Med Spa CEO

How to Establish Yourself As an Expert and Stand Out in A League of Your Own

Broadcast on:
31 Jul 2024
Audio Format:

Why blend in when you can stand out? In this episode, I dive deeper into strategies that will help you level up to a true expert, build authority, build online influence and MORE. I also share about a program that covers the entire formula for creating, pricing, and packaging your own signature programs to increase sales. DM me on Instagram to grab the special $25 kickstart on "Signature Programs That Sell". Get ready to become a trailblazer and create packages that have your current clients coming back for more!


  • Strategies to transition from a skilled provider to an expert.

  • Signs you’re not operating as an expert.

  • Ways to build authority and visibility online.

  • Why you should mute competitors and avoid analyzing their strategies.

  • How to make your own signature program that sells.


Get the Day 1 kick start of Signature Programs That Sell HERE (Only $25)

Double your revenue with your current customer base with Signature Programs That Sell HERE

Book a Strategy Call with us HERE



Heather: @heatherterveen



There's going to be times when you're going to have patients or team members or your spouse or whomever. They may second guess what you're doing. They may not think that your ideas are good. And it takes a lot of courage and trust in your expertise to decide, no, this is the way we are going to do it and to trailblaze and do it that way. Welcome to the MedSpa CEO podcast, where I teach you how to grow and scale your MedSpa or aesthetic practice so that you can have the income and impact you know you were meant for without overwhelm, stress, or feeling like you have to sacrifice your personal life and happiness to do so. It's totally possible for you and your business, plus simpler than you think. Keep listening to find out how. Why hello, my friend. Welcome back to another episode of the podcast. I am thrilled you're joining me today. And today we are talking about shifting from being just a team of skilled providers to really shifting in the role of being true experts in your field, in your market, online as well. And really, truly, I'm really in the midst of a big shift and level up in my own world, and I'm really diving deeper into topics that are going to help you all actually level up becoming true experts, building authority, building like real visibility and online influence in not only in your markets, even beyond your markets, for what it is that you do. And so this is something I have been working on personally in my own business. And if you follow me on Instagram or you've been following even if you're on my email list, you may have noticed a shift. And there's going to be a lot. I have a lot of things planned over the next six months coming down the pipeline. I have new programs that are going to be dropping new opportunities to work with me. And so I am just excited to kind of share with you behind the scenes of what's going on. But over the years, I think this is one of those topics that I am even more bullish on, you all really, really grasping. Okay. And so when you have a service to base business, one of the key ways you differentiate yourself, and we've talked about, obviously, lots of different ways you can differentiate yourself, right? You can build a menu of packages. And, you know, right now I have a brand new program, signature programs that sell for those of you that have weight loss, HRT, functional medicine, and acne services, this program, it is so incredible. I delivered the first day live just a few days ago. And the rest of the program is scheduled to actually build. It's a mix of instant access, meaning prerecorded trainings that are dropping this coming week and then some other live training. So if you've been dying to work with me and connect with me and even show up to some of these live trainings, I highly recommend getting signature programs. That's all I'll link it up in the show notes, but I have a super special. And I, depending on when you listen to this, this offer may or may not still be available, where you can actually purchase just day one of the training for $25. Okay. Calling it the signature programs that sell kickstart. And you can shoot me a DM. I'll link it up in the show notes as well. Um, over on Instagram, you can shoot me the DM kickstart, that word kickstart. There will also be a couple posts where you can comment kickstart as well. And it will automatically shoot you over that special link to get just day one for $25. I don't know how long I will actually leave that opportunity available, but you can either grab it in the show notes or DM me and really, really even dive into this topic and even more. I mean, this is one of the most epic trainings I've done. So this is signature programs that sell and we're diving into my entire formula for creating a program, how to price it, how to package it, how to name it. We are diving into how to update your consult process, how to sell it, and then how to actually market it as well. So you're going to love it. If you're in MSA, you get it. Of course, um, included at MSA and all the updates that come with it as well. And then next month, I will be diving in to a brand new program called the Authority Method and really, really diving into how you can really create social media and, uh, you know, premium assets that really build your influence online visibility and authority for what it is that you do so that for those of you who are really looking to step up on the stage and become more visible as experts and go tos for what it is that you do. That is where we are going, my friend. I want to work with you if you are really, really ready to kind of step up and you might even feel a little bit nervous, but you know that deep down inside, you've been playing small and you're ready to step on a bigger stage. So I want to unpack a bit today, a topic that I've been talking about lately. In fact, I think I talked about it in last week's episode, you know, high level, but this idea of why you want to not just be skilled providers, but really be a team of experts and what that actually means and where you may be missing the mark on truly being experts. So you may not be an expert. You may be a team of skilled providers and why you may not be showing up as an expert, a couple of things that you will notice if you aren't truly stepping in to being experts and authorities and being true trailblazers in our industry, right? We want to be trailblazers. I believe I am a trailblazer in this industry. Nobody else teaches what I teach, the way I teach it. And that's very intentional. So you know, you aren't being a true, unique expert when you have built your practice to look like everyone else. And this is really sneaky because your brain, the reason you did this to begin with, like built your practice to look like everyone else. This is because it feels actually safer when you are launching something new, when you're launching something as big and scary and outdated as launching a business, it can feel safe to look around at how other successful practices are doing it. But this means you actually set yourself up to directly compete with other practices, because a lot of peers in your industry are doing the same thing, like looking out and what have you. And I remember when I was still doing, you know, initial consultations and strategy and blueprint calls for MSA, I got on a call about, I was probably a year and a half ago with a clinician and she was really, really, she spent a decent chunk of time on the call together, really telling me about what everybody else was doing, right? She's like, well, there's this doctor in this town that's doing it this way. And there's this big person, this big influencer over here who's doing it. This way. And, and she was literally spending so much time, right? And this is part two is like, you know, you're not being an expert when you spend so much time trying to back end engineer what your peers are doing. I have my peers muted. I don't spend any time going to industry conferences. Okay. Now you guys may or may not spend a lot of time going to industry conferences. And sometimes that's okay. You know, you do need to still build your skill being actually a team of skilled providers. That's a given, right? That you have a team of skilled providers. But if you are creating your entire experience, you're offering your marketing based on what you see everybody else doing. And this is very, very, very sneaky, especially with how algorithms work and how much time you might be spending consuming, looking at what everybody else is doing. But I really intentionally, a number of years ago, decided that I did not want to be influenced by my competitors. And so I, many years ago, muted them out. I have, I'm friends with some of them, of course, but I don't want to see what they're doing. I don't want to see how they're launching. I don't want to know what they're charging. And this is kind of the polar opposite of what a lot of other consultants will tell you to do. They'll tell you to like do an analysis of the market. And, you know, you even have people, social media and other sort of marketing experts, there's literally coaches in my industry that will tell you to go and comment on your competitor's posts, like we've thoughtful comments and other people's posts to try to get in front of their audience. And I've just like, that just has not been my jam and not been how I want to show up and lead and build my platform, if you will. The other reason why is that it's really hard to filter that stuff out. And so I consider like, when I think of keeping my creative brain healthy, if you will, I think of it the same way as keeping my body healthy. And so if I spend a lot of time consuming what my competitors are doing, that actually depletes me from being able to really creatively tune into my own intuition, tune into my own imagination and my own creativity and what have you. And so if you find yourself spending a lot of time trying to back end engineer, what your competitors are doing, I really recommend going on a consumption detox and evaluating how much time you are spending at industry events, okay? This doesn't mean you can't still go to industry conferences and what have you. But if you're spending a lot of time learning and going to industry conferences to find out what everybody else is doing so you can mimic what everybody else is doing, it's time to really think or maybe find a different pool to draw inspiration from. I always encourage my clients, like, you know, other industries are often times the place to go to find out creatively and to do new things so that you don't end up doing and implementing and sounding and, you know, just creating from a place of likeness, like sameness, like everybody else in the industry. One other thing that, you know, I've noticed with folks that are less expert like is that they let their patients take the lead. They will say things to me like, well, our patients don't want longer term game plans or our patients are price sensitive or our patients know what they want, you know, and I'm like, yeah, yes, your patients know the outcomes they want, but they are not experts at deciding on what their game plan should be. They are not the experts on deciding like what is going to help them actually get the outcomes that they want or solve the problems that they want to solve. If you spend a lot of time sharing stuff like that, like, oh, our patients won't do this or I had somebody say to me, like, there's no way their team would do that. There's there's just no way their team believes this. They believe that the patients won't want to do it. And so, and I was like, you know, if you want to fight for your limitations, you get to keep them, right? If you want to argue about it, the end of the day, we decide what we want to recommend, we decide what our offering is, we decide what we want to charge. And we can charge a lot more when we actually step up and become true experts. People who are willing to pay a lot are looking for folks that are trailblazers, that are masters at what they do. There's such masters at what they do that they actually have their own unique way of doing things, because when you have true mastery at something, you can come up with your own unique way of doing things. You have your own unique beliefs on it. You have your own unique protocols and what have you as well. And so, you know, there's many, many examples of folks just deciding that they are going to trailblaze and do things differently, right? I mean, I'm trying to think of how long dry bar has been in existence. You guys all know about my crush on Ali Webb and dry bar and just how super creative and what like a trailblazer to literally start an entire business on blowouts, right? And I just love it as an example for you guys, because nobody was like saying, oh, we need a blowout, like a salon that just does blowouts, right? She decided, I'm going to try this and test this out. And I think she actually just drove around town and was delivering at-home blowouts at first. And then she was like, yeah, people want this. And she decided and went all in on blowouts. And then they've been very, very focused on blowouts. And not only, if you haven't looked at their menu recently, I love their menu. They have like the Manhattan and the Chloe and all these different names of different types of blowouts, right? Like who would think that you could come up, first of all, with, you know, dozens of different types of blowout styles and then name them. So anyhow, I think of Drybar, I also think of Spanx, like how not only did Sarah Blakely come up and trailblazer idea, but she also had to have a lot of people tell her that they didn't think it was a good idea. And when you step into that expert authority, like that person that you are just going to level up and decide to have self trust in your own decisions and the way you're going to do things, there's going to be times when you're going to have patients or team members or your spouse or whomever. They may second guess what you're doing. They may not think that your ideas are good. And it takes a lot of courage and trust in your expertise to decide, no, this is the way we are going to do it and to trailblaze and do it that way. So how can you step into that expert role even more? So I'm going to give you some, you know, things to think about, okay? So first of all, experts are typically in a unique category. They're usually more specialists than generalists, okay? Now this, I used to be more dogmatic about you all really diving in on one specialty. And while in many cases, that still makes sense. I do have some caveats and some nuanced to this advice, if you will. I think that when you are a generalist, meaning you have lots of different specialties, it's really harder to become experts because you literally are splitting your ability to become masters at something across a variety of different specialties. So I recommend really focusing down on narrowing your focus. Now you can make it where you're specializing in one category, if you will, one specialty, or it can be an integration. Like I'm working with a lot of clients right now that are integrating their wellness with aesthetics and they're really focusing on, you know, the integration of that, that does make its own unique category. And in fact, I think these women are going to be amazing trailblazers in our industry. In fact, I know they are. And it's a, it's a new unique category, right? But it's not just one thing. And sometimes it's not just like a specialty in a certain area, but you've near, you are, you are focusing more on a specific group of people. Okay. And so, you know, it could be like, you're really focused on perimenopause or menopausal women. And that is your area of focus and specialty that you want to be an expert on. Okay. I think it just means that you have clarity on what it is that you want to become masters at and who it is that you want to serve. And if that means you have sort of complimenting specialties that are all under one house, that's fine. As long as you believe you can become true masters at it as well. And so much so that you can create unique offerings, ways of doing things, unique points of view. True experts have unique offerings, right? Like DRIVAR has, they are like the experts that blow out so much so that they have created, if I go to like a generalist hair salon, right? They offer blowouts too, but they don't have all of these different unique named blowouts because they're not experts at blowouts. They are good at a lot of different types of hair. Cut color, extension, men's, kids, teen, keratin treatments, what have you, right? So they are not experts like DRIVAR. So DRIVAR is a great example of creating a unique menu because they dove deep in with blowouts specifically. So creating unique offerings, ways of doing things like having a unique point of view in your specialty, whether that's an integration of specialties for a specific group of people or what have you. So also you are willing to do it differently than your peers. And this takes courage. This takes building the muscle of self trust. Okay. And we're going to talk a bit talking even more about self trust in the coming weeks because it is absolutely critical to you being able to not only lead yourself and a team of experts, but really decide that you're willing to step up on this stage. And for those of you who really want to build your online authority and your online visibility, we're going to be talking a lot about this over the next few months, it takes self trust to be able to draw a line in the sand and say, this is what we stand for, right? So as we part ways from this episode, I really want you to do an audit of some of the questions that I asked you. Where are you currently just showing up as a team of skilled providers? Where could you be really building your expertise, your authority? Where do you want to trailblaze in our industry? Our industry needs trailblazers right now. It really, really does the women that you serve or if it's men or what have you, the people that you serve are looking for unique voices that have intentional strategic claim plans to help them achieve their goals, to help them, you know, really feel like they are being so taken care of. So that, my friend, is what I have for you this week. I will see you next week. And as a reminder, if you're listening to this close to when the episode actually drops, be sure to either grab the entire signature programs that sell while it's on presale, I think it'll only be another day or two after this episode drops or grab day one of the training so that you can experience it was an epic part one of that training. You can either DM me kickstart over on Instagram, comment kickstart or go check out the show notes to grab the $25 taster, if you will, or you can actually DM us or comment wellness if you want the entire program over on Instagram at Heather terrain, I will also link these links up in this show notes as well. Thanks so much, my friend. Have a great week. Hey, if you're enjoying this podcast and you're a boutique results driven med spa owner who is looking to drive more sales profitably each month without hustling yourself into the ground to do so, then you should consider applying to join us inside of the med spa advantage. It's the only program designed to help you grow your revenue and profits while gaining back more time so that you don't feel scattered and drained while running and growing your business each month. To learn more about whether or not you're a fit for joining us, you can head over to Heather, forward slash apply to apply to get on a call with us to learn more that's Heather, forward slash apply to learn more. [MUSIC] (upbeat music)