Afterlife Pod

Episode 163- Laura M NDE 'You are a child of God'

Laura recounts two near-death experiences, the first occurring after the birth of her first son in 1970 and the second after delivering her fourth son in 1979. Her first experience is more hellish while the second time she describes feeling her spirit leave her body and entering a state of calm and peace before being enveloped in light and love. She communicates with a divine being who guides her through various revelations, including witnessing the future lives of her sons, understanding the importance of her role as a mother, and experiencing a life review without judgment. She also learns about the interconnectedness of all beings and the universal love that surrounds them. Despite feeling reluctant to leave this divine presence, she eventually agrees to return to her body, carrying with her the understanding that love is the most valuable thing she can bring back to the world.

1h 9m
Broadcast on:
11 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Well hello everyone thank you for joining me it's good to have you with me today I've got an experience that might not have heard just what I said thanks I was scrolling mouse I've got an experience that was interesting to me when I first read it but just needed a little bit of editing to make it flow a little bit better and make a little bit more sense so that is what I've done so hopefully it comes across okay and gives us a little bit more information as to what this other realm this realm that seems to be so difficult to describe is like so this is Laura's experience on the 18th of May 1970 my first son was born I had my first spiritually transformative experience I had serious medical I had serious medical complications after the birth that led to life threatening hemorrhaging I received several blood transfusions this led to an out-of-body experience which I witnessed where I witnessed the birth of my son whilst out of my body I also heard the doctor tell my husband the birth at complications and he felt they could save the baby but it was likely I was going to die from my vantage point at the top of the ceiling in my spiritual form I started screaming in terror but they couldn't hear me I was terrified the out-of-body experience then took a darker turn and went on to witness my own funeral and burial then basically everything just went black it took three days before I could actually communicate and consciously respond to my surroundings this experience created an immense fear of death for me almost 10 years later in 1979 I had another spiritually transformative experience it occurred nine days after delivering my fourth son this time again I began hemorrhaging my husband rushed me to the hospital where I received several more blood transfusions and surgery to stop the bleeding I woke up in the recovery room feeling fine with encouragement my husband went back to work with a promise that he would return in a few hours and take me home I dozed off only to wake up as my father entered the room he lived 90 miles away and his visit was a happy surprise he bent over to kiss me and I felt a strange shudder run through my body then my teeth started to chatter and I began to have uncontrolled spasms I was burning up my father went running from the room to get help medical personnel came running into the room plastic sheet was thrown over my body and then someone started dumping buckets of ice on me I felt every piece of ice as if it were a knife piercing my burning flesh I was in great pain then my doctor appeared I heard the nurses say I can't get a pulse a temperature is over a hundred and six and organs are shutting down suddenly I could feel the hemorrhage again I looked up at my doctor and said to him I'm bleeding internally he replied no you're not you're just having an allergic reaction to the blood transfusions you received I knew he had made a mistake and the problem was internal bleeding at that point I slowly started to feel my spirit separate from my body I was then suddenly and overwhelmingly very sad was sad because I was dying and I didn't get a chance to say goodbye and then I felt it happen I finally died first awareness I had was the absence of pain and oh what a relief that was then I became aware of the blackness it was as if I was in a place of tremendous energy a great black void but I was not fearful the void held me in a state of calmness and peace I knew I had died to the world but I was still me I had not lost consciousness for even a second I had just left my physical form then I was reconnected with God felt divine I was enveloped in such great light and love it defies description there I rested enjoy bliss and grace he spoke to me telling me that it was not my time and that I needed to return to my body to complete my life's mission I did not respond to his remark but instead asked him a question I wanted to know how he was communicating with me he spoke to me without words without a voice and yet I had clearly heard and understood every spoken word it didn't make sense he responded by explaining to me that I was in a different dimension one in which communication was purely exchanged through the language of love here everyone spoke heart to heart and soul to soul so that there could never be a misunderstanding when I had been on earth and used the spoken word there it had often caused great confusion there were language barriers hearing difficulties and poor listening skills which all make communication difficult in this place communication was done without mistakes God then reminded me that it was not my time I needed to return to my body and resume my earth life however I was not happy with this arrangement I wanted to stay I remembered we all have free will so I told God I was choosing to use my free will I relayed to God that I didn't want to return I wanted to stay in this dimension with him he laughed with great joy at my stubbornness saying yes Laura I expect you to argue for your own case the decision will of course be yours but first let me show you some things this really took me by surprise I was not expecting God to know who I was I was suddenly struck with wonderment and awe he knew me better than I knew myself everything about me was knowing I was part of his creation and in me was the spark of God it could not be otherwise he was all knowing he was all love and I was a part of it all God then showed me the pros and cons of staying in this dimension with him before me that suddenly appeared a pristine beautiful white glistening beach I saw my three oldest sons sitting together on that beach individually I saw many parts of their future lives I saw their struggles and their hardships I saw how my own death would add to their own hardships sadness loneliness and anger would often surround them then I saw the contrast I as their mother could stay on earth and help raise them and be a huge part of their lives if I chose to do this their class would become much more enlightened because of my love for them even after seeing all this though I was still not convinced I could not bear the thought of being apart from God and his love so I pointed out the beach to him and said there's so many grains of sand and if one of those grains of sand represents my life surely if that grain of sands removed it's not going to affect the whole of creation no one would miss me surely besides my children had a father a wonderful loving father to care for them and teach them care for them and love them suddenly it dawned on me that I'd only witnessed the lives of three of my sons where's my baby I asked why is he separate from his brothers he is younger he will be raised differently I was told that cannot be I said his father would not let that happen his father will be with him long for a long time he will his father will and then the reply came his father will not be with him long he will not have the influence of on him as he does on your other children at that point I witnessed a future event in the life of my husband an accident in which he would lose his life I did not bring this memory back with me but somewhere in the corner of my mind it remained I would remember it vividly four years later as my husband lay dying and during this experience there was still more for me to understand I then became aware of hundreds if not thousands of my ancestors I was aware of a light substance surrounding many of them they really stood out I felt tremendous love from them notice God said your ancestors all these beings you can see came together on your behalf to make you uniquely you I realized in earth words God was referring to my DNA he then explained why we were all here he said you all wanted to go to earth to learn to progress and to contribute to creation the focus then went back onto the baby I'd just given birth to it God said in all of creation this child you have just given birth to chose you to be his mother none other God uttered together you both entered an agreement to fulfill those roles throughout each other's earthly existence before you even came to earth you chose to be his mum and he chose to be your son this agreement is and always has been profoundly sacred and should not be regarded lightly instantly I felt an eagerness to return to earth to my four sons to my family to the earthly life however before proceeding my experience went to a whole new level I was elevated to a heightened state of consciousness getting my head around this level of consciousness was confusing and it is really difficult to describe but on one level when I focused on God that was my complete and only awareness but when I changed focus such as looking at the beach I was able to see even more whilst in this higher state of consciousness my life flash before me and I had a life review it was difficult to watch when it was over my head hung in shame for God was watching with me I was not happy with many of my actions then in or I turned and asked God how can you still love me so completely after with witnessing all those sins God replied you are a child of mine and I am love so I see you purely as love there was no judgment only unconditional love coming from him to grasp this concept fully I had to forgive myself and acknowledge my connection to divine love it's very difficult to explain I do not remember specific details of my life review just the fact that I had one and also the love and compassion I felt from God after the review my surroundings were brought into focus and I became aware of a flower a magnificent flower it was like a perfect daisy glowing in a brilliant orange color it was alive and it loved me in amazement I turned again to God in wonderment and all exclaiming this flower loves me I can feel it God said everything was made in love for you then I felt extreme oneness and connectedness with all that is I saw and felt all it was me and I was it the whole environment then became alive and loving stunning colors of light I became fixed on some water in a nearby stream each drop was animated and affectionate this part of the experience really blew my mind words do not do it justice after experiencing what I sensed was time to return I suddenly have one question pop into my mind I said to God why me what made me so special that I was allowed to have this happen to me well there's nothing really special about you God said love falls on everyone equally everyone is special this was just something you needed to experience to accomplish your chosen life mission I was almost ready to return but first I needed to secure a promise that I could soon return to God again I felt his great delight his tremendous love for me and he's complete knowing of me of course you'll come back he said there really is no other option we all return God then reminded me of the importance of love in this realm he said that the only thing I would get to bring back with me was the love the love I gave away that is the end of Laura's experience so let's go through that one again so a lot of information in there a lot to unpack particularly towards the end of the experience it jumps from you know this life life review to this beautiful environment to this feeling of connectedness and oneness and yeah there's conversation with God threaded throughout the most of the experience as well so so rather complex and detailed experience in terms of what actually happened and although the actual experience itself isn't very long it touches on a lot of interesting areas so the experience starts off with the birth of her first son and this is her first spiritually transformative experience so she has she gives birth and starts bleeding to the point where it becomes life-threatening it's amazing how many of these experiences occur during church and reminds us all I guess how dangerous that is this one this experience is happening back in 1970 though so I guess our medical equipment and understanding and technology has got a little bit better by now but this makes me reflect on all those women through the millennia that have you know wanted to start a family and there would have been many many who have died while giving birth so yeah thank God we live in the day and age we do know where that risk is minimalized but anyway this is Laura's first spiritually transformative experience she pops out of her body and is able to view herself giving birth from the ceiling and she's also able to hear what the doctors saying and the doctors saying look I can she's saying this to the husband look I can save your your baby but it looks like your wife is probably going to die here and as you would be Laura gets rather upset by this information and starts screaming in terror but because she's in the spiritual form no one can actually hear her from a physical point of view maybe if she had relaxed and asked for help from God or Jesus or the light or some loving being the situation might have been different but from there that the experience takes a really unusual turn she and there's not much detail here it's just one sentence she says she's watching a self-gibber she hears the doctor say the baby's gonna live but the mother's gonna die and from there she goes on to witness her own funeral and imperial and then everything just goes black and that's the end of of this first spiritually transformative experience she says the main takeaway she she carries after going through this is a tremendous fear of death as you would you would be absolutely terrified if if you have this it's almost like a hellish type NDE isn't it like it's everything that could go wrong does go wrong and it's good to actually touch on one of these for change because they do happen they're not all happy, lovey, pleasant joyful experiences and sometimes they do take these rather sinister turns so this is a good example of that a more terrifying type of an event to occur in this other dimension and why this actually occurs I don't know like I've got a fair idea or at least I think I do of why the good ones occur and that's to remind us that God is love and God is and the universe is loving and we are part of this universe and we are always you know we're always have these beings that are with us at all times and they're here to guide us and and generally what you take away from these experiences that the universe is a good and loving place to be a part of but when you come across little experiences like this it makes you think why does something like this happen why does what someone when they go to this next dimension experience the opposite of what a lot of other people do is it to do with their their state of mind is it is it like because they're so scared at what they're seeing and in Laura's case she's watching her baby building born and she's dying while giving birth is this situation enough to put so much fear into you that you can actually manipulate the the journey your soul takes in terms of it is connecting from the love and going more towards darkness and fear and situations that aren't desirable it's hard to say because the only takeout she gets from this little experience is an immense fear of death and what I've learned from reading so many of these near-death experiences is most people after they have them have the opposite they have this almost not not wanting to die but certainly no fear of what happens when you die this is obviously had the opposite effect on Laura it's made a even more fearful to die because she has had type of hellish event after her death but anyway that's that's her first little experience so nine years later oh no so 10 no she says almost ten years later in July 1979 and this is her fourth baby so the first experience was her first and now during while giving birth to her fourth she begins to bleed again so it looks like it's a similar sort of problem that occurred during the birth of her first son and her husband rushes her to the hospital because this bleeding is occurring nine days after she has actually given birth so the husband rushes her off and there at the hospital she receives some blood transfusions and some surgery to stop the bleeding this seems to work she wakes up in the recovery room feeling fine her husband's there to greet her when she wakes up everything seems to be going well husband says look I've got to leave you now everything's going fine I'll be back later just got to go to work and then her father walks in and he lived 90 miles away so it's a fair distance to come and trek to see her but he does and as he enters the room she starts to feel something's not quite right she's a little bit off her teeth start to chatter and her whole body starts to have spasms plus she feels like she's got this incredibly high temperature and just feels that comfortable state she woke up with up in in briefly before has quickly gone away and this sickness has returned with a vengeance so the father runs out of the room he can see something's wrong goes to get some help and brings back some doctors and nurses and their first action is to throw buckets of ice on her and this is a horrible feeling for Laura she says that as each bit of ice is thrown on her body it's like a knife piercing her flesh and it just causes her even more pain I don't think that would happen anymore I don't think that would be the method to reduce someone's temperature but I guess if it is as high as that in her case it's over at 106 degrees there might be some extreme measures that medical professionals take but I'm in my last year of a nursing degree and I've never heard of high levels of temperature being contained in such a way it sounds like a rather extreme action to take but anyway this is 1979 so maybe they had some different practices back then and she is the nurse say I can't get a pulse her temperatures extremely high and her organs are starting to shut down as she says this Laura says she can feel this bleeding this internal bleeding start to regenerate and she tells this to the doctor and doctor says no it's not that you're having a reaction to some of the blood you've received but Laura because this has happened to her before she's been in this situation when she gave birth to her first son knows that he is wrong and there's nothing she can do though because you know she's burning up she said organs are shutting down she feels like she's losing consciousness and eventually she does start to feel her soul separate from her body as this happens she gets this overwhelming feeling of sadness it's you know guess because she thinks she's dying she hasn't been able to say goodbye to everyone I guess most of us would be in a similar sort of state if we were in our last moments it wouldn't be a time to be joyous I would have thought but after reading so many of these experiences I can kind of counter that argument and say well yeah it absolutely is a time to be joyous because we get to say goodbye to the challenges and darkness and difficulties of life in this physical realm and welcome this new dimension when we cross over so although Laura feels sad and it's probably just a natural human reaction to to be dying having read and research so many of these experiences there's there is a counter argument to that and then she dies and Laura then drifts into this next dimension and this is the part that is for me the whole reason I do this podcast this explanation exploration of what death is like for people for her there's no tunnel there's no bright white light it is not an uncommon thing that happens to her so for her she goes into avoid type situation total blackness she feels this darkness does have substance to it though it's not just empty of everything dark space it actually feels like there's a type of energy there for her this is not a scary place to be she feels calm she feels like she's at peace in this world she she realizes that she's no longer in her physical form but she still feels like she is her she she's just moved from one dimension to the next basically so although she can't see anything or experience anything she's just happy to be there there's no panic it's not she's not wondering where she is she's just feels like or the way I'm reading it is she's just accepting that she is in this new dimension and no longer in a physical body she almost seems quite content to be free of it and she feels pretty happy to continue to be herself while and not needing her body to experience that so she's in this void she's she's quite content and then suddenly she's this next paragraph starts with I reconnected with God she in her case she feels one minute she's in this black void and suddenly she's just enveloped in such great light and love it describe to fire's description so like most people say that the adjectives are you know endless so for in her case it is joy bliss grace and then she says she's lucky enough to begin to get a conversation so God says to her look it's time to go back it's time to return to your body you've got to go and finish what you started on earth and she doesn't say anything to this remark she seems to be fairly content in this new world and and going back to earth is seems a long a long shot and something she doesn't want to do and her first question though is not where am I or how did I get here or who are you or what's gonna happen to me her first reaction is how is this being which she calls God communicating with me because it seems like it is telepathic there's no actual words being said and yet everything is felt stood very clearly God says look you're in another dimension now and we don't communicate in this place like you do on earth language here is conveyed through love and feelings and emotions and it is a lot more precise than what you go through on earth because on earth there's so many barriers to communication as you know like like Laura says language barriers it's hearing difficulties there's poor listening skills there's it's just hard to understand people sometimes even people you know well it's you just struggle to to understand each other on time at times on earth and this is not the case in this other dimension communication is crystal clear so from there God then reminds Laura that it is not her time and she needs to return to her body and resume her life however Laura decides this doesn't seem right she thinks that look I've got my own free will no one can tell me what to do I want to hang around in this environment this dimension is much nicer than planet earth why would I want to go back there so she says look God I appreciate your advice but I would like to stay here you gave me free will and I am going to use my free will and this is what my free will is to remain in this dimension with her so God thinks this is kind of funny she says yes Laura I expected you to be a little bit stubborn and to argue your case and of course you do have your own free will and the decision is yours if you want to stay stay if you want to go back to earth go back to earth but God says this you need to be aware of of what life is going to be like on planet earth if you go back and what it'd be like if you just stay in this dimension what how is that going to affect other people so then God chose her the pros and cons she shows he shows Laura what life is like for her three sons growing up without her she sees you know the good things and the bad things in their life she he sees the struggles hardships she sees the loneliness the sadness and the anger that that happens to them when they when she decides to stay in this heaven like I mentioned but God also shows her that when she does go back that the positive influence it has on her son's lives she's able to provide them with the source of love however even after seeing what life would be like for her children with and without her on this planet she's still not convinced she still feels this other dimension is where she should be it's where she belongs it's home it's it's pleasant she doesn't want to leave she doesn't want to leave God's love so she says look there's so many people down there if if I were to decide to stay here no one's gonna really miss me sure my kids might have a different upbringing but it's not gonna matter all that much and God kind of says to her look your part of creation you're important you need to be there you are doing something well worthwhile for yourself and for the creation of the universe you are playing a big role and even though it might not seem that way this is the truth so she still not convinced she says look my children have a wonderful father down there he will take care of them he will love them he will get through this without me and I'm staying that's it I don't want to go back like like most people say when they get to this state this other dimension they're more than happy to hang around they they don't want to come back to this realm and even like in Laura's case when they have children and family that the usual draw cards to want to come back sometimes that isn't even enough which gives you an idea of what this other realm must be like the the peace the serenity the the love that must be felt must be absolutely overwhelming and enough to to quite literally in this case want to move on from your own children I don't have children but you know obviously I have a mother so I know that relationship is pretty intense and to want to not so much just give it up but to be willing to let that go speaks volumes I think but then she's thinking hang on why is God only showing me three of my sons I've just given birth to my fourth so I'm seeing all this future for the three older ones but what about the younger one and this is a little bit depressing to read but Laura is then showing well this this youngest one he's not gonna really have a similar life upbringing to your other children it's big and this is because the father won't be there to help raise him and then she's showing this event in the future where the husband is actually killed in an accident and she says that she doesn't remember exactly what happened when she comes back to this physical realm to her husband but she's somewhere deep in her mind she still has some kind of recollection from being shown his death because when it actually happens in the physical world it's like she realizes that she's already witnessed this event and somewhere in her mind it just flashes back to her I guess a bit like Deja Boo or something like that she she just realizes that she has seen all this before and when he dies obviously that that changes everything in terms of the children having absolutely no one at that point so all our arguments are kind of being crossed out here like she thinks she's in this other dimension she can stay because there's the husband there to look after the kids but then she's showing look he's gonna die in the future relatively near future then you know that gives the children no one to help bring up the kids and and if this is is happening in the near future the baby she's just given born to is going to be very young and not have any immediate family to help raise him then God chose her something else he he and I'm a little bit confused by this part of the experience it's she shows Laura all the ancestors that have come before Laura and and the lives they've lived and he says God says that all these beings all your ancestors came together on your behalf to make you uniquely you and all these souls have have conspired to bring you the DNA that you currently enjoy and for me that is saying that you know look this body that we're all in now it look it can be challenging and difficult to be a part of this experience at times but you know there's there's thousands and thousands of generations that go back that have existed to get you to the point that you are at right now to give you this experience that you're living and whether or not that's all been planned by your soul group or your ancestors in the past I don't know but either way it doesn't really matter I guess there's a lot to be grateful for as well I take out of that little bit the opportunity you have to live this life when you think of how much harder it's been in the past in terms of you know job opportunities medical advancements disease was the opportunity that a lot of humans have these days goes well beyond what was available in the past and there's a lot of wisdom in that in terms of us having access to say so much it is it is it really is a golden age to to be alive I think a lot to be grateful for and that also says to me that as challenging as life is there's been so many people come before you have gone through exactly the same thing and it just me for me personally when I read that it makes me think you're your little problems or you know your big problems whatever they are just have all occurred before in different forms throughout the thousands of years that humans have been here and what's happening to you is nothing nothing here it's it's been dealt with and experienced many many times and a lot of other people have gotten through these challenges and therefore we should be able to soldier through this life as well and like I just mentioned try to be a bit more grateful for it and enjoy it as well and then we jump around in this experience to a little bit of an explanation as to why we all here so God kind of links this to this ancestor story saying look they came before you and they did the same thing so this is why you're here as well to to learn to progress and to contribute to creation so we hear this a fair bit near death experiences this earth life we live is an opportunity for us to evolve to grow as spiritual beings and also gives us this opportunity to do what we want to to make something in this physical realm to experience what that is like to be in a dimension where you have to make decisions we have to get through challenges where you can't hide away you've got it you've got to face up and approach life with the way that works for you personally you've got to find your own purpose you got to find your own drive and method to navigate this experience because let's face it there is no handbook I mean there's lots of self-help books out there and spiritual and religious teachings that give us some pointers as to how we progress through this lifetime but the end of the day I guess you got to make your own mind up and choose which method is best for you and that's not easy there's no set handbook for everyone we've all got our own different path to take and everyone's journey is very unique so yeah although that seems kind of tough from a human point of view that you know we just got to sort of be born and work it all out it on the other hand it is a gift because we get to experience a place where life has to be lived to know exactly what it's like it's you know I try to look at this from a soul's perspective when I think of the reasons why a person would want to come to earth and and it's for all those reasons it's to learn it's to grow it's to make decisions it's to have real-life consequences and be forced to you know just learn to adapt in an environment that is challenging there's a lot of darkness here and you kind of have to learn as you go and it is a big learning experience I just look at my own life and see how I've had to grow through trial and error and it's been a long slow process and slowly getting better at it and that's the whole messed up thing about this life you slowly get better at it and better at it and then your body starts to break down and then you've got other challenges and then eventually you die anyway so it can see kind of pointless but when you look at it from a soul's perspective you can see the beauty and privilege it is to experience life as a human now God then just goes into a bit of a description as to another area we hear a little bit about in other experiences and that is this amazing concept that we actually choose to come here this is mind-blowing this is a lot to get your head around especially if you're new and not not you know a full full bottle on what a near-death experience can actually tell us so the first time I came across this I was like yeah sure that that can't be right how could I possibly choose the life I came into why would I choose the country I was born in why would I choose the parents I've had but this is what we had told again in this experience actually happens that you choose your family you choose your country you choose a lot of the the the major issues that are going to shape your life the culture you're born into all those sort of things and when I am reminded of that it makes me you know it makes me question it like why would someone be choose to born be born into a worn-torn country or a country where the chances of you know living a long healthy life like a lot of more developed countries do what why would a soul choose to go into an even more challenging environment from from a Western perspective anyway what why would someone choose to make it even you know from my point of view even harder to enjoy life but obviously I'm looking at this from a from a white male perspective and it's impossible for you to know what life is like for someone in another country from another race with less opportunities and obviously it looks harder from my point of view but until you're actually there living their life then you don't you don't know I mean there could be advantages that I can't see from my point of view that they they enjoy like they might have a more tight-knit community they might have tighter family bonds and and the things that I take you know I value as a Western male like good education good access to health care aren't as important but at the end of the day I think we are all human beings and we are slowly progressing towards an earth that is you know it's it's not equal it's a long way from equal yet but that seems to be or at least I hope it is a planet where we understand we are one species where we understand that a problem for one of us is a problem for all of us we understand interconnected nature of not only our species but the whole planet and as we get wiser as to those facts I think we will start to see I hope so anyway some progression towards equality and a planet where we look after each other and not be so selfish and try to you know have a lot more empathy and compassion and love for one another regardless of where you come from or what gender you are or how educated you are or what political party you go for it's yeah it seems a long way off now because we are divided world it seems but I don't know one can only wish and pray for that to happen and then surely so she is in this realm where she's being shown all these things like why we're here what's gonna happen to her family after her life review if she chooses to come back or to stay what else she she's seeing some of her ancestors as well so there's a lot going on here and then this experience goes to an even weirder or higher level and she says this next part of the experience she is elevated to this higher state of consciousness so I don't really understand what Laura is trying to explain here but yeah it sounds confusing because she says on one level she can focus on God and then that is her awareness she has this God like awareness it's it's complete its whole but then she can she says she can switch her focus and then start looking at other things like her sons or the beach or what a family's up to and then then her experience totally changes so I guess when I read that again she's sort of saying that she can be in two places at once depending on where she puts her focus and attention to yeah but yeah anyway so during this life high state of consciousness she gets this life review and she says it's hard to watch so for her there's not much pleasure in her life review it doesn't say whether she thought she was a good or bad person before this happened just that when she's watching it she's very embarrassed she's got God sitting next to her and then going through her life day by day and there's many many actions that are to her pretty humiliating and to have God sitting right there next to her she's just not in a good state so I don't know yeah but you know then then she sort of realizes she turns to God and says you know how can you sit there and and watch this with me and not get upset or angry and God says look you're my child you made of the same stuff as I am and I am made a love and so are you and I see you purely as love I don't see your mistakes I don't judge them I only see love and this is I guess a very hard concept for us to get our hands heads around this concept of unconditional love which is a major part of this other realm is really hard for us but I think it's a big lesson that we can all take from these near-death experiences is how do we incorporate unconditional love more into our own reality is it even possible can you say you love someone even after they tell you you're a horrible person and they hate you is that feasible can it be done can it be done with authenticity more importantly like can you just choose that mindset of accepting the experience and accepting it's gonna have moments of darkness and light and to love both can you just put yourself into that state of you know loving whatever comes your way so Laura is having a difficult time trying to grasp this concept and I don't blame her it sounds you know difficult for me to but she says the key to understood you know to to I guess loving yourself is is forgiving yourself for the sins you make I don't I don't like that word I don't like that word sin it has obviously lots of negative connotations but you know a sin it sounds like you're making some grave error whereas a sin you know it's just a human error in my in my book it's it's something an opportunity for us to learn from it's it's an action that brings you I guess negative internal experience and for me I'm trying hard to use those negative experiences as a mechanism for growth and evolution so in the past I would have heard that word sin and thought oh yeah that's bad but nowadays I look at it differently and and look at it as a a pointer to being more grateful for it to accepting it to not resisting it not resisting those feelings that come when you've done something wrong or something bad happens just accepting them allowing them don't resent them just embrace them with compassion and love and theoretically that is how you can better cope with your experience that's what these experiences teach us anyway so look it's it's a hard thing to put into practice I I have a lot of trouble doing that myself it's sometimes the fear and the disgust at this life is overwhelming and it is difficult to be faced with situations that bring those sort of emotions and look at them with gratitude love and compassion and yeah for me it is a work in progress that's for sure so she has this review she's not happy but God's trying to give her a bit of wisdom here saying look you're all human you're all making mistakes I love you regardless of what you do on this planet which you know runs counter to a lot of religious theology saying if you do bad you go to hell forever and for me that feels very wrong you know in grains fear in someone it it pushes them in a certain direction that they might not even want to go they don't get the opportunity to learn from mistakes it just you know fear is the opposite of God it's the opposite of love so for me I you know I can see why God's come in here and said look I love you regardless you're not going to be punished for the actions you carry out on earth but yeah maybe that's my you know obviously everyone's got their different philosophy on that and I've made my fair share of mistakes and maybe that is why I'm a little bit biased towards being a little bit more accepting and compassionate and less judgmental when people make mistakes and I hope that God is the same it would be in my mind a very cruel God that would punish someone for eternity for making errors in a realm that is almost feels like designed to push you in directions where you're gonna stuff up so yeah I don't know it's hopefully hopefully wrong because if there is a hell that you are locked in forever I am definitely a candidate for that so yeah let's just see what happens so from this life review she then gets to experience this this landscape or this realm and in in her case it's a flower it's a it's a daisy and it's glowing in these brilliant orange colors and then she is able to actually experience this flower herself and she sees that the flower actually loves her and she can feel it and and then God says everything was made for you in love and and and then this dimension takes on another feel everything feels like it's connected there's a certain oneness to it all she can see it all experience it all she was it it was her and and the whole environments just alive that's stunning colors of light and then she focuses on this water in a nearby stream and sees the drops were actually animated and affectionate and obviously this part of her experience is difficult to describe but yeah she I've read many other experiences where similar sort of things happened the whole the whole place becomes alive the blades of grass the trees the insects everything is is alive and able to communicate and able to be experienced and and this seems like something similar to that so she has this draw job draw dropping absolutely breathtaking experience going on multiple layers and she says why me God like why I've been so lucky to be able to experience this and God says well you're not you know you're not special you're not unique love falls on everyone equally and you chose this experience prior to coming here because it's going to help you accomplish your chosen chosen life mission and with this information she kind of feels this intuitive tug to come back to her body and before she goes she asked God one more question she says look can you promise me that I will get to come back here one day and be with you and God thinks this is hilarious he says yeah of course you will there's no other option your we all every single one of you come back so yeah that's that's a beautiful little positive way to end there that eventually we all get back to go and experience this other dimension of love with God so yeah what better way to finish off than to be reminded of such a wonderful fact and hopefully that rings in your ears for the next week until we get to speak again but in the meantime yeah I send you all my love and hoping this experience gives you a bit of a pickup and detaches yourself a little bit from your dramas in this physical realm that we all are faced with and challenged by on a daily basis so yeah send a give up and talk to you next week goodbye you (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music) (gentle music)