Med Spa CEO

The Secret Sauce to Establish Credibility and Become A Magnet for Premium Clients

Broadcast on:
14 Aug 2024
Audio Format:

Imagine leading your business with the authority and confidence of a Michelin-star executive chef like Gordon Ramsay. You don't follow anyone's recipe but you create your signature dish that no one else can replicate. In this episode, I dive into how you can create a signature program and leverage your authority marketing to attract premium patients. I also share tips for shifting from a mainstream to a premium practice and adopting a unique perspective to stand out. We dive into the different types of markets (in any industry), the mindset that sets you apart, and the questions you need to reflect to attract the best premium patients. Tune in to elevate your leadership and build a practice that stands out!



  • The bittersweet feelings towards back-to-school season.

  • Mastering the 3 types of markets can help you position your practice effectively.

  • One THING you have to avoid to focus on your target market.

  • Tips on shifting focus from mainstream to premium focus.

  • The mindset that appeals to the premium market.

  • Questions that can help you clarify your target audience and strategy.



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Heather: @heatherterveen


There's this nuance between yes, you've taken trainings and you've learned from other experts and authorities and what have you. But if you really want to step into that authority and expertise, you've got to really actually step up and decide you do have a unique point of view. You do creatively want to come up with unique offers that are different than everybody else in your market. Welcome to the MedSpa CEO podcast where I teach you how to grow and scale your MedSpa or aesthetic practice so that you can have the income and impact you know you were meant for without overwhelm stress or feeling like you have to sacrifice your personal life and happiness to do so. It's totally possible for you and your business plus simpler than you think. Keep listening to find out how. I hello my friend. Welcome back to another episode of the podcast. This week my kids actually went back to school and we are actually having our daughters go to three different schools right now. It just worked out that way and so I'm not going to lie. It was a little bit intense this week. Figuring out getting them all off to their schools. I had one daughter who started a new school, one who was starting her sophomore year, and then one who is going to be finishing up her eighth grade year as well too and I can hardly believe it. I was actually reconnecting with some friends of mine from high school and childhood and it's just so crazy to think that we have high schoolers or middle schoolers and it just feels like a lifetime ago and yet it doesn't feel that long ago that I was walking the halls of my own high school with my own friends and those of you who have already gone through this process are in the process or whatever, know what I'm talking about and just all the emotions and all of the things but it's always bittersweet because we are just a family that really thrives on routines and in summer we have less routines and it's welcomed because we get to spend so much more time together and get a break from the intensity of having a really intense school and sports schedule during the school year so that is welcomed in the summertime but you know around the time it's time to go back to school most of us are ready to get back in to that consistent routine and that's what we've been in the middle of. I'm also flying out with my family for a wedding in Orange County this weekend for a family member that we are super excited to celebrate getting married and we just got back from Orange County like a week ago so it's kind of an interesting time of year and so whatever I know for those of you who have kids not all of you have your kids back in school because here in Arizona we go back so dang early growing up in Southern California we always went back after Labor Day and we didn't get out till June so I still after even having a 15 year old I'm not used to going back this early but today I wanted to risk on a couple of different things that I think will really serve you and so currently we've been inside of MSA and for those of you who purchased it all a cart signature programs that's all which quite honestly if you have weight loss at me any sort of wellness practice you have got to get inside of signature programs that's all it is really an epic training and I'm getting amazing feedback from my students inside of that training but a couple things have come up along as I've put together this training and you know gotten talked to students and clients about it and what have you as well too so basically the idea is like similarly to putting together premium aesthetic packages for your aesthetic treatments putting together a signature program is really meant for some of the service offerings that you have that make more sense in a program format and so that's what I'm teaching in the class I'm teaching not only how to be an architect and a designer of those programs but then how to have a consult and selling and marketing system for it as well too and what's coming up later in the month so stay tuned is a brand new training on the authority method and it's my proprietary system for how do you actually use your marketing not only to really attract the premium patients in your market who are looking for experts and authorities but do so in a way that they're going to thread right back to your premium packages your high demand signature programs and what have you as well so what came up that I thought was interesting is that at the inside of signature programs that's all one of the things I talked about is that there's actually three types of markets in any industry in the like western world if you will you have mainstream premium and luxury okay and this is not something I made up okay this is just a fact and when I say premium like we want to attract premium patients you want to become a premium practice sometimes I think people mistake that that I'm saying you need to be a luxury brand and that's not what I'm saying now for some of you does make sense to go all the way over to the luxury brand but there's a lot more involved in actually doing that effectively but what I don't want for many of you is for you guys to be in the mainstream bucket okay the mainstream bucket is where you are more of a commodity and the mainstream patients or clients you know they're a different type of buyer now humans fall into one of those markets and now for each person they are sometimes a mainstream buyer and like for me sometimes I'm a mainstream buyer sometimes I just want to go to target and get the thing at the mainstream target right and then there's other things that I'm absolutely a premium or luxury buyer for and the same is true for you and the same is true for the potential patients and the existing patients and clients that you have in your practices so if you were to like look at a spectrum and on one end of the spectrum is that the very end is mainstream on the other end is luxury premiums in the middle things are on a spectrum right and so when I'm talking about attracting premium patients I am talking about shifting from mainstream which is really a commodity and like you know where you have to compete on price more where you have to be more operationally efficient usually this means you have a larger selection because you're trying to serve a more mass population of people so I'm trying to shift you guys from thinking about being mainstream or even from a strategic and tactical perspective creating your practice with mainstream patients and clients of mine to being at a minimum a premium practice okay and so I thought I would clarify that because I think sometimes people think I mean luxury and luxury is fantastic but you have to really really draw your line in the sand if you were trying to be a luxury brand and really double down on even a more elite for a lack of a better term but even for a more top percentage part of your market and it's something that takes a lot of intentionality with how you're structuring yourself luxury brands are very unapologetic about their experiences about who they are marketing to about who they are willing to even cater to and premium brands really the difference between premium and mainstream and especially for service based premium brands as opposed to like a consumer product good they're really taking thoughtfulness and making sure that they have a unique positioning they have a unique offering they have a unique value proposition that isn't just we have the largest selection and that we have the lowest prices okay so the other thing that pops up for people and that I was really coaching on is that this idea that like well patients don't want this or patients don't want that and these kind of grand sweeping statements that people will make about their markets and I'm using air quotes here like I always tell you if I talk with my hands all the time and it's just not true in the western world like there's not a market that doesn't have mainstream premium and luxury shoppers in it doesn't matter where you are in the country or the western world okay now there's a spectrum where you might be in a market where there's more premium on luxury than other markets but it doesn't matter and you get to decide no matter what market you're in who do you want to build your practice for and I think it's really a shift in deciding that you're not the at the affect of the market if you will now you are the affect of like certain market conditions that change and when the economy changes and for example we're you know going to be heading into an election cycle where it's different time as far as getting visibility and other things ads oftentimes get more expensive because of all the election ads and that sort of thing so conditions in a market can change but I'm talking about the humans in your market no matter what the economy is doing no matter where you are there are these three different buckets in your market okay and then you get to decide okay who do we want to serve and then it may be that you haven't even done this it's intentionally and a lot of you unintentionally have really actually built your practices around mainstream and now we're shifting you to premium which is we've done with lots of our clients and it's really not rocket science so it's just deciding and then noticing the limiting stories and narratives that you have about your market and then deciding who do we want to really cater to because once you really get clarity on who you want to really cater to you can shift your offers you can shift your marketing you can shift your sales system literally like your console process and what have you and this is what I was just teaching on in signature programs that sell really deep diving into okay now how do we shift your console process to really cater to selling signature programs and how do we sell the new patients and then the strategies and the specific formats and what I recommend from you know a technique perspective how do we sell these two existing patients who maybe some of whom we've made the mistakes of like only offering more mainstream things and so if you want to shift to a premium market you have to actually make sure that your offering is for premium patients and clients right and so I just want you to be aware of this in the background and the other thing that I used as just an example and how I really want you guys to think is I really want you to think like a Michelin star executive chef okay I don't want you to think just like a line cook or a soup cook or you know some other sort of chef I want you to think like I am a Michelin star executive chef and what I mean by that and I've used this example before but somebody like Gordon Ramsey he obviously got trained in certain techniques and certain you know skills and is you know gone most executive chefs have been classically trained or trained in you know some sort of way I've gone to schools and what have you as well same thing with all of you you've gone and you've you've trained you do continuing education and training and what have you as well too and that is all great but even with all of Gordon Ramsey's training he has a unique offering and a unique point of view that is different than everybody else and in the same way you want to act that way as the CEO and you know executive chef of your medical practice or med spa or aesthetic practice and so there's this nuance between yes you've taken trainings and you've learned from other experts and authorities and what have you but if you really want to step in to that authority and expertise you've got to really actually step up and decide you do have a unique point of view you do creatively want to come up with unique offers that are different than everybody else in your market and the more you can actually and like last week we were talking about energetically having the self-trust and the competence to actually become like a Gordon Ramsey and I love using him as an example because he like has an incur he conveys an incredible amount of self-trust and this is why so many apprentice chefs want to come and work under him why people want to go to his restaurants why people like watching his shows right people are attracted to certainty they are not attracted to likeability like we've been talking about now like ability is nice to you know hopefully you like me and you trust me but the more certain that you are the more you decide you want to be that kind of a leader who is like that Michelin star executive chef the more you will be able to create an experience for that premium market for that premium patient then you will start to attract team members to your practice that are like I want to come work there because I want to be a part of something people care about the environment that they work in they care about the leadership and the competence of the people that they're going to work with this matriculates to everything that you do so as you go on into this week really think about two questions one where have I been focused on mainstream and not premium or luxury parts of my market where am I really telling myself a story that is preventing me from shifting to focusing on the premium part of my market and then when am I going to decide that I want to be that Michelin star executive chef of my practice the type of leader who can go out and build an authority and attract the best premium patients in our market attract the best talent in our area to be the type of place where people are willing to drive over an hour to come see you because they know that you are so good at what you do and that you're not just a place of skilled providers you are a team of experts and authorities for what it is that you do that is what I have for you today my friend and I hope you enjoyed this episode and I will see you next week hey if you're enjoying this podcast and you're a boutique results driven med spot owner who is looking to drive more sales profitably each month without hustling yourself into the ground to do so then you should consider applying to join us inside of the med spot advantage it's the only program designed to help you grow your revenue and profits while gaining back more time so that you don't feel scattered and drained while running and growing your business each month to learn more about whether or not you're a fit for joining us you can head over to to apply to get on a call with us to learn more that's to learn more you (gentle music)