LIFE Church

Kingdom Builders Are Team Builders

Christianity was never meant to be a solo sport. The early church thrived on unity and togetherness, as seen in Acts 2. We're reminded that God builds through teams, and even the most gifted individuals like Paul understood the importance of partnerships.Notes for this sermon: | https://lifechurchww.comFacebook | | Music |

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30 Jun 2024
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Christianity was never meant to be a solo sport. The early church thrived on unity and togetherness, as seen in Acts 2. We're reminded that God builds through teams, and even the most gifted individuals like Paul understood the importance of partnerships.

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[MUSIC] >> Thanks for listening to The Life Church Podcast. We hope you enjoy this message. For more information about Life Church, visit [MUSIC] >> Welcome to Team Sunday, as we're continuing our series called Kingdom Builders. We've got such a great day for you today. And maybe you're glad to be in church today, y'all glad to be in church? >> [APPLAUSE] >> I'm not sure what it feels like in Pendleton or online, but I know in here in Walla Walla, these people came ready to worship today. You came ready to praise God and to lift up his name. And the scripture just came to me as we were worshiping because of your praise today. The God is enthroned upon the praises of his people. And there was just a sense of God's majesty and God's enthronement. And taking seat like Destin was declaring about his lordship and his King, his Kingly reign over our situations as we just lifted up the name of Jesus. So way to go church, praising God together. And we are one church in multiple locations. And so Walla Walla, I want you to say hello to our church family and the high school auditorium of Pendleton. We love you guys. Come on, we say good morning to you. >> [APPLAUSE] >> He would I like you all to do, whether you be in Pendleton or even online in your living room, or of course in Walla Walla. Let's stand up for the reading of God's word. As we continue in our Kingdom Builders series, we are looking at this verse out of 1 Corinthians chapter 3. As our theme verse, building upon our message today from this. Paul says this, according to the grace of God, given to me, like a skilled master builder, I laid a foundation. But someone else builds on it. Tell your neighbor, you're someone else. >> Someone else. >> You are someone else. So Paul was a skilled master builder. He laid a foundation, other people are building on it. And everybody, each one, must be careful how he builds. So the essence of this verse is that we're all building something. Everybody is building something with their life. You can use your life to build for you, build a life for yourself. Or you can use your life to build something for God. We call that being a kingdom builder. So welcome to Kingdom Builders series where we're talking about kingdom builders really today. The theme is our team builders. Tell your neighbor, you look like, just tell them you look good on a team. Tell them you look good on a team. You look good on a team. Today can be seated. Here's the thought I want us to start with. I want you to think about how Jesus said I'm going to build my church. He said this statement, I'm going to build my church. It's the only thing that he said he was going to build. He said I'm going to build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. And if anybody could have just said I'm going to build it and I don't need any help, I don't need you, I don't need any material, I'm just going to build it, it would be Jesus. Because God himself in the beginning didn't have anything to work with and just said let there be and there was from the word of his mouth. Yet I want you to think about this. When Jesus came to the earth, what is the first thing that Jesus did besides maybe build a table and a chair with his dad in the carpentry shop? Jesus picked a team. Jesus picked a team. He built his church in the earth with a team and Christianity has never been nor will it ever be a solo sport. So if you were to pick a sport that Christianity would be, it would not be golf or swimming although I think if it was a solo sport golf would be it for sure. But it wasn't that. It's more of like a basketball team. It's all of us working together and I want you to know this thought as we get started today. The kingdom builders know some things and the kingdom builders understand the significance of a team. When Jesus started building with the team and when he started the church, when the church was birth or actually in Mark chapter 3 he said this, he appointed 12 that they might be with him. That they might be with him. So when Jesus came, he said here's what I'm going to do. I'm just going to pick 12 people that would be with me. I want to choose these 12 to be a part of my inner team. Then I'm going to send them out to build. I'm going to send them out to do what I want them to do. But what I'm going to do is I'm going to pick a team first and I need you to think about these 12 people that he picked. They were all unique. I promise you this, if you do any research on it, these 12 would never have gotten along if Jesus wasn't their leader. They would not have, I mean it was fishermen, tax collectors, it was zealots who would kill a tax collector, it was all these kind of sons of thunder, it was just different kind of people, different men, and he gathers them together on a team where they never would have sat at the same table. They never would have been on the same team. But Jesus as the owner, Jesus is the coach, gathers these 12 and they fall in love with not only the leader, they fall in love with one another. And because of that, Jesus was able to build what he said that he would build. And one of the primary teams that we're all called to in the earth is the church team. I want you to see how the church in Acts chapter two, when she was birthed. Now all who believed were together, they were all who believed her, what's the last word? They were together. They believed certain things to be called believers, right? They had to be believing certain things to be called believers, but they obviously believed this that we are better together. There's something about us together that God is not able to do when we are all alone. The early church was birthed in a team spirit. The early church was birthed in a team spirit. There was these kind of verbiages in the book of Acts. They continued. They were in fellowship. They were together. They had all things in common. They were in one Honda Accord. They all squeezed together. They were together. They had this philosophy when the church was birthed because, you know why? Because they discovered how Jesus wanted to build in the first place, that the first thing he did was pick 12 people who wouldn't have got along, got them together for three and a half years without killing one another. That is amazing. Now, I want you to imagine with me that there is a basketball tournament happening in our nation right now, and it is a championship game played between the two teams, the demons and the saints, who you rooting for. Yeah, I know who you rooting for, we're rooting for the saints, right? Now, I want you to imagine what's going on in this team, and it comes to the championship game, and you know the demons show up with all their cohorts, and they got their jerseys on, and they got their coach, and they're warming up, and then the saints show up with their coach, and they got their jersey on, and they're all warming up pregame, and they're shooting the hoops, and they're both looking fairly good, but you know the saints, they look a little bit better. They got some pretty cool shirts. They're kind of shining, you know, they look like light over them, darkness over the demons, and then all of a sudden the game's about ready to start, and so the demons send their starters out on the basketball court, and then all of a sudden the saints decide to send the coach out on the basketball court, and the rest of the saints just sat on the bench and watched the coach play, and so the coach gets out there, and he's playing against all the five starters of the demons, and the coach is alley-ooping to himself, and you know, passing the ball into himself, and trying to guard all five, and it's like the demons are making one basket after another, and the coach on the saints team is getting a little bit tired trying to guard all five of them, and trying to make one shot when five are guarding him, offense, defense, it's all, you know, he's easy as he's doing it all, until finally like the saints are on the sidelines, and they're on the bench, and they're thinking, "Man, I mean, this is ridiculous, how or why are we losing this game? We prayed before we got here. I can't believe, I mean, maybe we need to get a new coach. I don't know what's the problem is, and then they take a timeout, timeout, call the coach over, and having a conversation about what changes need to be made." Now we listen to that scenario, and we think how foolish and how ridiculous that is, but yet a lot of churches around the world actually play the game of church like that, and they're like, "Okay, go get 'em, coach pastor, go get 'em, greet before this church starts, and then when the church starts, go run up and grab a guitar and lead the church in worship, and then transition from worship to having communion and lead everybody in communion and receive the offering and start to preach, and then pray for people, and then when you're praying for them, the pastor, coach can like turn around and catch 'em if they need to be caught, you know, and then finish his pray, and then it runs off and dismisses and praises God with a little song at the end, and it runs out to dismiss everybody and greet people on their way out, and you think, "Well, why are we losing the game? You know, why because saints are sitting on the bench cheering some professional on rather than playing the game?" I promise you this, any church that's making a difference in the world is because the saints are on the court. Anywhere where you actually see God is doing what he said he was going to do, if you go to any city in the earth, any nation of the earth, and you witness God doing what he said he was going to do, 'cause you can, you can go anywhere on the planet, you can see God doing what he said he was going to do, you won't see a quote unquote professional only doing their work. You will see the saints on the court of the game of life, and they will know their positions, and they will know the calls, and they will be submitting to one another, and they will be doing all the one another's in scripture, and through every part doing its share it will cause growth of the kingdom of God, and God's kingdom will advance in the earth, and the gates of hell will not prevail against her. Why? Because you're playing the game. So I'm not sure what it means to be a Christian to you, but if it only adds up to a belief system rather than a belonging, then you might be playing for the wrong team. And John Brody was a former quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, and only because this was a long time ago, I'll use the 49ers for an example rather than the Seahawks, but he was being asked by a reporter one day, and he said why? Because he was used to hold the football for the kicker, and he was an amazing quarterback, ended up actually when he ended up leaving the NFL, also became a great golfer as well. How many of you know God gives like ridiculous gifts to some people like too much? Anyway, that guy had that, and so he was asked why does a million dollar player like you hold the football for a kicker in a game? And he goes, well if I didn't, the ball would fall over. He had the concept that it's not about me, it's about the team, it's about every part doing its share, it's about everybody doing whatever needs to be done, and because it's not about one player being the goat, it's about the team winning the game. He can accomplish more together than you or I ever could alone. Y'all heard it, teamwork makes the dream work. So Jesus understood that. Jesus started by building a team, and if anybody could have built what he wanted to build and do what he wanted to do without anybody else, it would be God himself. But God came as an example and said I want to show you how we build, I want to show you what my priorities are, what my values are, and if I'm going to do it this way, this is how I expect you to do it as well. So he chose 12 people and he built the church. Then I began to ponder well, who else will learn from him and who else can we learn from that would give us a good example? Well the Apostle Paul was used by God in incredible ways, wrote much of the New Testament, and Paul understood that God builds through teams. When you think about the Apostle Paul, you will think about things like this. You will find him connected with other people. You will see his name mentioned Paul and Silas, Paul and Barnabas, Paul and Timothy, Paul and Luke. You will see him mentioned with other people. He was anointed by God, wrote a lot of the New Testament, he had heavenly visitation. Just think about that for a minute. He visited heaven, saw things that he said, it would be illegal for me to write about. I can't talk about some of the stuff that I saw. Miracles happened through his life, healings happened, check this out, demonic deliverances happened through his handkerchief. Think about that. He just had snot rags, just send that in the mail and demons will leave people. That's crazy. I mean so if anybody could have done something significant by himself, the Apostle Paul could have done something. But you see Paul and Silas, Paul and Timothy, Paul and Luke, Paul and Barnabas, Paul and somebody else, yet we learn from him, because he learned from Jesus as well, I never expect anybody to accomplish everything I've called them to do in life by themselves. So here's what I want to show you just for a minute. I want to show you Paul's second missionary journey. I want to show you what happened to some different areas and what didn't happen in one particular area, the people who were with him and the people who were not with him and see if we can see any differences. So here's a map of Paul's second missionary journey. So Paul was this Apostle he traveled and he started way over here in Jerusalem. So he starts here and you'll follow this red line and he goes through Damascus and then he goes to Antioch and Paul and Barnabas are divided over John Mark in this area and Barnabas and John Mark sail to Cyprus and then Paul and Silas go through Syria and Cilicia. So Timothy joins Paul right here in Lestra and you'll remember some of this as you read through the book of Acts you'll see that okay Timothy joins Paul and Silas. So now there's like a three cohort going on here in Lestra and then Paul is forbidden. Do you remember this? Paul is forbidden by the spirit to preach in Asia and Bithynia. Do you remember that? So Paul's forbidden here and so he kind of cruises up high and around and then Paul in Troas he has this vision or dream of someone in Macedonia saying come help us. So he concludes okay I'm called to preach in Macedonia this is where the Church of Philippi is and the Thessalonikens and the Bereans are over in this area in Macedonia. So in Philippi Lydia and her household believe Paul and Silas are beaten and thrown in jail but this is where the jailer and his household believe okay in Philippi. Alright so Paul's got all these people with him along the journey and Timothy and Silas joins in and the Bereans receive the word here but then you'll find in the book of Acts that Paul's like I couldn't handle it any morning. He sends Timothy I think it is he's like you got to go back to Thessalonika because they really need you they need your help. So he sends them he's reluctantly alone when he gets to Athens. So here's what I want you to see in this place in Athens. So in Athens all of a sudden Paul's got all these journeys and he's planning churches and you know people are getting saved and incredible things are happening because he's got his partnership happening but he gets here and he's listening to all the philosophers and he's listening to all of them talk about their gods of this and gods of that and and he's a little bit he just can't handle it anymore and Paul was brilliant and he quotes one of the philosophers and and he goes to the unknown God and he preaches to them basically in their supreme court and says you know here's the God that you should know but here's what I want you to see in Athens no church and no lasting fruit happened. So finally he's like I got to get out of here and Athens is you know and you'll find this in chapter 17 of the book of Acts. Act chapter 17 he's in Athens and then chapter 18 he goes to Corinth and Paul meets somebody here in Corinth equivalent Priscilla talk about that in a minute. Athens Paul is alone it's a city of about 10,000 in Corinth it's a city of about 200,000. In Athens he challenges them and he uses he uses the wisdom of man but in Corinth you see him talking about the power of God and the power of the Spirit. There was something that happened in Paul of a release of the anointing of God on his life when brothers were with him and all of a sudden he just gets a bold in the anointing and he's like no I didn't come in the wisdom of men here in Corinth I didn't come with the eloquence of man's speech and it's almost like I tried this in Athens to just try to argue and debate but I didn't see the kind of lasting fruit with man's wisdom even though Paul could beat him all in that arena but he's like he challenged them intellectually but how many of you know people don't come to Christ by just being challenged intellectually yes we need that and we need to love God with all our heart mind soul and strength but we need the power of the Spirit of God and that's what Paul finds when he has his brothers so Athens there's no church started no lasting fruit but Corinth he had a team and a church is birth Corinth church's birth and there's lasting fruit not even the apostle Paul can do something significant alone so I got a question for you who do you think you are who do you seriously think you are that you don't need people you don't like you need people this is the thing I love about the church what I I feel so privileged to be a part of her you the bride of Christ I feel so privileged to be birthed into the church and to be a part of the church for decades because I I have grown so much by being coming friends with people that before I got filled with the spirit and really got the spirit of God working my life that I wouldn't have chosen to be friends with I would have been shallow I would have been empty I would have missed out on so much of the treasure of God by just not being connected in teams with people that you might think make you awkward or make it awkward or whatever you know listen church's life is supposed to be awkward at times you think ah the life group was a little bit awkward so what so what can you not handle awkward are you that insecure that awkward makes you that much more insecure it's like yeah they said something weird so what you did last week you know it's like it's just we're we're doing this together we're the we grow and we learn and give people space to grow they knew it afterwards and they went yeah that kind of felt weird but he how do you grow if you don't have those opportunities to say something you shouldn't or to you know to not say something that you should of or whatever so here's what I want you to see about Paul Paul's on this journey and he takes off with somebody and then he then he goes through I mean I don't know who's right or wrong on the John Mark issue but I know this I know that when he parted with them they that Paul and Barnabas divided over John Mark I know this that he's decided I'm not going to go alone I don't know who was right over that whole thing you know but I know this he goes well I'm I'm I'm not going alone I'm not going to do that and so Silas was with him and you find him all throughout the journey with people and I want you to see something I want to this this stood out to me years and years ago and I just keep sharing it because I just want everybody to get it my whole life of the importance of how we need one another and so you'll see this in Paul in 2 Corinthians chapter 2 check this out so when I went to Troas to preach the gospel of Christ remember he went there because of that vision he's like I know from there actually goes out of there because I went to Prash to preach the gospel of Christ and found that the Lord had opened a door for me okay so check this out it's like okay God opened a door there's this opportunity of ministry I had I still had no peace of mind why because I didn't find my brother because I didn't find my brother Titus I didn't find my brother Titus so what did I do with an open door I said goodbye I said goodbye to them and went on to Macedonia so the apostle Paul learned there are some values of God that you need to be sure that the value trumps the open door so many people live their life I'm just you know I don't really know what God wants to do but I'm just going to like I'm going to let the door close or the door open and I think that's okay to some degree but you need to have value so when a door does open God's testing you are you in this for you are you going to do it my way hmm go and tell your neighbor you need me even if you don't know it you do now if you're single sitting next to somebody that could have helped you out right there you need me here's what I want you to get teamwork makes us far more effective and I found that in certain situations of life I've got teams that are in walla walla I got teams that are outside of our city and I got I know when I am in a certain state of mind I like I know who I can call on my team when I'm in a certain state of situations going up I going on in my life I know who I can call on my team I got people that I know in my teams that I like man I'm gonna call them in this situation I'm gonna call on them in this situation and you will find strength from others that you just will not have a loan and I think the apostle Paul knew that I think the apostle Paul knew man there's an open door but I discovered by this point in my journey that you know what I gotta have Titus I gotta have my brother with me because when my brothers are with me there's an anointing because where two are gathered in his name God commands his blessing and he's there in his presence so I'm not gonna do this all by myself and Paul is one of the toughest dudes you'll ever meet so I don't give me this like I'm tough I can do it all by myself no no no you're actually weaker if you try to do it by yourself because you are afraid of what relationships might do to you bless God all right so so I really said one thought and that is that a kingdom builder understands the significance of a team but a kingdom builder also I want you to know this is is is that a kingdom builders build relationally kingdom builders build relationally whatever God has called you to do in life whatever God has called you to be it's only going to be as effective as you are at building relationships so listen you think well I got my spouse okay God called you to be married then you will only be as good of a spouse as you are called to be as you are at building relationships with other people to help you be a more godly spouse if you only learn from yourself then you will tap out at how good of a spouse you could become or how great your marriage could become but you must learn the art of building relationally because teamwork does make the dream work so here's something else I want you to see along Paul's missionary journey Paul had all these people going along with him all along the way and then he's alone in Athens takes leave goes to Corinth I think and people joined him again by the way he was waiting for people to join back with him people join back up them he's waiting for people to join but I think something God and Paul's spirit and this is what I think got into his spirit because he meets somebody in Corinth right after he leaves Athens he meets a couple by the name of Aquila and Priscilla in Corinth who by the way are worthy of their own sermon they are incredible people of God in the New Testament church builders who said I'm not sitting on the bench I'm getting in the game and by the way they go from Aquila and Priscilla to Priscilla and Aquila which is its own story about all you ladies because the bible does not mention someone first unless they're saying it's something specific something about them and their leadership so in their ministry setting Priscilla became the greater leader in ministry than Aquila did because anyway that's its own story right there way to go Priscilla but here's what I want you to see Paul meets them well let's just go there let me just show you this Acts 18 after these things Paul departed from Athens went to Corinth he found a certain Jew named Aquila born in Pontus who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to depart from Rome so they actually weren't just leaving Rome because they were Christians but just because they were Jews and he came to them so Paul goes to them so because he was of the same trade he stayed with them and worked so they gave him an opportunity to work for their business they worked together for by occupation they were tent makers here's what I want you to see Priscilla and Aquila and Priscilla they opened up their home to Paul and gave him a job and they began to work together but here's what happened Paul had these people along his missionary journey his second missionary journey that he was you know had him helping him out he gets alone in Athens people come back he's in Corinth here's what I think happened he goes I'm leaving room at my table in my heart for more relationships all the days of my life he could have just said listen Timothy's on his way I got Silas I got all kind I'm packed when it comes to relationships I got enough people to take care of when it comes to you know all my stuff I'm doing in life I got enough people no no no he said he said this is what happened he left room in his heart for more relationships because he knew we build relationally if I'm going to do all the gods called me to do I have to leave I have to leave an open seat at the table of my life for somebody new and because he did he met Aquila and Priscilla and trust me if you will study out Aquila and Priscilla they go with him across to over to Ephesus and they stay in Ephesus and they help pastor Timothy and they church's birth in their house they open up their home for people to begin to meet and the church begins to meet in their home grows to thousands of people not in their home but you know they they become extremely significant players in the birthing and in fact they take a guy by the name of Apollos who was an eloquent preacher and speaker and they pull him aside after spending a lot of time with Paul and they declare to him more accurately the word of God there's more than just the baptism of John and they begin to tell him more about this and then Apollos becomes even a greater minister of the gospel because of Aquila and Priscilla why because Paul left room at his table he knew that if I'm going to fulfill what God has called me to do I got to build relationally I got to build relationships in my life I think I had the first two rows clap I think somebody in the in the back row needs to clap here's what I want you all to hear there's somebody that you haven't met yet that is going to be a key player in the kingdom of God in building with you the year that is going to change your life change the trajectory of the kingdom of God maybe even affect your own children if you'll just leave room at the table of your life for more kingdom builders understand we build relationally okay and this is what Paul says about them in Romans look at this after years and he's like he's built with them and this is the kind of things he says he goes I'd be sure to greet Priscilla and Aquila my fellow workers in Christ Jesus who risked their own necks for my life to whom not only I give thanks but also all the churches of the Gentiles that's us you should give thanks for Aquila and Priscilla you should give thanks for Priscilla and Aquila you should and you should give thanks that the Apostle Paul left room in his life for people like them likewise greet the church that is in their house they risked their own necks for my life we don't know what this great act of bravery was but it was sufficient enough to have impacted Paul long after the fact did they smuggle him out did they publicly defend him did they borrow a great deal of money to facilitate his ministry the details are unclear but the importance was not Paul the Apostle knew they risked their life for me how did that happen somebody might have saved his life they might have literally saved Paul's life at this juncture of his missionary journey that we don't know about they might have literally saved his life why because he left room in his table for more relationships in his life I think you should have enough relationships that you feel satisfied but enough God that you're always open for more that was worth coming to church for right there so I got a couple questions for you what are you doing to strengthen the relationships around you okay what are you doing to strengthen the relationships of your old at your local church I got another question what are you doing to increase the relationships in your life one more thought I'm going to close out kingdom builders they understand the importance the significance of a team they understand that if you're going to build you're going to be used by God to build the kingdom then you're going to build relationally you know that and you're going to know this that God that that kingdom builders they become team players kingdom builders become team players the Bible is clear there is a supernatural synergy that takes place when people come together set aside their set aside their own agendas and unified for the purpose of something bigger than themselves there's a section of the New Testament I just want to show you I see this heart of Paul heart of the people he built with and the heart of the church I see all this togetherness wrapped up in these few verses out of Philippians check this out if the Lord Jesus is willing I hope to send Timothy to you soon for a visit so Paul's with someone called Timothy and he goes I want to send him to you because the church needs this fellowship and he can cheer me up by telling me how you're getting along so Paul's like I need to know how you're doing and my my joy is affected by how well you're doing I want you to see this teamwork in this this connection he'll cheer me up by telling me how you're getting along I have no one like Timothy who genuinely cares about your welfare he's a he's a team player all the others care only for themselves I only care about my part I only care about my family I only care about my kids I only care about my finances I only care about building my business not for what matters to Jesus but you know how Timothy has proved himself like a son with his father he served with me in preaching the good news I hope to send him just as soon as I find out what is going to happen to me here and I've confidence from the Lord that I myself will come to see you soon I want to see you so bad meanwhile I thought well I'm not going to leave you alone I'm going to send a path for a guidance we got to bring these names back he's a look at this the definition of a team player he's a true brother co-worker and fellow soldier he was your messenger to help me in my need I'm sending him because he's been longing to see you and check this out see all this connection between everybody like I love you I'm concerned about you you're concerned about me there love you they concerned about you do you see all this teamwork you see it he's been longing to see you and look at why he was distressed he was very distressed Pafforditis was why why that you heard he was ill like he's more concerned that you were concerned about him how beautiful is that that you heard he was telling he certainly was ill in fact he almost died but God had mercy on him and also on me I'm going to pause I keep getting reminded of something I think the Lord wants us to pray for this right here where it said Pafforditis you heard he was distressed that you heard he was ill one of our pastors in our city is ill with stomach cancer run Alexander and at the cowboy church and I went online to listen to how he told his church and it was this it was he's a prince of a man Paffordin Alexander is a prince of a man and as he was telling his church about it with a smile on his faith face and faith in his heart he said you know what my hardest part about telling you is not me it's you because my hardest part about telling you this and he's with I got faith like I'm I'm gonna be okay I don't think my mission's over yet but my hardest part is about you hearing it I just want you to know it's gonna be okay that's a prince of a man so let's pray for him can we do that let's stand even come on let's stand for a moment and pray for him come let's stand up together Spirit of the living God we stand together with our brother Pastor Ron Alexander because we're a team we're on the same team God I thank you for this man and we thank you for for the gift he is to our city and this region and we thank you for for for for all he's done and we know that God his journey is not over and so God we pray as a church family right now and we ask God well you do supernatural things and we you give grace and wisdom to the doctors and peace over the church and peace over him we ask for a supernatural miracle and a healing to take place we ask for the healing of heaven to come upon him right now in Jesus matchless name and all the church said amen amen amen stay standing because I got to stop but see we're a team right the church all around our city and region is a team God had mercy on him and also on me that I'd not have one sorrow after another some all the more anxious of sin it's all this connection and here's what happens when you become a team player when you become a team player when you become a team player what I'm a part of becomes more important than the part I play what I'm a part of becomes more important than the part I play and may we be those kind of people that grab a towel and a basin and hold a football so it doesn't fall over so that God can do whatever he wants to do and build his church through a group of people who don't care about anybody getting the credit except Jesus amen amen amen I want to say this to you before I close I just want to say this to everybody in the room Jesus wants you on his team he wants you on his team and he wants to train you how to be a team player he wants to train you how to be a part of what he's doing in the earth and so I want to just pray two prayers I want to pray for all of you to find your place find your place you'll find on your way out today you can grab a brochure and talk to some people on your way out there's five different major areas that cover every area of service of the teams in our church from you know like you saw the video and all the things that happened before and during the week and all that stuff you can find out you can ask people there'll be people out there you can ask questions up but mainly you can get a brochure and you can just say I'm probably more interested in this area of the church and being a part of the team there and take it home pray about it and then get back to that team leader and we'd love to have you on the team we'd love this we'd love to help you discover the gift on your life and to make a difference for the kingdom of God and I want to pray that for you today but I also want to pray this I want to pray for anybody that doesn't feel worthy to be a part of the team or you feel like man I don't think Jesus would want me on his team I just need you to know if Jesus if Jesus would allow me on the team he he's allowing you on the team he'll allow pastor Caleb on the team he wants you on come on well you know that God will let you on the team if you'll let pastor Caleb on the team Caleb's like absolutely near the bottom line how that all starts and is that is that we all just admit we're sinners in need of a Savior and you might be standing here today or listening online or in Pendleton Auditorium and you're saying I just don't feel worthy well neither do I but I just need you to know Jesus will forgive you of every sin you've ever committed and become the Lord and the Savior of your life and I just want to pray that for anybody that needs that today before we go okay let's bow our heads close our eyes and if you're in this room and you would say Bob I'm that person that doesn't feel worthy to be a part of the team or I don't know if I'm saved I don't know if I'm what the Bible says is born again I don't know if I'm that but I would love to leave here knowing that then you're one prayer away from getting right with God and I'm going to pray that prayer with you I'm not going to embarrass you in any way but I would love to know who wants to pray that prayer with me and if you're in Pendleton or in Walla Walla this is what I want you to do I just want you to look up at me and I want you to catch eyes and raise your hand you just say Bob I want to pray that prayer with you look up right now and let's just catch eyes and say I'm going to pray that prayer with you today awesome thank you thank you who else is here today thank you thank you it's a best decision best decision you're ever going to make thank you who else is here now I may miss you but I know this Jesus never does so let's all pray together well y'all repeat after me dear Lord Jesus I come to you today in need of forgiveness forgive me of all my sins come into my heart I want to be born again fill me with your spirit then I may live for you all the days of my life I pray this now in Jesus' name now let me pray one more prayer Father I pray for everybody in the room everybody in Pendleton and everybody online that God that you will awaken the gifts on our life show us where we fit on your team use us to build your kingdom and we all for your honor and all for your glory we pray all of it in Jesus' name and everybody shout it amen come on let's give him praise today we love you Lord amen thank you for listening to the life church podcast we want to help you on your journey of finding the life you remain for please visit lifechurch to take your next step and connect with us (upbeat music)