow. That's a win for Wyoming these days. No disrespect, Jay Moore. I think you understand. We had a bowl game last year. So it's cool. Folks, we go to the bowl game. It's good with that. Here's shade. Orling. But it's a snorling 12. So if you're unfamiliar with the 12 team playoff, it breaks out this way. You will have the top four power four conference champions automatically get bids in as well as the highest seeded group of five conference champion. And then there will be the seven at large teams. Yeah. So I have the top four to start with. These are the power four conference champions. They will be ranked one through four at the time of the playoff. Number one overall seed, the Oregon Ducks, big 10 champions in their first season in the big 10. Dan Lanning went out, killed the portal. Phil Knight said, I'm going to die my die soon. I'm 86 years old. Spend as much money as you want. Don't even ask. Send me the invoice after you signed the players. Oregon's outstanding. I think they win the big 10. Number two, hoodie, your SEC champion, Georgia Bulldogs at 12 and one. We get the best offensive line in the country cap. It's not even close. Best offensive line in the country. Beck will be protected wonderfully this season, the quarterback for Georgia. Yeah, you actually are the number one ranked team for a reason because Kirby Smart, this guy is now like the king of all college coaches with Nick Saban gone without question. The king. Go dogs. Georgia always the fastest team on the field as well. All right. Three. Number three is Clemson, ACC champions caps best friend Davo with a resurgent season. Quarterback Clemson claims the ACC and number three in the playoff season. Clemson hoodie that I gave to the guy on the street here. I could get it back. They're good. Yeah. Okay. Dava Luther King at number three. All right. Number four. Number four is the big, the big 12 champion Kyle Whittingham's Utah Utes, Salt Lake City coming back. Back. I can coach. Okay. What's next? You said number four. The next up is the at large bids that are actually going to be one on the football field. I have four of them. Number five, Texas. Texas is going to beat Georgia at DKR in the regular season. They're going to lose to Georgia in the big, in the SEC title game. That's fine. You're going to beat him at what? DKR their stadium. What does that stand for? Dare. Okay. Royal Memorial Field. Yeah, whatever. Okay. No, it's not whatever. That's laughable. That's great. That's great, Jay. Texas at five. Okay. Texas is back, folks. Yeah. Quinn Ewer's Heisman Dark Horse at six Ohio State. They will lose to Oregon in the SEC or in the big tension. I've got my conferences all over the place. Lose to Oregon in the big 10 championship game, but at 12 and one, they'll be the six seed and get into the playoff. Ryan Day has to win a title or he gets fired that all the chips are in the middle. I mean, it can't be. It's hard to disagree. What does he have to do? Ryan Day. He's got to at least win a playoff game. This guy lost to Michigan three straight years. All their chips are in. They went out in the portal out of the number one safety, the number one running back. They went and got a quarterback out of Kansas State. They're really good on both fronts. That's what I'm rooting for. That's my pick to win it all. What? Ohio State? Okay. You didn't put money on that yet. Have you? Yeah. Don't do that. Why? Don't do that. I'd rather for you to put your money on a winner. Go ahead, Shane. What else? Uh, number seven, Lane Chiffon gets it going at Ole Miss, Ole Miss a 10 and two with Jackson Dart at quarterback Lane Chiffon is in the playoff and that would hold him back. Go ahead. Oh, come on. Don't believe. I love Lane. Don't believe, see, you got, but of anybody in this room, you can't put the emotion in it, Shane. You're not allowed. None of us allowed to put their emotion into it because he's glib and he says stuff and he's got a cool press conference. It's about wins, quality wins. Now maybe if you feel like Cuz Saben's out of it that he has a path there, he's got to show it to me first. There's a reason why he's hopscotch across the college football landscape. Win a big game. How about that? Their schedule's so soft. But you understand what I'm saying? I get it. Don't improve it, but their schedule's so soft and their team is so good. Another team went out and killed it in the, I think they got 25 kids in the portal. All of them are really talented. Best defensive tackle in the country. Walter Nolan went from A&M to Ole Miss, so don't tell me Ole Miss doesn't play defense anymore either. Run the ball, Lane. There we go. Jackson Dart at quarterback. Running back this Ellsworth kid. They lost Quinchon Jugkins, but I like Ole Miss a lot. And number eight, Penn State. Okay, we should shut this down right now. Let's go to break now. 22 to 1. This guy here. This guy. What are you talking about, Shay? This is James Franklin. This is what the 12 team playoff has done to us. He's a fraud. Are you kidding me? I don't disagree. I'm not telling you they're going to win a playoff game, but I'm making a point. This is what the 12 team playoff has done to us. We're going to get Penn State, Ole Miss. Okay. We don't deserve this. Don't water down my college football now. This is what's happened. Okay, James Franklin, Penn State. Not much money I've lost in Penn State in the last five years. Do you know how much, when I think, all right, this is the game, here we go. Losing in Happy Valley. Big spot. Losing the road. Big spot. Ordinary bowl games. Big spot. Bad. Ordinary. What do you think the line is on, George is the favorite, obviously. The line on Georgia. To win the title. Texas. Oh, to win the title. It's going to be pretty good, isn't it? Plus 300. That's it. Yeah. Three to one. In year. Number two is Ohio State plus 380, then you jump to Oregon plus 750, Texas plus 850, Alabama 14 to one along with Ole Miss. Got four more teams to get through, Kevin. Woody, I just want to explain the Penn State a little bit. They duck Michigan. They duck Oregon. They only play Ohio State. They will probably lose that game, but it is the only real schedule loss that they have. Eleven and one gets them in. They aren't going to win the Big Ten. They aren't going to play in the Big Ten title game. They'll get in and they'll lose, because James Franklin can't win big games. Really going to piss you off here when you hear about watered down college football. As we know, the CFP is effectively run by the TV networks and want eyeballs. Here are your TV network bids. Three of them. At nine is going to be 10 and two Notre Dame. Uh oh. Ah! Got it. Good eyeballs. We're going to force Notre Dame's way in. There's plenty of eyeballs. We don't need the Irish in there. Oh, oh, oh. Here we go. Please. You could have pissed off. I'll cap with that. Please. Here we go. Notre Dame. Two to one. Mount Kaplan. Here he goes. I've got to look at their schedule, see where I can find wins against them. It's a joke. They're going to be pretty good this year. They have A&M to open the year. It's like the only schedule loss they have. The rest of it, they get Florida State at home. Their schedule's a joke. I'm circling the Florida State game on November 9 just to see what that looks like. I mean, it's I see maybe at most two losses in the schedule. My Huskies are rolling in there on the 7th of September. Northern Illinois. Let's go. Notre Dame lay in 35 and a half. I like the Huskies. Number 10 hoodie, Michigan 9 and 3. Got to get them in. They're not going to win any of the big games on their schedule. Oregon, Ohio State. No shot. They're way worse than they were a year ago. And by the way, Notre Dame schedule your right shape is a joke. But Michigan, obviously defending champions, eyeballs, Michigan gets in at 9 and 3. What's the next one? Number 11, another TV network deal, Alabama at 9 and 3 gets into the playoff. First year, Kaitlyn DeBore, but you're not leaving Bama out. And it does, unfortunately, leave what I believe will be a 10 and 2 Missouri with a loss to Bama outside looking in because, hey, Mizzou's not getting the ratings, Bama is. It's Mizzou. You have, right? That's the next one? No, the last one is the group of five champion that gets the automatic bid. Oh, yeah. 12 seed, 11 and one Boise State Broncos, Mountain West champions. Our back, folks. Okay. Oh, Abdullah, I can't wait. He's not going to be happy with that. Yeah, whatever. Whatever. We'll see, whatever. He's not going to be happy. He's not there anymore. He's not going to be happy with that. He's not going to be happy with that decision you made about Bama. Okay, whatever. We'll see. He'll rustle you into the ground. Abdullah, he'll take you, put it in your set, a side headlock, Shay, you better be careful. But here's the thing, the team that you mentioned, Shay, like a Clemson Ole Miss Penn State, don't water down my college football with this nonsense. Just get me to the top, give me my UGA. And also, I want to see Cap, and by the way, this season, you'll watch more college football in the non-conference than you ever have this year. Because the complaint usually is non-conference, you're playing little sisters of poor, you'll see more quality now at the top of the schedule than you have probably ever. You'll watch. You'll be one of the TVs. My man Brett will say, "Dad, put on this game. Put on this game." You'll be entertained, and you'll be ahead on the draft. Because the best of the best is going to take on each other in August, in early September. Usually, you got to wait till the conference, but the reason with all this big CBS receipt of teams in a conference now, you'll get more quality matchups. A lot more. I want to go to a game at Northwestern at that cool stadium on the lake, the temporary stadium. Speaking of a team that's a pretty good kid. They just got naming rights on that stadium, didn't they? On the temporary stadium? Yeah. I believe so. I don't know that. But I would like to go to a game there before the weather gets nasty, but be outside on the lake. Are you kidding? Yes. Count me in. And naming rights partnership with Northwestern Medicine, that must have been a tough one to secure. You had to ask, but that was to be a fly on the wall in that meeting. Hey, can we use the medicine medical facility for the naming rights on the stadium? Do they have any really good home games this year? Sure. In Miami, Ohio, on the 31st of August, and then Duke, and then Eastern Illinois, perfect cap. Then you take on Indiana on October 5th, they take on Wisconsin on October 19th, then you won't go out there after that because it's too cold. Hey, Ohio State, you're Buckeyes. No, November 16th. You ain't going out there. I'm out of town. Buckeyes laying 31 and a half in that game. And in Illinois on the 30th of November, I know you're not going. So a good, strong Eastern Illinois victory will be good for you. Still going to be warm September 14th. Take Brett. Hey, I'll pass on that game. What's wrong? Eastern Illinois. Come on. What are you doing? Well, there is a one that divides the soft schedule. I might might do the October 5th in Indiana, North West. Too cold. October 5th? You won't be there. You won't be in the playoffs. You won't be watching. That's a good point. [LAUGHTER] Covey will be in the playoffs. I'm at home. Take that. I have a feeling he'll be free that weekend, but he will watch. Cody, you know this guy. He'll watch some garbage NL wild card game overgoing the Northwestern Indiana. That's probably true. No question. Indiana's going to be fun, man. They got this kid Curtis Rourke out of the Mac. He's going to be their quarterback, new head coach. Mr. Rourke's going to be there. Did you hear that? Curtis Rourke. The maple missile. His dad used to be the pitching coach of the Cubs. Mike Rourke. Yes. And also was the face of Fantasy Island for many years. I remember it very well. Stop playing. [LAUGHTER] Yeah. You get out of here. Little man. Get out of there. Hervee Villaschase. Short stop. That's it. Number one. Hervee Villaschase. Yeah. So here's Villaschase. He's doing it. So here's Villaschase. He's doing it. He's over four. [LAUGHTER] Kind of bitch. [LAUGHTER] I drive they say it. I drive they say it like that. And that's my friends. There's a very spirited around the NFL question mark on the ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. My hope is, Shea, is that we can be able to save this part of the show so we can go back and listen to it at the end of the college football season. I'd like for us to be able to review. You're doubting Penn State to everybody. If I go if I go 12 for 12, I that might be a retirement moment and go out on that. That's true. There's a lot of love for Caleb Williams. You'll hear a strong commentary about Caleb Williams coming up next right here on Captain Jhood. You're listening to Captain Jhood. Follow the show on Instagram at the Catman and at IGJhood. This is ESPN Chicago, Chicago's Home for Sports. Hello. Football on ESPN 1000. Hello, Bert. Albert Breer. Hey, Bert, senior NFL writer for joins Captain Jhood. Bert's it? What? You're it, Bert. On ESPN 1000. What do you mean I'm it? We see that's the game. I just tag you and you're it until you tag somebody else. Albert Breer. No, no, I'm not playing a game. I'm reading and I'm not it. Okay. On Chicago's Home for Sports. Bert is it? Albert Breer with us every Tuesday at 835 right here on the Captain Jhood morning show. And Albert is on the hotline. The car, it's Tyranado Hotline. Rattle, rattle, thunder, batter, boom, boom, boom. Chicago, baby. Don't worry about the car. It's name. Good morning, Albert. How are you? Good morning, guys. Albert, we have, I'm not sure if the rest of the world is aware yet. We have a quarterback in Chicago. Oh my God. I fell in love over the weekend. Your takeaways from Caleb Williams. Yeah, you belong for sure. You know, I think the big thing is kind of, you know, like seeing how much of a translates and seeing what he looks out there and it looks like that there in his uniform and, you know, I know that sounds like a simple thing, but obviously it's a different context in the NFL. So, you know, I think all of that like is exactly where you'd want it to be. And, you know, I think all the work that they did, how creative they were, and making sure he's ramped up and ready to go, all that paid off, you know, obviously there's the one throw that he made that I got my attention at least, which was, I think you guys know which one I'm referencing, the one where he rolled to his right. And on the run, was able to get enough power on the ball to get at what 20, 25 yards down the field, or didn't even look like he had his feet underneath him, you know. So, you see the boys, you see the ability to run the offense, and I think maybe the most encouraging thing is, like, and I think this is going to be a big question for him in year one, is how quickly can they get him to play on time, right? Like, you know, a lot of the stuff that happened over the last year at USC was related to what was around him and how the roster wasn't where it needed to be, wasn't where it had been the year before. And so, you know, like, there were some spots where he had a tendency to hold on to the ball. So, I think one thing that you'd be looking for is, okay, how quick is he playing? How much is he holding on to the ball? Is he trusting what he sees? And I think he saw all of that, too. Albert, is it commonplace, especially with the Bears playing four preseason games, everyone else is not. How do you recalibrate that if you're a Mati Reflus? What's the commonplace for that? Because he's going to play against Cincinnati on Saturday, but does he play in the first team play against Kansas City for the last game? I think a lot of that depends and has depended with these sorts of situations on where the kid is. And a lot of times, coaches internally will keep markers on where they want guys to get. And so, that's one piece of it, I'm for sure, is like, you know, he checked every box you want to check before the season starts. And I think, you know, as far as game action goes, last week was obviously a really good start. So, as far as who else is playing. And I don't think that part can be undersold. You're not going to put them out there the best offensive line, you know, it's just the reality of it. So, while everyone would love to see him a couple more times for the season starts. He could benefit from it. There isn't a ton of sense of putting him out there behind the second team offensive line when the guys on the other side might not be worried about getting to the season. They might just be worried about making the team, you know? So, that part of it, I think, is really a big piece of it. So, how is it that he was losing the staff handling the rest of the roster? Whatever the answer to that is, I think, goes a long way to determining whether or not Caleb plays the most game. In terms of his son, Rhettick, he says, I'm not coming in, he's already fined 1.2 million. Are those, I don't call them fake fines because they're legit, but if he was willing to settle at 27 million, now he says, I need to get 28, so he gets the fines covered. And do you think they're going to trade him? I don't right now. I think they're going to trade him. You know, I think a lot of times these things can drive a conclusion, you know, when you do have things come to a head this way or that happen in this case, it's really hard to say. But, you know, like, obviously, this hasn't gone the way the Jets expected. Rhettick hasn't gotten the contract he wanted. I think Rhettick, you know, you really look at it, like, is sort of in that spot where he never got the mega deal. You know what I mean? For his good of players, he's been, he never got, like, the chist blockbuster, and I'm not going to say he's not set for life because he probably is, but, like, the mega deal that the great pastor's got, he never got it. And now he's in his 30s and so you're talking about a guy who is probably looking to make up for what he might have missed on the front end of his career. And so, you know, I think that makes this unpredictable and how far he's going to go. I think dictates where this goes. You know, my guests would be, they find some sort of middle ground, not by giving him a hard raise, but by giving him some incentives and trying to build some stuff into his field that'll make him whole. And create, like, a win-win situation where, you know, if you hit a certain amount of shacks, he produced for us in a certain way that he has a certain amount of success, then you'll get the money that you want. We should probably break down our sides on this cap, like, redic side and the jet side, because, you know, we were talking about this earlier, Albert, and we should say, like, it's on both sides, but I just think that the player is deciding not to play. The jet save, where we're going to keep finding you, I just think that there's going to be some kind of common ground at some point, just because he's not playing that, I mean, he's going to be out in October. Right. I mean, like, he is a veteran, so the jet system is relatively user-friendly. He's a pass rusher, so, like, you're going to be able to use him so long as he's in shape, and I trust he's stayed in shape. So there are a lot of elements to this where I think you can look at it and say, you know, there's a good chance this could wind up being okay in the long run. One thing that definitely complicates you is how funky the pass rusher market is, you know, like in how certain things are a little out of whack, you know, like, so you have your guys who are making $13, $14, $15 million a year, and maybe you've been on their contracts for a while, redics in that category, we've talked about Matthew Judon being in that category, and then you got, you know, Nick Bose at $34 million, and you got, you know, more recently to Neil Hunter on a third contract making $29 million per, you know, so that's a big gap and sort of colors why these guys are willing to go to the wall to get more money because they know that money's out there, and, you know, for a couple of these guys, you know, Judon and redics, certainly part of it, like, you know, those guys are closer to the end than they are to the beginning, so, you know, if they're going to want a big payday like that, there's probably some sense of urgency they got to get it done now because, you know, whatever happens tomorrow isn't promised to them. In terms of Matthew Judon, because redic has never played with his hand in the dirt, that's a bigger adjustment than saying Judon who plays on the same side as sweat has to flip sides or one of them does, is Judon going to get moved because there is some report that the Bears have at least inquired? Yeah, so, I mean, there have been a few teams that have been acquired, you know, Denver, Arizona, like, they've gotten inquiries on Matthew Judon, and, you know, I think it's, so, the Patriots right now, like, they're not in some, like, desperate win now situation obviously because of where their roster is, so, like, they, they can kind of hold their ground here a little bit and say, well, up to this round, pickets are going to do it for us because we think we can get a fifth round comp pick if we just let them improve the agency after the year. So, you know, I think the Patriots have held their ground on this, they've rewarded a lot of guys. It's off season two, which I think colors this as well whereas, like, if you're going to reward a lot of guys and then buckle, when somebody else comes to the table, that can be, you know, that can create some painters, precedents for you. So, they sort of does this whole for themselves by, you know, when they pay Christian far more, they did get into the skin of Devon Godchow and, and Judah, now Godchow has been paid. So, you know, it would be interesting to see what happens on Judah, but they are listening and it would shock me if, again, like, in Atlanta, Chicago, at Dallas and Arizona team that, like, needs pass rush, help Denver, winds up, winds up getting him. It's just going to be a matter of what the price is because he's only under contract for another year. Albert, as always, we appreciate the time. Thanks for coming on the show. All right. Thanks guys. Have a good day. It's Albert Breyer from and Monday morning quarterback. I'm the correct. Tired on a hop. Rattle, rattle, thunder, batter, boom, boom, boom. I'm coming here. Don't worry. Call the correct. Snake. Big, big time opinion on Caleb Williams. You'll hear it next on Cap and Jay Hood. Cap and Jay Hood are back. Appreciate you guys. I listened to you streaming on ESPN 1000 apps. Chicago's home for sports. ESPN Chicago. It's a Captain Jay Hood morning show on ESPN 1000 and streaming on the ESPN Chicago app. Some big opinions about Caleb Williams in his first game in preseason against the Bills on Saturday Cap. So some thoughts, first of all, from Dan Orlowski from ESPN. He's got love for Caleb Williams. A lot of it. Sometimes, man, it was sensational. And I understand it's the preseason. It was sensational. One, two, three, four, five, sets the middle field, hangs in the pocket, throws an absolute missile backside. The pump fake to get that defender to hold and then that throw, that's back from home, Josh Allen. Type-ish type of stuff on the full speed run, and then the recognition of coverage to run. The most impressive part about Caleb's performance for me outside of the physical stuff that we saw. He saw a lot of different coverages from the Buffalo Bills. For me as a quarterback, he saw a three-fire zone, which is a blitz and then a dropping defender away playing zone defense. He saw a traditional man-to-man coverage with pressure. He saw a traditional cover for, which is just that zone drop. He saw two-man, two deep safeties man underneath, which is that play that we saw the scramble on. Usually in the preseason, you see stuff that's kind of vanilla. He didn't and it seemed that he was unfazed by it, very impressed with Caleb Williams' start. Through two preseason games, that's the thing that, one of the things that resonates with me about the offense cap is that usually it's just boring, vanilla, running plays, five-yard out, maybe a couple of shots down the field. It looks like some of it is some regular season offense that we're seeing here. You're trying to get it vertical down the field, trying to get it to the, it doesn't seem like it's just like, "Well, we're just going through the motions," as if the offensive coordinator is just going to say, "Let's try some things here. Let's open up the playbook. I'm going to, we're going to do this much of the playbook and then just see what happens." Pretty good. Yeah, they're not going to show you anything exotic. There's not going to be any fancy play. You're like, "Oh, we've got to be ready for that week one," but they're going to least let him take the car out beyond moving it in the driveway. You know what I mean? Yes. You can take the car, son, and you can back it down the driveway and then pull it back up. No. Can I take it to go get ice cream? Yes. Can I take it downtown? No. You know what I mean? Yes. You can go to the Dairy Queen. It's like a quarter of a mile from the house. But then bring it back. Bring it back without a scratch on it. And if you're a mild man, he checks the odometer. You wrote it down beforehand. No way. He did. Jonathan, why is there 32 miles on here when the ice cream place is a mile and a half? You would know. I got a lot of ice cream, Dad. Yeah. Okay. You know what? Give me the keys. You're done for a week. And unplug that TV. Wow. No sock space ball for you for a week. I'll listen on the radio. Let me ask you a question. What was the closest ice cream place to the hood cave? Now, then, rainbow, there was a there was a Baskin Robbins that I can recall. And a lot of times it would just be whatever the grocery store is would be the ice cream place. So not like a DQ. There. No. You had to go. Well, we had a good Indiana for that. So I'd be like 25 minutes away. How far is rainbow cones? That's down south. Yeah. It's like by St. Rita. Yeah. That's a hall from where we were southeast. Not too far, but I mean, when you're a kid in the back of the car, it seems like it's an hour. Right. But it's just Western Avenue. It's fine. No, but it's just, yeah. The old man just kind of liked his sherbet. He liked that. Give me some of that sherbet. You mean sure you heard what I said. All right. Right back. I got it. Orange. The flavor. It's like bring me back some of that sherbet. Who's sherbet? There's no orange. It's the second artist gone. He wouldn't. Sherbet. You weren't going to correct. Baba. You're not correct in Baba. I'm like, whatever. I know what you mean. I'll get it for you. My dad hated cheesecake. Hated it. One day, my mom got some dessert. It was cheesecake, but it had some twist on it and gave it to him. He's like, oh, this is delicious. And she went, got you. It's cheesecake. You didn't do that to him. There was no take that. He was so mad. Jay Moore, I have a question, sir. Kyle Brandt from the NFL Network. It's listed here. Greatest throws in NFL history that includes Caleb Williams. Is he saying that Caleb Williams throw is one of the greatest throws in NFL history? Is he saying that? Yeah. No way. He's saying that. Which one? Or third and 12? Or the call come out? No, come out. He's not saying that for real, is he? Yeah. That throw that we saw in the preseason game was one of the greatest throws in NFL history where it was a commit going to his toes, his tippy toes to catch that ball. A little tight window. Yeah. Cap. Let's see. This is what I'm talking about. See, that's what I mean. One preseason game, there's a balance in everything. Yes. It's not the greatest thing we've ever seen. It's not the worst thing we've ever seen. Here's what's great is that he was not embarrassing out there. We'll talk more about it at the top of the hour, but the point is like he was not embarrassing out there. No, he looked like a professional. We've never seen a bearish quarterback look like that, go through his progressions. I thought the throw to DJ Moore was more impressive. The one on the move to commit was great. The fact that he looked off the safety and the safety slid over and collapsed and then bam. Third and 12. 13 yards first down move the sticks. That was sensation. So, Jay Moore, I'm going to have to play this. We're going to play this at nine o'clock. I had not heard this, but we need to play this for the audience. So they can understand like really great is his greatest throws in NFL history includes Caleb Williams. Wow. Now NFL has been a long time, hasn't it? Been around for a while. Oh, okay. You'll hear that in two minutes on Cap and Jay Hood.