Faith Talk with Pastor Ron

Season 6 Episode 43: Why are so many Pastors falling? A look at Pastor Robert Morris and Dr. Tony Evans

I am delving into the sensitive topic of why so many pastors are falling to sin. Join us as we explore the challenges faced by church leaders and how we can support them in these difficult times.#RobertMorris #TonyEvans #TDJakes #MikeTodd #Faith #Jesus #God #Leadership--- Support this podcast: the show** LET'S STAY CONNECTED**Personal website: https...

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25 Jun 2024
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I am delving into the sensitive topic of why so many pastors are falling to sin. Join us as we explore the challenges faced by church leaders and how we can support them in these difficult times.

#RobertMorris #TonyEvans #TDJakes #MikeTodd #Faith #Jesus #God #Leadership

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Let's get right into it. So that over the past few weeks, there have been so many different pastors who have fallen from Greece, who have fallen into sin, who have messed up along the way. And I'm beginning to get a bit concerned as to why as many pastors are being exposed in such a manner. So I want to discuss what does this mean going forward? In this video, we want to talk about what why this is happening and what does this mean and why is God doing this. So before I do that, please don't forget to like and subscribe to this channel if you want a major amazing and engaging Christian content. This is a channel for you. This is a place for you to to go. So a couple weeks ago, the pastor of the biggest church, I believe in the US, Robert Morris has been outed as for in 1987, sexually assaulting a 12 year old parishioner. And this was a very, very shocking because because some of the Tony Evans, he's he was a pastor that really followed that really liked his teachings. And I like what he was saying, but to hear such a fall from grace, it really messes me up. It really kind of really broke my heart. I think, first off, as a Christian, anybody that falls should break your heart. It shouldn't be something where only if certain people fall in effect. But whenever somebody falls and messes up, it should break your heart. If you have the heart of God, anytime sin is present, it should bother you to see someone falling into sin. But unfortunately, we live in time where folks celebrate it, where folks use this as an opportunity to create video upon video and post upon post to highlight a person's missteps and they fail to use grace, grace covers. You have grace for someone when you love someone, you cover their sin. You don't tolerate their sin, but you cover them in this time of restoration. Because more likely than not, Pastor Morris right now, and just like Tony Evans, they're probably in a bad place to know that they let so many people down, that they have been exposed and it hurts many people. It's a very good possibility that they're upset and heart broken over what happened. So instead of pouncing on them, instead of using this thing to highlight them, let's cover them with grace and love and think and empathy as they go through what they go through. So it breaks my heart, it breaks my heart to hear, it breaks my heart to see things that happen. But it's happening a lot. As I mentioned, Tony Evans was also someone that had to step away from ministry for a while because of an unnamed sin. And you have different pastors and different preachers on a small level and a granola levels will have been full have been fallen morally. And what does this mean? Why is this happening? You know, this is a, you know, something that, you know, I heard God say, you know, I don't really get too caught up in a God said God said God said, but at the beginning of the new year, one of the words that I heard God say was exposure that God was getting ready to expose a lot of people like things that are being done in the dark are going to begin to get exposed that those that have been living foul and still in the pulpit. God is getting ready to expose. And I felt a lot of that is what's happening. It's not that to show that these persons can't minister, but the exposure is a good thing. Hear me out on this exposure is a good thing. Because of exposure, it often forces people to stop living in sin. If you didn't have a child on a wedlock, you would probably still be having sex. If you didn't get booked and sent to jail for doing something, you probably would be doing it in the secret place. So a lot of times God uses exposure as a means of correction because he understands by by saying, okay, now I'm trying to talk to you so often quietly and you're not listening. Now I'm going to expose you. Now I'm going to show people who you really are. And hopefully by that embarrassment and that exposure, it can get you to stop it. So a lot of times we we run from exposure, but that exposure helps us stop sinning, right? That that, you know, putting our business out there often what God uses to get us to a point where we stop doing what we're not supposed to do. If God don't expose the fact that your man was cheating on you, you probably still be with him. The same the same man that God is telling you to leave a long time ago. So God said, okay, I got to put your business out on Front Street in order to get you to a place of stop doing what you're doing. So yeah, so it's it's tough man. It's it's tough to see despite, I believe this is not the devil, but it's God God bringing honor back to his pulpit. God writing people of the character and integrity in in in high places. So I think it's not saying it's a death sentence for neither or anyone that falls, but I'll also believe there's a purpose behind it and God's hand is involved. And this reminds and for me as a pastor, as a leader, this reminds me this was a joke to me that no one is exempt. I need to make sure that my life is right before God that I want to make sure that I'm living right before God. I'm not not having any hidden sin or anything that I'm not supposed to do. And if I do get it right because God will expose you and the reason why God does it is because he loves his sheep so much to leave him in the hands of a bad shepherd. Right? He loves us so much. He wants to make sure we have good leaders of example. And we and we have to be careful because the enemy loves to attack leadership because he knows if he attacks one person, it could cause a thousand of fall. If he attacks one pastor, 85% under congregation could fall. And that's the time that we live in. And so what he does, he you have this secret sin. You have this thing that you're not dealing with that that you're constantly doing. And then as you sit here, he allows you to get more power. He allows you to tell allows you to get more influence and he sends people to your churches, send people to your YouTube page and gives you more influence and more power just to get to a point where you fall. Right? He gives you a big audience to you falling because he understands if he does that, a lot more people will fall. And this is why it's dangerous for us to be in leadership and to not be aware of our lives. Yes, it's God exposing people, but we have to we are giving God things to expose. We're not being accountable. We're not looking after our lives, knowing that, you know, as as leaders as a responsibility, this is something that I did with every single moment of my life. I take I sometimes think I take I take leadership in pastoring so serious to serious sometimes because every decision I make, every choice I make, everything I do, things I tweet, things I wear, things I post, I'm really aware of doing this thing. Also in the secret thing where I say, God, you know, I had a couple days where I didn't read my word. I didn't have the vote from town. It's so busy, a lot going on. And I was so busy now. And I got to the point where I sat there and I got I got up and I'm going to say, Nope, I have to go out and pursue God. I got to seek the face of God. I can't allow myself to be at a place where I sit here and neglect my time with God because other people are depending on it. So the same thing when it comes to sin, even like little quote unquote small sins or things that are harmless, I try to make sure my life is not it does not have it. It's an easy no, but I'm really trying to make sure my life is right before God. No one is perfect. You see, Paul, Paul said anytime I want to see good, bad is right there in front of me. So that shows a struggle and no one is exempt from that struggle. No one's exempt from going through those difficult times where you sit here and you're like, Oh my God, you know, and I messed up. Oh God, I've done something wrong. God, I got I got I got to break this thing and not continue to do that. You know, we all have been there. But I think, you know, God is showing the level of expectation he has for us. And level of, you know, I expect, I expect my leaders, I expect my my shepherds, I expect people to have a different moral standard. Is it is it not fair for a past to be held accountable in a different way? No, it's not fair. That's the cost. That's that's the the bill you have to pay for being leadership, being in leadership, because you get all these accolades, you get a salary, you get a pastor's appreciation, you get a trip, you get this, you get that. But behind that come a level of accountability that we need to bring back to the church. Not only that we, when I say we, I mean, the members must hold their leaders accountable. We got to stop tolerating the nonsense. I've seen churches where pastors are homosexual to men, a male pastor who introduces the first gentleman or first man of the church. And you hear folks clapping and woo hoo and like, this is my pastor. I'm like, you're tweaking, like you can sit here and support this type of stuff. You got to hold, you got to keep the standard. So another accountability, it shouldn't have to get to God. It has to be begin in the pews. It's like I talk to my to my son. And oftentimes he talks about like, I have a 11 year old, I have a five year old and I have a three year old. And I told my, I tell my son like certain things, don't let it get to that. Don't let it get to mom. You guys work it out. You guys help each other. You guys fix it before it gets to me, right? Before it gets to your pastor, before it gets that God has to deal with it, he leaves us there also to judge, judge accordingly to the word of God. So we have to also hold bishops and archbishops and apostles accountable, whole past around accountable. Please do. And I welcome it because I, you know, I, if I'm doing something wrong, I want to do, I want to know I'm doing something wrong. I have no issues with that. I think one of the reasons why this is happening so much, these moral failures, the lack of accountability, we have created a culture in the church where people feel that when you call people out, when you disagree, and you're being demonic, you're being a devil worshipper. No, you're holding someone accountable for the betterment of the first, a person say, listen, what you're doing is wrong. Stop doing it. God's not please. But secondly, to cover the church, because now this church might close, might lose members because of what was done. The name of the church is tarnished because of what was done. So I really think it's crucial that it's important that we sit here and we learn to hold each other accountable. Stop applauding this nonsense. Stop tolerating nonsense in the church. Call it out. You are not wrong for that. And if you're in a church where you can't hold you as accountable, then you know what? You're in a wrong church. Accountability is your friend and we need it. So this is, this is, I say also as well, pastors are human. So they're not going to be perfect. They're going to mess up. But I also think that there's a level of the core room that's expected, right? And by no means is the life of the ministry of Tony Evans, more pastor Morris or anyone who has fallen big, you know, big ones say big headlines and big churches or on a smaller local level. It's never over. God can use you. God can restore what you must also serve your punishment. And then we have to do. So, you know, though we're not perfect, that's not used as an excuse to tolerate sin in our lives or for us to tolerate sin in someone else's life. Life I think is important for us to call this stuff out. And I think God is slowly but surely not removing, like, I feel, I don't feel God is removing these leaders because God's a kind of grace and mercy and God to God of restoration. But I think God is using these prominent examples to remind us his expectation for his leaders. So if you have a church of 50 members or 50,000 members, God still holds the very same standard for your life. So when I see this, when it tells me, Pastor Brown, make sure your life is right. Anything that's your battle and fix it. And he's sending your life, take it away and remain humble because tomorrow might be your day where God exposes you. So make sure your heart is right and focus on God because you never know. It's tough to see what happened. And it's sad because, you know, we all get caught up doing podcasts and doing posts and commenting, but it's actually a person that had to deal with that. Her name is on, you know, different social media posts. Folks know her co-government name. So you're probably looking her up and in her DM and saying, "Why, you know, are you okay?" Or on the other hand, they probably send a book person out in her DM, in her DM's. We don't know. So it's first and foremost, outside the pastors, anyone who's affected by this stuff, our prayers go out to them, anyone who fills the pain, who's dealing with it, our prayers go out to them, that they get better, that they get help, that they get healing in what they're going through. But all these, why these moral failures happening, why this, we have become a little lax when it comes to leaders, when it comes to leadership, when it comes to accountability. I believe God, these are like alarms. Some of us, see these alarms, I hit the snooze button and go back to sleep. But others, like myself, it causes me to wake up and be very aware to watch and pray, because you never know when an enemy's creeping to get you to fall. To be careful, young leader, older leader who's watching, be careful, make sure you walk into integrity because the enemy's on a prowl. He's always on a prowl to get us to fall. Don't give me any room, you know, if you're having medians and stuff, if you're going out and stuff, bring accountability partner. I never forget my dad one time, my dad was a deacon in his church and he was, he shared a story about a young lady who called him up middle of the night, like a brother Reuben. I need prayer, a deacon called Jacob, so it was like deacon. I need prayer, please come by and pray with me. My dad was a man of wisdom, so he took me to say my mom up and said, "Yo, let's, um, so and so call me, come with me to pray for her." So she, she did it and when they got to this person's house, she had no issues, she had no problems. All she had was some lingerie on, a little nightgown, as Haitians called Shimi's Dini. So obviously it was a setup and if my dad wasn't wise to bring my mom with him, he may have been caught up in something, even if he didn't do anything. He would have been caught up in a situation where they, they would have said, "Oh, he was at my house, just me, me and him. At this time of night, I'm half naked, he's out of autonomy, x, y, z, x, y, z." So I think one of the things that we have to use is wisdom. Not saying anything is going to happen, but you won't give, don't give the enemy place to speak. Be humble. Know how to speak to people, how to treat people, write. Know how to talk to people. And don't give the enemy a place to speak, or any room to wiggle within your life of the ministry. I pray this video blesses you. I'll pray you learn something from it. For watching, pray. Keep your eyes on God because God is coming back soon. Don't forget to like and subscribe and share this video. I thank you so much for watching. For watching. God bless you. I love you.