Med Spa CEO

The Secret to Letting Go of Doubt and Run Your Business with Confidence

Broadcast on:
07 Aug 2024
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Have you ever felt like you're constantly seeking validation from others? It's valid to worry about making the 'wrong' choice, but one of the secrets to creating big things in life and business is self-trust. In this episode, I'm sharing how to build strong self-trust that leads you to incredible results and attracts the right team members and clients. I dive into the common pitfalls of low self-trust and the impact of having strong self-trust for business owners. Get ready to reclaim your decision-making power and make bold choices that align with your ambitions. Tune in for practical advice on building your self-trust.


  • How to navigate feeling isolated from peers who may not share the same drive.

  • The differentiator between entrepreneurs who thrive and those who stall.

  • Common signs that you have a low self-trust (and how to build self-trust!)

  • The most important factor in your decision-making for attaining desired outcomes.


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Heather: @heatherterveen


Building and deciding that you are going to have self-trust that you're going to have your own back is the secret to you creating really big things. No matter where you're at right now, no matter how small you feel your self-trust muscle is, it 100% is a muscle that can be built. Welcome to the Med Spa CEO podcast, where I teach you how to grow and scale your med spa or aesthetic practice so that you can have the income and impact you know you were meant for without overwhelm, stress, or feeling like you have to sacrifice your personal life and happiness to do so. It's totally possible for you and your business, plus simpler than you think. Keep listening to find out how. Well hello my friend, welcome back to another episode of the podcast. I hope that you are having an outstanding week and I'm always always thrilled to have you joining me and spending time with me in your earbuds whether you are commuting to work or to taking your kid somewhere, walking your dog, maybe you're folding laundry, getting dinner ready or what have you are getting you know in a consultation room waiting for a patient to arrive wherever you're at. I am pumped that you are taking the time to join me today. So the topic today is the secret to letting go of the doubt and leading with confidence and you know one of my daughters was sharing with me that she was really feeling a bit lonely lately and it was one of those things where she came to me kind of like at 11 p.m. at night and if you have a teenager and I always think it's so funny how they absolutely love to not talk to you all day after you've asked them and kind of inquired out how their day is going and then at 11 p.m. is when you know they want to unpack that big question about the meaning of life or politics or what have you or just kind of open their heart to you and so this was one of those evenings and she was just sharing that she was feeling a bit lonely lately and that at the end of the day not all of her peers care about the same things she cares about. You know she's a teenager who has really really big goals that you know she just has on her heart and she's going for them and you know she goes to a high school with a bunch of other teenagers who aren't really busy worrying about their big dreams and goals and their missions if you will and so she has friends for sure but they're not interested with the same intensity in going after their dreams and goals that she is. I would say she's very wise she's more mature in that aspect definitely more mature than even I was at that age. I definitely knew deep down that I wanted to do big things but I had a lot more reservations and limiting beliefs than she did at the same age and so it took me a little bit more time to kind of dig out that wanting to really step in and actually create that bigger life if you will. She already knows that she wants to go out and do big things in the world and she's already plotting and taking time. I mean she's already launched one business and she recently read the book Start Something That Matters which is I'm in a blink on his name but he's the founder of Tom's shoes you know by a pair give a pair it's his book about you know starting a business that matters and so she's getting ready to launch another business that matters and she's going to be raising money it's going to be you know one of those businesses where they're going to be giving a certain amount of the money back to causes that really matter to her if you will and so not all of her friends are on the same pages her as far as going into sort of these goals and passion projects that she just has on her heart and so it can feel a bit lonely when you decide to do things and go for things that the immediate people around you aren't really doing and going for and so this episode's really just to kind of talk about how we can actually really build the muscle of self-trust and I was talking with my coach actually about this idea of I'm in this era is that the right is that how I want to describe it where I'm really really really in an expanding myself expanding what I'm able to receive expanding the capacity to take massive action expanding the capacity to become more visible expanding my capacity to receive feedback as I put myself out there in a bigger more like larger more take up space kind of way that I have ever before and we were talking about what is the difference between folks that you like just can see them and they are just like making moves just so quickly and trailblazing and they may have been in business for like a quarter of the time you've been in business but they have made moves so quickly that they have like made you feel like you've been left in the dust and we were talking about this and we both agreed that it really comes down to self-trust and the entrepreneurs the women that are going out and doing and trailblazing and going out and doing big things really have built the muscle of self-trust and I do firmly believe that it is a muscle that you can build no matter where you're at right now no matter how small you feel your self-trust muscle is it 100% is a muscle that can be built and so you know the amount of work I am creating right now and have on the docket to create over the next six months a few years ago I would have told myself as too intense like I'm too busy right I don't have time for that and my coach really challenged me like what if that wasn't true and so right now as you look at what you have on your responsibility plate now some of it may just be stuff that you know you don't want to be doing anymore and I just want you to know I give you full permission to let go of those things and to do an audit and to actually cut out the things that you don't need to be doing it's not the first time I have coached you to do that on this podcast but sometimes that's not the answer sometimes the answer is you're underestimating what you're capable of you're underestimating what you can actually take on you're underestimating the action items that you can actually accomplish you're underestimating how fast and quickly you can make moves to actually achieve the next goal and that underestimation is keeping you from making the moves that it's going to take to get the results that you want in some cases at the speed and at the capacity if you will to achieve them and so sometimes it's a case we got an audit things yes we've talked about that but sometimes it's a case if you have to question whether or not you're telling yourself the truth of what you're able to actually have the capacity to move on so I actually started an entire self-trust journal just to kind of look at and become introspective on where am I limiting myself by not just moving within my own intuition and self-trust and then I really have looked out and seen this in my most successful clients and then of course the clients that are moving slower that their self-trust muscle is smaller and so signs that you or someone has lower self-trust is you are constantly pulling your peers for answers rather than deciding that you know enough that you're going to trust yourself to just decide right you know this is you if you spend a lot of time if your first inclination is always to go ask somebody else is to go to that Facebook group and drop a question like look there's a time and a place to drop a question in a Facebook group about something but for some of you you are pulling folks before you've even asked yourself the question what is it that you want what is it that you think another thing is taking a long time to make decisions or remaining in in in decision this is oftentimes a sign that you have small or your self-trust muscle is is weak or small because when you just decide that you are going to go forward with that confidence and courage to trust that you're going to move forward with that decision have your own back no matter what you will actually find out quicker whether or not that decision was the right move in decision doesn't in most circumstances in decision doesn't produce a result and what I mean by that is that a result can be something that is what you would think is an outcome you wanted or an outcome you didn't want it you might perceive it as not the result you wanted or the result that you did want either way you're producing results for yourself and in decision typically does not produce results unless you're deferring the decision to somebody else and so if you're spending a lot of time spinning that is a sign that your self-trust muscle is small and that it is it's just a decision it it's just deciding you are going to take you're going to start trusting that you are the best person to lead and guide yourself to lead and guide your business because I'll tell you people want to work for and work with people who show a lot a certainty and self-trust okay it is magnetic it is one of those energetic things that a marketing person cannot create with the branding colors or with really irresistible copy it's one of those things energetically if you start to show up with more self-trust and more competence the people around you your team members your clients everyone around you is going to take notice and to start to really follow you this is like what leadership is about as well and when your self-trust muscle is weaker you're oftentimes worried you'll make the wrong decision okay so if you can even start to notice that you're preventing yourself from making a decision because you're worried you're going to make the wrong decision i'm using air quotes here for wrong because wrong is just subjective right then you are going to have a smaller life because when you start to trust that there is no right or wrong decision you're making the most educated decision the most educated decision you can with the information that you have on hand and you're going to have your back no matter what then you are going to create new things in your world so much faster and not only that there's this energetic thing that happens when you decide to go all in on a decision i can always tell when i have a client who is just really spending a lot of time doubting their decision so even when they've made the decision it's like a half-assed decision right like they're like they're like one foot in one foot out and what happens is is that it almost becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy that whatever action that they are taking on that decision that decision is less likely going to produce an outcome that they want because energetically they have one foot in and one foot out and so there is totally energy around this and when you go after a decision you decide to go all in on the decision and have your own back trust that you are making the best decision this decision is the right decision and you energetically show up to that decision with both feet in the likelihood that that decision whatever it is and the acting you take behind it is going to produce a more advantageous a more desirable outcome is so much higher and so how we show up to what we do is a huge part of the results and the outcomes that we will create for ourselves okay but if you're spending a lot of time you know constantly needing your spouse's approval before you make decisions constantly abdicating your decisions to other people and you are not in a place where you have a lot of self-trust I want you to start noticing how that's showing up for you because it is something we can shift you can 100 percent decide that right here right now 2024 whenever you're listening to this episode that you will no longer be the type of person who isn't going to have incredible self-trust okay it is just a decision like to decide right now you're not going to constantly go to your spouse or constantly go to peers or constantly look outside of yourself for the answers or for approval on making big bold courageous risky like oh my goodness your stomach's going to drop decisions for yourself showing up in a bigger way right this matriculates to everything that you do and how you show up how you are showing up to lead your team how you are showing up as an expert in your field how you are showing up and making moves in your business so what happens when you decide to really really build radical self-trust with yourself is you make big moves and decisions more quickly you don't let random feedback from patients or team members sway you from pricing or policies or how you have decided to do things and second guessing decisions that you've already made you get to really decide how things are done and this doesn't mean that you don't get constructive criticism from folks but you aren't affected by it when you really decide that you're going to have radical self-trust you show up in a way for yourself that gives you the opportunity to create incredible results and not only that but you start to really magnetically attract around you just so many results team members that really buy into what you're trying to do clients that are just telling folks about you and when you show up and for those of you because we're going to be talking about more just even like showing up online and showing up more visibly as the expert and the thought leader that I know so many of you want to step up as it starts with really building the muscle of radical self-trust for yourself so for those of you listening right now that want to really blaze your own trail that want to really create something incredible in this industry who want to be a person of influence in our industry a thought leader and just to create incredible just to be a service to this community as well and our industry and want you to start noticing where you are not really really really trusting yourself because my friend building and deciding that you are going to have self-trust that you're going to have your own back is the secret to you creating really big things it's so possible for you and it's so what I want for you all right my friend I hope you enjoyed this episode of the podcast and I am a rooting for you and just trust that you no matter where you're where you're at right now you can build the muscle of self-trust to go out there and do the damn thing and be a true trail brazier hey if you're enjoying this podcast and you're a boutique results driven med spot owner who's looking to drive more sales profitably each month without hustling yourself into the ground to do so then you should consider applying to join us inside of the med spot advantage it's the only program designed to help you grow your revenue and profits while gaining back more time so that you don't feel scattered and drained while running and growing your business each month to learn more about whether or not you're a fit for joining us you can head over to forward slash apply to apply to get on a call with us to learn more that's forward slash apply to 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